You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Prologue Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: Baby Angel Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: We All Worry Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: You're Aware of Me Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 5: You Need a Replacement Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 6: The New Boy is Watching Me Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: The Extra Roommate is My Fault Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 8: I Summoned a Stalker Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Hell's Favorite Helper Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 10: The Consequences of My Actions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Why is There Another Boy Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: A Cup of Water for Bad Thoughts Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: The Dead Can't Be That Scary Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Filthy, Filthy Dolls Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Is She Technically A Traitor? Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: We're All In Pain Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: I Can't Bring Myself to Hurt You Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 18: My Friend Is A Bit Odd Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 19: I Need To Protect Both Of You Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 20: My Therapist Lied To Me Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Boil Your Thoughts Away Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: I Wonder How You Taste Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: You Make Me Jealous Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Goodbye, It Was Nice Knowing You Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 25: Screen Time Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Why...Do I Know You? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Friend Stealer Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Drink Your Sorrows Down Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Liar Liar, Go Burn in Hell Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Your Tears Shouldn't Be This Pretty Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Tick, Tack, Ticking Away Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: My Friendship is Ruined Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 33: Clock Keeper Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Don't Lie to Yourself Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 35: Why Can't I have Nice Things? Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 36: Chasing the Dream Boy Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 37: Hunting Down Your Worries Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Dream Confession Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Morra Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 40: Hell Is Where the Heart Is Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 41: Your Reflection Doesn't Match Mine Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 42: Me, Or Them? Summary: Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Prologue


For anyone who may not know:

No honorific: Usually used to symbolize closeness and familiarity, though if used without permission or reason to the person it can be seen as offense.
(Example of offense: Calling your teacher just by their last name without adding Mr, Ms, or Mrs)

San: A Japanese honorific that is the equivalent of Mr./Ms./Mrs. If a situation calls for politeness, this is the fail-safe honorific.

Chan: An affectionate honorific often more used for girls indicating familiarity; also used in reference to cute persons or animals of either gender.

Kun: Used more for boys, used to indicate affection or familiarity. Occasionally used by older men to their peers, but may be used by anyone referring to a person of lower status.

Sama: Conveys great respect; may also indicate that the social status of the speaker is lower than that of the addresse.

Sensei: A respectful term for teachers, artists, or high level professionals.

Senpai: An upperclassman or someone older than you, used by underclassmen to address an older student or co-worker.

Kouhai: Used by upperclassmen to address lowerclassmen.

Tan: A much more cute/affectionate version of Chan, It evokes a small child's mispronunciation of that form of address, or baby talk.

Oniisan: A way to address young men who the speaker thinks of as an older brother type. Also used to refer to an actual older brother. (Can also be said as “Nii” or “Nii-San”)

Oniichan: A more affectionate way to address young men who the speaker thinks of as an older brother type. Also used to refer to an actual older brother. (Can also be said as “Nii” or “Nii-Chan”)

Oniisama: A more respectful way to address young men who the speaker thinks of as an older brother type. Also used to refer to an actual older brother.

Oneesan: A way to address young women who the speaker thinks of as an older sister type. Also used to refer to an actual older sister. (Can also be said as “Nee” or “Nee-San”)

Oneechan: A more affectionate way to address young women who the speaker thinks of as an older sister type. Also used to refer to an actual older sister. (Can also be said as “Nee” or “Nee-Chan”)

Oneesama: A more respectful way to address young women who the speaker thinks of as an older sister type. Also used to refer to an actual older sister.

In Japanese, it’s common to call someone by their last name until you get closer to them. An example would be if your classmate was called Rena Tula, you would call them “Tula-San”. However, when you two become much closer, it’s more common to call them now “Rena-San”.

Chapter Text

Here, living in a small house, we see the Yugi family. Currently housing the mother and two children. The youngest twin, Tsukasa Yugi, is sitting on a bench that housed their shoes. The boy kicked his feet back and forth as he sat nearby the front door patiently waiting for someone. The oldest twin, Amane Yugi, was sitting on the floor with a pocket bible. He quickly slammed the book shut and hid it in his pocket when footsteps approached him. Amane pretended to be playing with a toy Tsukasa left on the ground and looked up when someone came to the room's door.

The one who entered was the boy's mother, who knocked on the door before smiling. In her arms was the laundry basket, and she seemed quite tired.

The woman smiled. "Amane sweetie, why don't you go help your brother put his shoes on? You know he's still struggling."

Amane sat up straight and threw his arms on the ground. "But Momma! Tsukasa's eleven, he should know how to put his own shoes on!" The boy whined.

"Amane, you know your brother is....different from other people. He needs more time to learn." The woman explained. She's told her son this countless times, yet he refuses to understand. The woman sighed. "Just please help him, okay sweetie? I'll give you some extra money so you guys can buy some sweets. Don't cause any trouble."

Amane sighed and crossed his arms. "Okay....fine...."

"You know what you're getting?" The woman asked.

Amane stood up and counted what they need on his finger sarcastically. "Wheat bread, apple juice, chicken legs, yada yada."

The mother smiled. "Good job. Now go help your brother okay?"

"Okay Momma. I love you."

"I love you too, now here's your money. Now be safe, okay? And actually bring back what I asked for."

Amane's mother watched and followed as the young boy went to the front door to help his twin, the boy tying his brother's shoes before putting on his own. Together they left hand in hand for the store, Tsukasa already yapping about something their mother couldn't make out. The woman shook her head.

With a sigh, she began to speak out her thoughts. "Amane's been acting weird for so long....I thought it would go away in a week or two but no...he's been like this for years now. It's worrying me."

She walked back to the room and set down the basket.

"Now...about this problem...."

The woman looked around at the shared bedroom and began to pick up the laundry Tsukasa had left. Tsukasa's side of the room was messy, there were scratches in the wall and toys scattered everywhere. If this woman was unlucky, today she might find a dead bird or mouse in the corner that Tsukasa was going to give her as a gift. Thankfully she didn't find one, but she did find a teddy bear with its head ripped off. At least that bear he got when he was four was still intact. Heck, that bear was the only thing he actually kept clean. All the other toys had stains or were ripped. She sighed and cleaned everything up, fixing the boys bed and setting up the toys. She cleaned his dresser and picked up the trash before walking out to the kitchen and throwing it away. The woman returned to the room and picked up the basket, walking over to the washing machine and dropping it all in. Once she finished with Tsukasa's stuff, she returned to the room to do with Amane's side.

Now Amane's side however was clean but....too clean. Not the kind of clean where it wasn't messy but the dresser had some stuff laying around or the bed was roughed up, no. No everything was practically perfect. No food crumbs on the bed, no toys laying around on the floor, no pieces of ripped paper scattered all over, nothing. Not a single candy wrapper, not a single writing scrap, not a single left out manga book, it was all organized perfectly. And Amane didn't have ocd or anything that made him all nit-picky, in fact he started only to clean his room like this when the star festival ended a few years ago.

Like when his behavior began to change.

Despite its clean state, the woman still looked around. All of his clothes were properly folded (besides the jeans, but that's because he was using an easier method to fold them), all his jackets and coats were hung up neatly, all of his belts were properly kept, nothing was out of place. It was terrifying to be honest. She knew what she was doing was wrong but...the woman started to look into Amane's private stuff. She checked under the bed and went through the totes he kept, hell even those were organized! All his papers kept, all of his old drawings nearly tucked away, everything was just perfect! The woman dug through everything but couldn't find a single. Freaking. Clue.

Well, that is until she checked the bookshelf.

The woman looked through the books and eventually gave up, but stopped when she noticed something sticking out behind it. Nervously Amane's mother looked around. The twins won't be back for another half hour, and if they're unlucky an extra fifteen minutes counting traffic and if Tsukasa gets distracted. Knowing it was wrong, the woman moved the bookshelf and picked up two items. A picture frame, and a diary. She turned the picture frame over to see a photo of Amane laughing while holding up a sparkler. Standing next to the small boy with their hands in front of them was a strange young woman. From the looks of it this picture was taken at the star festival, but the younger Amane seemed happy. The strange young woman had a soft smile but she seemed...sad. As if something had gone wrong. Their mother opened up the picture frame and took the photo out to see it was more then one. There was three. The first one was the photo of them together like that, the second was of the strange girl holding up a bouquet of flowers. And the third was Amane giving the strange young woman a kiss on the cheek with her being surprised.

The woman stared at the third photo, turning it over. " "I want to see Nene-Oneesan again, make her come back please". Who the hell is that...."

Their mother set the photos back inside the frame and shut it, hiding it behind the bookshelf. That's when she picked up the diary. Amane already had a journal he kept, why did he need this?

"I shouldn't open this but...maybe it'll explain some stuff. Amane sweetie I'm sorry for this but it's for your own good."

She opened up the diary and looked at the first few pages, seeing drawings of the moon and stars. There was a stick figure on the moon with something in his hands, but the woman couldn't help herself and smiled. Amane always wanted to go to the moon. One day it'll be possible for him. Hopefully.

The woman flipped to the next through pages, watching as his art skills seems to improve. However, one page seems to be a portrait of someone. Their mother picked up the picture frame and compared the drawing to the photo. Amane had drawn that same young woman that was in the pictures. She flipped through the pages to see more drawing of this girl. One was her floating through space, another way of her holding up peace signs. There was no writing, it was all drawings.

Until she reached the middle of the diary.

No one believes me. Not even my mother. Not even my friends. Not even my own twin. Nobody thinks I'm telling the truth. But I know she's real! Nene-Chan! She's an angel! An angel sent from God! She's here to save me! Nene-Chan said I can achieve my dreams, and she even gave me a good luck charm! It's a charm for me to see her again I just know it! Please please please god I'll do anything! Just give me back Nene-Chan! I want my angel, I want my sweet sweet sweet angel!

The drawing on this page was the so called "Nene" with bleeding angel wings while she was crying black ink.

The woman flipped through the pages to find the rest of them empty, revealing that either Amane stopped or he still needs to fill more. But when she reached the last page she saw something.

I heard somewhere to get an angel back you need to offer a sacrifice. I would sacrifice Tsukasa but... he's my own brother. And that's a sin. So....I started taking the knives my mom uses to open boxes and cut my skin open! See, I left a mark as proof!

She stared at the streak of red blood, and she timidly tapped on it. That's when it felt...fresh. Warm.Wet.That explains why he's started to wear long sleeve shirts all the time....and why....oh god. Oh god no.

The woman dropped the book and stood up, rushing to the kitchen and opening a cabinet full of books. She ripped one off the shelf opened up an old phone book, worried as she looked through the numbers. Once she found the one she had been looking for the woman picked up the phone from that wall and immediately dialing something. She walked around nervously as she awaited them to answer.

"Please pick up please pick up please pick up- oh thank god! Hello, yes, is this...Kamome Byoinmae; mental hospital for the mentally ill and handicapped? Yes? Thank the Lord! I...I need to schedule an appointment and...I may need my sons to spend some time with you. Yes, yes I'm calm! The...the problem? One of my children has been talking about some angel that has come down to save him and he's been having sad*stic tendencies. I just recently discovered he's also been cutting himself with a box cutter, and he's been starving himself. And my other child...I think he may suffer from psychosis or he may be insane. He brings me and my husband dead birds and mice and he's violent with people and even attacks his own twin brother! Look just please I'm begging you. These are my children and I don't know what's going on anymore. Yes...yes I can have them ready by tomorrow. Thank's the Yugi oh you already know? Thank you...thank you so much....bye...."

The woman hung up the phone and stared down at the floor, her hand sliding off the device she had put away. Her own children...her own children....

Those poor boys.

After that the woman had cleaned up the mess she made and set out suitcases, packing clothes and other things for the boys. When they returned to find their mother in their stuff, both were confused.

"Momma?" Amane spoke up, the woman jumping at the sudden voice. "Momma what's happening?"

Tsukasa nodded. "Yeah Mommy, what are you doing?'

She stood up and put her hands on the boys shoulders, giving the twins a big smile.

"Well boys, tomorrow you'll be seeing grandma!"

"Grandma!" Both cheered, the boys hugging their mother happily.

The woman patted their backs. "Alright, now pack up! You'll be gone for about a month or so. Take everything you find valuable, you know daddy might try and sell it otherwise!"

The boys laughed but listened, packing the bags as their mother instructed them to do. She smiled and closed the door behind her. Yet the young woman could hardly make it to the dinner table without stumbling over her feet and supporting herself on the wall.

The woman covered her mouth as she began to cry.

"Amane....Tsukasa.... I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me....I'm sorry...."

Little did she know tomorrow would be the last day the woman would ever get to see her sons again.

Because both boys were found dead at the age of thirteen at Kamome Byoinmae; mental hospital for the mentally ill and handicapped.

Chapter 2: Baby Angel


"Not funny!" The boy laughed, rubbing the area he punched as an apology. "Sorry...."

Yashiro smiled. "It's okay! I just finished my checkup! The doctor said I'm okay!"

Aoi gave her friend a hug. "That's wonderful Nene-Chan! You'll be out of here in no time!"

"You'll still visit us, right?" Mitsuba asked, taking Yashiro's hands and squeezing them.

The girl's smiled widened.

"Of course I will!"

The boy cracked a laugh and joined in the hug, the three friends feeling better.

Mitsuba broke away from the hug and quickly looked over Yashiro, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You haven't gotten a boyfriend, right? You know about those pervs."

Chapter Text





Yashiro Nene.

Nene Yashiro.

This is our protagonist. Yashiro Nene.

Yashiro is a fifteen year old girl who was sent to Kamome Gakuen for self harm, abuse, trauma, and schizophrenia. The poor girl has been at the hospital since she was thirteen, after she witnessed her father brutally murder her grandparents.

Yashiro use to be a young girl with large dark magenta eyes that showed of their orange accents. They would just glow so brightly when she was happy. But now they dawn a more blank appearance, hardly showing any light of happiness. Her no longer waist-length hair is a light cream color, which gradually fades into a soft teal green at the tips and is styled with baby bangs at her forehead. She wears two dark brown magatama hair accessories on the side of her head, which pulls back some of her hair. Ah, Yashiro's hair. It used to be so well kept, yet now it was messier and longer then her waist. The girls hair use to be so bright, but now it faded into more grim colors due to the lack of nutrition she had suffered from.

This poor girl was abused by her family, her mother telling her she's worthless and retarded while her father would beat her to let his anger out. She grew up thinking that she was worthless, that she didn't matter, that no one would want her. Yashiro began to cut herself and make bruises, attempting to choke herself to death and she once even had to be rushed the hospital because she swallowed glass. Now everyday she's reminded of how the girl tried to harm herself just by simply looking at her body. She was covered in bandaids and bandages and cotton swaps, the doctors always having to replace them. She was had brusies and marks and some cuts Yashiro would reopen because she still felt like she didn't deserve to live. The poor girl was locked away and starved, and now Yashiro can hardly bring herself to eat without being forced to. She developed mental issues and even gained schizophrenia from all the trauma. Yashiro was only sent to the hospital after her father murdered her grandparents in front of her own eyes. The man locked her in the room with her dead family for a week until the police busted the door down and rescued her. And now Yashiro's been at the hospital for two years.

Thankfully she's gotten better.

And she made friends.

And thankfully, in a year, Yashiro will be getting out of the hospital if she keeps showing signs of improvement.

Yashiro was snapped out of her memories when the doctor patted her head, the girl looking up to see the kind old man smiling at her. He was sweet, and Yashiro liked his bushy mustache. Sometimes he'd even let her stroke it.

"Alright Yashiro-San, you're all good to go!"

"Thank you, Sensei..."

The doctor gently nudged Yashiro out to her friends, the girl watching as they chased each other around. The first one is Aoi Akane, a girl with purple hair and eyes. Yashiro was always jealous that her friend manages to keep her hair tied up into two circle sections behind her head, her bangs loosely parted to frame her face, and how she had two thin, wavy locks of hair that fall past her chest. Unlike Yashiro, Aoi didn't have as many bandages on her, but she did have a giant scar on the right side of her head. If Yashiro remembers correctly, Aoi was in the hospital because of head trauma and a drug addiction. And a gambling addiction that she hasn't seem to have lost yet...

The second one was a boy who was taller than the two of them, but looked quite feminine. He had pink hair that he kept in a small ponytail and had bangs that covered his right eye, the left being exposed to show that it was also pink but with a teal highlight, not to mention his single freckle that stood out from his soft eyelashes. He had a blueish earring that clipped the top of left ear, and her also had a bandaid right over his nose. Yashiro could help but smile when she noticed all the candy hairpins she had given that boy, he had set them in the bangs on his hair. The boy? Oh right. His name is Mitsuba, Mitsuba Sousuke. Mitsuba was at the hospital because of his depression and suicidal tendencies from years of bullying. He's been through a lot, but he's really fun! And he talks to her and Aoi when he's not feeling right. Mitsuba's trustworthy and enjoyable.

While Aoi was wearing her pastel purple version of the uniforms that was made up of a long sleeve sweater and sweatpants with the usual sneakers, Mitsuba on the other hand was wearing the light blue nightgown that everyone had. Yashiro? She wore the same thing as Aoi but in white.

The girl rushed over and threw her arms in the air, joining in the chase. "WEEEEEEEEEE!" She yelled, laughing as the group all broke into euphoria. They could hardly chase each other now that everyone was all together.

They all stopped to catch their breath, all three were laughing and snickering and gasping for air. Mitsuba lightly punched Yashiro's arm when they finished.

"Not funny!" The boy laughed, rubbing the area he punched as an apology. "Sorry...."

Yashiro smiled. "It's okay! I just finished my checkup! The doctor said I'm okay!"

Aoi gave her friend a hug. "That's wonderful Nene-Chan! You'll be out of here in no time!"

"You'll still visit us, right?" Mitsuba asked, taking Yashiro's hands and squeezing them.

The girl's smiled widened.

"Of course I will!"

The boy cracked a laugh and joined in the hug, the three friends feeling better.

Mitsuba broke away from the hug and quickly looked over Yashiro, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You haven't gotten a boyfriend, right? You know about those pervs."

Yashiro smiled. Mitsuba often worried about her and Aoi since he was once tied to a chair and forced to watch p*rn until he got hard. He was usually worried about them.

"Nope! I don't really like boys that much now. Not after how so many rejected me...."

Aoi patted Yashiro's head and spoke up, "Well I think you're pretty! You'll get anybody you want!" She cheered.

Mitsuba nodded and patted Yashiro's head.

"What about you Aoi?"

The girl looked to the side and thought about it.

"Well...besides Akane being Mr. Stalky pants then nope!"

They all laughed and walked back through the halls, all going to the playhouse. A big room, like a gym! A place with toys and where they could all run around. Though they did have to be careful thanks to how Yashiro was covered in bandages. But they still had fun!

The three played until she had to go away for her medication, Yashiro slipping away from the group and began her walk down to the the medicine from the desk. Once she started getting better, they trusted her to take the medicine on her own.

Her hand shaking, Yashiro took the small bag and carried it to her room. The girl set it on her desk and looked at her bed, shrugging at the crayons she left out and began to make her way to the playhouse. She ran her fingertips against her name tag on the door and walked back, humming to herself as she made her way.

"Man...hard to believe I'll be leaving this place soon." She whispered, Yashiro looking at the drawings the wall housed. "So many things I want to see outside. I want to go to Paris! And maybe move to America! Or Germany. Or Iceland! So many places I want to see and try out. The world is so beautiful..."

Yashiro smiled and let her hand touch the wall, unaware.

She finally made it back to the playhouse and ran inside, tackling Aoi in a hug.

"GOTCHA!" The girl shouted, Aoi laughing and turning over to try and push Yashiro off. The girl snickered. "I scared you didn't I, Aoi~!"

"Yep! You scared me!" Laughed Aoi.

Mitsuba ran over to them as they got off each other, the boy jumping onto them to make a dog pile.

The boy squeezed them. "BOO!" He teased, getting off when Aoi pinched him to get some breath.

Yashiro sat up and hugged her friends, the girl laughing as they hugged her back. Sometimes all you need is some friends to be with. And those friends can be made in the oddest places.


If you're lucky.

You can even find the one you love.

Or to be more precise.

The one who loves you.

Aoi grabbed Mitsuba's head and gave him a noogie, smiling as the boy whined. One of his hair clips fell out, causing more to slip out of his bangs.

"Ao-Chan! Look what you did!" The boy whined, making a pout. Mitsuba picked them up and began to put them back in his hair, Yashiro watching with curiosity as Mitsuba ran his fingers through his hair. Aoi laughed and rubbed his head.

The girl apologized. "I'm sorry Mitsu-kun! It was a mistake! You needed to fix them anyway, and besides you're still cute!"

The boy brushed her hand away and looked the other way.

"Whatever! I'm still cuter than you!"

Aoi sat down next to them and laughed at Mitsuba.

"You need your ego to be filled with too much! Hey, 100 yen says that you'll get rejected because your huge ego is going to get to you!"

Yashiro lightly slapped Aoi's hand. "Don't make bets on his love life! Mitsuba's going to get a lover if he wants! And if he doesn't, then who cares! It's his life."

"I know~" Aoi sneered, "I'm just messing with him!"

Yashiro sighed and laid down on her back, staring into the lights as Mitsuba and Aoi play fought.

"Hey guys..." Yashiro whispered.

The two stopped fighting and looked at Yashiro.

Yashiro held up her hand in an attempt to grab the light up above. "Do you believe in ghosts? Like, that there's something after death? And maybe that's why people try so hard to save people from death. Because then they would be forced to float around and watch their friends. Watch them grow up and move on. And maybe fall in love with some living person. But they're a ghost, meaning that they'll never be able to interact with that person's life. I think it would be bittersweet to die."

Aoi crossed her leg over the other and leaned back, using her arms to stabilize herself so she wouldn't fall.

Mitsuba brushed his bangs away a bit and let them cover his eye again. "Well...I think you're only a ghost if you don't accomplish what you want in life. If you do...then you go to heaven." The boy answered, looking to the side. "I wonder what it's like to be dead."

"Well....I know it hurts those we care about." Aoi whispered.

Yashiro sat up. "Yeah! And I don't want Mitsuba to die!"

The boy looked in shock.

"How did this get about me?!"

Yashiro tensed up.

"I don't want either of you to die! I'd miss you!"

The two smiled at Yashiro, Aoi holding her friend's hand.

"Nene-Chan, I know a secret!" The girl said.

Yashiro got distracted by this and looked curiously. Mitsuba leaned in.

"What is it?" They both asked Aoi.

The purple hair girl laughed and held up her index finger.

"This place is haunted! There are these ghosts that live in the abandoned part of the building!"

"Re-really?" Asked a worried Mitsuba.

Aoi nodded.

"You see, there's this thing called the Seven Wonders. One's this ghost who lives in the old female bathroom! She's reeeeaaallly scary! And and! I heard that she'll grant you a wish if you summon her! Her bathrooms the first one nearby the abandoned building!"

Mitsuba shook his head. "You guys seriously believe those stories still? They just tell everyone to scare them up a bit. You know, shake them so they listen."

Aoi ignored Mitsuba and kept taking.

"You knock three times on the third stall door, and then say what you wish. But! Here's the twist! There's this one person she always wants to actually come in the bathroom! Everyone else is killed!"

"Ki-killed?!" Yashiro repeated.

Aoi nodded.

Mitsuba scoffed. "See? Fake." He taunted.

Yashiro looked back at Aoi as she laughed.

"What happens to that person does go?" She asked her friend.

Aoi giggled and closed her eyes, pausing for a dramatic event.

"Then she'll kidnap them and make them a spirit just like her."

The girl laughed as Yashiro got nervous again, Mitsuba stepping in.

"Hey! Spirits aren't real! And....well, if something tried attacking you two then I'll defend you!"

Aoi patted his head. "Thank you Mitsu-Kun~! You're so sweet!"

Mitsuba froze. "Sweet?! I'm a man!"

Yashiro couldn't help but laugh nervously as Mitsuba pushed Aoi away. It was weird thought but maybe.....that ghosts were real.


Chapter 3: We All Worry


10:00 am: Wake up Mitsuba.

11:00 am: Eat breakfast.

2:00 pm: Lunch.

5:00 pm: Possible movie or game night.

10:00 pm: Lights out.

Yashiro never questioned the schedule, since it was one of the only things in her life that actually kept things in order. It was something to help remain calm while her mind tries to trick her into thinking that her father is standing right behind her and is going to yank her away from everyone.

Her father...

...she didn't want to think about that man.

"Sooooo, Nene-Chan." Her friend called out, snapping Yashiro back to the real world. "What should we do with Mitsuba-Kun?"

Yashiro tapped her finger against her lower lip and shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe tell spooky stories? I honestly don't have a clue."

Chapter Text

A sigh escaped Yashiro's lips.

She was worried.

Worried girls are never pretty girls, worrying will cause wrinkles. And wrinkles aren't pretty. If you aren't pretty no one will love you. If no one loves you then you'll live on the streets and never be a happy housewife. If you're never going to be a happy housewife, you'll never greet your husband home from work. That's why Papa always said women should grow up to be pretty. Because pretty means happy. So, to be pretty, you must not worry. You must be happy no matter what.

Yet Yashiro couldn't help it. Mitsuba was much quieter after Aoi mentioned ghosts a few days ago, especially that bathroom one. He seemed to just let her and Aoi talk while he silently sat there listening. He would say something every now and then, of course he would...but it wasn't like him. This wasn't one of the weeks he would go through an episode or something along those lines. Did Aoi hurt his feelings by mentioning ghosts?

Maybe his head is getting to him. That could be it. Mitsuba does have the habit of getting trapper in his own head. The girl thought about her friend as she pulled her white long-sleeved shirt that matched the one she wore yesterday over her head and stared at her bed sheet. Yashiro pulled up her shirt and looked at her stomach, counting the marks on her belly as she softly smiled. She was getting better. Less and less did she need bandaids all over her, in fact she hardly had any now. Never mind that, for now Yashiro walked out the room with her mind trying to fog itself up as a distraction. There, she was greeted by the usual sight of Aoi standing all alone ready to wake up Mitsuba. It was already 10:00 in the morning on a Saturday, meaning no classes. Classes always took so much time. No meds to pick up either, just some free time. It was a simple schedule that she followed today.

10:00 am: Wake up Mitsuba.

11:00 am: Eat breakfast.

2:00 pm: Lunch.

5:00 pm: Possible movie or game night.

10:00 pm: Lights out.

Yashiro never questioned the schedule, since it was one of the only things in her life that actually kept things in order. It was something to help remain calm while her mind tries to trick her into thinking that her father is standing right behind her and is going to yank her away from everyone.

Her father...

...she didn't want to think about that man.

"Sooooo, Nene-Chan." Her friend called out, snapping Yashiro back to the real world. "What should we do with Mitsuba-Kun?"

Yashiro tapped her finger against her lower lip and shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe tell spooky stories? I honestly don't have a clue."

The girl didn't even bother listening to what Aoi said next, because she was busy with the feeling that someone was watching her. Yashiro could feel it. The feeling that somebody was behind her. Someone was there. Yashiro knew it deep down in her stomach as it twisted and turned in her belly. Nervously she looked over her shoulder to see nothing but other patients walking by and going on with the routine. It's alright. She has Aoi! Nothing will come to get her.


Nothing at all.

Nothing can reach her here.

Reaching Mitsuba's door, the two girls knocked on it in unison, Aoi not waiting for Mitsuba to get up before bursting the door open. "Mit-su-ba-kuuun~!"

Aoi giggled as the two listened to Mitsuba screech, the poor boy sitting up from his bed as he held the covers over his chest. "HAVEN'T YOU TWO EVER HEARD OF PRIVACY?! GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU MEANIES!"

Yashiro ducked as Mitsuba threw his stuffed rabbit at them, Aoi closing the door so they wouldn't get hit by the duck he was preparing to throw.

"He's up!" Aoi said, cheerfully stating the obvious.

Yashiro lowered her eyebrows, "I would have never guessed."

Aoi giggled again and spun around. "It's HIS fault if he isn't prepared for us to wake him up! We've been doing this for a while after all~!"

Sighing Yashiro shook her head. "You're harsh on us Ao-Chan."

"Well, that's the world so get used to it!" She remarked, doing a cute pose while sticking out her tongue.

Yashiro didn't say anything in response as she looked at Mitsuba's door, studying its oak coloring for the tenth thousand time. Each time she discovered a new pattern, which is probably the main reason she keeps staring at the door even when she could do something else. It was a pretty door after all. She was mesmerized by the little details as her brain drowned out the background noise of Mitsuba getting ready for the day.

Mitsuba suddenly opened the door, dressed in a hospital gown with long sleeves, one covering his right hand. In his arms he held the pink duck he had been preparing to throw earlier.

"Hey, dummies. Can you grab that rabbit I threw at you a minute ago?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm, his eyes narrowed at Aoi.

The purple hair girl laughed before she walked over to the the rabbit and picked it up by the ear, gently tossing it to Mitsuba.

The boy caught it and snuggled the rabbit closer to his chest. "How many times have I told you not to throw King Rabtiza the Third?!"

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever Mitsu-Kun! Anyways, we have so much planned that we have to do!"

"We literally planned nothing." Yashiro said as she got dragged away by Aoi, Mitsuba gently tossing the rabbit onto his bed before he closed the door with his foot.

"Really, so what are we doing Ao-Chan?"

"We're going to do nothing!" She excitedly cheered.

Mitsuba rolled his eyes. "You're right, SUUUUCH a busy day."

Yashiro tugged her hand away from Aoi and waved it around, the girl shrugging her shoulders a lot to let out some tension. It felt so difficult on her body now that she was awake and moving.

The boy walked closer to Yashiro as he leaned in, cupping his hand over her ear. "Just between you and me, I think Ao-Chan has something off about her."

Yashiro narrowed her eyes at him. "If she didn't why would she even be here?"

Mitsuba lightly hit her shoulder before leaning closer. "Well, I found out a secret about her."

The girl stopped walking when Mitsuba said that. A secret about Aoi? Of course, Yashiro would want to know...but...

"Okay, I'll bite. What is it?"

Inching closer Mitsuba pressed his body against hers, Yashiro tensing up at the feeling of his warm breath on her ear. In a hushed voice the boy explained the secret. "It's your mom."

"HEY!" She yelled, hitting Mitsuba with her fists as he laughed. "That's not fair! You can't play pranks on girls like that!"

He laughed as Yashiro punched his shoulder. "Well for a girl you hit surprisingly hard! Be gentle with me, Nene-Chan."

He put his covered fist against his shoulder with puppy eyes, Aoi turning around to interrupt. "Well, I bet Nene-Chan could beat you in a fight!"

"Ugh, no way! She's too weak for someone as strong as me!" He boasted.

Yashiro rolled her eyes, scoffing. "As if."

The three suddenly broke into laughter as they thought about Mitsuba and Yashiro fighting, none of them really imagining the outcome. Maybe Mitsuba was okay. Maybe he just needed some time to recharge.

The pink haired boy stretched his back and tossed the duck in the air, catching it. "What now? We have twenty or so minutes before breakfast."

Aoi grabbed Yashiro's shoulders from behind, the girl jumping up as her friend laughed. "Well how about we summon Hanako-San~? Maybe she'll take a liking to Nene-Chan here!"

"Knowing the rumors, I'd certainly hope she wouldn't." Yashiro said as she turned her head. "I don't need any of us dead."

"Yeah, think clearly Ao-Chan." Mitsuba whined, pulling Yashiro away. "Besides, if we die and Nene lives, then some boy can take advantage of her!"

The girl sighed and took both of her friends' hands. "Look, I'll be fine. As long as we stick together, okay?"

Aoi laughed and held up her and Yashiro's hand. "Together forever!"

Mitsuba did the same with a smile. "Until the end."

They let go of each other and kept walking, Mitsuba suddenly speaking up again as he pulled his nightgown. "Hey, do you know why the school used western styled nightgowns? Why don't we use Japanese hospital gowns and all that?"

Aoi answered for them. "Well, it use to be cheaper back in the 1900's. Western hospital gowns were mass produced for something and this hospital just bought a bunch of them. We still do because it's cheap. The hospital does have Japanese hospital gowns, we have some those after all. Not to mention we see people wearing them a lot. It's just the western ones are comfortable for sleeping, and since us three are always tired I suppose we wear them a lot."

Yashiro looked at the sleeves on Mitsuba's. "My sleeves are shorter though."

Aoi shrugged. "Eh. Guess some of them are just different."

Yashiro looked at both of her friends as she processed the information before she pulled the along. "Come on, let's go to the cafeteria early. Maybe we can get something special then!"

Before either one of the could interject Yashiro was already dragging them away, Mitsuba messing with the duck in his arm as Aoi made a continuous noise that sounded like monotone yelling. This was what they did almost every morning if they woke up early. Have Yashiro drag them to the cafeteria as Mitsuba paid no attention to the world and Aoi tried to get the world's attention. Funny way her friends both contrasted from each other.

Yashiro dragged the two of them in the cafeteria and put her hands on her hips, feeling accomplished for forcing them in there. "Alright, quick, get in line!"

Mitsuba stared at her with his usual confused and disappointed stare. "Nene-Chan, no one is there."

She puffed her cheeks up. "Duh! We'll be first in line! Besides we have ten minutes, and they serve breakfast five minutes early. We can get a special treat!"

"Nene-Chan is right, come on Mitsu-Kun! Or else Hanako-San will find you~!"

"Don't say things like that! We know ghosts aren't real like that."

Aoi giggled. "I think you're just a scaredy cat."

Mitsuba messed around with his duck's feet as he whined. "As if, like you would ever go summon a ghost. Even if you did, I would have to protect you from them. I could easily kick Hanako-San's ass!" He boasted, Yashiro punching his shoulder. "Ow! Okay, I could easily beat Hanako-San's butt. That better?"

"Yes, it is, but watch your language Mitsuba-Kun!" Yashiro said. "We can't have you going around the real word swearing at the top of your lungs! How else will you be able to grow up as a photographer and fashion designer!"

He scoffed as Aoi pulled them into the line, thankfully in time for them to begin serving breakfast. Each one grabbed a tray in the order they always did. Yashiro, Aoi, and Mitsuba. That's the order Aoi wanted everything to be, and if it wasn't in that order she'd panic. Yashiro didn't know if it was because of the OCD, or the fact Aoi didn't think men were cool. As each one of them got their food they picked put what they wanted most, thankfully managing to get something special.

"What did I tell you?" Yashiro teased.

Mitsuba held up the small cup of ice cream. "It's too small to be special, they should have it bigger." He said as Aoi giggled. "Hey, don't take that the wrong way!"

They all sat down at a table, giving their thanks for the meal before eating. As Aoi stirred her soup a little and as Mitsuba took a bite of Onigiri, Yashiro picked up part of her fruit sandwich and checked behind her back. To tell the truth, she felt as if someone was watching her, she felt like that ever since they got into the hall to wake Mitsuba up. It's possible that Aoi angered the spirit of Hanako-San, and now the ghost was following them. Or it could be she was just paranoid.

Did she take her medicine yet?

It could be that.

Aoi poked Yashiro with her spoon. "Ne~Ne~Ch~an~" She cooed, flicking the spoon onto Yashiro's skin. "You're zoning out, and you got whipped cream on your nose."

"I do?"

She wiped the cream off Yashiro's nose and licked it off her finger, giggling a bit. Aoi shook her head and sipped out of her soup, Yashiro wiping her nose with the palm of her hand. Focusing on her food Yashiro took the last bite of her fruit sandwich and picked up her juice, sipping out of it as Mitsuba stabbed his spoon into his ice cream.

Yashiro looked over at him as more patients began to enter the cafeteria for breakfast. "Mitsuba-Kun, don't you think you should finish your food before you eat your ice cream? You might get a stomachache and have to see a doctor."

"Pashuh, I'll be fine!" He said. The boy used his spoon and stuffed his face with the strawberry and chocolate swirl ice cream, his duck falling when he knocked it with his elbow.

Aoi laughed. "Nene-Chan is right, you should slow down. Or else the vengeful spirit of Ice Cream Cone-Kun will come after you!"

Mitsuba froze before laughing nervously. "As if I'm scared of a ghost that you just made up!"

"Then why did your voice crack~?"

He leaned over Yashiro and flicked Aoi. "As if you're one to talk, your voice cracks all the time! Like a sissy!"

"I am not a sissy!" Snapped Aoi.

Yashiro sat between them as she nibbled on her rice, blankly staring at the other side of the table. She's read the posters on the walls so many times, but it was always a good distraction whenever Mitsuba and Aoi began to argue. Their fights were usually childish and simple, even when they began to get serious with their insults. Usually, it was Mitsuba starting them and Aoi fighting back, even if Mitsuba was targeting Yashiro with his attitude. Speaking of which, poor Yashiro was always stuck in the middle with everything. Always in the middle of their arguments and decisions, forced to be the peace maker. It's the life she's chosen to live with.

"Are you two done yet?" She asked while finishing her food and opening her ice cream. "I would rather you stop fighting while I'm in the middle of the table."

Both Aoi and Mitsuba stopped fighting and crossed their shoulders, looking away from each other. This was usually how they ended, with both of them pretending to be mad and getting over it in half an hour. It was kind of sad to be honest, but that's just how these two were. Both of them were attention seekers, even if Mitsuba tried to deny it. After all he has a very flamboyant personality.

Yashiro dug some of her ice cream out of its cup. "Are you going to apologize?"

Aoi glanced at Mitsuba before looking back at the ground. "I'm sorry Mitsuba-Kun."

Mitsuba flipped his hair. "I'm sorry you're so sensitive."

"Weakling!" She snapped, immediately taking back her apology.

"Sissy!" Mitsuba retorted.

Aoi slammed her hands on the table and forced her face into his personal space. "hom*osexual!"

Mitsuba did the same, both of them towering over Yashiro. "Queer!"

"That's the same thing you dummy!"

"Queer means your part of the rainbow community, not that you're a hom*o!"

"Ha! You wouldn't know that if you weren't gay!"

They stopped arguing when Yashiro got up with her tray, Aoi being the first to apologize.

"I'm sorry Mitsuba-Kun, I didn't mean to assume your sexuality." She said.

Mitsuba crossed his arms. "Though it was rude of you, I do forgive you. And I suppose I'm sorry for all the things I said."

All three of them were silent for a moment before they broke into laughter, trying to apologize more but unable to thanks to how hard they were laughing. It was good to see them getting along in their usual ways instead of Mitsuba being so quiet. Maybe everything was okay, it was just some little bump that Mitsuba had in his day, and he must have smoothed it out. Now everything was better now. Her, Aoi, and Mitsuba were all okay. No matter what the world threw at them these three would be okay until the end of time. That's how it will always be. If it ever changed, Yashiro would overdose on her medication and never wake up again. All she wants is for this happy world to stay the same until she leaves. Yashiro wants to keep the patterns. She wants to stay in the playroom and dance around in the hallways, she wants to wake up in Aoi's arms after they've had a crazy night and laugh it off because they are just friends after all. Yashiro doesn't want to let these fun days full of laughter and joy melt in her hands like glass melting into sand.

Calming down Aoi wiped her tears from her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Okay...okay jeez, okay we need to calm down."

The boy itched his ear as felt his earring. "Wow Ao-Chan, you ke- keep, pfff, keep making us laugh!"

Yashiro grabbed their trays. "Okay, since we're all done, I'm just going to dump our trays."

Both clinged onto her. "No, wait for us!" They begged in unison.

Letting them get up Yashiro dumped their trays with the two holding onto one arm each, still clinging onto her when they left the cafeteria. Out of nowhere Mitsuba asked Yashiro a random question.

"Hey, Nene-Chan...I have a question." He said, Yashiro looking over towards him. "If I were to say leave the hospital and go back to my mom, would you replace me with some other boy?"

She stared at him in disbelief before taking her arm away from Aoi and cupping the boy's cheeks. "Of course I won't! I won't ever replace you Mitsuba-Kun!"

The boy made a noise as he took her hands off his face, his pink eye softening. "Well...what if you meet a boy who loves you? Will you then?"

"I will not! I'll introduce you to him and make sure you get along! I'll even break up with him if he's terrible to you!"

Aoi leaned in. "Even if he's an obsessive freak, we'll never replace you Mitsu-Kun! You're our best friend and you always will be!"

Mitsuba sighed from relief and held Yashiro's hand. "Thanks guys, I needed that reinsurance."

Yashiro smiled at him, thinking about Aoi's words. An obsessive freak? Why did Aoi bring that up? Sure, Aoi has Akane whose sort of like her stalker, but Akane and Aoi have known each other since they were kids. That and Akane gets along with her and Mitsuba, not to mention he's sweet. He's not really possessive and controlling, more of worried. A stalker on the other hand...Yashiro had one of those long ago. Two actually. One was a boy who preyed upon the girls at her old school, and another one who a creepy friend of her dad. The one with the boy went away after she confronted him and told him to stop, but the other one followed her for months on end until she was put in the hospital. She's fine now, she's hundreds of miles away from her father. He'll never find her.

Back to the whole obsessive boy thing, Yashiro couldn't help and imagine it. She's had fantasies, what teenage girl didn't? Her manga was full of pretty boys, and every now and then there was one who was obsessed with the main character. Of course, it's just a story. In a story, Yashiro isn't the one who's being targeted. In the real world being pinned against the floor with a knife next to her throat would scare her to death. The thought of someone killing people for you sure gave you a rush when you imagined it, alongside the idea that they stalk you because they love you. The second it's real however it turns into a horror story.

Yashiro should shut up.

This doesn't need to become a reality, all the times she tried to hope for something wholesome it never worked, yet the second she imagined something horrible then BAM! It was thrown into her face like a brick that would break her nose, the scent of blood from her nosebleed attracting the boy who wanted to do horrible things to her.

Yashiro was pulled back and forth by both of them, Aoi speaking. "Nene-Chan, would you want some sort of yandere boy!"

Mitsuba tugged her closer. "Or what about a kuudere!"

She gave a laugh, a more annoyed expression on her face. "I don't really like classifying the boys I like into tropes."

"You say as you prefer manly princes." The pink haired boy teased.

She hit him with her elbow. "Oh, shut up!"

Even with all the laughter and happy moments so far, even with Aoi and Mitsuba fighting in their usual fashion, even with everybody acting normal, something still felt off. Despite all this happiness and euphoria...Yashiro still felt worried.

Something was eating up at her brain like a parasite.

Chapter 4: You're Aware of Me


Aoi closed the door and left Yashiro alone, the girl laying back down and staring at the ceiling. That boy wouldn't get out of her head. What was his name? What was his face? She never even got to learn the color of his eyes. Yet...he was kind of cute. Yashiro couldn't help but think of him as a prince. A mysterious boy saving her from a roof! And he was CUTE!

And...not real.

Damn it not again.

With that realization Yashiro got up and made her bed, letting out a sigh. Once again, her hopes of having a prince were shattered in the mallet of reality. God damn it this always happened! She gets her hopes up for the best and then it dies horribly. Tired of her endless cycle Yashiro made her bed and moped around, shuffling over to the dresser and closet before changing into her new clothes. Yashiro opened the door and said goodbye to Aoi, walking down the hallway as she rubbed her cheeks. The girl was still tired, but maybe Aoi was right. A walk would clear her head, or at least let her make sense of her dream.

Chapter Text

Clenching as tightly onto the pole on rooftop Yashiro could hardly breathe, her eyes unable to make out the ground. Yashiro was on some kind of skyscraper. She was so high up that if she jumped, she would fall right onto the grass and die in seconds. Maybe she'd land on her head and get her skull crushed, maybe her neck will snap and blood will spray out, maybe her spine will snap in half and make her body tear into two. As Yashiro imagined different versions of her death she could feel her grip tighten so blisters would begin to grow on her hands and fingers.

"HEY!" She heard, Yashiro snapping out her reality and realizing she was crying. But she wasn't back in the real world. Yashiro was still on the roof. Still freaking out while holding this pole. Panicking she backed away, yet she heard the voice again. "HEY, OVER HERE!!"

Terrified she looked over to where the voice was, her eyes widening when she saw a boy also clenching a pole, standing on a roof on a skyscraper right next to her. He was close enough that she could hear him, and that the windows of the building were mere feet away. His worried expression was a blur through her tears and Yashiro was unable to make out many details of him. The girl could make out his white button up shirt with a name tag, and his black uniform pants. When she focused a little more, she saw...brown hair? Or was it black?

He held out his hand. "GRAB MY HAND! I CAN CATCH YOU!! I PROMISE!!!"

She stared at him before shouting at the top of her lungs. "HOW CAN I TRUST YOU?!"

"YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME!" The boy screamed, leaning closer. "I CAN CATCH YOU!! PLEASE JUST TRUST ME!"

Yashiro looked down at the ground before looking over the ledge, seeing the grass and road thousands of feet underneath her. Why did this boy care so much about her? Wasn't he up on the roof of his building so he could jump off? This boy shouldn't be so worried about some stranger like her. Maybe seeing her up on her roof made him realize he shouldn't die. That neither of them should go out this way.

Yashiro looked back up to see the boy desperately trying to signal her to jump so he could catch her. If she jumped, she could die, but that must be the reason she's up her. If she jumps and dies, she'll just be accomplishing her hopes.

But she doesn't know why she's up here.

If he's lying, she'll die and never wake up again.

"PLEASE!! I CAN CATCH YOU!!! YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME, MY SWEET SKY BIRD!" He desperately screamed, hollering at the top of his lungs. He had to be crying, and if he wasn't he was holding back his tears so he could catch her.

Taking a breath and holding it Yashiro let her hands slide off the pole, stepping back before she ran and jumped off the roof, clenching her eyes shut as she held her hands out.

This was it.

Yashiro was going to die.

Never again will she see Aoi or Mitsuba, never again her crushes or acquaintances, they'll all learn she's dead and Yashiro will never see them.

She knows it.

Her body will hit the ground in five...




...something caught her hand.

Yashiro opened her eyes right as the boy managed to catch her hand, having to let go of his pole and stumbling forward thanks to the sudden force of her body. Desperately so he didn't fall off the boy grabbed her arm and pulled her up, Yashiro using her legs to try and get up onto the build. It was a miracle her legs didn't break at all even. Using all of his strength the mysterious boy pulled Yashiro up over the side of the roof, the force of him yanking her over causing Yashiro to tumble into his arms. Both of them fell down thanks to the force, the boy landing on his butt as Yashiro hugged him tightly. She was scared to death but...he caught her. This mysterious boy who she just met today caught her and saved her life.

Listening to her crying the boy began to softly pet Yashiro on her head, running his fingers through her hair as his tears landed on her head. "'s okay. Everything will be okay. You're safe now. I'll keep you safe. I can protect you, my sweet, special, darling sky bird."

She squeezed the boy's body and cried into his shoulder, spending what felt like hours on that roof with the cars being heard all the way down below. He...he was comforting. He smelled sweet and like a flower field. Like snuggling up with tea and a movie from your childhood. Yashiro cuddled closer to the boy that she just met today. Even if Yashiro did just meet him today, she felt like there was some connection between them. Something that made this boy want to stop her from jumping.

"M-my name is Yashiro Nene..." Yashiro muttered. "....what is your name?"

He moved her head away from his chest to show his somber face. "My name is-"

As he said his name Yashiro felt as if someone had drugged her to sleep, suddenly closing her eyes as her ears tuned out everything.


His name is what?

What was his name?!

Yashiro flinched hard and sat up in her bed, feeling around to see if she wet herself. Thankfully Yashiro didn't, but she was forced to wake up before she could learn who that boy was. Part of her was a bit disappointed. That sweet prince who had saved her in her dream wasn't real. The other part was thankful that she wasn't on some roof.

Wait, why would she need to jump to the other building?

She could have left by going down the stairs the same way she got up.

Yashiro began to try and process the logic in her dream. Was she in some sort of apocalypse and her building was full of zombies? Or maybe her building was about to crumble to the ground. Rubbing her forehead Yashiro thought of all the possibilities of what would be her reason to have to jump to a different rooftop, ignoring the fact Aoi was waving her hand in front of her face.

"Nene-Chan. Nene-Chan! I know you can hear me, come on. Come on. Look at me. Up up. Come on Nene-Chan. Nene. Nene. Nene. Come on, look at me. Nene-Chan! I'm not gonna stop! Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene. Nene-"

"Aoi I can hear you." She said, sighing. Yashiro rubbed her eyes and pulled the eyelids a bit, letting out all of her stress though a groan. "God, I had a horrible dream. I felt like I was going to die."

Her friend tilted her head before poking Aoi. "Are you going to be okay?"

She tugged on her hair. "Yeah, I'll be okay."

Aoi shrugged and brushed some of Yashiro's hair back. "Well, you're awake now, so you'll be okay."

Yashiro smiled as Aoi patted her head, the girl calming down a bit and allowing herself to forget about the boy who saved her life in her dream. It doesn't matter. He's just someone in a dream, and Yashiro has no need to remember him. Why would there be a need? All Yashiro needed to know he wasn't real. Just a dream.

She moved Aoi's hand away and ran her fingers through her long locks of hair, sometimes getting caught in the tangles that were strands of her hair tied together. Yashiro felt a bit exhausted, which confused her. Yashiro had gone to bed at a reasonable time.

"Maybe you should go one a walk to clear your mind?" Aoi suggested, sitting down on the side of her bed. She placed her hand on top of Yashiro's and gave a warm smile. "I can go with you!"

"That's a good idea Aoi. I'll be okay on my own though! I do appreciate the offer."

She nodded and got off Yashiro's bed, waking to the door and opening it. "I'll wait outside for you to change, and I'll get ready while you're on your walk. Hey, let's brush our teeth together when you get back, okay!"

Aoi closed the door and left Yashiro alone, the girl laying back down and staring at the ceiling. That boy wouldn't get out of her head. What was his name? What was his face? She never even got to learn the color of his eyes. Yet...he was kind of cute. Yashiro couldn't help but think of him as a prince. A mysterious boy saving her from a roof! And he was CUTE!

And...not real.

Damn it not again.

With that realization Yashiro got up and made her bed, letting out a sigh. Once again, her hopes of having a prince were shattered in the mallet of reality. God damn it this always happened! She gets her hopes up for the best and then it dies horribly. Tired of her endless cycle Yashiro made her bed and moped around, shuffling over to the dresser and closet before changing into her new clothes. Yashiro opened the door and said goodbye to Aoi, walking down the hallway as she rubbed her cheeks. The girl was still tired, but maybe Aoi was right. A walk would clear her head, or at least let her make sense of her dream.

The boy, from her memory, he had white button up shirt with a name tag that she didn't read, and his black uniform pants. Then there was his brown hair. Or was it black? She thinks it had a browner color...but it looked kind of purple. Maybe it was a REALLY dark purple. Yashiro would have known if she paid attention. Why would she need to pay attention? She was jumping from one building to another. And again, why was she even on a roof in the first place?! Sure, it was a dream but still!

She shook her head, it's better to get the dream out of her head and think of something else. Aoi mentioned something a few days ago. The whole 'Hanako-San' thing. Apparently, some ghost girl who would grant you a wish if you summoned her. Yet no matter what, it seemed like you would die. You knock three times on the third stall door, and then say what you wish, yet there was a twist to this. There's this one person she always wants to actually come in the bathroom. Everyone else is killed. Doesn't seem like a good business strategy. Not to mention she'll kidnap the person who she DOES want to summon her and make them a spirit just like her. Does she even GRANT the wish?! How is she still even a Mystery if she's this complicated!

Yashiro didn't even realize she was close to the closed off doors to the deeper parts of the older building until she saw a sign for a woman's restroom. Stopping she looked at the sign before seeing a closed door. This...was Hanako-San's bathroom. This was where she granted her wishes. Yashiro knew she shouldn't do this, but her curiosity got the better of her. Terrified and concerned, the young girl crept to the older female bathroom deep inside the abandoned building and peaked inside of it. After hearing what Aoi said about the rumors the one about 'Hanako-San' was just drilled inside her mind, nagging at her brain like a little parasite trying to take control. She couldn't sleep normally, she couldn't eat without thinking of it, the only thing she did was take her medicine. It was just poking at her brain over and over, teasing and mocking her.

And now she was going to see if it was real.

The stupid parasite had taken control.

Yashiro walked inside the bathed and looked around, forcing herself to go inside the room. It looked...surprisingly beautiful. She was expecting it to be run down but it wasn't. There was a stained-glass window and red stalls, the sinks looked to be decades old. Out of everywhere in the hospital this room felt different. Sure, the cleaning closet was barricaded with wood planks, but otherwise it seemed normal. Walking over towards the third stall door Yashiro glanced around the room before looking at the red door. It had a small glass window in the shape of a rhombus, but since it was tinted, she couldn't see in it. Taking a deep breath she lifted her shaking hand, gently knocking her knuckles on the door. She didn't care if she died now, she needed to see if the rumors were true. There was no going back for Yashiro.

"He-hello....?" The girl timidly greeted, trying to see is anyone will answer. After a moment of silence, she spoke again. "Ha-hanako-San, Hanako-San, Hanako-San? A...Anyone....there....?"


" wi...wish. Um. My wish is to find my true love."

Yashiro waited a moment to see if anything would happen and pressed her hand on the door, showing that it was open. Now curious Yashiro looked around to make sure nobody was there before gently pushing the door open, her eyes widening when she saw someone who was sitting there. The girl was about to apologize for disturbing their privacy until she noticed something.

The person wasn't moving.

Yashiro froze. Was this...Hanako-San? She looked...just like how the media portrayed her. A red jump skirt over a white collared shirt with black hair styled in a bobcut. She was pale, and she looked to be asleep. Or...dead. Is this girl the ghost that haunted the bathrooms? Is she...Hanako-San?

"Ar-are you okay?!" Yashiro asked, grabbing the girl by their shoulders and shaking them. She showed no response. Nothing. All that happened was the girl with the bobbed haircut lifted her head back with her eyes shut and something dripping from her mouth. At least now Yashiro knew this girl wasn't a ghost, but the minute she put her hands on this body something wet collected on her palm. Yashiro let go out of instinct and looked at her hand.


Why was there saliva on this girl's shoulder?

"Wh-what the hell...?" She whispered, looking around. Did something happen here? Was this mysterious girl asleep or just dead? Could Yashiro wake her up? Would this girl help her out? O-or would Yashiro have to report her to the staff? After a few minutes of trying to understand what was going on the girl heard the light switch flick the power to life, Yashiro looking up to see the lights were now working. At first she was impressed, only to realize that if the power was on then somebody other than her was in this bathroom. Terrified she scrambled out of the stall door and quickly looked around to see no one standing there. Yet she heard footsteps. She could hear them loud and clear.

Someone was walking to her.

There really was a ghost in this bathroom.

Not wanting to risk anything, Yashiro ran past whatever orwhoeverwas coming towards her and out of the bathroom, quickly making her way down the hallway. ignoring the patients, she stumbled and almost fell on her face, the girl sprinting back to her room terrified. The girl almost tripped on her own feet but slammed her rooms door shut, Yashiro holding her back to make sure no one could get in.

"Oh god what was I thinking?!" She yelled. "Why did I do that, I am I going to die?! It's because I'm filthy isn't it! I'm a filthy girl! I shouldn't have touched the ghost in there, oh god I touched a ghost! Oh no no no no! Please no I don't wanna die!"

The terrified girl swore something was breathing down her neck, and she screamed when something put their hands around her throat. Yashiro quickly turned around to see only the door behind her.

No one was there. It's probably just her brain.

Yashiro walked backwards as she kept her eyes on the door and bumped into something with a human like shape, turning around again to see her dresser. What's going on? She's scared....she doesn't want to die....

Terrified that if she took another step she would be killed Yashiro squatted down and covered her ears, letting out a scream of bloody murder when someone put their hand on her shoulder.

This was it.

She going to die.

They'll rip her to shreds, they'll eat her, they'll-

"Nene-Chan?" A familiar voice said, Yashiro looking up with tear filled eyes.

"A....Aoi....?" She muttered.

Aoi squatted down next to her. "Are you okay? You just came into the room and started freaking out. I tried to say something, but you kept acting like something was there."


The poor frightened girl had forgotten that her and Aoi shared a room.

"Nene-Chan, should we talk to your therapist? Will that help?" Aoi asked worried.

"I'm okay!" Yashiro lied, Aoi clearly not buying it. "I...I just need some rest. Maybe...?"

Aoi rubbed the girl's shoulder, Yashiro carefully removing her own hands from her head and shaking from how terrified she was. Yashiro really thought she was going to die back there. She shouldn't have tried anything; she shouldn't have gone on that walk. Now she's scared to death.

"You sure you don't want to talk to someone?" Aoi asked.

Yashiro nodded, "Y-yeah... I'll just...take a nap.... that'll help calm my nerves."

Aoi patted Yashiro's back and helped the girl up, letting Yashiro crawl onto the bed on her side of the room as Aoi sat down on the other. Yashiro had lied about wanting to sleep. She was terrified. Her mind kept showing that poor girl who was in the stall.

Was she dead?

Was she alive?

Was she asleep?

What happened, what happened?

Why was there salvia?

Why was she alone?

Why was she dressed like that?

It couldn't be answered.

None of it could.

Yashiro sighed and rolled in her back, looking around the shared room. Her side had a dark blue wall, her bed having a wooden frame with denim blue sheets sparkled with glow in the dark stars. Her dresser had a bunch of figurines from shows she liked and her music CDs, and on the wall was a band poster and some drawings she made. Aoi's side was a pastel purple, with a pink rug nearby her bed which was a purple and pink theme. Aoi's wall was covered with candy stickers, and her dresser had wrappers and cute animal plushies all over it. As Yashiro thought about everything, she stared at the picture of her, Aoi, and Mitsuba all together, each one of them laughing. That picture of them always cheered them up.

The girl tried to feel better as she grabbed her hamster toy, shaking its chubby arm and attempting to calm herself down. Maybe she needed to talk to her therapist like Aoi suggested or find that sarcastic nurse nicknamed Fox-San that people talk about. That would help. They could help.


If she told someone she would be kept here longer.

Yashiro doesn't want to be trapped in this glass cage longer than she needed to be.

Aoi shook Yashiro's bed, snapping the girl out of her thoughts. "Nene-Chan, Nene-Chan! We should hang out with Mitsu-Kun! He's lonely ya know! Lonely lonely lonely!"

"You don't need to repeat yourself, I'm getting up." She said, Yashiro pulling herself out of bed. To be honest she didn't want to see Mitsuba after what just happened, but unfortunately, it's not like she can fight against Aoi and what she wants. To try and divert her attention Yashiro brought up something Aoi mentioned earlier. "Didn't you suggest brushing our teeth together?"

"Oh yeah, that's right! Eh! It can wait! Let's see Mitsuba-Kun and then brush our teeth and then eat! Or we can skip brushing our teeth!"

As Aoi was saying this she was dragging Yashiro out of her bed, the poor girl questioning why she was even putting up with this despite being the one who came running in screaming because she summoned an EVIL SPIRIT FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE. It was unfair. First, she has a dream about some mysterious prince, and not even half an hour later she summons a ghost who's going to kill her.

To be fair the ghost thing was her fault.

"Aoi...I...I don't think I should see Mitsuba-Kun." The girl mumbled.

"Pfff, you'll be fine!" She assured. "Besides, Mitsuba-Kun might cheer you up. We can summon ghosts together!"

She forced her scream back down her throat and laughed nervously. "Y-yeah, maybe he can. You're right Ao-Chan, I'm just a bit jumpy."

"What did I tell you~?"

Putting her hands on her hips Aoi giggled, trying to cheer Yashiro up. The girl pretended that Aoi was helping, but she was terrified to death. Mitsuba was already freaking out by himself; Yashiro knew that he was probably having some bad days. If Aoi showed up with Yashiro and the ghost of a GIRL WHO HAUNTS A BATHROOM then everything would turn out horribly. What could make this even worse is if she suddenly appeared on a roof with a cute prince to save her.

....actually Yashiro would rather have that.

She sighed and looked at the ground. "Maybe Mitsuba is asleep, we probably shouldn't go."

"We have to wake him up then! He needs to wake up, we can't let him mope around all depressed like its not queer...uh...ah! Like a goose!"

Yashiro stared at her friend concerned before muttering under her breath. "...where did you get 'queer' from 'goose'?"

Completely ignoring Yashiro, Aoi went on. "I know you just came back in from your walk a bit scared...but Mitsuba-Kun can cheer you up! I know you better than anyone, so I know Mitsuba will cheer you up! He'll make you feel wonderful again!"

The girl didn't even try and say anything as Aoi dragged her out of the room and shut the door, pulling her friend down to the hallway Mitsuba's room was kept in. She really doesn't want to be there out of the fear of Hanako-San following her, but Aoi wouldn't believe her either way. Yashiro is just going to do what she always did. Be a good girl and pretend she's fine. That's what everyone does in this hospital after all.

Yashiro stayed quiet as Aoi pulled her to the door of Mitsuba's room, knocking on it repeatedly. "Mit~su~ba~kuuuuuuun~!!! Open the door! Open up or we'll break in!! Open up!"

Mitsuba suddenly opened his door and froze in place, Yashiro clearly being able to tell that his fear was clogging up the words in his throat. In a nervous sweat he laughed. "Oh, hey guys...what are you doing?"

"We wanted to see you!" Cheered Aoi. Yashiro watched as for a second Mitsuba glanced behind her. Nobody would notice it if they weren't paying attention, but Yashiro spotted it.

"Oh, alright. Do you want to come in? I can set up a tea party if you guys want." Mitsuba offered.

"Let's go to the playhouse instead!"

He nodded, trying to keep his smile natural. "Alright, let me get Duck-Kun."

Yashiro glanced behind her when Mitsuba flicked his eyes towards her, the girl feeling her heart thump in her chest.

Something was clearly wrong, she could tell.

He closed the door as Aoi shrugged it off. "Did you want to have a tea party Nene-Chan? We can do that instead."

Shaking her head Yashiro refused. "No, no its okay. I'm fine Ao-Chan."

Yashiro clearly wasn't okay. She was freaking out. The only thing keeping the poor girl together was that one butterfly left from her dream this morning. It's clear Mitsuba had something wrong too. Did he try summoning Hanako-San as well? He might have. If he did, why was he still alive? Why was she still alive? Did Hanako-San wait to kill her victims so she could torture them mentally? It made since knowing the rumors, what kind of ghost wouldn't want to mess with her prey? Especially some special supernatural.

"Hey Aoi, I have a question about Hanako-San." Yashiro said.

Aoi tilted her head confused before laughing. "What's up?"

" does Hanako-San work?"

Aoi smiled. "Well, I'll have to be quiet, or she'll hear us. Come closer."

Yashiro leaned in as Aoi moved closer, putting her hand on Yashiro's shoulder and whispering in the girl's ear.

"You see, it's built off a fear system. All the patients fear Hanako-San the most, making her the most powerful. That means she's in charge of the others. There are rumors about how ruthless she is. She sits on a throne and orders other supernatural's around, even executing them for simple mistakes. Hanako-San is in control of so much that we'll never know of since we're living."

Now even more horrified Yashiro leaned back and stared at the ground. "That's...sort of scary."

Her friend shrugged. "Well, we'll be fine! She can't really hurt us since we're living. She mostly leaves humans alone either way, unless they summon her."

Yashiro looked back at her door and rubbed her arm, looking back down at the ground.

Was Mitsuba going to be okay?

Chapter 5: You Need a Replacement


Soon Aoi walked out of her class as she said goodbye to her friends in there, the purple haired girl's eyes lighting up when she saw Yashiro. "Nene-Chan~!"

Yashiro gacked when Aoi tackled her in a hug, the girls both giggling as they squeezed each other. "You can't go tackling me like this Ao-Chan! You're gonna knock me off my feet one day!"

"Thats the plan, because I'll never let you back up once I have you down!" Her friend said as she squeezed Yashiro tighter.

Yashiro pushed Aoi off her as both the girls laughed in the hallways, a few patients giving them weird looks. They didn't care though. As long as they were enjoying themselves then everything will be fine.

"Hey...Aoi, don't you think we should wake up Mitsuba? I thought someone from the staff would, but I haven't seen him." Yashiro asked, the worry in her voice thick like poisoned honey.

Aoi looked at her confused before remembering. "Oh! Yeah, we have some time! Let's wake him up!"

Chapter Text

Staring at her worksheet Yashiro tried to answer everything the best she could, yet her mind kept going back to the same topic all over and over again.

She hadn't seen Mitsuba all day.

Her and Aoi were going to wake him up, but they got distracted in the schoolwork and having to keep track of the younger kids that were bothering them. It's possible that he was getting a checkup, or that he was allowed to sleep in, but that didn't change the fact that Yashiro was worried if he was okay.

She looked back down on her work and forced herself to focus. Yashiro couldn't afford to get distracted now. Mitsuba was important, but school was much more important than him. If she gets a bad grade, then she wouldn't be seen as fit to leave the hospital and live in the real world. The poor girl doesn't want to live here forever. That would be horrible. Being forced to celebrate every birthday, every Christmas, every valentine in this hospital until they put her down like an old dog. No, she needs to focus. Or else Yashiro's worries will become a reality. Spending that long in the hospital would be hell on earth. So, she has to keep her grades good to prove to the Japanese government that she's fit to live in the outside world.

Yashiro rubbed her eyes and finished her work, grabbing the paper and turning it in to the teacher. She should go find Mitsuba, but she has to not only wait for class to be over, but also wait till lunch so she can find Aoi and they could go together. With a sigh Yashiro sat back down in her seat and stared put the windows, watching as the birds flew by. They were very pretty birds; each one of their feathers being different.

The girl rubbed her eyes when she saw one land in a tree, squinting a bit. It was just a normal crow...but its eyes were a pinkish red. And it was staring at her. Yashiro knew it was staring at her. It''s just a bird. A normal crow. She shouldn't worry. Why would a bird have to be scary? Sure, crows can memorize a face and follow people around but having a crow as company would be a nice change of pace from the usual people Yashiro has to deal with. Personally, she would quite like a crow to be her friend. She could show Aoi all the cool tricks she would teach the little creature and give it a cool name based off how blue its feathers were.

"Crow-Chan....maybe Crow-Kun...heh." The girl muttered, resting her head on her arms.

She looked up when the teacher cleared his throat, dismissing the class by stating that the time for the test was finished. Already having completed that long and boring quiz Yashiro got up and pushed her chair in while the other patients turned in their tests. Almost skipping her way out of the classroom Yashiro's heart fluttered as she imagined life with a crow as a friend. Having it bring her little shiny trinkets and treasures as she paid it back with food and affection, showing the bird off to Aoi and Mitsuba...


She hoped Mitsuba was okay.

Yashiro blinked her eyes to see she was outside the classroom Aoi was in, the girl realizing she had been subconsciously walking there this entire time as she thought about crows being her friend. She needs to pay attention to the problem at hand instead of thinking about birds.

Soon Aoi walked out of her class as she said goodbye to her friends in there, the purple haired girl's eyes lighting up when she saw Yashiro. "Nene-Chan~!"

Yashiro gacked when Aoi tackled her in a hug, the girls both giggling as they squeezed each other. "You can't go tackling me like this Ao-Chan! You're gonna knock me off my feet one day!"

"Thats the plan, because I'll never let you back up once I have you down!" Her friend said as she squeezed Yashiro tighter.

Yashiro pushed Aoi off her as both the girls laughed in the hallways, a few patients giving them weird looks. They didn't care though. As long as they were enjoying themselves then everything will be fine.

"Hey...Aoi, don't you think we should wake up Mitsuba? I thought someone from the staff would, but I haven't seen him." Yashiro asked, the worry in her voice thick like poisoned honey.

Aoi looked at her confused before remembering. "Oh! Yeah, we have some time! Let's wake him up!"

Hand in hand the two girls walked off from the classroom down the hospital to the main section where patient's rooms were kept, going down the list of hallways to the one Mitsuba was kept in. Reaching the door Aoi knocked on it with her usual cheery voice. "Mitsuba~! Me and Nene came to get you for classes! You better be up you big doof!"

Nothing, not what they expected but it was response that would sometimes happen.

Now for plan B. The girls snickered before Yashiro yelled out loud enough for Mitsuba to hear them, "Mitsuba-Kun! Some weird boy is here!"

Aoi held back a giggle and called out. "He's trying to force himself on Nene, help us, Mitsuba!"

They covered their mouths with their hands as they laughed, only to stop when they didn't get any response.

Thats odd.

Mitsuba would have yelled something and checked on them.

Yashiro knocked on the door, now a little scared. "Mitsuba-Kun? Are you awake?"

Aoi grabbed the doorknob when they got no response. "It's not like him to not at least say something....I'm a bit worried about him."

Yashiro stood next to her friend before she nodded. "We'll open the door on three. One..."



Aoi turnned the doorknob and flung it open, closing her eyes and calling out the boy's name. "Mit-su-ba-Kun!" She said while her friend froze in terror.

Yashiro screamed at the sight she walked into.

Her eyes got blurry.

Her hearing got fuzzy.

Her mind got spiny.

Her blood ran cold as she tried to understand the situation.


...Mitsuba was...

....He was....



....Mitsuba was hanging from the ceiling.

It was too much to handle, her dead friend slowly spinning around the room hanging from his ceiling fan. The boy had suffocated, his face was slightly blue instead of his neck being snapped. His hair was parted to show both of his eyes thanks to how his head was tilted, and those eyes terrified the poor girls. Seeing the boy's blank eyes with his bed sheets tied around his neck and the chair fallen was like he was staring directly at her. The eyes that would shine so brightly as they played, now staring into her soul as if to say, "You did this to me", blaming it all on her. The tears that were still there felt as if they were going to fall off Mitsuba's body and flood the entire room to punish Yashiro for letting this happen. Yashiro couldn't do it. She couldn't handle it.

So she ran.

Yashiro dashed out of the room as she stumbled over her own feet, not paying any attention to the adults telling her to slow down or any of the patients wondering what's happening. She ran past all of them and didn't stop. That didn't matter. None of their words matter. No warnings, no labels, it all was a blurry mess in her eyes. This wasn't a book where the author mentions the warning that someone will die, this wasn't some video with a special screen saying that the video may contain topics that might be disturbing, this was real life. In real life there was no warnings, just a punch so hard that your brain hits the back of your skull and explodes.

Mitsuba was dead.


He was DEAD.

Mitsuba was hanging from a ceiling fan DEAD and it's all her fault.

If she was there yesterday, if she didn't try to summon that stupid toilet ghost, if she helped him, but she didn't. She didn't. He killed himself because she didn't kill him instead.

Yashiro ran past the area sectioned off by shoving the doors open and just running. The entire time her legs pumped her forward as she refused to focus on the world, and it took her nearly running into a wall to realize where she had gone.

The terrified girl stepped back, throwing her head around at her surroundings. It was dark. Very dark. Her eyes could hardly see anything due to the lack of light. Where was she? She had run so far that she didn't know where she had gone. Now trembling from fear and lack of oxygen Yashiro ran her fingertips down the wall to feel tiles, like an old bathroom at some sort of school. She looked down. Water puddles were everywhere, the smell of blood hit her noise with a mix of rat poop. The rodents scurried around on the ground. Broken glass was scattered and wires were hanging from the ceiling. She was outside the entrance to the bathroom she tried to summon the ghost at. Was that girl who had been sitting in the stall still there? Hanako-San, wasn't it? Was she still in this bathroom? Not wanting to know and instead wanting to leave Yashiro turned around in an attempt to get out of the abandoned part of this hospital, but she screamed when something slammed the doors in front of her shut. A shadow. A...a shadow! It has to be a shadow! They were after her! No, no it was Hanako-San! She had come to claim Yashiro's soul! She had to run! She would die otherwise!

Yashiro sprinted ahead in an attempt to run away, voices laughing and telling her to slow down. She couldn't listen. Yashiro had to keep going. If she slowed down Hanako-San would catch her and rip her to shreds.

This is what happens to dirty girls!One of the voices said.

You're filthy, that's why your friend killed himself.Another snapped.

A third giggled,Little Nene got her friendy-friend dead! He's NEVER coming back thanks to little poor Ne-Ne! Filthy filthy poor poor Nene!

"STOP IT, JUST SHUT UP!" Yashiro yelled as she kept running, tears in the corners of her eyes. Nothing else mattered right now, she just had to get away. Get away from Hanako-San, get away from the guilt, get away from the fact that someone she loved and cared about is dead because of her.

The girl slowed down when the things seemly stopped following her, eventually stopping and trying to catch her breath. She was exhausted. Yashiro had stepped on broken glass and rat poop and nearly slipped in the puddles, she's lucky she didn't even get electrocuted. Shaking she sighed. The girl wanted to rest. She was standing there bent over with her hands on her knees as her lungs sucked the air out of her dried throat and her heart pounded so fast that it was going to pop and fill her chest with blood.

Yashiro looked behind her to see she wasn't anywhere close to the exit. She must have been running for days, months even. Everyone must be grown up by now. Exhausted the girl looked around to see a sign telling her where she was, and she spotted one.Male corridoris what it read. Yashiro had run all the way to the old patient's hallways. Curious, the girl managed to pull herself to a room before she peaked inside one of them to see them all broken down. Rats munched on the old bed fabric, there was ripped up papers on the moldy wall, any lights that still worked only flickered. It was actually sad. But she stepped back as someone seemingly approached from inside the room, Yashiro speed walking away from the door and moving on.

"I can't believe it...." She said disheartened. Yashiro's heart ached at the sad sight of such a happy place broken down. There just have been so many fun memories held here by patients.



Yashiro eventually stopped walking when she saw an old bathroom, letting out a sigh. She felt disgusting. The girl had wet herself out of terror when she saw Mitsuba's dead body, part of the reason people thought she was filthy. Not to mention she probably let more out when Hanako-San was chasing her. Yashiro could have changed back there but she didn't want to die! So...she would change here and then head back to Aoi.


She had just left Aoi there to cope with Mitsuba's death all by herself. Yashiro was being selfish, running away instead of helping Aoi. No wonder why Mitsuba killed himself. She's such a selfish friend.

The girl was about to peak her head in to find a change of underwear, not very hopeful that there would be a pair, but that became the least of her worries when she heard heavy breathing. She timidly turned her head over behind her shoulder to see nothing, looking back into the bathroom to check if the voice was from there. But she heard it again. And again. Scratching and whimpering, was someone crying? It sounded like somebody was hurt. Who else would be here? Some little kid? Worried that someone was in danger or was hurt Yashiro stepped away from the bathroom and began to walk to where she heard the sound, freezing when she saw the cause of the noise.

Hungrily licking the wall was a figure that seemed to be a boy, at least that's what she could tell from what little light there was, who was dressed in an old hospital nightgown that was ripped at its edges and covered in dirt. His movement seemed as if he thought he was going to die as he scrapped the tiles and Yashiro could only stand there watching as he licked up the muddy water dripping from the wall in an attempt to drink it. Soon he got tired of this and crouched down, getting on his hands and knees before cupping his fingers and scooping up the disgusting water from the ground. He drank it out of his hands like a young child drinking from the sink, lapping up the liquids as if it was the end of the world.

"What the hell...." Yashiro whispered, immediately regretting this when the boys head perked up. She was frozen in fear. How did he hear her, that was all she could think as the figure stared at her from the distance. Staying as still as possible Yashiro held her breath, hoping the boy wouldn't notice her. But her fear turned into terror as the boy reached out his hand before starting to slowly crawl over to her. Yashiro didn't waste any time running away, immediately sprinting off into a random direction hoping he wouldn't follow her. Yet not only did he follow her, but he also chased after her. It was like a horror movie, this strange kid chasing after her on all fours. Desperate she turned and closed doors, only for him to be right behind her when she glanced back behind her. Yashiro didn't know where to go, while this boy seemed to make his way as if he knew every twist and turn. She could only pray.

Eventually after what seemed like an hour of this cat and mouse chase, Yashiro found herself at a dead end. The girl froze as she almost ran into the wall, the only way out being a door leading to a patient's room. She was trapped, cornered. If she went into the patients room she could try to hide but the boy would surely see her.

The boy.

Slowly she turned around and watched horrified as the boy that had been chasing her crawled closer, her body tensing up when he brushed his face against Yashiro's leg. Her heart was pounding from not only fear but from how hard she had run. Her body didn't care anymore that she was in danger and gasped for air, and with each time her lungs heaved for any oxygen the strange boy only moved closer. His fingers crept up her legs, groping for something. Finally, he found what he was searching for. The boy grasped onto the edges of her sleeping gown and pulled himself up, Yashiro holding her breath desperately when this kid who had been chasing her stood up. His hands clenched onto the front of her sleeping gown so tightly Yashiro thought he would rip her clothes off her body, yet he didn't. Taking the chance Yashiro tried to focus on him. He was smaller than Yashiro, and now that he was close enough she could get a decent look of him. He had messy, choppy hair with his eyes shining a bright amber which only reached to the height of her nose, his pupils at the top of his eyes. The boy's face had a cotton bandage on his left cheek, the right a normal bandaid. Underneath his bangs was also another bandaid, Yashiro's eyes catching the two bandaids on his neck, one on each side. His amber eyes, which seemed to have yellow highlights, glowed like that of a cat as he studied her face, silently looking all over her as he stepped forward.

She backed away when the boy leaned his head in, sniffing right underneath her ear with his face to close for comfort. The scent of dried blood and death was strong on him, with a small bit of medicine hanging on his smell. Yashiro wanted to vomit from the smell, only managing to hold it down thanks to how horrified she was. The kid leaned away before he looked down and gently grabbed onto her wrists. Yashiro felt her body begin to tremble as he held her forearms up, moving his head closer down as he turned her hands. Yashiro could only stand there terrified as he felt each finger, the girl feeling bandaids on his own. He let go of her left hand and placed his other hand on the palm of hers, Yashiro feeling even more bandaids on his hand. He then gently brought her hand close enough to his mouth that she could feel his cold breath as he stared at her hand before looking right back at her, locking his eyes with Yashiro's.

After a moment her let go of Yashiro's hand only to grab her shoulders, shoving the girl against the wall violently. Yashiro didn't know what to do. What was there to do? She didn't know who this kid was. All she knew was it was a boy, a filthy boy. A filthy boy that was quite touchy. And this filthy, touchy boy thought he had the right to just do whatever he wanted to her. Yashiro held her breath as she clenched her legs shut, but the boy leaned closer to her face. Close enough to where their noses almost touched. His eyes seemed to change to show...something else. Less of curiosity and now more of...Yashiro couldn't tell.

"I- wh-wh....who are you......?" She muttered under her breath.

He tilted his head slightly, not saying anything in response. His eyes were slowly taking in each detail of Yashiro's terrified face, the boys mouth opening slightly as if he was going to speak. But he didn't. The mysterious boy took one of his hands off her shoulder and brushed his thumb against her cheek, the girl's face tensing up at how shockingly cold his touch was. When he touched her wrists she didn't even notice thanks to how frightened she was, yet now that he was touching her face it felt different.

Yashiro tried to step back only to press against the wall as hard as she could. "I-"

She couldn't even speak before he grabbed her face and violently pulled her closer, now being close enough to where their lips were just a few centimeters away. What was going on? Who was this boy, and what was he going to do?!

Filthy filthy girl!One of the things in her head said. He's gonna punish you! He's gonna punish you! This is what happens when you're dirty, remember what Papa said? Papa was right! Papa, was, right~!

Almost as if he was reading her mind the boy leaned back away from her and let go of her face, slowly taking his hands away and instead taking Yashiro's right hand. The boy looked down at the limb as he opened her fingers and slipped his own hand in to hold hers, bringing it closer to his face as he opened his mouth slightly. Was he going to say something? She could see his lips part as this strange boy let out a soft gasp. He mumbled something so quickly she couldn't hear him as the boy spoke out of surprise and-

"HEY!" Someone shouted, the kid jumping from shock and causing him to bite down on her hand. Yashiro let out a scream of pain as his teeth sunk into her skin, the boy letting her go as he took his teeth out and stepped back. His eyes widened when he realized he bit her, and he seemed as if he was trying to say something. Was he trying to apologize? Yashiro didn't know.

Another person began to shout. "Yashiro-San, is that you?!" They asked, causing the boy to grab onto her shoulders and hold her as tight as he could. His fingers dug into her skin as if he was peeling it off and his lips snarled back to reveal...fang like canines. Yet when they shined the flashlight onto him, he hissed and dashed off into the safety of the shadows before the search party could reach him.

"Nene-Chan are you okay?!" Someone said, Yashiro turning her head to see it was Aoi. The purple haired girl dashed to her friend and squeezed her, Yashiro not even moving a bit thanks to the experience. "Nene-Chan, you're hurt! How did you end up here?! Did you see anyone, did you fall, did you?!"

She turned her head in the direction the boy ran off towards only for Yashiro to see the wall.

Where did he go?

"Nene-Chan are you okay?!" Aoi asked, begging for her friend to answer her.

"Aoi...." Yashiro muttered, Aoi's worried face engraving itself into Yashiro's memory. "I...I saw someone. I think...I think he was going to rape me. Please don't tell them...they'll hurt me to know...I'm scared Aoi."

"Nene-Chan it's okay,'s okay..." she said, pulling Yashiro's head into her should as the other members ran to them. "It's okay're's okay. I'm scared too."

Yashiro stared at the floor as Aoi hugged her.

Who the hell was that boy?

"Yashiro-San!" Someone hollered, Yashiro looking up to see the night guard Teru run up to her. Quickly the young man motioned for Aoi to give them space before he looked her over. "We heard you earlier, why were you running around the abandoned hospital?!"


Teru stopped her when his eyes caught the bite mark on her hand, Yashiro tensing up when he grabbed her arm and looked at it. The bite was bleeding. She hadn't even noticed thanks to how horrified she was.

"Yashiro-san...these are marks from human teeth." He mumbled, glancing up at her. With a clearer voice he asked, "Did you see someone here?"

"I bit myself!" Yashiro cried, the tears she had been holding back flooding down like waterworks. "I'm scared! I'm scaaarrreed!"

Before Teru could say anything another security guard stepped in, putting his hand on the older boy's shoulder to tell him to lay low. With a nod he obliged and stepped back, letting the more experienced guard help out.

"Aoooooooiii I'm s-ssoo-sorr...rry! I-I- left you there!" Sobbed Yashiro as she tried to apologize.

Gently hugging her friend Aoi rubbed Yashiro's head, "It's okay's okay. Let's just go with the adults and go to the happy doctors, okay? They'll help us."

Yashiro nodded before taking her friends open hand, holding onto Teru's arm as well when he offered it. With the little energy she had left Yashiro slowly walked out of the dead end she had been stuck in and walked down the hallway, almost falling thanks to how tired she was. Her legs could hardly support her as her dry throat begged her for water. Yashiro thought she would pass out thanks to how hard she had to run. Glancing behind her for one last view of the corner though Yashiro's eyes widened in fear as sweat began to bead on her forehead.

The pair of amber eyes was watching her from the corner.

And the boy knew she saw him.

Chapter 6: The New Boy is Watching Me


The girl looked up as the door shut behind her to see Aoi, her friend holding her arms behind her back as she stared at the ground. Aoi had already talked to her own therapist, but she didn't get her time extended. Why was that? Was it because she wasn't scheduled to leave this place until she was twenty-two? That could be it.

The purple haired girl looked over at her friend and smiled. "Hiya Nene-Chan! How did it go?"

"It went good." The girl bluntly lied, forcing a smile on her face as she tried to keep everything in her head from falling apart. "We should get going soon, right?"

"Yepo! We have the art classes today! This time we get to paint! They never let us use paint!"

"Considering some of the children in this place eat the crayons we're given I'm not surprised they don't trust us with paint."

With Aoi leading the two girls began to walk down to their nest class. Yet...something wasn't right. Somebody was there. Yashiro suddenly froze as Aoi kept walking ahead. She felt someone watching her from behind. Someone was staring at her, she could tell. As fast as she could the girl turned around only to be met by fear.

Chapter Text

Nothing is fine anymore.


It hurts.

The bite hurts.

The memory hurts.

She hurts.

Yashiro hurts.

She hurts all over.

It's just pain now.

Why did it have to be rough?

Why did it taste sour and burn her tongue not at all sweet like the candy hairclips?

Can't she just-

"Yashiro-San?" Her therapist said, snapping the girl back into reality. "You've said your hallucinations might have gotten worse...are you sure of this?"

Ashamed she looked away. "I don't know if it was because of the stress...but when I was at the old hospital, I saw things. Moving shadows. Ghosts. And...and there was this one boy...he was drinking dirty water from the walls and a puddle. I don't know his name but he was wearing a nightgown that I don't recognize. You know, not like the ones the hospital gives as hospital gowns. It looked weird. Then his hair was a raven brownish... don't quite know since it was dark. But he had bandages on him. All over. Do you know who that boy is....Sensei?"

Purposefully she left out the part where this boy chased her around and pinned her against a wall before touching her weirdly, Yashiro not wanting the doctor to think something was wrong.

He wrote something down before shaking his head. "We've never had a patient like that. It is possible you were hallucinating. I'd chalk it up to the stress and denial you had in the moment thanks to the discovery of...your friend."

She nodded. That made sense at least.

"Sensei...I heard some rumors about the old hospital...are they true?" Yashiro asked.

The older man smiled and pushed up his glasses. "Those rumors can be taken anyway that you want to take them Yashiro-San. There's plenty of them after all."

Yashiro tried to subtly hint towards her actions with the bathroom. "And what about Hanako-San?"

The therapist chuckled lightly. "Do you mean Number Seven of the Wonders? She's a very strict yet quiet apparition, though she won't hurt anyone. I would suggest staying away from her though. If you believe the rumors of course."

She sighed of relief and smiled. "Good...because I thought I angered her while I was there. I was scared she would chase me."

"She doesn't usually chase patients unless she has a good reason to." Her doctor said, helping calm Yashiro down. "I'm sure Hanako-San is a very understanding supernatural."

"Really Sensei?"

The man smiled before nodding. "Yes, really."

Yashiro laughed as a way to let out all that tension she had built up, her shoulders still showing the signs that she was silently freaking out. "Thats good to know. One less thing for me to worry about."

Her therapist nodded and took notes. "Well, that's all the time I have for you right now. I'm sorry, but we'll have to wrap it up for now. Do you want me to walk you back to your room?"

"No, I'll be okay, Aoi is out there waiting for me anyways. I'll just go back with her." She said, waving her hand.

Just before she opened the door her therapist stopped her. "Umm...Yashiro-San. I didn't want to be the one to tell you this but...I have to since I was appointed to be your therapist."

Confused she stopped and turned her head to the older man. "Yes, Sensei?"

He took a deep breath. "Yashiro-San...there isn't an easy way to put this." He said while putting his hand on the girl's shoulder. Yashiro could tell by his tone of voice he was hesitant to give her this information, and the pain in his voice made her even more worried about what he was going to say. "The staff had a meeting about everything that happened're not going to be leaving the hospital in a year as planned."

Yashiro froze in place, her hand shaking in disbelief. "Wait...what...?"

The older man sighed. "They decided that the death of your friend was too scarring for your mind. You're going to have to stay longer until they think you're back in a stable position."

"WHAT?!" Yashiro shouted, her therapist only tensing up. "BU-BUT I'M FINE!! Why! I'm perfectly fine!!! I-I can leave! I can leave this place on time, right?! This is just a joke right Sensei?! Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke!"

"It isn't. I'm sorry, but I had to tell you sooner rather than later."

The girl stared at him in shock and betrayal, her mouth open in an attempt to speak but she was unable to make a sound. She...she couldn't leave? But she was being a good girl, she wasn't misbehaving. Yashiro hadn't made any mistakes. All that happened was Mitsuba ended his life. Sure, it was her fault he died, but did the hospital blame her so much that they were taking the years left on his time in her and forcing it on her? She already fifteen...if she doesn't get out soon nobody will want her. She'd have to go back to Papa and Mama. Yashiro didn't want that. Why would she want that?

"C-can't you do something?! You can say I'm fine, please! You can say that I got over it! Please Sensei!!" She begged.

"Yashiro-San, if I tell them you're fine, they'll think that you have a lack of empathy and give you medication that can make everything even worse. If you just don't fight back, then everything will be okay."

Yashiro's hands fell to her side as she stared at her therapist betrayed.

Don't fight back.

Those were the words she's lived by for so long.

If she didn't fight back, if she just shut up and listened, then she would be okay. Then nobody would hurt her. She would be a good girl then. Good girls wouldn't get hit if they just didn't fight back. That's how it worked in this world.

In defeat the girl nodded her head. "O...okay. I understand."

The man took his hand off her shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay walking back with just Akane-San? I can take you back."

"I'll be fine!" She snapped, covering her mouth when she raised her voice. "I-I'll be fine."

The therapist nodded and opened the door for her, Yashiro leaving the room with her eyes forcing her tears into submission. Once again, she was told she would be trapped in this hospital longer. Nobody would want her if she was past her expiration date. There was only limited time for a child to be taken away and adopted in these places, and Yashiro was running out of it. If nobody came and broke her out of here then poor, poor Yashiro would be trapped in this hell forever.

The girl looked up as the door shut behind her to see Aoi, her friend holding her arms behind her back as she stared at the ground. Aoi had already talked to her own therapist, but she didn't get her time extended. Why was that? Was it because she wasn't scheduled to leave this place until she was twenty-two? That could be it.

The purple haired girl looked over at her friend and smiled. "Hiya Nene-Chan! How did it go?"

"It went good." The girl bluntly lied, forcing a smile on her face as she tried to keep everything in her head from falling apart. "We should get going soon, right?"

"Yepo! We have the art classes today! This time we get to paint! They never let us use paint!"

"Considering some of the children in this place eat the crayons we're given I'm not surprised they don't trust us with paint."

With Aoi leading the two girls began to walk down to their nest class. Yet...something wasn't right. Somebody was there. Yashiro suddenly froze as Aoi kept walking ahead. She felt someone watching her from behind. Someone was staring at her, she could tell. As fast as she could the girl turned around only to be met by fear.

Goosebumps grew as Yashiro saw the someone that was watching her from behind a corner, her mind freaking out and telling her to run as her breath got caught in the back of her throat. It was the boy. That same boy she saw at the hospital, the same boy who had touched her with his filthy bandage covered hands. His shining amber eyes were glued on Yashiro with a blank stare, his messy raven hair not even moving despite the light breeze in the hallway. Yashiro recognized him thanks to the cotton bandage and bandaid on his face, and by the fact he seemed to be smaller thank her. Glancing over his body she saw not only his hands, but his arms and legs were covered in bandaids and bandages, and he was wearing the same blue nightgown that was smeared with dirt and...blood...

Before Yashiro could scream for help or even confront him the boy realized he had been caught and dashed away. His broken fingernails dug into the wall before he ran away, leaving Yashiro to stand there confused.

"I...I...wh...what the hell?!" questioned Yashiro.

Maybe...maybe it was just one of the special patients.

Maybe he got loose and saw Yashiro.

It'll be okay.


He's just a patient that got out of the unhappy white rooms and is trying to hide before they drag him back kicking and screaming in there.

...didn't Sensei say there wasn't a boy like that?

No...he probably lied. The normal patients aren't supposed to know of the ones in the padded roons.

Terrified and holding back a scream Yashiro continued walking, keeping up with everyone ahead of her just to be safe. That should hopefully be a one time thing. If it does happen again, she'll just tell someone.

"Eh, Nene-Chan?" said Aoi, getting Yashiro's attention, "Is something the matter?"

"Nope! Everything's fine!" Yashiro cheered, her eyes still darting back to the corner.

Everything was fine.


Yashiro looked back ahead of her as she glanced at the bandages around her bite mark, remembering that boy's reaction when he had accidentally bitten her. He looked...scared. Like he wanted to apologize but he just didn't know how. She couldn't help but think about how that boy had cornered her that day as Aoi took her hand and lead her down to the art room.

Let's hope she doesn't see that boy again.

Later during the day as Yashiro was going to her class she just so happened to see the boy again, it was when she was walking by the stack of cardboard boxes nearby the staff only room when she saw him crouched down behind them watching her. As she stopped her muscles tensed up to prepare to run. His amber eyes were glued onto her, staring right into her soul when Yashiro caught him. Before she could even begin to run Yashiro watched as the boy jumped up to his feet and shoved the boxes away, leaving them to crash onto the ground as he sprinted away. Confused and scared Yashiro looked down to stare at the ground, spotting a piece of paper where that weird boy had been sitting. Too frightened to read it Yashiro backed away and pressed herself against the wall.

That's the second time she saw this boy in a day.

Maybe...maybe he's running because she's been catching him?


He's trying to hide and he's scared she'll tell on him.

He keeps running because if she snitched on him, he'll get caught.

That's the only explanation.

His hiding place in the old hospital is gone now because of the search party there to make sure there are no other kids, and if they find him, they'll drug and lock him up.

She's heard stories of those white rooms.

She wouldn't want to go there either.

This boy just needs a new place to hide.

If he's trying to hide....

...then she won't tell on him.

At lunch of the same day, she sat down at her table and let out a long sigh. It's only halfway through the day and golly does she hate it. First she's told that won't be able to leave this place until the doctors view her as healthy, then she has some random stalker boy follow her, and to tally it up she saw him twice in the same day. Which, sure, that sounded a bit normal, until you remember the fact that this is the same boy who had who had chased after her on all fours and then bit her in an abandoned section of mental hospital!

Tired of everything Yashiro picked up her food and broke apart her rice cake, not even having enough time to take a bite before spotting the boy that was watching her all day now hiding behind some other kid. An upperclassman, some girl that was talking with her friends. Yashiro slowly put down her food as she watched with her chest pounding as this freaky kid put his hand on the girl's shoulder and stepped behind her, yet the girl sitting there showed no reaction. That girl didn't even feel the creepy boy's hand on her shoulder, let alone acknowledge the fact he was there in the first place. Was Yashiro going...crazy? Was this boy just a hallucination? It has to be. No, it can't be. But it has to be. Nobody else is reacting to this scary boy, so he's not real.

The bandaged boy peaked over the girl to see Yashiro staring at him, his eyes widening as the bandage covered cheeks of the boy grew red the second he caught Yashiro's terrified gaze. Covering his face the kid ran away with no one even turning their head to pay any attention to him. Nobody even reacted when he ran into the crowd of kids that were waiting to eat. She swore...he went straight through the group of children just like a ghost.

Having lost her appetite thanks to how horrified she was for her life Yashiro got up and dumped her lunch tray before she backed away, staring at the floor.

What the hell.

What the f*ck is going on.

Is this a prank?

Is this a joke?

It has to be.

It HAS to be.

"Yashiro-San?" Someone behind her asked, causing the girl to scream and run off out of the cafeteria, down the hall, and right into the classroom that was supposed to take place after lunch. She didn't know who that was behind her, and she didn't want to find out. Yashiro ran into the classroom before slamming the door shut and pressing her body against it, taking an extremely deep breath that touched the bottom of her lungs and tried not to freak out. Scared of what the hell was going on her hands groped around for a lock, and when she found one Yashiro locked the door and forced herself to sit down in her seat, calming herself while she laid her head down on the desk.

She's okay.

She going to be alright.

She fine.


Fine fine fine.

It's fine and fine and fine, fine fine fine and fine fine fine fine.

Everything's fine.

Yashiro will be fine.

Not understanding what was going on Yashiro sighed and looked up. The sound of someone shaking the door handle alerted her. It must be a classmate, some of the kids liked to be early for class after they ate. She should unlock the door. About to get up Yashiro rubbed her head and told herself everything would be fine.

Only to turn her head and see the boy watching her through the window.

Yashiro fell out of her chair thanks to how hard she flinched back, scrambling to the back of the classroom so she could get as far away from the door as possible. The boy watched as Yashiro fell, hitting his hand on the glass.

What did he want with her?!

Did he want to hide?

Then why would he run whenever Yashiro saw him?

Why was he in the cafeteria then in a room full of children and guards?!

Terrified Yashiro got up and hurried to a window, trying to get it open only to realize she couldn't. And she couldn't break the glass, even if she threw a desk at it. She had trapped herself in a classroom with some...some...crazy stalker! He was right outside ready to break into the classroom so he can kill her!!

Yashiro looked back at the door only to see nobody there, her hands sliding off the window and to her side.

Was she hallucinating?

She had her medicine though...

She shouldn't be hallucinating.

This hallucination boy shouldn't be here.

Terrified to death her hand slowly crept up and clenched the curtains, Yashiro looking outside to see a murder of crows go by. That calmed her down a bit. The beautiful sight of the flying creatures as she felt someone breathing on the back of her throat, her mind making her relax as they cawed and as someone's hands ran down her waist. Yashiro smiled at the birds when someone grabbed her hair and let it fall out of their fingers. Such peaceful animals, a calming way to relax as you felt somebody behind you begin to grab your neck. The girl snapped her head around to see nobody there when she couldn't take the feeling anymore.

She's just imagining those bad feelings on her skin.

Yashiro kept her back to the wall as she carefully shuffled her way around the room to make sure nobody would be able to sneak up on her. As carefully as she could Yashiro made her way to the door and sat down in front of it. This...this was terrifying. What kind of kid was this? She could hear him...she could see him...she could feel him...he even left a bite mark on her. That proves he's real, but no one could see him. Nobody reacted to him, not even when he's in a crowded hallway or when he was in the cafeteria with a bunch of children and staff in the same room. It was horrifying for her.

The girl almost screamed when she felt someone try and open the door, looking up to see the teacher trying to get inside. A bit tense she stood up and unlocked the door, preparing to get a talk from the teacher because of locking herself in there.

"S-sorry Sensei..." She muttered, not able to look him in the eyes. "I just wanted to be early, and I accidently locked the door."

The teacher stared at her before patting Yashiro's head. "It's alright Yashiro-San. Locks can be difficult."

She was relieved when the teacher let her off the hook, Yashiro stifling a sigh and sitting down in her desk. A few kids began to arrive to class now as lunch began to end. The poor girl could only grip her desk terrified for her life. What if the teacher announced that they would have a new classmate and reveal that boy? She would faint.

The hours slowly crept by but eventually the afternoon turn into evening as the sun began to set, Yashiro letting out all of her stress by heaving a huge sigh through her nose.

When the day had ended Yashiro couldn't help but check over her shoulder. Every time she was going around a corner she would make sure nobody was following her from behind, and she had to force herself not to run when someone was behind her. This day...was f*cking terrifying. In some other place this would seem a bit normal. Well, not normal, but at least there Yashiro didn't have the comfort of knowing that the boy stalking her was in this mental hospital because he was screwed up in the head. As Yashiro walked on to her room she thought about that boy.

He had raven hair, and amber eyes that shined brightly. His pupils weren't centered, they were like a wanning moon at the top of his eyes with an odd little detail that looked like spikes at the bottom of them. One detail she couldn't get out of her head was the number of bandages and bandaids on him. She understood having bandages wrapped around your arms because of self-harm wounds, but these were basically scattered all over his body. As if they expected him to bandage himself up.

Wasn't the hospital supposed to bandage up a patient, especially if they posed a danger to themselves or others? Even more especially if they were in the special white rooms. So, why did it look like he was left there to rot.

Maybe...he's not hiding.

Maybe he wants a friend.

Someone that will visit him when he gets dragged back into the padded hell.


No, Yashiro.

This isn't a situation where she can think like that.

This kid was f*cking STALKING her.

Yashiro grabbed the doorknob to her room and checked behind her back. She can't let herself think that this was some cute thing where he was a shy boy who just wanted a friend. No, no this kid BIT her. This kid CHASED her on all fours. This kid literally SHOVED HER AGAINST A WALL AND SMELLED HER LIKE SHE WAS A SCRATCH AND SNIFF. As she opened the door Yashiro made up her mind and decided to not trust this boy. If she ever was going to, she would need a good reason.

Carefully the girl closed the door to their room and sighed, checking up on her roommate. Aoi was asleep already, a bit sad for Yashiro. She was hoping that her and Aoi could talk a little before they went to bed. The girl looked at Aoi, smiling at the sight of her friend softly sleeping peacefully. Aoi had to be tired after the level of bullsh*t they had to go through. The therapy, the news, everything had to be exhausting. Yashiro could empathize with that.

"Good night, Ao-Chan." Yashiro said sweetly, leaning down and brushing back the girls bangs before giving her friend a kiss on the forehead. The girl watched as Aoi turned a bit before walking towards her closet and opening it up, grabbing her nightgown and setting it off to the side. She pulled her shirt and pants off before tugging the nightgown on over her head. Yashiro grabbed her clothes and dropped it into the laundry basket to drop off in a few days before walking over to her bed, pulling the blankets back so she could get in and go to sleep.

She stopped when a crayon fell off her bed, rolling underneath as Yashiro watched it. Now annoyed she got down on her hands on knees and looked around, spotting the crayon and grabbing it.

"Come here you." She threatened, beginning to pull it back to her. "You little-"

Yashiro froze when her eyes glanced to the side, only for her body to immediately start pumping adrenaline into her bloodstream.

A pair of amber eyes was staring right at her.

And whoever was under there just now realized that they got caught.

Terrified out of her mind Yashiro screamed and threw herself back, crawling away as fast as she could. The pair of eyes scrambled out from under the bed and threw itself against her, quickly shoving her against the wall and pinning her head against it. Yashiro had hardly any time to even process what was happening when the person covered her mouth with their hands, the girl opening her eyes to see the same boy from the abandoned part of the hospital.

This boy had been stalking her, there's no denying it now.

Countless times she's seen him, the hallway incident, the boxes, the tables, the classroom, this wasn't a coincidence anymore. This wasn't something where he was hiding. This was some kind of obsessive freaky kid who now decided Yashiro would be the perfect person to stalk.

And she probably was to tell the truth.

His chest was heaving from the fact he had been caught, and as he pressed his hands against her mouth harder the boy looked behind himself to see if Aoi had woken up or if anyone was going to check why Yashiro had screamed. Yashiro looked down a bit to see he was on top of her, his body hovering over her as if he was going to collapse right on top of her. She took this moment to try and see more of him, but it was so dark that Yashiro couldn't make out anything else about him. Once he was sure no one was there the boy looked back at her, Yashiro locking eyes with him. She was terrified. How did he find her? Was he one of her hallucinations? Then why was she actually shoved against the wall, why could she see him cast a shadow? All these questions and more filled her head as the boy just stared at her before he slowly took his hands off her mouth, allowing her to shakily breathe out from her mouth.

The boy backed away from her and sat on his knees tense, his hands still on the air ready to cover her mouth again if she tried to scream. Yashiro sat up and felt her mouth, her hands groping her face desperately to see if the boy's hands had caused something to grow on her.

"Who the hell are you...." She whispered, terrified to even speak a word. The boy didn't say anything as he put his hands on the ground, crawling back so he moved away from her. Suddenly her fear tripled when she realized something.

He had been hiding under her bed.

He broke into her room, he hid under her bed, and...

...oh god.

This boy was inside her room and under her bed while she changed.

He watched her change.

Yashiro tried to crawl back only to feel her back was pressed against the wall, the poor girl scared out of her mind. This boy who was not only STALKING her had now broken into her room and watched her as she changed. Her brain was full of lewd thoughts of what this boy must have been doing as he watched her. He must have been touching himself as he stared at her body. He must have been trying his best not to moan out of pleasure as he watched her take her clothes off. So now that he was in her room crawling closer to her, Yashiro was completely frozen at the single thought of what he was going to do too her. As the boy crawled closer to her, he sniffed the side of her neck and placed a hand on her knee. His head was too close for comfort as he moved down closer to her chest, the girl unable to do anything thanks to her old habits.

The old defense mechanism of letting someone do whatever they wanted to her and getting praised afterwards for being a good girl.

She didn't want that though.

Yashiro didn't want this stalker to violate her body like that.

As Yashiro was silently praying to God that this boy would leave her alone Aoi turned in her bed. "" She groaned, the strange kid flinching when Aoi spoke. "'re so cute. No no, first."

Carefully the boy shuffled back away from Yashiro to the middle of the room. He looked over at Aoi to make sure she was still asleep, Yashiro quickly trying to find some way to attack the boy before he would remember she was there and do all sorts of perverted things to her. She couldn't be defenseless. Thinking on her feet Yashiro grabbed one of her figurines that had fallen and she hadn't bothered to pick up and threw it at him, her eyes widening in disbelief when it went through him. Terrified Yashiro scurried back towards her bed and grabbed the crayon she had been after beforehand from underneath it and chucked it at the boy, her fear now consuming her entire body when it went right through him again.


It went through him.

That crayon just phased through his body.

The crayon went straight through his body, just like the time when he ran during lunch and nobody saw him. Things went through him.

He's a hallucination.

He has to be.

That's the onlyreasonableexplanation.

Yashiro's hallucinating.

The terrifying boy was looking at her now, his amber eyes staring directly into her soul as if to taunt her that he knew what she was going to do. Before Yashiro could even scream, right as her lips began to purse, the boy rushed over and put his hands back on her mouth so nobody could hear her if she tried. Instead of one on the other, this time he had both palms on her lips with his fingers on her cheeks, allowing her face to feel the bandaids on his hands right on her skin. She felt her eyes tear up as the boy tried to keep her quiet, but all Yashiro could think was that he was going to rape her. He was going to do it right here with Aoi sleeping right next to her and she couldn't do anything about it. This hallucination was going to force her to do all sorts of perverted things before it would force itself on top of her. Is this what she deserves? Was he originally going to do it back at abandoned hospital and now he's going to do it here? But why her, why did it have to be her?! Is this because of how she let Mitsuba die?!


No, that's impossible.

It has to be a hallucination.

Once it was quiet enough the boy took his hands off her mouth and stared at her for a second. Yashiro was shaking so violently that she thought she would die. As the boy stared at her though...Yashiro could see something in his eyes. Pity? Empathy?'s something else.

The scary boy shuffled closer before holding up his hand, gently placing his bandaid covered limb on her cheek. Terrified Yashiro clenched her eyes shut in case he was going to hit her, but instead she felt his thumb gently wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes before lightly patting his hand against her cheek. Sliding his hand up the boy rubbed Yashiro right on the top of her head as he brushed her hair away, silently petting her without a single word. She peaked her eye open and watched as the boy petted her, only stopping when he noticed her eyes were open. Now having her attention, he pointed to her bed before putting his hands together and motioning for her sleep.

" want me to go to sleep..?" She asked, still scared to death.

The boy nodded.

Horrified at the thought of what might happen otherwise Yashiro pulled herself onto the bed while keeping eye contact with the boy and laid down, scooting all the way back to the wall. Remaining as quiet as a mouse she moved the blankets and curled up underneath them. The girl watched as the boy sat down at the edge of her bed before he turned around and stared at her.

Yashiro almost flinched when she saw his hand slide onto the bed, the girl desperately moving her hands and legs closer to her body so he couldn't grab her. A bit annoyed the boy stood up and shoved his hand under the blanket, Yashiro whimpering and curling into a fetal position. Once he managed to reach Yashiro her body froze as he gently grabbed her hand and pulled it down so he could pull her closer. Turning back around the strange kid held her hand as he sat back down there, staring at the wall next to Aoi.

Yashiro only fell asleep when the boy ended up putting his two fingers on her forehead, the last thing she saw being the boy squeezing her hand as he smiled warmly.

Chapter 7: The Extra Roommate is My Fault


"Aoi...that idea isn't going to work."

She puffed up her cheeks. "Nene-Chan, that's mean! You can't just say those things to your friend!"

"We know it's true." She murmured. "I'm sorry it's just...I'm scared Aoi."

Her friend placed a hand on Yashiro's cheek. "'ll be okay. Just let me take care of you. I'll keep you safe. We'll be okay."

Aoi held her hands and smiled, spinning her friend around a bit. Both of them laughed a little as Yashiro tried not to make too much noise. If she was too loud, then the boy might come out to scare them. Like a ghost showing up to feed on fear.

The two stopped when Aoi stepped on something, the girls both looking at what it was. It's just a diary page, that's all. Though that was their sign to get back to cleaning instead of messing around and being hopeful. What's the point? With every that's going on Yashiro will never get out of here.

Just shut up and clean.

Chapter Text

Jolting up from bed Yashiro screamed, her hands grasping the covers underneath the blanket. She had just woken up and she was already covered in sweat and felt like she was ready to die.

Aoi raced over to Yashiro and hugged her friend. "Nene-Chan, are you alright?!"

Yashiro broke out of Aoi's grasp and checked the side of her bed.


She checked under her bed.

Nothing again.

That stalker hallucination boy was gone.

The girl finally relaxed as she heaved out a sigh of relief, going limp on her bed. That was terrifying last night. She probably had a hallucination because of the stress from the death of Mitsuba. After all that weird kid never appeared before hand. Maybe she's just imagining her guilt in a human form. Just like her therapist said.

"Nene, Nene are you okay?!" Aoi asked, panicking by the fact Yashiro had collapsed back into her bed.

Yashiro forced herself up. "I'm fine...I just thought I saw something. I had a bad dream last night."

Maybe it really was a dream. Yashiro must had been so exhausted that she had a nightmare.

"You must have been sleep walking, because there's a mess."

Confused Yashiro forced her head up as she spotted what Aoi was talking about, her eyes widening in fear.

Almost none of her things were touched thankfully, just a few notebooks on the floor and some of her CDs scattered across the shelves they were on, But Aoi's side was almost destroyed. The rug was all torn up, her toys were all over the place and broken, her journal had pages ripped out and spread out on the ground, and one of her band posters was shredded. There was even something written on the wall in green nail polish, the rest of what was in the bottle spilled out on the floor.

I know where you are now you f*cking whor*.Is what it said. The handwriting was one neither of them recognized, and that fact made it even more terrifying.

"I don't know what happened." Aoi said as if she was reading Yashiro's mind. "I woke up to feel somebody holding my pillow against my face, but when I managed to get them off nobody was there. If it was you, I'm not mad Nene...I'm just worried? Ever since Mitsuba-Kun left us you've"

"It wasn't me!" Yashiro yelled in a desperate attempt to defend herself. "I would never do this! I would never call you that!"

"I believe you Nene." Aoi said, taking Yashiro's hand. "I think someone broke in our room."

She nodded, Yashiro holding back her tongue. If she told Aoi about that boy who was stalking her then the rumor was going to spread faster than a forest fire. She didn't need that.

"I'll leave so you can get dressed, okay?" Aoi cheered, suddenly smilingly. "We'll clean the mess up together~!"

Yashiro watched as Aoi left the room and closed the door, the girl getting out of bed immediately. First, she picked up and notebooks and made sure no pages were ripped out, putting them back in their rightful place. She then checked her CDs, organizing them carefully just the way Aoi liked them. With that fixed Yashiro walked over to her closet and opened it.

"Let's see..."

Not feeling like dressing up as much Yashiro grabbed on the nightgowns and stopped before she changed into it, walking over to her bed and checking underneath it. The boy wasn't there thankfully, so Yashiro got up from the ground. Just to be safe she sat on her bed as she changed, dropping the nightgown she had been wearing to bed onto the floor. The hospital did allow patients to wear their nightgowns during the day, as long as they changed into a different one at night. Besides, Yashiro liked the nightgowns more. They were comfortable.

Just to be safe though she opened up a drawer and took out a pair of tights, dark brown with a small half-moon pattern near her ankles. Slipping them on she stopped to stare at the bandages wrapped around her thighs, rubbing her fingers over them.

It's fine.

Times have changed.

She doesn't have urges anymore.

Now fully dressed Yashiro snatched the clothes she had and dropped them off in the laundry basket before she opened the door, peaking her head out to make sure that only Aoi was there. Obviously, there was a staff member there to help with the mess, but otherwise no one else was in the hallway. Cautiously Yashiro exited out into the hall and stood next to Aoi as her purple haired friend explained what happened to them.

"I know it wasn't Nene, I just know it. When I got up from what happened, she was still in bed. I heard the person who was responsible slam our door shut as they left." Aoi explained, taking Yashiro's hand suddenly. "They held a pillow to my face to smother me...I was so scared about what they were going to do to Nene if they succeeded. What if they...they...oh Nene I was so scared when I thought I heard you scream last night!"

Yashiro stared at the ground. Was...

Was it the boy who did this?

Did he tear apart their room so he could try and kill Aoi so he could blame it on Yashiro? But why would he do that?

Could it be so she got thrown into one of the padded rooms with him?

Was he...obsessed with her?

Yashiro subconsciously held Aoi's hand tighter, the poor girl scared to death. That boy must have gotten a crush on her and is now trying to make sure that she spends the rest of her life with him. If she was forced into a padded room, he could do whatever he wanted to her. Even though movies say otherwise, Yashiro knows firsthand by what patients have said that nobody watches you. A lot of times they won't even feed you. You're just left in there with a mattress and a bathroom, all alone. Sure, there were cameras, but Yashiro heard from many of the adults who had been in there that even if your cell mate beat you half to death, they wouldn't do anything. If Yashiro was forced to be there...

Her body shivered at the thought of the boy shoving her down on the mattress before pulling her clothes off, Yashiro now holding Aoi's arm. She was terrified. If that boy got to be with her all alone, he would be able to do whatever he wanted to her and he could get away with it. If Yashiro didn't tell someone soon then she would be trapped with a stalker. She didn't want that.

"Yashiro-San? I asked if you saw anything."

The teacher's words snapped her out of her terrifying minds reality, Yashiro panicking. If she didn't say anything about the boy, she could risk him hurting her. But if she said something...God knows what he'll do if he breaks out again. Not to mention they'll move her to a different hospital. And she doesn't want Aoi to get hurt.

"No, I didn't. I didn't hear or see anything." She lied. The girl knew what she was doing was wrong, but she couldn't risk it.

The teacher peaked inside the room to see the mess, their eyes darting over to the message on the wall. "Did you lock your door last night?"

"Yes." Yashiro answered. "I locked it before I went to bed."

Signaling the two girls to move the teacher looked inside the room, eventually going inside to feel the nail polish on the walls and floor. "It's still wet. That means whoever did this did it recently. Akane-San, what did you do after you woke up?"

"I was cleaning up Nene's things, if I didn't then something bad would happen. It took me so long because of how I had to reorganize some of the CDs into the right order. Oh! And then Nene woke up screaming." She explained.

Yashiro noticed the glance the teacher gave her. "I had a nightmare! Just...yeah."

"What was it about?" Her teacher asked.

"Just about something I saw at the old part of the hospital, it's nothing much."

Trying not to earn another visit to the therapist Yashiro didn't give too much away, but she still noticed the glance the teacher gave in her direction. It was unsettling for her. Having the teacher know that she wasn't telling the entire part of the truth. It was a hellhole, always having to wonder if what she would say next would cause her to be thrown into a white, padded happy room.

With...the boy.

Yashiro remained quiet as Aoi pulled her into the room, Yashiro glancing over her shoulder out of fear. She'll always double check if something is following her wherever she goes now. Who wouldn't, after all? Imagine it for a moment. After finding your best friend dead all of a sudden, some crazy boy begins to stalk you. You never meant to meet him. You just...came across him. Something that seemed as if it was just a simple, little mistake. Thats all. Yet fate decided to take whatever bit of safety and comfort you had left in your little glass box that was surrounded in cameras and just smash it into broken bits that you have to walk all over on every day. Those bits cut open the skin on your feet as the crimson punishment in the form of blood begins to spread out into a fresh puddle on the floor.

Or Yashiro is just making this all up in her head.

Probably the most logical answer to be honest.

The girl rubbed her head as Aoi let go of her hand, Yashiro barely paying attention as the teacher talked about how they'll be responsible for cleaning this up since its their room. Something about a garbage can and some floor cleaner, maybe something to clean a wall. She didn't really know nor care. Why did Aoi have nail polish even?

Aoi didn't like the color green.

She never uses green nail polish, not even for Christmas or other holidays.

Whoever's bottle that was, it wasn't Aoi's.

Yashiro glanced at Aoi, getting the vibe that her friend knew that something was off. Of course, they couldn't say that neither of them didn't have any green nail polish because if they mentioned that then they would probably have to get dragged all over hell to the cameras and watch all the footage. Hell why weren't they already watching the footage to see who broke in and tried to kill Aoi?!

"Alright, I'll get a garbage can and we can have someone help clean everything up." The teacher said before standing up.

Both girls watched as the teacher left the room, Aoi looking at her friend. "Well, this is fun, I guess. Maybe it's the ghost of Mitsuba-Kun! Oooooooooooo, Nene~! I've come for yooooooou~"

Yashiro hit Aoi's hand away as the girl attacked like a ghost. "Stop it! Don't talk about the dead like that!"

She was partially joking, but she knew better. Yashiro didn't want to take any chances. After all the poor girl didn't know if that person stalking her was an actual living person, a hallucination, or...ghost. If it was a ghost, then she was surely screwed. Hopefully it's the second one. She'd take a hallucination over a ghost any day.

Sighing Aoi looked at the mess. "Well, we can start with making a pile. We'll have notebook paper there, candy wrappers there, diary pages there, broken toys there, any of the-"

She put her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Aoi, how about you start off with picking up any pages you might want to keep, and we can organize those into a pile?"

Yashiro rubbed her shoulder. Aoi must be freaking out thanks to the OCD she suffers from. As carefully as they could the girls stepped around the mess, Yashiro wondering how she even managed to not step on everything beforehand.

"It's everywhere..." Aoi muttered. "It's just spreading all over."

"'s okay. It's okay. You go through the diary pages, and I'll pick up the wrappers, okay?" Yashiro suggested.

Aoi took a deep breath and nodded, getting down on the ground to start picking up the pages she had. As she organized them the teacher came back in and set down a garbage can, saying something about how they'll be back with someone else to help. Yashiro knew they were most likely lying to them. That's how this place secretly worked. Keep them hopeful. Gaslight them. Don't let them think that they're losing faith. Isn't that how all these types of places work? It's like keeping a wounded dog. You neglect it to the point that it's ready to run away, and when it's about to leave you shower it with love and affection. It's ironic, isn't it? Many of these children are here because they were neglected.

As Yashiro threw away the candy wrappers Aoi picked up the pages. "Nene...some of my diary's pages are missing. Have you seen them?"

She looked over at her. "No. I haven't seen them at all."

She showed the pages in her hands to Yashiro. "Do you think the person who was in our room took them?"

Yashiro glanced to the side as she thought about it. The stalker boy probably would be the one responsible for taking the diary pages. She didn't know why he would want them; all she knows is that he would take them. "It was probably him."


She cursed herself for saying that, sitting down next to Aoi as she fixed the stack of papers. "I'm just assuming it's a boy! He's probably obsessed with you, that's all Aoi."

Aoi looked at the wall next to her bed. "I know it wasn't Akane-Kun. He wouldn't do something like this. Besides, if he was obsessed with me why would he try and smother me in my sleep?" She asked before suddenly giggling, smiling at Yashiro with her eyes closed. "If anything, he's probably madly in love with you, Nene-Chan! Oooooooh, someone's got a crush on Nene~! What do you think he looks like? What do you think he likes about you? You are cute after all~! Heh, maybe he'll pin you against a wall and call you his little kitten!"

Yeah, that wall one has already happened twice, without the kitten part of it.

In disbelief Yashiro had to take a minute to form a sentence. "Aoi...he tried to kill you. Why are you so happy about this?"

"It doesn't matter! All that matters is the fact someone likes you!" She answered in a teasing manner.

"But he broke into our room!"


"He destroyed your things and called you a whor*!"


Aoi was still smiling as Yashiro fell silent, the girl picking up the trash and ignoring Aoi as she nagged Yashiro on and on about the boy. Why was Aoi not freaking out? Personally, she was scared for her own life. If this boy could pick locks and sneak in this easily, who knows what he'd do?

Did this boy think he could just come into her life and do whatever he wanted?

She saw him once, ONCE, back at the old hospital. Yashiro let him off the hook because she knew he could get in trouble if caught, and even though she was terrified when she saw him staring at her, Yashiro let it go. Now he's following her. He's stalking her. Is this all because she's a girl? It's because she's a girl. She's a girl, and that boy has probably never really seen a girl. He must think he's in love because of the fact that a girl showed up in his life. The girl ended up letting out a sigh. She just let herself get into this mess. She told her therapist, but he said that there was no patient like that.

Yashiro froze in place when she thought of something.

That boy was hiding under her bed when she got there.

That means he's been watching her long enough to know where she sleeps without getting caught. He broke into her room. There should be camera footage of that. So...why did nobody do anything? Was nobody watching the cameras? But they always rewatch everything in the morning. Somebody should have seen it.

And last night.

Nobody came in when she screamed.

Someone should have immediately opened her door, but nobody showed up. Was this boy messing with how everything worked or...was he just a figment of her imagination? Did Yashiro make this mess? Then who wrote that message? It could have been her. It was dark after all.

Aoi suddenly spoke up, snapping Yashiro out of her head and back into the real world. "Hey Nene-Chan, can I see your hands?"

Confused Yashiro stood up and held out her hands, Aoi walking over and feeling the bandaid on the side of her left hand. She then held up what she found.

A bandaid.

"You still have yours...unless one fell off you when you changed."

Yashiro patted her shoulders and legs. "I think I still have them."

Both girls stared at the bandaid before Yashiro cautiously took it, placing it in her palm before she turned it around. Dried blood was soaked into it.

Aoi giggled. "Maybe we can get a DNA test of our new roommate!"

"Yeah, we ca- our new what now?"

Her friend smiled at Yashiro and put her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Really now? Come on Nene! We know he's going to move in soon!! Heh, I might even move out of this room so you two can be alone~!"

"AOI NO!" She cried, throwing her arms around her friend in a tight squeeze. "No please! I don't what to be alone with my stalker!"

Her friend went quiet before hugging her back. "Jeez...I'm sorry Nene. I was trying to joke around...I'm sorry."

She hugged her friend back as Yashiro tried not to freak out, her brain imagining that crazy stalker boy closing the door as Aoi left before locking it and forcing Yashiro against the wall. She was terrified that this crazy boy would be able to do anything he desired to her and get away with it.

Yashiro could imagine it now.

"I really wanted to meet you in person. I know we've met and all!'s just...I want to be with you alone. Like this. With no one to bother us. Not even that whor* who sleeps in the bed next to you."Is what he would say. He'd close the door and lock it as she'd sit there on her bed awkwardly."It's just ever since I saw you...saw how pretty you feels like it'll explode."

He'd suddenly grab her wrists and force them together, holding her arms against the wall with one hand. His other one would lift up her chin as he had her pinned against the wall. His amber eyes would be filled with obsession and lust as he'd laugh and lick his lips.

"I love you Yashiro, I love you so much. I want us to be together. Forever and ever."Is what the boy would whisper, leaning into her ear as he brushed her hair back. The stalker boy would move his open hand to hers slowly before taking and holding it as a sinister smile spread on his lips."No. Let me call you Nene. Let me call you by your first name my love."

The boy would then kiss her neck, running his tongue along her skin as if he was licking a candy.

"My darling."

He'd then kiss her chin, gently pressing his lips against her skin as his teeth barely grazed her.

"My beloved."

His last kiss would be on her lips as he shoved his body against hers.

"My bunny, my sweetest, my lovely, let me love you. I want you to be mine. you are mine. You're my little doll. You belong to me. Because I love you. So be with with me forever. I love you Nene. My sweet princess. My sweet Nene. You are my last remaining piece. You complete everything about me. I don't care if they find me...they'll lock you away with me. I can be with you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Because you. You. Are. Mine. My beautiful, sweet, adorable, innocent little kitten. Nene."

The boy would put his head against hers as he'd listen to her, listen to her breathing as she'd try not to scream. He would enjoy it. She knows he'd enjoy it. He'd grab her clothes and tug them down before licking her chest with his rough, cat like tongue and-

Yashiro shivered as she forced herself to get those thoughts out of her head. If she just gave in and let her brain go wild then she knew that everything would come to life. Besides she doesn't need to be thinking about how her stalkers tongue would feel on her chest, much less imagine him biting down on her breasts. One of the few times she's thankful to have a small chest.

Aoi let go of her. "Maybe we should sleep in shifts Nene. You can sleep first, and we'll switch every few hours. That way if someone tries to break in, we can wake up the other!"

"Aoi...that idea isn't going to work."

She puffed up her cheeks. "Nene-Chan, that's mean! You can't just say those things to your friend!"

"We know it's true." She murmured. "I'm sorry it's just...I'm scared Aoi."

Her friend placed a hand on Yashiro's cheek. "'ll be okay. Just let me take care of you. I'll keep you safe. We'll be okay."

Aoi held her hands and smiled, spinning her friend around a bit. Both of them laughed a little as Yashiro tried not to make too much noise. If she was too loud, then the boy might come out to scare them. Like a ghost showing up to feed on fear.

The two stopped when Aoi stepped on something, the girls both looking at what it was. It's just a diary page, that's all. Though that was their sign to get back to cleaning instead of messing around and being hopeful. What's the point? With every that's going on Yashiro will never get out of here.

Just shut up and clean.

Yashiro picked up the rest of the trash on the floor as Aoi scrubbed the floor, the girls working together to get everything completely cleaned up. She eventually watched an hour later as Aoi took off the shredded pieces of the poster and papers off the wall, taking away the tape that they used to keep it there. They weren't allowed to have thumbtacks because they might hurt themselves. Not surprising after all. I mean Mitsuba was able to hang himself with bedsheets.


Yashiro looked back at Aoi as the girl sighed. "I should be honest. I have no idea who would call me such a thing. Even if they were in love with you. Like, wouldn't they know that I'm your best friend! And what kind of girl wants their best friend to be called a whor*! It's just pathetic. Ugh, like really. Such poopheads."

She flipped her purple hair styled in her signature circles, Aoi kicking her legs forward so she landed on her bed sitting. With a smile Yashiro stood up with an armful of trash. "We'll be okay Ao-Chan. We'll just have to tell someone if we see anything."

Yashiro dumped the trash as Aoi laid there. They still had a lot to clean, but at least they got rid of any candy wrappers and the broken toys. A few of them they had organized so they could be sewn back together, but those were all in a corner nearby the closet.

Still looking at Aoi she set down some things on the dresser, fixing her collection of figurines.

That's odd.

They weren't in the same place as they were earlier in the morning.

Maybe when they were cleaning, they knocked their bodies against the dresser and messed everything up.

Yashiro adjusted a figure and looked back at Aoi. "I mean Nene, let's no honest, whatever boy did this is to us is a douche. Like really! He called me a whor*! And he wrote it in green! I hate green!"

"I know, green is such a nasty color." Yashiro said as she rolled her eyes. Personally, she thought green was okay, but she went along with what Aoi said because she knew otherwise the girl would go on apologizing for hurting Yashiro's feelings.

"Exactly! I can't believe people actually like it! 'Goh, look at me, I like green because it looks like grass and trees!" She mocked, turning onto her stomach as she waved her hands around. Part of Aoi then realized something as she laughed nervously. "Well, besides the green on your hair. That looks really pretty!"

Yashiro stopped before she giggled, brushing part of her hair behind her ear. "Well, it is really pretty. Th-thank you."

She smiled as she blushed a bit, Aoi laughing as she pretended to have brushed it off smoothly. Of course, Yashiro knew Aoi didn't mean her hair, but Aoi must have thought that she hurt her feelings.

"Look it's just, green is overrated. I prefer...dark magenta. With orange accents around." She spoke. Aoi smiled and put her cheek against her fist. "It's a pretty mix of colors."

"It does look nice, especially in collages." Yashiro commented, brushing some of the stuff on the floor into a pile so she can pick it up and dump into the trash. The two girls fell silent as they contained to clean everything. It felt like a day as they both cleaned everything up, getting almost everything cleaned away. Only thing left was the message on the wall and some little bits of stuffing on the ground.

"We've spent half the day cleaning...." Aoi whined, Yashiro shaking her head.

"We still have that message on your wall." Yashiro mentioned as she rolled her eyes.

Aoi made some kind of noise as she waved her arms. "Eeeh. It's fine. We can clean it tomorrow or something, I don't really care."

Yashiro shook her head with a smile as she set the trash can outside the room, heaving a heavy sigh from how tired she was. Half the day cleaning and the rest will be spent lying in bed.

Aoi sighed and got up when Yashiro got back in the room. "Okay, I'm going to my therapist. I'm not gonna be back for a few hours Nene. Do you think you can wait for me?"

Yashiro smiled while nodding. "Yeah, I can wait Aoi! I'll just be here."

She was about to leave when Aoi stopped. "Oh, hang on. Here."

Yashiro looked up as Aoi said that, the girl taking out a cell phone and handing it to her friend.

"I didn't finish my time on it, so you can do whatever you want on it until I get back. safe for me Nene."

"Alright Aoi!" She said while taking the phone.

Her friend closed the door, Yashiro sitting down on Aoi's bed. Logging in on the device she frowned at the video Aoi had been watching. Some kind of ASMR video about nail care or something. Yashiro didn't care for the whispering and everything, personally she found it annoying. So she paused the video to look for something else.

Only to still hear whispering.

"It's's really her. I'm so happy...I'll be with her. It's happening, it's finally happening. I'll help her, I can help her! Perfect, it's perfect."

Yashiro was frozen in fear when she heard that voice. Once she managed to force herself to move Yashiro carefully shut the phone off and set it down next to her, remaining quite as she listened carefully for the voice.

"I have to be careful...I'll scare her." She heard. As softly as she could Yashiro set her foot on the ground and got up, standing still as she listened in. "I'll wait till nighttime. I...I won't scare her then. Ohh...she shouldn't have been working so hard. She deserves a break. I'll give her a break. I can help her. But I need to wait. I'll wait till night."

Silently Yashiro stepped forward and listened around. Figuring out where the boy was hiding Yashiro put her ear against dresser. That's where he was. He was hiding behind the dresser. Using all of her strength Yashiro slammed her body against it, hearing the scream of the boy as the dresser slammed against his body.

"OW NO OW OW OW OWIE NO CRAP AH IT HURTS-" he screamed, the boy falling out from behind the dresser. It was him. The stalker boy. The stalker boy room.

He looked up at her with bright eyes, his expression changing from pain She didn't know why his eyes lit up like that when they saw her, but all Yashiro knew was that this boy was happy to see her.

That was something that scared her.

She shrieked when he moved and tried to get away, her heart thumping out of her chest as the stalker panicked. As fast as he could he stood up before trying to cover her mouth, only putting a finger on his lips when Yashiro pressed her body against the door.

"Sh-shh! Shh!" He shushed very quietly, glancing around to make sure nobody was going to just barge into the room.

"W-H-WH-WHAT DO Y-YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Yashiro hollered, trying her best not to stutter.

This boy had been not just stalking her, he was plain out following her.

He wasn't hiding anymore; he was out in broad daylight.

What was he going to do to her?

Was he trying to make people think she's insane, so they'll throw her in the happy white room?!

Is it all part of his plan?!

Was he going to hurt her?

Rape her?!

No, no please!



"PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!" She begged as she crouched down, the girl hugging herself. "PLEASE I'VE BEEN A GOOD GIRL!! I HAVEN'T BEEN BAD DON'T HURT ME!!!"

In fear she covered her head and whimpered, the boy staring at her a bit shocked before he...laughed. Carefully he put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked as he squatted down.

Yashiro screamed. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!"

Desperate she tried to shove him away only for her hands to go through him, Yashiro crying out of fear and covering her head again. The boy got up and backed away as he tried to motion for her to calm down and stop screaming. Scared out of her mind Yashiro watched as the mysterious boy who had been stalking her looked around her room before he grabbed a notebook off her shelf, opening it up to a blank page and taking a crayon from one of the many boxes. As he wrote something down she tried to think of a way out of her room only to stop when he turned the notebook around. The hair on the back Yashiro's neck stood up when she read what the stalker wrote, a knot growing in her stomach thanks to the disbelief.

My name is Hanako-San. You summoned me because you wanted a wish, didn't you?

Chapter 8: I Summoned a Stalker


Yashiro slowed down to a stop as she got closer to the door, her reason for stopping to look at a nearby tree. It was a normal tree, just like any other. But it was what was inside the tree that she was interested in.

A dove.

Doves live in Japan of course, but this one was different. It was pure white, not a single gray feather on its body. As Yashiro studied it, she noticed its eyes. They were green. A light green, almost unnatural for the living world. As she stared at the dove the bird seemed to stare right back at her until it got up and flew away.

"That's weird." Murmured the girl, confused as to why the dove was there. Those weren't common in the wild. She stared at the tree for another minute before rushing back off into the building, taking off her slippers and scanning her badge again to signal she was back inside.

It's probably nothing, just a bird.

Yashiro turned back around so she could sit and wait, freezing when Hanako-San was right in front of her.

Chapter Text

Yashiro stared at the boy for what felt like hours before finally speaking up.


He nodded.

"DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT?!?" She shouted, causing him to jump. "Where's your bob haircut, and your jump skirt?! Plus, you're a boy! And there was already a girl in that stall who looked just like the description!"

He quickly wrote something down before showing Yashiro the pages.Those clothes aren't in style anymore, not to mention no one in this hospital would be allowed to wear them. You can call me Hanako-Kun if you like.

When Yashiro looked back at him the ghost gave a shy peace sign, a worried smile on his face.

"...then what about that girl?!"

She's a decoy I use. She's not actually real.He wrote.

"Then why are you a boy?!" Yashiro hissed, still freaked out by the fact that this entire time the boy who was stalking her was a toilet ghost.

'Hanako-San' exhaled from his nose a bit frustrated and flipped the page, writing something else inside it.Yes, I am a boy. Other than my gender all those rumors people say are true. I'll grant your wish since you summoned me.

Now a bit more confident Yashiro stood up with her legs shaking. "Then...why were you following me...?"

You summoned me only to run away a few seconds later. I had to find you so I could grant your wish. You did have a wish, don't you? Tell me what it is again, it's possible I forgot.

Yashiro stared at the ghost as she tried to process everything before she remembered a very key moment she had with 'Hanako-San'. A bit angry she yelled, "YOU WERE UNDER MY BED WATCHING ME CHANGE JUST YESTERDAY!!"

The second she brought that up 'Hanako-San's' face flushed red as he quickly wrote something, not making eye contact with her from embarrassment when he showed it.I didn't see anything, when you opened your closet I looked away from you. I didn't mean to watch you change. I'm sorry, I promise you that I'm a good ghost, I'm not like those creepy stories. I'm a good ghost, okay?

She stared at him blankly.

"I...I need a second, this...this is too much to process right now."

The girl rubbed her forehead as she tried to process everything, 'Hanako-San' leaning closer to see if she was okay.

This boy, this boy who had been following her, who she was scared to DEATH of, the same boy who she kept imagining would be trying to take advantage of her, the same terrifying boy who was hiding behind her dresser and under her bed, the exact same terrifying boy who she thought was going to literally KILL HER BEST FRIEND...

...Was atoilet ghost.

Yashiro looked him up and down, still freaked out. "...and you're're not just some pervy creeper ghost who stalks girls?"

What little smile (and confidence) 'Hanako-San' had left his face, the boy turning around and beginning to float away as if saying 'Forget it. Goodbye.' to her. Panicking that if she didn't keep his attention something bad would happen Yashiro freaked out.


He stopped for a moment and wrote something down, showing her the paper.

You think I'm...awesome?

"Yes! I do!" She lied.

Now with the happiest face she's ever seen the boy turned around with something already written on the paper.Okay then! Tell me your name and wish! I'm ready!

Yashiro was taken aback by how shockingly simple this boy was, finally heaving a sigh of relief when he showed no intentions to hurt her. Still a bit tense she looked up at the boy. "Um, my name is Yashiro Nene...I'm from the 1-A division of the building. wish was to find my true love."

Hanako-San wrote something down and looked back at her, stopping for a moment just to stare at her. Quickly he flipped the page and wrote something down.

What's the other party's name?

" second." Replied Yashiro, going to her bed and grabbing a photo album. Hanako-San followed her and watched Yashiro as she sat down and flipped through the book before showing him a picture. "This boy. His name is Teru Minamoto-Senpai. He's he's nice to everyone including me! He's helped me out a lot before. One time, I hurt my leg when playing, and he walked me down to the doctor."

Hanako-San stared at the photo before running his fingers along it, Yashiro noticing that his hand had dried blood and bruises all over it.

I'll grant your wish.He wrote.

"Yay!" Yashiro cheered, only stopping when she remembered something Aoi had mentioned about the rumors. "Wait...don't you kill anyone who isn't the one person you want...?"

Hanako-San stopped what he was doing, tilting his head confused.

"You kidnap the one person who you want to actually summon you and kill anyone that what you're going to do after you grant my wish...?"

Realizing what she was talking about he jolted to his feet and shook his head, Yashiro looking down to see that his feet and legs were covered in bandaids and bandages as well. In fact, all of his body was. His entire body was bruised and beaten, with dried blood that looked as if it was trickling down from underneath his bandaids. The only thing that covered his injuries slightly was his western-styled sleeping gown, which had a collar a bit too big for him. Yashiro had never seen someone with that style of a sleeping gown...not to mention...she's never seen someone this small who wasn't a young child.

Exactly how old was Hanako-San?

Hanako-San showed her what he wrote in the notebook.No, I don't do that. That's just a myth some people shared. I'm not dangerous, I just like to help people. The reason you thought I was stalking you was because I didn't know how to talk to you. I was scared you would tell someone and I wouldn't be able to get a moment alone to help you with your wish. I promise you I'm a good ghost!

She looked back at him. "I...guess that makes sense. Wait, how do you grant wishes Hanako-San? Do you use some magic item?"

He nodded vigorously, happy that she asked.

"Can you show me?!" Yashiro requested, now excited.

The boy set down the notebook and rummaged in his pocket, Yashiro watching enthusiastically.

Only for him to pull out a pocketbook labeled 'Methods of Love Hundred+ Strategies, This is Love, The How-To Book'.

The girl took the book from the ghost as he held his hands close to his chest, bouncing on his feet as if he hoped she would like it. Yet when she looked at him with a confused and disappointed glance he squeaked and grabbed the notebook.

Now now, you already might know this...but when you seek help from the supernatural, especially one of those that kids refer to as Mysteries such as myself, you have to pay a suitable price. If you want powers beyond human understanding, the price of what you wish for is going to be much greater. So, for wish-granting supernaturals such as myself, we use things like these, which are much safer.

The girl assumed he was talking about the book and looked down at it, staring at the crumbled and beaten piece of media.

"What if I want those powers either way?" She asked, a bit scared to question the supernatural boy.

Hanako-San glanced to the side and clenched the notebook, writing something see...

He flipped the page and put a finger against his cheek, sticking his tongue out a little.

...I'm not allowed to have any magic items, sorry.

"NOT ALLOWED?!" Yashiro snapped; a bit frightened at the thought of what he could have done to not be allowed to have magic items.


Now disappointed she crossed her arms and pouted her cheeks, looking at the ground as Hanako-San moved a bit closer to her to see if she was okay.

What was she going to do now?!

She can't be expected to try by herself, can she?

Teru was far out of her league; he would never love a patient like her on his own.

There has to be something she could do.

Well...Hanako-San was a wish-granting ghost.

He must have done this before and granted plenty of love wishes.

Maybe she could give this a try.

"Well...what would you suggest?" She asked, turning around to see Hanako-San right next to her.

He flinched back before grabbing the book, opening it up, and pointing to a page.

'Method 78: Make use of your special skills' is what he pointed to, moving his finger down to the question 'Do you have any special skills?'.

Yashiro looked back at him before staring at the page.

Special skills...

...she didn't have many.

There was gardening, but she couldn't do that without at least five adults with her, Teru being one of them.

She could cook!

...if they would let her into the kitchen.

Yashiro knew how to sew!

...they don't trust her with sewing needles.


...but that was practically useless.

"Um..." she muttered, trying not to embarrass herself. "...I'm good at cleaning?"

Hanako-San gave her a look that said he wasn't going to take that as an answer.

Now under pressure, Yashiro panicked. "Uh..."

Isn't there something you could do if you asked them?Hanako-San wrote.

"Well yeah...but still."

I can wait here. You can go ask the staff.

Yashiro stared at him in disbelief. "R-really? You'd wait?" She asked, Hanako-San nodding. "Okay! I'll be back!"

She opened the door and rushed out, leaving the ghostly boy to stand there. He stared at the place she had been standing at before smiling.

What a sweet girl.

How nice.

How understanding.

How similar.

Hanako-San had been right this entire time.

Back with Yashiro, the girl dashed down the hallway, looking around for the main staff. Remembering that this would be the time they would be outside with the younger kids she rushed the main doors and grabbed the badge that allowed her to be outside for five minutes and put on a pair of sandals, rushing outside into the warm day.

The feeling of the wind on her face made Yashiro smile, she missed not being able to go outside as much. So, she took a deep breath before jogging to find a staff member, staring at the trees as she rushed to find somebody.

"Sensei!" Yashiro yelled, a staff member that was nearby turning around and watching as she ran to them. "Sensei, can I please go work in the garden?" She asked.

"Yashiro-San, you should have waited for us to come back inside!"

"I know, but pleeeeaaaassse? I really need to get in the garden, I need to check on my plants!" Yashiro begged, clasping her hands together.

The staff member sighed and looked around, finally answering her. "Fine...but you need to get back inside and wait for one of us, and you can't run ahead when we take you to the changing rooms or the garden."

"Oh, thank you Sensei!" She exclaimed, running off almost immediately so she could go to the garden.

Yashiro slowed down to a stop as she got closer to the door, her reason for stopping to look at a nearby tree. It was a normal tree, just like any other. But it was what was inside the tree that she was interested in.

A dove.

Doves live in Japan of course, but this one was different. It was pure white, not a single gray feather on its body. As Yashiro studied it, she noticed its eyes. They were green. A light green, almost unnatural for the living world. As she stared at the dove the bird seemed to stare right back at her until it got up and flew away.

"That's weird." Murmured the girl, confused as to why the dove was there. Those weren't common in the wild. She stared at the tree for another minute before rushing back off into the building, taking off her slippers and scanning her badge again to signal she was back inside.

It's probably nothing, just a bird.

Yashiro turned back around so she could sit and wait, freezing when Hanako-San was right in front of her.

The ghost lifted up the notebook he was using.Were you given permission?


Hanako-San smiled and lowered the notebook, allowing Yashiro to go over and sit down in the waiting room. Together the two sat alone, the girl not making eye contact with the supernatural boy.

This was weird.

To be honest, the entire situation was just bizarre.

Yashiro had tried to summon a toilet ghost to grant her wish, and when she didn't expect it she met him in an abandoned section of a hospital only for him to stalk her all over the place.

And now he's granting her wish of finding true love.

A bit skeptical Yashiro glanced in his direction and watched through the corner of her eye as Hanako-San sat there, silently staring ahead of him. So far, she's learned nothing about him that she didn't already know, besides the fact that he didn't talk. She wondered why that is, after all, if you grant wishes for people wouldn't talking to them be easier? Yeah...talking would definitely be easier.

Didn't he talk to her before?

Yes, just today he did. When he asked if she was okay. And when he was behind her dresser. He was whispering to himself. And then when he yelled out after she slammed the dresser against him. What did his voice sound like? Yashiro doesn't remember. She was too scared at the moment, so she didn't pay attention to him when he spoke to her.

She opened her mouth to speak. "Hanako-Sa-"

Before she could say anything the group of kids and the staff walked in...well less of walked and more of tumbled inside and almost destroyed the doors. Desperate to keep everything in order the staff kept each kid together in the group as the children complained and whined, Yashiro looking back at Hanako-San when she heard him chuckle. The ghost was smiling happily as he watched the kids make a mess, only stopping when he noticed Yashiro watching him. Was he embarrassed by the fact that he was watching younger kids have fun? There would be no need to be.

"Yashiro-San?" The staff member asked, getting her attention. "You wanted to go to the garden, right? It'll be just you alone yeah?"

"Yeah, just me." Yashiro replied, her eyes darting over to where Hanako-San had been sitting only for the boy not to be there. Looking around she saw him standing in the hallway waiting for her, his amber eyes staring into her soul. She was a bit freaked out by this, considering the fact that he could just appear anywhere at any time. That must be why it was so easy for him to stalk her all over the place.

What was she thinking?

Of course, it would be easy for a ghost to stalk her.

She's a dummy.

The girl got up and took the teacher's hand, following them as they walked her down the hall and to one of the rooms where they keep the clothes meant for gardening. The entire time Hanako-San followed them; his eye glued on Yashiro as she nervously walked. It was still weird. To have this ghost walk right next to her instead of following her behind corners and under her bed. Well...that must be the price she has to pay for summoning a supernatural toilet ghost.

Why did he live in a bathroom exactly...?

Yashiro stopped when the teacher did, the adult grabbing a key from their keychain and opening up the changing room. "You know the rules, you'll get ten minutes in there to change and everything."

"Yes Sensei, I understand!"

The girl checked behind her to see Hanako-San holding up his notebook.It's fine, I'll wait out here.

Yashiro gave a small nod before walking in, inhaling the cold brisk air inside the room. Nobody bothered to ever heat up these rooms thanks to how little they were used, so it was freezing. Forcing herself to get over it Yashiro walked over to the locker and opened it up to grab her gardening clothes. Checking over her shoulder she made sure the boy wasn't watching her.

The boy...


Yashiro shook her head as she tried to get the thoughts away, but her brain couldn't help and think about it. Hanako-San was the boy who had now caused her to subconsciously check every corner she went around, and always look over her shoulder when she went anywhere. He says he just wanted to help grant her wish but now he's caused her to have another mental scar.


She closed the locker when she finished changing, taking the back door to see the teacher waiting for her there. Hanako-San on the other hand wasn't. A bit misleading, but on the bright side at least she can check on her plants. The girl began to walk down outside with the teacher, taking their hand nervously. She felt like a small child. Yashiro couldn't help herself though. Holding someone's was nice and relaxing.

"Okay, we're here. Just call us if you need anything." They said, letting Yashiro go off to do her own thing in the garden.

She nodded and grabbed a bag of seeds, Yashiro kicking the ground. Out of her new habit she checked over her shoulder, flinching so hard she almost fell when she saw Hanako-San.

"You scared me!" Yashiro gasped, Hanako-San rushing over to see if she was okay. Brushing him away she sighed. "I'm fine I'm fine."

The ghost nodded when she said she was okay, following her to the center of the garden.

Hanako-San looked around the garden before writing something in the notebook.Why are we in a field?

"It's the hospital's practice garden!" She explained enthusiastically. "However, it's not really focused on these things, so it's kinda small."

Hanako-San nodded.Is this your special skill, Yashiro?

With a smirk the girl fixed her braid and grabbed a hoe. "I'm in the gardening club."

A bit confused Hanako-San tilted his head as he watched Yashiro, squeaking as he jumped from surprise when she suddenly slammed the hoe she had resting on her shoulders into the ground, pulling up a huge chunk of soil.

"My special skill is plowing dirt!"

The ghost stared at her before slowly raising the notebook to his chest with a disturbed expression.Dirt...?

Insulted she snapped at him, the ghost flinching his head back. "WHAT'S WITH THAT FACE?! I GROW FLOWERS TOO!! IT'S VERY FEMININE, OKAY?!"

An adult glanced at her before looking back, Yashiro now embarrassed.

"...well...I guess it isn't that cute...."

Hanako-San hummed from confusion and watched Yashiro as she sat down, the ghost squatting next to her as he wiggled his toes in the dirt.

Yashiro giggled a bit ashamed, looking at the ground. "Well, I started gardening before I was put in the hospital. It was because I had a crush on a boy who said he liked feminine girls. I liked him so much I wanted to ignore my bad tendencies and I took up cooking and sewing too. I wanted to tell him how I felt after I mastered all three."

How long did you like this boy?Is what Hanako-San wrote.

"From the moment I started in the middle school division. I told him about my crush a week before I was put in the hospital...but he turned me down despite it taking me almost three years. He...he said he didn't know me...and that he couldn't love me because of the rumors the school had...that and because daikon radish legs."

Hanako-San held his legs a bit confused by the daikon legs thing, glancing down at her ankles to see that they were extremely thick. The fact he hasn't quite noticed before surprised him a bit.

Yashiro caught him glancing and covered her face embarrassed. "But that was a long time ago! I'm not bothered by it anymore!"

It does still bother you, doesn't it?

"It does not!!!" She yelled, averting her gaze while still covering her face. "I mean, I'm all about Minamoto-Senpai. I'm going to get together with someone amazing like him...and that jerk will see that someone like me can get anybody!"

Hanako-San covered his mouth as he looked away smiling, the ghost writing something before he chuckled. The laugh caught her attention, causing Yashiro to look over in his direction. He was resting his hand on his neck and the side of his left jaw, holding the notebook with a smile.So, in other words, you'll take anyone, huh?

Yashiro moved her hands onto his knees as she stared at what Hanako-San wrote. Was he...

...flirting with her?

That could explain why he was following her. Did Hanako-San push her against that wall because he thought she was cute? Is that why he didn't watch when she changed? He's...flirting with her?

The girl forced herself to see it differently. Of course he's not! Hanako-San is years old! He's just being nice! Besides, younger boys are always flattering older girls to make them feel better. Not to mention Yashiro had been imagining all of those weird things he would do to her when she only knew him as a stalker. Hell, when she only knew him as a stalker, she thought that all the things he's doing were creepy,

She doesn't need those thoughts to be a reality.

With a laugh she waved her hand as Hanako-San sat there bug eyed. "Of course I won't! Come on Hanako-San, don't be silly!"

The ghost frowned and wrote something down in the notebook before showing it to her.You say that, but I don't think you know much about this Senpai of yours.

She pouted her lips and rolled her eyes. "Yes, I do. He's one of my guardians after all."

Then what's his full name?

Yashiro stared at the question on the paper as silence filled the air, making it grow tense.

"Oh look, a bug. KoiKoi-Chan will love that." She murmured.

Hanako-San stared at her before he sighed, the girl listening closer. His voice...sounded a bit odd. Curious she looked over to see him unbuttoning the back of his nightgown as he muttered something, the girl's face flushing red as she watched him pull his nightgown down to his shoulder.

"Wa-wait! You don't have to strip down!" She cried in desperation, scared that Hanako-San was going to take off his clothes. The boy moved his hand around in front of his chest as Yashiro continued to try and talk him out of it. "Wouldn't it be weird if others saw you?! I mean-"

Hanako-San pulled something out from inside his nightgown and held it out to her, Yashiro seeing it was a pink heart shaped note card and a beautiful pen that looked like it was decades old.


The girl took the notecard and pen as Hanako-San buttoned his nightgown back up, taking his notebook and writing something down. As he wrote Yashiro admired the cards, feeling that they were made of expensive rice paper. Where did Hanako-San even get these?

You're going to give something you made to your Senpai. I call it Operation Present!

The boy laughed and held up a peace sign with a huge smile, Yashiro staring at him.

"Not that creative I guess." She said, the ghostly boy opening his eyes back up and tilting his head confused. "Ah! But uh...I've tried these things before."

It might not turn out the same way, you'll never know. You'll have to try it. Besides, I don't think you see much of him anyways. You have a skill, so let's use it.

She looked away at the notecard.

Hanako-San was right. She hardly ever sees Teru after all.

Yashiro stood up. "But-"

She stopped when Hanako flipped the page and stood up, smiling warmly at her.

You've worked really hard to get to this point after all, Oneesan.

A bit surprised Yashiro could feel her cheeks flush back up when Hanako-San showed her that, the girl's heart beginning to flutter.

Nobody has ever called her that.

That shows Hanako-San is younger than her at least.

Yet even if so, seeing those kind words partnered with an honorific.

Yashiro clenched her fists together and threw on a face of confidence. "Okay, let's do this!" She cheered while Hanako-San clapped.

The girl sat down and pressed the note against her leg, thinking about what to write. Deciding on thanking him for all his help she began to write, only looking up when Hanako-San tapped her shoulder.

What are you going to give him?He asked while floating.

Yashiro pointed to the side. "Those are my plants. They're not the best."

Hanako looked over and smiled.

He could make this work.

A day passed after that encounter, and the first thing the two did when they knew Teru would be arriving was watch him through the window into the staff room.

"Good morning!" Teru greeted his coworkers, Yashiro feeling her cheeks go rosy red as the young man walked towards his personal table.

"He's gonna see it!" She squealed.

The young man watched as another staff member pointed to the gift, Teru picking up a bouquet. Yet...something wasn't right.

Yashiro left pink and red flowers, and she didn't remember what kind they were.

What Teru was holding was a bouquet of white roses and calla lilies.

She knew those stood for something.


Hanako-San made a disappointed sound and lowered his notebook.Looks like someone took them from us.

The two listened in to the other adults. "Did you anger a fox or something?"

Teru shook his head. "No...why?"

"Calla lilies and roses when out okay?"

An older guy playfully smacked Teru's shoulder. "Maybe a fox has got a crush on him!"

The ghost next to Yashiro chuckled a bit as he held back his laughter, the girl feeling tears swell in her eyes. "It's not funny!" She snapped, rushing away from the window and down the hall as Hanako-San followed her worried. "Now there's gonna be a mystery about it!"

Hanako-San floated behind her as he wrote something, gliding up in front of her to show what he wrote.I thought it was good. It had an element of surprise!

"This is not GOOD!" Yashiro yelled. "Besides those weren't even our flowers! They were someone else's! A fox thank you humiliating."

The ghost giggled and wrote something.A daikon's thank you gift.

"NOOOOOOOO-" She screamed, waving her arms through Hanako-San as the boy laughed and raised his arms to push her away. "I'm so embarrassed! I should quit gardening! This is stupid!! Stupid stupid stupid stupid!"

Hanako-San stopped as his amber eyes softened, the boy lowering his arms as he watched the girl begin to cry. His voice was caught in his throat as he tried to think of a way to calm her down. Carefully the ghost placed his hand on her cheek, Yashiro flinching forward from surprise. She felt as his hand phased through her before he moved it back. Very gently Hanako-San wiped away Yashiro's tears and licked his thumb, smudging away a bit of muck on her face.

The supernatural boy took the notebook he was holding in his other hand and opened it up, writing in it before showing it to Yashiro.Let's not be hasty Oneesan. You have other skills.

Yashiro wiped her tears as the other patients walked past her. "I suppose."

Hanako-San smiled and made a fist, punching it into the air.Let's change gears!

He laughed as Yashiro also raised his fist, just wimpier. "Yaaaay...."

The boy dug into his pocket and pulled out the book, flipping through the pages as he tried to find an idea.

You mentioned you knew how to sew, right Oneesan?He asked through the paper.

Yashiro took a second to think before nodding. "Yes, but they don't trust me with sewing needles."

Hanako smiled.I have an idea. Just trust me on this one okay?

Despite knowing that this probably was going to be an embarrassing plan where she'd have to talk to Teru and completely ignore the awkward side of their relationship as patient and staff member, Yashiro agreed to his plan. "Okay...I trust you."

Probably shouldn't, but she does.

And just yesterday this was the same boy who stalked her...

The boy signaled he'd be right back and floated away, Yashiro standing there like an idiot as she waited for him. She took that time to think about what she was doing. It's only been about a day ever since she learned that Hanako-San and her stalker are the same person, and yet she's blindly following him like a stray puppy.

She shouldn't trust him and here she is.

Right as she was about to call it quits and leave Hanako-San came floating back at her, slowing down when he got closer. The boy held up his notebook with a warm smile, poking his head around it so he could still see him.

Well...Yashiro could at least let him grant her wish, since he's going through so much trouble.

Alright, your Senpai should be walking by soon. Take this and sew him a new button.Is what his paper instructed, Yashiro looking at his outstretched hand to see him offering her a sewing kit.

Cautiously she took it from him and held it. "How did you get this...?"

Yashiro looked up to see Hanako-San shrug with a playful expression before winking and sticking his tongue out. The poor girl couldn't help but find it a little endearing. Damn that side of her, the one who found smaller boys cute thanks to how she towered over them.

That's beside the point, either way, Yashiro likes taller men. Hanako-San was nowhere close to her type.

Hanako-San suddenly turned around and pointed, Yashiro's eyes lighting up when she saw Teru walking down the hallway. His broad shoulders, his perfect frame, that blond hair, she loved it so much. Yashiro had to force her brain back into the plan as Hanako-San kept his hand in front of her. A good idea, considering Teru was walking next to someone.

The person next to him suddenly stopped. "Senpai, you're missing a button on your undersleeve."

Teru held up his arm as he stopped. "Huh, that's weird. It was there just a few minutes ago."

Hanako-San moved his arm, Yashiro taking the chance and sprinting over to the two as she clenched the sewing kit. "M-Minamoto-Senpai-"

Without warning Yashiro was knocked square in the jaw by the girl, knocking the wind out of her as she fell to the ground. The poor patient just laid there as her head spun around.

"Let me replace your button!" The girl demanded, ripping off the button from her work dress.

"No, I will!" Some other girl yelled, rushing over with a button from her collection.

Suddenly a random boy showed up ripping his jacket in half, so his buttons were all over. "Senpai, have mine!"

All three of them yelled as Yashiro lay there on the ground. She could make something out. looked like a face. It wasn't Teru' looked softer...if it's not his then...

Suddenly she felt someone pull her up off the ground by her armpits and made her stand up, the person spinning Yashiro around and pushing her away from the chaos. Once she regained her sense of balance Yashiro turned her head to see that it was Hanako-San pushing her, the boy glaring at the people behind them.

He stopped pushing her when he noticed she was staring at him, but by then the two were already far down the hallway. Nervously he moved his hands away and held them to his chest with his palms facing her, giving an embarrassed smile. Yashiro turned around and processed what he did before she spoke. "You...helped me up?"

Hanako-San nodded.

"But why? Teru was there, he could have noticed I was knocked over and helped."

The boy took out the notebook from behind and wrote in it, showing the writing as he covered his face with the paper.

I don't think a girl should be embarrassed like that.

Yashiro stared at him as he lowered the paper below his eyes, the ghost moving it away from his face a minute later. "Well...thank you Hanako-San."

She picked up the detail of his amber eyes lighting up when she called him that, the boy forcefully averting his gaze as his face grew a little pink. The girl couldn't help herself as the corner of her lips grew into a small smile. Maybe he was a good person after all. She'll give him this chance.

Hanako-San cleared his throat and wrote something in his notebook.Well, let's try again!

He took out the how-to book and put the notebook behind his back, seemingly having it disappear. Opening up the book he flipped through the many pages as Yashiro stood there, waving to any patients that glanced at her.

She should be cleaning with Aoi, not running around with a ghost.

Yashiro was about to say something when Hanako-San held the book up to her face, the girl having to step back. What he had opened was a page about lunch boxes. It was a recipe for a character bento with cats and other cute things. Moving his head so he could see her Hanako-San pointed to the phrase 'Make an adorable bento to impress your lover!'.

The girl sighed as she narrowed her eyes a bit. "How am I supposed to do that if I'm not allowed in the kitchen?"

The boy took a minute to think before writing down his idea.Late at night, I know a time when nobody is around. You'll just have to make it quickly because we'll have less than an hour.

"So, we're just going to wait until nightfall?"

He nodded.

Yashiro heaved out a stressed wave of air before shaking her head. "I can't believe I'm doing this. Fine. But you'll have to drop it off for me."

With a little fist bump, Hanako-San agreed, proud of himself for helping her.

Tomorrow Yashiro rushed down to the staff room, still a bit tired from staying up late at night to make that lunch for Teru. She had waited until it was time for Teru's lunch break, and she was hoping that she would have enough time to watch him eat it. Once she made it there, she was greeted at the sight of Hanako-San. The boy was staring through the window with his arms crossed behind his back, Yashiro unable to see his expression since she was behind him. With a grin she approached him, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Good morning Hanako-Sa-"

The ghost suddenly snatched her hand before her fingernails could touch him, the boy glancing behind him. For a split second Yashiro could see his expression.

It...scared her.

His pupils seemed to have shrunken in his wide eyes as his hand clenched her wrist tightly, the shadows on his face making him look even more intimidating. With his blank stare, she could feel the terror creep up in her throat. In just a moment, however, the boy let go of her wrist with a cheery smile, and his eyes closed more innocently and cutely. She stared at him before brushing it off. Maybe he didn't like being touched, and she startled him when she come up from behind. Yashiro could understand that.

"H-hi, Hanako-San." She said, a bit freaked out. The boy grabbed her arm with both hands before using his left hand to hold hers by the palm. Yashiro was confused as he looked it over. " didn't hurt me. I'm okay. You got a tight grip though!"

Yashiro laughed nervously as Hanako-San let go, a bit awkward from what just happened between them. The ghost stared at her blankly with his bug eyes before pointing inside the room, both of them pressing their faces against the glass as they stared inside. The two watched as Teru walked inside the staff room for his lunch break, sitting down and taking out the lunch she had made from his back. Confused he looked back in his bag to see his normal lunch, an older staff member peaking their head around.

"Wow, now you got the fox making you lunch!" They teased while slapping his back. "Nice work Kouhai!"

Teru laughed nervously as he looked at the blue wrapping. "It doesn't look like something Kou would make...maybe it was Tiara."

Opening it up Teru's face froze in horror, Hanako-San floating up a bit to see what Yashiro had made. It was a character bento alright, if a character bento had watched fifteen horror movies in a day and had so much trauma that they would be locked in this hospital. The boy looked down to see Yashiro's hopeful expression, Hanako-San frowning when he realized how sad she would be by the fact Teru wasn't going to like the food she made.

The young man got up and offered it to the older staff member. "Here Sensei...maybe you'll like what the fox made."

Yashiro's face slowly slid down against the window and wall the girl yelling into the ground when she slid onto her stomach. "HE HATES VEGGIE MONSTERS!"

Hanako-San made sure no one was around before he got on his knees, patting the poor girl on her head to comfort her. She worked so hard and stayed up late to make that lunch, poor Yashiro.

He wrote something down on his notebook before sliding it towards her, Yashiro lifting up her head to read it.We can try something else. There was this one idea in the book, but I'll let you calm down. Since it's lunch this should be easy, but we'll have to hurry.

Losing faith, she mumbled under her breath. "Yeah but...he didn't like can I know that he'll love me?"

She stared at the ground for a minute before watching Hanako-San slide the notebook back to her.I liked it. I thought they were cool.

Yashiro couldn't help it as her heart skipped a beat to that. Part of her didn't want to trust Hanako-San because of how many failures they already had, but thanks to her desperation she gave it one more shot. If this failed, then she'd just give up. Sometimes that's the better option after so many failed attempts.

Getting up off her feet Yashiro tried to brush it off. " know. I can give one more thing a try."

Hanako-San smiled before getting up, the boy holding out his hand to her. With his warm smile and kind expression, Yashiro would have thought of him as any other patient, but the number of bandaids and bandages on not only his hand, but his arms and legs made him look almost like an abused animal. Carefully Yashiro let her fingertips touch the palm of his hand, her fingernails going through his skin to his body. Gently Hanako-San moved his hand as his thumb touched her pinky, holding it between his thumb and index finger as his fingers curled around hers from underneath. He let go for a single moment before holding her hand palm-to-palm, gently yet with a tight grip. The supernatural boy turned around and glanced back behind himself to see if she was okay before leading her down the hall, the ghost holding her hand as Yashiro stared at it.

Why was he....holding her hand?

Yashiro didn't say a word as the boy lead her down to a certain part of the hallways, the entire way Yashiro was aware of the fact she was slightly blushing. A boy has never done that for her. Wait, what is she thinking?! Hanako-San is a seven year old! He's probably just used to holding people's hands when they go places.

Hanako-San suddenly stopped and pushed her into a position, signaling he'd be right back. Once again, she was left alone. Yashiro messed with her nightgown as she waited, looking up at the clock. She wouldn't have much time before her lunch period ended and she'd have to go back to her classes. If Hanako-San wasn't back in a few minutes, she'd just have to leave. Yashiro brushed some of her hair away as she thought about Aoi and her schoolwork. It's too bad she'll be here for a few extra months, Yashiro wanted to leave as she was scheduled to. Before she could drift any farther in her head Hanako-San came floating back, the ghost holding up his notebook.

Okay, your Senpai will be walking by really soon, so you need to be prepared. Put this in your mouth.

Yashiro stared at him a bit confused when Hanako-San held out a piece of toast, the girl glancing at it. "That's....that's a piece of toast Hanako-San."

He glared at her before flipping the page.I know it's toast, put it in your mouth.

With her hands up she sighed and took the toast, biting down on a corner and letting it dangle there. Part, okay most, of her felt extremely stupid doing this. Regardless she peeked her head around the corner as Hanako-San did and read the notebook when he showed it.

When I give the signal, you run.

Yashiro nodded, trying her best not to feel embarrassed about this. Suddenly Hanako-San smacked her shoulder, the girl dashing away as the boy showed his notebook.

Okay, so that will be our signal!

Hanako-San then realized she ran, the boy quickly peaked around over the corner to see Yashiro had crashed into someone that had been next to Teru. The girl had landed right on top of some other boy, the toast thankfully having flown away so it wouldn't be as embarrassing. It didn't stop Hanako-San from wincing and covering his mouth.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry!" She wailed, pushing herself up. The poor boy underneath her was practically pinned.

Teru freaked. "KOU, KOU ARE YOU OKAY?!"

The boy underneath Yashiro tried to get up but couldn't because of her weight. "I-I'll be okay."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it! Please forgive me!" Yashiro begged, getting onto her knees so the kid could get up. She clenched her hands together for forgiveness, Teru getting down to help the boy who she crashed into.

Yashiro was about to apologize more when suddenly she felt someone grab her arm, Hanako-San pulling her off the ground and tugging Yashiro away before Teru could realize she was gone. The ghost ran away holding her hand as he pulled her away, the girl stumbling on her feet as a bunch of patients leaving lunch stared at her. The supernatural boy tugged her farther and farther down the hospital even though they were already far away from Teru and the boy. Before she could even say anything Hanako-San had dragged her all the way back to her own room, forcing the door open and shoving Yashiro inside before she slammed the door.

The girl stood there in the middle of her room blinking as Hanako-San sighed, taking a deep breath. He snapped his head around as he glared at her.

Yashiro flinched but fought back. "Hey, it's not my fault! You just hit my shoulder, what else was I supposed to think?!"

The boy sighed again and nodded, agreeing that she was right. Now tired from being dragged around for days on end Yashiro walked over to a mirror and moved her bangs a bit, noticing the bump on her forehead.

"Nothing has worked so far...and how exactly is running around with toast in my mouth going to make him love me?" She asked, Hanako-San laughing nervously. Annoyed Yashiro mimicked his laugh before snapping at him. "Take this seriously!"

The ghost wrote his response in the notebook.Don't blame just me. I'm running out of good ideas here.

"This is hopeless...." Yashiro groaned.

She stepped away from the mirror and rubbed her head, opening her eyes to see Hanako-San floating upside down in front of her. With a grin, he showed her his notebook.I have an idea. Why don't you just tell him that you're in love?

The girl could feel her face flush up at the thought of it. "I-I can't! It's too embarrassing!"

Hanako-San groaned and flipped around back on his feet leaning in closer to her. He looked her up and down as Yashiro leaned back.Well, I can't be expected to deal with everything myself. After all this is all so new to me. I'm not use to it as a beginner.

Yashiro stared at what he wrote before grabbing it, snatching it out of the boy's hands. She reread the words over and over and over again before shouting. "BEGINNER?!"

He snatched the notebook back and wrote down his response.Didn't I mention that? You see, not many people can summon me or even want to, so I don't have much experience with wishes.

In shock Yashiro's disbelief turned into rage, the girl clenching her fists before she attempted to grab the boy. "I knew something was wrong! Ghosts are meant to be creepy, especially Number Seven! All these wholesome tricks and lies, you're just a faker!"

Hanako-San brushed his hair and made an adorable pity face, pressing his index finger against his cheek.What do you mean? I'm not a faker, I'm wholesome Hanako-San~!

He squealed when Yashiro towered over him growling, the boy realizing that if he didn't drop the act he could possibly get his supernatural ass kicked. Forcing himself to write something in an attempt to calm her down Hanako-San rushed before Yashiro could attack him.

Wait, wait! I have unwholesome things too! I just need to grab them, just calm down!

Forcing herself not to throttle the ghost Yashiro heaved out an agitated sigh. "Fine. Go get...whatever it is you need."

The boy clasped his hands and bowed his head as thanks, dashing off as fast as he could before Yashiro would change her mind. The girl let off all the tension on her shoulders as she stood there, sitting down on her bed as she waited. It would take Hanako-San a few minutes to get to the bathroom and back, so she should wait there. Silently for around ten minutes Yashiro sat on her bed as she thought about how much trouble she'll be in for skipping classes, and when another ten minutes past the girl began to realize he ditched her. Yashiro got up as she cracked her knuckles, preparing to give that ghost a taste of his own medicine.

Leaving her room she stormed down the halls down to where she first tried to summon Hanako-san, the old bathroom close to the abandoned part of the hospital. Yashiro stopped when she reached the bathroom Hanako-San haunted. As quietly as she could the girl peeked her head inside to see the boy standing in front of the sink...holding something in his hands. Squinting her eyes Yashiro tried her best to identify what he had. It...was a little bag, a tan color with the word 'Seal' on it. Yashiro watched as Hanako opened it and took something out of it, holding what appeared to be some kind of coin. The supernatural boy stared at it before he put it back in the bag with a sigh. Moving back a little she watched Hanako-San as he walked over to the window in his bathroom, opening it up as he rested his arms on the frame. She had to admit it...Hanako-San looked pretty with how the sun was reflected on him. Holding her breath Yashiro was about to step inside when Hanako-San held the bag closer to his chest, only to let it dangle to the side from his hands.

He was hiding something.

On her tiptoes Yashiro stepped around on the bathroom floor, holding her breath as she crept closer to the boy. She hadn't alerted him in any way so it's not likely he'll turn around and catch her. Suddenly without a second thought, she snatched the bag from his hands, Yashiro stepping back as she clenched it tightly.

Hanako-San snapped his head around as his eyes widened, the boy stumbling back a bit as he caught his hands on the frame of the window. With a nervous smile, he chuckled, as if trying to ask her to give it back.

"Hanako-San, what is this?" She asked, demanding to know. "Why were you hiding it from me?"

The boy held up his hands in defeat as he slowly walked closer to explain, suddenly grabbing her arm and twisting it so she wouldn't be able to use it. Yashiro yelped in pain as Hanako tried to grab the bag. Thinking on her feet Yashiro snatched the bag from the hand she was holding it and opened it with her other hand, the girl leaning back and holding it in the air so Hanako-San couldn't reach it.

The boy twisted her arm tighter as he reached for the bag, Yashiro feeling tears form in her eyes as she bit her tongue to keep quiet. Finally, she managed to open the bag as Hanako-San shoved her, the bag falling out of her hand with the contents spilling all over the ground. One little piece remained in the palm of her hand and with no choice, she took her last resort. She shoved the coin-like object into her mouth; Hanako-San letting go of her arm as he let out a high pitch squeak. It probably would have been a scream if he opened his mouth, but he kept it closed. In an attempt to sound tough, she kept her hand over her mouth as Hanako-San panicked. "Twemell mne wmhawt mit dwoes!" The girl demanded, not quite able to make out the words fully thanks to her covering her mouth.

He waved his hands around desperately as he looked around the room, pulling out his notebook from behind as he wrote his answer as fast as he could.

Okay! They're special scales from mermaids, used for match making. If both people eat one, their souls will be forever connected in both this life and the next. A special bond is made through a curse-

She didn't even finish reading what he wrote before gulping it down, Hanako-San screaming with his mouth closed again. The ghost wrote something down quickly as he bounced around, showing it to her as he desperately kept walking forward.Oneesan, why did you do that?! You'll be cursed! You need tothrow it up! Please, it's really bad!!

"I don't care!' She yelled, the boy lowering his notebook as he stopped. Yashiro's tears finally began to force themselves down from her eyes down her cheeks, the girl crying as she yelled at the ghost. "If Minamoto-Senpai and I can be a couple then I don't care if I'm cursed! did have a magic item!" She cried, the girl's emotions starting to bubble up. Finally, she accused Hanako-San as she pointed right at his face. "All you are is a liar, Hanako-San!!"

The boy couldn't make out anything as he stepped back, lowering his outstretched hand as the notebook he used slipped out from the other. All he did was watch hurt as Yashiro ran out of his bathroom after grabbing one of the scales from the ground, the poor boy left there to stare at the spot she had been standing in.

What the f*ck is wrong with him?

Why didn't he just keep it hidden?

Why didn't he look behind him when he knew she was standing there?

Why couldn't help just have used more things from the book instead of giving away the fact he's a beginner?

The boy looked at the mess on the ground before looking at the notebook that had fallen out of his hand, the poor ghost rubbing his fingers together so he could try and calm down. It doesn't hurt, her words don't hurt. She's just a random girl so why would he care what she says? He's a powerful ghost! Yeah! He doesn't need her, he'll take over the hospital and show her!

The boy wiped his hand on his closed eye, his sorrowful face turning into one of misery when he realized that he was crying.

Chapter 9: Hell's Favorite Helper


The girl was about to walk over to him when she spotted another girl walking out of the room Teru was next to, Yashiro hiding behind the corner to make sure she wasn't spotted. She's seen this girl, the one with thin ankles who offered her button to Teru yesterday. What was she doing talking to her Senpai with that blush on her face?

"Excuse me, Minamoto-Senpai?" Asked the girl, holding her hands in front of her.

Teru looked up at her. "Yes, how can I help you?"

She messed with her hands and took a deep breath, building up all her courage. "Okay...I've had a crush on you for a really long time! I know it's weird because we work together, but I think we can get through it!"



Wait no.

No no no no no no no!

Chapter Text

Yashiro dashed down the halls, praying Hanako-San wasn't following her. He had lied to her. Yashiro shouldn't be surprised, but she got close to him like an idiot. If she didn't hurry up he'll probably find her and kill her, or maybe he'll break her legs and keep her captive until he grants her wish. Yes, he'd break her legs and keep her in his bathroom so she'd wish for her legs to be healed and Hanako-San could own her soul. She needs to run or else Yashiro will never be able to walk again.

Running out of breath Yashiro stopped when she reached a corner, putting her hand on the wall so she could catch her breath. She should be okay, Hanako-San probably doesn't know where she is. Yashiro will be okay for a few minutes as long as she runs after she regains her energy. It turns out she didn't need to though, because the girl noticed Teru sitting at one of the benches around the corner.

This was her chance.

If she gave him the scale now, she'll be with him forever.

The girl was about to walk over to him when she spotted another girl walking out of the room Teru was next to, Yashiro hiding behind the corner to make sure she wasn't spotted. She's seen this girl, the one with thin ankles who offered her button to Teru yesterday. What was she doing talking to her Senpai with that blush on her face?

"Excuse me, Minamoto-Senpai?" Asked the girl, holding her hands in front of her.

Teru looked up at her. "Yes, how can I help you?"

She messed with her hands and took a deep breath, building up all her courage. "Okay...I've had a crush on you for a really long time! I know it's weird because we work together, but I think we can get through it!"



Wait no.

No no no no no no no!

Yashiro held back a scream as she clenched the scale in her hand, panicking that he'll accept that girl's affection. If he accepted it Yashiro would have to act like a crazy girl and put the scale in his food.

Teru stood up and sighed, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "Oh...I'm...I'm sorry. I'm in love with someone else. I've been in love with them for a long time, and I can't find myself able to love somebody else. So...I'm sorry."

The girl stared at the two before she looked down at the scale in her hand. Her Senpai was in love with someone else, but since she had the scale, it doesn't matter. Yashiro could trick Teru into eating it, but that would be...crazy. As she stared it Yashiro replayed the memory of the words Hanako-San had written down in his notebook over and over again.

'Hanako-San covered his mouth as he looked away smiling, the ghost writing something before he chuckled. The laugh caught her attention, causing Yashiro to look over in his direction. He was resting his hand on his neck and the side of his left jaw, holding the notebook with a smile.So, in other words, you'll take anyone, huh?'

That wasn't true...but...maybe he was right. Maybe Yashiro would take anyone as long as they liked her back. The poor girl had invested so much time and energy into a relationship where she wouldn't even have the courage to talk to the person, just like with Teru. Hell, the only boy she trusted with this much information is now dead.

And then...there's Hanako-San.

She's only known him for a few days, yet she's already told him so much. Part of the reason being because he's a seven year old, but now that she's reflecting on it, Yashiro could hardly believe herself. She had the courage to talk to a ghost who stalked her and threaten him head on, but with her crushes she gets all lighthearted and soft. It confused her. Hanako-San was the only boy who she's ever asked for help in love, and he's the only boy who showed her kindness without expecting anything in return. Even with Mitsuba, he expected her trust and friendship. The only thing Hanako-San expected of Yashiro was for her to use him and then toss him aside like a broken doll. He didn't even expect her to thank him, or for her trust. All Hanako-San wants is for people to be happy, and he helps those people by granting them wishes.

She has no right to feel betrayed if she never trusted him in the first place.

Yashiro felt a sudden pain in her arm, the girl almost yelling out but holding it in so she wouldn't be caught skipping her classes. Her worry grew into a knot in her stomach as her dark magenta eyes widened in fear at the sight of pink and white scales growing on her arm. They were spreading all over her body, and she wasn't able to do anything about it. The terrified girl wanted to scream but no words could come out, her voice dying in her throat. Yashiro didn't know what to do. What was there she could do?!


She has to find Hanako-San, he can help her! He can fix this!

Her hopeful thoughts were shattered into glass pieces as she felt as if being thrown into an ocean of burning water, yet the girl was left with her consciousness.

Why...why would Hanako-San want to help her?

Yashiro called him a liar and used him.

She wouldn't blame him if he looked at her disgusted and told her to die like the scum she is.

Yet why was this happening? She's worked so hard to...

No, she didn't.

Yashiro hardly ever talked to the boys she crushed on. She didn't even try to tell them her name. Hanako-San said she worked really hard to get to the point she's at, but what did she work for? The girl had put all of her hard work and efforts into a dead plant that would never blossom. She assumed it would grow into a beautiful flower, but it just wilted more and more. Hell...Yashiro even turned to the supernatural for help.

She pathetic.

Just like she was years ago with her happy times together with Papa.

The only thing she can do now is accept her place in the world as the crushing feeling of death dragged her deeper and deeper into its water like hell.

....When Yashiro opened her eyes she was greeted to a blurry view, everything being hazy with the bright sun. She felt as if she was being dumped into something before being submerged into some weird world. It took her minute...and everything made a bit more sense. Yet in just a moment she saw some giant words appear in front of her on a yellow background.

There, you'll be okay now.Is what she made out.

Yashiro stared at it confused. "That's...Hanako-San's writing. Why is it big?"

The writing was taken away to be replaced, Yashiro glancing around to see a little white house with a water wheel.

I have everything you need, and I'll take good care of you. Don't worry Oneesan.

Yashiro tried to tilt her head confused. "What do you mean, why will you be taking care of me?"

Suddenlyeverything started to be float in the air, Yashiro freaking out when the ground wobbled. Why was the earth shaking, where was Hanako-San?? Was this an earthquake?! She needed to hide somewhere! If she didn't, she might die!

Before she could hide everything stopped moving, Yashiro seeing something out of the corner of her eye. Walking over in the direction she saw it she was in shock to see Hanako-San smiling proudly while holding a fish tank.

Okay this wasn't that bad, there's just a fish inside of the tank he's holding. A pretty one too! It had a little bow with a skull, and little horns too! It was cream colored with the tips of its fins and little wisps on the side of its body being a teal green. Then there were its giant magenta eyes! So bright and beautiful! It was so cute and tiny like a little goldfish!

Wait, a fish.

With her exact color palette.

And...and Hanako-San was holding it.

She was inside the fish tank.

She was a fish.

A....a fish.


"WHY AM I A FISH?!" She screamed, splashing around and trying to get out.

For your first time as a fish you're surprisingly good at swimming.


The boy sat down on a desk and put her on his lap, circling his finger around the brim of the fish tank. He smiled warmly as he hugged the tank, putting a sticky note on the glass for her to read.

I told you not to eat that scale, and you did. These are the consequences. You're under the mermaid's curse now, making you a fish. Fish are servants for the mermaids, meaning that if I don't protect you, you'll be forced into slave labor. I don't want someone else to use you like that. You are quite lucky I found you actually! You would have dried out or gotten stepped on, and you would be dead. I don't want a dead Oneesan.

Despite all this confusing chaos the thing that seemed most off was Hanako-San himself. The boy kept hugging the fish tank closer to him as he kept tapping his fingers on the glass. Swimming up to the surface of the water Yashiro popped her head out of the water, the boy running his finger on top of her scaled head. This wasn't right. He didn't seem like he usually did. He should be upset. She called him a liar and spilled the scales all over his bathroom. Why did Hanako-San even help her? Yashiro would have understood more if he left her to die.

Hanako-San moved his hands away and lifted up his notebook, which was covered in sticky notes explaining everything.You see if you had gotten someone else to eat the scale, the curse would be split between both your bodies. It wouldn't have been as strong for you, but you still would have been part of a fish. Maybe with a fish head and human legs.

He laughed at her reaction of swimming in a circle, the boy sticking his finger in the water and gently flicking her. "Ack!"

She swam back up and poked her head over, the boy taking out a scale and holding it as he showed the sticky notes.All a scale does is curse whoever puts it in their mouth. But since it curses the same two people and puts them in a bond, we call it match making.Is what it he had written. Turning the scale he bent it a little bit.You didn't give this scale to your Senpai though. Why not?

The girl looked down as she sighed. "I realized that...I don't actually love Minamoto-Senpai. I just wanted to use him against that boy who rejected me. It's pathetic...I can't even see that boy who rejected me so what's the point of trying to get a lover to use against him. You were right Hanako-San. I would have taken anyone if I could be in a couple."

The boy lowered his scale before running his hand on the fish tank. His bright amber eyes showed the fact he...felt bad for her.

She looked away. "I guess that's my real wish. To be with someone. I'm the worst..."

Hanako-San hugged the tank and rested his head against the top of it, Yashiro swimming a little closer. The ghost's smile was genuine. His little chuckle that came out when she moved closer showed he was worried about her, and that he did care about how she felt. Even if she was a fish. Yashiro found it odd. Why did he feel bad for her? She yelled at him and called him a liar. Despite everything, Hanako-San smiled and made her feel safe in her fish tank. He didn't try and intimidate her, all he did was silently tell her that she's forgiven.

"Hanako-San...would you be able to turn me back into a human?" She asked. The boy lifted up his head and glanced to the side, parting his lips to say something. Suddenly out of nowhere Hanako-San clenched the fish tank seconds before the entire classroom began to shake violently. Yashiro turned around and swam to the back of the tank scared. "Hanako-San, what's going on?!"

The ghost squeezed the fish tank so hard she thought that glass would break, the boy protectively holding Yashiro against his chest. As the curtains forcefully closed themselves thanks to the gusts of wind the entire classroom turned pitch black, an eerie silence filling the blank room. All she could hear was the sound of her water moving. As Hanako-San glanced around the room Yashiro allowed herself to calm down a bit. In a sudden burst of sound and movement a hole was created from pulling the wooden planks and desks into a dark blue light, a monstrous voice of a woman coming from the dark pit of dark light.

"Well, well, well." The voice said, Yashiro squeaking. "What a pity. You humans truly are pathetic, truly foolish creatures. But rejoice little girl! You are now mine to behold! I'll take wonderful care of you; you'll never have to worry about how humans judge you for your so-called disorders! You will be seen as perfect, not broken!!"

Hanako-San set down Yashiro and knelt down, smiling to signal that she would be okay. Standing back up he turned around, clenching the desk as he held his arm out to protect her. Even if this situation was terrifying for them...he didn't say a word. The supernatural boy didn't show his face to her, as if not to scare her. Yashiro...was curious about what his expression was. Was it anger towards this mysterious voice, or was he scared?

The bottomless pit that grew bigger and bigger in the ground suddenly spat out the creature that was speaking, Yashiro feeling as if her little fish brain was going to melt out of her eyes. The creature had the body of a fish and the face of a woman, its long scales looking as if they were kelp in dark patterns to look like hair and what seemed to be dead coral and skeletons of sea creatures stuck in the hair to decorate it. Its fins on its back had sharp spikes that could pierce a human through the chest to be held and feed to other sea creatures, and the claws on its giant human built arms seemed as if they would cut through the sky and make the clouds drip blood. It's one exposed eye glowed red with what looked like spider webs on the bottom of its iris, her mouth open with a smile full of razor-sharp teeth and parts of humans stuck between each one.

"I-ITS A HUMAN-FACE FISH!" Yashiro screamed, swimming to the back of her tank to try and get away.

The creature covered its mouth as it let out a ground shaking laugh. "Heh heh heh! Oh silly girl! I am a mermaid, though I doubt this 'Hospital Wonder' boy would tell you! He is nothing but a liar, he will keep you enslaved for his own uses! My dear, come with me!! I will gift you with unconditional love that this hospital can never bless you with!"

The boy put his hand on the fish tank and backed away closer to her, Yashiro whimpering. "Ha-hanako-San...I-I'm scared."

The mermaid screamed out. "Oh, foolish girl, do not trust him! All he will bring is torture and suffering, such as all human men!" She hissed, Hanako-San remaining silent still. His quietness must have enraged her because suddenly she threw her body at him. "GET OUT OF MY WAY WELP!!" She roared, using her tail to whip the poor boy into the side of the room, Hanako-San crashing into the desks. He didn't stand a chance against this mermaid, how could he? He's a small seven year old boy, and she's a huge mermaid.

Yashiro swam as close as she could to Hanako-San, scared to death for him. "HANAKO-SAN, HANAKO-SAN ARE YOU OKAY?!"

Laughing the mermaid's voice echoed through the classroom. "You'reweak! I have lived thousands of years! A pitiful hospital mystery such as you could never hope to beat a wonderful creature such as myself!" She bragged, suddenly grabbing the fish tank and leaning in, her giant red eye reflecting Yashiro's terrified expression in human form. "Now come to me, I'll bless you with a kingdom!"

Before she could steal Yashiro away a chair was thrown into the mermaid's body, the creature yelping and snapping her head over to see Hanako-San there, standing up completely fine. Before she could say anything, another chair was thrown right into her face, breaking on her face as bits of it landed in her mouth. She curled her lips back as she growled, holding Yashiro's fish tank tightly yet gentle enough that it wouldn't break.

"WHAT IS IT YOU DESIRE FROM ME?!" She yelled, Hanako-San holding his hands behind his back and staring into her soul. If he was speaking, it was telepathically. Yashiro didn't know what he said but it clearly angered her captor. The mermaid's expression grew worse as she snarled at him suddenly. "REMAIN QUIET YOU LAND FILTH! I WILL NOT LET AN INNOCENT FISH OF MINE FALL INTO YOUR HANDS OF DECEPTION, YOU WILL NOT ORDER ME AROUND!"

Shaking his head disappointed the boy glanced at Yashiro with a soft smile, his eyes telling her everything will be okay. Hanako-San suddenly pulled out a knife from inside his body, spinning the blade in his hands before holding it at his side. His fingers clenched the hilt as tight as he could, so much that his knuckles turned white. Yashiro was impressed by the fact he could spin the kitchen knife so easily...but why did he have it. This was a hospital. He shouldn't have it.

The mermaid threw herself at the ghost, the boy looking at his blade as he looked over its design. He didn't even freak out as she opened her jaw and tried to eat him. In a split second Hanako-San ducked underneath the giant mermaid's body. His slim frame made it easy, and as he slid underneath the mermaid's giant body, he took his chance. He plunged the knife deep into her stomach, so much that the end of the hilt is the only thing that didn't go in. As Hanako-San slid across the floor his knife cut through the mermaid's scales, his knife somehow cutting through the flesh of her. Yashiro just watched as he got on his feet from behind the mermaid and stabbed the blade into the side of her body, tugging it out when he got bored of the mermaid flaying around. Her eyes widened frightened as she thought the mermaid would have her organs hang out, yet she didn't. However, a giant puddle of red blood began to spill all over the ground.

The mermaid yelled out. "How?! How could a supernatural this young be able to damage me so much?! Curse you, I will return!!"

With a flash of bright light, the mermaid and blood disappeared, Yashiro's fish tank being flung into the air thanks to the burst of energy. She screamed out of fear of the glass breaking and impaling her body, and as she squirmed around in the water Hanako-San let the blade disappear from his hand before he ran over and caught the tank. He stumbled back a bit as he hugged the fish tank close to his chest, his body slamming against the wall as Yashiro screamed.

Hanako-San caught his breath, the boy sighing as he smiled down at her. Carefully he set down the fish tank on a desk next to a window and put his head against the wood. He lifted up the notebook and wrote something down, showing it.She won't be back for a long time; she needs to heal. That mermaid is persistent, however. She'll stop at nothing to get you. I'll protect you however Oneesan. I'll keep you safe from all of hell's demons. As long as you stay with me.

Yashiro looked down before swimming closer to him. "She's scary Hanako-San...please...I don't want to ever see her again. I shouldn't have made that wish." She whined a little as tears grew in her fish eyes.

Hanako-San set down his notebook before he laughed, the ghost giggles sounding like pure sugar. For a moment Yashiro almost wanted to laugh with him. His laughter was adorable, ear candy as some people would put it. The second his eyes opened however they were blank, almost as if pitch black. Sticking his finger in the water he spun it around her, Yashiro swimming up as he continued to laugh. This wasn't like the other laughs she's heard from him. Hanako-San sounded like a crazy patient that was in those happy padded rooms.

In the softest yet creepiest whisper she has ever heard he spoke up, his left hand pressing against his face as his fingers curled. He looked like one of those creepy boys in her manga. "I told you not to do it. I told you to throw it up. But you didn't, you didn't throw it up like I ordered~" He teased, Hanako-San running his finger underneath the bottom of her body. "Crying isn't going to help you, though I find it cute. Adorable even. However...this is what happens when you try and get involved with the supernatural. I warned you and you ignored every little hint I gave you Oneesan." Hanako-San whispered, the boy poking her little head as he laughed. "You. Little. Dummy~"

Hanako-San flicked her as he moved away, resting his head on the side of his fist. His eyes regained their color as he poked the fish tank, Yashiro swimming back a bit. She didn't know what to do. He was actually starting to scare her.

Hanako-San wrote something down before he showed the notebook.As much as I want to keep you as a pet to teach you a lesson, I feel generous. Do you want to be a human again?

Her eyes lit up. "Yes! Yes please! Please make me human again!"

He sat up straight, flipping the page.There will be a price, though I can't tell you what it will be. I can promise you that I will allow your life to be as normal as I can make it.

"I don't care the price just make me human again!" Yashiro begged.

I can't refuse a girl who begs.

The ghost grabbed the scale from the desk as he got up, stepping back as he examined the scale. He took his time, taunting Yashiro with the fact he had the power over what form she'll live in for the rest her life. He turned his body slightly, Hanako-San flipping the scale before catching it in his hand. Turning his head back towards her the boy laughed before giving a smirk. "You can pay me back with your body."

Yashiro could feel her cheeks burn red, realizing what he meant by that. "Wh-what?"

Hanako-San stuck out his tongue all the way and placed the scale on it, curling the tip of his tongue around it before he swallowed it whole. Yashiro's body began to grow fuzzy as a splitting headache suddenly hit her. Her body was in pain yet relief as in a second her body morphed into that of a human. Tumbling out of the tank water spilled all over the classroom as she knocked the desk over, Yashiro falling onto the ground as the desks fell down and the tank landed on her head.

Yashiro lifted up the tank with both hands as she opened her eyes, thankfully still wearing her clothes. As her eyes focused on the world she saw Hanako-San leaning down in front of her. He giggled and spread the fingers that were over his mouth, revealing his smile. In any other context Yashiro would be happy to see him smiling, but with the look in his eyes and the price she had to pay for this wish she knew she was f*cked.

Probably literally.

She scrambled back against the wall, the boy stepping closer as he got down on his knees and crawled closer to her. Hanako-San had her pinned, just like the time when she caught him under her bed. The supernatural boy put his hand next to her waist before lifting up Yashiro's chin, the boy leaning into her ear.

"You're going to have to pay me back, Oneesan." He whispered, Yashiro feeling a chill run down her spine as he leaned closer. "I must're a pretty girl. Much prettier than everyone else in this hospital. You're wonderful. So sweet like ramune." He praised. Against her own will Yashiro blushed harder as he continued to tease her, tilting her head to the side so he could let his cold breath brush against her neck. As much as Yashiro didn't want to admit it...this was kinda hot. Until she remembered Hanako-San is seven. As they boy sat down on her lap and lifted up her head with both of his hands he giggled right in her ear. "I shouldn't tease you too much, though I adore what a flustered mess you are. Besides, I know what I want from you. In return to pay me back...I want you to give me..."

Suddenly he jolted back and held up his notebook, a dorky smile on his face.

Your labor to help me work!

Yashiro stared at him confused as he laughed. " want what?"

It's the perfect time! I've really wanted an assistant, not to mention as a ghost it gets lonely. You can help me out so much!

She was silent for a moment as Hanako-San stared at her innocently, only to break out into laughter.

With tears in his eyes as he laughed Hanako-San scribbled down his words.Wait, did you think I meant something dirty?! Oh, you're a dirty daikon Oneesan!

"TAKE THIS, YOU PERVERTED JERK!!" She yelled, punching him right in the gut. The ghost yelled in pain as he was flung back, tumbling into a desk. She realized what happened when Yashiro stood up. "Wait...I can touch you now?"

The boy coughed and held his stomach, weakly writing down the answer to her question.It's the scales. You ate one, I ate one. Now our souls are connected. Be nice to me, I granted you two wishes. That's what you wanted, right?

"What I wanted? What do you mean? And what do you mean by two?"

He got up and brushed himself off, Hanako-San taking her hands and gently holding them with their fingers entwined. Floating up it seemed as if all the sunlight in the world began to fill the room, the red curtains opening fully and waving in the breeze from the windows.

"You wished to be human, and said you wanted anyone to be with you in a couple, right?" He asked, Hanako-San leaning closer. "Well, now that our souls are connected, it's the same thing as dating someone right?"

The girl gasped a bit as Hanako-San said that. "That's-That's a little-d-dating someone?"

As the setting sun glowed in the room, the two marked that day as the beginning of something special. Something wonderful. Something that neither of them will ever forget. With the flowing curtains and beautiful golden beams, both Yashiro and Hanako-San started the journey to a world of happiness.

Hanako-San realized something and picked up his notebook floating back down to the ground and showing Yashiro what he wrote.Oh, you should dry those off. Probably collect them too. They're very valuable in the supernatural world!

"Wait, what do you mean?" She asked, still blushing from his words moments ago.

The boy gently took her arm and turned it over, running his finger down on the pink and white scales that were on her body. The second Yashiro saw that she screamed, the poor ghost giving a nervous grin as Yashiro wailed around, panicking. With the sky turning purple through the windows, the two stayed in that classroom until dark as the ghost taught her to dry her body so the scales would go away.

A mental hospital is the oddest place to find love, isn't it?

Looks like love truly did find Yashiro.

Chapter 10: The Consequences of My Actions


"Oh no, no it's fine! It's alright!" She laughed, waving her hands while sweat beaded on the side of her head. Yashiro will just have to force herself to forget about those stupid things her brain had made her think about. Why can't she ever go anywhere without her mind trying to make her think of dirty stuff? Wait, Hanako-San is a ghost though. Was he saying he was thirteen as in his age, or the fact that he's been dead for thirteen years? How long has he been dead? Yashiro could ask him.

Wouldn't it be rude though?

Its probably disrespectful to ask a ghost how long they've been dead for, though Yashiro probably could get a pass for it because she is his assistant.

To be honest its better if she doesn't know.

Chapter Text

Yesterday was a day marked as a beginning for Yashiro. She was now bonded to the ghost Hanako-San, a kind seven year old boy who grants wishes to those who ask for them. He seemed scary at first, but deep-down Yashiro could see that Hanako-San was one of the most caring and understanding people she's ever met.

There's problem.

...he's following her everywhere now.

The girl looked behind her shoulder in the office to see Hanako-San floating next to her, the boy biting on one of the toy blocks they kept for younger children. After yesterday's shenanigans Yashiro got in trouble for skipping class and staying up late, so she was in the office to try and have everything explained. However, when she had woken up that morning not only was she greeted by Aoi, but Yashiro had to try and act normal when she opened her door to see Hanako-San standing out there waiting for her. He just started to follow her with the excuse that she is now his assistant, so he has to follow her to keep her safe. It was...weird. Part of her was freaked out by it because he's the same boy who had been stalking her, so she felt as if it was all happening again.

Hanako-San turned to float on his stomach as he inched closer to her, the boy leaning in on her face. "Could you please not get so close?" She asked, the boy moving away as he looked around the office. He seemed curious, and Yashiro couldn't blame him for that. He must have been in that toilet stall for quite a long time.

Watching as the supernatural boy picked up the toy block Yashiro thought about him. If she is now his assistant...why isn't she dead? Did he need her to be alive? At the very least Yashiro would like an explanation. Instead of asking she sat there silently, staring at Hanako-San as he yelled out from biting too hard on the wooden block. He tossed it on the ground and crossed his arms, glaring at the ground. To tell the truth Yashiro found it a bit endearing. Cute, even.


Hanako-San looked over at Yashiro as she looked away, the ghost moving his head down to the bandages wrapped around her hand. The boy moved away and looked at his assistant, noticing the way her head way slightly tilted as she looked away. He knew she wasn't purposely looking away from him. His eyes studied the way her head was built and her jaw, smiling when he didn't see any marks of scars. Her long hair partially covered his view a bit, yet he didn't mind.

Yashiro looked back at Hanako-San when he tapped her hand, reading what he had written on his notebook.I'm sorry about how I bit you that one time. I was surprised and it was my natural reaction...I bite things when I get scared.

The girl looked down at her hand, looking back up at Hanako-San. When he caught her eyes, he covered his face with the notebook embarrassed, the girl letting out a giggle. "It's okay. I forgive you now."

Lowering his notebook Hanako-San's expression changed to a smile, clearly happy she forgave him for biting her. At least he apologized, that's the main reason she forgives him. Hanako-San was a good person.

Thinking about what she wrote Yashiro asked him a question. "Is that why you were biting the block? Are you scared?"

He tensed up a bit, clearly feeling called out by the question. After a moment he slowly nodded and shamefully looked away from her, Hanako-San grabbing the edges of his nightgown and clenching them. He must feel bad for getting her in trouble, he was the one who made her stay up late in the hospital. Yashiro was lucky they even let her go to bed instead of making her immediately go talk to her therapist. She's not even going to her usual therapist; she has to talk to someone else. How will she explain that the reason she was out in an abandoned classroom was because she ate a fish scale and then there was a mermaid that was trying to kidnap her? They would think she's crazier than she already is.

Before she could tell Hanako-San that it's okay to be scared the door was opened, a doctor calling out her name. Getting up from the chair Yashiro tried to control herself from screaming, Hanako-San floating over to be closer to his assistant. Looking over her body the ghost held his hands close to his chest, poking his nose closer to Yashiro. Was he going to follow her into the therapy room? That's a bit...weird.

Closing the door the therapist smiled. "Go ahead and sit-down Yashiro-San. You're not in trouble. I'm just here to ask you why you were out late, and why you were in a dangerous part of the building."

Yashiro sat in the chair before realizing something. " did you know I was there?"

"We have camera footage of you in the classroom. You demonstrated...weird behavior. Has everything been okay lately ever since the loss of your friend Sousuke Mitsuba-Kun?"

Staring at the ground Yashiro thought about what to say, watching Hanako-San spin in a little ball through the corner of her eye. He...he was not helping with her situation.

"I think I was disassociating from reality...I probably walked down there and got lost before resting in the classroom." She lied. It was clear there was no way out of this that didn't end well.

Nodding the therapist took notes, Hanako-San floating right up in their face and sticking his hand through them. "Do you remember anything? Any thoughts, any feelings?"

"I felt scared...and tired." Yashiro said, trying not to say too much or too little. It was like weighing her choices on a scale. If she says too much, she'll get in trouble. If she says too little, she gets in trouble. What a stupid place she's forced to live in. All these pointless rules that they say are for the children's safety but are actually there so they can control everything. Sure, part of Yashiro liked it. The schedules and rules were the only things that made sense.

Hanako-San frowned and grabbed the therapist's head, trying to move it only for it not to work. "Do you feel as if your emotions are taking over your body, or as if you're not in control as much?"

"Not really. I feel in control overall. My hallucinations are getting better."

The sound of the paper scribbling annoyed Yashiro slightly, the girl wondering why she was even here. She's not a child, she's fifteen. She can take care of herself.

"Do you have an interest in the occult, Yashiro-San?" They suddenly asked, throwing both Hanako-San and Yashiro for a loop.

"Uh...yes. I do. Why?" Yashiro asked.

The therapist smiled and set down their notepad on their lap. "Word gets around pretty fast here. You've been asking staff and patients about the superntaurals in this school, and you've taken an interest in knowing about the seven mysteries. I myself don't quite involve myself in the stories that go around in hospital gossip, though I know a few things. Mostly of the top two."

Hanako-San tried to get the therapist's attention, grumbling something and floating over to Yashiro. Out of nowhere with no warning the boy hugged her and shoved his cheeks against her shoulder, the ghost clinging onto Yashiro as if he was offended.

"Number Six is a more seasonal rumor, and Number Seven is just one that I hear all the time. Every day the story is changing. Do you think that perhaps it's your involvement in listening to these rumor that is causing your strange behavior? I'll even cut you a deal. If you tell me the truth, I won't let anyone know okay?"

Yashiro glanced at Hanako-San as he nodded. "I...I went looking for some of the supernaturals."

Her therapist sighed and rubbed their forehead. "That's what I're not in trouble, alright Yashiro-San? Just...hmm. Okay, I'm going to up your dosage of medication, and if this keeps up, I'm going to have someone be assigned as your personal assistant. If I may suggest, I don't think you should focus on the rumors. I understand you may be looking for an escape after the loss of your friend, but you always have other options. You can always talk to us or ask for time alone to think about everything. Mourning won't last forever."

"A-alright." She mumbled, messing with her hands. The medication part didn't make much sense, but Yashiro did take their warning to heart. "May I go now?"

"I should say no, but I can clearly see that your problem is just the fact you're grieving. We might have to schedule more meetings with your therapist. Yes, you can leave now Yashiro-San."

Getting up from her seat (with Hanako-San still clinging onto her) Yashiro carefully opened the doorknob, part of her afraid that the therapist had covered it in anthrax and was going to use it to kill her. Slowly opening the door Yashiro forced her legs to move as she left the room, walking down the hallway as Hanako-San let go of her. The boy just...stared at her while floating, holding his hands close to his chest like a dinosaur.

Who's Sousuke-Kun?Hanako-San asked through his notebook, trying to strike a conversation.

Yashiro fidgeted with the bandaid on her left hand. "He's...he's an old...well...not that old actually. He's a friend I use to have. He killed himself on the day I first met you. I was horrified at the sight of his body and...and..."

The memory of Mitsuba's body made her choke up, the girl starting to shake as her throat tightened.

"I don't want to talk about it." She muttered.

Hanako-San stopped floating in his cat like posture, the boy clenching the notebook as he thought about what to say. Scribbling down his words the ghost tapped his assistant's shoulder and held the notebook in front of his face.

Well, you met me that day, right? At least that's one good thing. I'm sure Sousuke-Kun is happy that you made a new friend.

Yashiro moved the notebook from his face, Hanako-San squeaking when they made eye contact. "Hanako-San...wouldn't you be able to talk to Mitsuba-Kun since you're a ghost?"

He broke eye contact from Yashiro, tensing up a bit. He seemed uncomfortable with the topic, but Hanako-San still wrote down his response.It's complicated, but the shortest answer I can give is that I most likely can't. If I do see him though, I'll tell him that you're safe.

That seemed to relief some of Yashiro's worries. "Hey, Hanako-San, thank you for being there for me and everything. I know it must be difficult to do so much work and listen to such things as a seven year old."

The ghost stared at her for a second before blinking, his expression changing to a flustered one from embarrassment. His eyes widened as his words got caught in his throat, blush speckling on his cheeks. Covering his face with his notebook as he wrote his response Yashiro thought about his reaction. Was he not use to having people thank him? It could be that maybe-

I'm thirteen, Oneesan.

Yashiro stared at those words as Hanako-San pressed his legs together, shyly covering his face so he wouldn't expose his reaction. On the other hand, the girl kept rereading what he wrote over and over again before she flushed up. Remembering the time he was under her bed and all those things he said when granting her wish made her realization even worse. At first, she thought that he was just being a jerk and teasing her with the whole 'pay with your body' situation, but now Yashiro was stuck with the realization that he was of legal age. It made her feel a little less guilty about how she thought he had that cute energy, but it also made everything else so much worse.

Hanako-San wrote something else down and showed it.I'm sorry if that makes things more awkward.

"Oh no, no it's fine! It's alright!" She laughed, waving her hands while sweat beaded on the side of her head. Yashiro will just have to force herself to forget about those stupid things her brain had made her think about. Why can't she ever go anywhere without her mind trying to make her think of dirty stuff? Wait, Hanako-San is a ghost though. Was he saying he was thirteen as in his age, or the fact that he's been dead for thirteen years? How long has he been dead? Yashiro could ask him.

Wouldn't it be rude though?

Its probably disrespectful to ask a ghost how long they've been dead for, though Yashiro probably could get a pass for it because she is his assistant.

To be honest its better if she doesn't know.

The girl glanced over at Hanako-San, the supernatural boy nibbling on the corner of his notebook like a small child chewing on whatever was in its hands. Was he...scared? Scared of what? Maybe he was scared that Yashiro would find everything awkward now. Or maybe Hanako-San just bites things. She wouldn't blame him.

...he's like a small house pet.

Hanako-San wiped his nose with the back of his hand as he held the notebook tightly to his chest, scratching his ear as he floated on his back. Right after dealing with his itch the ghost flicked his lips and returned to nibbling on the wire on his notebook, Yashiro almost stopping for a moment to ask him what he's doing. To be honest, it's probably a better idea to just let him do his thing. Yashiro doesn't know how long Hanako-San has been a ghost for probably a long time, so he's probably just getting use to the world again. Not something she can blame him for.

The ghost glanced at Yashiro before looking at his chewed notebook, opening it and using his crayon to write down what he wanted to say.Nene-Oneesan, I need to go something. Can I trust you to go on with your day without needing me?

"Yeah...though I don't know why I would need you." Yashiro said, realizing her words when he whimpered softly. "Not in that way of course! I mean like, I don't mind you when you hang out with me! It's just, you know! I mean like why it would be needed in some sort of life-or-death situation!"

Hanako-San only blinked at her with an innocent expression, tilting his head. "Hmm?"

"Ne-nevermind! You can do what you need to do!" She exclaimed, trying not to make the situation worse.

The boy floated over to her and took her hand, turning it so her palm was showing to her. Carefully the ghost moved his finger around in weird motions, his fingernail lightly scratching her skin. Once he was done Hanako-San smiled, giving her a little wave before floating away. Part of Yashiro was left wondering what he had to go do, but it wasn't her business. Or maybe it was? She was his assistant.

Shaking her head Yashiro looked at the time. It was almost time for her to go to a class unfortunately, so she'll have to think about what happening with Hanako-San later. Stopping by her room Yashiro grabbed her things, including her doodle book, and walked down the halls to one of the classrooms, sitting down right as the class ended.

"Oh, Yashiro-San." The teacher called, the girl freezing up in fear that she was in trouble. Carefully she stood up.


"It's alright that you missed class, just make that you ask for someone's notes." He said.

Sighing from relief Yashiro sat down and reached for her doodle book, using her other hand to brush her hair back and fix her hairclips-

Wait, where were her hairclips?! And her doodle book! Yashiro only looked away for a moment, where did they go?!

Shoving her head into her desk the girl felt the sides of her head, feeling naked without her hairclips. "Oh no no no...this is bad..."

Yashiro felt as if she was about to cry, only stopping when she heard Aoi. "Nene-Chan, what's wrong?"

"Aoi...I...I don't know where my stuff went..." Yashiro explained, holding back tears.

Aoi rubbed Yashiro's shoulders. "Maybe the Faeries took them?"

Yashiro looked up to her friend. "Faeries? What do you mean Aoi?"

Aoi set down her water bottle and giggled before sitting next to Yashiro, putting her hand on Yashiro's. "You really don't listen to the radio channel, do you? Well, I'll tell you." She said before motioning for Yashiro to lean in. In a hushed voice Aoi told the story. "Have you ever had something go missing right when you needed it, or in a moment it disappeared right from your eyes? You might have gotten a special visit from the Faeries. They're responsible for stealing so many things from people. You CAN get them back from others...but here's the catch. You must never look at them in the eye, or else they will take your life from you~"

The poor girl trembled terrified with a nervous smile, Aoi laughing.

Patting Yashiro's head the purple haired girl smiled. "Well, that's just the rumor! I'm sure you'll be fine!"

"Y-yeah, it's just a story after all!"

Yashiro waved her hands around a bit as Aoi played with her friends hair. Another long as she doesn't try to summon the Faeries then Yashiro will be fine! She doesn't need more than one supernatural following her.

The girls looked over at a group of kids nearby the doors, overhearing the conversations.

"Oh no, I lost the handkerchief Senpai let me borrow!" One girl said.

Another girl looked through her handbag. "Hey, somebody took my keychains!"

"My bento box isn't here, I've had it since I was a toddler!"

Some boy screeched. "HANITARO?!?! WHERE DID THEY GO?!?!"

Aoi looked back at Yashiro before giggling. "Maybe the rumors are true?"

"I'd hope not..."

"Besides, I can go looking for your stuff with you Nene-Chan! It's better to go with a friend after all, right?" Aoi asked. She smiled before adding more. "Either way, it's not like its actually real."

Before Yashiro could respond they heard someone yell something from out in the hall, the girls standing up as the teacher told everyone to calm down. Ignoring the staff, the entire group of kids rushed out of the classroom to be met by a huge mess.

"Our rooms got ransacked!" A patient shouted, pointing to the rooms that had their doors ripped off their hinges. There was an entire mess everywhere with people's possessions missing or broken.

Yashiro froze up in the realization that maybe...the faeries really did do this.

What could she do?!

This... this was-

Suddenly Aoi yelped as she got shoved, her water bottle slipping out of her hands and hitting Yashiro right on the head. Water splashed all over the girl as she tried to process what was happening, her friend screaming when she saw what happened.

"Nene, I'm sorry! Someone pushed me!"

Yashiro snapped out of trace and flicked her wrist. "Oh, it's fine! I thought it was sorta funny actua-"

In a split second Yashiro's blood ran cold when she felt the scales begin to grow on her cheek, her fingertips brushing against them to feel if it was real. She shrieked and sprinted down the hall, ignoring Aoi when she begged for Yashiro to come back. Not focused on the real world Yashiro pulled herself into her head. What if someone stopped her and saw the scales? They would think she's a filthy girl, and they would do tests on her like some fort of freak. Maybe they would ship her off to some sort of scientists so they could study her body. Yashiro doesn't want that, she needs to stay with Aoi. And...Hanako-San. If she leaves, then his powers might go away and turn her into a fish full time. Yashiro can't let anyone see anything.

Yashiro stopped and gasped for air, her legs ready to give out. She's been abusing her legs thanks to how much she's been running in over the past week, and only now she sees it. The poor girl really needs to let her poor legs rest instead of just forcing them to drag her everywhere when she's in pain. Tired Yashiro sat down against the wall and took a deep breath, holding it in for a moment before exhaling. She ran so far that she reached the halls nearby the old hospital. Thankfully she didn't go past the doors like last time with Mitsuba, but regardless it's better that she didn't go into there either way.

"I need to head back...I'll get in trouble..." She mumbled, clenching her stomach. Yashiro felt as if she was going to throw up thanks to how hard she's been running. "God what am I going to do about the scales..."

Yashiro got up and turned around, stopping when she noticed something from the corner of her eye. Turning her head her eyes lit up in hope when she saw a white towel laying on the ground.

"Oh my god! My prays have been answered! Oh, thank you, I really have been a good girl!"

Rushing over she got down on her knees and picked up the towel, wiping her face and arms off so the scales would fall of her body. Thinking back on what Hanko-San said about collecting them she picked them up, holding the scales in her hands before slipping them in her pockets. Maybe Yashiro could keep them in some container. Getting up with the towel Yashiro was about to leave again when she saw a lunchbox, and behind it a handkerchief, and behind that a keychain! Following the trail Yashiro eventually found her hair clips and doodle book, her bright attitude returning when she spotted them.

"Finally! Jeez, I felt so weird without these." Said Yashiro as she clipped her hair accessories back in. "There's so much stuff here...even that weird doll. Is this Hanitaro?"

Following the trail Yashiro picked up a few items, cradling them in her arms as she tried to carry everything. When she reached a door, the girl shuffled everything around in her arms and opened the door, her eyes widening in fear as everything in her arms fell to the ground.

The sound alerted what Yashiro saw, the sight causing the girls throat to go dry as she stared up at it. Inside the room was a dark purple monster, made out of gushing flesh and weird goo that spread all over the walls. In its weird limb it held a piece of candy that it dropped, a bunch of eyes opening up from all over its fleshy body. Each one as a different color, and each one was pinned on her.

""It muttered, the many eyes now spinning in inhuman motions in every direction possible.

Yashiro stepped back only to slip on her doodle book that she dropped, falling down to the ground with a thud. Before she could open her eyes, the goopy flesh grabbed her legs, pulling Yashiro in as it creeped up her body to consume her. Tugging Yashiro into the room the girl realized she was going to die for sure, desperately grabbing onto the doorframe so she wouldn't get pulled in. It's too late, the flesh was already up to her stomach. "PLEASE!! PLEASE I'M SORRY!" She screamed, tears now in her eyes as she clenched her eyes shut.

Suddenly she heard somebody shout a name she didn't recognize. "HAKUJOUDAI!!"

In a split second some sort of light came flying towards Yashiro and the monster, the beam exploding on impact when it hit the creature that had Yashiro in its grasp. Terrified at the sight of the monster crumbling into chunks of flesh the girl laid on her stomach and held her head so she wouldn't have to see the monster dying. Clenching her eyes shut Yashiro curled up into a fetal position.

Once the crumbling stopped Yashiro peaked her eyes open and looked behind her, seeing nothing in the place where the monster had stood. In the distance she heard a giggle before it turned into laughter. When she turned her head Yashiro saw Hanako-San standing in the distance, the boy laughing presumably at her stupidity.

Yashiro looked up at Hanako-San as the boy walked over towards her, crouching down as he put a hand on the horrified girl's cheek. Softly as if not to hurt her the ghost used his thumb to wipe the tears from her eyes. He set down his notebook before putting his other hand on her face as he wiped away her tears, Hanako-San smiling when all the tears in her eyes were gone. He...he did it again. He saved her life. Looking down at his notebook he set down she read what he had written.

Be careful Oneesan. Humans die really easily, okay?

She looked back at him and began to cry again. "H...Hanako-San..."

Before she could say anything else something fell on her head, Yashiro yipping from pain as the ghost looked up. Yashiro looked behind her to see something and to her looked like a rabbit. It had two little stubs for feet at the bottom of its body, and instead of having four legs like a rabbit it looked as if it walked like a person. It was pink with long ears, and when Yashiro looked up there were more of them.

"Hanako-San, what are these?" She asked, the boy picking one up by its ears as it woke up. The creature screamed and tried to run away, only stopping when it realized Hanako-San was holding it. His eyes narrowed as it squirmed in fear, Hanako-San gently setting it down on the ground as it ran away. Looking back at Yashiro the ghost snapped his fingers, the orb that had saved her life picking up his notebook and dropping it off in his hands.

They're Mokke. Little supernatural's that have lived on this land for many centuries. They play little pranks and steal things from people. When they're scared however, they clump up together and shapeshift into what you saw. They're actually nonviolent unless threatened.

Yashiro lit up when she put it together. "So that creature I saw was a bunch of little Mokke!"

He nodded, smiling. Yashiro was learning quickly.

She stopped and watched as the orb flew around Hanako-San, nuzzling against his head. "Hanako-San, what is that thing following you?"

He looked at it before cupping his hand, whispering something to it. The orb seemed to respond in a noise she didn't understand, yet Hanako-San clearly could. As he wrote down his response another one floated to him, this one being white and red.

Their names are Hakujoudai. They're little helpers of mine. You can say hi, they won't hurt you unless I ask them to.

Timidly she walked closer, waving her hand a little. "Um, hello, Hakujoudai."

The boy laughed a little when his green one floated around her, spinning around the girl.I think they might like you.

Yashiro couldn't help but laugh as it swirled around her, only snapping out of her bubble when a Mokke ran into her foot. The little creature fell onto the ground and grunted, Yashiro squatting down to look at it. "So, these are called Mokke? They're cute." She said while poking it.

Cut it out...• The Mokke whined, Yashiro stopping.

A few of them hopped into a line, coming forth of explain everything. •We didn't mean to hurt her Number Seven! •One said.

Another nodded. •We no want to kill her! We promise! •

Hanako-San wrapped his arms around her neck and placed his head on top of hers. She didn't know what his expression was, but the Mokke trembled in fear.

Our story changed! We had no choice! We promise that we didn't mean to scare her!

Yashiro looked up, seeing Hanako-San a bit. "Stories? What are they talking about?"

Sighing as he took his arms off her the ghost wrote down his response, lowering it in front of her face.

Rumors. Supernaturals in this building have to live by the stories that are spread around this hospital. If someone goes against their rumors, they get in trouble and sometimes even stop existing. Its different for me though. As the Seventh Wonder, some rumors don't effect me.

Nodding Yashiro glanced back at his notebook, noticing the detail at the top that said 'Teach Me Hanako-San: Rumors' in a small ribbon doodle. She didn't comment on it, but Yashiro failed to hide the little smile that showed up on her face. Looking back at the Mokke she saw they were eating candy and cough drops from a bag, shoving the unwrapped treats into their bodies and seemingly chewing on it. One caught her watching them and pulled out an apple flavored hard candy, offering it to her.

• Want one? •They asked.

Carefully she took it and held it between her fingers, turning the candy. "Thank you."

Slipping it in her pocket Yashiro turned her head as she prepared to get up, stopping when Hanako-San handed her his notebook.

Nene-Oneesan, I would like you to change the rumors.Is what it said the first sentence said.You're human. You have influence over what happens in this hospital. As the Seventh Mystery, I have the responsibility to supervise all the supernaturals in this building and maintain the proper relationships between us and humans. I'm the one responsible for everything. I can't let dangerous, supernatural killers stay here without punishment. It's my job to deliver that punishment. You're not forced to do those things however. You have the freedom to choose what you do.

Yashiro looked back at Hanako-San to see him with his back turned to her, the Mokke crowding around her.

• We're sorry about before! •One apologized.

A Mokke that was a bit burned wobbled over to her.• Please forgive us! •

• We give you candy. •

Yashiro turned her body as her eyes softened, the sight of the little Mokke making her feel bad. "I...I..."

• We have lived here happily for centuries! •Said one.

Another nodded.• We want to stay here!•

• We give you candy. •

Hanako-San softly put his hand on her shoulder, silently asking her for his notebook back. With her hand shaking a bit Yashiro gave it back, the girl seeing a page with writing a minute later.

I know what I'm asking you to do is scary, and you might be forced to stay in this hospital longer thanks to the things you might see. There are things that might kill you, as you've already seen. You don't have to do this, I'm not going to force you.

"I'll do it."

Yashiro could hear Hanako-San gasp a bit, so softly she could hardly hear him. In an attempt not to cry Yashiro wrapped her arms around a bunch of Mokke and squeezed them, looking behind herself to look Hanako right in his eyes.

"I'll change the rumors!"

The ghost held his notebook close to his chest floating, tilting his head as if to ask if she's sure about this.

The girl rubbed her cheek against the Mokke in her arms. "I'm sure about this. If it's for the better of everyone, I'll do it. Besides...these Mokke remind me of my sweet baby. Oh, how I miss my adorable little White Inferno."

The boy had to take a double take on that, Hanako-San staring at her while blinking repeatedly. His expression a mix between confusion and slight disgust, and as he held his hands closer to his chest while leaning away Yashiro glared at him.

"Not an actual baby, jeez. It was the name of my old hamster, I had them a long time ago. They're dead now but...ooooh, I miss my baby."

Hanako-San watched as one of the Mokke tried to squirm out of her grasp, the boy using his fingertips to cover the smile on his lips. It's not every day that he gets to see the Mokke so happy. Putting his hands to his side the boys more serious face returned. That must be his neutral expression.

"Well...there's another reason." Yashiro muttered, Hanako-san stopping before he could do whatever he was going to do. "The Mokke did scare me...but you saved me Hanako-San. Just like with that scary mermaid. Thank you, Hanako-San. I don't think I can ever possibly pay you back, even if its with my body."

The supernatural could feel his cheeks flush a little, looking at the ground while covering his mouth with his fist. In an attempt to hide his expression his Hakujoudai floated around him. Turning around Hanako-San walked over to a staircase that was nearby, walking up a few steps right as Yashiro looked back at him.

Standing up Yashiro held the cluster of Mokke in her arms, watching Hanako-San as he walked upstairs. "Um, Hanako-San? Is this what you wanted me to do for you? You know, after I was finished with my schoolwork and stuff?"

The boy stopped with his hand on the railing and nodded, looking back at his assistant.

With hope filled eyes Yashiro tossed the Mokke into the air and clasped her hands together. "Does that mean you'll stop following me?!"

Hanako-San smiled and shook his head, Yashiro's enthusiasm draining from her body as she groaned. Taking out his notebook the boy opened it up and began to write.

Do you not like it when I follow you that much?Hanako-San wrote.

The girl laughed nervously, the Mokke making weird noises since they were thrown in the air. "Well, not many girls like having boys follow them like this. It's sort of weird after all."

Hanako-San seemed not to take her words well, his fingers clenching the notebook paper. The ghost took a deep breath and held it for what felt like an hour, flipping to a page in his notebook and writing. After a few minutes he flipped the page and kept writing, Yashiro slowly climbing up the stairs until she was right in front of the supernatural boy. Hanako-San wrote in his notebook a little more before flipping back to the first page he was writing on, handing it to Yashiro for her to read.

I understand that maybe you don't like when I follow you, I was being really creepy with my actions. Following you, hiding in your room, I wasn't surprised that your first reaction when you saw me was to scream. I don't deserve your pity or even your kindness. I didn't expect you to give me anything in return when you summoned me. All I expected was for you to forget me after I granted your wish. Yet despite me lying, despite me trying to keep you around, despite me stalking you, you trusted me and gave me a chance. I can't thank you enough Nene-Oneesan. You're one of the kindest humans I've ever met, that's why I don't mind saving you. You don't have to pay me back for saving you. You don't have to give up your body to thank me. You don't even have to be my friend. Yet you do. You do want to be my friend. Not many people would give somebody like me a chance.

Yashiro looked at the corner of the page to see an arrow, the girl flipping the page to see more writing. Looking up she watched as Hanako-San climbed to the top of the stairs, jumping up and grabbing a rope from the low hanging ceiling. Pulling the rope down revealed a hatch, a ladder tumbling out. As Hanako-San climbed the ladder Yashiro looked back down at the notebook.

I won't force you to stay with me. If you want, you can leave now. I won't go looking for you, and I'll only come back whenever you're in danger with the supernatural. You'll still be considered my assistant, but you should be safe on your own. If you leave, you can take the notebook with you or just leave it on the ground. It was your notebook beforehand either way. You can follow me if you want...just flip the page when you reach me up there.

The girl looked up to see Hanako-San had already climbed the ladder, one of the Mokke wobbling closer to her.• What are you waiting for? Go with him! •

• You can do this girl! •

Yashiro stumbled as the cluster of Mokke shoved her to the ladder, helping her up so she could climb it. With no other choice Yashiro climbed up the ladder while holding the notebook so she wouldn't drop it, her eyes having to adjust to the sudden ray of light that appeared when she poked her head out from the hatch. The warmth of the sun hit her face and the light breeze on her skin told Yashiro she was on the roof, the girl almost slipping off the ladder thanks to the surprise. Grabbing onto the roof Yashiro crawled out and stood up, looking through the open hatch to see the Mokke cheering her on. Looking over Yashiro saw Hanako-San standing next to a fence that surrounded the edges of the roof. Yashiro watched Hanako-San as he rested his arms on the spiked fence, flipping the page in the notebook and reading what he wrote in the middle of the page.

I really like hanging out with you, even if it's only been for those few days. It's almost like having a friend again. I really miss those days long ago, and being with you helps me remember them. It takes me back.

Looking back at him Yashiro could feel her heart sink. Hanako-San was a boy who was willing to give up everything for other people and not expect anything in return. All Hanako-San wants is for people to be happy, and he helps those people by granting them wishes. Its bittersweet. He must be so happy to make others feel wonderful...but Hanako-San can never truly have a friendship. He's cursed with being lonely. Slowly she walked over to the boy as quietly as she could, her heart sinking when Yashiro heard Hanako-San take a deep breath to hold back any tears. Holding his notebook at her side Yashiro held out her hand, hesitating to say something.

"...Hanako." Yashiro mumbled, gently grabbing the back of the supernatural boy's nightgown. Confused he looked over at her and watched Yashiro as she leaned next to him, holding the fence. "How about I call you Hanako? That way it seems like we're friends."

She laughed nervously as Hanako-San stared at her with his huge bug eyes. He looked at the ground before at the city. His lips parted slightly to say something before closing, the boy clenching the fence so tightly that his knuckles turned white. After a moment he slowly nodded, agreeing to the nickname she gave him. The boy didn't meet her gaze, but Yashiro could tell that Hanako was smiling. He must be overjoyed that she considered him a friend.

"Well, um, I thought of a new rumor for the Mokke." She said to cut the silence, Hanako looking over at her. He tilted his head with his huge amber eyes staring at her with a curious look glimmering in them. "I noticed a little detail about them. I think I can change the rumors with it."

Nodding Hanako looked back at the city, looking as if he wanted to say something. Part of Yashiro wanted to ask him why he just didn't say what was on his mind instead of writing everything in a notebook. He can talk, she's heard him do it. Hanako even talked yesterday when he was messing with her over the scale situation. It was a detail about him that Yashiro couldn't help but grow curious about.

"Oh! Here." Yashiro said while handing him the notebook. "I know that you took it from my room can keep it. You'll put it to better use."

The supernatural glanced up at her before looking down at the notebook, his bandaged hand shaking a bit before he took it. Yashiro let go and held onto the fence, Hanako letting his soft smile show to her. It was genuine. He gave the softest chuckle before opening it up, taking out the crayon that he had hidden underneath his nightgown.

Thank you, Oneesan.

Yashiro rubbed the back of her head, feeling a sense of pride. "Oh hush! It's the least I could do for my new friend!"

Before she could say anything else they heard a voice from the ground, Hanako immediately leaning his entire body over the fence to see who it was. "HEY, THERE'S A GIRL ON THE ROOF OF THE OLD HOSPITAL!"

Yashiro leaned over with Hanako, trying to see who was yelling that. "Huh?"

He whipped his head around to look at Yashiro as if she was crazy. The supernatural suddenly tackled his assistant down, Hanako laying on top of her while covering both of their mouths. With his notebook flying to the side the fluttering of the pages made Yashiro feel as if she was in some sort of romance movie, the feeling of the boy's weight on top of her making Yashiro grab his nightgown out of instinct. Hanako's amber eyes showed what he was trying to say, clearly holding back his words from snapping at her and asking if she wants to get in trouble. After a moment they didn't hear anyone else saying something, Yashiro hearing something slightly muffled. Hanako clearly heard whatever the person down their said because he sat up off her and offered his hand. Still laying down Yashiro took his hand and let Hanako pull her up, the boy moving his fingers so he could entwine them with hers.

With a giggle the boy used his open hand to use his finger, writing something on the ground that Yashiro only understood since she followed the movement.Dummy.

The girl looked back at the boy, his eyes darting at her when he caught her staring from the corners of his eyes. Watching him give her a sweet smile made her defensive. "Hey! I'm not a dummy!"

Puffing her cheeks up Yashiro furrowed her eyebrows, Hanako covering his mouth as he tried not to laugh. His fingers pressed against her hand, pushing her fingers up a little as with each time he chuckled Hanako's hand shook a bit. With his expression she could tell he was trying not to mess with her. Why couldn't he at least tease her with his words instead of being quiet?!

Still holding her hand Hanako signaled Yashiro to follow him, crawling away from the fence. Yashiro grabbed his notebook as Hanako lead her away, the two laying low so nobody would spot them. He opened the hatch up and let her go down first, Yashiro catching a glimpse of his expression as she climbed down the ladder. When she landed on the ground Hanako closed the hatch and floated his way down, taking the notebook when she held it out to him.

He opened it up and wrote down what he was thinking.So, how were you going to change the rumor?

Yashiro looked down to see the Mokke hopping around, the girl picking up one of the cough-drop bags and opening it. "I have a plan. We can't carry candy, but these should work."

The supernatural boy nodded and wrote down his response.Can you meet me in my bathroom after your done please? There are things I want to talk to you about.

The girl glowed. "Sure! I can do that!"

Hanako smiled and patted Yashiro on the shoulder, walking away while holding the notebook against his chest while Mokke moved away so he could walk without them getting in his way. With newfound determination Yashiro threw on a smile of confidence, rushing out of the abandoned part of the hospital to go give away the sweet and spread the new rumor. It took her about an hour, but when she had only a handful left the girl decided to call it a day.

Yashiro noticed two girls nearby the abandoned hospital on her way to see Hanako, the two whispering to each other. "I lost something, do you think the Faeries took it?"

"Oh god, you might end up dead!"

"Um, did you get a Faerie attack?" Yashiro asked, trying to worm her way into the conversation. Holding her last remaining cough-drops in her hands she offered them to the girls. "Here. I heard a rumor saying that if you carry around cough-drops or candy they'll take that instead and leave you alone!"

The girls looked at her surprised. "Really?" One asked.

"Mhm hmm! Faeries like sweet things or things that look like candy, so if you have some sort sweets on you then you'll be okay!"

"Thank you." The other girl said, taking a few of the cough-drops while the other took the rest. "But what about you?"

"I carry a few on me at all times, so I'm okay." She assured. "I gotta go now! Be safe you two!"

"Wait, Yashiro-Senpai!" One girl called, stopping her. "Um, do you think maybe we could hang out?"

She laughed nervously. "I'm sorry, I have to go meet someone!"

"Really, who?" The other girl asked.

Yashiro thought about that question, her mind imagining Hanako sitting on the window seat, a warm smile with closed eyes giving him an innocent and sweet look. With that image in mind Yashiro laughed and gave her answer. "I'm going to visit a new friend I made!!"

Stuck in her own mind Yashiro didn't even hear them when they freaked out over her running into the abandoned section of the building, pushing the doors open and sprinting off the meet Hanako in his bathroom.

In a different part of the hospital a group of Mokke slid down the railing on the stairs with candy and cough-drops held in their ears. Happily, they hopped around and went down to floor level, chattering about how the benefits of the rumors have already kicked in. Not paying attention the one in the front of the line bumped into a human foot, the others looking up as their beady eyes shrunk in fear.

"Oi, runts." The voice said. "Tell me now, where have you been hiding your boss?"

The Mokke trembled, dropping their treats as one got the courage to speak.• B-boss? Wh-what do you mean by boss? •

The person spat on the ground, barely missing the Mokke. "You know who I'm talking about, your boss Hanako. Tell me where he is, and I may let you go."

Each one looked at each other before nodding, suddenly throwing a giant amount of sugar out of nowhere as a distraction and dashing off.• WE NEVER HEARD OF HIM!! •They yelled in unison.

The person reached out to try and grab them, only to fall right on their face. Pushing themself up the person wiped their face with their arm. It was a boy, he looked to be around maybe fifteen or sixteen. With his light blue eyes going nicely with his spiky blonde hair the boy grabbed the black hat with a white front that fell on the ground, putting it back on the reveal it had the word 'Security' written on it. He had a collared teal shirt with sleeves that went a little past his elbows and a cream-and-brown striped tie that was tightly around his neck. Brushing off his gray uniform pants the boy fixed the red sweatband around his right wrist, quickly shaking the sugar off his white apron that had a red stripe at the bottom of it.

"Damn it..." He murmured, glancing at the candy and cough-drops that the Mokke left. "Well, no matter. I can find him myself!" He proudly exclaimed, somehow now on the railing for the staircase. "JUST YOU WAIT HANAKO, I'LL FIND YOU AND EXORCISE YOU!!"

The boy laughed manically and pointed an umbrella into the air, a bunch of patients and staff starting at him. When he realized people were staring at him he slowly turned his head, a nervous smile cracking onto his face.


Chapter 11: Why is There Another Boy


Catching herself on the fence Yashiro looked over at the two to see the Hakujoudai flying towards Hanako, the red one a little late thanks to having to pull her out of Kou's reach. The supernatural boy smiling as they nuzzled up against him and spun around his body. If this was in any other situation Yashiro would have found it cute, but this was more of concerning. As the boy pet his orbs the Hakujoudai snuggled around him, Hanako almost laughing at their behavior. He whispered something to the green one as it floated in his hands, the orb shaking a bit when he stopped.

"What, are you too scared to fight me by yourself, are you going to summon someone else to do your dirty work for you?"

The green Hakujoudai flew around his body before it stopped at his wrist, wrapping itself around as if it was some bracelet. Hanako glanced at Kou before sighing, slashing his hand dover his own chest to activate whatever powers he had just gained, a darker sky creeping in behind the ghost. As he clenched his knife the boy grinned at Kou, taunting him to make his move.


Hi, Author Bush-Chanie here. I'm not the best at writing fight scenes, so do forgive me!

(edit: I realized it said "at" instead of "not", sorry for any confusion on that-)

Chapter Text

Up on their special, secret hiding spot on the abandoned rooftop sat Yashiro and Hanako, the two sitting on an old blanket with a faded spot pattern. In front of their legs was a little basket with a bottle of tea and a lunch, since it was the weekend and they wouldn't have to worry about Yashiro getting in as much trouble.

Sitting next to Hanako the girl held a magazine about the news outside the hospital, the ghost holding the left side while she held the right. With a sigh Yashiro flicked her hair dramatically, the ghost staring at her with his usual bug eyed expression. "Oh, how I wish some prince would fall from the sky and sweep me off my feet!"

The ghost stared at her before lowering his side of the magazine, his face scrunching up in disgust and confusion.

Noticing his expression Yashiro scoffed and pointed to what she was talking about, the boy leaning in to look. "Right here, in this movie that's showing. There's this prince who falls from the sky to save the heroine- ahem, me- from an evil spirit who has kidnapped her! Just when she's about to lose hope the beautiful and kind of sexy man comes soaring down from the heavens and he swiftly defeats the spirit so him and the girl- who is me- can live happily ever after!"

She looked back at Hanako to see the boy completely horrified, Hanako trembling at the thought of someone exorcising him. Whining like a little animal the boy clenched his notebook, the poor ghost shaking as he tried to calm down. Yashiro watched as he shuffled around uncomfortably, feeling bad for scaring him.

Before she could say anything Hanako opened up his notebook and took his crayon from inside the basket, writing something down. He set the paper down and snatched the magazine from her hands. "Hey!"

You don't need to affiliate yourself with such scary thing. Besides, why would you need someone else you have me?

Before she could ask what that meant Hanako grabbed her by her jaw as his fingers and thumb pushed her cheeks together, the ghost's mood completely swinging from that of a scared animal to a more confident aura. Titling her head up Hanako leaned in, his hand holding the magazine off to the side with a smirk. With a little laugh Hanako set it down and leaned closer, holding her head up as he towered over her on his knees.

Yashiro tried to move his hand away, only for it to naturally drop the second they heard some voice. "GET YOUR DISGUSTING HANDS OFF HER!!"

Both Yashiro and Hanako looked behind them to see who said that, the duo watching as someone jumped down from the roof of the smaller fifth level of the building. As a cloud of dust came flying by from the landing Yashiro clenched her hands together in a prayer. Could this be?! Was this really a boy from the sky, just for her?! Wait, was it the prince from her dreams?!!

When the dust cleared she was left to see a boy with spiky hair and a security hat, her enthusiasm souring into disappointment when he boasted out his name. "Minamoto Kou!! Remember that name as I send you to the deepest circle of hell!"

Yashiro looked over at Hanako to say something, the words dying in her mouth when she saw how the ghost beamed and glowed at the sight of this boy. Was he...happy? He looked as if he had just had the greatest day of his life.

" you know him?" She asked, glancing over at the boy who was still posing.

Hanako looked over at her and held up his hand, tilting it back and forth to symbolize that he sort of does. Holding out a finger to the boy he told this weirdo to wait for a second as he pulled out his notebook, the blond security hat boy standing up straight and waiting for their conversations to be over.

I don't know him directly, but I do know of his bloodline. He's from the Minamoto clan, a family of exorcists that go back a very long time ago. Back when the nights were darker and longer, the timeframe when supernatural like me were called Youkai. There were three different important ones called The Nine-Tailed Fox, The Great Tengu, and Shuten Douji. They were so powerful many of them considered them to be gods, and some said they were more than even those. The third, who was the wicked Shuten Douji who ruled the mountains, was slain by Minamoto No Yorimitsu. The ancestor for this kid over here.

Yashiro looked over at the Minamoto boy and raised an eyebrow. "You're related to an exorcist?"

Kou, as he claimed to be called, looked over at them. "Huh! You really know your stuff if your able to explain it through writing. Too bad I'm going to exorcise you!"

Hanako glared at him before writing something, tearing the page out and folding it into a paper airplane. Aiming it the ghost tossed it to Kou, the boy catching it mostly out of curiosity.

Opening it up he read it out loud. "What are you going to do you pathetic little brat, you wouldn't even be able to exorcise a cat if it was ripped in half and bleeding- HEY!"

The ghost put his finger on his lips and tilted his head, fluttering his eyes to look at Kou innocently. Yashiro stared at him in shock at what he wrote, her mouth open with no words coming out.



Hanako looked over at Yashiro and shrugged, messing with the paper on his notebook as he stared at the ground. He probably wrote that just to scare this Kou kid away, right? He didn't actually mean that right?

Kou crumpled up the paper and tossed it on the ground. "That's it, I'm giving you one warning! You can either step away from her and walk away peacefully, or I can remove you from existence!"

The ghost sighed and handed Yashiro his notebook, walking over to the boy. "Wa-wait Hanako! Are you surrendering?" She yelled.

Stopping Hanako looked behind him and gave Yashiro a soft smile, the same one that he gave her when the mermaid tried to kidnap her. Pressing his finger against his lips the boy smirked before turning back, walking over to Kou so he could stare directly up at him.

The blond boy towered over Hanako, making him think he had the advantage. "Ha! Giving up that easily! That'd what I thought! Go on, get out of here!"

Hanako looked Kou up and down, looking back at Yashiro with an expression that asked if this was even the right exorcist. Before Yashiro could even shrug Hanako ducked down and wrapped one arm around Kou's left leg before the boy could realize and yanked it up, slamming himself into him full force while he fell. Thrown off balance the boy yelled out and fell onto the ground while Hanako caught himself before he tripped. Brushing his hands off the mess Hanako turned around and began walking back to Yashiro, the ghost catching the umbrella that Kou swung at him from behind as if he already knew it was going to happen.

Turning his head Hanako saw Kou behind him, the boy a bit roughed up from being thrown into the ground. He could see the confidence on the boy's face, painted all over in a look used to intimidate others. Kou laughed as Hanako turned around, the ghost tugging the umbrella so the boy was pulled closer. "HA! What an idiot, and I expected you to be smarter!! I'm not going down that easily!!"

In a flash a giant lighting strike shot out of the umbrella and engulfed the ghost, the supernatural boy having no time to react. The force on its own was enough to make his hair and clothes wave around as if a gust of wind had appeared.

Hanako's eyes widened in shock and slight fear before he yelled in pain, letting go of the umbrella as he stumbled back. Yashiro watched horrified as his legs gave out and Hanako fell to the ground, the young ghost coughing from pain as he clenched his hand.

This...this wasn't how it was supposed to go, wasn't it?

Yashiro wasn't supposed to lose another friend this quick, was she?!

The girl watched as Kou pulled the umbrella off to reveal a staff, yet she couldn't make out what he was saying. Hanako's scream just kept replaying in her head over and over again. It kept getting louder. Just like a broken record it kept going and going as tears swelled in the corner of her eyes. Yashiro can't just let Hanako get an exorcism, he'll disappear and never come back! She has to do something! She has to do it now or it'll all be her fault again!

Sprinting over Yashiro made it just before Kou stabbed the boy, the girl throwing her own body over Hanako so the staff would go through her chest instead. Knowing it would be her last moments she hugged her friend's body as tightly as she could, Yashiro clenching her eyes shut in any sort of attempt to prepare herself for the pain. She didn't care at this point. All that mattered was Hanako didn't die.

After a moment Yashiro opened her eyes and looked up to see Kou frozen in place, almost as if he was stuck in time. Looking back down she saw Hanako, the ghost close to crying as he stared at her in disbelief. As his lips opened a little to say something he was rudely cut off by Kou.


The exorcist trailed off when he got a good look at her face, the girl glaring at him as she squeezed Hanako protectively. Unfortunately, thanks to her looks she probably looked adorable instead of badassin this situation.

" mean...miss." Kou stuttered, lowering his staff as he tried to think out his words. "So uh, what's your name?"

Still glaring at him Yashiro put on her best tough guy voice. "It's Yashiro! Yashiro Nene! I'm a fifteen year old patient from the 1-A division of the building! And! I'm Hanako's friend and assistant, so I'm not going to let you hurt him even if it means risking my own life! You better back off, and if you do anything else mean to him, I'm going to get really mad!"

Kou tried to say something, baffled by Yashiro's protectiveness over the ghost. "B..but...huh? Wait, you think he's worth risking your own life over? But he's a dangerous, super-evil supernatural. have to get rid of him to keep the hospital safe."

"Hanako isn't a bad supernatural!!" She snapped, holding Hanako's head close to her chest to keep him safe. "He's helped me and even protected me!"

The exorcist grabbed Yashiro's shoulders and pulled her up, Hanako slipping out of her arms as Kou yanked her up to her feet. Yashiro looked down at the ghost as he fell down with a thud, her attention only being taken away when Kou shook her. "You got it all wrong dam- darn it! Look, he's not just any supernatural!" He said, pulling he closer as he hushed his voice. "It took all of my Grandmother's power to seal Hanako-San of the Toilet away, and even still he's found loopholes. He makes lesser spirits do all of the dirty work for him and has the executedotherwise! He's a really, really, diabolically evil spirit! Haven't you noticed something? He carries a kitchen knife, an old one that looks as if it's going to rust. He uses it as a weapon to attack, meaning he used it as a weapon to kill people when he was alive. Nene-Senpai, we live in a mental hospital! This isn't some sort of soft murderer;this is someone who is clinically insane! Hanako-San is a crazy murderer is tricks girls into trusting him before he kills them for their bodies!"

Frozen in shock Yashiro tried to process everything. Murderer? Tricking girls? Executing supernaturals? None of this made any sense.

" you're lying." The girl said, her throat clogging up as her fingers began to shake.

"He's fooling you Senpai, you look like his other victims! I know what he's going to do to you, please you have to trust me! You're just going to be another vi-"

Kou cut off as Yashiro's throat went dry, the girl feeling an arm wrap around her shoulders as someone giggled in her ear like a psycho. A kitchen knife was pointed right at Kou's throat, the point mere centimeters away from easily being able to cut though the boy's skin. This was the moment Yashiro really got a good look at his weapon. The blade was close to rusting, and part of it was chipped from age. As she studied the blade the girl could feel Hanako nuzzle his head against the back of her throat before resting it on her shoulder.

"L-i-ar." Hanako whispered, his voice harsh as he over pronounced each syllable. From where he was Yashiro couldn't see what expression he wore, but Kou's reaction could show the fact that it wasn't a cheerful one. Right as Kou reached to grab the knife Hanako ducked down and slipped away, holding his hands behind his back as he floated farther away from them.

Yashiro whipped her head around as her body trembled, the innocent smile on her friend's face having so many different meanings. Was he just like the rumors said? Did Hanako really kill people so they would fear him? With her head spinning Yashiro staggered back and almost fell, Kou catching her. As he watched this Hanako laughed, covering his mouth only with his fingertips from his left hand. Did he think of this as some sort of game, or as if Kou was trying to ruin his reputation? Dropping his cheerful expression the boy stared at them with dead eyes, snapping his fingers before putting his hand behind his back.

"Senpai, get behind me. We don't know what he'll do." Kou warned, Yashiro not knowing whether to listen or to run to Hanako. Before she could up her mind something came flying behind her and wrapped itself around her arm, forcefully pulling Yashiro away and throwing her to the side.

Catching herself on the fence Yashiro looked over at the two to see the Hakujoudai flying towards Hanako, the red one a little late thanks to having to pull her out of Kou's reach. The supernatural boy smiling as they nuzzled up against him and spun around his body. If this was in any other situation Yashiro would have found it cute, but this was more of concerning. As the boy pet his orbs the Hakujoudai snuggled around him, Hanako almost laughing at their behavior. He whispered something to the green one as it floated in his hands, the orb shaking a bit when he stopped.

"What, are you too scared to fight me by yourself, are you going to summon someone else to do your dirty work for you?"

The green Hakujoudai flew around his body before it stopped at his wrist, wrapping itself around as if it was some bracelet. Hanako glanced at Kou before sighing, slashing his hand over his own chest to activate whatever powers he had just gained, a darker sky creeping in behind the ghost. As he clenched his knife the boy grinned at Kou, taunting him to make his move.

Enraged Kou clenched his staff before running into battle mindlessly, jumping into the air to try and attack. Hanako easily dodge. Slipping to the side and leaning back Hanko sneered at the exorcist. Kou expected this though, landing with his hand on the ground as he tried to sweep under Hanako's legs. The supernatural just floated in the air as he laughed, sticking out his tongue at Kou while he pressed the tip of his knife against it.

"DAMN IT JUST GIVE UP!" Kou snapped, managing to get close enough to swing his staff. Hanako simply just caught it, tugging Kou closer and he smirked at him. "You fool! Didn't you learn last time?!"

The lighting struck again, engulfing both of the boys in the bright flash of light. As it faded away Kou grinned from his success, his proud smile disappearing when he saw Hanako there, still smirking.

"Wh-what?! How?! But you-"

Hanako threw the staff up into the air, throwing Kou off balance and making him stumble back. The ghost pointed his fingers at the boy with his fingers in the shape of a gun. Pretending to shoot it a giant white hand grew out of his bracelet and grabbed Kou by his chest, holding the exorcist up in the air like a ragdoll and slamming him into the ground by pointing the finger gun to the ground. The supernatural pointed to the side, the hand gripping tighter and slamming him into the fence. Spinning the finger gun in a circle Kou screamed as Hanako chuckled, the ghost curling his two fingers in to pull Kou right in front of him. Using his own hand the boy tilted Kou's head up, leaning closer with a sad*stic smile.

"Hanako!" Yashiro yelled, the boy's air getting caught in his throat as he looked over at her. "Please, you're hurting him! It's not fair!!"

Before Hanako could look back Kou kicked him in the gut, the giant hand dropping him thanks to Hanako losing his focus. In guilt Yashiro covered her mouth. What did she do, why did she say that? Yashiro stare at the fight. blaming herself for Kou landing a hit. As the staff opened up the exorcist tried to stab Hanako, the ghost rolling down and dodging his attack. He seemed almost...annoyed. With a growl the ghost let his knife slip into his hand, clenching it so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked over Kou.

Coughing Kou whipped under his nose to see he was bleeding, both from his forehead and nose. "I'll keep going!! I don't care how bruised or bloody I get!"

As Kou said that Hanako swung his hand, the Hakujoudai using its power and summoning the giant fist once more. It shoved the exorcist and disappeared afterwards, Hanako kicking Kou in the stomach. It turns out that was his weak spot, and he only managed to dodge the ghosts attack from overhead because he had to lean forward from pain. As his knife only cut a bit of the boy's hair off Hanako's eyes darted down, the ghost using his floating to his advantage and floating around to fake an attack. He jabbed his blade right in the boy's face, Kou falling on his back from shock.

Kou yelped from pain and was about to get up when Hanako got down on top of him, grabbing the boy by his shirt and forcing him up. Raising his knife Hanako's amber eyes were completely dead as he took a deep breath, admiring the fear in Kou's eyes as he violently plunged the knife into Kou's chest as the exorcist closed his eyes, Yashiro screaming as she pulled her hair and covering her eyes with it.


Kou has to be dead.

Hanako probably just killed him right here right now.

Suddenly Kou felt something flick his nose, hearing a soft voice whisper something. "Loser."

The exorcist opened his eyes to see Hanako holding his staff, the ghost smiling warmly and no longer having his knife. He didn't look like someone who had just beat the hell out of the person who he was sitting on. Getting up Hanako reached out his hand, offering it to Kou so he could get up. Driven by confusion Kou took his hand and staggered around as Hanako pulled him up, the ghost looking over the staff. Turning it around so its point was at the ground he looked over its design, switching hands and holding out the one with the bracelet. The Hakujoudai's hand set down some sticker in his hand with the kanji for the word 'seal' on it, Hanako sticking it onto the staff.


Hanako flinched a bit when Kou snatched it out of his hands, Hanako itching his bottom lip as if the fight never happened. Turning around the ghost choked on the words he was going to say when he saw Yashiro there crying, the girl pulling on her hair so hard she looked as if she was going to rip it out. Hanako's mind blocked out everything Kou was yelling about as he focused solely on Yashiro, the supernatural boy shoving the exorcist away and dashing towards Yashiro.

Hanako ran over and slid on his knees, grabbing Yashiro's wrists and gently rubbing them to try and help her calm down. He could hear her breathing, her ragged breathing was so loud in his ears. Hanako didn't know if she was having a panic attack or if she was just freaking out. Forcing himself to suppress his own feelings and put his head into the moment Hanako rubbed his thumbs on her wrists and palms. The cold touch of the ghost seemingly helped Yashiro as the grip on her hair weakened before her hands went limp. With Hanako moving her hands down Yashiro's hair fell back into place, the ghost brushing it away so he could see her face. There were so many tears dragging themselves down from her eyes to her jaw, the plump water droplets growing bigger and falling off her face as Yashiro sobbed.

Looking up at the feeling of his hands on her face Yashiro sniffed up some her snot. "Ha...hanako...?"

The boy smiled, pulling Yashiro closer and resting his forehead against hers to help her calm down. At least she wasn't having panic attack, or if she about to Hanako stopped it just in time. He hugged Yashiro with the same strength that she hugged him when Kou first attacked, Hanako mumbling something that she couldn't make out. It sounded as if he was about to cry as well, so as Yashiro watched his lips move to breathe his words out she could feel his throat tighten as his hands clenched the fabric of her hospital gown.

Kou interrupted the twos moment, the boy stomping over while holding his staff. Holding it out to Hanako he angrily demanded for the ghost's attention. "Hey! Fix my staff or I'll fight you again!!"

Hanako sighed and signaled Yashiro to wait, the ghost taking his notebook from next to her and standing up before punching Kou right in his bruised stomach. The exorcist yelled in pain and muttered something, falling to the ground before somehow passing out right when he landed on the ground.

Yashiro stood up and looked around the area, picking up Kou's hat from when he was thrown around by the giant hand. " he going to be okay? You beat him up badly..."

The ghost took the hat from her hands and gently set it in Kou's arms, the boy hugging it as if it was a teddy bear. Patting the exorcists head the boy thought about what to say, taking his notebook from his side and writing as his Hakudoujai flew off his arm.

He'll be okay, I'll leave him with a note and a supernatural that can heal him.

"You can do that?" Yashiro asked.

I'm Number Seven afterall.

Yashiro sighed, rubbing her cheek. "Hanako...I'm sorry. If I didn't distract you...this wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't have gotten hurt as much as you did."

The ghost tilted his head confused before laughing, writing down what he wanted to say.Aw, are you worried about me that much Oneesan?

"Of course I am! I was crying because I thought you were going to die! God why do boys have to be so stupid, why can't you just see that I care about you because you're my friend?!"

Before Yashiro could begin crying again Hanako walked over and hugged her, the smaller boy squeezing his friend tightly as he buried his head into her shoulder. Nuzzling his head against her shoulder and neck Hanako slowly rubbed her back, his hands sliding down her arms. Taking her hands Hanako held them in front of her and pushed them together, placing something inside them and putting one of Yashiro's hands on the other. He held her hands close to his lips and mumbled something on them, his cold breath causing the girls fingers to twitch a little. Yashiro just watched as he slipped away from her, walking away from both her and Kou as she opened her hands to see a paper.

So, you're able to make friends witha murderer, Nene-Oneesan?

Looking back up Yashiro saw he was gone, her heart sinking as fear crawled up in her throat. Mu...murderer? Was Hanako actually...a killer? Was all that Hanako denied about the rumors actually real? Closing her fingers around the paper Yashiro looked down at Kou, the girl moving his staff closer to him so he could easily see it when he woke up. Her poor head couldn't help but think about what Kou said and the rumors Aoi told her about, each one making her question more and more about her real friendship with Hanako. Is he faking everything? But if he was faking, why would he say he was a murderer? Did Hanako really plan to kill her? that's not it. Maybe he was just going with it because of how he has to play in with the rumors.

Maybe...Yashiro could change these rumors for him.

She looked back at the scrap of paper Hanako had put in her hands and felt it, looking back at the sky. It's probably better if she went back to her room now...too bad she never got to finish her picnic with Hanako. Slipping the paper away Yashiro picked up the basket and folded the blanket, putting it in with the tea and lunch before walking away downstairs back to her room, each step causing a different image of her friend to appear in her head. He seemed like a happy and sweet boy, so why was he forced to deal with this constant slander and horrible treatment? Hanako probably didn't want to hurt Kou, he was just getting carried away because how much he's used to having to defend himself. Deep down Hanako has to feel guilty for what happened, she knows it.

After a few hours when Yashiro was back in her room and Hanako was off somewhere in the building Kou woke up, blinking his eyes open as he groaned from pain. He took a pretty bad beating from the fight, and he probably broke a bone or two. The boy really underestimated how much Hanako would use his power.

"Hey hey!" He heard, the boy looking in front of him to see a little purple supernatural, looking like a dinosaur but with the face of a woman. It was tiny, almost the size of his foot and it wore a nurse uniform. "You must be the boy-boy that Number Seven asked me to help! You took a beating from him!!"

Kou sat up quickly, regretting this when he felt his stomach tighten. "I wasn't expecting him to actually be that strong..."

The dinosaur nurse laughed and held his finger with her talons. "Well, I stopped your bleeding while you were asleep! The cut on your head wasn't that deep and your nose isn't broken!"

The exorcist tried to get up, his entire body shaking. "I-I'm fine. I don't need your help."

"You won't be able to move, Number Seven said I'm not allowed to let you leave until I healed you!"

She clapped her hands together, the boy's body being forced down as he was pushed onto his back. "Wa-wait, what are you doing?!"

Climbing onto his chest the dinosaur walked around his body, walking around his body. "Let's see injured head, possible concussion...bloody nose...maybe even a broken rib...your stomach is bruised while your knuckles are scrapped too, ah! Number Seven mentioned this. Look."

The dinosaur nurse took Kou's hand and poked his palms, the boy wincing as she showed the burns marks that looked as if they were reopened.

"He said that you're not ready to use your weapon, it shouldn't hurt you like this. These look like they've been here for a long time. Its best that he sealed your staffs power away, boy-boy."

"I'm fine, I don't need your help, okay? Just tell him I'm fine." Kou snapped, trying to get up.

She laughed. "Oh, nope nope nope! I need to heal you, or I'll get in troublies!"

Walking over his body she continued to examine him, the security boy giving up and just waiting for the dinosaur to get over this. "Can you walk carefully please? really actually hurts."

Nodding she walked around and looked for more injuries, Kou trying not to wince in pain. Part of him was wondering why he was even dealing with this, but it's better that he went along with it or else something bad might happen. It seems like these supernaturals really did listen and respect him as a superior.

Finally, the dinosaur lady hopped off his body and walked over to his face. "I see what's wrong, you must have angered him. You're lucky you didn't die, boy-boy! Number Seven could have killed you, yet he didn't! He must have used his powers on you though, he could have just thrown you have the roof and called it a day. Somebody else must have been watching for him to control himself! Or maybe, oh heh heh he! Maybe you're a special boy-boy!"

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, turning a little to watch the dinosaur lady as she crushed up something in her talons. "How am I supposed to be special?"

She giggled. "If I tell you, I'll get in troublies! Besides, I'm just assuming!"

Finished with her weird paste the nurse opened up Kou's mouth with her foot, putting the paste on his tongue and forcing him to swallow it. It tasted sour and like every expired medicine he's ever accidently given patients, Kou gaging and coughing as it went down his throat. "What the hell was that?!"

"It's a supernatural medicine that I could only give you because you have exorcist blood. It'll heal everything, but I'll still have to bandage a few things. Oh! By the way, Number Seven left a note in your hat! Go ahead and look at it!"

Kou sat up straight as the dinosaur nurse unrolled a long roll of bandages, the boy taking out a folded piece of paper and opening it, taken aback by what was written inside it.

I look forward to our next battle in the futurewhen you're well.

Chapter 12: A Cup of Water for Bad Thoughts


With his chewed fingernails lightly scrapping her skin Hanako buried part of his face into her arm. The ghost nuzzled against her body like a cat marking a new person as their friend, rubbing his face and head against her arms and moving closer when need be. Yashiro stumbled a bit when he pressed to hard, the boy pulling her back and hugging her tightly close to him. His breath symbolized that he wanted to say something, but he held it in and exhaled whatever worries were on his mind. His lack of words seemed unnatural, especially taking in the fact she's hear him talk before. Did Hanako think that if he used his voice, he would ruin their friendship? Or was it possible that he couldn't find the words to say what he wanted out loud? The entire boy himself was a mystery.

Chapter Text

Yesterday Hanako left Yashiro a piece of paper, the words on it asking her if she's able to be friends with a murderer. Hanako must just be going along with his rumors, right? He's not actually a killer, right? Hanako can't be, he's only thirteen.

Then again...he is a ghost from a mental hospital.

Not to mention he seems as if he's a few decades old. She's been able to figure out that much thanks to his behavior and mannerisms.

She felt the paper in her pocket as she stared at the small table, her head spinning as she replayed everything in her mind. Hanako offered her a chance to leave just two days ago and yesterday he asked if she wanted to still be friends with him despite him being a killer. This isn't just some test, is it? What kind of test would this even be? Is it because she's Hanako's assistant?

"! Nene-Chan!" She heard, Yashiro looking up to see Aoi holding the control to the Nintendo Switch that the hospital had. "You seem worried. Is everything okay?"

"Um...sorta. I've had some stuff on my mind." Yashiro answered, rubbing the back of her head.

Aoi's purple eyes began to shine as she paused her game. "Oh. My. GOD!! Is it a boy?! Or another crush?!"

"Dear lord I only wish. It's just I have a lot that's been happening with me and some friend I know, so it's been complicated."

"What do you mean? Did you guys have a fight?" Asked Aoi.

Yashiro shrugged. "It's more that I learned something about them."

Nodding Aoi looked back at her game, Yashiro looking back at the coffee table.

"Hey Aoi?" She asked, her friend pausing the game and looking over. "White roses and calla lilies...what do they mean?"

Aoi looked at her friend's face confused before smiling. "Don't you know Nene? At funerals in some places people give white roses and calla lilies. So, I guess if you give them to someone without romance in mind it's like a death threat! Why do you ask? Did you get some?"

"No! It's just there's a rumor that Minamoto-Senpai got some! You know how the hospital is with its rumors and stuff." Yashiro said, thinking back on the flowers. She wasn't the one who had left those for who did? Was it some other girl? But who would want Teru dead?

"So, what's your friends name?" Aoi asked, changing the subject as she skipped character dialogue.

Yashiro opened her mouth to answer only to be caught off guard when something hit the back of her head. "Ow!"

Looking down Yashiro noticed it was a crumbled-up piece of paper, opening it up to see it was blank. Another one hit her again, the girl looking behind her annoyed to see Hanako leaning around the corner. With a laugh he stepped out of his hiding spot when she saw him, the ghost unfolding his third crumbled ball before walking over to her and handing her the paper.

I didn't scare you with it, did I?Is what he asked. He must had been prepared for her to open it up and find the message.

Yashiro shook her head as the ghost grinned, Aoi poking Yashiro.

"Nene-Chaaan, I asked what your friends name was." She mumbled, Yashiro looking away from Hanako and focusing on Aoi.

"Oh! Um...its uh...Koana! Koana-Sa-Kun! Koana-Kun!"

The purple haired girl narrowed her eyes at Yashiro. "Really? What characters are used to spell it?"

"Um...uh...tha-that doesn't really matter! Sh-he doesn't really like talking about himself!!" Yashiro lied, Hanako looking at Aoi with his usual bug eyed expression. "Look just keep it a secret between you and me! He's a patient from the happy white rooms, so you can't tell anyone!"

Aoi's suspicious attitude immediately flipped. "Really Nene-Chan?! How scandalous! I'll keep your secret!!"

Hanako lightly nudged Yashiro to the middle of the couch, sitting down next to her and staring at Aoi with his big eyes. Aoi seemed to have a reaction to Yashiro moving closer, the girl raising an eyebrow and giggling. The ghost just...sat there as Yashiro glanced at him, the poor girl feeling uneasy about everything that happened yesterday. Hanako kicked that boy Kou's ass and causally mentioned he's a murderer, and then the next day he just shows up as if NONE of it happened. Did he just sweep it under the rug or was he going to bring it up when Aoi wasn't around?

"Nene, when did you get that paper?" Aoi asked, leaning over to read it. "Scare you? Huh?"

"O-Oh! It's just an old note that Koana-Kun gave me when we first met, that's all!" The girl lied. Part of her felt horrible for lying right to Aoi's face, but it didn't help that Hanako was right next to her and basically staring into her soul. Wait how did he even know she was here?! Was Hanako following her?! Well, he was, but usually it wasn't in the way where he knows where she is.

As if reading her mind Hanako scribbled something in his notebook, Aoi turning off the tv and she sighed.I can sense your presence thanks to our bond, you're technically my assistant Oneesan. Don't be so surprised when I randomly find you.

"What are you looking at Nene?" Her friend asked, leaning over her shoulder. "What, is it Hanako-San~?"

The ghost chuckled a little while covering his mouth with his fingertips, not caring that only Yashiro could hear him. Glancing back at her friend Yashiro shoved Aoi's face away. "No, it's not her! I just thought I saw something!"

Hanako whined, pretending to be hurt by her comment of not talking to him. Still focusing on Aoi she felt around next to her, Yashiro grabbing Hanako's and squeezing it so he'll shut up. The boy jumped a bit as he squeaked, his notebook falling to the ground as he clenched his kneecap from surprise.

Yashiro looked over to see Hanako looking away shyly, embarrassed as his hand flattened so she could hold easily. The girl could clearly hear him as he made little groans and moans with his mouth closed, Hanako moving away a bit. Was he actually embarrassed? Hanako's always holding her hands, so why was he embarrassed? Maybe it's because she made the move instead of him. Trying not to think too much about it she looked back at Aoi and pretended to pay attention to whatever her friend was talking about, Yashiro watching the ghost out of the corner of her eye. Hanako took his hand off his knee and covered his moth a little, scooching inch by inch closer to the girls while avoiding eye contact. The cold feeling of his skin felt odd underneath her hand, Yashiro's curiosity growing as she felt the bumps from his bandaids. Why...was there so many bandaids on his body? He's a small boy, maybe he got a lot of injuries from playing outside or...maybe he was a target for bullying. Yashiro would hope that isn't the case. Her excuse would have been that he's seven, meaning he's just some active kid who fell a lot, but Hanako told her that he's thirteen. Boy will be boys but...this was a hospital. A hospital for the mentally ill. Yashiro can't just brush this off, as his friend Yashiro should try and help him.

"Nene-Chan! You're not listening! I asked you why we haven't been hanging out as much!" Aoi said, forcefully pulling Yashiro out of her head. Grabbing her friend's hand Aoi leaned in. "You've been going weird places without me! Have you been hanging out with Mitsuba-Kun's ghost?!"

"You really have an obsession with the occult don't you Ao-Chan?" Yashiro asked.

Ignoring her question, the girl pulled Yashiro closer, the force making her take her hand off Hanako's. "I'm worried about you, do I need to take you to the happy doctors?! Have you even been taking your medicine Nene!"

"Of course, I have been!" She spoke. "If I wasn't I would be acting differently!!"

Her friend sighed and let go of Yashiro, the girl looking at Hanako and watching as the ghost smoothed out the notebook he dropped. He was mumbling something she couldn't make out as he fixed the pages, the supernatural sighing as he pushed down on the spine to try and fix it. He looked back up at Yashiro and noticed she was looking at her, his amber eyes catching her own before he gave her a dorky grin. Hanako itched the bandaid on the right side of his neck before he opened up his book, flipping through the pages he'd wrote in, each on out of order. Looking closer Yashiro noticed the fact he had labeled some of their conversations, certain things circled in marker with notes giving context to things he's said. There were also little doodles of both of them in chibi-like styles, some of the pages blank space filled with notes and drawings. He appeared to be a good artist, easily drawing things in such a simple style. One that caught her eye for example was a little drawing of her holding a Mokke, the drawings eyes so full of life and detail that Yashiro couldn't believe the ghost next to her had drawn it.

It suddenly turned away, Yashiro glancing up to see that she had been leaning down with her head so close to the notebook that Hanako had to push her head away from his lap. Blushing slightly the boy moved his notebook so she wouldn't be able to see more, the boy making some sort of noise as he looked away. Aoi however spoke, once again forcing Yashiro back into reality. "Nene, what are you doing?"

"Huh?! Oh! I was just looking at the couch! There's a stain!"

"Stain?! Where!" She asked, Aoi leaning over her friends back and trying to find it. "I don't see it. You're lying aren't you Nene?"

"Pffff, I probably just imagined it, maybe my eyes playing tricks on me!" Yashiro bluntly lied, Aoi whining worried. "Aoi, I'm not hallucinating you jerk."

Hanako chuckled as Aoi argued with Yashiro, the boy moving as he gave the girls some room for their horseplay. The boy watched as Aoi shoved Yashiro down, the girls laughing as they twisted and turned on the couch in some sort of cat fight. He could tell they were just messing around by their laughter and the fact they were just pushing each other away and not punching or kicking. Nobody was getting hurt, so he would have no need to interfere.

Yashiro pushed Aoi off her, the girl crawling back closer to Hanako. "Alright Aoi, calm down! You're gonna get us in trouble!!"

Her friend sat up and laughed, Aoi wiping a tear from her eye. "Oh, jeez Nene, calm down! We're just friends after all!!"

Punching her on the arm Yashiro sneered at Aoi. "Yeah, that doesn't mean you have to attack me out of nowhere!"

Sitting up Yashiro sighed and looked back at Hanako, the ghost giggling as he covered his mouth with his fingertips. It was a simple habit he had, even if it was simple Yashiro couldn't help but think about it. It looked kind of cute, watching the small ghost hardly touch his lips as he tried to hide the fact he was laughing. Almost as if he wanted someone to catch him doing it.

The boy's shoulders moved a bit when he caught her watching, Hanako smiling as he tilted his head. The boy opened his notebook as he wrote something, sitting on his knees on the couch.So, who's this Koana-Kun, Nene-Oneesan? You're not hiding your friends from me, are you? That's just rude you know.

Laughing Hanako watched as Yashiro held her tongue, puffing up her cheeks as she glared at him for asking a question that she wouldn't be able to answer at the moment. He stuck his tongue out as he pressed his finger against his cheek, Hanako winking at her.

"Nene-Chan, when can we hang out?" Aoi asked, Yashiro looking at her friend as she said that.

"We can hang out whenever you wanted Aoi! Its just now-"

Tell her you're busy.

Yashiro cut off when she read that, Hanako having flipped the page for that to have already been written there. "-...I'm a bit busy."

Aoi whined and shook Yashiro around. "But Nene-Chan!! You're always busy now!! Are you just spreading rumors around?!"

"No! I'm just busy with stuff! They've been doing tests and stuff ever know...with Mitsuba-Kun."

The purple hair girl let go of Yashiro as her lips quivered, Aoi tensing up a bit. "O...oh. I'm sorry Nene-Chan, I just...if you need time alone, I understand. I'll just be here if you need me."

Hanako grabbed Yashiro by her arm and tugged on her when Aoi looked away, the supernatural pointing to the hallway and whining like a dog. Glancing back at her friend Yashiro felt a bit guilty for lying, but she still got up and walked out of the room as Hanako floated next to her. Looking around to see if anyone was there the girl stepped closer to Hanako before punching him in the shoulder. "OWIE!!"

"What the hell was that for?!" She hissed, the boy rubbing his shoulder as he looked at her confused. "Why did you have me lie to Aoi like that?!"

Hanako sighed and opened his notebook, turning on his back as he wrote his answer down.She was asking too many questions, and it would look suspicious to her if you kept looking in my direction. She's a curious girl, and I don't blame her for that. I just think something might be off about her. You might want to be careful, it could be that she's latching onto you because of the death of your friend Sousuke-Kun.

Personally, Yashiro took a bit of offense to that, but then again Hanako could be right. Aoi has become clingier lately, maybe that's her way of coping with the death of Mitsuba. It's not unusual and knowing how Aoi has abandonment issues it could be that part of her blames Mitsuba for his own death.

Damn this f*cked up world.

The boy floated down to the ground so he could walk next to Yashiro, Hanako stumbling a bit as he tried to keep up. He grabbed onto his assistant's sleeve and balanced his weight, letting go when he took a deep breath. "Are you going to be okay?"

He looked up at her and nodded. "....mhm hmm."

Yashiro sighed before smiling, the girl continuing down the hall mindlessly as Hanako followed. Why did he want her to go away? It's not as if Hanako knew what was going on in Aoi's head, right? Or...maybe he did. Maybe it was some supernatural power he had, or maybe he's been around in this hospital long enough to figure people out. Maybe Hanako use to a doctor?

No...he says he's thirteen, so he can't be a doctor.

There are so many questions to ask, and hardly any of them could be answered.

Maybe she should stick to one topic at a time.

"Hanako...can...can I ask you something?"

The ghost looked over at her and nodded.

"Um...why...why didn't you just talk to me plain out?" She asked, trying to explain everything when he tilted his head confused. "What I mean is! Like...when we first met. Well, not when we met, because that was in the hallway, what I mean is...why were you hiding under my bed? And in my room? Back then before I knew your name, a day or two after I met you in the abandoned part of the hospital. I know you didn't want to scare me because of how we ended up meeting in that hallway, but you had plenty of moments to explain yourself. Why didn't you just walk up to me and say you were there to grant my wish?"

He stopped walking, Yashiro stopping as well as the boy starred at her. Hanako glanced down and took a deep breath before he opened his notebook and wrote down his answer.I wanted to make sure it really was you. To tell the truth, I wasn't thinking. I was focused on just trying make sure it really was you, because otherwise I could get in trouble for not granting the wish of the person who summoned me. I'm deeply sorry for scaring you, especially for hiding under your bed and stalking you, and I'm even more sorry if I made you uncomfortable with shoving you against the walls. I didn't think about what else to do but watch, because I thought if I just went up to you and tried to talk that you wouldn't see me. I didn't think overall, I didn't plan out what to do and just focused on trying to make sure you could see me. You were different than the other people who summoned me, to tell the truth you actually had a brain. You ran. You questioned my actions and my stupidity. Even now you ask me about why I did these things to you.

Hanako smiled nervously, letting out a single laugh as he sheepishly looked away. Yashiro looked back at his words before looking at him, noticing his little habit of clenching the paper. "Well, thank you for explaining Hanako. I have one more question if you're okay with it."

Hanako looked back at her and shuffled closer, slowly nodding. "Mhm hmm?"

The girl felt a bit worried to ask him her question, forcing herself to get it out of her system. "Why are you bruised and bandaged?"

She regretted her question when Hanako winced, the ghost's legs pressing against each other as he avoided looking in her direction. Slowly the boy flipped the page in his notebook and wrote his response, Yashiro reading the single sentence he wrote.

It's not important now.

Closing his notebook Hanako signaled the conversation was over, the ghost grabbing her arm and hugging it tightly. He wiped under his nose and walked with Yashiro, Hanako still hugging her arm as his fingers tightened on her skin. It must have been a horrible memory if he didn't want to tell her, and Yashiro can't blame him. She doesn't like talking about her and what happened with Papa, so it makes sense if Hanako doesn't want to tell her. Maybe later on he will tell her. Yashiro can't just expect Hanako to tell her everything when they've only known each other for a week or so.

Hanako stared at the ground as he walked with Yashiro, the supernatural boy putting his head against her shoulder. He really was small compared to her. His head rested against her shoulder, not quite on it. In fact, he would have to float to reach eye level. Yashiro couldn't help but worry about it. Was he small because he was malnourished, or did he have some kind of genetic disorder? Hanako says he's thirteen, but he doesn't look like it. His height states that he would be seven or eight, yet his bruised and beaten body would say otherwise, suggesting he was a teen or young adult. The boy was just like a broken puzzle, certain pieces ripped in half or lost to the seemingly unanswerable question of how being a supernatural has affected how his body works. All he wears was his nightgown, the western style a type that Yashiro had never seen before. Sure, her own nightgown looked similar, but it wasn't the same. Her nightgown was a light blue, not with a gray tint from age and dirt. The collar around her neck was a little circle at the bottom of her neck, a bit darker than the color of her nightgown. Her sleeves were puffed up and loose on her arms, its length just slightly above her elbows. With her dark brown tights Yashiro was able to walk around without being barefoot, yet Hanako...didn't have anything covering his feet. He was barefoot, with bandages wrapped around and bandaids splattered like random paint stains. Hanako's nightgown was smeared in dirt and had dried blood on the front of it, the light blue color fading away to look dead and gray, his sleeves having little cuffs on the end. The bottom of his nightgown was ripped up in uneven patterns, and his collar had no rough edges and was opened wide enough to show a bit of his chest. It was as if having two opposites walk right next to each other.

With his chewed fingernails lightly scrapping her skin Hanako buried part of his face into her arm. The ghost nuzzled against her body like a cat marking a new person as their friend, rubbing his face and head against her arms and moving closer when need be. Yashiro stumbled a bit when he pressed to hard, the boy pulling her back and hugging her tightly close to him. His breath symbolized that he wanted to say something, but he held it in and exhaled whatever worries were on his mind. His lack of words seemed unnatural, especially taking in the fact she's hear him talk before. Did Hanako think that if he used his voice, he would ruin their friendship? Or was it possible that he couldn't find the words to say what he wanted out loud? The entire boy himself was a mystery.

Yashiro looked over her shoulder and down to see Hanako as his hands tightened on her skin, the ghost letting his grip loosen when he caught her watching him. As he looked away the girl opened her mouth to speak. "O-oh, sorry, I was just wondering why you kept moving your fingers like that."

He let go of her arm and held his hands at his side, Hanako moving to the side so he would be farther away from her. Without saying a word Hanako glanced back at her and turned his head away, his breathing and body language telling Yashiro he was sorry. Whether it was being sorry for touching her or making her look at him, Yashiro didn't know. Perhaps he was sorry for even just taking her attention away from walking. That...was concerning for her. Hanako didn't blame himself for such a stupid thing, right? How was Yashiro supposed to know? She can't hear his thoughts, and lord knows she doesn't have the courage to ask him. Even if she did ask, he would lie right to her face or just remain silent. The boy must secretly be terrified that if he said something wrong Yashiro would run in horror. Yashiro wouldn't run, there would be no reason for her to run away from him. Hanako is her friend.

Carefully she stepped closer to Hanako and took his hand, the boy flinching when her skin grazed his. Yashiro panicked when the supernatural's body tensed up as he turned a bit, grabbing his hand and tightening her grip so he couldn't get away. Hanako yanked his hand towards his chest so he could get out of her grip, pulling Yashiro with him as he tried to run away from her. He whimpered like a wounded dog as he tried to scurry away, Hanako only stopping when he realized Yashiro wasn't walking anymore. Opening his eyes the apparition looked at his friend as he relaxed, laughing nervously at the worried look on Yashiro's face.


Why did he flinch?

"I-I- Sorry..." Yashiro muttered, letting go of his hand. Feeling horrible she stepped away as Hanako freaked out, the ghost's eyes widening as his mouth opened a little.

"NMM MHMM!!!" The apparition squealed, grabbing her arm and hugging Yashiro tightly. Hanako shoved his face into her shoulder and slid his hand down her arm, holding Yashiro's hand palm-to-palm as he clenched the girl's hand tightly. His behavior had completely changed in a matter of seconds. As Hanako squeezed her hand his open arm tightened around hers, his other hand clenching the limb tightly as he took his face out of her shoulder. Slowly he looked up at her and shook his head, humming. "Nmm mhm."

"Are you...asking me not to go?" She asked, Hanako nodding as he poked her arm.

Squeezing her hand the ghost nudged her on as they continued with their walk, Yashiro looking back at him as Hanako stared at the ground. He probably feels horrible. Not only for what happened earlier, but now for scaring her because he flinched. Yashiro wasn't mad...she was worried.

Why did Hanako flinch when she took his hand?

Earlier when she did it, he froze up and looked away from her embarrassed, but this time he tried to run away from her. Sure, Yashiro tightened her grip when she heard him whine, but that was in an attempt to tell him that she didn't want him to go. Maybe she scared him on accident. Hopefully she didn't trigger a bad memory, she would hope she didn't.

Yashiro...she didn't like the way he freaked out when she took his hand.

The boy made some noise as he walked with her, letting his grip on her arm loosen as he hugged himself closer to her. Hanako rubbed his thumb against Yashiro's his bandaids making the smooth feeling of his skin bumpy and uneven. She never quite noticed before, but his skin was uneven. Scars and bruises. Each one caused a bump, even if it was small. An imperfection that would forever be marked on his body. He must feel insecure. Maybe Hanako is constantly comparing his body to Yashiro's. Maybe he thinks that everything about her is perfect, while his body is broken and beat up. Yashiro isn't perfect though, if she was, then she wouldn't be in this hospital. She would be in school, chatting with friends and not worrying about that at every turn her father will be there to grab her by her hair and drag her back into the house she hated so much.

Hanako nuzzled his head against her shoulder as he pushed his finger down, Yashiro's fingers going up thanks to the pressure on her knuckles. Carefully, as if not to scare her, the boy moved his arm that was around Yashiro's so he was no longer holding it, instead now just holding her hand as he walked with her down the hallway. After a minute he rested his head against her as he walked next to her, the supernatural seemingly have calmed down from what happened just a few minutes ago.

"I'm...sorry if I worked you up." Yashiro muttered, Hanako pressing his thumb against her finger.

The ghost shook his head and looked up at her. He wanted to say something, Yashiro could tell by the glimmer in his eyes. Instead he just pulled her hand closer to him and kept walking with her.

There goes that topic, maybe Yashiro should try another.

"Um, so if I'm your assistant, doesn't that mean I have to meet the other Hospital Mysteries?" Yashiro asked, holding her opened hand close to her face a bit nervous.

Hanako's grip on her hand tightened as he shook his head, the ghost still not saying a word.

Alright...she can work with this. "Okay, well they...also have assistants?"

He shrugged, the boy rubbing his eye before he itched one of the bandaids on the side of his neck. So...he doesn't know. Yashiro can't blame him, maybe there's a rule or something about it. Or maybe it's different for Hanako since he's the seventh mystery.

How...did he end up the seventh mystery?

And why is the most powerful mystery a ghost who haunts the girls bathroom?

Aoi said its based of a fear system, and that all the patients fear Hanako-San the most, making him the most powerful one of them all. Isn't it weird though? Having a thirteen year old patient be in charge of the others? Aoi also mentioned that there are rumors about how ruthless Hanako is. Something about sitting on a throne and ordering other supernaturals around, even...executing them for simple mistakes. Now that Yashiro thinks about it, Kou mentioned something about killing supernaturals too. Making lesser spirits do his work instead. Hanako isn't like that, Yashiro can tell he isn't.

But...he did say...that he was a murderer.

Yashiro almost flinched when she felt Hanako lightly tug her hand, looking over to see him holding his notebook.You never answered my question. Who's Koana-Kun?

It took her a second to think of an answer since she was questioning how he wrote that with one hand. The girl forced herself to focus when Hanako made a worried whine and pulled on her hand. "Oh! Ko-Koana-Kun? I actually don't know anyone named that, I made them up as a lie for Aoi. She asked why I was worried, and I said it was because of a friend and all that."

Hanako tilted his head and moved his finger in the air, bouncing it as if he was following along on the words she just said. He looked back her before spelling the word 'worried' in the air with a question mark.

"I was just worried, like general worrying and stuff." Yashiro answered, assuming that Hanako was asking why she was worried. "It's alright though. I'll be fine."

The ghost lowered his hand as he moved his fingers, looking at his own feet before sighing. Yashiro's probably tiring him out with her questions, maybe it's better if she shut up for a bit. Her curiosity was the worst part about her. A stupid parasite that eats at her brain and devours all her other thoughts.

Hanako rubbed his thumb against her fingers, using his pointer and wrapping it around her index. As if following a leader his other fingers naturally moved with him, Hanako stepping closer so his arm was pressed against hers. Suddenly he rested his head against her shoulder, the boy closing his eyes as he took his feet off the ground and floated next to Yashiro as she kept walking. Looking over at him the girl watched Hanako as he mumbled something, grabbing her arm before hugging it tightly. He felt cold, yet the energy she felt made her flesh warm up as if her blood was trying to make her heat up so she wouldn't freeze to death. Yashiro stopped walking as she listened to his breathing, Hanako opening his amber eyes and glancing up at her before nudging her to keep walking.

"Nhm..." he groaned, the supernatural boy closing his eyes when she kept walking. Yashiro wasn't one who was used to physically affection, in fact she didn't really like it. Why was it then when Hanako held her hand or grabbed her arm, she didn't question it? Was it because he's a ghost, and she understands that he must be lonely.

Another question popped into her head when Hanako moved his head a bit. Why her hand? At first, Yashiro passed it off as him being used to holding people's hands when he walked, but it would be weird if a thirteen year old boy was constantly holding people's hands as he walked around. It's weird to be holding her hand. It's not like they're dati-

With that thought Yashiro pulled her arm away as Hanako tumbled forward a bit, the ghost catching himself on Yashiro by grabbing her sleeping gown. With a bewildered expression he tried to process what just happened before looking up at his assistant, the apparition shaking her lightly to try and ask her why she did that.

"Hanako, now'sprobably not the time!" Yashiro whispered, coming up with a lie rather than risking the truth. "There's people coming out in the hallways!"

Hanako whined and tried to grab her hand, Yashiro sticking her hands under her sleeping gown and clenching the fabric of her pantyhose's. The boy gave up and crossed his arms, looking away from her as he pouted his lips angry. Looking away Hanako refused to make eye contact with her as he grumbled something she couldn't make out.

"Dummy." She muttered, Hanako immediately whipping his head in her direction and shaking her as he went on whining about something she couldn't make out. "Jeez Jeez okay okay! Stop shaking me, I'm gonna get sick!!"

Letting go of his assistant the boy floated on his back as he kept his arms crossed, not looking Yashiro in her eyes. She stared at him before sighing and focusing ahead of her, wondering why Hanako even dragged her out here for a walk. There wasn't any real reason, right? He didn't need to talk to her, all he did was tell her to tell Aoi she was busy and then left the room with her.

You know what? She's over thinking this.

Maybe Yashiro should just get a cup of water to clear her mind if it's troubles.

Taking a turn Yashiro walked down the hall as Hanako followed, the boy scribbling something in his notebook as she tried her best to ignore the sound. Floating closer Hanako tapped her shoulder, Yashiro looking over as she read what he wrote.

Where are you going? This isn't the way to your room.

"I'm getting a drink of water. I'm going to ask one the nurses." She explained, pointing down the hallway as he nodded.

Once she reached the desk Yashiro looked around, working up the courage to talk to one of the nurses as Hanako floated next to her with his arms close to his chest like a little dinosaur.

"Um, excuse me?" Yashiro said, a nurse looking over at her. A young woman, a nurse with beige hair tied that was braided on one side of her head. "C-can I please get a cup of water?"

The woman looked down at the girl before nodding, turning around and going to the sink as Yashiro sat down. "Have you taken your medication today, Yashiro-San?" She asked as she turned the sink on.

"Yes Sensei." Yashiro answered, her hands clenching the fabric of her sleeping gown.

The nurse set down her cup of water, Yashiro slowly drinking it up as Hanako stared at her. The boy grabbed his friend by her shoulder and hugged her, his head moving her hair as he put his head on her shoulder. Yashiro herself noticed how one of the nurses watched her hair move on its own, the staff member looking at her in fear before forcing themselves to focus on something else. She'll have to tell Hanako that he needs to be more careful in public with other people around or else she might make a name for herself here. Not as if she already hasn't, she hears people whisper about her running around the hospital all the time.

"Thank you." She said, the nurse taking the cup as she walked over to the trash can to throw it out. The bells in her hair jingled with each step, the woman's shoes clacking loudly on the tile floor as she dropped the cup in the trashcan. Looking up from the woman's footwear to her face Yashiro's blood ran cold when she caught the nurse glaring at her, the woman's head tilted so Yashiro could only see her bright green eye staring right into the young girl's soul. It was just like that look Hanako gave her when she tried to touch his shoulder. The shadows on the face, the eyes widening as the pupils shrunk, the blank stare, it all was just like how Hanako glared at her. Why was the nurse even looking at her like that? Was there someone behind her? Looking away the nurse ran her hand through her hair, Yashiro looking at the table as Hanako leaned down to see if she was okay.

Why was everyone now always looking at her like she lost her mind?

Chapter 13: The Dead Can't Be That Scary


Yashiro looked at the ground as she heard Hanako chuckle, the boy looking through the window as his orbs floated next to him. Carefully, as if not to alert him, she walked over to the ghost and grabbed the back of his nightgown. Turning his head Hanako tensed up when he saw his assistant crying, the girl biting the inside of her lip as she tugged on his clothes. "Ca-can the people who go there...ev...ever come back?"

Hanako watched as she pressed her fist against her lips, the ghost smiling softly. The apparition put his hands on her cheeks and lifted her face up, floating a bit so he was taller than her. Giggling the boy used his thumb to wipe her tear, leaning in and resting his forehead against hers as if to tell her that everything will be okay. The supernatural boy's cold touch on her face helped Yashiro calm down a little, the girls breathing slowing down to a normal pace. Hanako smiled as Yashiro relaxed, the boy nuzzling his chin on the top of her head like a cat trying to cheer up its owner. She felt like Hanako was telling her that everything would be okay, that he would save her friend and bring Aoi back to safety.

Chapter Text

Yashiro turned in her bed and blinked her eyes open, groaning as she felt something tighten around her hand. She was about to sit up before her eyes focused on what was in front of her, her sleepy expression now one of shock when she saw Hanako next to her bedframe while he was holding her hand.

She jolted up, Hanako quickly pulling himself onto her bed and covering her mouth so fast Yashiro didn't even have time to blink. His fingers curled deep into her skin, Hanako putting his index against his lips to try and shush her. It was like those moments back before she knew his name, back when Yashiro only knew Hanako as a stalker. Slowly Hanako took his hand off and gave a nervous laugh, picking up his notebook that he had next to her.Good morning, Oneesan.

The girl sighed from relief and smiled. "Good morning Hanako."

Hanako giggled and took her hand, the boy holding her palm with all of his fingers as the ghost closed his eyes, gently blowing on her fingertips before nuzzling his cheek against her hand with a warm smile. Her fingers pressed against the cotton bandage on his cheek as the boy rubbed his face against her skin. Opening his eyes Hanako let go of her hand and picked his notebook back up, flipping to a random page and picking up his crayon.Don't worry, that's just a common greeting for us supernaturals. It's a way of wishing the other has good health.

Yashiro was confused for a moment before she figured he was talking about how he did that with her hand a minute ago. "Oh, its okay! Here!"

Taking his hand off the notebook Yashiro held his palm just like Hanako did before, the girl brushing her cheek against his bandaid covered fingers. Closing her eyes Yashiro didn't get to see the ghost's face as his cheeks flushed pink, his amber eyes widening before he looked at the ground. Opening her eyes back up Yashiro moved his hand and let it slip away, Hanako covering his face with his notebook embarrassed. Watching as his fingers curled on the notebook cover Yashiro laughed, the boys squealing a little as his legs wiggled. He peaked over the paper and hid again when caught Yashiro staring at him, Hanako trying to say something but stopping from embarrassment.

"Aww, don't be so shy!" Yashiro cheered, gently taking his wrists and Hanako's hands down so she could see his face. The supernatural boy refused to meet her eyes as he tried to cover his face back up, Yashiro moving his arms so he couldn't. "Hey, hey no, no hiding!"

Hanako whined and tugged back, the boy accidentally pulling so hard that he yanked Yashiro off balance. His blood ran cold when she went tumbling forward, the boy yelling out when she landed on him. Being forced to lean back from the pressure of her on his chest Hanako's back was pressed against her bedframe, the ghost bent so the top of his body was dangling from the bedside. With Yashiro's face pressed against his chest and her hands on his arms Hanako stared at her with wide eyes, holding back a scream as instead a sound similar to that of a...deflating balloon came out of his closed lips.

Pushing herself up Yashiro was surprised to see Hanako's nightgown, looking up a little to see the ghost leaned back on her bedframe with a panicked expression. Freaking out she sat up and moved off Hanako, the girl patting herself down as if to make sure that no filth had gotten on her clothing and skin. "Oh jeez, I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry Hanako!"

"MM-Nhm Mhm!" He squeaked, the ghost sitting up as he waved his hands. Whipping his head around he looked for something, grabbing his notebook and crayon when he found them.

No, it's my fault Oneesan. I pulled too hard on you.

Shaking her head Yashiro denied his claims. "No, it is my fau-"

"Nene-Chan, are you okay?"

Both the ghost and the girl looked over to see Aoi sitting up in bed, the purple haired girl's long strands of hair all over her shoulders and partially covering her face. "Um, yeah, I'm fine Aoi!"

Aoi yawned and stretched, popping her back as Hanako crawled closer to Yashiro. "I thought I heard you talking to someone. You're not hiding some boy in here, aren't you?" She asked, Aoi feeling around as she tried to get up. "After all, that weird stalker boy you talked about doesn't mess with us anymore."

Yashiro got out of her own bed, Hanako watching her with his bug eyed stare. As she talked to her friend Yashiro grabbed a pair of glasses on Aoi's side of the dresser, handing them to her friend. "It was probably some prankster. I mean, who would call you a whor* and genuinely mean it?"

Aoi took the glasses and put them on, getting up and beginning to make her bed. "Let's be honest Nene, a lot of the people here are crazy. Literally crazy. Like, 'I will kill you if you even breath in my direction' crazy. I get the hospital has changed but jeez, sometimes it's almost like some people are getting beat by the staff."

Glancing back at Hanako, Yashiro choked on her words as she watched him look at her bedsheets shamefully, his hand clenching the blanket as he turned his head away from the girls. "Ye...yeah."

"I can't wait till we get out of here, right Nene-Chan?" Aoi asked, fluffing up her pillows. "I mean you'll already be out by the time I'm released, but we can rent a little apartment together nearby a beach and maybe live together for a bit as I get use to the real world again."

The purple haired girl put her pillows back as Yashiro spoke, "Why specifically a beach? Wouldn't a city be better?"

"Ugh! I hate the city!!" She snarked. "It's full of people who don't even understand how others work! We'll be made fun of and discriminated."

Hanako grumbled about something, Yashiro looking over to see him sitting crisscross on her bed while messing around with her hamster plush. The ghost wiggled it chubby arm as he listened in on their conversation, glancing over as she quickly looked away. "Well, I don't think the city is that bad. We live close to Tokyo, so maybe we could make a new life there. Though it depends on where I end up."

Aoi finished making her bed, both her and Yashiro grabbing fresh new clothes from the closet as Hanako watched. He just sat there, his eyes studying each girls movements. It was like having a house pet watch your every move, but only one person could see the animal as it stared into the souls of its caretakers. Yashiro could feel the pressure of his gaze on the back of her head as Aoi tried to stay awake, her glasses sort of falling off her face as she snapped her head back up. "Maybe we should get some kind of apartment where we live close enough to a city that we could walk. Or maybe a small town. Yeah...a small town."

"Let's not plan too far ahead." Yashiro suggested, opening her dresser and taking out a pair of pantyhose as Hanako stopped fidgeting with his hamster. "We still need to see how long it will take for us to get out of the hospital anyways."

Both girls held their clothes as they left the room, Hanako getting off her bed and following Yashiro out the door. He floated after her and listened in on their conversations, the ghost moving closer to Yashiro as he tried to nuzzle his head against her shoulder.

Aoi opened the door to the hospitals changing rooms, which were also showers and bathrooms. Stopping at the doors the boy stared at the female only sign, watching as the two girls went inside as he floated out there. As they walked inside Aoi looked at Yashiro. "So, Nene-Chan, how's your new friend? Have you seen him lately?"

"Eh? Oh, not really. I haven't been able to sneak away to find him."

"Ehhhhh?! That's boring!! Where's all the drama, the fun!!" Aoi asked.

She laughed and rubbed the back of her head, holding her clothes close to her chest. "Well, it's not easy to slip away Aoi, if I get caught too many times then I'll get tagged like a deer for hunting season."

"I guess you're right. If you get locked up, I'll never see you again!" The purple haired girl whined, stopping when she reached a stall. With each one going into a different one Aoi tried to keep the conversation going. "So why is Koana-Kun locked up? What happened to him?"

"I...don't know. He hasn't told me. I don't want to force the pressure on him, I haven't known him for that long." Yashiro said, partially telling the truth. "All I know is that he's older then he looks. And he's...surprisingly nice."

She left the changing room, now wearing the same thing as yesterday and the day before. A nightgown with her pair of pantyhose. Holding a small baggie Yashiro walked over to a counter, grabbing a brush in the shake of a little skull and brushing her hair.

After a few minutes Yashiro and Aoi had both finished changing, the girls standing in front of a mirror as they styled their hair. Aoi took a few hairclips and hair ties, pulling part of her hair back as she made sure to position everything right. Yashiro on the other hand brushed her hair and smoothed out her bangs, the girl stopping when she felt someone part her hair from behind. Turning around she saw Hanako lifting up her hair like a kid lifting up the covers to peak from under the blanket they were hiding in, the girl smiling as she lightly shooed him away. Pushing some of her hair back the girl clipped her two dark brown magatama hair accessories on as she made sure her long hair was bushed perfectly, staying still when Aoi suddenly stepped closer and brushed Yashiro bangs a bit to the side.

"Sorry, it didn't look right." She said, giggling before sticking out her tongue. "You look better now!"

Yashiro laughed before watching Aoi take off her glasses, the girl opening a contact container and putting in the contacts. Blinking her purple eyes a few times Aoi let herself adjust to her eyesight and put the lids back onto her contacts case, resting her hands on the sink as she took a deep breath. The girl was about to say something to help Aoi when she felt some presence next to her, looking at her side to see Hanako standing there next to her. The boy grabbed her arm as his fingernails dug into the bandages wrapped around just beneath her elbow, Hanako moving her arm back and forth a little to mess with it. He toyed with it as if playing with a doll, the ghost nuzzling his face on her sleeping gown like a cat.

Carefully nudging him away the boy whined as Yashiro tried to get him off. She pushed his face away as he tried to grab her, flailing his arms around in an attempt to cling onto her. The ghost puffed up his cheeks and lips as he squealed, trying to cling onto her like glue. Quickly taking her chance when Aoi began to leave Yashiro slipped away, Hanako stumbling before following her quickly. The ghost tried to grab her only to miss when she opened the door and stepped out, Hanako falling on his face as Aoi waved goodbye to Yashiro.

"Bye bye Nene-Chan, I'll see you after our classes!" She cheered, hopping away to the other side of the hall as Hanako got up.

Yashiro waved goodbye to Aoi before looking down at Hanako. "Um...I'm going to my classes...are you going to be okay on your own?"

The ghost stretched out and nodded, floating up to his feet before shyly waving goodbye and flying away somewhere in a random direction. Once he was out of sight she sighed and pulled on her hair a bit, trying not to lose her mind. This was crazy. Taking a deep breath, she went back in her room and grabbed her school stuff, walking up the stairs as she made her way to classes.

After her first class Yashiro walked down the stairs and wiped her nose with the palm of her hand, the girl thinking about Hanako this morning. He was acting weird this morning. Usually, he doesn't follow her into her bedroom or into a changing room, but when she woke up he was staring at her from the side of her bed. His flingers had been entwined with hers even as she slept. How long had he been there? Yashiro doesn't remember seeing him before she fell asleep. Maybe he just went through her door and watched her sleep. It made her feel...weird thinking about that. It's kind of like how Hanako once hid underneath her bed and followed her around like a crazy, obsessive stalker. Hanako has apologized for how he followed her around and how he has scared her, but that doesn't stop her from still thinking about the weird way they met.

She sighed and opened the door to her room, Yashiro stopping when she saw something that wasn't right. Aoi's side of the room was completely missing. No side that was a pastel purple, no pink rug nearby her bed which was a purple and pink theme, no candy stickers that covered the wall, and no dresser with wrappers and cute animal plushies all over it. It was just dark blue, the side of the room where's Aoi stuff was having a desk with a green chair and a bunch of stuff all over it. She's never seen this before...did she enter the wrong room? No, no Yashiro didn't. The pictures were still there but...they were different. They were only of her and Mitsuba, Aoi wasn't in any of them. None of the drawings that Aoi had made for her were there anymore. Every single one was gone. Yashiro would have assumed that this was the work of the doctors trying to gaslight and manipulate her, but this wouldn't be possible with the pictures. Her and Mitsuba were the exact same, and Aoi just...wasn't there. Even in the picture where they were all jumping holding hands, Yashiro's hand that was holding Aoi's was open and up high.

Yashiro walked into her room and looked at everything, any words in her head dying when they reached her throat. What was going on? Was this some kind prank or test? She would hope it was, or maybe that Aoi was moving to another room. All of those assumptions seemed realistic, but the pictures were what made her think twice about it. Slowly she grabbed what she was looking for and glanced around the room before leaving, worried about what was happening. The girl closed the door and opened it back up to see if she was hallucinating, yet when Yashiro looked back inside the room was just as she had left it. The desk was still there and the walls were still dark blue. A bit scared Yashiro stepped away before quickly walking from the door, hurrying down the halls and up the stairs towards her classroom. Opening the sliding door she shuffled into the room as she looked around nervously, stopping at where usually Aoi's desk was. Instead, there was some random boy sitting there as he flipped through a textbook.

"Um, excuse me?" The girl said, freezing up a little when the boy looked at her. "Aoi-Chan sits there, do you think you can move?"

The boy blinked before laughing. "Oh! Do you mean Akane-Kun? He sits over there, Yashiro-San. Did you not take your medicine or something?"

She froze completely when the boy asked her that, Yashiro looking through the corner of her eyes around the room. Nothing of Aoi's was there, all of it was gone. This wasn't normal.

"Yashiro-San?" The teacher asked, walking over to her. "Is everything okay?"

None of this made sense anymore.

All of it was like a maze that tried to devour her with each step she made.

Where...was Aoi?

The girl ran out of the classroom as the teacher yelled after her, Yashiro not even caring and just running down the hallway. Aoi just disappeared, everything about her was gone. There wasn't anything. Nothing. It was all gone. All that she owned, every picture and drawing just didn't exist. Yashiro stopped to take a deep breath, looking out the windows as she watched a flock of crows land on the ground. One landed in a tree, its pinkish eyes looking around as Yashiro stood up straight. She saw this crow the day Mitsuba died. Was this crow a symbol of death? Does that mean Aoi was dead?! She can't be dead, right?! Yashiro can't lose another friend, Aoi's all she had left!

She sprinted down the halls as the crow took off, the girls legs begging her to stop running as they tried to keep her going, Yashiro trying to figure out who was left. Mitsuba was dead, Aoi had disappeared without a trace, that Kou boy seemed more like a one-time figure then a person she could trust, all that was left was...


Hanako could help her, he could figure out what was going on. This wasn't like with the fish or scales, Hanako was her friend now. He's helped her before, she knows that she'll probably have to pay him back, but she doesn't care. With her mind set the poor girl ran around all over the hospital, trying to find Hanako but to no avail. She looked all over, in the closets and rooms, checking classrooms, but there was nothing. Hanako wasn't anywhere at all. Where would he be? Probably in his bathroom, that would be the most logical place. Taking a deep breath Yashiro turned around and ran down the direction to the abandoned part of the building, gasping for air the entire way down.

Running into the bathroom Yashiro prayed that he was in here, her prayers being answered when she saw the boy's face reflected in the mirror. The ghost was sitting on the window frame as he held a few Hanafuda card in his hands, the nearby Mokke trying to peak at his hands. With a chuckle the ghost patted their head as the little pink rabbits groaned about how they couldn't cheat.

"Hanako!" Yashiro called, the boy looking up from his cards. His eyes lit up when he saw her, Hanako neutral expression changing to a smile. "Hanako, where have you been?! I've looked all over the hospital for you!!"

He tilted his head confused before laughing, the boy covering his mouth with his fingertips as Yashiro puffed up her cheeks. Setting down his cards the ghost picked up his notebook and wrote something down, showing his thoughts to Yashiro as he flipped one of the cards and matched it.

You're the assistant here, so if I'm off doing something then you have no choice but to find me. I've been busy lately.

"Busy with what?! Playing cards with the Mokke?! I have a big problem that I need you for!" She yelled, Hanako looking back over at her as he covered his cards. "One of my friends...Ao-Chan...she just...disappeared. No one remembers her. My room isn't even split, it's side. It's all mine and...and...her desks aren't there. And her papers. And those little notes she would leave me. They're all gone. I don't know what's happening Hanako. Y-you saw her this morning! You know she's real! Please Hanako, what happened?! You have to help me!"

Hanako looked back at his cards, flipping the page in his notebook and scribbling his thoughts.

None of this is my problem Oneesan.

She tensed up after reading those words, Yashiro's eyes close to crying as they widened. Looking back up at him she watched as he set his notebook down and picked his cards back up, the ghost tapping his fingers one the wood twice to symbolize a Koi-Koi. Desperate to get his attention Yashiro whined and began to cover her face. "I was so stupid...why did I even come to you for help? I-I'm sorry Hanako, I'll...I-I'll go."

His hand froze in place, the boys head immediately snapping towards her direction when he heard the change of tone in her voice. His pupils shrunk as his breathing got shaky, Hanako practically flying off his seat as he rushed over to the crying girl. Taking her hands the boy moved them away and lifted up her face, the cards fluttering down to the ground as the Mokke whined about the game being lost.

Hanako pulled Yashiro's head onto his shoulder as he tried to cheer her up, the boy rubbing her hair as he remained silent. Was he trying to say that she should stay? Or was he annoyed that she was about to cry? This felt just like on the rooftop after the fight with Kou, how Hanako had to rub her wrists to calm her down before hugging her. Did he feel bad for making her cry? Yashiro didn't know, but all the same she felt terrible. She felt as if she was relying on Hanako. Relying on him for help. Help with what? He already said Aoi wasn't his problem...but then why was he calming her down?

Letting go of her head Hanako double checked if she was still crying, holding his breath and smiling when he didn't see any more tears. Using his hand the boy wrote something in the air, Yashiro making the word out slightly. "Are you...asking if I'm okay?" Yashiro asked, Hanako nodding. "Yes...I'm okay."

Before Hanako could say anything the boy froze up, letting go of Yashiro before pushing her behind him. As if trying to protect her the boy held out his arm and signaled her to stay back.

"HAAAAAAAAANNNNNAAAAAAAAKKOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" They heard someone scream, the two looking over at the door when it was suddenly opened so fast it was as if the person screaming was trying to rip it off its hinges. That person just happened to be Kou, the boy tightening his apron as he marched over towards the two angerly.

"Mi-Minamoto-Kun! This is a girl...well, not really anymore...regardless it's a girl's bathroom!" Yashiro said, watching as Hanako prepared to grab his knife.

Hanako squeaked when Kou grabbed him by his nightgown's collar, shaking the ghost violently as he yelled. "WHERE DID YOU TAKE MY FRIENDS?! IF YOU DID ANYTHING TO HURT THEM, I SWEAR I'LL EXORCISE YOU!!"

The poor ghost had hardly any time to process what was going on as Kou yelled in his face, Yashiro thankfully breaking the two apart by grabbing Kou's hands and prying his fingers off Hanako's nightgown. "Alright you two, calm down!!"

Trembling Hanako grabbed Yashiro and held onto her for dear life, wrapping both his arms and legs around the girl as he stared at Kou with terror in his wide bug eyes. Whining like a dog the boy squeezed Yashiro as he put his head on her shoulder, his assistant rubbing his head as she tried to assure him everything was okay.

Kou grinded his teeth as he clenched his staff. "I swear on my grandma's grave, if you did anything to them-"

"Minamoto-Kun, you cannot just come here and start picking a fight! Just because you're a bigger boy than Hanako doesn't mean you can pick on him!" She scolded, wagging her finger. "I'm not going to let you bully and be mean to him!"

With that Kou sighed and lowered his guard a bit, standing up straight from his battle position as he put away his staff. "Fine...I won't hurt him unless he poses an immediate threat."

Hanako's fingers curled tighter around Yashiro's arm as he stuck out his tongue at Kou, the exorcist biting back an insult as Yashiro looked back and forth between the two of them. Figuring she would have to be the peace maker the girl nudged Hanako off her and tried to think of a solution for the problem. "Well Minamoto-Kun, I think you owe us an explanation as to why you decided to run in here and start shaking Hanako around like some doll."

"It's my friends, Satou and Yokoo! They went missing, and I know it was him!" Kou yelled, pointing to Hanako as the ghost held up his hands. "He's in charge of the Seven Mysteries, I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered someone to kidnap them so he could threaten me into quitting my work here!"

Hanako dug behind his back and pulled out his notebook, using his usual crayon to write what he wanted to say on paper.

I didn't kidnap your friends, I don't have any real need to do that.

"Oh yeah?! Then what about that note you left me!! I'm still ready to fight!!"

The ghost handed Yashiro his notebook and walked over to Kou, his attitude having completely changed from scared and timid to more of annoyed. Taking Kou's hand he opened it up and poked Kou's palm, the taller boy wincing in pain as Hanako's fingers tightened. Rubbing his fingertip against Kou's skin Hanako looked up before letting go, taking his notebook back and writing down what his thoughts were.

Just as I expected, you're not ready. Thankfully that nurse I sent for you helped heal you back to normal shape. Your problem is you're too headstrong. You keep jumping into problems thinking you can solve them not because you want to, but because you're told to. You have the skills to be a fine exorcist, but you keep trying to rush. Take it slow. Let your body get use to the torture you'll put yourself through.

Hanako lowered his notebook and smiled, the boy giving Kou an inspirational boost as he chuckled.

Before getting grabbed by nightgown and violently shaken again.

Kou trashed Hanako around all over as the ghost yelled out, Kou screaming in his face. "YOU'RE NOT MEANT TO BE CHEERING ME ON, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE PLANNING AND ITS NOT GOING TO WORK!!"

Yashiro shoved Kou away and pushed the exorcist far away from the ghost. "WOAH, OKAY CALM DOWN!!"

Kou tried to get out of her grasp as Hanako scrambled back, the boy grabbing the curtains as he tried not to fall down from dizziness. Thinking on his feet he rushed over and grabbed Yashiro's arm, pulling her away before pointing at Kou chest. Right as the exorcist was about to yell something the Hakujoudai came flying in through the door and wrapped themselves around Kou, yanking him back against the wall and tying themselves around the boy.

Hanako hugged Yashiro as Kou trashed around. "HEY, LET ME OUT OF HERE!!"

Yashiro forced herself out of Hanako's grip. "Hanako, what the hell do you think you're doing?! Why did you do that!?"

The boy threw his hands at Kou as he made a squeal, letting out a frustrated groan before grabbing his notebook and writing.

I can't let him hurt my assistant, he was going to shove you away and you were going to get hurt! Besides, I'm trying to protect myself!! He's trying to exorcize me!

She was about to argue when she realized he had a point, Yashiro sighing as Kou continued to freak out. "Okay, okay that's fair, but I think we should all solve this peacefully! How about we all just calm down and take a deep breath. We've already had one fight, we don't need another."

Hanako glared at Kou as the exorcist clenched his teeth, only to sigh and go limp in the Hakujoudai. "Fine. How about I stay on this side of the room with you, and he stays over there?"

Hanako pulled Yashiro back and shook his head, waving his hand and flicking his wrist to command his orbs. With a snap of his fingers the Hakujoudai let go of Kou and wrapped themselves around his legs, locking the exorcist in place as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh sure, yeah, that works too." He snapped sarcastically.

The girl glanced at Hanako as he rolled his eyes, kicking back his feet and floating as he rested his head on his fist. Speaking up for him Yashiro looked at Kou as he tried to get out of the orbs grip. "Well, can you explain everything, but more clearly this time? It might not be Hanako's fault."

Taking a deep breath Kou explained. "My friends and co-workers, Satou and Yokoo. They disappeared and nobody but me and my brother remember them. I know that this murderer is responsible for it, and I'm going to have him admit to it and bring them back!"

Hanako groaned and opened his notebook, writing inside it as Kou tried to get closer.Will you please stop accusing me of kidnapping your friends? I've been busy all day and now I get to spend what little free time I have with Nene-Oneesan. If you could kindly just leave, we would appreciate that.

"Like hell I'd believe those lies!!"

Yashiro tried to think as the two bickered, well it was Kou yelling and Hanako trying to keep his cool, but none the less they were still bickering. "No, Hanako didn't do it. One of my friends, Akane Aoi-San is what you would know her as...she went missing and nobody knows her anymore. Not even the hospital staff."

Kou fixed his hat as he thought about her words, the boy calming down as he glanced at Hanako. "Are you one hundred percent sure that this disgusting misogynistic toilet spirit isn't responsible for everything?"

Can we please stop insulting me?

"I'm one hundred percent sure. He would have no reason to hurt either of our friends!"

Finally, Kou sighed and let all of his tension away, trying to sit down only to be unable to do so thanks to the Hakujoudai around his ankles. Hanako flicked his wrist to the side, the orbs flying away from Kou's feet and floating over to the supernatural. As they nuzzled up against the boy like cats Kou sat down and took off his hat, rubbing the top of his head. "That gives me a bit of relief. When they disappeared my first assumption was it was some supernatural, but my brother said that this jerk was responsible. He said it probably was of taunting me for losing the fight."

I wouldn't have any need to taunt you.Hanako's notebook said.You lost, that's all there is to it.

The exorcist ran his hands through his hair as he took a deep breath. "I just...I don't know what happened to them. I'm worried if they're okay."

Yashiro watched as Kou took a shaky sigh, the girl getting down and putting her hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay Minamoto-Kun. I...I'm sure we'll be fine."

Both of them looked over when they heard one of Hanako's Hakujoudai make an odd noise, the two humans watching the ghost and nodded and mumbled something. Somehow in the few seconds they hadn't been looking at him Hanako had already turned his back to them and was at his window, listening to what his Hakujoudai had to say. His grip on the window frame tightened, the boy's fingernails digging into the wood as his arm began to shake. After taking a deep breath he flipped one of the pages in his notebook and wrote down what information he has learned.

This is the work of a supernatural, one of the Seven Mysteries. I know exactly which one has decided to go against my orders.

Yashiro and Kou looked at each other before the girl spoke up. "How do you know Hanako?"

Hanako showed his notebook after writing his answer, the ghost letting his green orb float into the palm of his hand.Hakujoudai informed me that the patients are disappearing on a set of stairs. This is the work of Number Two, she's in charge of a staircase nearby where the art supplies are kept. She's one of the least feared among us, so she's always trying to make rumors for people to be more scared of her. Unfortunately, this time she's gone too far. Having a rumor like mine is different because patients usually won't actually do it, but having a rumor for something like a staircase is different because people will use that every day. If I try to talk her out of this, she'll hide in her boundary. We'll have to solve this by ourselves with force.

Tilting her head confused Yashiro tried to understand what he was talking about. "Boundary? What are those?"

Kou stood up and gasped. "A boundary?! My brother told me about that! Boundaries...they're places that connect to the land of the dead. Things that are forgotten...people who have nowhere to go...they end up there."

The girl froze up when she heard that, Hanako nodding to confirm that Kou's words were true.When a human crosses into a boundary, they're taken to the Netherworld. We call it a boundary to make things easier. In the hospital there are seven locations connected to the Netherworld through the boundaries. Each one of us Mysteries are in charge of them. With Number Two messing with her rumors, the boundary will have issues. When these humans cross into these boundaries, their entire existence is erased. It doesn't affect you and the kid though. He has exorcist blood, and you're my assistant. So, I'm not the one responsible for this problem, but Number Two is. And as I said before, talking to her won't be an option.

The two kids looked at each other, Kou giving a nervous smile. "Well, Senpai, I'm sure everything we'll be okay. We'll just have to find this Number Two person."

Yashiro looked at the ground as she heard Hanako chuckle, the boy looking through the window as his orbs floated next to him. Carefully, as if not to alert him, she walked over to the ghost and grabbed the back of his nightgown. Turning his head Hanako tensed up when he saw his assistant crying, the girl biting the inside of her lip as she tugged on his clothes. "Ca-can the people who go there...ev...ever come back?"

Hanako watched as she pressed her fist against her lips, the ghost smiling softly. The apparition put his hands on her cheeks and lifted her face up, floating a bit so he was taller than her. Giggling the boy used his thumb to wipe her tear, leaning in and resting his forehead against hers as if to tell her that everything will be okay. The supernatural boy's cold touch on her face helped Yashiro calm down a little, the girls breathing slowing down to a normal pace. Hanako smiled as Yashiro relaxed, the boy nuzzling his chin on the top of her head like a cat trying to cheer up its owner. She felt like Hanako was telling her that everything would be okay, that he would save her friend and bring Aoi back to safety.

Their moment was shattered into little pieces of glass when Kou shoved the two of them apart, the exorcist pulling Yashiro back and hugging her as Hanako tried to grab her back. "HEY, WOAH!! DON'T TOUCH HER YOU WOMAN USING PERVERT!!" He yelled, Hanako wiggling his fingers around as he floated closer with his lips pouted. "You were going to take her away to the boundary, weren't you?! I can't risk letting this 'NuMBeR tWo' hurt her, as her caretaker's younger brother, it's my responsibility to keep this patient safe!!"

Yashiro was frozen as she tried to process Kou touching her, the boy holding her shoulders as he kept her away from Hanako. "Uh, Minamoto-Kun? C-Could...could you let go of me?"

"OH! Sorry Senpai!" Apologized Kou as he let go of her, gently pushing her behind him as he tried to protect Yashiro. Turning his head around he pointed at himself with his thumb as he gritted his teeth. "If you're taking her to the boundary, I'm going with her. I don't trust you taking a patient to someplace that might traumatize her! Ah, n-no offense Senpai."

" offense taken." She mumbled as Hanako tried to figure out what was going on.

"Regardless, I'm going with you two and I'm going to protect her!!"

The ghost pushed his finger against his thumb as he studied the two, Hanako's eyes lighting up when he realized something. The boy giggled as he looked between the two of them and opened his notebook, writing down what his thoughts were as he kept glancing up at them with a dorky grin.I get it, you like Nene-Oneesan don't you! Well, she's my assistant, so don't expect me to keep you safe as well. I'll enjoy watching you get shred to pieces of tasty flesh thanks to your headstrong ego, after all Number Two enjoys the taste of little boys.

Kou's face flushed red as Hanako floated closer, the boy leaning back as the supernatural leaned in. "I-I don't like her! Even if I did, I wouldn't be allowed to date her!! She's a patient and I'm a lunc- staff member!!! "

The ghost put his hand on Kou's chest and leaned up as he moved closer, so his lips were inches away from Kou's chin, Hanako's cold breath teasing the boy with a power imbalance. With his fingers moving slowly Hanako grabbed the exorcist's apron and tugged him closer, Yashiro watching as the ghost smiled with the same smirk she saw when he swallowed the scale. His head moved up as his lips moved closer to Kou's jaw, Yashiro questioning what was going on as Hanako's hand moved to Kou's breast.

Kou shoved Hanako away as the ghost's head perked up confused, blinking his bug eyes as Hanako held his hands close to his chest. "What, you wanna fight?! Come on then!!"

The exorcist grabbed Hanako by his collar as the boy laughed, Yashiro sighing as she watched Hanako easily dodge Kou's attacks. She didn't understand why Kou kept insisting that Hanako was evil. She hasn't seen anything wrong about him, in fact Hanako was really sweet and kind. The poor boy must constantly hear from others that he's scary and mean, when in reality he's just a lonely ghost who probably isn't used to the modern world. Scratching her head, she looked back over to see Hanako sitting on Kou's back, the ghost holding his attacker's leg as he bent it forward triumphantly.

"AHH OKAY OKAY, YOU WIN!! GET OFF ME!!" Kou yelled, Hanako letting go of his leg and getting off the boys back.

Brushing off his hands Hanako exaggerated a sigh as the ghost shook his head, the boy looking back at Yashiro before stepping around Kou so he could stand by her side. Both of them watched as the exorcist got up, Hanako giggling while covering his mouth with his fingertips as if to tease the boy for being weak. Dropping his childlike expression the ghost held his hands behind his back as he thought about what to do, suddenly grabbing Yashiro's hand and gesturing Kou to follow them.

Yashiro stumbled as the ghost pulled her out into the hall, looking at one of the clocks that stilled worked. It read 10:30, half an hour past how long Yashiro should be up. By now most of the patients would be in bed. "Hanako, what are we doing?" She asked as Kou followed the out of the bathroom.

With a snap of his fingers Hanako's green Hakujoudai floated over to him, the boy holding up three fingers together and pointing down the hall. Listening to his commands, whatever they were, the orb floated down the hall as the seventh mystery lead them down the trail, Kou taking Yashiro's hand from behind and walking next to her as he tried to whisper in her ear.

"Senpai, I don't think you should be trusting him so easily. I'm going to hold your hand until I think it's safe, are you okay with that?" He asked.

Slowly Yashiro nodded. "Yeah, it's okay."

Hanako clearly overheard their conversation, the ghost yanking Yashiro closer to him by roughly pulling her arm in his direction. Kou didn't give up easily however, tightly holding the girls hand as he was pulled with her. Taking a deep breath Hanako puffed up his cheeks and hmphed, looking away in defeat as Kou squeezed the girl's hand. If Yashiro didn't know any better, she would think that these two were having some sort of romantic tug-a-war with her stuck in the middle like the main heroine in her weird manga that she reads. Well, having a ghost and an exorcist, wasn't that kind of romantic? Choosing between loving one of the dead and loving one of power!!

Well...Yashiro shouldn't think like that.

She does need to try and stop imagining herself in a relationship with every boy she meets.

With both Kou and Hanako holding her hands Yashiro thought about the staircase. If the stairs took people to other worlds as a way to put it, does that mean the laws of physics and everything are different? Would her body even keep its original shape? Would there even be air to breath? Was this boundary going to be clean, or was it going to be filthy and full of death? So many questions that are up on her mind, the parasite others call curiosity slowly devouring the tissues in her brain as it laid its disgusting eggs of wonder inside. What a gross thing that humans were blessed with.

Hanako pulled on her hand, the girl looking up to see him pointing somewhere. Looking at the direction he was pointing at she saw a staircase next to the art room, Yashiro looking back at her ghostly friend. "Is this the place Hanako?"

"Mmm hmm."

The three of them stared at the staircase, Yashiro covering her mouth as she watched what was presumably blood drip down from the ceiling onto the fourth step. Moonlight shined through the windows as both the humans tensed up.

Hanako shrugged and walked forward, holding up his fist before sticking up one finger when he stepped on the first step.

Yashiro squeaked. "Wh-what?! Are we going already!!"

The ghost stepped on the second step, holding up another finger as he counted to two. He looked behind himself as he reached out his open hand to Yashiro, the girl slowly taking it as the ghost pulled her up to the second step. Kou wearily followed them as he went up the steps, Hanako stepping on the third step as his next finger went up. Yashiro could feel his hand tighten around hers as the three of them went up the step. Finally, with each of them taking a deep breath, everyone stepped on the fourth step as Hanako's forth finger went up.

Holding her breath Yashiro held Hanako's as tightly as she could, clenching her eyes shut as she tried not scream.

Looks like she'll see Mitsuba sooner then she planned.

Chapter 14: Filthy, Filthy Dolls


Hanako suddenly let go, Kou falling on his back into the water from the sudden change of weight. Just like a cat would catch itself midfall the ghost managed to make himself float in the air before his feet touched the water, Hanako looking down at Kou with his usual bug eyed expression.

"You little-"

"Hey, how about we just calm down!" Yashiro butted in, the girl making sure that they didn't start a fight. "Look, we're on a timer now, we should focus on finding the arm and then fight each other. Can we please just agree on that?"


Hello everyone! I just wanted to also share a piece of art I made specifically for this chapter! It took almost 11 hours to make. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, take care all of you!

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (1)


Yashiro had her eyes squeezed shut as she was holding her breath, the girl completely prepared to die for the second time this week. Flinching when she felt a hand the girl whimpered, slowly opening her eyes when the hand caressed her cheek. Looking around Yashiro saw Hanako in front of her, the ghost wearing a worried expression as he tried to get her attention. He lit up when she saw him, the boy hugging Yashiro tightly as he sighed from relief out of his nose. Moving away Hanako rubbed his forehead against hers as the ghost moved his hands up her back and neck, slipping his fingers through her long hair. Opening his eyes back up the ghost's bandaid covered her hands moved down to her jaw and lifted up Yashiro's head, the girl smiling nervously.

"Senpai, are you alright?!" Kou asked, shoving Hanako aside as he tried to see if Yashiro was still alive. "Is everything okay?"

Slowly Yashiro forced herself to look at this new world. Her first reaction was to scream at the sight of, Yashiro covering her head and forcing herself to look down. This place was horrible, none of it looked right. None of it made sense. She hates things that confuse her.

"Senpai, Senpai it's okay!" Kou said, Hanako squeaking as both boys watched her freak out. "Nene-Senpai, please, focus on my voice. Both me and the weirdo ghost are here!! We'll keep you safe!"

Yashiro tried to control her breathing as Kou said that, Hanako grabbing the exorcist and throwing him to the side. Glaring at the boy Hanako pulled Yashiro closer as he rubbed her head, trying to help calm her down as he nuzzled himself against her. Everything was going to be okay, wasn't it? The three of them were there together, all in this weird place. As long as Yashiro stays with them, she'll be okay. Yet why did they take her with them? Hanako was in charge of the Sveen Mysteries, and Kou was a skilled exorcist. Yashiro was just some random girl compared to them. She had no powers, no training, all that was special about her was that she just so happened to be Hanako's assistant. They should have left her behind.

Once she calmed down Yashiro looked back at the new world, the fear in her body no longer there and instead replaced by appreciation of the beauty before her eyes. It was world that had a night sky, surrounded in lost trinkets and toys from all over the world. Dressers, wardrobes, chests, boxes, all that could be imagined were found in this world. In front of them was an open shrine gate with paper lanterns floating around, dolls strung up with ropes hanging around all of them. The girl's eyes shinned as she stepped off the platform, snapping out of her trance when her foot was submerged in water.

"Oh, Senpai!" Kou said, Yashiro looking up at him as she tried not to freeze up from the cold water. "You don't have any shoes, here, wear mine instead! I'll be fine without them!"

Your shoes wouldn't fit.Were the words on Hanako's notebook, the boy interrupting him with the prewritten message.I can find a pair for her that my Oneesan can wear.

Kou had frozen in place with an annoyed look on his face as Hanako floated over to a group of chests and boxes, opening them up before digging through them to find some shoes as Yashiro went back on the platform. Shaking her foot Yashiro tried to get the water out of her pantyhose as Kou sat down next to her. "Well, um, you can still try on my shoes on if you want. I think they would fit you."

Hanako come floating over to them with a pair of yellow rainboots, holding them to the two as he smiled proudly. He nodded with a little squeak as he offered them to Yashiro. Tilting her head the girl tried to make sense of what he was saying. "Are you asking me to put the boots on?"

The boy took her foot by her ankle and lifted up Yashiro's leg, getting down on his knees and putting one of the raincoat boots on her left foot first. Carefully he put on the second boot on Yashiro's other foot, Hanako looking up at her with a warm grin as he let her foot slide out of his hands. Standing up the younger boy let the water drip out from his nightgown, both Yashiro and Kou noticing the fact that it had also soaked into the bandaids and bandages around his legs. He didn't seem to notice however, or if he did, then Hanako just didn't care.

"Um...thank you." She said, nodding her head a little.

With a giggle the boy grabbed her hands and pulled Yashiro up, the girl stumbling as Kou stood up with them. Spinning her around Hanako seemed to be trying to cheer Yashiro up as water splashed around their feet, the boy pulling her closer to him as if this was all some fun playdate. With a little tug Hanako brought Yashiro closer to him as he stopped spinning around, catching his assistant in his arms when she almost fell with water splashing onto her legs.

Kou pushed the two of them away, glaring at Hanako as the ghost hummed from confusion. "Hey, get away from her! As a staff member, I won't allow you to hurt a patient!"

"Minamoto-Kun, I-I'm okay-"

Hanako giggled and circled around behind Kou, snatching Yashiro's arm and pulling her back to him before sticking out his tongue to tease the exorcist. Slowly his hand slid down Yashiro's arm down to her palm, his bandaid covered fingers lightly scratching her skin. Holding her hand Hanako began to lead Yashiro away down the path as Kou got distracted by a toy monkey that came flying at him, Yashiro getting used to the boots as Hanako lead her through the gates opening and up a flight of stairs.

"Hanako...where are we?" Yashiro asked, her grip tightening on the supernatural boy's hand.

The ghost remained quiet for minute as he slowed down, stopping before he suddenly broke into little giggles. His fingertips rubbed against Yashiro's knuckles as he tried not to laugh too loud. Sighing Hanako looked away to the side, opening his mouth up and answering her question with a soft whisper. "Mi-saki Stairs."

Kou caught up to the two of them and stood next to them as the ghost's giggles turned into laughter, covering his mouth with his other hands fingertips as the two humans looked around. Was there some sort of inside joke? Or was Hanako laughing at how they didn't know what was going on? Subconsciously Yashiro moved closer to the smaller boy as if trying to huddle closer to him. With a shrug Hanako lightly tugged on Yashiro's hand as he led the two humans up the stairs onto a platform, a long path leading to some small shrine in the distance. Yashiro couldn't help but find it kind of pretty. A star lit sky with so many lost trinkets shining in the lanterns lights. Se was so immersed in this world she didn't even notice when Hanako let go of her hand to float on his own, holding his heads in front of his chest like little dinosaur arms. Yashiro, when she did eventually notice Hanako had let go of her hand, poked the water on the ground and flinched when scales grew on skin, wiping her hand off on her sleeping gown. It seems that unfortunately, her curse still had an effect even in this weird shrine world.

"Oi Hanako!" Kou called out, the ghost turning his head around to look at the boy. "There's nothing here! Wasn't there rumors saying this place would tear us into bits?"

In shock Yashiro stopped walking, her brain immediately focusing on those words that Kou just said. Rumors about being ripped apart? Yashiro didn't hear about those, not even when she was going to her classes that day Aoi disappeared.

Hanako tilted his head as he pressed a finger against his lips before smirking, placing his feet on the ground as he took out his notebook and crayon. The silence inside the air was thicker than the tension both Yashiro and Kou felt as the echoes of paper rustling made them grow weary. Out of nowhere the boy ripped the page out and put his notebook underneath his shoulder as he folded it into a paper plane, tossing it for Kou to catch.

Well, it's not fun to immediately kill your pray. Just as the cat toys with mouse, many take pleasure in breaking down their victims both mentally and physically. Whittling away, chipping each part of their mind off to form the perfect sculpture that you'll consume, molding it into your ideal taste. We are the Seven Mysteries of this Hospital after all, did you not expect us to be violent? As the seven pillars who govern the supernaturals of this hospital we must be known by as many humans by possible. That's why we frighten those whose mind are already damaged. Think about it, kid. If some nice creature does something, everyone forgets about it. Sure, a few may remember, but nobody's going to believe them. On the other hand, a creature that is known to kill and terrify, that spreads like a wildfire. The scarier monsters are much more likely to make an impression, aren't they?

Yashiro was reading over Kou's shoulder, both her and the exorcist looking up to see Hanako watching them over his own shoulder. When their eyes met his, the ghost chuckled with a smile that showed he was hiding something. He spun his hand around with one finger pointed up, Kou flipping the page to see if thats what he meant.

Regardless, Number Two has gone too far. She hasn't fully accepted her place yet, meaning we have to end this nonsense.

The two human children jumped as something that sounded like a phone went off, Hanako looking between them as if to ask why they were freaked out. When the phone rang again, they all looked over in the direction of the sound to see that nearby Hanako was an old dial phone. Each one of them walked over and waited for something to happen, Yashiro being the one to pick up the phone and hold it up to her ear.

"Um...he-hello?" She stuttered, the two boys leaning closer to try and listen to what the phone was going to say.

The girls breath got caught in her throat when she got a response. "Hello dearie. Misaki-San. Do forgive me if I startled you."

Yashiro could feel the skin covering the flesh on her neck move as her jaw opened to say something, yet the words refused to come out. Misaki-San? Does that mean that the person in charge of this boundary was here? A bit nervous Yashiro stepped closer to Hanako and grabbed his hand, praying that the supernatural boy would keep her safe.

"Now that you're here, may I ask for your help? My body has been broken, ripped up into chunks of flesh. I have lost my limbs and all that truly makes me a person. In're standing on the exact spot that it happened. It was hurt so, so much. But I know you can help me. Please, can you please find my left arm? It should be somewhere in this world."

"Wa-wait!" Yashiro said, finally forcing the words that were drowning themselves in her throat out. "Where's Aoi, Akane Aoi-San! Wh-do you know where she is?!"

"I'm sorry, I can't give you information about my patients without knowing I can trust you. I'll speak to you again soon."

The phone clicked and repeatedly beeped inside her ear, Yashiro lowering the phone as she stared ahead at her with a horrified expression. Her grip on Hanako's hand weakened as her fingers slipped away, both boys looking at her with different looks in their eyes. Kou seemed as if he was worried for Yashiro. Hanako-

"It's okay Senpai!" Kou cheered, trying to help cheer her up. "It was probably a prank call. Let's just ignore it and try to find your friend!"

That's not a good idea.

Both of the living children looked over at Hanako at the sound of the paper rustling to see that message written on his notebook, Hanako flipping the page so they could read his explanation.

Number Two is in charge of this boundary, meaning she can do anything that she wants. If anything you two are lucky that you don't already have the timer going. My point is we need to find her arm or you two will be ripped to shreds, and I will have to find a new assistant.

"Why...why are we lucky though?" Yashiro asked, Hanako smiling as if he was glad she asked him that.

That's because you two are with me.He wrote.

They both watched as he lowered his notebook, the boy walking away to a random direction as Kou growled. "Why are we trusting him?! We can't think he's actually trying to protect us! Come on Nene-Senpai."

Yashiro stayed still as Kou tried to convince her to go with him, the exorcist sighing as Hanako whistled to get their attention. Both of them looked over to see the boy holding his notebook up while his back was turned to them, the two having to shuffle closer to read what it said.Well, it's not all that bad. We can find many treasures here as we look for the arm.

Hanako opened up a drawer and suddenly pulled out a p*rn magazine, Yashiro jolting up in shock when the boy opened it up with a sly smile to a page with a woman pushing her breasts together with a bra that only covered her nipples. Embarrassed at the sight of it, Yashiro covered her face and tried to ignore everything, peaking through her fingers at the sound of the page flipping to see Hanako showing a page of another woman showing her ass while pulling up her panties so her cheeks were showing.

Kou sprinted over and tried to grab the magazine, Hanako ducking down as the boy laughed childishly. Floating away Hanako teased the exorcist by showing the pages as Kou chased after him, the poor girl letting out a sigh as they ran past her. "Boys...why can't they realize how filthy those things make girls feel?"

She walked over a group of boxes, her boots splashing water on her legs as she made her way over. She crouched down and opened up the lid of a small gift box, trying her best to ignore what was going on in the background. Is that what boys actually liked? Big boobs and thin ankles? Her father would always whistle at the girls with thicker parts of the body, and he would constantly compare her body to other girls her age. It's not Yashiro's fault that her chest was smaller and that the only thick part of her was her ankles. This was stupid and unfair. As she put the lid back on Yashiro imagined herself walking down a sidewalk as men dropped at her feet to beg her to date them. She would have a bigger chest and her legs would be thin, and Yashiro would proudly deny them the rights to even touch her. She would have power over her body and who would get to touch her skin.

Snapping out of her imagination Yashiro shook her head, her fingers tightening on the box. She's not meant to think like this. Yashiro looked behind her to watch as Hanako held the p*rn magazine over his head, Kou trying to snatch it away. It looked as if they were playing together. With a sigh she stood up and turned around to try and find the arm as the two boys continued to mess with each other, Yashiro stopping in her tracks to watch as Hanako floated up in the air with a childish expression. He seemed...happy. Or was he just trying to be playful? Now wasn't the time to be playing, but maybe he didn't understand that. Looking away she walked farther away to try and find the arm of a woman, thinking about how Hanako's behavior had completely changed. She could still clearly see those words he had written on his notebook when she tried to tell him about Aoi.

'None of this is my problem Oneesan.'

It seemed as if Hanako didn't care about the disappearance of Aoi, in fact the only reason that Hanako took them to the boundary was because Kou came running in talking about the disappearance of his friends. Did Hanako only take them because he feared that Kou would exorcize him if he didn't help? Lost in her though Yashiro subconsciously felt her cheek. Countless times she's felt the ghost's hands on her face, even when she told him that she shouldn't have asked for his help the ghost had practically flied off his seat and pulled her head onto his shoulder to cheer her up. He didn't make any sense. Yashiro shouldn't be this confused about him, after all Hanako is her friend. She's meant to understand him and know what's happening in his head.

She hates this stupid parasite.

Slowly Yashiro stopped when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye, the girl gasping out of shock before covering her mouth at the treasure she just saw. Glancing over her shoulder she noticed Hanako and Kou were no longer chasing each other, instead it seemed more like Kou was bent over gasping for air as Hanako was trying to see if the exorcist was still alive. They wouldn't notice, and it not like Yashiro will get in trouble for taking something in this world as they look for the arm, right? Slowly her outstretched hand reached for the item that caught her interest, the young girls fingers grasping it like a baby grabbing something that it liked. She glanced around and stuffed it under her sleeping gown to hide the item, forcing her mind to return to the task at hand.

Suddenly she felt someone tug on her sleeve, Yashiro's limps freezing in place. The hand that had pulled on her sleeve slowly slid down to the back of her arm, the girl realizing it was Hanako by the feeling of crusted blood on his fingertips. He looked up at her with bug eyes, covering his mouth with his notebook that he wanted to show her.

We're out of extra time.

Yashiro turned around and tilted her head, blinking her eyes confused. "Extra time?"

Hanako pointed to a random direction, Yashiro looking over to see a giant hourglass right as it was turning. The entire ground trembled when the hourglass shook into place, the sand now pouring down to the bottom.

Since you two were with me, Number Two had mercy and gave us extra time to find the arm. Now, however, we've run out and we have the timer.Hanako explained, the words prewritten on his notebook.

"Wait, where's Minamoto-Kun?!" Yashiro asked, whipping her head around to try and spot the exorcist boy. Hanako just shrugged and was about to take her hand when out of nowhere Kou popped out of a pile of trash, the ghost squealing like a girl from the scare and grabbing Yashiro to latch onto her. Wrapping both his arms and legs around the girl as he stared at Kou with terror in his wide bug eyes, the boy shaking as Kou pulled himself out of the mountain of worthless items.

Grabbing his hat from the mess Kou looked at them to see the two together, Hanako's arms tightening around Yashiro as he nuzzled his head against the girls neck. "What...what are you doing to her."

"Nhm ming." Hanako hummed, presumably saying that he wasn't doing anything.

The frightened ghost squealed and stuck himself to Yashiro like glue as Kou grabbed his hips, desperately trying to pull Hanako off Yashiro as the girl stumbled back from the force. "Get off her!! She's not just some walking teddy bear!!"

Hanako suddenly let go, Kou falling on his back into the water from the sudden change of weight. Just like a cat would catch itself midfall the ghost managed to make himself float in the air before his feet touched the water, Hanako looking down at Kou with his usual bug eyed expression.

"You little-"

"Hey, how about we just calm down!" Yashiro butted in, the girl making sure that they didn't start a fight. "Look, we're on a timer now, we should focus on finding the arm and then fight each other. Can we please just agree on that?"

Kou got up and glared at Hanako, the ghost giggling at the sight of the exorcist dripping wet. Sticking out his tongue playfully Hanako winked, floating closer to his assistant to try and taunt Kou for falling like an idiot.

"I...its best if we split up and find one on our own." She suggested, both of them looking at her before at each other.

Hanako sighed through his nose before nodding, glaring at Kou before floating away in some random direction all on his own. Turning around Kou went back into the garbage pile as Yashiro backed away to quickly rush away to fix the item she had hidden underneath her sleeping gown. Thank God they were too distracted not to notice it yet. All alone, now set on the goal of looking for an arm so she wouldn't die in the world, Yashiro searched around through boxes, dressers, closets, piles and mountains of lost objects. Every little thing that caught her she had to resist taking. It would be selfish, and selfish girls are filthy. Just like all of these dolls that watched her with blank eyes. Looking around something caught her attention, Yashiro squealing when she saw an arm.

Grabbing the arm of a female mannequin the girl looked it over before smiling, picking it up off the mountain of lost objects and wrapping her fingers around it. This arm would be prefect for Misaki-San! A slim, pretty arm for who Yashiro assumes is a woman. Now with her choice of an arm Yashiro turned around and walked off to find the boys and what arms they had picked. Maybe they found one with pretty jewelry on it, or maybe they found one with a more beautiful design.

"Oh, Senpai!" Yashiro heard, the girl turning her head to see Kou running over. At the opposite side of him was Hanako, the apparition floating over towards them excitedly. The all grouped back together, Hanako and Kou standing uncomfortably close to each other as they glared in the others direction.

"So what did you guys find?" The girl asked.

Hanako gave a childish laugh as he held up a robotic arm, the ghost grinning proudly.

Kou on the other hand held up a wooden arm that was whittled to look like a muscular man who had worked out, the exorcist holding it to her enthusiastically.

Yashiro glared at the two of them as she held the arm of a female mannequin, her eye twitching as she tried to keep a smile. "You two...have to be kidding me." She snarked, Hanako and Kou tensing up as they watched Yashiro start to get pissed. "YOU TWO DIDN'T EVEN TRY!! WHAT, DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO THE PHONE CALL?!"

Violently Yashiro hit both of the boy's heads with the mannequin's arm, the two yelling out of pain as they both fell to their knees to apologize. Clasping their hands together they tried to say something, biting their tongue and flinching when Yashiro kept yelling.

"MINAMOTO-KUN THAT'S AN ARM THAT YOU JUST THOUGHT WAS COOL, AND HANAKO!! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S MISAKI-SAN'S BOSS, YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO KNOWS WE'RE NOT MEANT TO BE MESSING AROUND!!" Yashiro hissed, Kou pulling his hat over his eyes embarrassed as Hanako slowly raised his hand to say something. "WHAT?!"

Hanako flinched when she yelled at him, the ghost shyly putting his hands on his chest and squeezing his own breasts, pointing back to Yashiro as she tried to figure out what he was talking about. The boy sighed through his nose and got up from the ground as he walked over, standing right in front of Yashiro as he pointed to her chest with a dead expression. When he didn't get any response the ghost bit the inside of his lip and tried to say something, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink as he tried to motion to her boobs.

"U-um, Senpai...I think he's...trying to ask about why your chest has um, grown." Kou mumbled, trying not to make eye contact as Hanako nodded.

The girl laughed, flipping her long hair as she posed like some kind of snob. "Oh ho ho!! What could you two possibly mean? My body has always been built like this you two, you poor boys must be delusional!!"

She struck a pose by putting one hand against her hip and the other behind her head, Yashiro proudly flaunting her femininity. Tired of her act Hanako hit Yashiro on the back, his assistant stumbling forward as whatever was underneath her sleeping gown began to slip out. Hanako caught her arm as Yashiro almost fell down, the boy pulling her closer to him as a large padded bra fell out from underneath. As if he was disgusted Hanako let go of her and stepped back, both him and Kou trying to find the words to say as Yashiro's face flushed red from embarrassment.

Before anyone could say something Yashiro snatched the bra and threw it so hard that it probably would have caught on fire, waving her hands around to distract the boys from what happened. "WOW, THAT MUST HAD BEEN SOME SORT OF BIR- DOVE! SOME DOVE!! YEAH, A DOVE IN THIS STRANGE WORLD!!!"

Hanako put his hand on the girl's shoulder as his open arm curled around to put its hand on her cheek, the ghost floating so he could hold the girls head close to his neck. Was he trying to say that he didn't care that she did that, or was Hanako trying to cheer her up? She doesn't understand his behavior. None of her so-called friend's actions made any sense to poor, poor Yashiro. Her eyes began to water as she let Hanako hold her closely, Yashiro closing her eyes as she heard the boy whisper something so softly that she couldn't make out what he said. This was so embarrassing. She should have never done that stupid idea.

"I-I thought it was a funny prank!" Kou chimed in, clearly trying to cheer her up.

The ghost turned his head towards the exorcist, Kou fidgeting at what expression Hanako wore. Yashiro herself couldn't see it due to her head being pressed against his neck, yet from the sound of water moving as Kou stepped back she assumed it wasn't something that pleasant. Most of this she would never understand, even with any attempts to try and rationalize it. Her body could feel as Hanako's fingers dug under her cream-colored hair when suddenly his grip tightened not to be forceful, but to protect her.

"Ha-Hanako?" Yashiro muttered, the ghost holding her closer when she tried to ask him what he was doing. Hanako was holding her to protect her from something that wasn't happening, there was nothing wrong.

Until Yashiro began to hear laughter just mere seconds after Hanako tried to cover her from this reality.

"Time's up! Time's up!" A bunch of high pitch voices cheered, Yashiro forcing her head away from Hanako's shoulder as the ghost held her tightly. "The time is up, it's time for class!!"

Kou moved closer as he took out his staff, Hanako having one hand let go of Yashiro to pull out his knife from inside his body. Grabbing the fabric of his nightgown the girl looked up and tried not to panic. "Hanako...wh-what's going on?"

"Look, the hourglass is out!" Kou shouted, the dolls disgusting giggles repeating.

"Who's going to be late, someone will get in trouble!!"

Hanako let Yashiro move her head a little, the girl trying to see what was happening. She forced herself out of the boys grasp as he turned to try and grab her, the ghost suddenly freezing when he saw something. Slowly the other two turned their heads to see what he saw, all of their eyes widening as their blood ran cold.

What had caught Hanako's attention was a giant pair of scissors that was about to cut their heads off.

Hanako grabbed Yashiro and put a hand on Kou's head before he shoved the two humans down to the ground like a dog trying to protect its owners. In terror the three glanced up to see the fact that the scissors were hairs away from their heads, Hanako latching onto Yashiro's arm as he pulled her off the ground and ran for dear life. Each step. Each breath. Everything echoed in Yashiro's ears as Hanako squeezed her hand so tightly her fingers cracked as they were pressed together. Was he...scared? Yashiro's ears could pick up on the sounds of Hanako desperately trying not to trip as he sucked air through his teeth. Water splashed on their legs as they ran to a staircase ahead, the boy pointing to a shine at the top of the stairs to try and say something.

As they ran up the stairs Yashiro caught glimpse of a sign nearby. 'Please deposit your arm inside the shrine'is what it read, a poorly drawn smiley face next to the words. "Hanako, we need to put an arm in the shrine!" Yashiro yelled, the ghost nodding as he raced up the flight of stairs with Kou behind him.

In a split second the girl's eyes widened as her hand slipped out of Hanako's grip, the ghost immediately looking behind him to watch as his assistant's legs and sleeping gown was grabbed by a bunch of dolls. Their small bodies crawled onto Yashiro as they pulled her down into the water as if attempting to drown her. Desperately, the girl grabbed the dolls and pried them off her clothes and skin as they crawled all over her like co*ckroaches.

She wasn't going to die, was she?!

She didn't want to die!!

Yashiro didn't want to die filthy, she didn't want to let Papa be right on his bet!!


Please somebody help her!


Forcing her body to cooperate as water tried to fill her lungs Yashiro jolted up as the boys rushed down the stairs over to her, her hands grabbing the dolls with bloodshot, human eyes as they tried to rip her eyelids off. Each strand of hair that she grabbed felt greasy as Yashiro grabbed the dolls and threw them off her, managing to get up as they crawled up her legs to try and get up.

"SENPAI BEHIND YOU!!" Kou shouted as he froze to a stop, Yashiro looking behind her to the giant scissors closing in on her neck. The girls entire body froze from shock as the adrenaline screamed for her legs to move, yet even if she could the poor girl was weighed down by all the dolls as they crawled up with their tiny porcelain hands trying to rip her pantyhose. Any words that she wanted to say died in her throat as the blades pressed against her hair, preparing to snip her head off to crush the skin open so bloods would spray into the water to dye it a beautiful shade of crimson red.

When Yashiro felt the giant blades press against her skin she was forcefully tackled to the ground at the right angle so her head wouldn't get sliced off, water splashing all over her and the one who just saved her life. Her lugs forced her mouth to gasp for any oxygen as scales continued to grow out of her flesh from the water, her eyes glancing down to spot that the one who had saved her life was Hanako. The ghost had raced over and tackled her to the ground with zero remorse for his own safety all so he could protect her.

" saved me." She muttered, the ghost hurrying her up off the ground onto her feet. Hanako held Yashiro back as the scissors got closer, Yashiro huddling closer to the ghost before he forced her to move away.

Sprinting forward Hanako jumped up and twisted his body, kicking the screw inside of the scissors with the heal of his foot, dodging the falling blades as he landed in the position of a three-point landing. Standing up straight with his back facing Yashiro's he wore an expression that nobody could see, curling his tongue inside his mouth.

"You did it!" Yashiro cheered, rushing over to Hanako. Flinching at the sound of her voice Hanako turned his body as his face went pale, his amber eyes widening before he dashed over and held Yashiro back.

"N-no." He murmured, the boy grabbing her shoulders and pushing the girl back as he looked behind him towards the scissors, the sharp rusted blades being pulled out of the water as if God himself was grabbing the broken scissors and screwed them back together to torment his human creations. Terrified out of her mind Yashiro wanted to try and grab Hanako and run away with him, but before her hand could even brush his hand, the ghost swept her off his feet and wrapped his arm around the girls stomach. Lifting her off the ground Hanako carried Yashiro under his arm as she huddled up from shock, Yashiro's mouth agape as Hanako simply giggled proudly from being able to carry a girl bigger than him. With no minute to say anything Yashiro yelled out as Hanako covered her mouth and ran back up the stairs, hurrying up as Yashiro noticed the detail that his hands were trembling. Whether from fear or from running too much Yashiro couldn't tell.

At the top of the stairs Hanako let go of Yashiro and set her on the ground, immediately grabbing her hand as Yashiro had to force herself not to stop and gasp for air, the ghost tugging her forward with a terrified glimmer in his eyes. He looked...genuinely scared. Desperate, even. Hanako refused to let his grip loosen as he kept Yashiro next to him, Kou thankfully catching up to them when suddenly a group of Mokke came hopping out of nowhere. Each one of them held the arms that the group had found earlier, holding them up to offer them.

"I GOT IT!" Kou shouted, randomly grabbing and arm and using all the strength in his arm to throw it into the shrine. By a sliver of luck the force of the item landing perfectly inside shut the shrine doors, the reaction causing the doors to the shrine gate to open. Hanako yanked Yashiro's arm and forcefully pulled the girl with him as they ran though the door, Kou following behind them as the door shut right behind them.

Each one of them gasped for air as they pressed their backs against the closed shrine doors, Kou bent over with his hands on his knees as Yashiro slid down with her hand over her chest.

"O-oh god...w...we made it." Yashiro rasped, the girl forcing herself to stand up straight.

Only to see...what looked like five more shrine doors ahead of them with a number of uncountable stairs.

Kou looked up to see the same thing Yashiro saw as he tried to process the sight ahead of him, his hands clenching his apron that was draped over his kneecaps. "Wh-Wait what?! How much longer do we still have?!"

This didn't make any sense to either of them.

They already delt with the arm, why was there so many more gates blocking their way?

As if thinking the same thing both of the humans glanced over at Hanako, the two turning their heads towards the ghost as he tried to catch his breath. Perking his head up the boy looked back and forth to see the two staring at him. Slowly the ghost narrowed his eyes to ask why they were looking at him like that, slowly trying to sink down so he would appear smaller to them. If in some kind of universal agreement Kou and Yashiro grabbed the ghost arm by arm, Hanako freaking out before trying to squirm away from their grasp as they leaned in on his face.

"What's going on?!" They demanded, Hanako wailing his arms to signal that he will explain if they let go of him.

Rubbing his arms the boy fixed some of the bandages wrapped around his skin, pulling out his notebook and taking out the crayon that he had hidden under his nightgown. Writing down his answer Hanako kept glancing between the two of them as he slowly seemed to shrink down into a puddle, showing his explanation by turning the notebook so they could read it.

Look, don't blame me for this. We only found one part of her body, we just need to find the rest. She'll trust us if we find the pieces and drop them off.

"Why can't we just skip all this if you're apparently in charge of her?!" The boy snapped, Hanako whimpering and stepping back closer to Yashiro.

I'm more powerful than her, but since we're in HER boundary I don't have that much control over what she does. She already gave us a leeway by letting us have extra time and making the dolls less violent. Look, if it was just me alone, then I could have gone to her personally. But I know Number Two wouldn't listen.Hanako wrote, Yashiro watching him write each and every letter since she was standing behind him.

When Kou read those words the security boy didn't take it well, gawking. "Having the dolls be less violent! They tried to down Nene-Senpai and you think they're less VIOLENT?!"

Compared to how they usually are yes.

Yashiro stepped forwards, keeping them apart to desperately try and make sure they don't fight. "Okay...let's just...calm down. We'll get out of here soon, okay!"

Each one of them jumped when suddenly the phone went off, the three turning their heads when it rung a second time. They glanced between each other before slowly creeping to the phone. Yashiro's hand slowly moved to take it, her wrist moving back when Hanako took the phone instead, the ghost clearing his throat when he put it to his ear.

Apparently, that was enough to signal they were listening because the voice began to speak. "Thank're all so kind to such an old woman like me. But now I need your help again. I need my right arm. I used to go down to a shrine nearby, everyday clapping my smooth hands and praying that all of my patients would be in good health. I can't do that anymore, and I miss the feeling of holding things with my own two hands. Would you dearies be so kind and-"

The voice cut off when Hanako broke into laughter, the ghost spinning around as he let the cord coil around his finger. Floating a bit farther away from the group Hanako left the Kou and Yashiro there as he stopped. Moving the phone closer to his ear the supernatural whispered something softly so neither one of the humans could make it out, but they could hear the woman from the other side gasp before trying to say something. Hanako ignored what she was going on about while floating back over to the phone and hanging up on her as she was speaking.

He looked back up, Yashiro pointing to the phone as she tried not to freak out. "Um...isn't it a little rude to hang up on her while she's talking?"

Hanako shrugged, open his notebook.We're both Seven Mysteries, so it's fine. I'm her boss either way.

As Yashiro was reading that Kou watched another hourglass turn, the three of them jumping when it shook the entire ground. One by one the group looked over to the hourglass as Hanako grabbed Yashiro's hand, forcefully pulling her away as Kou stared at the timer they were forced to follow. The exorcist opened up his mouth to say something, only realizing that the two had left him when he heard the splashing of water from Yashiro's feet.

"W-wait for me!" He yelled, Kou running after them as Hanako stopped floating away. "Don't leave me behind!"

Yashiro looked over at Kou as she felt Hanako's bandaged fingers tighten around her hand. With a chuckle the ghost broke out into laughter, his chest bouncing up and down while he used his other hand to let his fingers curl over his mouth. Turning his body the boy watched as Kou caught up to them, Hanako letting go of Yashiro's hand to pull out his notebook.

Are you scared to be left alone, kid? How pathetic.

The exorcist flinched back at those words, gritting his teeth. "I'm not scared! I'm making sure you don't hurt Senpai!!"

Hanako leaned closer and poked the exorcist's nose, giving a little giggle when Kou flinched from his cold touch. Putting his arm back at his side Hanako began to walk ahead of them alone as Kou wrung the water out of his apron, the exorcist picking up his hat while Yashiro watched.

"...stupid little...Oi, Hanako!" Kou yelled, the ghost turning his head over as some random Mokke hopped around him. "Isn't there some other way to take down this stair demons thing?"

Hanako's innocent expression changed into a more sad*stic smirk, the supernatural boy nodding to answer Kou's question. Looking around the ground for something to help him explain the ghost grabbed a monkey toy from a random Mokke, the small pink rabbit squeaking before whining for the boy to give it back. Ignoring the Mokke's cries, or just not caring, Hanako opened up his notebook and wrote down what he wanted to say, flipping the page after a minute as Kou leaned towards Yashiro.

"Senpai, Hanako can talk...can't he?" The exorcist asked.

She nodded. "Um...yeah. Yes, he can. He just...doesn't. I don't understand it either."

Disrupting their whispering the ghost walked over and handed Kou his notebook, Yashiro leaning over to read what the supernatural had written. At the top written in a little banner was the words 'Teach me Hanako-Kun: Yorishiros', similar to when he explained the rumors to her when Yashiro first met the Mokke.

It's something called a Yorishiro. They're objects close to the supernatural who is charge of a boundary. If we just take it away from the place its kept, then they lose their power.Is what the first page said, Kou flipping it. As if being signaled for his cue Hanako opened up the back of the monkey toy and pulled its battery out, the toy going limp as the ghost held up the battery.It's like a battery, the powerhouse of what stores most of our strength. You take the Yorishiro away, you take the power away. We could technically destroy it, but we don't have any need to do that. We don't need to get rid of her power forever, just temporarily.

Chuckling the boy dropped the toy into the water and inspected the battery, turning it sideways before crushing it so the battery acid leaked out all over his bandaid covered hands. Rubbing his skin on the crushed metal Hanako sighed with a happy expression, dropping the broken bits of metal into the water next to the Mokke, causing the rabbits to jump from the sudden sound. He didn't care however, simply walking over and snatching the notebook back from Kou's hands with a grin. Circling around Hanako grabbed Yashiro's arm and squeezed it, nuzzling against his assistant in his usual house pet manner.

"So, we just have to find the Yorishiro?" Yashiro asked, her supernatural friend nodding. "Where is it then?"

Tilting his head around the ghost gained a bigger smile, pointing up to the sky above them. Slightly scared both Yashiro and Kou looked up to see an entire flight of stairs that kept circling around higher and higher out of eyesight.

Horrified at the thought of having to walk that far Yashiro looked back down to see Hanako with a dumb dorky grin, pumping his fist into the air to motivate them. "Are we expected to really climb that many stairs!"

"And find her body parts?!"

Hanako nodded before letting go of her arm and taking his assistants hand, laughing before the boy began to pull her away so they could find another arm together.


Closing the last shrine doors Yashiro sighed as Hanako watched over her shoulder. They had to find Misak-San's legs, her torso, her eyes, her eyes, her feet, and finally the last one was her head.

"This is should be the last one." Yashiro said, turning around as Kou cheered to try and make them feel better. The ghost turned his head towards the shrine doors seconds before they opened, slowly taking Yashiro's hand as the group walked through the shrine gates. Everything was going well, they actually managed to have a bit of fun and only had to run from the scissors when they were looking for her ears.

It didn't feel right.

Why were things going so smoothly now?

The first time the had to find something Yashiro was almost drowned, but now all they had to do was run. In fact, a few times they almost forgot Kou.

Covering her eyes Yashiro had to let herself adjust to the light, asking herself why that had to find the body parts. If Misaki-San was able to make phone calls....then why did she need her body?

Glancing around Yashiro noticed Kou standing at Hanako's side her eyes landing on the supernatural's expression.

Why did his face look completely dead?

Chapter 15: Is She Technically A Traitor?


Where's the Yorishiro that Hanako told them about? It's too dark to see if its hidden somewhere, not to mention that there was some large pitch-black mountain close ahead. It wasn't there, was it? That would take days to find! Weeks, maybe even a month! They don't already know how long they've been here already, and Yashiro personally wants to be back at the hospital already. God this place gave her the creeps-

Yashiro's body screamed at her to run when something brushed against her ankle, the girl looking down to see what looked like a human head, its long hair floating in the water as it curled around her limb. It's as if the head was trying to grab her and pull it with it into its own hell. Before Yashiro could try and grab it the head was dragged by the water current down over the ledge, the girl listening to hear it hit the bottom.

"'s a bottomless pit..." The girl murmured in disbelief after a minute.

Chapter Text

"Is this...the innermost reaches?" Kou asked, Hanako blinking his eyes to snap out of his expression. He turned his head to the exorcist and nodded to signal that he was right.

"It certainly has a different vibe then the rest of the place..." Yashiro muttered as she glanced around, the room almost pitch black despite how bright it was when they first stepped inside. Letting go of her friend's hand the girl cautiously sneaked around the room, not taking her feet out of the water and instead shuffling around to avoid making any noise. What was this place? Nothing here felt right, not as if it did back one the other levels.

Where's the Yorishiro that Hanako told them about? It's too dark to see if its hidden somewhere, not to mention that there was some large pitch-black mountain close ahead. It wasn't there, was it? That would take days to find! Weeks, maybe even a month! They don't already know how long they've been here already, and Yashiro personally wants to be back at the hospital already. God this place gave her the creeps-

Yashiro's body screamed at her to run when something brushed against her ankle, the girl looking down to see what looked like a human head, its long hair floating in the water as it curled around her limb. It's as if the head was trying to grab her and pull it with it into its own hell. Before Yashiro could try and grab it the head was dragged by the water current down over the ledge, the girl listening to hear it hit the bottom.

"'s a bottomless pit..." The girl murmured in disbelief after a minute.

Kou shouted something, Yashiro turning her head. "Look, over there! Someone's here in that chair!"

Once those words left the exorcist's lungs a few lanterns flickered to life, luminating the room with an orange light. Sitting there on a dirty throne was a person. If you could...even call it a person. Its head looked like a wooden doll, painted hair on top with a fake bow. Its left arm was the wooden muscle arm that Kou had found and its right was a broken broom. The right leg was just a tricycle, and the left leg was the leg of a mannequin. Its ears were just little horns and her feet were just sandals, one being taped on the wheel.

"What...the f* that." Kou asked, Yashiro cowering behind Hanako out of fear of what was in front of them.

"I-it looks like all those parts we found got stitched together like some kind of Frankenstein."

Hanako giggled and turned his body to gently grab Yashiro's hand, the apparition leading them closer to this abomination.

The ghost pointed to the legs Kou had picked and looked at him with a disturbed expression, the exorcist getting defensive. "HEY, YOU SAID TO JUST THORW ANYTHING IN!! DON'T BLAME ME!!"

"Well at least the bust size is good, and that one leg is just so pretty..." Yashiro said, daydreaming about her having those kinds of legs while Hanako stared at her as if to ask how she thought this kind of chest was okay. In silence they all stared at the body as each one of them tried to find the words to say, any thoughts in their brains melting out into carbon dioxide when they heard the sound of water splashing. Nobody in the group was walking or shuffling around...meaning that the footsteps were from someone else.

"You've finally made it." A soft voice said, Kou and Yashiro's bodies tensing up as the three of them turned their heads to see who said that.

It was a woman, a woman with beige hair tied that was braided on one side of her head. Her green eyes seemed to be soft and caring, and her red lips matched nicely with the yellow, pasty eye makeup she wore. Her hands were covered with white gloves that were laced at the end, and her hair had a red and white ribbon that was decorated with small bells on it, the design of the ribbons reminiscent of fox ears. She wore plain white kimono with a doctors coat over it, the obi a color green with a red obijime tied around it. What looked like to be a small red apron was also worn by the woman, not like Kou's, but smaller and not covering her whole body. Her white socks matched her gloves and just like a few days ago she wore brown geta sandals with red straps that loudly clacked against the ground.

This...this was the nurse she got a cup of water from.

The same nurse who glared at her with eyes that threatened to murder Yashiro.

Kou seemed to recognize the woman too by the change in his posture, the boy clenching his staff so tightly his knuckles turned white. If she was a nurse, then that means her and Kou were technically co-workers.

The woman saw something that caught her attention and ran past Yashiro and Kou, going between them straight towards the body sitting in the chair. She grabbed the weird doll by its shoulders and leaned in on it, just staring at its face for what felt like hours.

Kou was the first one to break the silence, "Ummm...about that doll, uh..."

"Believe it or not, w-we tried our best..." Yashiro added.

Slowly she turned her head away from the doll, glaring at the three children with the same dead stare that she had back when she gave Yashiro that water. The shadows on the face, the eyes widening as the pupils shrunk, the blank stare, it was all the same. With her hands tightening on the doll Number Two turned around and opened up her red lips, Yashiro and Kou shaking in fear of what she'll say.

"What a wonderful body!" Number Two cheered, the two surprised that was her reaction.

" like it?" Yashiro asked.

"You're okay with this?" Kou questioned.

Number Two walked over to Yashiro and took the girl's hands, happily doing some kind of small dance as she shook her head joyfully. "Oh, thank you! I was at such a loss you see. I simply had no idea what human bodies are made of, I always knew it would be a good idea to ask other humans! Its a good thing I saw you those few days ago, having a familiar human help me is the best!"

The woman walked away back to the doll and gently placed a hand on its cheek, smiling warmly.

"This isn't like any of the other bodies I've made. I'm sure that everything will work this time." She said, getting down on one knee and looking up at the doll the woman took a deep breath before blowing on its chest. "Isn't that right, Misaki? Go on,let me see you walk."

Number Two moved back a little, the children all freaking out when the body that was sitting in the chair began to shakily get up out of the chair and lifted itself up. Number Two squealed excitedly as she cupped her own face, watching as the doll set one foot in front of the other and began to walk. Clearly it couldn't seem to carry its own weight as it's tricycle leg slipped in the water, the doll's body coming crashing down and falling apart in broken bits.

Number two stared blankly at the body before slowly walking over, the hands shaking and clenching into fists.

"....Another failure. What a shame, I thought it would work this time." Number Two growled, the woman staring at the failed body. Slowly she bent down and picked up the head, bringing it closer as she examined it. "Heh...that's..."

Yashiro tried to find the right moment to speak up, holding her hand in the air a little. "Ex-excuse me? Y-you said if we helped you that you would tr-trust us with information about your patients, s-so can you tell us where Akane Aoi-San is?"

The woman looked up and glared at Yashiro. "You haven't noticed? They're already here, all around you."

She snapped her gloved fingers, the lanterns all lighting to reveal that the mountain was actually piles of dolls that looked just like students, but all made out of carved wood with ball joints and papers covering their faces. One certain doll caught her eyes, one with white pants and a white sweatshirt and-

"AOI!!" Yashiro screamed, Hanako trying to grab her hand desperately, his fingers barely grazing her palm as the girl ran towards the doll of her friend. "AOI PLEASE!! SPEAK TO ME!! SAY SOMETHING GOD DAMN IT DON'T LEAVE ME!!"

Desperately Yashiro tried to get Aoi to say something only for the doll's head to pop off its body, Aoi's long purple hair the only thing indicating that this was actually her. The body was built to be the same exact figure as Aoi, even the fingernails were cut exactly the same way. The difference was the fact that this was a doll, its body was carved of pale wood and limbs connected by the wooden ball joints. The terrified girls face went cold when her magenta eyes slowly moved down to look at the head that was now floating in the water, her mouth opening so she could scream, the true horror being the fact that no noise was able to come out. All Yashiro could do was stare at the place where Aoi's head was supposed to be.

"Every time it's always the same, failure after failure." The supernatural woman sighed, letting the body fall out her hands. "To tell the truth I'm tired of it. I try and I try but nothing ever works. This is enough of that. So, I'll do exactly what the rumors say.I'll rip you to shreds and turn you into perfect dolls."

Every part of blood and body was yelling at her to move, to duck down as Number Two took a giant pair of scissors almost the size of her from the mountain of dolls and aimed it right at the girl's neck to cut her head off. Yashiro just didn't move though. Every inch of her skin, every blood cell, every fiber of her being was shouting at her to MOVE. She just...sat there. Yashiro's eyes remained blank as her fingers dug into the fabric of the doll's clothes as the water reflected the blades.

Sweeping in to protect her Kou shoved a stiff Hanako away and ran to Yashiro, sliding underneath the woman's blades trough the water over towards Yashiro. The boy wrapped his arm around Yashiro's shoulders and pulled her closer, holding his Senpai close to his chest as he held up his arm so the scissors instead attacked him, digging into his skin so deeply that blood leaked out of his veins onto his body's outsides. Ignoring the pain Kou turned his head and focused on Yashiro. "Senpai, are you okay?!"

Before Yashiro could say anything the wound on Kou's arm began to close and puff up, a cloud of magical dust appearing out of thing air and consuming his arm before revealing that Kou's arm was now...a plush doll's. The only finger he had left was his thumb as his hand was shaped like a mitten, stiches in the fabric to keep its shape together. The boy could FEEL the fluff inside brush against his muscles and flesh that connected to his shoulder as his veins sprayed blood inside the fabric arm, soaking into itself as the peach-colored cloth began to turn crimson red.

"WH-WHA-WHAT THE HELL?!?!" He screamed, the boy trying not to panic as he realized he could possibly bleed out.

Hanako swooped in next to them with his knife out as he kicked the scissors up in the air with his foot, grabbing Kou by his shoulder and pulling him away from Yashiro.

Thinking on his feet Kou yelled out to Hanako as the ghost glanced back at him. "Hanako! Can't you use those powers on the roof and beat her up?! We could easily- What the- WHERE'S THOSE ORBS THAT FOLLOW YOU EVERYWHERE?!" Kou demanded, Hanako not answering at all. "CAN'T YOU USE THOSE TO SUMMON THAT HAND THINGY?!"

"Oh, you poor soul!" Number Two sneered, laughing. "Number Seven can't use his powers here without MY permission! As if I would ever let him do so!"

While she was distracted Hanako grabbed the woman by her braid and threw her into the water, the ghost shoving Kou ahead and signaling for him to deal with the supernatural woman as he did his own thing. Before Kou could detest the ghost hurried away from the fight that he had started and left Kou to fend for himself, Hanako rushing towards his crying assistant.

Hanako slowed to a stop when he reached her and held his hand out to Yashiro, the ghost watching as his assistant squeezed the body of her friend. He stood there with his hand extended as he watched Yashiro squeeze Aoi's body, the girl not even looking up to acknowledge his presence. Stifling a sigh the supernatural boy got on his knees and grabbed Yashiro's shoulders, pulling the girl into a tight hug just like he did on the rooftop back when they first met Kou. He forced her head onto his shoulder as the sudden pull made Yashiro let go of Aoi's doll body, Hanako petting his assistant's head gently, treating her like a scared animal.

"Ha-Hanako, I-...Sh-she's gone...why do I even need to keep going if...if there's nothing l-left for me?" Yashiro sobbed, her arms subconsciously wrapping themselves around Hanako's body. "I-I'll never have her back, Aoi's gone forever...ju-just like Mitsuba an-and's my fault...if I wasn't so dirty and gross-"

Hanako rubbed her head and shushed Yashiro, trying to tell her everything will be okay. That none of this was her fault. Silently the boy placed his head against Yashiro's and nuzzled against her cheek. Hanako just kept petting her as Yashiro wept on his sleeve, the plump tears sliding down her cheeks onto Hanako's nightgown. It really was her fault, wasn't it? If Yashiro had just listened to the warning signs with Mitsuba, then none of this would have happened. If Mitsuba just didn't kill himself then nobody would be in pain. Aoi would be fine. Yashiro would be fine. Kou would probably be fine. Hanako would have never been summoned. Everything would be fine. But Mitsuba had to be selfish and take his own life.

Yashiro made some kind of grunt when she felt Hanako lightly tap her back, slowly moving her head off his shoulder and looking at his face. Wearing a soft smile the ghost moved back a little to show his notebook, words written on a damp page.She's not dead you know.

"Wh...she...Aoi's no-not dead...?" Yashiro managed to ask between tears.

Hanako nodded and turned the page.This is a boundary, its beyond the normal rules humans have set. Nothing is born, but nothing can die either. Here, in a land where there is no true form of life or death, those who know to persist and never give up are the ones with the most power.

Hanako let go of her and offered his hand to her, the ghost still on his knees right next to Yashiro. His smile was the only sweet thing in this hell of a world, Hanako's kindness still managing to shine through even though everything else was against her.

Slowly Yashiro moved her hand before forcing her courage out and grabbing Hanako's hand, the girl's tears still falling down as Yashiro grasped Hanako's hand. "I-I can do it! I'll do anything for Aoi!!"

As if without thought Hanako's breath got caught in his throat when he witnessed the sudden burst of energy in Yashiro, his grip tightening as his smile widened. Pulling her off the ground and onto her feet the supernatural boy gave her a little spin to cheer his assistant up, Hanako letting go and stepping away to do...something. Turning her head over Yashiro stepped closer towards the ledge and glanced over.

"Well, what should we do?" Yashiro asked as Hanako walked behind her, the girl staring at the star filled horizon. "Do you have a plan, Hanako?-"

Her face was stuck with her mouth agape and her eyes filled with hope when she suddenly felt something slip on around her waist, Yashiro looking down to see a lasso around her. That happy expression she had was now gone when the rope tightened with a pull, Yashiro now unable to move her arms at all as she was yanked back.

Hanako laughed like a little boy and nuzzled his head against her neck, now giggling and rubbing up against her skin. His hands wrapped more of the rope around her body and spun the girl around until she was so tied up she couldn't even move her arms, and to make it worse the ghost also tied her hands behind her back. In disbelief her fingers felt the knots to feel that it was knotted in a fashion that she didn't recognize. Hanako must have taken some kind of wilderness class, that or he was just skilled with rope.

Yashiro really hoped it was the first one.

"Hanako, what are you doing?" She asked nervously, the boys giggles growing more and more strange. "I-Ca-can I at least get an explanation?!"

He turned her around and looked into Yashiro's eyes, the ghost trying to find the words to explain. Holding out his arm he found a spot with no bruises or bandages and used his fingernail to scratch a simple message.

Yorishirois what he wrote before crossing it out, Yashiro trying to understand. "Is the Yorishiro not here?" She asked, Hanako nodding before pointing down. "Is it in the water?" Yashiro guessed, Hanako shaking his head and pointing off the ledge. " think what you're saying is the Yorishiro wasn't at the top of this world, meaning it's at the bottom?"

Proud of her getting it right Hanako grinned a mile wide, Yashiro's pride disappearing when she realized what was going to happen.

"Wa-wait! You're not going to do what I think you're going to do, are you?"

Hanako gave a nervous giggle before pulling her into a hug, Yashiro trying to process what was happening right before the ghost shoved her out of his grip and down off the ledge. Like a fisherman holding his bait Hanko tightly held the rope as Yashiro stared at him with betrayal in her wide eyes, her feet slipping through the water as her hands tried to untie her ropes.

"WAIT, WAIT NO!! THIS ISN'T WHAT I MEANT BY ANYTHING- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed as she went spiraling down into the abyss, the last sight she saw being Hanako waving her goodbye.

Hanako watched the her as she fell the entire way down, his eyes completely blank with no hint of what he was thinking. After a minute when Yashiro was out of his sight he sighed and tied the rope to a wooden pillar before taking out his knife from inside his body and tilting his head towards the fight with Kou and Number Two, the woman seemingly struggling to win against the exorcist. With a flick of his wrist and a few twists of his fingers the ghost spun his knife in a circle before springing into battle, using the blade like the sword to block one of Number Two's attacks from hitting Kou.

Back with Yashiro the girl was dead, her neck had snapped when she landed on some kind of surface that she would never get to see because well, she was dead. Yashiro could feel her body remain limp as her eyes twitched, a glazed-over look in them attracting a crowd of Mokke.

Is she dead?One asked.

Why would she be dead?

Poke poke, poke poke.Another said as they poked her.


Yashiro could hear them, she could feel them poking her face. She could feel the ground, she could FEEL.

Was Yashiro still alive?

"I-is this heaven?" Yashiro asked with a soft voice, the Mokke all groaning.

• Sheeeee'ssss alllliiiiivvvvveeeeeee.....

• Disperse. •

The girl sat up and jolted from pain, rubbing the back of her head where there was a bump. Yashiro winced, her eyes squeezing themselves shut from the pain that was now going through the veins in her body. What the hell happened? She remembered Hanako shoving her off the edge before she fell into some kind of pool of water, and then Yashiro had sunk down into the water before turning into a fish and passing out. That fall must had been worse now that she was here. Hurts like all hell too. Couldn't Hanako had done something gentler, like lowering her down into the water instead of just throwing her in? Or maybe he could have gone with her so she wasn't alone? To be honest Hanako probably didn't even think that far ahead. Jerk.

Yashiro forced her body to support her weight as she stood up, the girl looking around at this new world. It wasn't as bad she thought it would be. Instead of a starlit sky it was a bright sunny day with the sound of leaves blowing in the wind as branches danced back and forth, the water much shallower. At least that was an indicator that she was still in the boundary. Quickly feeling her face Yashiro felt the scales o her and looked down to see them all over her, the girl's face changing to a repulsed expression as she tried her best to wipe them off. Each one looked as if it was growing on every part of her skin, spreading on her like an infection. Now running to try and find more of her surroundings Yashiro didn't pay attention as she went on ahead, running straight into a random table that was in the way.

"OWWW OW OW OW DAMN IT!" She shrieked as she fell, the girl grabbing her foot as she fell down to the ground, the table she ran into tumbling down. "Owie! Jeez, ow that hurts...I'll need to check and see if-huh?"

As if she didn't just run into a table Yashiro's eyes locked on a book that she noticed among all the papers on the ground, the girl reaching out her hand and grabbing the book. It was some kind of diary. The cover had in big red text the words 'DO NOT READ, PRIVATE' on it, the sides being bound together by red string. Yashiro glanced around her surroundings and slowly opened the book, glancing down at the diary to see a page that was supposed to say who this book belonged to, but no name was written there, only some random scribbles that looked close enough to be Japanese. Curiosity getting the better of her Yashiro gave into the parasite in her mind and flipped to the next page, trying to figure out what everything said. Down at the bottom was a teacher's comments, showing that this was some kind of schoolkids diary. The handwriting looked like that of a child's, maybe it was a child's diary. Yashiro carefully kept going through the pages and stopped when she was able to read the handwriting, some of the words crossed out and rewritten in red ink.

Today I thretened a student.Was the first sentence, the symbol for A written above the word 'thretened' to correct it to 'threatened'.It waz fun.Was the next one, the Z in the word 'waz' crossed out and corrected to 'was'. Down in the teachers' comments was a sentence with an arrow pointing to the part about threatening students sayingLet's not do that anymore.

Yashiro noticed something next to the teacher's notes, a little stamped phrase that readWell Donewhich was signed by...Misaki.

Wait, the Misaki back up the stairs?

The next page in the book was torn out, but Yashiro noticed it floating in the water. Gently grabbing it with her fingertips Yashiro pulled the soaking wet page out and placed it on the book, the paper magically binding itself back into its rightful place as the water dried all by itself. The words written in black ink showed up more clearly as Yashiro brushed her fingertips against the paper.

Misaki cut my hair today,It said, the words 'cut my hair today' crossed out with a line and replaced with 'gave me a new hairstyle', written in red pen.I hate MisakiWas also crossed out and replaced with 'thank you, Sensei'. Once again, there was a stamp and a sentence written in the teacher's notes.I fixed it for you.

Subconsciously she chuckled and covered her mouth with her fist, the girl urking up when she realized she was laughing. Now wasn't the time for that. Now was the time to look for clues! Going through the pages Yashiro stopped when she found something that looked important.

Today I took a 'photograph' with Misaki and the other patients.It read, nothing crossed out this time, in fact the handwriting was getting better. Right next to the page, lightly sticking out was a photograph that was in black and white. In the middle was a young man, a bunch of children of all different ages around him. All of them smiling.

Was this...Misaki-Sensei?

That means that the person upstairs wasn't Misaki.

Going to the next page Yashiro tucked the photo away into a pocket sewn her sleeping gown, the girl focusing on trying to find clues.

Misaki gave me some hair cutting scissors today. He only gave them to me, nobody else. I kept the scissors in the wayside shrine, since I know it's not safe to run with them. Misaki taught me that! And I know Misaki loves me! I love him too!Is what that page read, the teachers note simply saying.That's nice, be safe with those scissors.

Suddenly a lightbulb went off in Yashiro's head, the girl squealing like a five year old who just got her favorite doll as a birthday present. "Awww, she has a crush on her teacher! That's so cute! I did the same thing, I remember when I was younger I- THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR THAT WHAT AM I THINKING?!"

Rapidly the girl flipped through the pages, skimming over them when she stopped on a page that was crumpled a little with dried water stains on them.Misaki didn't come to see me today. He must have been busy, and I understand that. I spent all day watching the humans go back and forth and making dolls. I hope Misaki comes again tomorrow.

Yashiro looked down to see no notes on the part where the teacher was meant to write their ideas, the girl a little surprised. Maybe Misaki-San just didn't write in that day, and instead did it tomorrow. He was probably sick that day and he couldn't make it to work.

Still no Misaki.The next page said, Yashiro flipping to the next one.

"Still no Misaki." She read out loud, turning the next page and reading it out loud to herself again. "Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still no Misaki."
"Still noMisaki."

Yashiro stared blankly at the pages, slowly turning its corner to see a blank page. Repeatedly she kept turning each and every page for them to be blank, sweat starting to bead on her forehead as she kept flipping through the pages out of habit, each time praying that the next page will have words written on them. Every time it was blank after blank after blank after blank, no words even daring to show up out of fear of ruining the perfect pages. Eventually Yashiro went to a page that had writing on it, the words messy as if written by someone that was crying.

I heard a rumor from some other Sensei's today. There was an accident on these stairs almost four months ago. A doctor fell off these stairs and died. I wonder what 'died' means, I'll ask Misaki when he comes back to see me again.


What's the next part? Yashiro kept going through the pages for them to be blank and blank and blank until she reached one with the writing style now refined and almost perfect.

I've come to realize that Misaki is probably never coming back.Read the first page, Yashiro's eyes glancing to the page next to it.I've decided I'll just have to do the only thing left and make Misaki.


That woman...when upstairs...with the body...

Yashiro covered her mouth as her eyes felt like they would bulge out of their sockets, her fear crawling up her throat to tempt her to vomit. This woman was trying to remake her old Sensei with body parts from-

"What are you doing." She heard, all of the lights going out as the sound of footsteps echoed through the stairs.

With the rest of her body frozen in terror Yashiro was only able to turn her head to see the supernatural woman walking down the steps, her right hand dragging the giant pair of scissors.

"You wrote this, didn't you?" Yashiro asked, her voice shaking.

"Yes." Number Two answered, descending down the stairs.

She could feel her heart pounding as Yashiro tried to stay strong, slowly managing to turn her body. "You're not Misaki."

The woman nodded. "I'm collecting parts for Misaki's body. It's easier to explain if I claim to be Misaki, isn't it?"

The book slipped out of her hands and fell into the water with a splash, Yashiro's fear replaced with anger as she snapped at Number Two. " did all those terrible things to Aoi and the others, just so you can make Misaki-San!"

Now at the bottom of the stairs Number Two lifted up her hand to her chin with a warm smile, the kind that a nurse would show her patients when they were scared. "That's right."

Yashiro didn't even get to say anything when she felt something like worms crawl on her legs, the girl looking down to see dolls grabbing onto her pantyhose and sleeping gown to pull themselves onto her. Grabbing her arms and legs with their disgusting little hands the dolls held Yashiro down as she struggled to move, unable to move her feet as Number two kept coming closer.

"Wa-wait!" Yashiro begged. "You loved Misaki-San, didn't you?! What you're doing...i-it won't make him happy!"

"Oh please." Number Two sighed, covering his mouth as she laughed. "I KNOW THAT YOU BRAT!"

She swiftly kicked Yashiro right in the gut, the dolls flying off the girl's body as her mouth was forced open from the force. Being thrown back Yashiro landed against a tree as her back slammed against it, her stomach trying to tell her brain that she needed to vomit. Her throat was dried up and scratching from the screaming and gasping for air, and now Yashiro's head was spinning as she tried not to choke from being unable to breathe.

Her eyes jolted to look next to her when suddenly the blades of the scissors were thrown into the tree's trunk, Yashiro's chest collapsing on her lungs as she realized she was pinned to this tree.

"You see girl...that's what I want." The woman said, her hand starting to shake as she closed to blades a bit. "Misaki cared for his patients. If he finds out what I've been doing, he'll be mad. I want him to be mad at me. I made a promise, but unfortunately...I've already broken it. So, I don't care anymore what happens to you."

Yashiro noticed that Number Two's hands were trembling as she gripped tighter on the scissors, the supernatural woman almost trying to convince herself to keep going. To not hurt anyone.

"I want Misaki to snap at me again." She said, Yashiro freezing up at the desperation in the woman's voice. Her hands tightened around the scissors as her lips snarled back, "I want to hear him say anything, I want to watch his lips move as each word comes out. I want to feel Misaki's skin brush against mine as he holds my hand or puts bandaids on my knees, I need him back...I've worked so hard and...and...and I can't let you TAKE HIM FROM ME!!!"

"N-NO, HANAKO PLEASE HELP ME!!!" Yashiro screamed, tears forming in the corner of her eyes as the girl held up her arms to try and pitifully protect herself.

A bright flash of light came flying in, Number Two's scissors being knocked out of her hands and landing into the ground. Yashiro let go of her head and opened her eyes to see an orb floating towards her and nuzzling against her, the girl spotting its green center.


The orb seemed to nod before floating away from her towards the side, Number Two turning her head. Snarling back her red lips the supernatural woman growled. "How did you find us...did that little one of yours tell you?"

The two turned their heads to see Hanako standing there now with his two Hakujoudai next to him, the ghost holding his arm with a smile. His body was even more beat up than before, his clothes smeared with blood and dirt as water dripped out from his bandages and hair. Before Hanako could say anything his shaking legs gave out and the supernatural boy fell to the ground, Yashiro managing to quickly crawl away from the tree her had been pressed against and ran over to him.

"Hanako, Hanako are you okay?!" Cried Yashiro, the girl cradling the ghost in her arms. Her eyes teared up when she felt his hands grab her arm to try and pull himself up, Hanako going a little limp in her grasp. "Please don't tell me you're dying!!"

"Awwww, did our little game really mess you up that badly, Number Seven?!" The woman teased, dolls crawling out of the nearby woods and laughing alongside with her as black goo leaked out of the cracks and holes on their body.

"He's not dead you jerk!" Yashiro snapped at Number Two, Hanako sitting up in her arms as he tried to say something. The poor boy was so beat up it looked as if he shouldn't even be moving.

The ghost grabbed Yashiro and pulled her in, whispering only a few words in her ear. "Y-Yorishiro, hidden. R-remove Yorishiro."

"I-I have to take the Yorishiro away from where its hidden?" She asked, the boy nodding. "But where did she keep it...I...I..."

Her brain lit a match inside her head when she remembered those words written in the diary about...a pair of scissors. Number Two used a giant pair of scissors as her weapon, and the diary mentioned how there was a pair of scissors kept in the shrine. If Yashiro just took the scissors out of the shrine, then Number Two would weaken enough for Hanako to win.

"Excuse me," the supernatural woman interrupted, "but now isn't the time for chit chat. I was in the middle of teaching this brat a lesson when you came rudely barged in Number Seven, so if you would be so kind,move."

The ghost held his ground as he forced himself to stand up, using Yashiro as support as he laughed a bit. Hanako pushed Yashiro back away from himself as he pressed a finger against his lips and nodded his head back, signaling for the girl to run away to the place where the scissors were hidden. With a quick nod Yashiro turned around and ran towards the direction where the shrine is, going up the stairs that lead to it.

Thrashing her hand in front of her chest the woman yelled out, "NO, STOP HER-"

Number Two's order was cut off when a thick red rope sprung up from the ground and was pulled around her body, the woman's eyes widening when she realized it was Hanako's Hakujoudai that had grabbed it and was now tying it around her. Using this opening Hanako managed to attack from behind and pinned Number Two to the ground, holding her down with his knee on her back and his hands tightening the rope.


Hanako shook his head and signaled for Yashiro to keep going, the girl forcing her legs to listen to her head and stepped back, turning around and running towards the shrine. Every step kept tricking her into thinking it was an illusion as Yashiro got closer and closer, Hanako struggling to keep Number Two down as the bigger woman tossed and turned, fighting to get out of his grasp. Twisting her body she managed to get her hand out and point towards Yashiro, calling out an order.


Yashiro was forced to stop when a crowd of dolls crawled out from the stairs and woods, all coming together to try and stop her. Stepping back Yashiro tried her best not to scream as the dolls got closer to her, glancing back behind her shoulder to see the supernatural woman fighting with Hanako as the boy struggled to keep her down.

"I NEED MY YORISHIRO, OR I CAN'T MAKE MISAKI!!" She desperately cried out, Yashiro feeling a vein on her head begin to throb. "ALL THIS TIME, EVERYTHING I'VE DONE HAS BEEN FOR HIM!!"

"SHUT UP!!" Yashiro howled, both Hanako and Number Two freezing in place when the girl raised her voice. "You don't LOVE Misaki-San, you just want his attention!! You're not doing this for him, you're doing this for yourself!! He doesn't truly matter to you, all Misaki-San is to you is an object!!"

As the girl finished projecting her feelings and making Number Two realize hers Yashiro leapt forward and stepped on one of the dolls, using its head to boost her up to the next two stairs without the dolls following her.

"SHE STEPPED ON THEM!!" Screamed the supernatural woman as she broke out of the boys grasp, Hanako's expression showing he was clearly thinking the same thing, but with some kind of different tone.

Yashiro kept running and running despite her legs begging her to stop, the girls head refusing to look back out of fear she'll see those tiny disgusting dolls chasing her in their attempt to drown her. The only motivation that kept Yashiro going was the fact that the shrine was just up ahead. If she managed to make it, then everything would be okay. Aoi would come back, Kou could have his friends, and Hanako wouldn't have to hurt his own co-workers.

Taking a leap of faith, the girl jumped past the last few stairs and grabbed onto the shrine, opening its doors and peering inside. Her eyes landed on the scissors with the black seal holding them to the wood, grabbing them and tearing the scissors off.

"NOOOOOO!!" Number Two screamed, Yashiro clenching the scissors tightly as the woman lunged forward to try and brutally stab the girl in her gut, hoping that the blades would pierce right through the patient's skin and pull out her guts alongside it. Yashiro had turned her body just in time as she held the scissors in her hands to see the woman desperately reaching out to stop her, holding the scissors down away from Yashiro's stomach and aimed at her feet.

In a split second coming to save her, Hanako appeared in front of her with his green Hakujoudai wrapped around his wrist, the giant hand grabbing Number Two's legs. Yashiro watched in shock as the woman was pulled off balance so she fell forward, Hanako plunging his knife straight into his co-worker's chest. There was a glimmer of...betrayal in the woman's green eyes, Number Two slowly looking down to see blood soaking into the fabric of her clothing. Her eyes glanced back at the two children as Hanako pulled the blade out, the supernatural boy watching as the beige haired woman's legs gave out and she collapsed to the ground.

As soon as her knees hit the ground the world shattered into glass bits, everything being reflected in each shard. Each little detail shinned in the glasses, every little color and light. Their faces were reflected in every broken bit as they floated close enough to cut into their skin. Number Two was in shock, her face permanently drawn with eyes forced wide open. Yashiro's face wasn't one to smile about, water and dirt smeared all over with her eyes red from crying and fear. Hanako...his face was shadowed. None of the shards of glass showed what he was thinking, only one that was off to the side slightly exposing one of his amber eyes. Everything just got dark after a split second, the last thing Yashiro feeling being hand grabbed by who she assumed was Hanako.

Yashiro opened her eyes after a second, looking up to see that she was on the floor of the hospital's hallway while Hanako crouched down with his arms crossed. He was just...watching her. His expression was calm and collected, but he seemed sad. He no longer had the dirt and cuts from the fight he had in the boundary, but his eyes had a look in them that were begging Yashiro for something. When their eyes met the boy's expression lit up as he softly smiled, waving a little to her.

"Ha...Hanako...?" She mumbled, the boys smiling widening as his lips pursed a bit. " really you?"

The ghost nodded, Yashiro sitting up and tackling him in a tight hug. Burying her face into her friend's chest the girl's hands tightened on the back of his nightgown, Yashiro's fingers digging into the fabric as Hanako gasped. He tensed up before slowly putting a hand on her head, petting the girls head as his chest bounced a bit from his laughter.

"I-I-I was s-so scared..." the girl cried, Hanako shushing her before she could say anymore. Slowly the ghost slipped his hand under her hair, gathering a bunch into his hand while his fingers tightened on the long cream colored strands. Hanako rested his chin on her head as the ghost comforted his friend, trying not to laugh as Yashiro moved away. "I'm sorry...I..."


Yashiro moved an inch when Hanako put his finger on her lips, the boy smiling warmly down at her. She couldn't help but feel...


The entire time there, Hanako had to protect her. He had to keep her out of danger. Yashiro wasn't useful, all she did was take a pair of scissors out of the shrine so Hanako would have an opening to attack. The poor girl felt so worthless. Her friend shouldn't be trying to keep her safe, because not only is he smaller, but he's also younger. Yashiro should be protecting him. What a stupid, stupid, stupid girl Yashiro is.

"Wa-wait, where's Minamoto? Minamoto-Kun?" Yashiro asked, realizing the fact that the security boy wasn't there anymore.

Hanako took out something from behind, holding out a little doll with both hands. looked just like-

"Minamoto-Kun?!" She yelled, Hanako laughing nervously as he let her take him. "What happened?! Why is he like this?! Why is he tiny and squishy!!"

The boy took out his notebook and wrote something, showing her it after a minute.During the fight he tried to protect himself, but he'll be okay. I'll have her take care of it and turn him back, alongside bringing all the lost patients back to this realm.

Petting the dolls head Yashiro smiled. "He's cute...but...what do you mean by her?"

Walking over to a darker part of the hallway Hanako crouched down and grabbed something, Yashiro hearing a little yelp as the ghost stood up with something in his hands. Turning over he stepped into the moonlight to show what he was holding. It was a fox. A white fox with a red bib and what looked like eye makeup, little orbs like the Hakujoudai floating next to it. They looked like an Inari statue, some living kind that God had blessed with the curse of being in a vessel chained by limitations.

" this-"

Hanako held up two fingers before pointing to the fox, answering Yashiro's question that this was Number Two. Now smiling the boy held the fox woman by her scruff and gently gave her a little shake to nudge her to say something.

Not wanting to do as he said the fox turned her nose and up and scoffed. | I refuse to apologize, even if you say so!! |

Still smiling Yashiro could see the corners of Hanako's mouth twitch as his hand moved so he was holding Number Two by her back with his fingers curling around to her stomach, the ghost pulling his knife out of his body and pointing it to the creature's throat.

Number Two screeched as Hanako tilted his head with the expression of an innocent child. | YAAAAH! DON'T TURN ME INTO FOX UDON, I'M SORRY!!! |

"WOAH WOAH, CALM DOWN!!" Yashiro yelled, jolting to her feet and grabbing Hanako's arm. "Ho-how about we DON'T resort to violence and just talk, okay?!"

With wide bug eyes Hanako looked over at his assistant and tilted his head confused, lowering the blade as he made a soft noise out of his lips. After a minute of staring at her Hanako put his knife away and gently set the fox on the ground, standing back up as he watched her scurry away to a corner.

| I know what you're going to ask, and yes. I'll return everyone back to normal, including that girl you asked me about. They'll be back tomorrow with all their memories returned. |

"Thank goodness..." Yashiro muttered, the thought of Aoi being back to normal making her sigh from relief.

| Mmm...yeah... | The fox woman moaned in a hushed voice, clearly upset about something. Watching Number Two's ears flop down from whatever she was upset about made Yashiro feel bad, the girl trying to figure out what to do. Yashiro reached behind her to feel something, the girl taking out the picture and pair of scissors she had found. The talisman was still around the scissors like a sticker, its kanji the same as the one for that seal Hanako had put on Kou's staff. What was the Yorishiro's seal for? What exactly did it do? Many questions ran though her neurons as Yashiro noticed the fact that the picture had a new face now. A little girl that looked like...Number Two. Was this her when she was a child? Did Yashiro take something that was important to Number Two? Now guilty Yashiro looked up back at the fox woman.

"Hey, Fox-San?" Yashiro muttered, the fox looking up. "Here...I know these were important to you should have them back."

The fox seemed to light up when she saw Yashiro holding the pair of scissors and picture, slowly taking them from the girl's hands as she held them in her little paws.

"D-Don't think I forgive you! You scared me, I thought I was going to die!!" She snapped, Yashiro trying to sound tough. With a soft smile she dropped the act and sighed. "Ugh...I'm...I'm sorry I had to take these away from you, even if it was temporary. I know you're technically one of my caretakers, but maybe...we could be friends?"

Extending her hand Yashiro gently pet the fox's head, the small animal suddenly biting the girl right where Hanako had bit her back in that hallway. Releasing her claws out the fox clawed Yashiro's hand as blood began to trickle out, Hanako grabbing the small animal and ripping her off his assistant's hand. She hissed at the boy as he glared at her, the fox tensing up as she tucked her tail under her stomach when Hanako prepared to snap his fingers. Her little whimpers seemed to symbolize she surrendered, Hanako dropping her onto the ground and scoffing. Quickly with her picture and scissors the fox scurried off to the staircase.

| We will never be friends! | The fox snapped, sitting down on the fourth stair. | And for your information Yashiro-San, my name is Yako! But since you are my patient, you will address me as Yako-Sensei or Yako-San! If you even call me 'FoX-SAn' again, I'll bite your hand off and eat it while making sure nobody will find it! |

Yako went hopping away up the stairs and to the next floor, Yashiro squeezing her hand as blood lightly drizzled out. "Tch. Maybe fox udon wasn't a bad idea. We should have done that instead."

Hanako giggled and patted her head, silently telling her to calm down. Instead she pushed herself off the ground and struggled to get on her feet, Yashiro wincing in pain. The girl stumbled on the ground, now realizing that she wasn't wearing the rain boots anymore. Sad, Yashiro really liked them. Trying to balance herself Yashiro tripped on her own feet, Hanako catching her and guiding his friend to a wall she could rest against.

Almost sliding down it Yashiro let herself slump down a bit as she tried to hug the wall. "Oh, how I missed these hospital walls...I'm so tired."

Hanako chuckled and patted her head, the smaller boy trying to cheer her up as she did her best not to fall asleep right there and then. Her body had finally run out of adrenaline to keep her going and now Yashiro was completely exhausted and stressed out. Yashiro could hardly even move now that she and let herself relax. The poor girl probably had blisters and injuries from how she had to run around and try not to die.

"I-I-I'm okay..." She said, gently trying to nudge Hanako away.

Worried Hanako moved closer to his assistant before pointing to her hand, not giving her a chance to say anything because he grabbed her wrist and inspected the injury closely. The ghost took her injured hand just like a prince does in the movies and brought it up to his mouth, wiping some of the blood off with his thumb. His fingers curled around her hand, Hanako opening his mouth and pressing his tongue gently against Yashiro's skin. Slowly, like a cat cleaning its baby kitten Hanako licked up the blood and brushed his lips on the wound, his breath against her skin in uneven patterns telling her that he was whispering something she couldn't hear. Yashiro's face began to flush red as Hanako's lips grazed her hand just enough for others to consider it a kiss, the boy making sure there was no blood left to fall to the ground. After the moment of tension right before Yashiro could pull her hand away Hanako let his lips press a bit harder against the wound, softly making sure that there was no chance of any more of the crimson to leak out.

He looked up from her hand and noticed Yashiro's flushed expression, the boy's eyes going wide when he realized why she was looking at him with that face. His breath got caught in his throat, weird noises coming out of his mouth as he tried to form some sentence. Hanako stepped back as his cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink, forcing his head to look down sheepishly.

Hanako stepped back and waved his hands around, trying to figure out what to do as his breathing was all over the place. Thinking on his feet the ghost pulled out his notebook and scribbled something down, his words in messy handwriting thanks to how he was trying to fix this situation.Just a magic spell to make you feel better, okay?

Yashiro tried to step back, her body not moving since she was already pressed against the wall. With no control over her lungs the girl let out some kind of scream as her face flushed red, covering her face with her hands. "AAHHHHHHH WHY DID YOU CALL IT THAAAT!!"

Waving his hands Hanako tried to solve the situation as he panicked, Yashiro squealing from embarrassment. to them in the hallway...the doll of Kou laid there, wondering why nobody had picked him up again.

To be honest he was probably just going to be left there.

Chapter 16: We're All In Pain


Yashiro double checked that all of her hair and body was clean before slowly turned the water off and made sure to twist some of the water from her hair, taking the towel that was offered to her through the curtain. The girl rubbed her face clean and dried a bit of her hair, wrapping the towel around her chest as she stepped out from the shower onto the mat in front of it.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (2)

Holding her hand up in the air as she laid on the couch in the sitting room, Yashiro studied the place that Yako had bit her yesterday. Her memory could clearly recall how Hanako had licked up all the blood that had been coming out, the girl replaying how he had basically...kissed her hand. That wasn't what she wanted to think about though. What Yashiro was thinking about...was the fact that there was no scar.

No cut.

No mark that it even happened.

On the side of the same hand was the softest marks of where Hanako had bit her long ago back when they first met, back in that dirty hallway. By now the mark was hardly noticeable, but Yashiro could see that the parts of it where Hanako had licked while cleaning the blood off her hands weren't there anymore. How did his spit somehow heal her skin? How long did it take for her hand to even heal? She hadn't noticed the fact that it no longer hurt until this morning, that being blamed on how exhausted she was.

Yashiro laid her hands on her chest and sighed. Yesterday after that whole incident Hanako had walked her back to her room and made sure the cameras didn't see her by having his Hakujoudai disable them momentarily. Is that how he was able to sneak into her room easily? That would make sense actually. Wait, no, he's a ghost. He could go anywhere in this hospital without the consequence of the guards checking the cameras. Speaking of that, the more time she spends with Hanako, the less she gets in trouble for running around the hospital like a madwoman. Does he just have some kind of magic spell on her that makes it so the cameras don't see her? Is that how he was able to heal her hand? Or did Hanako not actually heal it, and she just dreamt that all of that actually didn't happen? Was it just a figment if her imagining with how Hanako licked her hand, or how Kou had turned into a tiny plush doll-


Yashiro sat up at light speed when she realized that her and Hanako had left Kou in that hallway, all alone, on the floor. Did somebody just grab him off the ground or something?! Did a supernatural eat him?!? Was Kou even still alive?!!?!? The poor boy must have been stolen by some little kid, cursed to be a doll forever until the end of his days and then that kid will play with his plushie corpse!! Should she try and find him?! What if he was already taken away?!?! Oh god, what should she do?!?

Okay, well maybe first she should calm down.

Kou is probably alright, after all Number Two said she would turn everyone back to normal by morning. She didn't know where he was, but Kou should be okay. Maybe he's at home doing whatever he does at his house, or maybe he's at school. Wait, why would he be at school if he worked here? Hang on how old was Kou?!

Yashiro grabbed her hair and took a deep breath, forcing herself to stop thinking about Kou and all of her other problems. She could just ask Kou about everything. Maybe she should try and just hang out with him one day, and they could learn more about each other. Replacing her worry with a smile Yashiro imagined her and Kou having a little tea party and talking about themselves, both of them in some field as they drank from a fancy teapot and beautiful cups. That would be fun, actually! They would have sweets and pastries, and they would talk for hours about little things. Things like pets, siblings, lovers, like girl talk! That would be the best!

Now with determination Yashiro practically bounced off the couch and decided to try and find Kou, stopping when she thought about something.

When was the last time she showered?

Not yesterday, not the day before, probably like three or four days ago actually.

That's...that's absolutely disgusting.

She can't go looking for Kou if she smells like a dead animal.

Nobody wants to be friends with someone that gross.

Okay, new plan! Quickly take a shower, then go find Kou! Maybe take a quick break for some breakfast after that, but then back to business! Now with a plan (and her previous determination) Yashiro went out to start her walk down the halls to head down to the changing rooms, counting in her mind anything she would need. Nothing actually, since all of her hair and skin care stuff was in the changing room. Of course she would have to swing by the doctor's office so Yashiro could have them put the bandages back on, but that would just be another detour. It's fine.

When she finally made it to the changing room Yashiro opened the door and shut it with her back, the girl choking on her breath when she saw Aoi standing in front of the mirror, putting one of her contacts in. The purple haired girl noticed her friend through the reflection and turned around, a bright smile in her face.

"Hi Nene-Chan!" Aoi greeted, the girl fixing her contact. "Did you sleep well?"

Yashiro stared at Aoi in shock as her eyes began watering before threw her arms around her friend, shoving her head into Aoi's shoulder. "AooooooooooOOOOOIIIII YOU'RE OOOKKAAAAAAYY!!!"

"Wo-woah! Of course I'm okay Nene-Chan! Don't cry, I'm sure whatever happened was all just a bad dream!" Aoi comforted, gently petting her friend's head to cheer her up.

"I mi-mis-issed yooou!! I w-was scared!" She blubbered, the girl squeezing her friend with memories of Aoi as the wooden doll still fresh in her mind. If that was a bad dream, then Yashiro would never want to sleep again. What kind of God would curse someone with such horrifying visions?

Lowering her voice Aoi pulled Yashiro closer and smiled sympathetically. "It's okay Nene-Chan, I'm here for you. Everything is okay. Look, how about you go get ready and meet me outside the room? I'll be right there waiting for you."

Yashiro nodded, the girl letting go of Aoi as she put her hands on Yashiro's shoulders.

"Are you going to be okay by yourself?" Aoi asked, Yashiro giving a shaky nod. "Alright, there's some clothes out for you already, I'll be outside if you need me!"

The girl watched with teary eyes as Aoi walked out of the room, Yashiro sighing from relief now that she was sure Aoi was okay. That was one less worry on her list. She wiped the tears away with the palms of her hands and took a deep breath to calm herself down. Pushing her hair back Yashiro looked over towards the counter, her eyes spotting the clothes Aoi had set out for her. A sleeping gown and a pair of tights. She wouldn't need them since she could change back into what she was already wearing, though she couldn't help but smile. Aoi was really nice to her. The girl was lucky to have a friend like her.

Yashiro took off her hairclips and moved some of her hair off her face, the young girl moving her bangs away from her face. Her bruised cheek that she used to cover with cheap makeup was healing nicely, though her skin must have it as some kind of scar thanks to how often it would be bruised over and over again. Using her fingernails, she smooshed the skin together and stared at the little bit of blood that oozed out from a cut on the bruise. Yashiro hadn't even noticed that. Maybe she accidentally reopened the cut. Hopefully it'll heal, and a doctor won't try to bandage it up.

Grabbing the fabric Yashiro pulled off her sleeping gown before looking at her arm, grabbing the white patch and slowly peeling it off her skin. Carefully Yashiro unwrapped the bandages and stared at the markings, peeling the bandaid off her hand and the one on her shoulder. Her hands sprawled out on her back to search for any bandaids she would have to peel off, not finding any that she would be able to grab. Maybe they'll fall off in the shower. Lifting up her hair the girl checked for any bugs as she ran her fingers on her scalp, giving a small nod when she was sure there wasn't anything infesting her skull and trying to consume her brain. She slipped her thumb under her pantyhose and narrowed her eyes at her stomach before taking them off, Yashiro avoiding looking in the mirror as she set out a towel on the hook and took a small washcloth for her body.

She stepped into the shower and turned it on, the girl flinching back a bit when the cold water hit her skin. Wasn't that always the worst part about showers? How the water never started out warm unless someone was in there minutes before you. It was always sharply cold, like frozen pins being dropped on your skin. It doesn't hurt, but it's more of annoying. The worst part is always having to turn the heat down bit by bit until it reached just the right temperature. Yashiro let the water sprinkle on her face as the girl ran her fingers in her hair, the water warming up over time. Showering wasn't that bad though, and just taking the time to relax in the water felt nice after everything she had gone through yesterday.

Yako...that was the name of Number Two. Now that Yashiro thinks more about her, the more the girl realized that her and Yako have spent a lot of time together. She's the nurse who has taken her to that American doctor with the bushy mustache, she's the nurse who would bandage her wrist up when she tried to slice it wide open, and most importantly Yako is the nurse who had set up Teru to be her guardian. Never would have Yashiro expected the nurse to try and kill her. It kind of make sense, though. Yashiro had never found out what Yako's name had been despite all the time she's been here. The patients would call her the 'Fox-Sensei', explains why Yako didn't like the nickname. Why was Yako a nurse of all things? Was that what...all doctors and nurses in this hospital are? Are they all supernaturals? That would be terrifying. Oddly comforting, but terrifying. The hospital wouldn't have to pay any workers then. A win for the hospital, and a horrible feeling for the patients.

Yashiro rubbed her neck and suddenly winced in pain, pressing against the part the hurt. Was that a bruise? Did she get that yesterday? Maybe she got it from the fight in the boundary. God, that hurts. She sucked the air through her teeth as Yashiro poked around at the bruise, her back arching as her muscles tightened. How did she get a bruise on her neck without noticing until just now? Actually, now that she looks at it, Yashiro's legs looked as if someone had thrown a bunch of rocks at her thanks to how beaten up they were. Her fingers prodded the bruise on her neck as she tried to feel how big it was, the pain telling her that it was small. That was good at least. She should probably put some bandage over it, or cover it with her hair. If someone saw that she would probably get in trouble, so maybe hiding it with her hair is the better idea. What a horrible place to get a bruise.

She pulled her hair back a little to check for more bruises, Yashiro looking over her body. There are some on her arms, her chest and shoulders hand marks that looked like tiny hands, and the girls stomach had a mark from where Yako had kicked her. Yashiro's back was probably completely bruised. She'll definitely need to wear longer sleeves for a while. Limiting herself for a bit will be the safest option. No more helping Hanako with his weird work problems, she needs to give her body time to heal. If she doesn't, she could drop dead at any time. Yashiro still has to keep going. She can't die yet. Every day should be filled with fun, but the truth is sometimes a day to take care of yourself is the better option. So never again. Never again is she going into a boundary like that. One that could hurt her like that. Not if she wants to keep her body and mind safe.

The girl rubbed her head as she cleaned away the soapy studs in her hair, making sure to use her shower time wisely. After all, she was almost done. Yashiro knew how to divide her time well in this place where actually having time to herself was a blessing. Hell, showering by herself with an actual door to a bathroom was a blessing. Not always has she been this lucky. The curtain too. With a sigh Yashiro looked down and watched as the water went down into the drain, her eyes swirling with it as she shuffled her feet a little. It was a pretty shower curtain. The one back at her home was boring, her dad never bothered to ever clean or replace them. Just the same boring white with mold and dried gunk all over them. Doesn't matter what color they were, it's not as if she ever really got to see them that well. The pattern, it was different now too. She had to get used to it when she first got here. Open the curtain, get in, close the curtain, turn on the water. Sure it was the same back home...minus one step.

Yashiro double checked that all of her hair and body was clean before slowly turned the water off and made sure to twist some of the water from her hair, taking the towel that was offered to her through the curtain. The girl rubbed her face clean and dried a bit of her hair, wrapping the towel around her chest as she stepped out from the shower onto the mat in front of it.

And there, standing in front of her, was Hanako.

"WHAT THE HELL-!" Yashiro shrieked as she jumped back, unfortunately losing her balance, slipping, and hitting her head on the floor of the shower. "O-Owie..." She groaned as Hanako's blank expression morphed into one of panic. The boy crouched down to help her, Hanako carefully lifting her head up and holding it close to his chest as he rubbed the spot on her head that had hit the floor. Her fists hit his shoulder as Yashiro tried to get her face out of his chest, the boy feeling around with his fingers for any blood or cut. Thankfully he let go after a minute, Yashiro to pushing him away with her foot. "Why are you here?!" The girl shouted.

The only response she got was Hanako staring at her.

Yashiro opened her mouth to say something when she heard Aoi yell out in the hallway, Hanako's back jolting up. "NENE-CHAN, ARE YOU OKAY?! I HEARD A THUD, IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT!"

Hanako waved his hands to try and get her to say something, Yashiro panicking as she tried to think of something. "I'M OKAY AOI, I JUST DROPPED MY SHAMPOO ON THE GROUND!!"

"ARE YOU SURE, DO I NEED TO COME IN?!" Aoi asked, Hanako squealing for Yashiro to say something when Aoi opened the door a little.

"I'M OKAY AOI, DON'T COME IN, I-I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING ON!!" Yashiro yelled, Aoi closing the door and not saying anything. Yashiro glanced back at Hanako and made sure her privates were covered, her eyes narrowing at the ghost. "Wh-what are you doing in here?!"

Hanako didn't say anything as he lowered his arms back to his sides, the boy still staring at her with that bug eyed expression.

"O-kay just don't answer then..." Yashiro muttered as she stood up, making sure her chest and lower region was well covered by the towel. "Well um, can you go?"

Hanako just kept staring at her, the boy not saying a single word as Yashiro started to feel creeped out.

On the bright side at least he's keeping eye contact with her.

She waved her hand a little, stepping back. "Um, Hanako, I have to change, please just-"

The supernatural boy picked up her clothes and held them out to her, Yashiro watching as the spirit kept his head down so he could only see her feet. So he would look down but refuse to leave the room....

Does this count as sexual harassment, or is it different cause Hanako's a ghost?

The girl rubbed her legs together nervously as Hanako kept standing there, his head down as he held her clothes out. "Look, um, can you turn around at least, so you're not...looking at me?"

That he did. The apparition crouched down and set her clothes on the ground before standing up and turning around so his back was facing her. Yashiro made sure he wasn't sneaking any glances behind his shoulder before she snatched her face towel and hid behind the shower curtain.

Just to be safe.

Yashiro, for good reason, still felt uncomfortable changing knowing the fact Hanako was standing in the same room as her, and what's worse is Yashiro didn't know how long he had been in the same room as her. Did he offer the towel to her? She hadn't been thinking at the moment, but now that she knew Hanako was in here Yashiro realized that the towel wasn't hanging on its hook. Hanako must have grabbed it and offered it to her through the shower curtain so he wouldn't see any of her naked body when she would have opened the curtain to grab it. Yashiro would have been not only terrified, but completely embarrassed if Hanako saw her like that. Thank God they avoided that situation. While she was trying to figure out whether she should dry off slowly or quickly the girl peaked out from the curtain to see Hanako sitting on the mat on the floor with his back turned away from her, the ghost keeping his head down. It looked like he was just picking parts of the carpet out, the supernatural boy refusing to look behind him when he heard the shower curtain move. He must be waiting for until she told him that she was done.

She stepped back behind the curtain and hurried with drying her body, the girl peeking out her head again and carefully snatching the sleeping gown from the clothes. Yashiro made sure her top half of her body was dry and pulled the clothing over her head, letting it fall down to her legs as her feet shuffled around the little puddles. Grabbing her pantyhose the girl tried not to step in the water as she pulled them on, Yashiro drying her hair again before holding the two towels close to her chest and opening the curtain.

" can look." She said, Hanako slowly turning his head to look at her. The boy put his hand on the ground as he helped himself up from the mat, Hanako refusing to look her in the eyes as he stared at the floor next to her feet.

Was he embarrassed, now? Of all times it was NOW?!

No no, not when he was in her staring her dead in the eyes when all she had on was a towel, no what was embarrassing was this moment right here where she was dressed and not having any bad skin exposed.

Hanako glanced up at her eyes before pointing to his leg, making a large circle around his shin and calf. The boy looked back at her and tried to signal something, Yashiro realizing what he was talking about. " you mean my bruise?" She asked, the ghost nodding slowly. "It's just a mark that hasn't gone away- th-THAT ISN'T THE POINT, WHY ARE YOU IN HERE!!"

The boy pressed a finger against his lips and motioned for her to quiet down, nodding his head in the direction where Aoi was outside. What, was he blackmailing her now?! If she yells or screams, then Aoi would barge in the room to see if Yashiro was okay and-

Honestly that's not a bad idea knowing the situation she's in.

Knowing what she was thinking Hanako took out his notebook, lifting up the torn edges of his nightgown a little to grab the crayon he kept hidden. As Yashiro looked around to find a way to get out without walking right past Hanako the ghost showed her what he was writing.

I didn't see you in your room this morning, so I went looking for you.

"Wh-why did you come in here, couldn't you just wait outside?!" She snapped, Hanako shrugging.

Was this just normal for him? Are there no social concepts in the supernatural world, or has Hanako been a ghost for that long? Noticing her confusion the boy sighed through his nose and wrote something else, Hanako occasionally glancing at the girl to check if she was panicking.

I was worried that you weren't okay after last night. When I thought you would start getting up around a certain time I went to go check on you, only for you not to be in your room.

"That's because I woke up early!!'

How was I supposed to know that?!

"How did you even figure out I was in the bathroom?!" The girl questioned, her voice raising.

Hanako pointed to her hair clips, writing down something as well.I noticed your friend was outside the bathroom and since I heard the shower was on I went to go check, and I saw your hair clips.

Yashiro bit back her tongue, the temptation to keep chewing Hanako out growing by the minute. In the end she ended up resisting the urge and sighed. Hanako didn't know better. Yashiro can assume that he hasn't had many interactions with people, much less probably girls. Whether it's because he's been a ghost for so long or because he hasn't been around many people, Yashiro can forgive him this once.

"I will let this go, ONE TIME. Never, EVER, do this again." She hissed, the supernatural boy covering his mouth with his notebook from fright and nodding.

The girl folded the towels and set them on the counter, Hanako floating next to her as Yashiro took out a comb and began to fix her hair. He stared at the side of her head as Yashiro tried her best to comb her long hair, the ghost suddenly grabbing her wrist and taking the comb from her hands. Right as her mouth opened to yell at him the spirit stepped behind her and took some of her hair in his hand. Surprisingly he combed her hair gently, Hanako trying his best not to make it hurt when he reached a tangle in her cream colored hair.

Yashiro glanced back at him through the mirror before slowly grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste. Her eyes watched as the boy floated behind her sitting crisscross, her hair in his hand as he combed through it for her. The girl brushed her teeth as she watched Hanako's movement. He didn't seem like he had any ill intentions. He was just...calmly combing her hair, his amber eyes closed a little as he divided each part. Yashiro could feel the comb go from the top of her head down to the end of her hair, his fingers barely touching the strands that stuck out as he made sure to leave no snarls left. Yashiro's hair clenched onto her face and clothes thanks to how wet it was, the water weighing it down a little. Hanako didn't seem to mind though. He just combed through it without a care in his eyes, in fact his amber eyes were impossible to decipher. Was he upset she yelled at him? Was he relieved that she let him off the hook? His blank eyes wouldn't allow Yashiro even a hint of what he was thinking. Despite that, he seemed to be okay.

She turned the water on to rinse her toothbrush, the supernatural boy glancing at her hands before continuing to comb her hair. This was getting awkward. Neither of them were saying a word, and Yashiro could tell that it wasn't because of what happened just a few minutes ago. Maybe she should say something to help start a conversation.

"I'm sorry if I was too harsh." She said, the ghost humming as he looked up at her. "It's just, Hanako, look. That's not something that girls and boys do. Boys and girls don't go into bathrooms while the other is there. I know you were worried about me, and I know you're probably not used to these social rules, but it's something you'll have to get used to if you're going to hang out with me."

Hanako gave a little sigh and smiled, clearly wanting to say something. He just held back his tongue while brushing the hair on the side of her head, pushing some of her bangs away from her face with his pinky. Yashiro glanced up through the mirror and managed to catch Hanako's face, the boy's amber eyes hiding the words that his tongue wouldn't say. Grabbing her hairclips Hanako set the comb down and pulled her hair back a bit, clipping it in right on the spot she always had them in. Hanako let his fingers touch her skin as Yashiro watched him through the mirror, the supernatural's smile something that her eyes couldn't look away from. She wanted to see him open his lips and say what he was thinking. Maybe he was thinking that he wanted to say he forgave her. Or maybe that wasn't what he was thinking, it didn't look like that was what he had on his mind thanks to how his body language was. Opening his eyes when he blinked Yashiro forced her gaze away when Hanako looked her dead in her eyes, the boy giggling as she tried to pretend that she wasn't looking.

To tease her Hanako flicked her ear, clipping in the other hairclip as Yashiro felt her ear. Picking the comb back up Hanako fixed any parts of her hair that stuck out as Yashiro fixed her bangs, the two of the quietly working together. Suddenly she jolted up when she felt Hanako pull something out of her skin, the boy giving her a slightly disappointed look to mess with her as he held up a fish scale.

"Hey, look, I was gonna collect them when I was finished getting ready! Besides don't blame me! They're the problem!" She complained. Hanako shook his head and set the scale down, looking over at the shower to see all the scales that had fallen off her body. Clicking his tongue the boy finished up with her hair, pulling out the mess that was in the comb before rolling it up into a ball and setting the comb down on the counter, tossing it in the trash with her other bandaids and bandages. That was done, and surprisingly Hanako had made it hurt as little as possible. Probably some kind of power he has on the list of other weird things he can do.

Speaking of the ghost, Hanako suddenly floated off to the doorway, Yashiro's chest heaving out a sigh. She rubbed her forehead as she remembered the fact she would have to deal with her injuries, the girl trying not to let out a scream since Aoi was outside.

"Hanako...can you go outside or something for a bit, I need to-"

Before she could finish saying her sentence Hanako came floating back with a first aid kit, the ghost opening it up and taking out a bandaid. He showed it to her and tilted his head, Yashiro unable to tell if he did that because he was confused or not. The boy floated over to her and set the first aid kit down on the counter, his bandage covered fingers brushing against her hand on the spot where she usually had the bandaid. Yashiro watched as Hanako peeled the little papers off the back, taking the girls hand and holding it up while making sure he didn't touch her too tightly. Hanako carefully put the bandaid on her hand in the same place it had always been in and pressed down to make sure it was stuck there, picking at the edge a little to make sure it was sticky. As he was doing that Yashiro took a bandaid from the kit and held it out for him, Hanako taking it and stepping behind the girl.

His fingers parted her hair and unbuttoned only the first button on the back of her sleeping gown, Yashiro feeling her cheeks turn a light shade of pink as Hanako pulled down the fabric to reveal her shoulders and a bit of her back. He pressed a bandaid on the side of her left shoulder, gently pushing against it with his palm to make sure it stayed there. The spirit grabbed another one and parted Yashiro's hair so he could check her back, barely grazing the skin in her neck as he searched for any cuts.

She chuckled as Hanako glanced up to look at her through the mirror. "You know, I'd actually get in trouble if they found out I bandaged myself up, we're supposed to have a nurse or doctor do that for us. It's just since I got so bruised at the boundary I didn't want to go."

Hanako gave a little smile and nodded, clearly understanding her viewpoint. It brings up that whole question as to why Hanako was covered in bandages like that. What parts of him weren't plastered in those? What did he do to look like that? Its better if she doesn't try and dig too much into it. Not only would it be rude, but it could also possibly ruin their friendship. Hanako would never forgive her for trying to get into his past without his permission.

"I don't understand it honestly." Yashiro said, Hanako looking back up to show he was paying attention. "Why aren't we allowed to bandage ourselves up?"

The ghost opened his mouth for a second to say something yet stopped, instead opting to move away from behind and place his finger against the fog on the mirror, Yashiro watching his hand move as he wrote out what he was originally going to say.

There are good intentions behind it, but it's more of a control thing.

Yashiro looked at him, the boy wiping the words away when he noticed that she stopped reading it. He gave a little shrug and took a bandaid out of the first aid kit, Yashiro taking it and nodding her head to the side. Taking the simple message Hanako floated away so Yashiro could have a little privacy. Quickly double checking that Hanako wasn't peaking Yashiro pulled up her sleeping gown and put the bandaid on the side of her waist, feeling her ribcage with her palm. Grabbing the roll of white bandages she pulled down her pantyhose, taking a deep breath and trying her best to wrap them around her thighs perfectly. The doctors probably wouldn't check her thighs, but Yashiro had to be one hundred percent sure. At least Hanako didn't try to insist that he should do it.

Ripping the bandage she tied it together before repeating it with the other leg, tying it together and pulling her pantyhose back up. Fixing her sleeping gown the girl put the white roll in her other hand. Her hand froze suddenly when the roll was snatched out of it, Yashiro turning her head to see Hanako holding it with a dorky smile. The ghost laughed childishly before taking her wrist, Yashiro noticing his hesitation despite that sweet smile. Glancing down at her skin she noticed that his fingers weren't anywhere close to where her scars were. Hanako unrolled the bandages and carefully wrapped it around her wrist, Yashiro tensing the muscles in her arm up as the boy tried to be careful. He was trying to take care of it for her.

The spirit gave a small squeak and tied the bandages together, ripping it apart and tucking it under. Hanako made sure that there wasn't any sticking out before checking that it wasn't too tight, the boy taking the same roll and wrapping them around the spot nearby her elbow. While he was doing that Yashiro took some of her hair and positioned it so it was in its usual style, the girl then taking some of the white patches and putting on its normal place.

"Nmm." Hanako hummed, pointing to the bandages he had finished wrapping and motioning to the rest of her body.

"Are you asking if I need any more on my body?" Yashiro asked, her supernatural friend nodding. "No, it's okay. I already put the rest on, so it's alright now."

Hanako let go of her arm and out the roll away, picking up the first aid kit to put it away while motioning for her to take care of the fish scales. Holding back her tongue Yashiro walked over and picked up the scales, collecting them in her hands and stuffing them into the pockets sewn inside her sleeping gown. Hanako had told her that the scales were valuable, so she's been collecting them in case she ever needs to bribe a supernatural out of trying to eat her. Not a bad idea knowing the situations she gets into now. Eh, Hanako did warn her that if she decided to stick around him that she would get into trouble a lot, and it's not like she's defenseless. Yashiro is able to take care of herself.

The girl finished double checking that she left no scales and put away her comb, placing the trashcan back and covering up the discarded bandages. Standing back up she stopped dead in her tracks when something grabbed her shoulders, the creature yanking her back.

"Boo!" A little voice teased, Yashiro now relaxed since she was sure it was Hanako.

She sighed, Hanako chuckling. "Jeez, you scared me."

He nuzzled his head on her neck, the girl feeling the ghost wrap his legs around her waist and sleeping his arms underneath hers. Yashiro looked behind her, surprised by the lack of weight on her back despite Hanako clinging to her like a backpack. She watched as he moved his arms so he wasn't touching her chest and nudged for her to keep going along her day. The girl looked around and nodded when she made sure everything was all in order, walking to the door and leaving.

"I'm done, Aoi." Yashiro said, the purple haired girl rolling her eyes.

"Took you long enough."

"Don't get co*cky."

Aoi had a weird look on her face, co*cking her head to the side. "Nene-Chan...why were you talking to yourself in there."

Hanako made a little squeak as Yashiro froze. "Eh?"

Aoi stepped forward and pressed her pointer finger against Yashiro's chest, the purple haired girl leaning up. "I could hear you talking to yourself in there. Ooooooor, were you secretly talking to a boy in there~?"

Yashiro squeaked and threw her hands up to surrender. "A boy?! N-no!! Where would I have even hidden him?!?!"

"I don't know, you tell me~!" Her friend teased.

Hanako grumbled something as he put his head on his assistant's shoulder, his fingers twitching a little bit as he fidgeted. The ghost poked around on the fabric Yashiro wore as the girl took her best friend's hand, the two girls walking down the halls down to the lunchroom now that it was noon. It was still odd, feeling Hanako on her back despite not being weighed down by how heavy he should be. How did that work exactly? Better not to ask questions.

The two didn't say anything as they walked down to the cafeteria, the fresh smell of food making its way into their noses. Lunch today was a mystery since Yashiro didn't pay attention to the morning announcement, though the meal probably would be fine. It's just lunch, not a four-course meal.

Getting in line she grabbed her tray, the girl staring at the ground as the lunch workers gave her all the food for her lunch.

"There you go." Yashiro heard, recognizing the voice immediately.

Both her and Hanako stared at the person in front of her, the girl being the first one to speak up. "Minamoto-Kun?!"

Kou nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "Heeey Senpai..."

"That's why you looked so familiar when I first met you! You're a lunch boy!"

Hanako tried to poke Kou, the boy leaning back. "Yeah...I'm a lunch boy. Look just, go sit down, alright? I'll see if I can get a break and we can talk then."

The girl nodded happily, now smiling uncontrollably. "Okay! I'll see you there Minamoto-Kun!"

Yashiro stepped out of the line and walked away, the girl feeling Hanako let go of her back as he chose to float next to her.

Aoi caught up to her friend and bumped her elbow in Yashiro's arm. "Oooooh Nene-Chaaan~! Luuuckkkkyy! Maybe you're gonna score a night with a security boy!"

"Don't say things like that!" Yashiro squealed embarrassed, kicking Aoi's shins. Her friend just laughed as Yashiro clenched her lunch tray, Hanako tilting his head confused as he floated next to her.

"Why not? He's a cutie! Oooo, should I clean up the room for you, or maybe he'll take you back home with him! You better tell me everything you two did all night then~!"

Yashiro stuck out her tongue as Hanako stopped in his tracks, the boy trying to understand the conversation. "Aoi no! He's probably younger than me, not to mention he's not really my type. He's just a friend."

She giggled. "That's what they always say."

Yashiro sat down and turned her head to look for Hanako, the girl a little surprised to see he wasn't there. Alright, maybe he had an emergency and had to go do something. That's not that shocking knowing him. He'll come back later. The girl sighed and watched as Aoi sat down next to her, the purple haired girl giving her friend a goofy grin. Yashiro just shook her head as the girls gave thanks for the meal, breaking their chopsticks in unison and starting to eat their meal. It wasn't that bad, just some udon and onigiri with seaweed chips as a side, and a few animal shaped cookies for a dessert. Sure, it was cheaply made, but Yashiro can't completely blame them. They have to feed hundreds of people every day and give different options for picky eaters or people who won't eat, or people with allergies. At least its food.

She glanced over at Aoi, the silence between them not that uncommon. Ever since Mitsuba died, they didn't talk as much during mealtime. It's not that bad, more of just a little awkward. They're both eating anyways, so its not the right time to talk-

Why is there something against her ankle.

With her head trembling the slowly girl looked down and leaned back to look under the table, her mouth agape as the chopsticks feel out of her hand when she saw Hanako hiding underneath it. His amber eyes shined brightly as they stared at her curiously, Hanako crawling closer to her and nuzzling against her leg.

"What are you doing down there?!" She hissed, the ghost trying put his head on her lap as she pushed his head farther down. "Hanako, why are you under the table?!"

Hanako whined and rubbed his cheek on her inner thigh, Yashiro keeping his head away as her face started to flush red. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Aoi was staring at her, the girl nervously looking at her friend and trying to laugh everything off.

"Nene-Chan...are you hiding something?" Aoi asked, leaning in.

"N-No!" She said, the girl pushing Hanako away with her foot. The ghost grabbed her leg and hugged it, Yashiro trying her best to seem natural.

Aoi looked under the table before back at Yashiro, narrowing her eyes. "Nene...I think you should take your meds now."

Yashiro co*cked her head. "Huh? But I didn't have them this morning Aoi, they weren't-"

"I took them out of the room for ya, silly." Aoi explained, taking out a prescription bottle and setting it down.

Yashiro took the bottle and pressed her palm on it, twisting the cap off. She shook two of them into her hand before putting the pills in her mouth and taking a drink of water, the girl swallowing it all down. When she opened her eyes, Yashiro noticed that Hanako's hand was raised a little from under the table, as if to grab the pills out of her hand. When she looked right at him, he quickly brushed some of his hair behind his ear and fixed his bangs, Hanako glancing at her with a confused look in his innocent eyes. That was...weird. She watched as he curled up back down to her legs and rested his head on her foot, Hanako hidden in the dark as he laid there like a cat sleeping on its owner. Maybe he's tired. Could ghosts get tired? Could ghosts even sleep?

Aoi took the bottle back. "There, now you'll be better Nene-Chan."

Hanako rolled on his back and made some kind of noise, gaining Yashiro's attention. He grabbed onto the fabric of her pantyhose and started lightly tugging on them, the girl leaning down. "What? Hanako, now isn't the time! Why are you even under there, you can just sit next to me."

The boy flipped back onto his stomach and crawled closer, trying to nuzzle against her thigh again. Yashiro pushed his head down, the ghost grabbing it and trying to nibble it.

"...are you hungry?" Yashiro asked, glancing at Aoi to make sure that her friend was still eating. Hanako didn't give her an answer, Yashiro taking an onigiri and offering it to him under the table. He didn't take it from her hand, but he did eat it, the supernatural boy biting off almost half of the riceball. Putting his hands on the ground he chewed the food with his eyes closed, Yashiro watching amazed by the fact Hanako was able to eat the food. He grabbed her wrist and ate the rest of the onigiri, Yashiro holding her breath when Hanako sucked and licked on her fingers.

She yanked her hand away, the boy grabbing it before Yashiro could move it away. Hanako pulled her hand back under the table and nibbled on her finger to get the rest of the taste from the riceball, Yashiro's face beginning to flush even redder.

"Oh, Nene-Chan!" Aoi cheered, Hanako letting go. "Your boyfriend's here! I'll let you two be alone~"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Yashiro yelled back, her friend laughing as she walked away as Kou passed her.

Yashiro sighed as Kou sat down next to her and took his security hat off, Yashiro feeling Hanako crawl farther back. His hands grabbed onto her ankle as he growled under the table, the ghost pressing against the floor like a cat.

"Hey Senpai...this wasn't how I wanted you to find out." Kou sighed, the boy rubbing his forehead embarrassed.

Yashiro smiled as she tried to ignore the fact that Hanako was hiding under the table. "I don't think it's that bad! It's not embarrassing, Minamoto-Kun!"

Kou fixed his apron. "That's because you're a girl Senpai. I get teased a lot at school because of my job."

"Where do you go to school?" Asked Yashiro, the girl slurping up some of the noodles. She glanced down under the table when she felt Hanako poke her foot, the ghost laying down on it as he glared at Kou's legs.

The boy fixed his blond hair. "I go to a night school nearby; my older brother goes to school during the day. That's why sometimes he's here early, and sometimes he's not around until nighttime."

"Oooooh, that makes sense, I guess. I wouldn't know what night school is like."

"I missed classes last night since I was a doll." Kou said, Yashiro feeling a bullet get shot in her chest at the memory of how her and Hanako had left Kou on the floor. He glanced at her with a slight ticked off expression. "Trust me, being a doll is not fun. That crazy fox lady turned me into one and that misogynistic turd bucket left me in the water to die. Ironically, it was actually the fox lady who picked me up and she forced Hanako to take me back."

Yashiro looked under the table, Hanako giving her a nervous grin when they made eye contact. "So, what happened after I took the Yorishiro away?"

"I was in the woman's pocket the entire time...but I remember overhearing some argument." Kou explained, Yashiro taking a bite of a seaweed cracker. "What about for you Senpai?"

She almost choked, taking a sip of her water to not die. "Well...I woke up in the hallway with Hanako watching me. That's all really, I don't know if I just passed out or if something happened."

The boy noticed the other patients looking at him, Kou finally sighing all of the tension off his shoulders. "At least you're okay. Not only would I have gotten in trouble if you didn't come back, but my dad would also have yelled at me for letting a patient get involved. Even if you are the assistant of a supernatural."

Yashiro laughed a little as Hanako started crawling around under the table, whacking Kou's leg so loudly that a bunch of kids looked up from their meals. The boy immediately flew out of his seat and pulled out his staff (thankfully having it concealed as an umbrella) and stood up on the chair, Yashiro watching as he pointed it under the table.

"SHOW YOURSELF EVIL SPIRIT, I KNOW YOU'RE DOWN THERE!!" He yelled, everyone staring at him and asking if he was crazy.

"Minamoto-Kun...what are you doing."

The exorcist looked over at Yashiro to answer her before he realized that he was in public, slowly sitting back down and shamefully putting away his umbrella. "Um...I thought I felt something under the table, sorry."

Hanako smacked Kou's leg again, the boy kicking the ghost right in the chest to make sure that there was something under there. Hearing Hanako gag gave away the fact that he was under there, Kou sticking his hand under the table and grabbing the supernatural before forcefully pulling him out from underneath.

Yashiro watched as the ghost was picked up like a kitten being grabbed by its scruff, Hanako wailing his arms and trying to grab her. Kou just set Hanako down next to him and stared the boy down, the ghost leaning back as he scrunched up. The girl put her hand on Kou's shoulder and moved closer. "Hey, be nice Minamoto-Kun. And Hanako, don't touch people without their permission."

The boy held his hands close to his chest and nodded, Kou biting back his tongue while Hanako tried to grab some of the food off her tray.

"Well, Senpai," Kou said, taking Hanako's hands and repeatedly moving them away from her food as she ate, "what about you? What's school like for you here?"

She tapped the chopsticks on her lips for a minute and shrugged. "It's better than I thought it would be. The classes aren't that bad, and it's better than an actual school thanks to the fact that it isn't full of jerks."

Hanako managed to nag some seaweed off her tray and nibbled on it, putting his feet on his chair as he left them alone. His amber eyes were watching them however, paying attention to how each word the two said was pronounced and the way they spoke to each other.

The exorcist nodded. "I can see that. I mean, people here are different. Probably because they're all here for the same thing."

"To get better."

"That's one way to put it."

Kou crossed his arms and smiled, the girl finishing her udon and offering a cookie to the exorcist. Hanako snatched it out of her hand before Kou could take it and pulled down his eyelid to mock the exorcist, biting into the treat as he leaned back into his chair.

Yashiro chuckled and gave Kou one of her other cookies. "Well, I guess the kids here just understand that deep down we're all in pain."

The boy took the cookie and bit into it, Yashiro taking the moment of silence to finish her meal. Clearly her tray she got ready to get up when Kou took her tray, hesitating to see if Yashiro was alright. "Here, I'll take care of it, my break is going to end soon anyways."

"Oh! Thank you Minamoto-Kun! It was nice talking to you, maybe I can hang out with you later!"

Kou grinned and waved her goodbye with the cookie in hand as he walked away, Hanako scooting closer to Yashiro as he stuffed the rest of the cookie into his jaw.

"...why did you hit him?" Yashiro asked, the ghost pointing to himself as he wiped the crumbs from his mouth. "Yes you, why did you hit Minamoto-Kun."

Hanako pretended not to hear her and wiped his mouth with the palms of his hands, putting his hands on his knees as he sat with his feet on the chair.

"Don't act all innocent. Look, you're either going to tell me why you hit him, or you're going to tell me what you and Yako-San were talking about."

His chest stopped moving as the apparition's throat tightened, putting his feet on the ground so he was sitting normally. Hanako took out his notebook and crayon, the scribbling from the paper oddly tense in the air.

I didn't like how close he was to you. Even if he did come with us to Number Two's boundary, I still don't trust him. Boys at his age and this job take advantage of girls.

"He's not bad Hanako, Minamoto-Kun is a good kid." Yashiro said.

I don't trust him.

Yashiro shook her head and rested her head on her fist, the girl waiting for the rest of lunchtime to get over with. What did she also have to do today? Not much since it wasn't a school day. It's more of just a day she could relax and considering how her legs were ready to just fall off her body taking a break wasn't all that bad. She turned her head to see that Hanako was now barely two centimeters away from her, Yashiro lifting her head off her fist. Both him and his chaired had moved without a sound, and Yashiro could see by the looks that some of the kids nearby had that they were asking themselves how a chair had just magically moved closer to her.

"Um...what are you doing?" She asked, Hanako shrugging as he rested his head against her arm. He sighed happily and put his hand on Yashiro's, spreading her fingers so he could entwine them together. His thumb toyed with the girl's pinky finger, messing with her first knuckle.

Thankfully the clock struck and the soft bell signaling that lunchtime was over, Hanako taking his head off her shoulder and looking around. Yashiro got up and pushed her chair in, taking the chair that Hanako sat in and pushed it back, the boy sitting there as she put it back in its place. Getting out of the chair the ghost floated after her as Yashiro slipped into the crowd, Hanako throwing his arms around her shoulders and tightly latching onto his assistant. Wrapping his legs around her waist the boy nuzzled his head into Yashiro's neck, the girl trying to act normal as a bunch of other kids walked next to her.

Hanako squeezed her tighter when Aoi poked her head through the crowd, squeezing through everyone else and heading over to Yashiro. "Ne~Ne~Chan~!"

"Huh? Oh, hi Aoi!"

Her friend took her hand as Aoi laughed, smiling warmly at Yashiro. Aoi wasn't clingy, was she? That's what Hanako had suggested long ago, and Yashiro could understand why Aoi would be. Mitsuba was dead. The thing is Yashiro just couldn't see it now. Even if Aoi was clingy, then why would that be a problem? Aoi deserves to be clingy. Yashiro is all she has left.

"Nene, do you want to go watch some movies together? They might be holding a movie night! Or we could play some games!"

Yashiro smiled. "That doesn't sound too bad. I'd love to play a game or watch something with you."

She could see Aoi's eyes light up before she closed them, a childish laugh leaving her lips. How sweet. Yashiro should really spend more time with Aoi. Maybe that's why she was 'clingy', because her own roommate and best friend has been ignoring her. If someone ignored her like that, Yashiro would probably beg them for attention too.

"It won't be for a bit however. Hey, do you want to hang out in our room until then!"

She nodded. "Why not? Seems like fun!"

Both girls held the others hand tighter as Hanako watched their interaction, the ghost averting his gaze away. Slowly he rested his head on the back of Yashiro's neck and let his grip on her weaken, the boy's amber eyes just blankly watching the crowd as Aoi and Yashiro talked. It was like some kind of circus, every show filled with freaks of all nature, proudly displayed for the world to laugh at. Even if they were kept inside this building the world was still walking by, stopping in the sidewalks to stare at the circus show and question how much a ticket inside of the specialized hell would be. They wanted to pay and watch the lions snarl at their masters, watch the jugglers fail and get beat with the balls they were throwing, watch the flame breather burn to death, they wanted to watch the torment and smile because they knew it wasn't them. Each guest would hold a mask of sorrow to their face to blend in with the lie that it was a tragedy, but Hanako knew that the second they moved onto the next glass box they would remove the mask and plaster it back on when something didn't go as they planned.

Hanako looked back at the two girls, imagining what place they would take in the circus. They would be the wooden puppets, dolled up in beautiful clothing that they would be stripped off backstage before being burned alive in front of the audience. The crowd would cheer as the girls shamefully covered the bodies, silently allowing their only source of life to douse them in gasoline and strike a match. That's all the hospital did. Created mindless creatures that they could control before being put down like sick animals. Sick and twisted, all so they could tell the Japanese government everything wasn't going well and they needed more money. It was just like some kind of disgusting virus that infected itself into all the little cells.

...they would look pretty as wooden dolls though.

The ghost took one hand off and messed around with Yashiro's hair, keeping it subtle enough so Aoi wouldn't notice. By now they were already back in the room, the boy still holding onto her as he watched them play a board game. The two wooden dolls. This is how they would spend their time backstage at the circus. The strings that controlled them would be on the ground as they were finally given a few hours to express how they truly were, the crowd distracted by the show playing in the current glass box. Even then, their show was never over, because the people who had paid extra were watching through cameras, growing more and more aroused by seeing the puppets no longer beings toyed. It's disgusting, how perverted everything was. Taken and stripped down to its most taboo.

Letting out a soft sigh Hanako nuzzled against Yashiro as he moved closer, smiling as he felt her chest go up and down from laughter. Yashiro was warm. She felt nice. Like a teddy bear. Maybe that's what she was, a wooden doll in the suit of a teddy bear. The fuzzy bear would only be the first layer though. A mask. Just like the mask of sorrow that the audience wore to hide their true intentions.

How long has it been since he's been to an actual circus?

Hanako can't remember anymore.

"Nene, it's time to go!" The purple haired girl cheered. Hanako let go of Yashiro as Aoi went lead them into the hallway, the girl letting go of her friend's hand. Before she went running off to watch the movie she turned around and smiled at Yashiro. "I'll be at the movie, I'll see you there!"

Yashiro waved goodbye and turned her head to see Hanako standing alone, the ghost staring at the ground as he shuffled his feet.

"Hanako?" Yashiro asked, the boy looking up with some kind of emotion in his eyes. Instantly it was replaced with an unreadable expression, Hanako tilting his head a little to ask her what she wanted. "...are you okay?"

Of course I am. I just remembered I have stuff to do now actually. Go spend time with your friends, alright Oneesan?

Hanako waved goodbye to his assistant, floating away as Yashiro watched him suddenly leave. She didn't know what to say. Putting her hands at her side Yashiro just turned around and started to walk down the hall toward the break room, where the movie would be shown tonight. How long was it going to be? Maybe two hours. Or maybe half an hour.

"Hey Aoi." She greeted when she got there.

Aoi looked over at Yashiro and beamed. "Hey Nene-Chan! Come, sit, sit!"

Yashiro sat next to Aoi, the purple haired girl putting the blanket she had around her shoulders around her friend. Aoi let Yashiro rest against her, the girls staring at the screen as they snuggled together under a shared blanket. What movie was this? It looked animated, so maybe it was some kind of anime movie. The style looked interesting though.

The colors flashed through her eyes as Yashiro barely paid attention to anything, trying not to fall asleep on Aoi's shoulder. Aoi...Aoi was warm. Aoi felt nice. Aoi was safe and cozy, like laying next to someone while a cozy fire was lit. Yashiro barely listened to the dialogue and instead listened to Aoi's laughter, the sound of her friend being happy allowing Yashiro to smile. Aoi was never really that happy now that Mitsuba was gone, and just hearing the purple hair girl chuckle made her heart fill up with euphoria.

Unfortunately Yashiro could hardly keep her eyes open anymore, constantly having to force her head to look back up. How far were they in this movie? Has it been two minutes, or two hours? It was already dark out...but she couldn't tell anymore what time it was.

"I...I'm really tired Aoi...I'm going to go to bed." She yawned while standing up.

Aoi seemed a little hurt, but she put on a smile and let Yashiro get up. "Oh, okay! Hey, come here."

Yashiro squatted down, Aoi getting on her knees before putting her hands on her friend's face. Placing a gentle kiss on Yashiro's forehead Aoi silently gave her a goodbye, the girl letting her friend leave to go to bed. The girl opened her eyes and smiled at Aoi before walking away, heading down the hall into the darkness down towards her room.

Finally, the end of the day. Yashiro closed the door and sighed, approaching her side of the room. The girl collapsed on her bed, Yashiro completely exhausted. Why did every day now have to be so fricking tiring? It's not the medication, maybe she's just also tired because of how horrible yesterday was thanks to being in a boundary. Slowly she pulled herself up a little and put her he's don her pillow, Yashiro throwing the blanket over her and she slid down from the pillow onto the middle of the bed. It was nice and cool there. The cold made her muscles relax as she sunk into the mattress. This was nice. It was a soft feeling that made her feel like a little animal that was finally getting some rest. Slowly her mind began to drift off as her eyes stayed closed, Yashiro's body falling asleep.

The last thing she remembers was the sound of a door opening a little, Yashiro falling asleep before she could think about it.

The culprit of the door being opened was actually Hanako, the boy slowly poking his head into the room and glancing around, noticing Yashiro laying on her bed. Floating over to Yashiro he sat down on the side of her bed, being careful to make sure he didn't wake his assistant up. Hanako turned his head and smiled at the sight as Yashiro asleep, the ghost carefully grabbing the blanket that was messily covering her and pulling it up to tuck the girl in. She must be tired. Her legs, oh how her legs must be in so much pain thanks to how much running she's been doing. The poor girl needs some rest.

Slowly he began to get up to leave the room right as Yashiro turned in her sleep, making some little groan and limply grabbing Hanako's arm. The ghost froze in place as Yashiro pulled herself onto him half awake, Hanako trying his best not to move while he was still in the middle of getting up off the side of her bed. A bit nervous he looked down and watched as Yashiro curled up closer to his waist, moving a bit like some kind of rabbit trying to snuggle closer to its owner. She showed no signs of going to move anytime soon, so Hanako carefully lowered himself back down on the bed and moved a little closer to her.

Slowly, trying his best not to disturb her, Hanako put his legs on the bed and moved closer, Yashiro groaning as she put her head on his thighs and pressed the back of her neck against his hip. The girl pressed herself against Hanako as if she was relaxing on a warm pillow, her sleepy mouth a little bit open with Yashiro's warm breath brushing against his nightgown. Hanako glanced down at her before over at her friend Aoi, the boy trying to figure out how to get out of this situation without waking anyone up. He already put his legs up on the bed, so it's too late to move now. And he can't just grab Yashiro and move her onto a pillow, that would just be mean, and he might accidentally hurt her.

...well, he's going to be stuck here now.

Hanako sat there on the bed as he tried not to move too much, Yashiro completely passed out. Should he just sit here, or should he do something else? It's not he's not busy after all, he wouldn't technically have a need to go anywhere. This also wasn't the best situation to be stuck in. What if her friend Aoi wakes up, and she sees Yashiro's head resting on thin air? What if Yashiro moved down a bit and ended up with her head someplace it shouldn't be? What if Kou just barged in seeing if all the patients are asleep only to see them and think that they were doing something else? All of the worst scenarios kept playing throughout his mind as Hanako stared into blank space, stepping back into reality when he heard Yashiro mumble something in her sleep.

"" she groaned, the supernatural boy looking down and watching as she turned a little. Just watching as she snuggled back onto his lap made Hanako smile.

Gently Hanako put his hand on Yashiro's head and just kept it there, his amber eyes watching as the girl moved a little before staying still. As slowly as he could the boy let the palm of his hand move just like he was petting a rabbit, Yashiro all curled up with her head on his lap. It was actually kind of nice to just see her so relaxed.

Poor Yashiro.

Hanako must put her under so much stress with his work.

His amber eyes looked away as the feeling of guilt ate away at his happy mood, the boy subconsciously petting Yashiro as his mind belittled him for treating her so horribly. Yashiro must be constantly exhausting herself with worrying about supernaturals and having to run errands for him and taking her to Number Two's was probably a horrible idea. Yashiro almost died there. Even though she wouldn't be able too, Hanako would have been the one responsible for her drowning for hours on end as her lungs filled with water until someone had mercy and pulled her head out. This poor girl has probably been even more scarred...she must be having a nightmare right now. He's the one who caused her nightmare. That horrible nightmare. A nightmare contaminating her mind. It must be tormenting her with its twisted villainous thoughts. Hanako could feel its energy as it tried to devour every little happy thought inside Yashiro's head. Glancing at Yashiro the apparition could feel his eyes narrow as his fingers began to dig underneath her hair.

Brushing his fingertips on her scalp the ghost leaned down a bit before twisting his side and putting his head next to Yashiro's ear, the boy's amber eyes simply watching her face go up and down a bit as she breathed. Yashiro didn't look scared. Maybe her face wasn't reacting the same way as her mind. Inside her head could be a horrifying, terrifying, gore filled hellhole and on her face was just nothing. Hanako simply watched Yashiro as the girl slept, trying to figure out what was going on in her head. He would hope she isn't having a nightmare.

To make sure nothing bad was happening he cupped his fingers around his lips and leaned towards her ear, the ghost whispering something in some kind of language that even if Yashiro was awake she wouldn't understand. Lowering his hand and moving his head up the boy watched as a little purple beam of magical light was waved away that had connected his mouth and Yashiro's ear, Hanako brushing his lips with his thumb to make sure none of the smoke-like light was there anymore. It was almost like a ray of mist, in a way. Certainly didn't taste like one though.

Yashiro suddenly chuckled in her sleep, the girl turning on her back so her head was up facing Hanako. Instead of her blank expression there was now a cute little smile as she muttered something. "N...Black Canyon...I missed you..."

Hanako smiled and put his hand on the top of Yashiro's head, gently petting the girl as his legs began to fall asleep. Now he knows for sure that she isn't having a nightmare. If any bad dream tried to worm its way in, he would make sure that it was slaughtered and all that was left of it was the little happy disguise it had worn to sneak into her brain. Hanako isn't going to let any of those horrible thoughts ruin her sleep. Not a single one.

The ghost didn't resist as Yashiro turned on her stomach and wrapped her arm around his legs, burying her cheek into his lap. How sweet. She must think he's some kind of little pillow. Hanako's eyes glazed over the top of her head before he glanced down at her legs and poked Yashiro's foot, the girl groaning and twitching her leg. The supernatural boy couldn't help but chuckle, watching Yashiro thump her leg just like a rabbit. Maybe he should give her that as a nickname. Would she like that as a nickname? Hanako thought about her reaction to being called a rabbit as he itched her foot, trying not to laugh as Yashiro thumped her leg again.

The girl suddenly groaned something as he froze up, Hanako panicking when she took a deep breath. Letting out a small sigh Yashiro sunk back into his lap and relaxed, the supernatural calming down. If he had woke her up, he probably would have ripped out his stomach out as punishment. He'll just keep his hands to himself now. Well, besides her head. Her head was an exception.

Hanako carefully moved his hand under her chin and scratched around, his smile growing as he watched the girl shake around a bit. Yashiro is safe here. No supernatural or mystery is going to bother them here. Hanako was about to lean down again when he heard the door open, the ghost freaking out the minute he heard the knob turn. Panicking he quickly pushed Yashiro's head off his lap and told himself he'll apologize later as he watched her whine in her sleep.

Slowly the door shut as Yashiro stopped squirming, the figure who just entered slowly walking over to the sleeping girl. Hanako was ready to take out his knife when his amber eyes realized who was standing there, the figure putting their hand on Yashiro.

Wasn't their name Aoi?

Wait, was Aoi not in here the entire time?! Hanako quickly looked over at Aoi's bed to see that what he thought had been her was actually just a lump of pillows, the ghost cursing himself for being so foolish.

Aoi smiled and patted Yashiro's head, the girl leaning down before gently giving her friend a kiss on the forehead. "Sleep well, okay Nene-Chan? I'll keep you safe until the morning."

She stepped back away from Yashiro and walked over to her bed, Hanako pulling his assistant back onto his lap as he stared at Aoi with his bug eyed stare.

She seems nice, at least.

Chapter 17: I Can't Bring Myself to Hurt You


"You want to go up there?" He asked, Hanako nodding.

O...kay then. Wouldn't hurt to go there with Hanako. It could be a way to find evidence that he's good. Now following the ghost Kou glanced around, brushing his fingers against the back of Hanako's hand. It wasn't that bad out here, so Kou unzipped his hoodie to allow his chest not to feel as stuffy.

The smaller boy clenched his hand into a fist and held it close to his chest when he felt Kou's hand, moving his head to look away from the boy next to him. Kou didn't notice, obviously. It was too dark for him to notice.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (3)

Did we have to show him our secret hiding spot?

"It's not like he already doesn't know about it."

I'm starting to suspect you two are some kind of couple.

"We are not a couple! I'm just being nice to him, that's all."

"Um...I'm sorry to interrupt...but why am I in the middle of this?"

Currently on the rooftop sat Hanako, Yashiro, and Kou. Hanako sat on the left side while Yashiro sat on the right, poor Kou smooshed between them.

Yashiro pointed to Hanako. "He's accusing me of dating people that are just my friends!"

And you're giving away our secret hiding!

Yashiro crossed her arms and looked away, Kou trying to figure out what the whole fight was going on for. "If anything, you two are the couple. You're certainly bickering like one."

Hanako flipped the page in his notebook and wrote down his thoughts, looking away from them as he showed the paper.At this point you're showing every boy the spot. Who's next, that Minamoto-Senpai? Or maybe that Aoi-Chan girl, since you two seem all lovey dovey.

"Minamoto-Senpai?" Kou asked, Yashiro jumping when Hanako accused her of that.

"N-no!" She denied with rosy red cheeks. "Besides, Minamoto-Senpai was a harmless crush! He's like some popstar or idol! You fantasize about dating him, though deep down you know you'll never have any chance at all. It doesn't hurt to imagine it though!"

The two boys looked at each other before back at Yashiro, watching as she rested her hands on the fence. Letting out a sigh she sunk down and allowed her mind to daydream off into a magical land of boys.

"Oh...Minamoto-Senpai. He's so dreamy."

"Thank you very much."

Yashiro snapped out of her daydream, slowly turning her head to look at who said that, her heart almost jumping out of her throat and exploding when she saw it was Teru. The young man wore a white long sleeved collared shirt with a black tie, a security hat covering his blond hair. His piercing blue eyes carved a heart shaped hole into her brain as Yashiro admired his teeth.

"MINAMOTO-SENPAI?!" She shrieked, almost falling over the fence as she realized that Teru had heard everything she said.

"I appreciate your kind words." He thanked, Yashiro shutting down like some broken computer. "I don't commonly get compliments from patients, especially ones that I'm in charge of taking care of."

Both Hanako and Kou could clearly tell that was a hint for Yashiro to let go of her crush, but unfortunately the girl was so lovestruck that she just nodded along. Blinded by love. Less of love, more of teenage crush to be honest.

"Have you seen a boy named Kou around? He has blond hair and an apron, and he's about this tall." Teru asked, holding up his hand to around his shoulders.

Yashiro looked over at Kou, the boy noticing and letting out a sigh. "Nii-Chan, I'm right here!"

"Nii-Chan?" The girl said, tilting her head confused.

Teru looked over and smiled as Kou walked over to the young man. "Ah, there you are! I've been looking for you Kou."

The boy laughed as his brother gently tapped his head with a clipboard, the girl looking between them.

What was going on here?

Teru turned back to Yashiro, "Thank you for being so kind to my brother Yashiro-San, I've heard sweet words about you from him."

"Nii-Chan!" Kou snapped, clearly embarrassed.

She clenched her hands together and nodded like a dog getting praise, the girl's heart fluttering away. " problem."

"And..." Teru added, turning his head at an angle as he looked somewhere else. ""

When Teru said those words Hanako tensed up as he stepped closer to Yashiro, the boy resisting the urge to grab onto her sleeping gown.

"You, Kou! We need to talk."

"Huh? Oh, okay! Bye Senpai!" Kou said, waving goodbye to Yashiro and Hanako.

"Goodbye Yashiro-San! Oh, and stay off the rooftops. Patients aren't allowed up here you know~"

Yashiro couldn't find any words to say as Teru gave her a little wink as goodbye, the girl squealing as Hanako watched her confused.

Oh, Teru. What a prince. Sure, Yashiro still had all those failed attempts back when she summoned Hanako, but even then, she knew that he would still give her a chance. What kind of girl wouldn't want Teru? Tall, strong, holds a job, takes care of his sibling-

Just a second later Yashiro hit her fist into her palm when she realized something. "That's what was odd about it, he said brother! They have the same last name! Senpai mentioned him before back with the lunch thing, when I gave him the bento box! How did I not put it together sooner?!"

Took you long enough, Oneesan.

Now with Kou, the boy was climbing down the ladder as his brother waited firm him, praying that he didn't get Yashiro in trouble. Sure, she was up there because her and Hanako spend their free time there, but since Kou was with her Teru might assume that he's the one who took her up there. In his hands he held the clipboard that Teru had to him to carry. Let's see here, a checklist of which younger kids were already in bed, how healthy the babies at the nursery were, an-

All the air in his lungs was knocked right out of him when Teru grabbed his brother's shirt collar and slammed him against the wall, the clipboard falling right out of Kou's hands as his feet desperately tried to touch the ground.

Teru covered his younger brother's mouth and pressed Kou harder against the wall, looming over the boy. "I thought I told you Kou, you're supposed to exorcise the Seven Mysteries when you see them. Why are you hanging out with Number Seven."

The boy hit his brother's hand, Teru loosening his grip on his brother's jaw. "N-Nii-Chan, st-stop it! It hurts!"

The young man let go and set Kou down on the ground, the exorcist gasping for air as Teru let out a sigh.

"Each one of thosethingsis sick and twisted in their own way. We've tolerated them long enough. Sure, every now and then they act out of line and try to gain more power, but we don't hold it against them. That was until now. We're done with the Seven Mysterious, Kou."

Kou glanced at the ground. "They're not all bad Teru-Nii. They're just misunderstood."

Teru adjusted his posture, his voice dropping down to a tone that was telling Kou to watch his next words carefully. "How can a creature like them be misunderstood?"

The younger exorcist shuffled his feet as he tried not to break down in front of his brother. " with Hanako. He used to be a patient here, can we really get mad at him if he acts like a child or does something he shouldn't? There's something wrong with him sure, and I'll never forgive him for being in the girls bathroom, but I can't completely hate him when I know he's hurt deep down."

Teru sighed and covered his face with his hand. "Kou, tell me. Why are you defending him?"

"He's helped me. Sure, I don't think he likes me, but can we really...blame him for being scared? We don't know what he's been through, and since we don't know his name, we can't check any of the old files. I know this though. He's an old patient who just died when he was just a kid, and we don't know how long he's been a ghost for. Personally, I think he's a good supernatural-"

"There is no such thing as a good supernatural." Teru murmured, spreading his fingers to reveal his eye. Those piercing blues were dead set on Kou as the young boy gulped his fear back down his throat.

The boy averted his gaze and rubbed his fingers together. "...b...but....Nii-Chan-"

"Do you want your friend to die?"

Kou stopped fidgeting as he heard those words, slowly looking up. "Wh...what do you mean by that?"

"Number Seven has a...history with girls like Yashiro-San. Don't you remember what Dad told us? Girls with long cream colored hair and magenta eyes have a higher death rate here, so we should never let them get in any contact with the supernatural."

"Wh...what are you talking about...I don't understand, what's going on?" Kou asked, his words shaking in his jaw.

"The pattern. Every few years random girls go missing before being found, their bodies mutilated. Chunks of flesh gone, their chests and thighs sliced open, the only part of them that was untouched being their genitals. At first people thought it was some crazy patient, yet when we checked the cameras we watched as the girls were shoved to the ground by nothing. Do you want to know what I had to watch, Kou?"

Kou's body could hardly move as he pictured those dead girls in his mind, his brain trying to forcefully make him think of each one as Yashiro. "Wh...wh-what did you have to watch?"

"I watched them get eaten alive." He answered coldly, Kou's stomach dropping like a rock as his brain pictured Yashiro getting her stomach ripped out before having it eaten. "I watched the girls scream as they were stabbed to death, and every time it always ended the same. I had to watch their skin and flesh get ripped off before being consumed by thin air. I know exactly who did that to those poor patients, it was HIM. All those girls, both Grandma and Dad always said that the last time they saw them, they were with Number Seven. Then, he would just appear again randomly, and then suddenly a week later the girl's rotting corpse was discovered."

Each word that rolled off Teru's silver tongue made Kou's imagination twist the image in his mind, the boy's lips going dry as the water in his eyes caused them to twitch. He wanted to grab his hair and yank it out to force his brain to stop picturing a dying Yashiro bleeding out on the ground as a blood soaked Hanako sunk his teeth into the flesh on her arm. His amber eyes were glazed over with bloodlust before they looked directly into the boy's imagination, Kou having to grab his apron to restrain himself from trying to rip his skin off.

Teru sighed, adjusting his hair that stuck out from his hat as he looked away. "I thought maybe if I let you take care of some of the Seven Mysteries you would gain experience and it would help you mature as an exorcist. It looks like my plan backfired."

He put his hands at his side and twisted his foot so he was turned to start walking away, the young man looking over his shoulder right at his younger brother.

"I'm taking you off the case Kou. It's better if you detach yourself from this mess, I don't want you getting too close." Teru said as he walked away.

Desperate Kou grabbed his older brother's shoulder from behind. "Wa-wait!! Please, I'm only pretending to get close to him! I-I'm just trying to get him to drop his guard so I can exorcise him! Just give me some more time! Please Nii-Chan!"

Teru stopped and looked down at Kou, the tension in his shoulders going away when he sighed. The sight of his younger brother so desperate made his heart sink. He was hesitant to say anything, pushing through his thoughts. Placing his hand on the boy's head Teru pet his brother and warmly smiled. "Alright. I'll give you more time, and I won't snap at you for being around Number Seven. You know what you have to do."

"Yes Teru-Nii..."

Kou watched as his brother walked away, the boy messing with the red sweatband around his wrist.

Hanako wasn't a bad supernatural.

Sure, Kou doesn't really know about the other hospital mysteries, but he does know that Hanako isn't as bad as he originally thought.

Obviously, being in the girls bathroom was unforgivable, but everything else...

He had seen how fast that ghost was ready to swoop in and save not only Yashiro, but him as well.

Deep down, it's clear he's just scared of being alone.

Kou needs to prove to Teru that Hanako is a good supernatural.

Even if that means skipping school.

It was dark out, the only thing lighting up the sky being the moon and the stars. Thankfully nearby the hospital were streetlights that made things a bit brighter, though it was still difficult to see. Teru would be inside, probably patrolling the halls. By now Yashiro is asleep, meaning Hanako wouldn't be with her unless he was being some kind of weirdo and watching the girl. Kou had already checked the bathroom to see if he was there, and the ghost wasn't in his stall or any part of the abandoned hospital. Hopefully Hanako would be outside but knowing Kou's luck the supernatural was probably in his bathroom.

The boy army crawled on the ground nearby the windows, trying his best not to be spotted. There were people checking the classrooms and the patients were asleep, meaning if Kou made any noise, he could get caught in a second.

Thankfully he had changed out of his apron and into a black hoodie, a gray beanie on his head to hide his hair. Blending in was the best idea, since his blond hair and apron would have stuck out and made things more difficult.

Speaking of difficult, god crawling on the ground was tiring. Kou knew he couldn't stand up or else someone would see him, even if it was already 11:00 at night. No risks could be taken, none, not a single one.

Looks like there's a lot of Mokke out, and they seem to be crowded around some shadowy figure in the distance. It's not that uncommon to see other supernaturals around, Kou has spotted a few floating or walking around outside. They were pretty peaceful. Just leave them alone and they'll leave you alone.

Back to Hanako! Kou hasn't found him yet, but when he does he'll stick to that ghost like glue. Keeping a distance obviously. He'll just have to watch Hanako and study his habits, though it's something that he'll probably have to do over multiple days. As he crawled the boy pushed a Mokke away that was trying to crawl on him, the pink rabbit being shoved into a bush and making some kind of monotone scream.

The sound of the Mokke must have been loud enough to hear because the window was suddenly opened, Kou pressing his back against the wall as hard as he could so the person who opened to window wouldn't see him. It was a doctor, of course it had to be a doctor and not some sleepy patient. The doctor looked around as Kou held his breath, the badge dangling in his face as he prayed the man wouldn't look down.

"Must have been a stray cat."

Closing the windows the doctor walked away, Kou letting out a huge sigh of relief. That could have gone worse. Carefully the boy turned around and put his hands on the wall, peaking through the window. No one was there, thank god, he'll get away with thi-

Something grabbed Kou by suddenly putting its arm around his neck and covering the boy's mouth, Kou's eyes going wide as the thing began to drag him away. Its intentions were almost seeping through its skin, the creature's violent thoughts and urges ready to be taken out on the exorcist. Kou kicked around and grabbed the hand, his fingers trying to dig into the persons skin only to feel bandaids.


Managing to turn his head a little the exorcist caught that it was Hanako who had grabbed him, the ghost's eyes black and lacking any emotions in them. To attempt to communicate with him Kou ripped Hanako's hand off his mouth, opening his jaw to say something and stopping when he saw the boy's other hand held a knife that was next to his throat.

Hanako pressed the knife against Kou's skin so hard that the exorcist swore he could feel blood begin to drip out of his skin, the boy trying to think of what to say before Hanako sliced his neck open.

"Wait wait wait it's Kou, I'm Kou! I'm not here to hurt you!!" Kou yelled, trying to convince the ghost to let go of him. "I went looking for you, I just wanted to hang out!"

Hanako tilted his head as he lowered the blade a centimeter or two, Kou sitting there awkwardly as he tried not to move.

" do know what hang out means...right?" He asked, the boy slowly turning his head to look at the supernatural. "It means spend time with. I wanted to spend time with you."

Hanako took the knife away from Kou's throat and let go of him, the young exorcist jolting up off the ground onto his feet as Hanako floated back. At least now he knows he's not a threat, so Kou isn't going to get his throat cut open today.

The ghost stared at him as Kou gasped for a minute, Hanako bending over a bit so he could meet eyes with the exorcist since he was hunched over. "Je...Jeez. Y-you really have some fast reflexes. How did you even notice me?"

Hanako didn't say a word to answer his question as he put his knife away, placing his feet on the ground as he stared at the boy that was much taller than him.

"Oh, yeah, that doctor looked outside. D-dumb question."

Once again, not a single letter out of the ghost's mouth.

"You don' you?" The exorcist asked, Hanako not responding at all.

The boy turned around and bounced on his feet as he walked, Kou following him. The exorcist could hardly see Hanako thanks to how dark it was, his transparent body making it even more difficult for Kou to identify where he was.

"Can you even talk?" Kou questioned, Hanako answering with a simple nod. "So why don't you?"

He just gave a small shrug, Hanako looking down at the Mokke that hopped around them. Alright so...this was awkward. Kou said he wanted to spend time with Hanako, but how was he supposed to just brush off the whole situation that had just happened two minutes ago?

"What are you doing outside?" Kou asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

Turning his head Hanako stopped walking and pressed a finger against his lips, eventually pointing down to the Mokke and then pointing to a streetlight.

"Did the...Mokke do something?" The boy asked, Hanako shaking his head and making a small walking motion with his fingers. "Do you like to walk around at night?"

Hanako nodded, looking back ahead of him and continuing his stroll into the night. Kou could see why Hanako would like it. It's nice and cool out, the trees being one of the only sounds that echoed in the darkness. It's peaceful. Must be a side of Hanako that the ghost uses to hide some of the troubles he goes through.

Hanako wouldn't...hurt...Yashiro.

Would he? he wouldn't.

Hanako keeps her safe, the first thing he had done when Kou had finished fighting him was run over to Yashiro so he could comfort her.

Hanako would never hurt her.

He would nevereather.

Glancing back towards the ghost Kou stuffed his hands into his pockets, watching as the supernatural boy tried to catch a moth that was fluttering by. This guy...made less than any sense. How does he seem so sad*stic, so cold and uncaring, and yet now he's currently chasing a moth? Kou stopped walking as he watched Hanako try to catch it, the boy pouting when he opened his hands to see he had missed.

He looked over at Kou, the exorcist quickly turning his head to look at the fence around the hospital. Obviously, he noticed, Hanako walking over to Kou. With suspicion in his amber eyes Hanako looked the boy up and down as he stroked his chin, pressing his lips together in the way an old man would observe his newest discovery.

Kou pursed his lips a little as sweat beaded on his brow, the ghost leaning closer. Without any warning Hanako snatched the hat off Kou's head, giggling as he pointed to the boy's messy hair.

"Hey, give that back!!" He snapped, the ghost floating away as he laughed. Kou snatched the hat back and folded it, putting the beanie in his pockets. What a trickster. Him and his p*rn magazines. This is still the same kid who had been hitting his legs under a table and also left him to be turned into a doll.

Hanako put his hand on Kou's shoulder, shaking him to get the boys attention. Once he had it he pointed to something in the distance, Kou squinting just enough to see the faint figure of one of the watchtowers.

"You want to go up there?" He asked, Hanako nodding.

O...kay then. Wouldn't hurt to go there with Hanako. It could be a way to find evidence that he's good. Now following the ghost Kou glanced around, brushing his fingers against the back of Hanako's hand. It wasn't that bad out here, so Kou unzipped his hoodie to allow his chest not to feel as stuffy.

The smaller boy clenched his hand into a fist and held it close to his chest when he felt Kou's hand, moving his head to look away from the boy next to him. Kou didn't notice, obviously. It was too dark for him to notice.

Hanako lead Kou up the stairs inside the tower all the way to the top floor, the moonlight illuminating their shadows through the old windows. Kou looked around and admired the beauty, whistling at the height.

"This place is really pretty," he admired, stopping as Hanako looked out of a window. Turning his head over he continued, "It reminds me of- WHAT ARE YOU-"

Kou watched as Hanako put his knees up on the open window and motioned for him to come over, the boy hesitating before complying and walking over. It's fine. This is fine. Hanako kicked his leg a little, gesturing with his head for him to do something. Confused he grabbed the boy's calf, Hanako's back jolting up as his muscles tensed. Carefully Kou slid his hand down, the bandaids making little bumps that interrupted the feeling of smooth skin. When his hand reached his ankles the supernatural made some kind of grunt before pulling himself out the window, Kou grabbing Hanako's other leg.

"H-hey, what are you doing?!" He asked as Hanako pulled himself down the walls of the tower. Kou lowered Hanako by his legs and watched the ghost as he tried to grab something, the boy failing over and over again.

Kou looked down to try and see what was so interesting, the boy averting his gaze when he saw Hanako's nightgown being pulled down by gravity to reveal his boxers. Thank god it was dark out, because at least then Hanako won't be able to see the pink growing on Kou's face. God this is embarrassing. Why did he even bring Kou up here if he was just going to do this?

"Can't you just float?!" He yelled, his hands slipping a little thanks to the bandages around just a bit above Hanako's left ankle.

The boy didn't answer as he grabbed part of a broken brick, forcing Kou to almost break his spine in half as his stomach pressed against the window frame. Using the brick to pull himself down more Hanako let out a grunt as he tried to grab something. What was so special? How did Hanako even notice it despite how dark it was? Kou better keep an eye on Hanako actually, or else he'll lose him. The whole point of him coming out here was to prove Hanako wasn't bad.

A gust of wind came by, the boy shaking his head to get his blond hair out of his face. It was kind of cold out actually, the breeze going through his jacket. Kou realized that his hands were starting to shake when he snapped out of his thoughts and noticed he was leaning forward so far he was ready to fall out. His mouth opened to warn Hanako, the wind blowing by so hard that it tried to rip Kou away from safety. A vent cover was ripped off its spot, flying straight towards the boys and hitting Hanako right in his side. The sudden force made Kou wobble and nearly fall out the window, but Hanako noticed. Shooting his leg back he kicked Kou away, the boy letting go of Hanako's legs out of this reaction.

Kou stumbled back my two or so steps, ready to snap at Hanako when he realized.

He had let go.

He ran to the window in time to see as Hanako start falling, Kou watching the spirit's eyes widen before grabbing something that was falling with him.



Kou can't let this happen!

If Hanako landed on the ground, if he fell, if gravity decided to have their sins finally pay a visit-

"GRAB ME!!" Screamed Kou, leaning so far out the window he would tobble out and fall. Hanako was just close enough for Kou to see the look in his amber eyes, time almost slowing down to a stop. Those eyes, those bright amber eyes had a look of disbelief. Confusion, but not misunderstanding. His bandaged hand hardly moved to reach out, though by now Hanako was already to far down. Kou watched with fear in his eyes and his hand sticking out of window, any air that was in his lungs now trying to choke him.

A thud.

And then a crunch.

Even from up here, Kou could hear both of those sounds.

Kou's fingernails dug into the wood as he tried to spot Hanako, the night blocking out any clues as to where he would be. This was bad, no, not even bad could describe it.

Hanako might be truly dead now.

Kou refused to let his grief get to him and ran down the stairs, not caring that he slammed his arm in the wall or nearly tripped. His pain was just a motivation. If Hanako could wake up, then all of his pain wouldn't matter. It would be minuscule compared to the torment that poor boy would endure. He ran outside, yelling out Hanako's name as he ran towards the ghost. Sliding onto his knees Kou tried to make sure he was next to Hanako, noticing the boy's transparent body right next to him. Grabbing Hanako by the boy's shoulders he desperately shook him, his heart climbing into his throat when he didn't get any response.

"Hanako, Hanako please wake up! Please please please get up! You have to keep going! Don't fade away please!" Begged Kou, his voice filled with desperation as he tried to withhold his grief. "HEY!! WAKE UP!!! GET UP YOU DUMMY!!!!"

It felt as if all the stiff air was pulled into Hanako's lungs when he gasped, his eyes flying wide open as he jolted up. His fingers dug into the fabric on his breast, Hanako hyperventilating as his right hand buried its fingers into the earth.

"It's okay, hey, it's okay!" Kou assured, moving his hands up slightly as he rubbed the boy's skin. "I'm here, it's okay, you're okay."

Hanako looked over at him in disbelief before he grabbed Kou and squeezed him into a hug, the exorcist unable to move from surprise as Hanako tried to calm himself down. His grip was like a child clinging onto a teddy bear, blocking out the world and only focusing on the stuffed animal in their arms. The older boy could feel his shirt start to get a bit cold as Hanako tried his best to pretend he wasn't crying, hushing his sobs to try and not be heard over the crickets.

Kou cautiously put a hand on Hanako's head, patting the smaller boy. He slipped his open arm around the ghost's waist. "H-hey, it's okay now. You're a ghost, a fall like that can't kill you."

A deep shuddery breath came out of Hanako's lips as he brushed his cheeks on Kou's hoodie, tugging on the boy's back so badly it seemed as if he was trying to rip the fabric. Forcing his body to listen to him Hanako nodded, agreeing with Kou's statement that a simple fall won't kill him. He looked so terrified, trembling in the exorcist's arms. Just like a lost child that had finally found their mother again.

He lifted his head off Kou's chest, Hanako putting on a smile through his pain. The sight of Hanako's smile was comforting to the exorcist. They both laughed, Kou feeling tears start to forcefully pull themselves down from his eyelids. Each throb of striking pain in his arm didn't matter at all. Hanako was okay. He wasn't going to fade away from this realm. Any guilt in Kou's blood was gone.

Hanako's grip on Kou's back loosened, eventually letting go. Taking the silent message Kou let go of the boy and Hanako lean away, brushing his own tears from his eyes as he watched the smaller boy fix his nightgown.

Kou took a deep breath, glancing back at the watchtower. "Why did you even want to go up there?"

The ghost was confused for a minute, his voice stuck in his throat. Hanako took something out from behind him and opened up his hand, Kou's lips parting a little when he saw an old necklace in the ghost's palm. The chain was dirty and the pendent was broken, it's plastic center missing half of itself.

" risked yourself for that?" Kou asked, Hanako nodding. "Why?"

Adjusting his position Hanako moved closer to Kou and opened the necklace, leaning up before he put it around the exorcist's neck. It was a bit too big on him, slipping down to hide itself underneath his shirt's collar like someone hiding their head under a blanket. The metal was cold and a little harsh on his neck, causing Kou to tense up his shoulders.

A tiny smile appeared of the smaller boy's face, Hanako letting out a small laugh as he tilted his head. His face looked genuinely happy, and for once Kou actually got to see Hanako look like a kid. Why did it tug at his heart? Why did seeing Hanako like that make him feel not only cheerful, but guilty?

They both stood up as Kou felt the necklace, watching Hanako laugh as his Hakujoudai came racing towards him and tried to see if their master was okay. Kou just watched as the boy smiled, letting the orbs float into his hands as he silently assured them that he was fine. Even in the dark sky Kou could clearly see the bond between these creatures and the supernaturals.

" are good." He muttered subconsciously, Hanako's head peeking up.

Hanako looked over at Kou and let his Hakujodai float to the side, putting his arms to his waist as he tilted his head.

Kou smiled and beamed up, his fingertips of one hand feeling the metal around his neck. "You're a good supernatural, so I won't exorcise you!"

Hanako didn't say a word, but his breath got caught in the bottom of his throat as he suddenly stepped back.


He was good?


Good, that word certainly does roll off the tongue, doesn't it?

Kou noticed Hanako tense up, the boy immediately hopping into that personality he has when with patients. Only difference is that this time, part of him didn't go with the rest. "H-Hanako? Is everything alright?"

Taking a step forward he approached the boy as Hanako grabbed the collar of his nightgown, scratching at the fabric. Kou has seen this kind of behavior before. Sometimes patients would try to find some way to let out all the extra adrenaline their bodies were pumping out, resorting to either pulling on their hair or ripping their clothes. Something must have caused Hanako to grow anxious. Something Kou said. Was it how he said he wasn't going to exorcise him?

Kou tried to slowly move Hanako's hands away, the exorcist worried that the ghost was going to start choking himself or even rip off the bandaids on the side of his neck. "Hey, it's okay, everything is going to be oka-"

Hanako pushed Kou away and hugged himself, his legs shaking violently. Those amber eyes shined brightly in the dark night as they started to glance back and forth, Hanako looked as if he was ready to cry. Stepping back, he kept trying to distance himself, Kou growing more worried as the boy started taking sharp breaths of air. This wasn't good.

"Hanako, it's okay, I can take a step back if you need me to." Kou said, the ghost shaking his head. Slowly getting closer Kou kept his hands low. "Okay...I'm going to slowly come over..."

The second he got close Hanako grabbed Kou and shoved him down onto the ground, pinning the taller boy against the grass as he put his left hand on the exorcist's throat.

Kou opened his eyes. His mouth opened to say something, yet his voice couldn't say a word as his eyes landed on the blade that Hanako took out. Sliding his hand down to Kou's collarbone and pointing the knife at his throat Hanako bit down on his lower lip. the boy's hands shaking so violently that if he made one mistake it would slice open the exorcist's skin and the blood would spray all over.

"G...go...g-g-good...?" Hanako muttered, Kou's fear starting to die down when he noticed how tears were almost streaking down his face. The ghost hesitated as he choked on his own throat, co*cking his head to the side like a doll that was begging for its owner to stop playing with it. " don'"

"Hanako...take a deep breath. This isn't you. Everything is okay. You just have to calm yourself." Kou calmly instructed, controlling himself. This isn't the first time those has happened to him. Kou has delt with crazy patients and supernaturals trying to kill him, but never before both at the same time. "It's going to be okay. Breathe in."

Managing to control himself Hanako listened to Kou's instructions, his voice shaking as he tried not to sob. The blade in his hands was still directly pointed at Kou's throat, yet he could see Hanako didn't have any intentions of hurting him unless he moved in one wrong direction.

"Breathe out now, through your mouth."

Hanako listened, slowly exhaling out as places two hands on the knife and lifted it away from Kou's throat by an inch or two. He's...calming down. That's good. Kou just has to keep his fear under control and not panic.

The exorcist nodded a little as the tears on Hanako's cheeks dropped onto his face. "Okay, that's it. You're doing good."

Clearly Kou said something wrong, Hanako flinching back as if someone had tried to hit him. The ghost almost screamed, Kou holding his breath when the tip of his blade pressed against his skin. Through breathy words Hanako gasped for any control over his own hands. "N-no, no, no, I..."

"Okay, okay." He calmly said. "I won't use that word. Hanako, just understand that I can't help you if I don't know what upsets you."

Hanako was trying not to cry anymore as he forced his arms to lift the knife away, holding his breath. His eyes looked as if they were turning black. "I-I'm s-ss-o...or-rry...I pl-"

Kou opened his mouth to speak, all words drying up in his throat as he watched a lightning bolt suddenly strike down, perfectly timed and landing right on Hanako. Watching in horror as the knife fell onto the ground Kou remained still as his eyes took in every detail of Hanako screaming, the lightning electrocuting the supernatural boy as his body uncontrollably allowed each volt to harm him.

Normal lightning doesn't affect supernaturals.

This bolt didn't come from the sky however.

Hanako stopped shaking before he collapsed off Kou's body, the exorcist sitting up as fast as he could and shaking the injured ghost.

"Hanako!!" He shouted, shaking the supernatural. "Hanako, are you okay?!"

Kou watched as Hanako twitched, the ghost hardly able to even breathe. He was all curled up like a baby sleeping, muttering under his tongue how much pain he was in. It stung, he said. It hurts, he said. He didn't want this, he said. He's sorry, he said. Each word that managed to slip out only made it worse. The exorcist started to panic as Hanako began gasping for air, whining and crying as he no longer spoke and just tried to get any air into his lungs. Sliding his arm underneath the smaller boy's shoulder and starting to pull him up Kou grabbed Hanako's hand and made the ghost hold onto his chest, getting him on his feet.

"Hanako, it's okay, I'm going to help you. Just hold on." The boy assured, Hanako clenching his own throat. He must be in so much pain right now. That lightning, that wasn't normal, that was-

Kou stopped in his tracks when he realized what that meant, turning his head just in time to hear the crack of thunder and see a figure approach them.

"Did you think you could just threaten my brother and I would let you get away with it?" A voice asked, holding a long katana. Lightning crackled against the metal of the blade as the figure got closer, the light from one of the buildings revealing the one holding the weapon was Teru.

Kou hugged Hanako. "How did you find me..."

"I got a call from Dad saying that your school told him you didn't show up. I put that together with our conversation earlier and figured you would be looking for Number Seven." He explained, brandishing his katana. "Looks like I was right."

"Teru-Nii...get away. He didn't. Do. Anything."

"Step aside Kou." Teru warned, his younger brother trying his best to protect the boy in his arms. "Just make this easy for me."

Hanako hugged Kou and buried his face into the boy's chest, trembling as his legs violently twitched back and forth. His limbs couldn't stay still thanks to the pain and fear in his body, and of his blood circulation still worked it would be pumping adrenaline as if it was heroin. The pain has to be unbearable.

The ghost stuck his thumb and pointer's tips into his mouth, letting out a loud whistle as if he was calling a dog. His Hakujoudai came flying in, the poor things must have left when Hanako has his breakdown. With a simple point of his finger the Hakujoudai listened to Hanako's command and flew at Teru, distracting the young man to give them just enough time. Kou was caught off guard as well, not doing much e we hen Hanako let go of him.

The supernatural sudden grabbed Kou's hand before running, the exorcist not having time to react as Hanako ran off into the night. Despite being terrified just a second ago, he seemed to have some courage or confidence now. What was an act and what wasn't? Why was he running?

Unless...Hanako wasn't running away from the fight.

He was trying to get Kou to escape.

Tightly holding onto Kou's hand he tried to get the boy away from his broth, Kou forcefully ripping his hand out of Hanako's grip.

"Why are you trying to make me run," he snapped, "I can help yo-!"

"THIS ISN'T YOUR FIGHT KID!!" Hanako shouted as he clenched his eyes shut, covering his mouth out of shock when he realized he said that. His eyes slowly looked up at Kou as they started to shake, Hanako stepping back. Glancing down Kou noticed the shadow of Teru raising his arm to attack, the long blade towering just above them.

Hanako pushed Kou away, ducking down just in time to dodge the katana. He turned his back around to see Teru ready to strike again, the boy throwing his arm up over his head to defend himself. Squeezing his eyes shut he rose up his shoulders.

Kou got in between, shoving Hanako out of the way and blocked Teru's attack with his staff. The supernatural boy stumbled back with an appalled expression.

"Nii-Chan, I won't let you hurt him!" Kou snapped through gritted teeth, pushing back against his older brother.

Teru tilted his head and pushed harder; Kou beings forced to lean back as he moved his head away from the blade. "Kou, get away and leave this to the adults. Its better if you don't get involved. Didn't you hear Number Seven? Even he agrees. This isn't your fight."

The exorcist began to sweat as Teru used more pressure on the staff. Kou's fingers tightened as his legs buckled, glancing over at Hanako. The ghost was just standing there with a shocked expression in his eyes, Hanako stepping farther back from the fight that was going on. The boy didn't summon his Hakujoudai or take out his knife, no. Instead Hanako did something Kou never would have expected him to do.

He ran away.

Kou watched out of the corner of his eye as Hanako stepped back before turning and running away, his feet making no noise as he escaped. The young exorcist was shocked. When he met Hanako on the rooftop, he easily beat him and looked more of annoyed that Kou had tried to pick of fight. Here, there had been genuine terror in his eyes. Hanako ran farther away from the fight as Kou looked back at his brother, Teru noticing that his younger sibling hadn't been focusing on the battle. The siblings looked over and lowered their weapons when Teru saw Hanako was gone, the young man stepping back.

"He got away." Teru sighed, keeping his katana at his side as he looked back at his younger brother. "You're staying here, Kou. I'm not letting you get near him."

Before Kou could say anything against his brother's orders Teru chased after Hanako, the boy digging his feet into the ground. With a swift turn he braced himself and started running to try and catch up with his older brother. If Teru caught up to Hanako, he didn't even want to think about that.

Teru reached out his hand as he got closer and closer, Hanako ducking down and repeatedly glancing behind his shoulder. Each time his fear ate more and more of his heart as he watched Teru get closer, his eyes not getting the chance to look back ahead of him when his foot got caught on the loose bandage around his ankle. Teru caught the supernatural by grabbing a fistful of his hair as he almost fell. The ghost screamed from the agony of his raven locks being pulled from his scalp, Kou flinching at the sound of his voice.

He didn't it in time, but that doesn't mean he can't save his friend.

Kou swung the staff right at his brother's head, not even batting an eye when he felt the force of Teru's skull hit against the metal. The force of the staff against his brain caused Teru to drop Hanako, screaming in pain. Grabbing his hair Teru clenched his eyes shut while Hanako fell to the ground, the exorcist taking his hand away to feel warm blood drip off his palm.

"You are pretty strong Kou." He praised, his younger brother grinding his teeth as his fingers curled tighter on the staff. "Too bad you're using that strength to protect someone likehim. I thought you told me you were only faking friendship so you could exorcise him?"

Hanako was in the middle of getting up when he heard that, slowly looking up at the young boy next to him with betrayal in his amber eyes. The sight of Hanako starting to back away almost caused Kou to drop his staff, twisting his body. "N-no, I-, I didn't...I-"

Looking back at Teru the exorcist froze at the face his brother was making, terrified to death by the hatred and anger in every inch of his skin.

Whenever his brother would go into battle, right after the monster was slain, Teru would turn around and look at Kou with a smile. Kou had always thought that maybe he wore that face into every fight.

Was this hideous expression really what he wore?

A little laugh slipped out of the young man's lips, standing up straight with a smile. "He's a dangerous supernatural, so I'm going to exorcise him. Right here, right now. So, if you could please get out of the way?"

Kou hollered, "I'm not going to let you kill him!!"

Teru sighed, wiping the blood off on his shirt. "Oh honestly...using your strength for such disgusting creatures..."

He pulled his sleeve down a bit and took off a beaded bracelet, throwing it at Kou. Listening to the snap of their masters fingers the beads expanded and wrapped themselves around Kou, the boy having no time to even react when the cold clay touched his skin.

"...I'm sorry to hear that."

Teru twisted his hand and yanked it, the beads tightening around Kou's body like ropes. His arms were pressed against his sides and his legs were forced to twist into each other. Yanking the sting Teru commanded them to pull Kou onto the ground, the boy's jaw slamming into the grass.

"TERU-NII!!!" He screamed, his older brother walking past him as he carried to katana in his hand.

The young man stopped when he reached Hanako, the ghost trying to crawl away. "I didn't expect you to try and run away Number Seven."

Biting his lips Hanako pointed a finger gun at Teru, his orbs flying at the exorcist. The Hakujoudai flew around Teru, the young man swatting them away irritated as if they were flies. Clenching his teeth the young man shoved the blade of his katana into the ground to command a bolt of lightning, the Hakujoudai forcefully thrown out of a cage of lightning the surrounded the two boys.

"I won't let you use those to your advantage. You already threatened my brother, and you tried to run away. I can't tell if you're a coward, or just that full of yourself."

Hanako managed to get on his knees and tried to find a way out, pulling his knife out of his chest and preparing to defend himself. Curling his lips back the supernatural clenched tightly onto his blade as his amber eyes started to dip into black.

Teru went on. "What a scary face you're making right now. Proves my point. No matter how innocent you act, or how much cuteness you use to cover it the end you can never even truly hide what you are." His silver tongue said, each word dripping with an intoxicating poison that perverted every breath of air. The young man pulled the katana out of the ground and pointed it at the young boy. "A troublesome ghost who goes unstable at the drop of a hat...and harms the living at the slightest provocation. Self-servingand took life from another human, and yet you cling stubbornly not only to this world, but to a young girl whosepart of the living just so you can keep refusing your death. To be honest, you're adorably pathetic to look at."

Taken aback by those words Hanako's fingers loosened on the hilt of his knife. With a quick gasp he dodged Teru's attack, rolling on the ground and getting up on his feet. In a flicker of light Teru was gone, appearing on the side of Hanako. Whipping his head to the side Hanako tried to find Teru, realizing that the young man was using the lightning to hide where he was. A simple cloak of clouds and light.

All thoughts in his head turned into bile in his throat when the hilt of a katana was slammed into his back, Hanako knocked off his feet onto the ground. He managed to slide onto his knees and reach out for the knife that had been thrown away, turning onto his back just seconds before Teru managed to stab the blade through his hand. With his stomach up like a dog in submission Hanako caught the glimmer in Teru's eyes, kicking his feet and knocking Teru off guard.

Kou watched the fight as Hanako didn't attack, rather he dodged. He did that quite well, honestly. Managing to slide under, to the side, jumping up, Kou's eyes starting to go dry as they refused to blink just so they could study Hanako's movements. It wasn't mind games. Hanako did have an advantage over Teru.

As a ghost, he couldn't get physically tired.

Hanako threw his knife at Teru, the young man freezing up when the metal grazed the hair that was soaked in blood from his wound. Slowly turning his eyes back a sinister smile crept on his lips. "Looks like you lost your weapon Number Seven."

The ghost didn't seem bothered, simply stepping back and waiting for the young man to make his move. There was just silence for a moment as they stood there, each planning out another move.

But then Teru managed to land a blow.

Hanako clearly wasn't expecting Teru to go for his legs first, preparing the attack before swiftly striking low and jabbing the katana right through his stomach.

Kou watched as dark blood that shined in the lights from the building began to drip out of Hanako's abdomen. Slowly he put his hand on his nightgown and looked up to see Teru's smile, pulling the blade out of his enemy's chest. Horrified Kou tried to move as he watched Hanako's legs give out and make him fall on the ground.

"HANAKO!! TERU-NII!!" Screamed Kou, using all the air in the bottom of his lungs to try and get their attention. Neither of them turned their heads, Kou squirming around to get out of his binds. He knew how this would end. Teru would immobilize the enemy before using the lightning to practically erase their soul from existence.

It's best to stay away, but Hanako doesn't look like he has any chance of escape.

If he didn't do something, then-!


...truth be told....

...did he...really have to help Hanako?

He could just lie to Yashiro and tell her Hanako abandoned them.

Yashiro would be devastated sure, but in the long run that wouldn't matter.

He could hear her words in his head though, the sobbing and begging as he would have to restrain her.

"HANAKO DIDN'T LEAVE ME!!"She would scream, Kou trying to fight his restrains as her voice grew louder in his head."MINAMOTO-KUN YOU'RE LYING, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!"

No, Yashiro's reaction doesn't matter. She shouldn't be the sole reason why Kou should stop Teru. Hanako's an evil supernatural. He's the BAD guy.

What would the other Mysteries do though if he was dead?

Would they be outraged their leader was killed? Would they fight over who gets the new position as Number Seven?

Hanako wasn't acting normal back then either, not as if he even had a normal.

It's just...Teru also said that Hanako should be exorcised.

Even then...

Most of all...

What would Hanako think of Kou just before he was exorcised?

No matter how much Kou tried to deny it...Hanako had rubbed off on him. There was a spot in his heart, even though it was small, that was trying to rip its way out of Kou's ribcage to save the supernatural boy. His weird, perverted nature that seemed more like him trying to act like a normal boy, his timid mouse like behavior, and how Hanako could completely drop his act and strike fear into someone's soul with a simple stare and tilt of his head had all managed to crave its way into Kou's chest. Kou partially admired him.

Or maybe it was just his curiosity getting the better of him.

Kou has never exorcised a supernatural.


All of his life he wanted to be just like his older brother. Maybe just watching and learning will-

Hanako's scream yanked him out of his thoughts, turning his head to see the supernatural crawling on the ground just so he could try and get away.

Teru sighed and stepped on Hanako's back, pressing the tip of the blade against his enemy's neck. "How many years have you been in this living world now? Maybe you should just stop resisting."

Hanako managed to pull himself up so he was sitting, the boy clenching his stomach as blood soaked onto the beautiful starlit ground. Taking a deep breath, the ghost looked at his own injuries and just remained silent.

"Not gonna say anything, huh?" He asked, watching as his victim had to pull themself up just so they could sit.

Hanako just avoided his gaze before lightly chuckling, opening his arms wide as if offering a hug to the young man. This wasn't a hug though. He was just accepting being erased from existence.

"I won't fall for your tricks Number Seven." Teru snapped, Hanako tilting his head confused as he lowered his arms a little. "I know you can fight me. Why are you giving up so easily?"

No response came from Hanako's mouth as he put his arms back down, placing his hands on the ground as he felt the sharp grass. The ghost finally laughed, muttering something under his breath.

"What was that, Number Seven?"

Hanako didn't repeat himself, turning his head away from Teru as he averted his gaze to the ground. Was he taunting him? Or was he too hurt to even force out another word?

Now getting annoyed Teru snarled. "Go on. Repeat yourself. Do it, or else I'll just exorcise you."

Hanako looked up at him and grinned, closing his eyes like a happy child. "Do it."

Those two words were like a bullet into Kou's brain, his older brother physically moving back from the surprise. Teru's arm began to shake as he hesitated to actually pull out the deed, the young man trying to force himself to strike. He just couldn't. Even if Hanako was a supernatural, he looked just like a living patient. A patient that was bruised and beaten, whimpering like a wounded dog as they tried their best to behave out of the mental scars they hold.

Wiping the blood off his chin Hanako giggled, Kou hating how it sounded just like that childlike laughter he had expressed just probably an hour ago. What was he trying to do? Was there a problem he faced as Number Seven, was there a force refusing to let him die, or was there things he still had to do?

Things to do?

Why else would a ghost exist?

Ghosts are on this realm because they have unfinished business. What was his business though? He does protect these patients...he helps that his way of atoning for whatever sins he had committed while alive?

No, Kou's just thinking that.

It's better if he just shuts his brain off.

Just let it happen.

Just let him die.

"B...but I can't...let that happen!!" He exclaimed, grabbing the beads as he fought against their force to sit up and begin testing them off.

Teru stared at Hanako as the ghost waited for him to attack, the young man's expression one of disgust by the fact he couldn't bring himself to finally land the finishing blow. In an attempt to almost talk himself into it he spoke, "I know you have issues you're working out, but that doesn't matter. You're a dangerous supernatural. So, I'll exorcise you. That's all there is to it. It's over."

Hanako just grinned and held out his arms again, embracing the cold feel of being erased from existence. Finally. This will be one less supernatural to worry about. One less threat. One less-

Just before the blade could pierce Hanako's skin and electrocute him Kou made it just in time to shove Hanako back and grab the katana with his bare hand, biting back any pain that jolted though his body when the blade sent thousands of bolts of electricity through him instead. The bead on him fell off, overpowered by the feeling of his body getting electrocuted.

Over the sound of his own torment he managed to hear Hanako behind him, the boy's soft voice giving Kou just a little more strength to keep going. ""

Teru almost dropped his weapon when he saw his brother holding the katana, his hand now bleeding thanks to the sharp metal. Horrified by his own actions the young man stepped back and stared at the young exorcist. " did you break free-?"

Determined Kou roared out and launched himself off the ground, slamming all of his weight into his brother's chest. As Teru was saying something the boy grabbed his sibling by his shirt's collar and slammed him down to the ground, pinning Teru by his throat against the grass.

"'re bleeding."

Snarling back Kou tugged his brother's head up and finally yelled what he's wanted to say for years. "STOP TREATING ME LIKE I'M AN IDIOT!!"

He used his other and put it on Teru's cheek, shaking his older brother's head as he screamed.


His anger started to take form in tears, Kou's eyesight blurring as he let go of his sibling. Getting off Teru's stomach and standing up Kou backed away closer to Hanako, keeping his hand ready to grab his staff in case Teru tried to do anything.

"You're right, I know next to nothing about him. It's just...he's...he's my friend. You don't immediately know everything about your friends, do you?"

His brother just stood there, staring at him in shock and a glimmer of pride. "Kou...he's a murderer."

"We don't know that!! What, is it only murder if it's humans?!" Kou counterpointed, pointing right at his older brother when he went on. "You've killed HUNDREDS of supernaturals, and you never even took a second to think about if that's murder or not! They could have had families, friends, entire lives, and just because they may look scary you want to kill every last one of them!! Is this what Grandma really wanted?!?!"

The mention of their grandmother caused Teru to stop, the only thing still moving being his chest from how heavy he was breathing.

"...what if he kills someone Kou."

Waving his arm around the young exorcist tried not to step on the ghost behind him. "I'll keep an eye on him! If he does anything suspicious, I'll punish him!"

Teru's blue eyes slowly crept over towards the supernatural, Hanako coughing up blood that had was sticking to the roof of his mouth.

"...Kou...he could not only kill anyone at any time he wants, but he could even kill you." Teru warned.

Kou almost sighed but restrained it. "Humans can do that too Teru-Nii. It's just...exorcising all supernaturals because 'supernaturals are dangerous'...I just...I think there's something wrong with that."

He wiped away his tears with his arm as his older brother watched, Kou feeling his bloody hand soaked into the fabric of his hoodie.

"I'm going to get a lot strong like you Nii-Chan." He spoke. "Until then, I'll decide what I'll do with him. If he does anything bad, or if I think it needs to be done, I'll exorcise him. Until then, y-you keep your hands off him!!"

The young man looked at Hanako before sheathing his katana, letting out a tired sigh. "Alright. I suppose it wouldn't let him go free and keep an eye on the situation." He said before letting out a little laugh. "Honestly I think we exorcise him now. It's just I don't want you to hate me. So alright. Just don't forget what you said. I'll call dad and tell him you're helping the hospital, that way you won't get in trouble for this."

Kou nodded, not finding any words to express his gratefulness.

Right as Teru started walking away, he turned his head and glared at the two boys. "But I'm only doing this once, Kou."

Finally, he turned back around and walked off into the darkness off the night, Kou waiting until he couldn't see any figure of his brother to turn and look at Hanako.

"I had the big talk with Teru-Nii, so if you do anything out of line, I'm going to exorcise you right on the spot! So, keep that in mind!!" Kou gloated, pointing to himself with his thumb.

The supernatural boy showed no reaction to Kou's words, not even bothering to look over at him. Hanako just sat on the ground with his arms folded on his knees, the ghost silently staring at the ground. His expression was unreadable to any normal person, but Kou could see right through it. The ghost was ashamed. He had let his guard down and showed off a side of himself that he kept hidden. Not only for the fight, but when he fell out of the tower. Hanako pressed his face deeper down as blood dripped from the cut in his forehead, the exorcist feeling his heart sink at the sight.

Kou knelt down, forcing himself to say something to the smaller boy. "Hey...are you still sulking?"

The supernatural didn't say anything, tensing up when Kou lifted up his hand. That wasn't a good sign. None of this was a good sign.

What did Hanako have to go through when he was alive?

"'re bleeding." He muttered, Hanako forcefully pushing the boy's hand away when Kou tried to wipe the blood off his forehead. "Hey, let me help you-"

Not wanting to hear another word Hanako shoved the exorcist away and got up, not saying anything as he walked past Kou, going farther down the field as he kept his eyes glued to the ground. Kou sat there as he watched Hanako fade away as he walked farther and farther, approaching the hospital before phasing inside the building.

Hanako didn't look upset though when Kou managed to catch his expression as he stormed away, nor did he look grateful. If anything, he looked more of annoyed. Not annoyed by how Kou tried to help him, but something else. As if he had something that was all thought out didn't go as he wanted it to. He didn't even care about his injuries or what had happened. Hanako just looked as if the perfect show had been performed on stage, but one actor decided to go off script and change the story.

Looking back at the spot Hanako had been sitting at Kou stared at the small, splattered puddles of blood, his blue eyes watching as worms forced themselves out of the ground just so they could roll around in the crimson liquid.

Chapter 18: My Friend Is A Bit Odd


Yashiro peaked her head around the corner and slowly opened a door, slipping inside the game room. Subconsciously she reached to turn the light on before stopping her hand. It's a better idea to keep it off. Don't want anyone to catch her. Yashiro sat down on the couch and put her legs up, resting her head on her arms as she stared at the night sky. The girl studied the moon, each star sparkling as every now and then a car would go by and light up the street for a second. The hospital had its pretty moments. Yashiro wished they would let them stay up sometimes, that was her favorite thing to do. Stay up late just so she could stare at the sky and count how many cars went by. Getting her schoolwork done while everyone was asleep, reading all of her books with a dim light, and using the old broken phone to play pretend. Those were enjoyable.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (4)

Where's Hanako?

That was Yashiro's first thought when she woke up.

Well, actually she woke up just a bit after she had passed out to see feel her head being pet by Hanako, one of the few ways she was able to tell it was him was the feeling of the bandaids on his hand. To tell the truth, Yashiro kind of liked it, and it was comforting enough for her to fall back asleep.

Now that she woke up an hour later, Hanako wasn't anywhere to be found. Did he leave? He's a busy person, she can't blame him for leaving. Maybe he had to go do whatever he does as a Hospital Mystery or something. What do they even do? Do they have tea and talk about issues, or do they go hunting for humans like some big happy American family? That's what Americans do, right? At least, that's what all those shows she watched told her.

Yashiro shook her head as she imagined Hanako smiling as he held a sniper rifle, convincing herself that he wouldn't even know how to use that weapon. She didn't even know how to use one. Who here would know actually?

Yashiro looked over towards her sleeping friend, Aoi's messy hair all over her face as she snored. Getting out of bed the girl tiptoed to walk over to Aoi and moved around her hair, keeping her fingers off Aoi's face so she wouldn't wake her up.

"Jeez'll end up inhaling your hair at this point." Yashiro muttered.

She tried to make sure Aoi didn't choke and sighed, Yashiro's fingers getting caught in the purple locks. Carefully she took her hands out and watched as her friend groaned, curling up in her blankets. Good thing Aoi is asleep. At least now Yashiro could sneak out for a walk around the hospital. Pulling her hand away the girl turned her body and walked to fix her bed.

Aoi suddenly grabbed Yashiro's arm, sleepily looking up. "N...nene-Chan....?"

A bit surprised Yashiro almost pulled away, calming down when she saw it was just her friend. Sitting on the side of her bed Yashiro laughed a bit nervous. "I'm just getting a drink of water Ao-Chan."

"Don't gooooooo..." the purple haired girl whined, hugging her friend's arm. In a tired voice she pulled Yashiro closer. "Th...they'll yell at you...don't leave me."

Aoi sat up and hugged the girl, wrapping her arms around Yashiro's waist. She pulled her friend closer and nuzzled her head on the girl's shoulder. Her hands were cold on Yashiro's stomach, causing the girl to lean against Aoi.

"Mstay..." she muttered.

"Aoi...I'm thirsty. I'll be back in like, ten minutes. You'll probably be passed out." Yashiro assured, getting up and sliding out of Aoi's grasp. Taking a large giraffe toy Yashiro stuffed that in the purple haired girl's arms and watched as Aoi practically collapsed back onto her bed.

Tiptoeing Yashiro got up and grabbed both her nightgown and pantyhose, putting them on before slowly creaking open the door. Peaking her head through the doorway she checked around and tried to see if any guards were patrolling the halls, sneaking down the hall and closing the door behind her. She really didn't actually want any water. Yashiro just wanted to try and clear her head. Once she was sure nobody was there Yashiro closed the door behind her and began to sneak away with her back pressed against the wall.

Yashiro was never really one to sneak out of the rooms late at night. The hospital was safe at night, because it was full of night guards that would drag you back. One being Teru. Yashiro developed feelings for him over time. She liked how he would take care of her. He was kind and patient with her. Kou just have gotten the traits from his older brother.

How did she not realize that they were brothers sooner? Kou even said he was her caretaker's younger brother. Hell, Kou looks like a miniature Teru. Just...cute instead of hot. Yeah. Cuter. Thankfully, so that means Yashiro isn't attracted to him. At least she thinks she isn't.

Shaking her head out of her thoughts the girl skunked into the shadows, hiding everywhere she could. At this point maybe she could just walk in the hallway and the cameras wouldn't see her since. That was a theory she had, though maybe it's only when she's around Hanako.

She really does think about Hanako a lot, doesn't she?

Yashiro peaked her head around the corner and slowly opened a door, slipping inside the game room. Subconsciously she reached to turn the light on before stopping her hand. It's a better idea to keep it off. Don't want anyone to catch her. Yashiro sat down on the couch and put her legs up, resting her head on her arms as she stared at the night sky. The girl studied the moon, each star sparkling as every now and then a car would go by and light up the street for a second. The hospital had its pretty moments. Yashiro wished they would let them stay up sometimes, that was her favorite thing to do. Stay up late just so she could stare at the sky and count how many cars went by. Getting her schoolwork done while everyone was asleep, reading all of her books with a dim light, and using the old broken phone to play pretend. Those were enjoyable.

Her head perked up a bit when Yashiro thought she saw people run past the window, lying back down to brush it off as her imagination. It is dark outside, so her eyes could be playing tricks on her. The girl snuggled up and tried to keep herself warm. It would be nice if there was a boy behind her to cuddle her. Someone to keep her safe in their arms as she pressed against their chest.

Opening her eyes, the girl was a little disappointed to feel the couch against her back, letting a quiet sigh escape her lungs. Stretching out her arms the girl sat down and arched her back a bit to let it pop.

She should get back now. It's late, and Yashiro doesn't want to get in trouble. Now on her feet the girl began walking back to her room in the same pattern she had used to sneak away, walking down the dark hallway and stopping suddenly.

Was that a scream outside?

Yashiro peaked out the blinds and tried to see what was happening, covering her mouth forcefully shut when she saw that it looked like someone was being attacked. Terrified that she would be spotted Yashiro let go and stepped back, keeping her breathing down so nobody could hear her. Who was that outside? The parasite inside her head won and Yashiro peaked the blinds open again. The person being attacked was dodging, thankfully. Slipping under, to the side, even managing to almost knock the slenderer figure down.

Her hand reacted on its own by moving away from the blinds when the victim turned their head towards her direction. Yashiro looked behind her to make sure nobody was there in the dark to stalk her and bit her tongue. Maybe Yashiro didn't see anything. Maybe she's...hallucinating. Hearing things, seeing people, Yashiro took her medication today, didn't she? Or is she just tired? It's the middle of the night. Could be the way that this is her brain begging for Yashiro to go back to bed.

"I'm already doing that..." she muttered to herself. Yashiro was taken aback by how tired her voice sounded. She's probably just whispering because it's nighttime.

It was starting to get chilly by now. What time is it? Perhaps it's midnight. Or maybe it's only been a few minutes after lights out. There wasn't much of a chill as Yashiro would have expected. Her back was starting to get a little cold, so she stopped to try and wrap her arms around herself.

"Are you...cold?"

Yashiro froze in place, her hands suddenly sinking their fingers into the fabric of her sleeping gown. With her head shaking Yashiro turned to see a creature with skin so tight on its body and limbs you could see its bones, the supernatural's head full of eyes that were pinned on her. It crooked its head to the side and open its mouth as Yashiro stepped back, the drool that dropped out of the creature's mouth landing a few centimeters from her feet. The thing towered over her as if it was a giant.

"Warm...up...pretty girl...I help."It mumbled, the girl shrieking as it reached out to grab her.

Screaming Yashiro ran away from the supernatural that was behind her, clenching her hands close to her chest. Behind her the thing scurried on its limbs to chase after her so closely that the girl could feel it's hot breath on her heels. Yashiro felt as if she was clawing through the darkness as she ran past all of the doors, grabbing the railings for a staircase as she dashed up.

Didn't Hanako promise he would save her if this ever happened?!

He didn't lie, did he!?!

Looking behind her shoulder Yashiro was barely ahead of the supernatural as it screamed like some demonic infant, repeatedly trying to snatch her off the ground with its paper white hands. The creature screeched as it chased after her to claim Yashiro as its own.

"Warm warm warm warm warm warm warm!!!!"It repeatedly called out.

Grabbing the doorframe and skirting around a corner Yashiro ran inside the library and ran into the aisles. Hiding behind a shelf Yashiro tried to control her breathing, digging her fingernails into the wood on one of the shelves. The sound of someone approaching her from behind was causing the adrenaline in her veins to fire up.


Please in the name of god.

Please let it be someone that Yashiro can trust.

The sound seemed to fade away after a disappointed sigh, Yashiro letting out a shaky breath. She didn't know who that was, and she didn't want to know. Part of her hoped that now it was dead and that Hanako would appear holding his knife, though she knew that wouldn't happen. Taking her hands off the bookshelf she slowly peaked around the corner, relaxing now that the monster wasn't there.

"What...the f*ck...was that..." she muttered under her breath, tensing up when she thought she heard something.

The girl rubbed her forehead. Dear god. Hanako had warned her this would happen to her, she just never expected that it actually would. Brushing her hair back away from her face Yashiro gave a nod. She needs to get back to her room before something like that happens again. Just as she was about to start walking out Yashiro stopped. Something had caught her eye.

A book about Hanako?

Yashiro took it off the shelf, running her hand on its cover. It was beat up. As if someone had tried to rip it in half and failed, deciding rather to just try and make it so nobody could ever read it again. Curious she opened it to the first page and felt a tug in her heart when she saw it was ripped up, thankfully still intact to the point where she could barely read it in the dark. Flipping through Yashiro had to squint her eyes to try and read what it said, most of the words faded, ripped up, or scribbled over with pen.

Poor book.

She put it back on the shelf and checked the section, reading the label asSeven Mysteries.So this was where the books about the Hospital Wonders were? A bit surprising that the hospital actually managed to get books published about them.

There was another one about Hanako. Just as the one before it, this was destroyed beyond repair. Hoping maybe she could get some information out of it the girl opened the book, the disappointment half expected. Yashiro closed the book and put it back, ready to leave now that there was nothing of interest here.

Right as she was leaving something caught her eye. A black crane made of paper was sitting on a shelf, Yashiro kneeling down to see what it was about. As she reached for it something else caught her eye. A book with a drawing of the female Hanako-San on it. This one wasn't damaged at all. It makes sense why; it was hidden behind all those other books. The librarian must have noticed how all the other books were destroyed and hid this one away to protect it.

Sitting down at a nearby desk Yashiro groped on the table and found a small electric candle, turning it on. It gave enough light for her to see what the words on the pages were, the girl making sure nobody was there before reading a random page in the book.

Hanako-San must have died by a lover or from heartbreak, perhaps even taking her own life in a bathroom stall because her lover rejected her. Now she floats around the hospital, wearing a white buttoned shirt and a red jumpskirt. Her bobbed hair and bright yellow eyes have made her known across the world, though she truly lives here, forever trying to find the girl who had stolen her heart. She doesn't care for boys;she doesn't care for any who tries to summon her. All she cares about is finding the person she loves.

Seems more like some weird romance story than an actual evil spirit.

Turning the page, she kept reading.Some children and adults have survived Hanako-San, always saying how she tries to seduceher victims. Whether romantically, platonically, or sexually, she always tricks them into thinking they'rein control before brutally killing them.

Okay this seemed more like some creepypasta that a ten year old wrote. Yashiro groaned. All this was about was that decoy Hanako keeps in his stall. None of this mentioned a boy wearing a sleeping gown or how he has a knife. How come? Maybe Hanako just uses the decoy, and EVERYBODY assumed that one was in charge. Man. How disappointing.

The stack of books next to her suddenly were shaken and fell off the table, Yashiro covering her mouth before she could yell out of surprise. Damn it! Did she accidentally hit them with her elbow?! Panicked she got down on her knees and frantically grabbed the books, praying that nobody heard her.

Somebody crouched down next to her, Yashiro looking up to see who was there to help her. A girl with green hair set her candle down and placed her finger on her lips, shushing Yashiro to be quiet. Picking up some of the books that had fell down the girl stacked them in her arms, Yashiro staring at her mesmerized. The orange glow of the small flame was just enough light for Yashiro to see the girl's features as she set down the books she had picked up on the table and offered her hand to Yashiro.

Her green hair was styled in an asymmetrical bob cut with very short bangs, having two pieces of her hair left in front of her ears to frame her face, and two more long sections that extend to her chest. Yashiro noticed that this girl also has two braids that extend from the crown of her head down to her ears, making her wonder how long it would take to style such beautiful hair.

Her eyes were the same color as her hair, if not just a touch more the color lime. Highlighted nearby the bottom were flecks off yellow, certainly catching for anyone who were to walk by this girl. Even her eyelashes were thick and almost looked as if she wore mascara to make them so notable. And her double eyelids just made her eyes look that much more beautiful.

Yashiro let go of the girl's hand, stretching out her fingers a bit as if not to forget the feeling of her skin. This girl infront of her looked just like a doll. Her face was perfect, the only flaws being how her eyes were half closed to make her look drowsy. Even then, it worked in her favor to make her look stunning. Much like Aoi this girl wore the hospital's signature white sweater and sweatpants, her sleeves a bit thicker. Everything from her slender body to her thin ankles made Yashiro feel something that she tried to convince herself was jealousy.

"You're interested in the Seven Mysteries?" The girl asked, Yashiro holding the book close to her chest.

"Eh? O-oh! Yeah. I'm surprised the hospital actually has books about them." Answered Yashiro, keeping her voice down.

The girl's yellow eyes scanned the books in Yashiro's arms, catching one that had taken her attention.

"Oh. Hanako-San. The one that's like a cat."

Yashiro stared at the girl confused as she imagined Hanako with cat ears and a tail laying down around other cats, his hands up to his chest like little paws as his bright amber eyes watched her innocently. ""

Holding her hands up to her head the green haired girl imitated cat ears, "Meow."

Yashiro tried to mimic them with one hand. "Me...ow...?"

The mysterious girl tilted her head before sitting down on the window seat, crossing her legs as she began twisting her hair around her finger. "Well, he's capricious, selfish, and needy. Constantly wanting attention yet always in a horrible mood. Clingy yet distant. Is yours just like that too?"

Needy? Hanako was needy sure, and certainly capricious, but selfish? He's never been selfish. He's always helping her and everyone else.


Yashiro has seen this before, in manga! On pages where the main two characters are finally getting close, another woman comes in and starts pulling the man away!

Is she-

Is this girl Hanako's girlfriend?!?!!!

Trying her best to keep a straight face Yashiro tried to study this girl. Her brain decided that no, it wanted to imagine Hanako resting his head on the green haired girl's chest as he hugged her. Then, the girl would put her hand on his head and gently kiss his hair, whispering to Hanako how needy and clingy he was. As she said that Hanako would whine and squeeze her tighter, snuggling as close as possible to this girl.

"You seem to be lost in thought," Said the girl, "Maybe you should go visit Hospital Mystery Number Five. You'll find out more of Hanako-San there."

Yashiro watched as the girl got up and walked past her, brushing her fingernails against Yashiro's hand as she went by. The feeling caused her spine to tremble, the girl stuck as this mysterious woman walked away. Approaching some man that was waiting for her the green haired girl nodded and looked back at the frozen Yashiro, giving a little smile. She left the library, leaving Yashiro standing there as she tried to figure out who that girl was.

Snapping out of her own imagination Yashiro realized that this girl was gone. Turning around she dropped the book that was in her hands and called out. "Wa-wait!!"

Running out the library Yashiro pushed the doors open and almost fell over the railing. Desperately she grabbed the bars of the stairs and tried to find the girl, shocked when nobody was there. Where did that girl go? There was no way she could have gone down the stairs that fast.

"Sh...she got away." Yashiro muttered. With a sigh the girl rested her head on her arms as she stared at the night sky through the stained glass.

Yashiro's head perked up when she heard someone stumble over their feet nearby her side, feeling the railings shake when the person grabbed on so they wouldn't fall. Their breathing was off and shaky, almost constantly gasping. Turning her head curiously the girl was shocked to see who was there, her breath caught in her throat.

There, right in front of her, was Hanako.

And fresh blood was covering his hands.

Chapter 19: I Need To Protect Both Of You


Yashiro leaned away from Aoi's ear. "It's all recorded in there?"

Aoi nodded with a giggle. "Even things that haven't happened yet. Makes your curiosa, doesn't it?" She asked. Laughing the girl squeezed her friend's hands. "Maybe I wanna read other people's books too~♡! Like yours!"

Yashiro wasn't listening since she was stuck in her head. Maybe that girl in the library was telling her to find Hanako's book.

"What about you Nene-Chan~?"

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (5)

Their eyes met when Hanako looked up, the ghost taken aback by seeing his friend infront of him. Hanako's hand slipped off the bars as he stared at the girl who was standing in the moonlight, his amber eyes reflecting Yashiro. His hand was clenched on his stomach where blood was soaking into the fabric of his clothes, his fingers stuck together by the crimson. Hanako looked just like he wanted to explain this situation to Yashiro.

"H-Hanako?!" She gasped, the boy stepping back. He tried to take his hand off his stomach and yelled out in pain, almost falling to the floor.

Watching as Hanako began to fall down the girl let go of the metal railing and ran to him. Throwing her arms around him Yashiro pulled Hanako up against her and pressed his head on her chest, the supernatural boy completely shocked by the sudden hug. His chest puffed up a bit as he tried to say something, going quiet when he heard Yashiro start to hold back tears. Hanako slowly rose his blood covered hands as he stared at them over Yashiro's shoulders before he hugged her back, the smell of blood like poisonous gas burning Yashiro's nose. Keeping back her tears from the smell Yashiro clenched Hanako tightly, pressing her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Turning his head Hanako rested his head on her shoulders, blood dropping into the ground with their breathing being one of the only sounds on this staircase.

Yashiro gently nudged Hanako's head away, placing her hand on the boy's cheek. Noticing a small line of blood coming down from under his bangs Yashiro watched as it got caught on the bandaid on his cheek, Hanako growing nervous as his gaze averted away. "You''re bleeding. Hanako, stay still."

He listened, Hanako trying not to flinch as Yashiro brushed his bangs away. With the moonlight as her guide Yashiro tried to think of a way to deal with the blood as Hanako held his breath, the girl taking off the bandages around her wrist and using them to try and wipe away the blood.

Hanako moved back like a kid who's mom was trying to clean their face, taking his hands off her back and holding them infront of his chest. The boy opened his mouth to say something, biting back his words as Yashiro used the bandages to clean up his cut.

"Hanako...what happened to you?" Yashiro asked as she put her open hand on his arm. "You can hardly looks like you're bleeding from your stomach."

Head wounds always bleed the most, Yashiro had learned that in the doctors office. Even if she cleaned it blood would keep coming out. Pressing the bundle of bandages with her palm Yashiro put her another hand off his arm and on the back of his head, Hanako keeping still as Yashiro tried to clean his injuries. What did he do to get him hurt like this? That doesn't matter right now. If Yashiro lost focus and passed out from the smell, then Hanako would have to drag her back to her room.

Hanako looked at his blood covered hand as Yashiro tried to wipe his cut, the ghost staring at the crimson liquid with no thoughts on his mind. Sticking out his tongue the boy licked his finger with no reaction, glancing back up at his friend.

"Did somebody do this to you?" She asked, Hanako slowly nodding. "Who did it?"

He didn't answer her, instead sucking the blood off his thumb. Yashiro pulled his hand out of his mouth as he stared at her fingers, the young girl managing to get the cut to stop bleeding.

"C...can you show me the cut on your stomach?" Requested Yashiro, Hanako shaking his head. "You don't want me to see how bad it you?"

Rather than answering her the boy put his hands on her back again and hugged Yashiro, resting his head against her chest. She was a bit taken aback by this before putting her hand on the back of his neck and trying to see if he was crying, the girl feeling his blood start to fall onto her feet. This was bad. No, not even bad could describe it. Was Hanako going to die? He's already dead but...even then the poor girl couldn't help but be terrified. She couldn't even tell anymore if it Hanako was shaking in her arms or if it was her.

Hanako didn't even seem to mind he was bleeding. The boy nuzzled his head on her like a cat trying to get themselves comfortable, his legs hardly keeping him on the ground. He looked up at Yashiro before letting go of her. The boy smiled and placed his hand on her cheek, the girl freezing up at the feeling of thick blood on her face. He slowly slid his hand up to put a thumb on her forehead, moving it away to place two fingers there instead.

It felt to her body like all of the energy had been sucked out of her, Yashiro collapsing into Hanako's arms. He caught the girl and hugged her close, Hanako laughing a little before he petted her head.

"Shh...heh." He shushed, Yashiro seeing him through blurry version before her eyes forced her asleep.

Opening her eyes back up Yashiro saw she was in her room, the girl sitting up on her bed. Confused she looked around and checked the time. 9:30 am. Making sure she was actually awake she put her hand on her cheek, Yashiro immediately moving away at the icy cold touch. Her other cheek was warm. Trying to understand she looked up. Hanako wasn't in her room, so it couldn't be from him.

Did she actually see Hanako?

Holding the covers over her chest Yashiro tried to figure out how she got in her room. If it was a guard, then she would have been taken to the office and woke up in a bed there. Yashiro didn't sleep walk, did she?

Or maybe Hanako brought her to her room. He must have carried her back. It's not unlikely since he knows where her room is, but there wasn't any blood on her. Yashiro looked at the ground to see if there was any bloody footprints or if Hanako was hiding on the floor. He wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere.

"Nene-Chaaaaan!!" Aoi suddenly cheered, tackling her roommate in a hug. "You left me last niiiiight!!! You promised you would be back...and you weren't...mngh."

Yashiro watched as Aoi pressed her face against her chest, the fresh memory of Hanako bleeding being reminded by that. She slowly hugged Aoi as the cream haired girl put her cheek on the top of her friends head. Aoi isn't Hanako. She shouldn't be associating her with him.

Aoi moved back, fixing her glasses before noticing Yashiro's arm. "Nene-Chan! Your bandages!"

She grabbed her arm and looked at Yashiro's wrist, the girl remembering she had used them to try and clean the injury on Hanako's head.

"I-I took them off when I got a drink since they got wet. Probably forgot to put them back on." She lied.

Aoi squinted her eyes at her before sighing. "Silly Nene-Chan! You just can't go anywhere without me having to watch you, can't you?"

She laughed a bit. "I guess. I'm sorry Aoi."

The purple haired girl booped Yashiro on the nose. "No need to apologize! You owe me an ice-cream now!"

They both laughed as Aoi got off Yashiro's bed, the girl turning on her heel to focus on putting the desk chair back away from the bedside. Yashiro's face naturally dropped back to a neutral expression, looking over at the pictures on the wall with Mitsuba.

Each one of their expressions was bright and playful, even when they seemed annoyed or bothered. Nobody looked upset. Yashiro rested her head on her fist as she stared at the pink haired boy, thinking about each one of the candy hairpins. Mitsuba was gone. Yet maybe he wasn't. He could be a ghost, or a supernatural. Her head moved away from its resting place when she remembered how she had asked Hanako if he would be able to talk to Mistuba, bringing herself disappointment when she remembered he told her he wouldn't be able to.


That girl in the library mentioned him. She also mentioned how if Yashiro wanted to know more, she could see the Fifth Mystery.

Aoi knows a lot about the rumors in the hospital. Maybe she should ask her.

"Hey Aoi?" Yashiro asked.

Looking away from the desk the girl smiled. "What's up?"

"Do you...know about the 4pm Bookstacks?"

Aoi's eyes lit up when Yashiro asked her that, taking her friends hands. "Of course! Oh Nene-Chan, I'm glad you're asking about rumors again!"

"Eh know me...can't get enough of em..."

The purple haired girl had to move her hair from her glasses, sitting back next to Yashiro. "I'll tell you about it! Let's see. Hospital Mystery Number Five. 'The 4pm Bookstacks'.Inside of the library on the second floor, there's a special storeroom you can only enter at 4pm. All the books there have someone's name written on them. Each one contain a record of that person's life at this hospital. What they did hear...and what they will do here. Past, present, future—it's all written in their book!"

Yashiro leaned away from Aoi's ear. "It's all recorded in there?"

Aoi nodded with a giggle. "Even things that haven't happened yet. Makes your curiosa, doesn't it?" She asked. Laughing the girl squeezed her friend's hands. "Maybe I wanna read other people's books too~♡! Like yours!"

Yashiro wasn't listening since she was stuck in her head. Maybe that girl in the library was telling her to find Hanako's book.

"What about you Nene-Chan~?"

"Ah!" She squeaked. "Um, ye-yeah!! I think I would want to read Ha-Koana-Kun's book."

"Right?! Of course you would~✿! Because we all want to know about those boys we like!!♡" Aoi teased before hushing her voice, leaning in and whispering in Yashiro's ear. "But if you go to the 4pm have to be careful. There are three kinds of books. White, black, and red. The white ones have the records of people who are alive. The black ones have the records of people who have died. Those two are okay to read...but the red books~! Those ones you must never, EVER, read."

She chuckled, leaning away as Yashiro froze in fear.

"Scary, huh?" The girl asked.

A few hours later, as Yashiro was walking down the halls, she thought the conversation she had with Aoi. If she could find Hanako's book...she would want to read it. No point in lying to herself about that. It's just Yashiro doesn't want to go by herself. She could ask Aoi, though she doesn't know about the supernatural. Yashiro kept walking as she remembered that green haired girl she had saw. Maybe she should talk it over with Hanako...but if she told him about her plans, then he would go out of his way to make sure she wouldn't see his book.

She doesn't blame him for that.

Yashiro stopped when she heard somebody yell something, peaking around a corner to see Kou blocking some girls off from the doors to the abandoned hospital.

"You can't go here!! It's not safe!" He said.

One of the girls groaned. "Come on Minamoto-Senpai!!"

"Is something the matter?" Yashiro asked, jogging up to see what was happening."


Kou noticed her and smiled. "Senpai! Good timing! It's these girls!"

She looked over at the two girls in front of her, both of them taking her hands and pulling her close. "Yashiro-San!! Minamoto-Senpai is being mean!!"

"Mean?" A confused Yashiro asked.

One of the girls nodded. "Uh huh!"

Looking at Kou she glanced back at the girls. "Um, did Minamoto-Kun do something?"

"He won't let us summon Hanako-San!!" They both yelled in unison.

Yashiro could hear Kou admit a low growl, protectively putting a hand on Yashiro's shoulder like a wolf.

The girls kept going. "We just what a wish!"


Kou chimed in. "I'm doing this to protect you girls! Senpai, tell them!!"

Yashiro panicked, trying to find the right words. "I-u-um, well, tr-trust can get lost there...and the doors are closed, meaning patients shouldn't go there. Look, don't you girls have somewhere to be? It's class time for girls your age."

She reminded them that they did have somewhere to be, letting go of her hands and running off. Once they were out of sight Kou let out a sigh. "Thanks Nene-Senpai. I didn't want them there...partially because Hanako would have to go there if they summoned him since he's not there."

"Hanako's not there?" She asked.

Kou nodded, taking out a sheet of paper. "I was going to find him and I saw this in the sink."

He held it up, Yashiro nothing the little doodles and scribbles around the notes.I'm off at a meeting, don't look for me.

Yashiro looked at the clock. "It's four o'clock. That means...wait!! Minamoto-Kun!"


She snatched his hand. "You're coming with me to the library!! We don't have time!"

Kou yelled out as Yashiro ran with him to the library on the second floor, ignoring all the confused patients as she dragged the younger boy behind her. Pulling him inside she dragged him to a spot nearby a window, Kou stopping her.

"Jeez Senpai, what's so important?! We ran for like five minutes!"

Yashiro got in Kou's face. "Hospital Mystery Number Five!! The 4pm Bookstacks! We're going to use it to find a book containing information about Hanako so we can read it! Come on, there's got to be a secret switch!"

Kou watched as Yashiro began frantically pulling books on and off the shelves, the boy eventually shrugging and just copying her.

After a few minutes Yashiro glanced over at Kou, feeling bad she dragged him. "Hey...sorry about making you detach with me. I know you may have been busy."

"Huh?!" Kou hmm. "Oh! It's fine! I'd go through hell or high water for you, Senpai!! Besides, I wanna read Hanako's book too!"

Yashiro chuckled. "Like, to find out his weaknesses? Silly Minamoto-Kun. You're still trying to exorcise Hanako, aren't you?"

The topic made Kou go quiet, the boy fidgeting as he messed with his hair. "I'm...I'm kinda...done with that."

Now Yashiro was confused. "What?"

"I-I mean, you know!" Kou freaked, trying to put on a tough-guy act. "You said yourself, Senpai! He's a good supernatural!"

He laughed nervously a bunch, going quiet after a minute. The blond boy's face flushed a light shade of pink as he sheepishly looked away.

"Besides...stuff happened to Hanako." He said, lowering his voice. "A...a lot of what happened to him was my fault. I just want to find stuff to make sure I don't trigger him..."

Yashiro didn't quite hear that last part, looking over at her friend. "What was that?"

"Eh?! Oh!! I- um, I want to learn about his weaknesses, just in case!!" Kou exclaimed before he sighed. "Actually...when I stopped to think about it...I realized I didn't really know a lot about him. B-but if he's a bad guy, I am gonna exorcist him! So I just need to make sure."

She softly smiled, putting a book back. "I suppose we're both trying to learn more about him." Yashiro chuckled as she looked over at Kou, taking the boys hand and pressing both of her thumbs into his palms. "In a way that makes us partners, right Minamoto-Kun? So let's try out best together!!"

Cupid must have shot an arrow into Kou's heart when Yashiro said those words, the boy physically stepping back as his chest pounded so hard that he would have assumed he was dying.

Tilting her head confused Yashiro watched as Kou twitched, her attention being stolen by a butterfly that started flying by. "Oh! Minamoto-Kun, lookie!"

Yashiro let go of Kou's hand and started to follow the creature, the exorcist snapping out of his daydream and chasing after her. "Senpai, wait!"

When the butterfly landed on a book Yashiro reached out to touch it, a cloud of smoke puffing out of nowhere and clogging up the girl's lungs.

"Senpai!" Kou called out, reaching a coughing Yashiro. "Are you okay?"

Regaining her breath, she nodded. "Ye-yeah...this door appeared where the butterfly landed. Do you think it's...the 4pm Bookstacks?"

Kou shrugged before opening the door. The two peaked their head through the door and were greeted by a dark hall, the human children squinting their eyes. Inside was a huge library with lanterns on the wall giving a dim scattered glow, illuminating all the books on the shelves.

They stepped inside, the girl jolting back when water soaked into her pantyhose. " means..."

"...this is another boundary. A border between this world and the next." Kou finished for her. He noticed that Yashiro didn't like the water, putting his staff away. "Here Senpai, get on my back."

She looked at him confused as he crouched a little. "Ar-are you sure?"

Kou nodded, Yashiro climbing on his back. The boy grabbed her legs and held Yashiro closely, the girl wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He stumbled a bit and found stable ground, Kou grunting. "A-all right. What's the rumors?"

"According to the rumors, as long as we don't read the red ones, we won't be in any danger." She explained.

Do you need a light?• they heard, the two looking over to see a Mokke holding a lantern.

"Oh! Thank you!" Yashiro thanked as Kou adjusted her on his back. Taking the light she took out a cough drop and handed it to the rabbit-like creature.

With a nod to signal him to go, Kou kept walking on as Yashiro held the lantern for them to see. Stopping at a random shelf they looked at the books.

"The white ones are for the living..." Yashiro said. "...and the black ones are for the dead. At least, that's what I heard."

Kou nodded. "There's a whole lot of white ones...and only a few black ones, huh?"

The red ones...Yashiro didn't see any here. That's a good thing at least. Then the parasite wouldn't be tempted to look.

Kou beamed. "Alllllright! Hanako's book would be black, right? So—ready to get looking?!"

She nodded. "Yeah!"

They grinned once they were pumped up for action, spending hours searching the shelves for Hanako's book.

They ended up not even finding a single clue.

Yashiro laid spread out on a table as Kou groaned in a chair. "It's no use...we've looked...and looked...haven't found...the slightest clue..."

Sitting up on the table Yashiro looked around. "I don't know what filing system they use in these Bookstacks...and even if I did, what would the title of Hanako book be? Minamoto-Kun, do you know his name?"

He looked up and shook his head. "No, I don't. I'm sorry."

Itching her head Yashiro groaned. "It's okay...I understand."

The boy was going to say something before he noticed something. "Oh, Senpai, there's something in your hair. I'll get it for you."

Yashiro curled her fingers behind her ear and she tilted her head, Kou now closer to her as he reached out to touch a butterfly that had landed on her hair. "Where?"

Another arrow was shot from Cupid as Kou's heart thumped out of his chest, the butterfly flying away to flutter in front of Yashiro.

"A butterfly...just like the one I saw before." She muttered. The insect began to fly away. "Let's follow it!!"

Yashiro forcefully got on the boy's back; Kou forced to run after the butterfly so he wouldn't fall on his face. She pointed after is, Yashiro now fired up.

"It'll lead us to another clue!! Hurry!!"

Kou chased after the butterfly and Yashiro held the lantern. Eventually they slowed to a stop when it landed on a book, Yashiro shining the light on its spine.

Yashiro Nene.

She looked down to Kou as the boy glanced up at her. "It's...your book Senpai."

He pulled a ladder closer and helped Yashiro climb on it, looking away so he wouldn't see up her nightgown. Yashiro had to go to the top step to reach her book, grabbing it and opening it.

It was filled with records of her find at the hospital. When she got here, how they solved the issues with her father, when she made friends with Aoi and Mitsuba, even when she met Hanako. All of it was so detailed.

Yashiro stopped when she asked reached a certain page.After rescuing her Hanako makes Yashiro promise to be his assistant, the ghost considering them to be dating thanks to her wish. Yashiro Nene did not take this romantically and does not realize-

She slammed her book shut as her face blushed red, the girl jumping when Kou yelled up. "Everything okay Senpai?!"

"Ye-yeah!!" She assured. "I found out the rumors are true! It's not Hanako's book but...if we read the future section, we might learn something about him!"

Kou grinned. "I'm going to look for my book then! Call me if you want to get down!!"

"Be safe! Don't read any red ones!"

She watched as Kou ran off, the girl flipping through the pages. There wasn't anything that exciting, just about random stuff. There was a red page though with the words 'The Future'. This must be where the future started. Curious she flipped a few pages and almost screamed.

Considers going on a date with Minamoto Kou-Kun.

Yashiro couldn't believe what she was seeing, reading through the words written in a heart. Even if her eyes were reading it, she wasn't really processing it. There was a part that made her drop the topic.

Hanako-San begs her not to go.

Alright then. She should just...just try and find more about Hanako since she's at it.

Yashiro read through the book, trying to find something. Eventually her eyes caught something.

Learns the true identity of the Seventh Mystery.

Yashiro stared at those words. What did that mean? Does Hanako tell her more about himself, or does she learn it from another supernatural? She was curious about him. Yashiro had never really dug deep into it because she didn't want to feel as if she was betraying Hanako.

All of her confusion soured into fear when the book began to turn blood red, the girl almost dropping it. Red? The book was perfectly normal just a second ago! The crimson began to eat up all of the color on the page, the black ink faintly there. Maybe if she squinted her eyes, Yashiro could read what it said.

In part of some confession, Number Seven reveals himself to Nene Yashiro. His name, having been told to her before, is-


Yashiro had barely any time to react when Kou jumped out of nowhere and shoved her off the seat, the exorcist wrapping his arm around her waist and swinging her over his shoulder. The girl watched as the ladder was devoured by a giant human-like figure made of butterflies, the two landing on the hard floor.

"Senpai, are you okay?!" He asked, worried by the fact he heard her yelp in pain from the land.

"Don't worry about me, we need to get out of here!!" Yashiro exclaimed.

The boy grabbed Yashiro's hand and ran with her, the two making their way to the door they came through.

Kou grabbed the doorknob, trying to open it. "Wh- I-IT WON'T OPEN!!"

"Let me try!!" Yashiro snarked, grabbing the doorknob and realizing it was locked.

Horrified by what could be behind them they two turned to face the monster. It was built in a human form made up of butterflies shaped just like Yashiro, only so tall that it's head could probably reach the roof.

Yashiro freaked out. "WHAT THE?! IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE ME!"

"I saw one that looks like me too! I was reading my book and out it nowhere it turned red, and then that thing showed up out of nowhere!!" Kou explained. Taking her arm Kou lifted up his staff, holding Yashiro behind him. "Well whatever these things are, they'll have to go through me damn it!!"

Kou aimed the staff at the creature and a ray of lighting grew around them, the energy all growing into a sphere at the pointed end. As the butterfly monster grew closer Kou fired....but all that happened was the sphere popped like a bubble.

Each one of them stared at where the blast was supposed to be, the seal that Hanako had put there smoking.

"WH-WHAT?!" Kou shrieked, the monster letting out a scream and looming in closer. The swarm knocked Kou's staff out of his arms, the boy moving back out of surprise.

Fear caused her legs to give out and Yashiro fell into the water, Kou stumbling back and splashing next to her. His staff wasn't close enough for him to grab, and if Kou moved away by an inch then this thing would eat Yashiro. Both of them hugged eachother tightly, possibly the last time they'll ever feel the embrace of another human being.

Kou squeezed Yashiro as the girl buried her head into his chest, the exorcist screaming what would probably be his final words. "DAMN YOU HANAKO, DON'T LEAVE US TO DIE!!"

As if summoned by those words the red Hakujoudai seemed to almost unfold itself from nothingness to appear, the orb bursting to reveal Hanako. The boy was floating upside down infront of them, holding his kitchen knife as he held some of his bangs from his eye. A smile and a wink were his greeting to the two, Kou and Yashiro's grip on eachother loosening.

Yashiro's eyes lit up, but that light quickly faded away as she saw the open it's jaws. "HANAKO LOOK OUT!"

Without looking behind him to see how close the butterflies were Hanako grabbed the two and pushed them down on the ground, holding the two humans against the ground as monster vomited a swarm of the insects. The butterflies flew over their heads, Kou watching in awe as they went right over them while Yashiro clung to his shirt still shaking from fear.

Kou slowly moved his head to Hanako. "These things won't turn around to attack us?"

Hanako nodded. Lifting up his hands he signaled they could only move in one direction, letting go of the two when the butterflies were gone. Turning on his heel Hanako ran over to the creature and jumped into the air, ducking under a swarm of the butterflies. Brandishing his weapon the boy prepared his attack and sliced the head off that butterfly creature mercilessly. Hanako safely landed on the ground once the creature had fallen apart and stood back up, the boy smiling as he turned to wave to them.

Yashiro and Kou got off the ground and ran up to him hand-in-hand, both of them suddenly hugging the ghost. Hanako jerked up as the humans squeezed him tightly.

"Don't scare us like that y-you stupidhead!!" Kou snapped.

Yashiro moved her head back before speaking. "Hanako, you saved us! A-and you're not hurt anymore!!"

He shrugged, trying to remain humble. Even then a bashful smile rose on his lips as he looked away, messing with his hands. A bit prideful he glanced back at their eyes before back at the two again. Suddenly he appeared to notice something, his gaze moving to the small space between the two.

Yashiro and Kou glanced at eachother when Hanako looked at how close they all were, the boy grabbing both of their fingers and prying them off of him. Hanako grunted, pushing Kou and Yashiro away from the other to make sure they had some distance. Putting his hands on Yashiro's shoulders the ghost gave Kou a dirty look as he growled.

Kou blinked at the ghost confused. "What?"

Hanako grabbed Yashiro and squeezed her close to his chest, remaining eye contact with Kou. The gif remained still from confusion as Hanako rubbed his fingers on her hair, Yashiro feeling her face start to turn red. "Ha...Hanako...?"

"WHAT?!" Kou yelled as Hanako nuzzled his face against Yashiro in his usual housepet manner. But he stopped when he heard footsteps, followed by a voice.

"AAARGH!" Someone yelled as they came running in. "WHAT'VE YOU DONE?!"

Yashiro shoved Hanako off her as her and Kou recognized the man who came rubbing in, a tall doctor with spiky black hair with long white fringes, his purple eyes hidden by the glare in his golden glasses. The lanky man wore a white doctors coat and a purple sweater underneath, his badge a picture of a much younger looking man on it. He fixed the stethoscope on his neck and got down on his knees to pick up all the books that fell.

Brushing one off her muttered, "Nooo no no noooo, look what you've done to my precious books..."

Worried he set each one back and made sure they weren't too wet, Kou saying something. "S-Sensei...what are yo-"

He cut himself off when a creature made of butterflies showed up, this time looking just like Kou. It stumbled through the water and stopped behind the older man, reaching out to grab him.

Yashiro screamed. "BEHIND YOU!"

The man didn't even react to Yashiro's warning, an arm growing out of the man's back. Swiftly grabbing the monster's head off the arm crushed it, purple goo splattering all over. Yashiro and Kou stared in disbelief when the hand pried itself from the ground covered in butterfly carcasses.

The doctor scoffed as he stood up, his ears and teeth starting to change form. "Here I am trying to keep my mouth shut...and you two won't stop yapping. It's annoying. Ugh, this is why I hate kids so much."

Two more hands grew, one grabbing Yashiro by the back of her nightgown and Kou by his legs. The hands lifted them off the ground and pulled them closer, Kou yelling something about getting a headache as Yashiro compressed her body together so she could appear smaller.

The doctor held up a red book. "The books have turned red. You read entries from the future, huh? Thinking like entitled brats, you could do so much better."

"I-I'm so-sorry, I-!"

"A sorry isn't going to help." Said the man, catching a butterfly that happened to be fluttering next to him. Yashiro watched as the teacher opened his mouth and placed the butterfly inside and with one bite of his fanged teeth:


Kou and Yashiro stared in disgust as the teacher swallowed it and licked his lips, the fear returning in the students when he stuck his long pointed tongue out, a grin revealing sharp like teeth.

"How are you planning to make this up to me~?"

Yashiro let out a scared squeak, shivering with fear as Kou tried to swing in. The man opened his mouth to say something when he felt somebody tap his back, turning his head to see the much smaller Hanako staring up at him.

Hanako smiled when the doctor looked at him, tilting his head to the side. His expression seemed innocent, but somehow the older man knew better.

The man sighed. "Yeah yeah. I know, I know, O Number Seven. I was just kidding. I wouldn't actually call them that if I didn't mean it. I won't lay a hand in the boss's guests."

The hands on his back dropped them, Hanako happily walking over to Yashiro and helping her up on her feet. Propping her up from the ground he gave his assistant a warm smile. Kou sighed and got up by himself, the strange man watching as Hanako patted Yashiro's head.

Yashiro grumbled as Hanako pet her, the girl pointing to the man. "Why do you look familiar? I've seen you before, I just can't recognize where."

Looking over at the man as if he wasn't there the whole time Hanako seemed to remember something, letting go of his assistant and floating over. Using his abilities to go up to the man's ear he whispered something before landing back on the ground as the older man stuck out his tongue annoyed. Hanako smiled, pointing to the man and giving him a nod.

He sighed and obeyed the ghost's orders. "I'm Tsuchigomori-Sensei, though you two know me as Gomo-Sensei. I'm the curator of the 4pm book stacks."

The boy gave a cheshire grin as he looked at the human children, co*cking his head to the side. With a sinister chuckle Hanako covered his mouth with his fingertips as he gave them a little wink, both Kou and Yashiro growing terrified as Tsuchigomori approached them.

"You do know what that means, right?" The supernatural man asked.

Chapter 20: My Therapist Lied To Me


As I stare into the eyes of death.

I stand here wondering.

Why death has the same eye color as me.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (6)

Yashiro stared at Tsuchigomori. " means're-"

He chuckled and gave a thin smile, dropping his intimidating act. "Yeah, a bit weird having your therapist be one of the Seven Mysteries."

Kou blankly spoke up. " co-worker is a spider."

Still processing everything Yashiro glanced at Hanako before she looked back at Tsuchigomori. "So that time I was talking about Hanako...and the hospital..."

"I was speaking from experience." The therapist answered, Hanako looking at the older man as if to say 'what are you two talking about and why is it about me'. "Trust me it's a little odd having to take orders from a patient but that's how the job is."

Hanako looked at the two and smiled, Yashiro unable to look at boy in his eyes. So that time Tsuchigomori talked about how Hanako was an understanding supernatural and wouldn't chase others...he was speaking from experience?!

Tsuchigomori looked at the books and grabbed a spider web, placing his foot on the net like design to before tugging on it. The web pulled him up and to a high shelf that was probably 30 feet up, the old man taking a book and opening it up.

Kou spoke up. "So...this entire time Nii-Chan was right about you..."

"Minus all of the stuff about murdering children and being a pedophile." Replied Tsuchigomori, the therapist reading through the book. "Many things your brother has said about us isn't even closer to the truth."

Yashiro glanced back at Hanako, the boy crumpling and uncrumpling a piece of random paper. "But...y-you're a therapist an-and a supernatural..."

Tsuchigomori glanced down at her as he practically dangled off the web, his other arms busy with organizing books and holding his pipe. "It's really not that unusual. There are, in fact, quite a few supernaturals who have chosen to blend in with the humans. We supernaturals need the rumors of us to keep circulating, or we can't stay in the living world. A crucial part of that is spreading our own rumors. And well...there are other reasons...but mainly, it's convenient. Who knows? One of your friends might turn out to be something other than human."

The girl held her hand close to her neck, watching as Tsuchigomori came down from the web back to the ground. "Isn't that dangerous though?"

Tsuchigomori pointed to Hanako, the boy looking up and gesturing to something behind his back. Out stepped Yako, the fox shaking the water out of her tail before grumbling something about how annoying it was to work with a mute. | Don't worry about it. We're here to make sure you humans don't end up hurting yourselves. We are the Seven Mysteries after all. |

The doctor and ghost nodded, both of the other supernaturals staring at the ghost as they waited for him to say something. Remaining quiet he left them to continue without his part of the monologue.

Tsuchigomori slowly held up his hand as he growled. "We supervise all the supernaturals who exist in this hospital, and maintain proper relationships between people and the paranormal."

Once again, they looked at Hanako. This time the boy actually did respond but just used his notebook. Yako and Tsuchigomori glanced at eachother as Hanako scribbled his part.The short version is that we scare you humans, but we all work together to keep the hospital safe. I'm the leader of the seven.

The two humans looked over to see Yako licking her paw as Tsuchigomori smoked his pipe.

Kou counted how many there were on his fingers. "But there's...only...three of you."

"Not to mention Fo-Yako-Sensei was changing her rumor so she could attack humans a while ago." Yashiro added.

Tsuchigomori chuckled and looked down at Yako. "She's talking about you, stupid fox."

| Shut up, Emo spider! I'll chew you to pieces!! |

Yashiro and Kou stood there as the two doctors began fighting, both of them skunking away do they would target their wrath towards them.

"Annnnd you're not friends..." Yashiro muttered.

Kou put all his fingers down. "That's zero out of three!"

Hanako looked around as he watched his co-workers fight, getting up. The supernatural walked behind them and grabbed Yako off the ground before taking out his knife, pressing the tip against Tsuchigomori's chin. With an irritated smile Hanako clenched Yako by her scruff while the teacher was forced to look up from the weapon against his skin.

"Yes Number Seven."

| U-understood... |

Well, looks like that leader part was true.

Hanako's irritated smile was replaced by a dead expression as he put Yako in Tsuchigomori's hand and removed his knife, walking over to his human friends. The ghost turned on his heel before taking Yashiro's hand.

Yako crawled onto the old man's shoulder. | As we were saying, we all work together to keep you guys safe. But since youtwerpsdecided to come in here, now we had to make sure you didn't get killed. |

Yashiro slowly raised her hand up. "How do we get out of here, can't you let us go?"

Tsuchigomori shook his head. "It's 5 o'clock, so you two are stuck. Number Seven, me, and Number Two may leave whenever we want...but you have to destroy my Yorishiro to get out."

Hanako was about to nod in agreement before doing a double take on what Tsuchigomori said, the ghost looking at him confused.

"New rule I implemented." The old man explained.

The three children looked at eachother as the two adults stared at them, Kou being the first one to speak. "Can't Hanako teleport us out?"

Hanako shook his head and took out his notebook.I can't carry the both of you, not to mention Nene-Oneesan wouldn't have enough energy to survive it. Your exorcist blood would let you, but she doesn't have that.

"Speaking of that, you two." Tsuchigomori said, pointing to Yashiro and snatching Yako. "Follow me. I need you two on something."

| Why do we have to go with you spider legs?! | Yako snarled as she was tried to get out.

"Because I said so, and this my boundary." He said while starting to walk away, placing the fox on the ground. "Come on."

With a glance in the other's direction Yashiro and Yako started to follow him, the woman waiting for Yashiro to catch up. Why was Tsuchigomori wanting them to follow him? This is weird.

Yako hopped onto Yashiro's shoulder. | Hey, bug-breath! You could at least explain!! |

Tsuchigomori didn't answer as his other hands organized books, the doctor taking one off the shelf from the 'Y' section. It was a black book, Yako spotting it first in his hand. Yashiro didn't see it that well though since he was far away from them.

Yashiro stopped in place when they heard something crash. The two jumped out of surprise and turned around, rushing over and looking around to see what happened. Peaking their head around the corner of a bookshelf they saw Hanako on the ground holding his head, presumably having run into something. They watched as Kou knelt down to help him, the exorcist gently placing his hand on Hanako's cheek.

"Are you alright? Does it still hurt after yesterday?" They overheard, both ladies looking at eachother confused as Hanako tried to push Kou's hand away. "Do you not want me to touch you like that?"

Touch him? What was Kou talking about? Trying to lean in a bit more Yashiro stuck her ear out from behind the bookshelf.

Hanako nodded, Kou taking his hand off and placing it on the ghost's arm. He helped Hanako up and brushed away the ghost's bangs, the boy shoving Kou away from him.

"Stay still. I just want to see if you're okay."

Yashiro picked up on the fact that Kou was checking up on Hanako's forehead, right in the place that she had tried to clean. Does that mean Kou knew about why Hanako was bleeding? Maybe Kou tried to exorcise Hanako. But he did say that something happened to the supernatural boy, and that it was his fault.

|What are they doing...| The fox woman muttered, Yashiro shrugging as they watched Kou stop Hanako from squirming around.

"Come on, I know you hate me," the exorcist said, "just let me make sure you're okay."

Hanako glanced away when Kou said those words and put a hand around his own neck, motioning something. Kou seemed to understand what he was saying and felt under the collar of his shirt before looking back at the ghost.

A bit surprised he asked, "You don't hate me?"

The boy shook his head, holding his hands close to his chest. Kou smiled, relieved a bit. Carefully he moved his right hand to Hanako's face and brushed his fingertips on the boy's jawline.

"Don't be so clumsy, Hanako." Kou lectured as he brushed some of the ghost's hair behind his ear.

"What are you two looking at?" Tsuchigomori asked, now standing behind the girls. The tone of his voice said this was more of a threat than an actual question as Yashiro and Yako slowly turned to face him.

| ...nothing. |

The man shut the book in his hand, hiding the name that was written on the spine. "And people say girls aren't perverted."

| We're not perverts!! | Yako snarled as Yashiro peaked back around the corner.

Two of Tsuchigomori's extra arms grabbed the girls and plopped them down out from behind the bookshelf, Hanako and Kou noticing them. Hanako shoved Kou away away from him and wiped his cotton bandage, the ghost stepping back from the exorcist as he glanced at the ground.

"So, what did he need you for?" Kou asked.

Yashiro shrugged. "Beats me."

Tsuchigomori handed Yako the book and let the fox run off with it. "I needed her away from you two so I could make sure of something."

Hanako grabbed Yashiro and pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms and legs around her as he put his head on her shoulder. The ghost narrowed his eyes, Kou walking over next to them.

"Can we leave now?" He asked. "Just hand us the Yorishiro!"

Hanako nodded and took Yashiro's hands, holding them out to Tsuchigomori.

With a face of disgust he spat out his answer. "No."

As if offended Hanako let go of Yashiro's hands and glared at the therapist, puffing up his cheeks.

Tsuchigomori continued. " what I would like to say. But lucky for you, I'm not a fan of violence. That and I don't want you ransacking my Bookstacks in the name of searching for my Yorishiro."

Yako came down from a bookshelf and landed on his head. | No, you're just no good in a fight. Be honest.|

"Be quiet, Echinococcus." The old man hissed. Yako snarled before biting his cranium, Tsuchigomori not really caring as blood came out from the wound. "If you three truly want to get out of through my Yorishiro, I'll give it to you. But on one condition."

"One condition?" Kou and Yashiro asked in unison while Hanako messed with his assistant's face.

Tsuchigomori nodded. "I'm a supernatural who craves knowledge. Here, in the 4pm Bookstacks, I've accumulated the entire body of knowledge surrounding this hospital—past, present, and future. I'm proud of this little shrine of mine. If you mean go take my Bookstacks from me, even temporarily...then you will give me information valuable enough to warrant it."

"Information?" Kou echoed.

"Yes. In other will tell me your personal secrets."

The second those words came out of the therapist's mouth Hanako almost practically pulled Yashiro back so hard she almost fell to the floor, grabbing Kou by the back of his shirt and beginning to drag them away.

"Nope." Tsuchigomori said, using his extra limbs to grab the three of them and pull them back. "You're not getting out of this Number Seven."

Hanako looked back and pushed his finger against his chin, pouting like a puppy to the old man.

"Not going to work. I won't fight you if they refuse to share their secrets, but I WILL use the other doctors to my advantage. I could get Minamoto-Kun fired, and I could make sure Yashiro-San is transferred to another building far away."

Yashiro shrieked as Kou held his staff? Waving his arm around. "Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU CAN'T FOOL US WITH THAT B-B-B-BL-BLUFF!!"

Tsuchigomori grinned as he held two books in his hands. "Oh, is it a bluff? was quite fascinating...inside this book here."

Kou screamed as Tsuchigomori held up his book, his grin now a mile wide. "NOOO PLEASE NOT THAT-"

Tsuchigomori rolled his eyes. "Well, you three heard me. So..." he cut off, leaning down to the children and sticking out his long tongue, showing off his shark-like teeth. "...let's see your best efforts to entertain me...children!!"

Kou stumbled back, Hanako letting out a giggle as the two humans stood there stunned. This wasn't what they had expected would happen if they came here. Yashiro's hands trembled as she thought about what would happen if she was transferred to another hospital. She would lose Aoi, they would have to question here and give her an entire new identity based of what they think is wrong with her, and-

"I-I'LL GO FIRST!!" She yelled out, raising her hand up high as the boy's looked at her confused.

Tsuchigomori smiled. "Always putting yourself first as a savior...for the most selfish reasons. You never learn." He criticized, two of his other arms reaching behind Yashiro and pulling her closer. The old man leaned down as he ate up the fear in his patient's eyes. "Well? What'll it be, Yashiro-San?Going to talk or no? It makes little difference to me."


Yashiro opened her eyes to see a confused Hanako, who hadn't managed to make out anything she said, a worried Kou, and her therapist with a blank expression.

"Three points." Tsuchigomori said, holding up a sigh with the number '3' written on it.

Almost fainting Yashiro snapped at him "WHY ONLY THREE?!"

Tsuchigomori held up three fingers, putting one down each time he named something. "First, I already knew that. You told me that to my face one time even. Second, nobody here could care less. And third...that's not all of it."

Yashiro squeaked like a mouse as she began to slink away, making the same motions a rabbit would when terrified. "A-all of i-it...? O-of co-course that's all of it..."

Opening up her book Tsuchigomori flipped through the pages. "Really now? You say you did it back in school, the truth is you still do it even today. And one of the main characters in your newest story just so happens to be his brother."

Tsuchigomori pointed to Kou when he said that, Hanako looking away annoyed as the boy perked up. "My brother?"

"GAAAAAAH NO STOP STOP PLEASE NOT EVEN AOI KNOWS, I'M BEGGING YOOOOOU!!" Yashiro cried, ignoring the fact scales were growing on her body and she laid there on the ground clenching Tsuchigomori's pants leg.

Kou looked down at her. "Senpai...are you okay?"


Tsuchigomori laughed, closing the book. "You're lucky I can tolerate you, Yashiro-San. Doesn't mean I won't show mercy for Minamoto-Kun."

Yashiro let go and her face landed in the water, Hanako rushing over and getting the girl to sit up. Kou, for good reason, freaked out at Tsuchigomori. "How dare you humiliate her like that!!"

"I didn't. If anything, I'm more focused on ruining your life right now blonde." He said, opening Yashiro's book back up. "Now if you don't give me anything to go with, I'll just start listing things off from your Senpai's life."

The boy froze up and glanced back Yashiro, watching as the girl sat there holding her legs with Hanako comforting her. "Al-alright! The truth Oni masks...they wear at Setsubun...they scare the hell out of me!!"

"Yeah, next please."

Annoyed, Kou yelled and got up in the man's face. "WHY?!"

Leaning back as he rolled his eyes he answered with a sarcastic tone. "Oooh, it seemed just so incredibly insignificant..."

Yako chuckled as she pointed at Kou with her paw. | Ha! Scared of a stupid mask! |

The old man groaned as he laid on a hammock made out of spider webs, tugging on it so it will pull him up. "Doesn't anyone have any better information? Or is it time for you two to pack your bags?"

"WE WOULD NEVER GIVE UP!!" Kou exclaimed.

Yashiro got up. "Y-y-yeah!! We're just getting started!!"

Kou took Yashiro's hand and held it up. "Senpai! It doesn't matter what we have to say as long as we get out of here!"

"Ye-yeah! We can do this!" Yashiro cheered.

Both nodded, pointing at Tsuchigomori as the yelled out their secrets.






"I- Wait Senpai you do what after my brother?"

Tsuchigomori rolled his eyes as he yawned on the hammock. "Woooooow, I SUUUUPER don't care."

Both of them fell to their knees exhausted, Kou clenching to a table as Yashiro hugged herself on a bench.

"It's no use..." she groaned. I've revealed all the secrets I have, but he won't accept any of them..."

"DAMN IT!" Kou yelled, snapping his head up when he realized something. "Hanako!! You tell him something!!"

Yashiro looked up to see Hanako was now at a small table as he played some string game with the Mokke, the boy ignoring Kou.

"Hey! You haven't gone yet!" Yashiro snapped at the ghost.

Hanako looked up before he rested his head back on his fist and thought about her words, giving a small shrug as he went back to playing with the small rabbits. This pissed off both of them, Kou and Yashiro getting up and grabbing him by the back of his arms. They pulled him away as Hanako squeaked out of shock, slinking in their arms.

"No fair Hanako! You can't be the only one to get out of this!!" Yashiro whined as she squeezed the ghost's arm.

Kou nodded in agreement as he wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulders. "Spider-face even said himself you're not getting out of this!! It's not fair!"

Yashiro leaned into Hanako's ear and whispered. "Besides, you heard all of my secrets, so you have to tell us yours now."

Hanako tensed up at the feeling of her breath on his skin, Kou grabbing the ghosts jaw and forcing him to look him in the eye. "Don't be selfish. Play your part in this."

The supernatural boy flung himself around and managed to wiggle his way out, floating over to Tsuchigomori and latching onto the old man. He just picked Hanako off him and grinned. "You heard them, Number Seven. They want to know about you."

He let go of Hanako and shoved the ghost over to the two humans, the boy realizing he didn't have any way out of the situation. He glanced around and averted his gaze to Yako.

| Don't look at me. I'm not helping someone willing to turn me into Udon. |

Hanako looked back at Yashiro and Kou and laughed nervously, slowly backing away as they got closer.

Yashiro grabbed his hand and moved a mere inch away from his face. "Come on Hanako! Please, for me?!"

The ghost got nervous as his cheeks flushed light shade of pink, slowly pulling his hand out of her grasp. The boy stood there for a minute before Hanako slowly nodded, finally muttering something.


"What?" She asked, taking Hanako's hand as she stood next to him.

Kou held the boy's other hand as he stood on his other side. "Say it!"


Hanako shyly stood there before he took his hands out of the stunned children's grip, rubbing his fingers together as he looked back up at them. His face and neck were flushed to a bright shade of pinkish red as the boy glanced back and forth. Letting out a small shaky breath he shuffled his feet while making small squeaks and groans, glancing back up at the two humans. Out of embarrassment he began to back away step by step, ready to turn around and run at any moment.

Yashiro and Kou looked at eachother to make sure they were thinking the same thing, suddenly tackling the boy in a tight hug. Hanako gasped confused as he felt both Kou and Yashiro squeeze him, covering his face with his hands to hide his shocked expression.

"Donuts!! He said donuts!!" Yashiro yelled.

Just like an older brother Kou held Hanako close. "How d'ya like them donuts?!?"

Tsuchigomori stared at them mortified as Yako waved her tail. "Are you both morons?"

They turned away from Tsuchigomori as Hanako tried to make himself appear smaller, the therapist staring at them confused.

Kou gave a thumbs up. "Who cares if it wasn't good enough for him, you still gave one!!"

"So what kind? What's your favorite?" The girl asked, putting her hand on Hanako's.

The ghost pressed his legs together as he looked away embarrassed, his small squeaks making her heart race. ""

"Do you mean plain?" Yashiro corrected, Hanako nodding.

Kou knelt down a bit to reach the boy's height. "What brand?"

Hanako fiddled with his fingers as he glanced away, muttering a single word. "Ho...home..."

"Homemade?" Kou asked, the smaller boy nodding as a tiny smile spread on his lips.

Tsuchigomori watched the three, paying close attention to how these humans interacted with the Seventh Mystery. "Well...isn't that interesting."

Yako hopped over onto the old man's shoulder, the fox brushing her tail on the back of his head. | Isn't what something? |

Tsuchigomori looked at the small creature. "Just honorable Number Seven. I didn't realized he was capable of being in such a position."

Hanako looked over his shoulder at the old man and pouted, the old man sighing.

"It's unexpected. I do know everything about you after all Number Seven. Your secrets and your future. By now, I'd assumed you weren't interested in making friends. But well...that might be interesting."

Making friends? Yashiro overheard that, looking over at Hanako. Sure, Hanako gave up a lot does make sense though. He would have realized that humans wouldn't want to be friends with him.

"YOUR TIME IS UP, WHIPPER-SNAPPERS!!" The doctor hollered.

Yashiro and Kou gasped, Hanako scurrying to keep squeezing the girl's hand as she stood up. "Wa-wait! I used to kiss my hamster!!"

"I can't eat hijiki!!" Kou said.

Tsuchigomori pushed them away with his other arms. "Nevermind. I've had enough. I've learned beyond the shadow of doubt neither of you have any secrets worth discussing."

The three stood there trembling and whimpering like puppies as Yashiro clenched Hanako's hand. "P-pl-please don't transfer us..."

The man smiled, letting out a chuckle. Suddenly he placed his hands on Yashiro and Kou's heads and patted them. "I won't."

Kou beamed. "Does that mean we're off the hook!!"

"I wassomewhatjoking. Besides...I did get to see something that piqued my interest."

The man walked over to a lamp and clicked it on, the bookshelf moving to reveal a secret passage. Yashiro and Kou gasped as Tsuchigomori leaned against the open shelves.

"Follow me." He said, taking a lantern from nearby. "I'll take you to my Yorishiro."

Hanako was the first to move, putting on a grin as he took out his knife. Marching over with Kou to the doors they were suddenly stopped by Tsuchigomori grabbing them by their collars.

"Hold it." He said, taking Yako off his back as he set them down. "You lot are staying right here. The only one allowed to pass this point is the kannagi girl who's going to destroy the Yorishiro."

Yashiro tilted her head when Tsuchigomori pointed to her. "Kannagi?"

Hanako giggled and hugged Yashiro, the girl stumbling. Tsuchigomori rolled his eyes and took a breath of smoke. "Number Seven-Sama's assistant."

Kou held his staff, pointing it at the spider. "GIMME A BREAK, SPIDER-FACE!! I CAN’T LET SENPAI GO ALONE!! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!!"

A little ticked off Tsuchigomori used one hand to grab Kou and hold him up while also covering the boy's mouth, Yako scratching at the doctor's legs as she whined about wanting to go with them.

"Well, what do you say, honorable Number Seven? After all of this time, don't trust me?"

Hanako held Yashiro tightly in his arms as he glanced away, the girl noticing his expression. There was something he didn't like about this. Almost as if he knew he could trust Tsuchigomori with her, but there was a part of him that didn't find the Fifth Mystery safe.

The ghost looked up at the older man as he squeezed Yashiro, suddenly shoving the girl out of his arms and over towards the doctor. Tsuchigomori caught Yashiro before she could fall and helped her back up as Hanako took Kou's hand and pulled him away from the man.

"I knew you could take my word." Tsuchigomori said, the ghost almost glaring at him with how narrow his eyes were. The ghost's fingers twitched as he let go of Kou's hand, the old man noticing. He chuckled. "I'll good care of her for you. I'm a doctor afterall."

He handed Yashiro a lantern as the girl watched Hanako a little betrayed, his dead expression not revealing any thoughts in his mind. Before she could even realize it was happening the bookshelf closed right in front of her, Tsuchigomori putting his pipe in his mouth and taking a breath of the smoke.

"Come along now. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. This way." He said.

Yashiro timidly followed him through the caverns, the two walking in silence. It was awkward, but it seemed safe? Eitherway she kept her guard up. Before Yashiro would have immediately trusted Tsuchigomori and would have gone with him blindly like a puppy, but now she was too skeptical to just jump up and follow.

It was like a cave where they were, with crystals that glowed in the dark light. It was actually sorta pretty. Yashiro noticed a small creature that was eating a pebble and reached over to touch it.

"Refrain from touching things you don't have to." Tsuchigomori said, snatching Yashiro's arm away.

"I-I'm sorry sir!"

Tsuchigomori let go and sighed, continuing to walk as Yashiro ruse he'd go catch up. It was a little awkward, walking with her therapist that she just today found out was a supernatural. Tsuchigomori acted in a way she's never seen the man act before.

"How is he." Tsuchigomori suddenly asked, the girl looking over confused. "Number Seven, that is. I guess what I'm wondering is...are things working out with him?"

She was taken aback by this question, looking down. "Well um...he's nice, I guess...he doesn't really talk to me though. And he fights with Minamoto-Kun sometimes. I don't...know. It's just he's..."

"Strange?" Tsuchigomori asked, cutting Yashiro off before she could finish her sentence. The man chuckled when she nodded. "Do you blame him? He's been in this hospital for averylong time. And...well...he had be a little strange to be put in here in the first place."

"That makes sense." Yashiro mumbled. "I worry about him a little. He's protective of me and...he gets worried about me a lot. I guess one way to say it is I think of him as a friend."

The old man stared down at her before nodding. "I see. Well, that's good then."

Yashiro kept walking, thinking about that. Was Tsuchigomori worried about him? He was acting scary...but maybe that's all it was. An act. Not to mention back then, Tsuchigomori seemed to know a lot about Hanako's rumor. Including how Hanako wouldn't chase people. Maybe the man was just pretending to be scary there so he could keep his guard up.

"Hey, why do I need to destroy your Yorishiro to get back?" The girl asked.

Taking a deep breath of smoke the old man glanced down at Yashiro before shrugging. "Oh...that was a lie. You don't actually have to do that to be allowed to leave...I just needed some time with you."

Her face went deadpan when she heard those words, Yashiro almost stopping in place. "Th...then why did you make us give away our secrets?"

"I was bored." Tsuchigomori replied, adding more a minute later. "That and it was a test. You guys passed, I just wanted to try and see if my assumptions over something were true."

"Like what?"

He was quiet for a moment before softly speaking. "About Number Seven."

...a little weird now that she thinks about it.

Maybe Tsuchigomori just treats Hanako like a patient. After all, the ghost certainly is dressed like one.

Trying to keep the conversation she asked, "Sensei, can I ask another question?"

"Curious today, aren't we. Go ahead."

"The things written in the 4pm Bookstacks...can they be changed? I'm just curious about it."

He shook his head. " is fundamentally impossible to alter the future. As the curator it's possible formeto change it. But the rule is that the curator will be erased if they alter the future.So I don't wanna..."

"Makes sense, I guess."

Tsuchigomori was silent for a minute before saying something else. "But...I have seen it. Once."

Yashiro tilted her head. "Seen what?"

He looked back at her and stopped in front of three doors. "A moment when the future was changed."

She stared at him a little surprised as Tsuchigomori took out a key and unlocked the door, glancing back at the girl with a smile.

"If you're asking because you want to change something, I wish you luck. I won't help you though. Even though...there are things I wish I could save you from."

He opened the door and hurried her inside before Yashiro could ask what he meant, all of the questions gone as she admired the beautiful sight of the shinning stones and rocks inside. Many of them were in glass containers on open books.

She giggled and ran inside. "Whoooa!! Is this the innermost reaches?! It's pretty!! It's amazing!! It's beautiful!! Jewels everywhere!!" Yashiro squealed, pressing her face against the glass of one of the containers. "So which one of these is your Yorishiro, Sensei!?"

"None of them." He grumbled, digging inside of a desk. He took out a small rock and set it down, a black seal on it. "This is it."

"Ewwie! Gross!" She whined.

He crossed his arms. "What's the big idea, calling a guy's Yorishiro gross?"

"'s just a rock...isn't a Yorishiro supposed to be a Hospital Mystery's most precious possession?!"

The therapist grinned. "Well, you could say that. The objects chosen to be Yorishiros are ones with the strongest feelings connected to them, after all."

What kind of feelings could be connected to a disgusting rock?

Yashiro's face lit up when she thought of what might be the answer. Squealing like a schoolgirl she held her hands close to her chin. "Was it a gift from your beloved?!"

"Nothing of the sort."

"O h."

"It is technically a gift." He continued, Yashiro's hopes going up again. "But it's former owner was a man."

Yashiro froze in place as her mind crumpled like clay, the girl covering her mouth as she imagined Tsuchigomori holding a rainbow flag. "...wait. Se-Sensei. Does that're interested in m-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence. I'll make you wish you were never born."

Tsuchigomori sat down, the old man groaning as he did so. He rubbed his forehead before taking a smoke from his pipe.

"I told you there was someone who changed the future written in his book, remember? It was him. Though I still don't understand why the future changed. But at the time I was so surprised...and now this rock is my Yorishiro."

He put the rock in Yashiro's hand, the girl inspecting it. "So what kinda rock is it?"

"'s a lunar rock."

Yashiro looked down at the rock in her hand. "Is it fake?"

"No. It's real." Tsuchigomori said, glancing away. "Do you know when humankind first made it to the moon? I received that rock the day after that historic date."

"The day after.." Yashiro muttered before snapping her fingers. "So this person was an astronaut?"

Tsuchigomori chuckled and lowered his pipe. "As if, that wouldn't even make sense! Heh heh!...heh...nah. He was a regular human being. He liked the stars...and he had a harder time expressing himself than most. His grades...were in the not-so-good side."

The old man sighed and looked at her.

"You've destroyed a Yorishiro, right? With Number Two."

"No actually...we didn't destroy it. We just took the item away and gave it back, but we didn't peel the talisman off." She explained.

Tsuchigomori chuckled. "Well, doesn't matter. Number Seven-Sama will reappoint me back in my position when this is over. Go ahead."

Yashiro looked down at the little rock in her hands, the girl hesitating to rip the seal off. "Tsuchigomori-Sensei...Wh-why do I need to destroy it? Can't I just pretend and we can go back? You could just...tell me about this person."

The old man lowered his pipe from his lips and turned his head to Yashiro, his eyes clearly trying to tell her something she wasn't understanding. " can if you want. But this is something that I'm trusting you with, because I know that your curiosity has been getting the better of you. If you want to go, then we can go. However, if you want to learn more about what's eating at your mind, then you can pull the seal off."

The girl looked down at the rock and dug her fingernail under the sticker, tearing the seal off as the rock cracked a little in her hands.

For the first time, Yashiro experienced what a breaking Yorishiro was like. Her hand felt heavier as some kind of energy seeped through her entire body, the girl's blood feeling as if it was all pulled out of her veins.

When she opened her eyes, she wasn't even herself. Her vision was like a camera, set up in certain positions that changed only when they wanted to. All Yashiro could do...was watch.

The sun was setting. By the looks of it, it seemed as if this was a classroom in the old part of the hospital. If you could even call it a classroom. The desks and chairs were all extremely old and beat up, the teachers desk being the only thing that looked nice. A chalkboard was covered in drawings of the stars and moon with a little astronaut, and nearby the teachers desk was plants and plenty of useless decorations. Nearby it, was a calendar.

June 17th, 1969.

Nearby a window sat a young man and a boy, both next to a desk on the side. There was a first aid kit open, and the young man infront of the boy was cleaning his wounds. The boy looked just like Hanako, down to every bandaid and even his somber expression. That would mean that the person sitting across from him...was Tsuchigomori.

"I wish you would tell me who keeps doing these horrible things to you, this is a hospital, you're supposed to be safe here." The young Tsuchigomori said, glancing up at the boy in front of him. "Why won't you talk to me?"

He didn't get any response as the boy in the chair turned his nose away, Tsuchigomori sighing.

"Yugi-Kun." He called, the boy turning his head to look over at the therapist. "If you don't answer me, I'm going to start calling you by your first name until you do."

Yugi looked away, the boy not caring about what Tsuchigomori was saying. The look in his eyes said something entirely different however. They looked...sad. Broken. They were trying to get the kids body to say something, but his tongue wouldn't allow him to.

Tsuchigomori sighed. "You were always so talkative, but lately you've been quiet. If it's about the doll, I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do about it."

" could have at least kept her for yourself rather then let them burn her." Yugi suddenly muttered, the boy's fingers twitching a little as Tsuchigomori looked at him.

The older man opened his lips to say something but hesitated, forcing himself to say what his tongue kept curled back. "I just want to help you. Now tell me, who's doing this to you?"

The boy didn't say anything.

"Yugi Amane, answer me."

"Get off my back, Tsuchigomori-Sensei." Amane snapped, the boy kicking his foot up as Tsuchigomori dodged it. "You don't have to be so worried about me."

"Yes, I do. I'm the person who's supposed to be in charge of you." Tsuchigomori said, letting go of Amane's arm as the boy stared at the bandages Tsuchigomori had freshly wrapped around him. "This happens to you every single day. You need to tell me who's behind it."

Amane didn't answer.

Tsuchigomori sighed. "Look, you've been quiet. You're whispering, and that's not like you. Not to mention it looks like you have to bandage yourself up."

"Because I do." Amane said, not meeting the older man's gaze. "You already know that."

Tsuchigomori seemed as if he wanted to say something, trying to divert the conversation the way he wanted it to go. "Look, I'm worried about you. Who's doing this to you?"

Amane lifted up his arm a little and turned his wrist, putting on a small smile. "Tsuchigomori-Sensei, it's alright." He assured, now raising his voice to be above a whisper. "You don't have to worry. It's just some scratches, I'm fine. It's not a problem!"

"It is a problem!!" The man suddenly snapped, standing up so fast his chair clattered on the ground as he put his hands on the boy's shoulders. "You're covered in bruises and cuts, I know that they're hurting you! Tell me who's putting you in pain! What kind of reason could justify hurting someone this bad-"

"QUIT TRYING TO BE MY DAD!!" Amane shouted, Tsuchigomori letting go of his patient's shoulders when he realized what he did. "If you actually cared, then you would have stopped them, you wouldn't have let anyone touch me!!"

The boy looked down at the ground ashamed before slowly getting out of his seat, taking the back of his hand as Tsuchigomori tried to think of something to say.

"Sensei...I'm fine. I don't want you to worry about me anymore. I know that these people who are doing this to me...deep down they're just trying to help. So...whatever they do to me...even if no one else will forgive them for it...even if there's no way for us to justify it...I forgive them."

Tsuchigomori stood there, not able to find any words to say to form his reaction.

Amane messed with his nightgown, pulling at his collar. The boy looked at the ground before clenching the fabric on the sides. "Sensei...I want you to know...I have a lunar rock!!"

The man was caught off when Amane suddenly beamed that, a giant smile on the kid’s face. "H-huh?"

Amane unbuttoned the back of his nightgown, pulling it off his shoulders and reaching inside. "It came one night when I think I was four. It fell from the sky, right in front of me." He explained, Amane taking something out of a pocket and fixed his nightgown back on, holding out his hand. Inside of it was a small rock. "This is it!"

The boy buttoned his nightgown back up and hurried over to Tsuchigomori, holding the rock up with a smile. Tsuchigomori leaned down and studied it.

"Would you believe me if I said it was real?" Amane asked.

The doctor looked over it. It was clearly just a normal rock.

"" He said, not really having the energy to lie.

The boy pressed his fist against his chin while he snorted from giggling. "I guessed you wouldn't!" He said, holding it down as Amane calmed a bit. "But we believe it's real. And that's matter what anyone says, this is a lunar rock!"

"Ye-yeah, look Amane, we need to-"

"Sensei, how far do you think the moon is from the Earth?" Amane asked running over to the chalkboard. He picked up one of the sticks of chalk and wrote something down, his writing being a little messy thanks to how excited he was. "It's more than 380,000 kilometer away!!"

He put the chalk back and spun around, stepping off the stand and walking back over to Tsuchigomori. The boy held the rock close to his chest as the bandages around his ankle almost tripped him.

"That's how far this little thing traveled here to get here from the moon! Isn't that incredible?! Even a little pebble...can go this far." He muttered, opening his hand to show the rock again. "It's my prized possession."

He's trying to stall him. Tsuchigomori can figure that out immediately. The doctor tried to put his hand on Amane's shoulder. "Look, we're not talking about the moon, Yugi. We're talking about y-"

"Hey look at that!!" Amane exclaimed, pointing to the window.

"Listen to me!!"

Amane quickly dashed to Tsuchigomori's desk and grabbed a key off it, running to the window and unlocking it. He opened the window, the boy holding the two panels. "Sensei!! The moon's already out!!"

Tsuchigomori noticed how Amane was scratching the bandaids on his legs with his
toes, suppressing a groan. The boy had to be extremely uncomfortable with how many of them were stuck to his skin.

He looked back the first aid kit, knowing he'll have to bandage the boy himself. Then he heard the boy say something. "Have you ever wanted to go to the moon, Sensei?"

Tsuchigomori turned around and dropped the first aid kit, the medical scissors and tweezers barely missing his feet. His eyes were filled with the sight of Amane standing on the window still, his bare feet trying to find proper placement.

Nothing could describe the rush of adrenaline the doctor got.

"Well...I have." Amane muttered. He held the rock up to the moon and pulled at the cotton bandage on his cheek. "The moon is so big and beautiful. Maybe that's why...I just...I feel like it's gotta be really great place. Who knows? It could be where all the people who lived righteously go."

The doctor ran to the boy. "BE CAREFUL!! AMANE, GET DOWN FROM THERE, NOW!!"

He looked back to the man behind him and turned on his heels, Amane crouched on the window as he smacked Tsuchigomori's hand away. He kept his hand closed to his chest as the man tried to reach out again. "Hey, Sensei."

Tsuchigomori stopped reaching out. "Amane-Kun...get down. Trust me, what you're thinking, it's not worth it. Just please get down."

Amane let out a little laugh. "Did you think I was going to jump? Oh Sensei! Come on. You have more important people to worry about."

The man relaxed slight when Amane put his legs back inside the building, still sitting on the window. The boy fidgeted with his nightgown.

"Well...Sensei, you did say you were worried about me, right?"

He nodded. "...yeah."

Amane looked down. "You said you wanted to help me, right?"

"I did." Tsuchigomori said.

He watched as Amane smiled softly at the rock, his amber eyes puffing up a bit as he looked like he was holding tears back. "Then would just one thing for me?"

The doctor held his hands to his side before he gave a soft smile. "...alright."

"Great!" Giggled Amane. The boy took his doctor's hand and opened it, putting the rock in his man's hand. Tsuchigomori looked down at the little stone. "I want you to keep this safe for me. I know that it will protect you."

"Protect me from what?" He asked, trying to figure out what Amane was saying.

Amane smiled warmly, the boy putting his hands on his lap. "From the demons. Who knows, maybe it will bring us closer together?"

He looked up at the moon as Tsuchigomori while stared at the rock in his hand. "But isn't this your prized possession?"

Amane shrugged. "Well, yeah. It's just...whenever I look at that rock, I feel like I could go anywhere."

They stared out the window together, both of them watching the stars and moon.

"I guess this is goodbye...huh?" Amane asked, smiling at the star filled sky.

Tsuchigomori picked up on the change in his voice, trying to crack a joke. "You mean goodnight, don't you?"


The boy shook his head before turning his body, warmly smiling at Tsuchigomori as he held his leg.

"Because I've made up my mind now. I'm not going anywhere."

The camera was shattered and broke, fading to black as if someone shut the curtain for the circus show.

Suddenly Yashiro's eyes flung open to a bright light, the girl sitting up as fast as she could. She was in a hospital bed, with the curtain around it closed.

Turning her head when she noticed something out of the corner of her eyes Yashiro recognized it as Tsuchigomori. "Awake?" He asked, shutting the book in his hands.

"Sensei..." Yashiro muttered.


Yashiro turned her head, the girl clenching the bedsheets. "Y...that boy...the person you said changed the future...don't tell me it's..."

"Yugi Amane." He said. "Number Seven's past self. It's written with the first character for the word 'normal' and pronounced 'Amane'. Strange name, huh? Hehe...heh...well...his name wasn't the only unusual thing about him. The day before we had that conversation...humankind made its first landing to the moon. It might be difficult to imagine how significant of an event that may be. These days, the moon is just another place people can go. It's common knowledge humans can get there. But back was different. Kids would say things like 'I want to fly', 'I want to talk to animals', 'I want to travel through time'...they would talk about these dreams that couldn't possibly happen in real life. 'I want to go to the moon' used to be one. An unrealistic dream. But then it came true. If that was the case, what other seemingly impossible dreams could eventually become true? Maybe there's nothing truly impossible in this world."

Yashiro looked back at her hands as Tsuchigomori said all those things, still trying to wrap her head around it.

He went on. "The world was full of hope that day. And yet...this one boy says he's not going anywhere. Naturally, I was worried about him. Or at least I pretended to be."

"Pre...tended?" Yashiro echoed.

Tsuchigomori nodded. "That's right. I’m just a supernatural pretending to be human. Have been for ages. So I didn't think much of it. That and I had found Amane Yugi's book in the 4pm Bookstacks, and I'd read his future. I kept asking him to talk to me...but I already knew what was going to happen. In his said he was going to grow up here and take care of the kids."

A little confused Yashiro whispered. "Wait...he wasn't going to leave?"

"They wouldn't have let him. He'd grow up here, and in the back of his mind...he'd constantly be wondering if anyone is coming to let him out. I would have known him for all of his life. In the wouldn't really have been living."

The girl stared down at her bedsheets before looking out the window, her eyes refusing to look at one single spot for more than a second. "Wh...why...why did he say that to you...about never leaving then?"

The old man put his arms on his knees and sighed, Yashiro turning her head towards him. "I'm...not supposed to tell you this. That night, there was an alarm that went off. A patient had broken out of their room. We followed the trail they had left up to that very same room you saw in your dream, and to our horror the window was open...and outside on the ground was Number Seven's dead body. We...we were too late."

Yashiro couldn't find any words to say as her mind forcefully made her imagine Hanako jumping out of the window and falling to his death, her brain painting a beautiful smile on his face as he was dragged by gravity to hell.

"He wasn't supposed to die...I was supposed to keep him safe. I promised his mother I would and I failed..." Tsuchigomori muttered into the blanket, his gloved hands shaking as they clenched the cloth. He must have felt devastated that day. All these years the guilt of having patients die despite promising their families you would keep them safe must have finally broken the old man. "He wasn't meant to die while he was still a kid."

He grabbed the hair on his head and calmed himself, looking up from the bedsheets.

"Amane Yugi is the only person to have ever changed the future as I knew it. He gave up his own future and just like he said...he hasn't gone anywhere. To this very day, he's still here. As a supernatural Hospital Mystery, Number Seven."

Tsuchigomori got up from his chair and fixed his coat, placing the pipe in his mouth.

"...Well. That's all I can tell you for now. As for what you do with this information, that's up to you. I don't have much power left." The man assured as he took the curtain. "Take care of him for me, alright Yashiro-San?" Tsuchigomori asked, the therapist giving her a smile. "And remember you can always talk to me about these things. I may be a supernatural, but I'm still your therapist."

The curtain closed itself behind him as Tsuchigomori's footsteps faded away, Yashiro staring at the bedsheets.

Hanako jumped out of a window, huh?

Yashiro glanced at the window behind her, wondering what have drove him to do it. Could he just not take it anymore? This hospital was a safe place, wasn't it? Maybe he felt guilty for something.

Suddenly the current flew open and Yashiro looked up just in time to see Hanako flying at her with open arms, the ghost tackling her down against the bed as he nuzzled against her body. His arms forcefully made their way under her body and squeezed her like a child squeezing a teddy bear, Hanako not getting off her when Kou came running in behind him and tried to pull him off.

"Get off Senpai, you'll suffocate her!!" Kou snapped, Hanako whining as he hugged Yashiro even tighter.

Moving her head away the girl looked back and forth between the boys, noticing that Yako was there as well, chewing on a live Mokke. "Hanako...Kou..."

At the call of their names they looked over at her. The poor girl could only stare at her friends as her tongue tried to force the words out of her mouth, Yashiro starting to tear up when she saw the hint of fear inside their expressions.

Hanako's hurt her more than Kou's, and that just made Yashiro feel even more horrible. The supernatural's smile was real. It...he was smiling because she was okay. Yet Hanako's amber eyes were filled with fear. Fear for her.

Why was he scared for her safety?

Yashiro tried to say something, anything...but she couldn't. The tears in the corner of her eyes were choking Yashiro as her hands let go of the bedsheets and slid to her side, Hanako noticing her behavior and gently taking one to see if she was okay.

Tsuchigomori...had promised Hanako's mom that he would take care of him.

But Tsuchigomori failed.

Tears streamed down Yashiro's cheeks as she pulled her hand out of Hanako's grasp and grabbed his waist, the boy lightly gasping as Yashiro hugged him while burying her head in his chest. Surprisingly he didn't really react. He just looked over at Kou confused before back at Yashiro as he blushed a bit.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Hanako..." she wept, the ghost hugging her close to his chest as he rested his head on hers. Hanako's body was cold, yet the energy of his body against hers oddly warmed up her flesh. It truly reminded Yashiro that he was dead. That he had jumped out of a window and died.

The boy rubbed her back and shushed her, Hanako muttering something she couldn't make out. His words weren't comforting at all. They just made Yashiro feel more and more guilty. Here she was, relying on Hanako to protect her and give her emotional support when he's the one who deserves it.

"'s...o...okay..." she heard him whisper, the boy sliding his fingers under her hair.

Yashiro had heard his voice there in that dream. That's the most she's ever heard Hanako speak, and each word was engraved in her memory. She doesn't deserve him. Hanako deserves so much better.

Kou carefully put a hand on Yashiro's back. "I'm sure whatever you saw was just a bad dream Senpai. It'll be okay. Do you...want to talk about it?"

Yashiro shook her head, Hanako moving his legs so they were spread out. He pulled Yashiro out and let the girl lay her head on his chest, the girl wrapping his arms around his torso. Hanako sat up straight as she laid on him slouched, the ghost petting his assistants head like someone petting a rabbit who had decided to rest on them.

Yako approached them once the Mokke in her jaws exploded into a million smaller Mokke, the fox laying down next to them all curled up in the way a cat would. Kou sat on the edge of the bed and listened to Yashiro as she sobbed into Hanako's chest, the boy placing a hand on her back to help calm the poor girl.

The ghost smiled softly as he shushed her. All he wanted to do was comfort her, yet even then there was a thought in the back of his head that plagued him.

...what did Tsuchigomori do to her.

Once it was night with Yashiro in bed and Kou at nightschool, Hanako went out searching for Tsuchigomori. He found him easily, swinging his knife carelessly between his fingers as he merrily went down the halls.

Spotting the old man in his usual spot Hanako cleared his throat, Tsuchigomori turning his head to see the boy standing there. "Oh, it's you, Number Seven."

Hanako didn't say a word, nodding as he fiddled with the knife in his hand.

Tsuchigomori noticed and rolled his eyes. "How was I supposed to know she hasn't destroyed a Yorishiro? All of the girls before her have."

Hanako didn't say anything as he walked closer, the old man swinging his body around in case the boy going to attack him from behind.

"It's not like I'm going to sacrifice her or anything." Tsuchigomori said as Hanako approached him. "That's not how her fate is meant to end."

The ghost leaned against the wall next to Tsuchigomori, the old man waiting a minute before placing his hand on the supernatural boy's head.

"You need to quit being so worried about Yashiro-San all the time. She'll be fine on her own every now and then." He assured. Hanako didn't do anything and let the old man ruffle up his hair before he pointed to his cheek with the cotton bandage. "You're asking what my Yorishiro was?"

Hanako nodded.

"Guess then."

The boy looked away, glancing out of the window. He seemed deep in thought before suddenly pulling up his nightgown a little to reveal the beginning of his boxers and the bandages around his thighs, giving the doctor a sly smile.

Tsuchigomori snapped at him. "No, it's not p*rn you little pervert!"

The old man's reaction caused Hanako to laugh, the boy pressing his fist against his chin while he snorted from giggling. Tsuchigomori just watched a little as if reminded of something, turning his head and looking out the window.

" never change, kid."

Chapter 21: Boil Your Thoughts Away


"Well when would we back?" Yashiro asked.

"Probably 4pm." Replied the exorcist. "If you don't to, we understand-"

"I'd love too! When do we go!" She asked, taking Kou's hands and holding his wrists.

The exorcist flinched a little. "U-Um, we were gonna go after you changed."

She practically bounced onto her feet, the girl wiggling her hips excited. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go, let's go!!"

Yashiro pulled Kou off the ground and dragged him behind her, the boy almost falling over as Yashiro pushed open the gate. Her energy had completely changed from sour and pessimistic to bright and cheery, a bright smile on her face as the girl rushed back inside with Kou right next to her.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (7)

You're ignoring me.

Yashiro didn't pay any attention to those words as she wrote something down in her study book, Hanako shaking the notebook right in front of her eyes to get her attention.

Hanako groaned and wrote something else down, pressing the paper against Yashiro's nose.Oneesan, pay attention to me. Class is over and you're the only one left.

Yashiro pushed his hands away and scribbled something out, the ghost grabbing Yashiro by her shoulders and violently shaking her back and forth while he whined like some toddler.

The girl set down her pen and closed the book, collecting them in her arms. Hanako tried to snatch the book in an attempt for her attention, Yashiro tugging it back to her chest. The boy threw his arms to his side in defeat, letting out a humph and crossing his arms. Yashiro got up and began to walk out when suddenly she felt Hanako grab her head and turn it so hard her neck cracked, the girl swearing her eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets thanks to the striking pain in her spine.

"OW OW OW OW HANAKO YOU'RE HURTING ME!! OKAY OKAY, I'LL LOOK AT YOU, I'LL LOOK AT YOU!!" She yelled out, Hanako tilting his head to ask her if she meant it. "I MEAN IT JUST LET GO!!"

Hanako let go, putting his hand on the back of her neck to massage it. Yashiro nervously kept her eyes on him to make sure he didn't get upset again, scurrying off down the halls into the group of other patients.

Though, Hanako is right.

She is acting weird around him. She's ignoring him, and with each passing second the guilt of what she saw in the 4pm Bookstacks stitched another thread between her lips. It's not like Yashiro could just talk to Hanako about it. Though, what didn't help is the fact Hanako is following her because he's worried about her. Even still, what she saw there is making it so Yashiro can't look her friend in the eyes. This wouldn't have happened if she hadn't seen those memories in the book. It's all their fault that her emotions are feeding the parasite in her head.

Why can't she just be a normal girl?

Opening his eyes from simply blinking the girl saw she was now alone, standing in the garden. Hanako was nowhere to be found. In her hands she held a hoe, the ground dug up around her. Was she possessed for a moment, only waking up when the supernatural left her? Yashiro looked around and noticed that Mokke were trembling in fear at her feet, each one looking as if they had witnessed a murder.

"Mo-Mokke-Chan?!" She gasped, the small creatures yelping. "Di-did I do something?! What happened!?!"

One gained the courage to shake its head. •Y-you just came out and attacked the ground...

Violent.• Another muttered.

She knelt down and waved her hands. "I'm sorry if I scared you!! I wasn't thinking straight!"

The rabbits' shaking calmed down a little as Yashiro apologized, the girl digging into her pockets and taking out a handful of cough drops.

"Here, I'm sorry guys. Take these." She said, the Mokke creeping closer and taking it.

Yashiro stared at her hands as the creatures took the medicine, her head spinning. Was she possessed? Or was she so wrapped up in her head that she just dissociated? Yashiro isn't repeating her old coping she...? Right? Her chest tightened at the thought of going back to her old ways. She spent two years getting over them, she can't be going back to them that fast.

A Mokke hopped into her empty hands. •Hey, hey! Someone's behind you!!

Yashiro panicked when just then a shadow loomed over her, part of the girl hoping it would be Hanako. Turning her head around she was met with-


Kou stood behind her, his hands out in a position ready to scare her. He wasn't dressed as he usually was. He wasn't wearing the top of his uniform, instead just a black t-shirt. There was also an odd necklace that was practically on his collar bone, and even from the distance between them Yashiro could see that it's chain was dirty and the pendent was broken with it's plastic center missing half of itself. The boy laughed as he was caught, putting his hands on his hips. "Darn it! Thought I could get ya, Senpai!"

His childish intent made Yashiro burst out into laughter, Kou squatting down next to her. The girl wiped a tear from her eye as she controlled her laughter. "Minamoto-Kun, you scared me!"

"Well that was the point! I didn't know you helped the garden though, Senpai. No wonder why it looks so good."

"Oh hush, you're making me blush!" The girl giggled, waving her hand a little. "Oh! Does your brother need to take me somewhere, or is Hanako looking for me?"

"No, no!" The boy said as he smiled. He glanced away, hushing his voice. "Well um, technically my brother is going to take you somewhere."

Confused Yashiro co*cked her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

Kou looked down a little bashful. "I was wondering if you would like to come to my house and...cook with me."

The girl didn't know what words to say, remaining still as she processed Kou's request. Cook with him? At his house?

"I already requested a leave for you." He added. "It'd only be a few hours. Nii-Chan said he would drive us. If you don't want to go, you don't have to! I just thought that maybe it could help clear your head!"

"Clear my head?"

Kou nodded. "I've noticed you're quiet a lot more now. I just thought maybe you would want to spend some time with someone who maybe wasn't a supernatural."

The girl looked down before remembering something important. "Isn't that...against the rules? Taking a patient home?"

"Well...I sorta...lied and said I was taking you out to eat. Teru-Nii backed up my story too."

The mention of Teru made her cheeks blush a little. "Wa-wait, really?! You mean I get to-"

Kou laughed. "Yes, you'll get to go outside! I thought you would like that!"

Embarrassment struck her heart. In reality, Yashiro was talking about being able to see Teru's room. "Ye-yeah! I like it!"

Perverted girl.

The boy got up. "Me and Teru-Nii got you some clothes you could wear, if you want them. I mean, you don't have to, it's just a little strange to see a girl walk around in a nightgown."

Yashiro looked at the ground, considering Kou's offer. It would be nice to go out and see the world again. It's not like she has anything to do. She has been ignoring Hanako too. Maybe she could give him some of the food that they make to help cheer him up.

"Well when would we back?" Yashiro asked.

"Probably 4pm." Replied the exorcist. "If you don't to, we understand-"

"I'd love too! When do we go!" She asked, taking Kou's hands and holding his wrists.

The exorcist flinched a little. "U-Um, we were gonna go after you changed."

She practically bounced onto her feet, the girl wiggling her hips excited. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go, let's go!!"

Yashiro pulled Kou off the ground and dragged him behind her, the boy almost falling over as Yashiro pushed open the gate. Her energy had completely changed from sour and pessimistic to bright and cheery, a bright smile on her face as the girl rushed back inside with Kou right next to her.

"So where did you guys put it?" She asked, hurrying inside the building.

Kou tightened his grip on her hand to make sure he wouldn't lose her. "We had Akane-San put them on your bed!"

The girl let go of Kou's hand suddenly, the two having reached her room by now. Throwing open her door Yashiro slammed it shut behind her and waved her arms around happily, squealing like a little girl.

Aoi jumped when Yashiro suddenly burst into the room. "Nene-Chan! You're full of energy!"

"Yeah! I'm going out! I'm going out!"

The purple haired girl laughed. "Calm down Nene-Chan! Your friends left a gift for you."

Yashiro didn't waste any time and rushed to the bed, noticing the clothes on there. A sweater with a light jam color, a thick brown jacket with a hood lined in tan fur, and black leggings with two pockets on the side.

Holding the sweater close to her chest Yashiro squealed, catching Aoi giving her a smug look out of the corner of her eyes. "...why are you looking at me like that." Yashiro snarked.

Aoi raised her eyebrows up and down, making suggestive motions with her hands.

"Jeez Ao-Chan, I'm not dating him!" Yashiro snapped while chuckling. "He's just a friend!!"

Her friend walked up behind her and moved Yashiro's hair, unbuttoning the back for her. "Riiiiight. Speaking of friends, you haven't told me about how that visit with Koana-Kun went. Did you get to read his book~?"

Yashiro shook her head. "No, I didn't get the chance. I did find out a bit about him though. Nothing much, don't worry about it."

"Mhn hmm, alright then."

Yashiro slipped off her nightgown and put in the sweater, Aoi taking the nightgown from her hands. "What, so you not believe me Aoi?"

Aoi set the clothes down and help Yashiro put the coat on. "Oh I believe you Nene-Chan. Should have taken me with you, I was all alone last night. You haven't been around a lot. Is everything okay?"

"Aoi, I'm fine. I promise."

"Alright." The girl said in a hushed voice, brushing Yashiro's hair behind her ear once she was finished changing. "Don't blame for worrying about you, silly." Aoi teased. Yashiro made a small meep when Aoi booped her nose, suddenly grabbing her friend by her shoulders and pushing the cream haired girl out the door. "Good luck with your date, Nene-Chaaan~!"

Yashiro blinked confused as Kou looked up from staring at the ground, his bright smile practically glowing. "You look great, Nene-Senpai!"

"Oh! Um, th-thank you!"

The girl watched as Kou's face blushed a bit, the young exorcist waving his hand to motion her to follow him. She stuffed her hands into the jackets pockets and wiggled her fingers around, her hair bouncing around the hood as Yashiro watched her step. Sliding on a pair of boots nearby that Kou brought he eventually took her to the front desk, having her sign her name with Kou's and Teru's signature already there.

"Bring her back on time, Minamoto-Kouhai." The person at the desk said with a strict tone.

Yashiro glanced back behind her as Kou lead her outside, the girl having to squeeze her eyes shut when natural light hit her face. The parking lot looked similar to when she first arrived here two years ago, only a few minor changes that most people wouldn't notice. On the ground were crows that flew away once they walked past, the girl noticing one that caught her eye as it landed in the streetlight. Yashiro stopped as she stared the bird in its pinkish-red eyes, recognizing it.

She saw that bird before Mitsuba died.

The crow cawed at her and spread its wings a little, not flying away as Yashiro held eye contact with the animal. The bird must have memorized her face by now. Maybe it wanted to be her friend? Or maybe it was just staring at a familiar face.

"Senpai!" Kou called. The boy walked over to her as Yashiro looked at him. "You okay? We can go back inside if you changed your mind."

She put on a smile. "Oh, I'm fine! I was just looking at the birds and I zoned out!"

Kou let out a sigh of relief and put his hand on her shoulder. "Come on Senpai, let's go. We've got a long day ahead of us!"

Yashiro nodded and followed the boy to a car. Standing there was Teru who was leaned against the roof of the vehicle. It looked as if he was smoking a cigarette, wearing a simple gray hoodie and white t-shirt underneath. His black jeans only made him look even more causal, Yashiro considering herself lucky to see him in such a normal outfit.

"Nii-Chan, I brought Senpai!" Kou called, Teru turning his head. Turns out he wasn't smoking, just eating a marshmallow stick.

The young man smiled warmly at Yashiro. "You ready to go, Yashiro-San?"

The girl nodded, half in a daydream. Teru opened up the door for her and waited for Yashiro to go inside. She was a little hesitant to go though, her legs freezing up when Yashiro thought about what she was doing. She swallowed her fear down and got inside, buckling up behind Kou's seat.

No going back now.

The girl bit her tongue as she thought about how she should have brought Aoi, or even Mitsuba. The three of them would have loved to sit in a car together.

Mitsuba would have looked discontented at the malls and beauty shops, saying things like:"Wow, how cheap do you have to be to plaster your face in cheap powder?"

Aoi would have laughed."Silly Mitsuba-Kun! As if you don't like makeup, I see you stealing my lipgloss all the time!"

Yashiro chuckled as she turned her head, still in the parking lot as Teru started the car.

What was she even doing.

Mitsuba's dead. She needs to stop thinking about him.

He's never coming back for her and Aoi.

Yashiro stared at the people walking by as they drove down the road, the girl tracing the shape of the trees on the window. On the sidewalks were school kids enjoying their walk around the streets, people in suits taking important calls on their phones, girls and their friends all taking selfies infront of their favorite stores. Yashiro remembered how she would have done the same things with her friends, always blending in the background despite how much her appearance made her stand out.

They drove out farther into a smaller part of town, the girl admiring each pretty house that they passed. This must be the neighborhood they live in.

Teru pulled into a driveway at some house and looked back at Yashiro through the mirror. "Remember Yashiro-San, if you feel overwhelmed we can always take you back to the hospital."

"Okay, Senpai." She said, trying to hide her blush with a smile.

Kou shook his head and punched his brother in the arm, getting out of the car. The older brother laughed and got out afterwards, Yashiro getting out from the peer pressure. A little scared to be left behind she hurried to follow the boys and stayed hidden behind them.

Were people staring at her?

They must be wondering who this strange girl is that their neighbors were taking inside.

"We're home!!" The brothers called out in unison, closing the door once Yashiro walked in.

A young girl with long, spiky blonde hair and blue eyes with light green flecks poked her head from around a corner. Her hair looked liked Kou's and Teru's from the front, part of it tied into two twin tail tuffs. She stepped out hugging a stuffed rabbit in her arms, practically beaming like a ray of sunshine.

"Oniichans! I mwissed yooou!" She cheered, rubbing over and hugging Teru's legs before tackling Kou afterwards. The little girl looked over to Yashiro, her face lighting up suddenly "Oneechan!!" Kou's little sister yelled out, letting go of her older brother to hug Yashiro's legs. "Kou-Nii brought an Oneechan!!"

Yashiro's smile turned into laughter as Kou had to get his younger sister off her. The little girl groaned while Teru walked in from behind, taking his shoes off and hanging up his coat. "I can take your coat, Yashiro-San."

"Oh! Thank you, Minamoto-Senpai." She said while taking off her jacket. As Teru took it from her hands Yashiro tried to walk around the little girl on her legs, nervously laughing. Her heart was still pounding from the fact she was even in Teru's house. "So um, Minamoto-Kun, who's this?"

"This is my little sister, Tiara." Kou explained. "Say hi to Yashiro-Nene-Senpai."

Tiara bounced up and down, letting go of Yashiro's legs. She did a little spin and held up a peace sign. "I am the ancient and honorable Minamoto's family's eldest daughter! Tiara Minamoto!" She proclaimed, changing the peace sign to the number four. "I'm five years old!"

Kou laughed. "Tiara, that's four."

The little sister looked at her hand and changed it so she was now holding up five fingers. "Five!"

Yashiro found it adorable how this little girl messed around. Right after Yashiro took off her shoes, Tiara grabbed her hand and started to pull her away.

"Ah, no no. Senpai is not here to play, Tiara." Kou said. He took Tiara's small hand away. "She's here to do some cooking with your big brother."

Their little sister whined. "But I wanna play with Nene-Nee!!"

Chuckling Teru leaned down and reached out his arms. "Tiara-Tan's being bratty! That means she wants tickles!!"

"NOOO NO NOT TICKLES!!" She yelled out, running away as her older brother chased her.

The exorcist shook his head and waved his hand a little. "Here, follow me. The bathroom is down that hall there on the left just in case you need it. We'll be in the kitchen."

"I figured, silly."

She watched as Teru chased around his little sister while both the siblings laughed, Yashiro stepping inside the kitchen. Kou took two aprons and handed on to his friend, the girl finding its design cute.

It was like color with green hearts, frills on the shoulders with a ribbon that was meant to be tied around the waist and seen by the front.

"Was this your moms?" Yashiro asked while tying the apron.

Kou tensed up a little before nodding. "Y-yeah. She's not here, so it's fine if you wear it."

Yashiro adjusted the bow and rolled up her sleeves, a proud smile on her face. "So, what are we making!"

"Nothing special, just a few bento boxes. Afterwards, I thought we'd make a treat. You know how to make donuts, right?"

"Donuts?" Teru asked behind them, holding Tiara in his arms. "That's an unusual dessert to pick, Kou."

"I want donuts!!" Tiara squealed, reaching out to mess with Yashiro's hair. Teru laughed and set the girl down as he walked away to do something else, the little girl tugging on Yashiro's apron. "Are you and Nii-Chan dating?!"

Yashiro's face flushed red at the thought of her and Kou in a relationship. "E-ehh?! No! Me and your brother are friends!"

Tiara groaned. "I want a pretty Oneechan like you though..."

Kou gently bonked his sister on the head with a plastic rolling pin. "Don't say weird things to Nene-Senpai. Besides, if you keep bothering her then you won't have time to show her your toys."

"'re mean Nii-Chan." She mumbled. The younger sister shuffled her feet around while Kou prepared the water to boil.

"Hey, can I borrow some of your mom's hair ties, Minamoto-Kun?" Yashiro requested as she pulled her hair back into two low hanging buns.

"Let me help let me help!!" Insisted Tiara, cutting Kou off before he could say anything.

Yashiro laughed and knelt down. "Okay, okay! Just be careful!"

Tiara took her hair and pulled off one of the many hair ties around her arm, the child tying Yashiro's hair into two separate buns. Giving a light tug she made sure that they were tight enough. "I did it, Nene-Nee!"

Tiara held out her hands, Yashiro copying her confused and being a little surprised when the small girl gave her high-fives.

The boy put his hand on his sister's head and ruffled her hair. "Alright Tiara, go play with Teru-Nii. I'll call you when we're done."


The girl watched at Kou's little sister walked away to the living room, crawling up and the couch and yelling out like a dinosaur. Yashiro just chuckled and turned her head. Time to get busy!

Kou set down a cutting board as Yashiro took out a knife, putting a green onion on the board. Yashiro smiled softly as Kou put a hand on her shoulder from behind, peaking his head over. "You don't have to worry, Minamoto-Kun. I know how to use a knife."

She carefully cut the green onion almost in a rhythmic fashion, lining it all up the best she could. It felt nice to be in an actual kitchen with a window you could glance up at and see a neighborhood. Maybe when she's older, Yashiro could get a house like this.

Yashiro thought back to the kitchen knife Hanako uses as she stared at the tool in her hand. Blade wise it looked much like this one, but regarding the hilt it didn't. The knife in her hands was simple, just black with three metal dots, and at the top where the metal connected there was a little part the curved. Hanako's...his had a design on it. Engraved in his were spirals, curls, and even nearby the top a small, detailed flower. Where could you find a knife like that? Yashiro recalled how his blade was close to rusting, and part of it was chipped from age.

"Careful!" Kou's voice suddenly warned, managing to pull her hand away as the knife clattered onto the cutting board. Subconsciously, out of what was most likely fear, Kou had wrapped his arm around Yashiro's waist and pulled her entire body back as well, his fingers tightly holding her hand up. "You haven't used a knife in awhile, Senpai. Don't zone out when your cutting stuff."

Yashiro didn't know what to do. She stood there, her hand held by Kou as the girl stared at the knife now on the board. "Wh-what did I do?"

The boy let go of her hand, his other arm still around her. "You almost cut your finger off. Pay attention when you're cutting food, Senpai."

He took his arm away and walked back to the sink, Yashiro standing there as she tried to process the remaining feeling of Kou's touch on her skin. The girl stretched out her fingers and stared at the one that she almost lost from her own stupidity, turning her head to see Kou checking on the rice in its cooker. He looked over at her as Yashiro turned her head away quickly.

"Here, Senpai." The boy said. He stepped behind her and angled his hands in the space between her arms and torso, placing his hands on hers. Kou kept his distance behind as he guided the girl's hands. Yashiro stared down and kept her eyes on the onion, noticing how Kou's cuts were much cleaner and less messy than hers. A little jealous and annoyed by that she puffed her cheeks. "See? You want to cut it like this. Angle the knife and slowly press down."

Yashiro listened to him, not noticing when Kou moved his hand so his skin was barely touching hers. His tip actually seemed to help. The little parts that she cut were more fair and smooth.

"We're going to cut meet after the vegetables, I can do that if you want." He offered.

The girl shook her head. "No, it's okay Minamoto-Kun. If I need your help, I'll ask for it. Though...thanks. I needed this. I've been feeling weird at the hospital lately. A break like this helps a lot."

The boy nodded and listened, taking out a cookbook and opening it up the page with a recipe for donuts. He set that aside for later before focusing on preparing eggs while Yashiro cut up the rest of the vegetables before moving on to the meat, the girl making sure she didn't zone out.

Maybe an hour has passed by now. The smell of cooking and the sunlight was as entrancing as a slow dance. Yashiro didn't even know she was smiling as slowly swaying back and forth until she had put the lid on the last bento box.

"Alright, time to make the donuts!" Kou beamed, taking the box and putting them aside.

Teru knocked on the doorframe, Tiara on his back. "Kou, I'm going to help Tiara get ready, okay? Our princess is sleepy."

"Alright Nii-Chan!!"

The eldest boy walked away as the young exorcist handed Yashiro a bowl of batter, the girl not knowing how to react. She took a minute to process this before shrugging it off and stirring, Kou having his own bowl full of dry ingredients.

" that Nii-Chan isn't here...if I may ask...why have you been shunning Hanako?" Kou muttered.

Yashiro's hand froze in place, the girl stopping as she looked over at him. "What?"

Kou set down his whisk and turned his head. "You've been ignoring him. He's...upset by it. He even started to try and cling to me for attention."

The girl glanced back at the bowl of dough, picturing Hanako latched onto Kou's arm. Was this the real reason Kou brought her here? No...he could have just asked at the hospital. Starting to stir the dough again she tried to get him off the topic. "I haven't been ignoring him. I'm behaving perfectly normal."

"Senpai, I work at a mental hospital. I may be an airhead, but I can tell these things." The boy said. He let out a sigh through his nose before picking the whisk back up. "I'm worried about both of you. Did you two have a fight this morning?"

Yashiro's hand went faster as she tried to laugh the situation away. "N-no! We didn't fight or anything! And he didn't do anything weird, he's not like that I swear! It's just-"

Kou suddenly took her hand, catching it mid-stir. "Senpai, calm down. You don't mix it like a madman. You mix it like this."

The boy guided her hands and stood behind her, Yashiro watching as the dough changed shape with each turn of the spoon. He pressed his chest against her back as Kou turned the page in the cookbook. It was quiet between them as the faint sound of water rang in their ears from the bathroom.

" just feel burned out." Kou said, close enough that his breath was warm on Yashiro's ear. "You couldn't see supernatural's and the paranormal before, and now, all of a sudden, it's like that's all you can see. Even I have times when I just can't take it anymore...and I've seen them all my life."

Yashiro stared at Kou's hand as she took in those words.

...she's being selfish, isn't she?

Kou has been around the supernatural all his life. There has to be times he feels like he can't keep this up. How often is it that Kou has to help a patient, only for them to be plagued by some evil demon trying to torment them? Yashiro tightened her fingers to the point her knuckles were turning white as Kou pulled them back a little. It felt nice to have him there, as if he really could protect her from the cruel reality of their situation.

Yashiro's just some idiot.

"I know that I'm not a therapist or anything, but I at least can understand what you're going through. If you ever need to vent, I'm right here for you! I might not be very helpful, but I'm on your side, Senpai!"

She looked behind her shoulder to the boy, feeling guilty as she watched him smile.

"Minamoto-Kun..." Yashiro muttered. "You' chest isa li-little too close against're really warm..." the girl stuttered as her cheeks blushed red.

Kou realized he was much closer than he was last time, immediately scrambling back. "I-I-I'M SO SORRY!!! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT...! IT'S A HABIT FROM WHEN I COOK WITH MY SISTER!! I DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING BY IT!"

As if trying to flee the situation he darted away, not really paying attention. Kou knocked his head into a pot and fell down, Teru appearing out of nowhere in a split second. "Kou, Kou are you okay?!"

Tiara poked her head out of the bathroom. "Is Kou-Nii dead?!"

Kou groaned as he sat up before yelling to his sister. "I'm not dead, Tiara!! I just hit my head!!"

Yashiro laughed as she tried to hide it behind her hand, the oldest brother thankfully leaving after he made sure his sibling was alright. The girl flashed a smile. "It's alright, Minamoto-Kun. Then...since you offered, maybe I will talk to you...if that's okay."

The boy sat up and gave a huge thumbs up. "Y-yes, it is!!"

She helped him up and explained the situation, both of them working on making the donuts together as Yashiro gave great detail of her problems. It felt nice. Talking to someone around her age, someone who wasn't taking notes or telling what medication she needs. Someone who knows.

"Okay...I get it." Kou said once she finished explaining. "So that's what happened at the 4pm Bookstacks. He used to be a patient there...just like we thought."

The girl nodded. "And...well...Minamoto-Kun I...I just...I think maybe I shouldn't be his friend anymore."

When he heard those words Kou felt the necklace around his neck, slowly turning his head to look at her. "And...why's that?"

She dropped a donut into the oil. "I mean! Hanako is dead!"


Did she only now realize that?

"He's an evil spirit! A Hospital Mystery!! And a...he might be a murderer!!!" She yelled out. Yashiro's hand gripped the countertop as if she was being dragged away. "It looked like people were hurting him an-and-and I bet he just took his knife and killed them before jumping out a window!!"

Kou watched as Yashiro slowly slid down the counter, her head spinning. The boy reached out a little. "S-Senpai, calm down..."

"He's always been a little hard to pin down, and, yeah, he can be scary at times...but this is worse than I thought. It's too heavy.It's too much trouble." Yashiro ranted. She couldn't even see the world straight anymore. Sliding down on her legs she clawed at the cabinets as she went down. "He's carrying too much baggage...what should I do? I don't know how to act around him now...!"

The exorcist turned down the heat on the stove. "Nene-Senpai, take a deep breath."

Yashiro laid her head against the wall. "Even then...for some reason...I just can't forget about him...everything reminds me of him, and I haven't even known him for that long. Why is it? Why can't I just be...normal? I can't tell anymore what's me just trying to survive, or what's my own freakings. I know it's not a good idea to get in too deep...but I want to know more about Hanako. Maybe there's nothing I can do...but I just want to help him. Even if he's a ghost...even if he really is a...murderer."

The girl muttered each one of these words, her fingernails digging into the wood. She let go of the cabinet and hugged herself, tears starting to bubble up as Yashiro tried to sniff her emotions back.

"...I don't know why, but I...I...what...what should I do anymore?"

The feeling of sorrow and misery was pushed away when she felt Kou py his hand in her shoulder, crouching down. "I'm with ya there, Senpai. The truth is I wasn't sure what to do either. Constantly I was asking myself, 'should I exorcise him or not'? I didn't know what was right. But now...for now, at least, I'm not gonna worry about what's right or wrong. I'm just gonna do what I want. We both have no idea what to do...we really are two of a kind! So let's do what we can, together!"

Kou held out his hand with a determined smile, Yashiro staring at it. Deep down there was a part of her telling her head that this was a bad idea. That Kou didn't know any better.

But you know what?

It doesn't matter what that voice says.

Yashiro should just do what she wants, like Kou does.

She took his hand. "Yeah! Let's do it together!"

He pulled her up from the ground, both of them now recharged with confidence. Just then a ding went off. They both looked over and rushed to get the donuts out of the oil, Kou pulling them out while Yashiro set them out to cool off. To tell the truth Yashiro had to resist to the urge to just eat them now that they were cooked.

"They look so good!" Kou said, putting one arm around Yashiro's shoulder. "We did good, Senpai!"

Yashiro squealed. "This might be the first time I've made anything that turned out this well..."

The boy poked them. "Nice and crisp on the outside, soft on the inside. Nice, firm donuts! Let's taste them!!"

Kou picked up one and broke it in half, handing Yashiro the other part.

"Time to eaaaat~!"

Just as they were about to eat suddenly Kou got hit in the back of the head, Yashiro turning her head to see it was Teru with Tiara on his shoulders. "Minamoto-Senpai?!"

"Oh no no no, you don't get to eat until supper!" Teru said while giving his younger brother a noogie, stealing the donut. "Yashiro-San is allowed to since she worked so hard~"

Kou yelled out and ripped himself out of his older brother's grasp, Tiara cheering him on. The boy grabbed a soup ladle and pointed it as it siblings. "Don't move! I will not hesitate!!"

Their little sister took the donut and nibbled on it, Yashiro trying to draw attention to herself with her laughter. She took a small bag Kou had set out and began to put a few donuts inside for herself and Aoi, keeping out enough for the siblings. Behind her, Kou was waving around the ladle while Teru kept creeping closer.

"CHARGE!!" Tiara yelled out, Kou screaming as his older brother chased him.

"Caught yoooou~!" The young man chined as he caught his brother. "What do you saaaay~?"


Teru let go, chuckling to himself while Tiara picked crumbs out of his hair. "Can I play with Nene-Nee now?" Asked the little girl.

The two boys looked at the clock, Kou jumping at the time. "CRAP!! SENPAI, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BACK IN TEN MINUTES!! HURRY HURRY MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!"

Yashiro squeaked as Kou pushed her out of the kitchen to the front door, the girl quickly untying her apron as the exorcist picked up the donut bag she dropped.

Teru poked his head around the corner as Tiara pulled his shirt. "I don't want Oneechan to gooo!"

The boy stuffed the donuts in Yashiro's hands once she had her boots and coat on, whispering to her. "Here Senpai, give some of these to Hanako. He said they're his favorite food, didn't he? I know her love it if you gave him some!"

She didn't have time to process his words as Kou shoved her out of the door, pulling Yashiro to the car as she stumbled on her feet. In the blink of an eye she was digging there as Kou sat nervously in the front seat, about to say something when Teru came in.

"Jeez Kou, left me to deal with Tiara." He said. "Do you have everything, Yashiro-San?"


He started the car and pulled out of the driveway, Yashiro staring at the sky as they went back to the hospital. The day was pretty fun for her. It was nice being able to see a side of Kou she never has seen. And being around Teru, even though she wasn't as excited by it as she thought she would've been. Yashiro smiled as she looked at the sidewalks, with different people all doing different things.

The car stopped, now in the hospital's parking lot. Teru unlocked the doors and looked back, Yashiro realizing that was her cue to leave. "U-um, thank you for having me!" She said. "It was a pleasure...Minamoto-Senpai. And um...thank you for inviting me, Kou-Kun."

The girl got out of the vehicle as Kou sat there, his heart thumping as if Cupid themself touched it. Kou-Kun? He smiled to himself at the thought and held the fabric over his chest, watching his Senpai back to the hospital through the side mirrors.

Teru gave his brother a punch as Yashiro was gone. "Oooooo, Kou-Kun!! Looks like someone's got a girlfriend!"

"I'M NOT DATING HER!!" Kou yelled, his ears flushing red.

The older brother flicked the necklace around his sibling's neck. "Then what's this? Seems like a gift she would get you."

Kou moved Teru's hand away, feeling his neck. "That's not from her...i-it's from someone else."

He rolled his eyes, the young man watching Yashiro walk through the side mirror. "So why donuts? You've never made them before."

The boy moved his fingers from his neck to the necklace. "I just thought maybe Nene-Senpai would like them."

Teru shook his head. "Whatever you say. Speaking of Yashiro-San, doesn't she need somebody to sign her back in?"

The boy froze for a minute before violently opening his door, not even bothering to close it as he ran after her. "SENPAI!!!!"


Yashiro had managed to sneak the donuts and her bento box by hiding it in her jacket, taking them out once she got back to her room. Aoi wasn't there, surprisingly. Though there was a piece of paper on Yashiro's bed. Curious she picked up the note on her bed, unfolding it.

At the start of the bathroom door, follow the red string connecting us two.

Bathroom? Yashiro turned the note in her hand, immediately recognizing the handwriting once she fully processed what it said.

Hanako wanted to see her?

And what did he mean by red string?

Like that old trope in manga and fanfiction?

Subconsciously Yashiro felt her fingers to make sure there wasn't some invisible string tied around them. She looked around the room before leaving, checking the doorknob to make sure nothing was there. Cautious the girl stuffed the food back in her jacket to hide it and walked down the halls to the abandoned doors, stopping to investigate the bathroom Hanako haunted.

Yashiro saw a red string tied around the bathroom's doorknob, looking down to see it turning around the corner. She followed the string up the staircase, finding it amusing how it was wrapped around the railing. The string lead up to the hatch that lead to the rooftop, bring thread through the handle and parts of it being wrapped around the ladder itself. Yashiro adjusted the gift bag on her arm and climbed up the ladder, squinting her eyes when the bright sun tried to blind her. There, was the end of the string. It lead down to part of the railing on the rooftop, right next to where Hanako was.

The ghost sat there on the old blanket with the faded spot pattern, holding something in his hands. He appeared nervous, constantly glancing down at the object as he fidgeted with it. Hanako must have set this up for her while she was gone.

"Hanako!" Yashiro called, his head perking up at the sound of his name. The girl smiled and rushed over to her friend. "Sorry for the wait!"

Hanako looked completely shocked to see her. The boy's lips were parted only slightly to signify the words he wanted to say, Hanako's face blushing a shade of red as the boy just stared at her. Averting his gaze he got up and held out what he had been holding in his hands, his head down as the supernatural curled his toes.

Yashiro slowly took what he had been holding, barely grazing her fingers against his. He put his hands back to the side as Yashiro realized it was a plastic container full of freshly picked strawberries.

"Did you get these for me?" The girl asked. Hanako glanced up at her before he nodded, the boy motioning something with his hands. " picked them from the garden?"

Hanako nodded again. He fumbled his hands before signaling her to sit down, Yashiro complying and placing herself right next to him.

She looked back down at the strawberries and noticed little water droplets on them. Hanako must have washed the fruit so she could eat it without worry. About to thank him she looked up to see the boy writing something.

You look nice.He said through his notebook, hiding his expression behind it.

"Eh? Oh! I just didn't have enough time to change, that's all." The girl explained.

Hanako lowered his notebook down and wrote what was on his mind.Why did you want me up here, Oneesan?

Yashiro chuckled and reached inside the gift bag, taking out the little bag of donuts. "Ta-da! Homemade too!" She beamed, watching as Hanako almost jumped up from surprise. "Go ahead, take them!"

Slowly Hanako took the bag and sniffed it, hugging the donuts close to his chest. His already pink cheeks began to fluster more as the blush spread down to his neck and sprinkled his shoulders, Yashiro noticing the tiny smile that appeared on his embarrassed expression. At this point anymore and his ears would be burning.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I seemed distant Hanako." Apologized the girl.

Hanako moved a little closer next to her and put the donuts in his lap, scribbling in the notebook his response.I'm just glad you're back to normal, Oneesan.

Yashiro moved her head to the side. "Normal?"

Hanako nodded his head, pointing to the next phrase written.You've been acting weird of late, you know?

The guilt that she had buried was resurfaced, Yashiro averting her gaze as Hanako wait patiently for an answer. "Oh...well..." Yashiro mumbled before suddenly grabbing Hanako's hands, his notebook falling out of his grip and Yashiro pulled him close enough that if he wanted to lean on, their noses would touch. "You're a ghost, Hanako. You're already dead. And're different from a lot of other people in a lot in other ways. And I know...that I should have thought about it sooner, but how I have, in my own way...and it occurred to me...Hanako...Hanako..."

The boy was trying his best to keep eye contact, squirming a little as Yashiro's voice got more quiet. He let the tip of his fingers feel her skin as the apparition's face tried to stay at the level of blush it was already at.

" be honest, you're a little more trouble than you're worth."

Hanako froze with his mouth agap as if he had just been shot in the chest, his body going limp as he suddenly fell on his side. The sudden pull made Yashiro go down with him, the boy laying there in a dramatic scene as if he was in a coffin. Pushing herself up off the ground so she was sitting up Yashiro held back a laugh, Hanako rolling onto his stomach. He pushed himself but stopped as he was midmotion, shocked by the fact that his assistant was right there on her knees looming over him.

"You didn't let me finish, Hanako. No matter how much trouble you are, I...I like you, Hanako! So I'm going to keep spending time with you no matter how evil people make you out to be!"

With those words, his ears turned bright red, the boy not even knowing what to think as he just stared at Yashiro. Hanako's reaction made the girl realize what she said, waving her hands around.

"I-I mean as a friend, of course!" She corrected. "There's nooooo way you'd be my type!! Nuh uh!"

He slumped a little, Hanako nodding as he got back up. Sitting down back where he originally was the boy held the little bag full of donuts on his lap as he messed around with his bangs, muttering the same words under his breath over and over again.

Did she hurt his feelings?

Yashiro noticed the fact his face wasn't as red anymore. Does that mean all this time, Hanako thought they were actually dating? He did say back when she made the wish...that being in a bind was like dating someone. Now she's starting to feel as if this entire time Yashiro was leading him on.

"Hey." Yashiro said, Hanako looking over at her. The girl suddenly took his hand that he had been using to play with his hair and held his hand by the palm, brushing her cheek against the back of his bandaid covered fingers. "You told me awhile ago that was a common greeting for supernaturals...and a way to wish good health. Maybe...for us it could mean that we care about one-another."

He didn't say anything as Yashiro let go, Hanako looking back at his notebook. He picked it up and opened it, starting to write.

Are you okay with this, Oneesan? Because the truth is tha-

Hanako ripped the page out and crumbled it in his hands, Yashiro quickly turning her head as if to pretend she hadn't been reading over his shoulder. He glanced back at her as he stuffed the page under the railings so it fell off the rooftop for someone else to read his unfinished message. The ghost put his hand on hers after that, slowly shuffling closer as he refused to make eye contact. Hanako was burning red with how hard he was flustered, his panicked expression only making him appear more...cute.

Subconsciously Yashiro couldn't help but laugh at how this is the same boy she thought was seven years old. She's still embarrassed by the fact when she found out he wasn't, all of those factors that didn't even matter were the first thing she thought about. Regardless of how old he was, Hanako was cute. Just like how cats are. Maybe Hanako just has his own way of expressing affection. All Yashiro has to do is learn it so she can speak the same language as him in a sense.

Yashiro felt her heart drop as Hanako looked away embarrassed. That feeling she has from last night was still there, and all of those horrible words she said to try and explain the situation to Kou stuck to her tongue like glue. His fingers twitched on her hand yet he didn't move away, just silently sat there. Using his open hand Hanako pulled the ribbon and opened the little bag, suddenly stopping.

He heard a crow caw.

The boy looked up.

Hanako's breath got caught in his throat when he saw the same crow Yashiro had been seeing nearby, the bird letting out a caw and flying away. Suddenly out of nowhere the ghost grabbed Yashiro's hand and pulled her off the ground, the strawberries and her bento box falling off her lap and spilling all over.

"Ha-Hanako?! What's wrong?!" She asked, the boy skirting on his heel when suddenly another caw was heard from nowhere. The supernatural pushed Yashiro behind him before pulling out his weapon, the girl hiding behind Hanako.

The ghost caught something from the corner of his eye and turned his head in time to see the crow fly straight at them. He grabbed her, Yashiro letting out a scream as Hanako tackled her to the ground. Pinning the girl as he kept his head low from the screeching animal, Hanako tried to keep her safe. Out of fear for her life Yashiro sat up and threw her arms around the ghost, the girl shoving her head against his chest. "Hanako, I'm scared!! What's happening?!"

Hanako held her closely as the crow flew around them at an unnatural speed, a gust of wind catching air as if the two were in the eye of a hurricane. He held her head against his chest to protect her from whatever was trying to hurt them, covering her mouth. One of his hands was under her head, his fingers through her hairbuns. The other was making sure she didn't scream. Yashiro clenched his shoulders as the boy tried to keep her safe.

Then it stopped.

The wind stopped blowing, the sky now as dark as night. Yashiro moved her head up despite Hanako's attempts to keep it down, spotting a figure appearing out of a cloud of mist. They began to laugh in some psychotic way...their voice strangely similar to Hanako's.

"Awww, you can see me~?" The voice asked, an amber eye being revealed through the smoke. Hanako's breath got caught when he heard it, turning his head around. The voice spoke again. "I found you again. I'm sorry that I showed up without telling you, I got impatient. You forgive me, don't you?"

Hanako stayed on the ground as he attempted to keep Yashiro against his chest. The person stepped out of the mist and walked down over closer to them.

"Trying to protect her...just in the the same way you would hold me. Even when you killed me. Remember...Amane?"

Chapter 22: I Wonder How You Taste


Another breath in.

Let it out nice and easy.

Let another in.

Exhale out.







Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (8)

The person stood above the two as they held their arms behind their back, Yashiro wanting to see their face. Hanako didn't let her. He hugged her tighter than he ever had before, keeping both of them on the ground.

Hanako held his breath when he felt the person put their hand on his head, ruffling his raven hair. "I'm not going to hurt her, you know that. Are you surprised I showed up? I just couldn't wait any longer. Sorry."

The girl felt something brush her head a little, managing to look up just enough see a pair of arms hugging Hanako around her shoulders. The ghost's face was one of complete horror. Whoever was behind him put their hand on his cheek that had the cotton bandage, causing Hanako to mutter something. Their fingers brushed down to Hanako's lips before turning his head so he was facing them.

"Are you...happy to see me?" They asked.

Hanako tried to say something, but couldn't. Yashiro felt his hands tighten around her. Here he was, being violated by this thing, and yet Hanako was still trying to protect her.

Why is he always the one hurting himself for her to remain safe?

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" Yashiro demanded, the girl pushing Hanako so he wasn't holding her anymore before grabbing the person by their hair. Her hand was trembling from fear as she forced them to show their face, Yashiro surprised to see that not only was it a boy, but he looked identical to Hanako. His pupils were more centered, and there was no bandaid on his left cheek. Instead was the cotton bandage, that being the only thing on this person's face. Their raven hair was cut to look exactly like Hanako's, and they wore the same nightgown, only more loosely. The left side of it was folded on itself while the right hung on his shoulder, part of his chest exposed to reveal bandages wrapped around from the top of his right shoulder to cover his left breast. Unlike Hanako, there was hardly any bandages or bruises or even cuts on him.

The boy was forced to let go as Hanako fell on his side from being shoved away, Yashiro standing up as she held this mysterious kid by his hair. He didn't react, just stared Yashiro in her eyes. He did appear...angry. If anything, he was curious.

Tilting his head like a cat his eyes darkened to more of a black. "Wow...seems like he was right about you."

He grabbed Yashiro's long hair the was draped over her shoulder and pulled on it so hard a few strands were ripped out of her scalp, the boy catching her before she could scream from pain by having her chin fall right into his hand.

The boy pursed her lips as he stared at her, Yashiro frozen in horror as she stared at his face. He pulled her close enough that he could feel her nervous breathing on his lips as Yashiro tried to move. Then he just...smiled. He leaned in closer, close enough that Yashiro was scared to flinch out of fear she would kiss him, his words as cold as his breath. "Amane's right, you're adorable when terrified."

He gently lowered her back to her feet before letting go, floating back a little.

"See you later~"

As soon as he had appeared, the boy was gone. The sky returned to its normal color of light orange now that the sun was setting, Yashiro feeling her face as if that boy had left something growing there.

She turned her head to Hanako, the boy laying on the ground as if he had just gotten beaten by a belt. The girl wanted to run over and help him, but her legs wouldn't move since her mind was plagued with a question.

"That boy...Hanako. Did you...k-kill...him?"

Kill him?

With that knife?

Did he take the life of that boy?

Those words...kill him...

...Hanako didn't like them.

Yashiro forced her legs to move so she could walk over to him and kneel down as he started to get up. "Hanako, it's okay if you did...I'm...I'm sure you had a reaso-"

She didn't get to finished her sentence when the boy grabbed her by her neck and shoved Yashiro down, pinning her against the ground as he positioned himself so he barely inches away from laying down on the girl. Yashiro didn't know what to do as Hanako pressed his palms against the flesh on her throat.

Her skin felt cold as the tears trailed down Hanako's eyes and landed on Yashiro's face, scales growing as each droplet fell.

Hanako's hands tightened around her throat as his grip barely remained loose enough for Yashiro to breathe. The bandaids against the skin on her throat were just begging for the girl to start gagging, Yashiro holding back every urge in her blood to start hyperventilating.

Just minutes ago, seconds even, they were having a little picnic. They were talking. They made up over how weird Yashiro was acting. Both of them were just enjoying the sunlight and eachothers presence. Everything was fine. Nobody was crying, nobody was hurt, nothing was wrong with the world.

And now, her friend was on top of her with his hands around her throat, his face a mix of misery and intent to kill her.

"Ha-Hanako..." Yashiro's voice weakly muttered, "'re...really scaring me...what's wrong? Please to me."

The boy snapped out his trance, his expression immediately changing to reveal his regret. Hanako let go of her neck as he stared down, opening up his hands and staring at his palms with guilt in his amber eyes. Each one of his fingers kept twitching. Trying to torment him into doing it again. The boy forced his horrified gaze back onto Yashiro and flinched back at the sight of her fearful expression, Hanako scuttering away a few inches as he tried to distance himself from the situation his own hands caused.

The apparition stared Yashiro in her eyes and watched the girl tense up when he tried to move back over to her, Hanako wincing back as he watched the terror in her posture show. Forcing himself on his feet Hanako had to grab the railing just so he wouldn't fall back down. Each one of his limbs was trembling. His breathing was fast and rapid, with his bottom lip quivering. With no other words to try and explain his actions the boy turned to the side.

And he left.

Yashiro sat up and watched as he walked away, Hanako clawing at his sleeves all the way to the hatch. The entire way he repeated the same words over and over, Yashiro too far away to make them out. Right as he was climbing down she got on her feet and ran over, yelling out her friends name, when her foot got caught on the blanket and she hit her jaw on the ground. The throbbing pain from the top of her head and now her jaw caused her to yelp and made the tears that were already forming begin to fall down.

Finally, she just let it all go.

She cried out and hugged herself, gasping for air as she sobbed uncontrollably. The girl felt like a little kid, sitting there all alone as she hoped someone would show up to hold her. She wanted Hanako to come back, for him to hug her and cry with her even though Yashiro knows it's selfish. She wanted to be selfish. She wants to be with him, not be here all alone with only the fading sky there to watch her. Yashiro desperately tried to brush each one of her tears away as she wept, the trail of water making scales grow out of her skin. Crying wasn't something girls like her were supposed to do. Crying didn't make you look pretty. These scales weren't pretty.

The more she cried the more she gasped for air, and the more she gasped for air the more she kept remembering things she didn't want to think about. Yashiro clenched her hair as she screamed into her legs, her ugly crying probably making people with their windows open wonder what's happening. The poor girl forced herself to lay down on her side and huddle in the old, dirty blanket, sniffing and sobbing with horrible blurry vision. Yashiro clenched the blanket and hugged it close to her chest as if she was holding a person.

She can't even protect Hanako.

Yashiro's pathetic.

Why is she even still here? Why did those stupid police officers find her back then? Why couldn't she have just stayed home and none of this would have happened?!

She couldn't even protect herself at the Misaki Stairs.

Kou or Hanako always have to save her.

It's be better if she were-


...stop thinking like that.

Yashiro tried to calm down as she realized she was hyperventilating, thinking back to the doctors helping her whenever she would act like this. Slowly, forcing her body to cooperate, the girl took a deep breath and let out a shuddery sigh.

Another breath in.

Let it out nice and easy.

Let another in.

Exhale out.







Placing her hand on her heart she was relieved to feel it beating slower then whiten she was crying, the girl sitting up as her jacket slumped on her shoulders. Yashiro felt her hairbuns before taking out the little ties, her hair falling into the hood and on her shoulders. Not bothering to fix it she reached out and picked up one of the donuts that had spilled out of the bag when Hanako had pulled her off the ground, Yashiro staring at the food her and Kou has spent so long preparing that was now dumped out of its bento box. Slowly she picked up each donut, brushing them off and putting them in the bag, followed by picked up the box and putting it's lid back in, before starting to put the strawberries back.

Yashiro looked down at the strawberry in her hand, still a little wet by the fact Hanako had tried to wash them. As her heart sunk she took a bite out of the fresh piece of fruit.

What would've been his reaction if none of this had happened? Would Hanako try to take it from her mouth to play, or would the boy smile that loveable expression she adored to see? Yashiro didn't think much of it before closing the strawberry lid, leaving all the dirty food on the rooftop. She picked up the blanket and used it as a bag to put the containers in, taking one last look at the sight before opening the hatch and climbing down.

Unaware something was watching her.

Stumbling on her legs Yashiro pushed open the door to her room once she got there, holding the blanket at her side like a sack.

Aoi sat on her bed, looking up at Yashiro with a huge smile and her eyes closed. "Nene-Chaaan, how'd your date g- Nene-Chan?!"

When she opened her eyes she saw the sluggish posture and red eyes on Yashiro, Aoi getting up before rushing over and hugging her friend. Yashiro slumped down in her roommate's arms and weakly wrapped her hands around Aoi's body, the purple haired girl closing the door.

"Nene-Chan, what happened?" She asked worriedly, getting down on her knees so it would be easier for Yashiro to rest.

The girl put her head against Aoi's chest, the temptation to cry haunting her. "H-he...he tried to kill me..."

"The lunch boy did this?!" Snapped Aoi. "I'll f*cking-"

" th-tho-ought th-that he tr...u-usted me...Hana...he tried to kill me..."

Her words were slurred and stuttered as Yashiro tried not to cry again, stuffing her face into Aoi's comforting embrace. The girl let her friend pet her hair as Aoi tried to calm her down, quietly shushing her and whispering that things are alright.

"You don't th-think I'm crazy, right?" Yashiro asked, looking up at Aoi.

She swore it was Hanako holding her until she saw it was Aoi's face, Yashiro not knowing if she was even in reality anymore. Hanako was holding her just like this moments ago. What, is she obsessed with him? Why is Yashiro always just thinking about him?

Aoi shook her head. "Nene-Chan, you're not crazy. Just go can tell me what happened."

So she did.

Yashiro told Aoi how she was just on the roof with a friend when someone showed up, and they did something to her friend that triggered them. She told Aoi about how her friend grabbed her by the throat and snapped out of it. She told Aoi about the donuts and the strawberries. She told Aoi all if it.

"...Oh's okay." Aoi mumbled. "Your friend must have a really dark past if that was his reaction. I'm sorry. But...Koana-Kun was in the white rooms afterall. Do you...want to lay down?"

The girl nodded, trying her best to make sure no tears came out of her eyes so no scales would appear. Aoi got up to her bed and moved all the stuffed animals away, pushing up pillows and blankets to make a cozy nest. Picking up her giraffe toy she motioned Yashiro to come over, the girl laying down follow by her friend. Yashiro took the giraffe and held it while Aoi positioned herself do her friend could rest her head on the purple haired girl's chest. She pulled Yashiro closer as both of them laid under the covers, Aoi gently holding the girl like a stuffed animal close to her chest.

"Shh...just go to sleep, Nene-Chan. It's okay. I'm going to protect you from everything."

Yashiro rested her chin on the giraffe in her arms, closing her eyes as a single tear she's itself.

Blinking her eyes open Yashiro saw it was dark, and she was a little bit away from Aoi. The purple haired girl had her hair down as she loosely kept one arm around her friend, her mouth open a bit. Yashiro moved her hand to brush Aoi's hair away, stopping when she noticed an orange glow on her wrist.

The girl turned her head to see Hanako reaching out, the boy on his knees as he tried to touch her. He stopped when Yashiro saw him and waved his hands frantically when the girl sat up with her body twisted to face him, the apparition urging her to be quiet.

"Ha-Hanako, Wh-what do you want..." Yashiro murmured.

Hanako got up on Aoi's bed and tried to communicate something, moving back a little hurt when Yashiro flinched. She tried to move away as if this was the same scenario when she only knew him as a stalker, Hanako opening the notebook he had been holding before setting it down. The glow from his eyes dimly gave enough light for her to read it.

I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean it, Onnesan. When you said those words, something in me just like wanted to get rid of them. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'll do anything. Just please forgive me.

Yashiro looked back up and felt the guilt grab her by the throat as she watched tears bubble up in the corner of Hanako's eyes, his breathing growing ragged as he looked away ashamed. The boy wiped away the tears on his right eye with the palm of his hand, whimpering a bit. Hanako's hands began to shake. Out of nowhere he tackled her in a hug and buried his face into Yashiro's chest, muttering apologies she couldn't make out. Repeatedly Hanako clawed at his own skin behind her back as he tried to stop crying, the girl just staring down at him. Her sweater started to feel damp where Hanako's head was as he sobbed quietly, the sound of his bawling just reminding her of the flashback she had seen in the library.

"Anything...right?" She asked.

Hanako nodded with his head down, holding back his gasps for air as the tears soaked the fabric.

"I think...I think I need some time to myself, Hanako." Yashiro muttered, the air getting caught in Hanako's throat when he heard her request. "Just so I can process everything. Please just...just give me a little bit of time. A day at most."

He looked up at her and tried to say something, only for him to put on a smile and nod. Hanako put his hands on her cheeks and brushed his forehead against Yashiro's, holding himself close to her as he smiled pitifully. Hot tears were still streaming down his face as he sat there holding his assistant as Aoi laid there next to them.

"I need to go to sleep, Hanako." The girl said, Hanako hugging her suddenly. "You want to stay for the night?" She asked, the ghost nodding. Yashiro put her hand on his head and rubbed it. "...okay. Just...know there isn't going to be much room."

Yashiro nudged Hanako off her and laid down, pressing her back against Aoi's chest so the girl behind her was spooning her. Hanako curled up next to Yashiro like a cat and watched her close her eyes, whispering a single word.


He laid there with sorrow as he watched over Yashiro, his guilt rising back up when she smiled in her sleep.

"Nene-Chan." Aoi said, poking Yashiro's cheeks. It was just last night when Hanako had been with them, and now it was afternoon as they sat in a playroom. Aoi was sitting on the ground holding a crayon as Yashiro was just staring off into space, trying to remember if Hanako had said anything to her in her sleep. "Ne-Ne-Chan! Nene!"

"...maybe people from different species really can't understand eachother." Yashiro muttered.

Her friend looked at her confused. "Do you mean men? Nene-Chan...did you...fall in love? Or is this about yesterday on the roof?"

Yashiro looked down at her drawing. It was one of Kou as a chibi, holding a large spoon with a chefs hat. "...donuts..."

"Donuts? Are you hungry?" Asked Aoi. She tried to piece together what Yashiro was saying. "You're worrying me. Should we go see Fox-Sensei?"

"Maybe it would be better if I were a supernatural too..."

"Nene I think you might need to talk to someone-"

Suddenly Yashiro heard a voice. One she didn't recognize."Oh ho? You wish to become a supernatural? Well, well. How very convenient. Allow us to grant your wish!!"

Immediately at the word 'wish' Yashiro whipped her head around, gaining the attention of the other kids in the room when she spoke. "Hanako?! W-who's there?! Is that you trying to talk to me?!"

Aoi put her hand on the cream haired girl's arm. "Nene-Chan, did you take your meds? People are whispering about you now..."

The new voice distracted Yashiro before she could answer her friend."Oh, forgive us! We're over here! Down! We are beneath you!"

Out of curiosity Yashiro looked behind her and down, seeing something poking their heads out from under the couch.

Two fishes.

She shrieked and scrambled back into Aoi's arms as the creatures spoke."It is our deepest pleasure to make your acquaintance, My Lady!!"

"ITS A FISH!!" The girl yelled as she pointed under the couch. Aoi looked under confused, her friend escaping out of the girl's arms. "I-I need to get out of here!!"

She dashed out the door as Aoi yelled for her from behind, Yashiro ignoring the confused patients as she ran to the garden doors. She didn't even bother to put on shoes and ran outside, squatting down next to the bushes. Out here the fish can't get her. How did they even end up under a couch like that?! Were these things stalking her?! God damn it, did that boy from the rooftop send them?!

"My Lady, it's rude to run from a Gentleman!"


The girl scurried onto a tree, hugging the trunk and climbing up it since she didn't know what else to do. Yashiro clung to the branches and stared at the fish below her that popped out of a sudden puddle that formed on the ground, the girl taking pieces of bark and throwing them at the fish.

"Go away! Leave me alone!! This is harassment!! I'll have you know I'm the assistant of the Seven Mystery, and I have two brothers on my side who are exorcists! I-I'll have you fried if you dare lay a fish on me!!!"

A dove came flying by and landed next to the bird nest on a branch above, Yashiro clinging to the tree trunk for dear life. Please just let these things go away. She already delt with one supernatural yesterday, she doesn't need this.

"...I beg your pardon, My Lady, but your claims seem hardly convincing."

"It's true!!" She whined, shaking like a leaf. "Haaannnaakooo! I'm being bullied! They're bullying me!!!"

The dove nearby twisted its head before suddenly flying away, the fish looking at eachother before back up at Yashiro.

"Well, My Lady, if you wish to stay where you find comfortable we won't judge. Just hear what we have to say."One requested. Yashiro looked down, finally getting a good look at the creature. One was some kind of pufferfish, and the other was one was some kind of fish she couldn't identify. It was wearing a bow tie for some...odd reason."We have come to release your honorable person from the clutches of the loathsome Hospital Mystery who you call Hanako."

She was now confused instead of frightened. "Release me from Hanako...? Why would you fish do that for someone like me?"

"Within your body dwells a piece of our master, the Great Mermaid."The pufferfish explained.

Yashiro remembered back when Hanako had swallowed one of those scales he had with her, also remembering some of the things the boy had said. "You mean...the scales?"

It bobbed its head."Our law states that those who have eaten the flesh and blood of our master will eventually take her throne., My Lady, are our princess!!"


Yashiro the girl moved her body so she was sitting on the tree branch, steadying herself. "Princess?"

What a gross nickname.

The two fish bobbed their heads."You are extraordinarily beautiful, My Lady. It would seem that humans, as dumb as they are, have no eye for beauty. But! If you were to come to our would be ROYALTY!! Combine that with your rare, unequaled beauty...and you would reel in a new man with every cast of your line!"

Yashiro had stopped listening when the fish called her pretty. She was...consider attractive? No, no Yashiro isn't pretty. She's not even as good looking as most girls. Or...maybe fish find humans like her pretty. Maybe all those things she heard back at home were wrong.

The girl climbed down the tree, carefully getting off and standing next to the puddle. "Could I get...a little more detail about that?"

"Well it would also be for your own benefit."The fish said."We've been watching you these past few days, terribly sorry to have to invade your privacy, but we noticed something. The way that Hospital Mystery treats you is FAR too barbaric. He didn't even like the gift you gave him! And then to so selfishly make sure you couldn't run away from danger, only to try and murder you with his own hands afterwards! If you'd ask me, I'd think that Hospital Mystery and that boy who showed up were working together!"

Yashiro physically stepped back when the fish said that, the girl trying to explain. "N-no, you have it all wrong. Hanako just doesn't talk, and he-"

The creature interrupted her."He never shared a word about himself, and he takes advantage of you at every turn he gets!! All he wants you for is your beautiful body and peaceful natural!! That vile offender thinks nothing of you, My Lady!!"

"Shut up!!" She snapped. "Quit trying to lie to me!! Hanako cares about me, you've only seen one side of the story!!

The two fish looked at eachother before letting out a pitiful sigh."He has you strung far too deep into his web, My Lady. Forgive us. We cannot just change your mind immediately. Listen, My Lady. Despite appearances, our master is very kind. And unlike that knave, we have a great love and respect for you. You can't just make you unlearn what you've been taught immediately. Here, take this."

Suddenly a glass vial in the shape of a fish floated up out of the water, the yellow pufferfish grabbing it with it's fin and offering it to her. Yashiro glared at it while putting her hand on the tree trunk. "How should I know what that is...?"

"This is the Great Mermaid's blood."Explained the animal."If you drink it, your horrid bond with that Hospital Mystery will be overwritten and you will be formally bound to the Great Mermaid."

"So if I drink...that...I can break my bond with Hanako?" The girl asked.

"Precisely. And then, your honorable personwill cease to transform in reaction to water."The fish said. It jumped up and smacked the vial into Yashiro's hands with its tail fin. Once it landed it finished its monologue."O pitiful princess. Come with us!! It will bring you happiness. You be treated better than we are here! We will return to escort you on the morrow! Fare thee well!"

The creatures swam down into the water, the puddle fading away. Just then, Aoi came running out, Yashiro hiding the fish vial by sliding it into the picket sewn into her nightgown.

"Nene-Chan!!" Aoi called, sliding to a halt. She grabbed her friend's hands. "Nene, is everything okay?! Come on, you're starting to scare me!"

Yashiro looked over at Aoi, taken aback by her friend's worried expression. " you think I'm pitiful?"

The purple haired girl put her hands on Yashiro's face and tugged her closer. "Of course you're not!! Nene-Chan, I don't know what happening, but I know it isn't good! Is this about Koana-Kun and the lunch boy, are they making you hallucinate or remember things?! Come on, please just tell me!"

Yashiro didn't know what to say. When was the last time she felt hands on her face that were warm. She's so used to the cold touch of a ghost, the kind where it took the heat from her skin, yet if she held it for long enough her body would feel warm and tingly where Hanako was touching her.


The girl looked back at Aoi's eyes, forcing a smile. "I just remembered something that had happened back with dad. I'm sorry, Aoi. I promise I'll try and spend more time with you."

Her friend didn't say anything, just pulled Yashiro into a hug. "You're so weird sometimes...Nene-Chan. Just let me take care of you in times like this...I promised I would protect you from everything. I can't if you keep running like this."

The girl hugged her friend back, staring at the dirt ground. She's been ignoring Aoi. It must be a horrible feeling for her.

Yashiro glanced up, her eyes going wide when she saw someone watching them from doorway. "Aoi...who's that?" She asked, half recognizing them.

Aoi let go of Yashiro and turned her body. "Hmm? Oh! That's Akane-Kun! You know him, always watching around the corner! You know, he actually got into a relationship with Yamabuki-Kun like a week or few ago. I tried telling you about it, but you were too busy. Yeah, he just practiced a confession under a tree with him and then started to date him. I wonder where that tree is's as if it disappeared."

Akane! Yashiro knows him. His last name is Aoi, and ironically he has a crush on Aoi. Both of them share the same name, it's just reversed. His hair and eyes are both reddish-brown, with two tuffs of hair parted away as bangs. He wore a nightgown similar to Yashiro's today, though sometimes he would wear the standard white sweater and sweatpants. Sliding down on his nose a little were a pair of rectangular glasses, which were either a dark brown or black. He usually follows Aoi around, though sometimes if he feels like Yashiro is in danger he'll trail her to make sure she's okay.

Yeah, it's weird, but he's just trying to keep them safe. Besides, he explained it to Yashiro in detail when she first became friends with Aoi, and he even confessed that if he would follow her if he was worried she wasn't okay.

Aoi waved to Akane, the boy clenching his heart dramatically. "Yeah...he's been telling me that he's worried about you. Something about having some pervert with you. Is everything okay? Is Koana-Kun...molesting you?"

"N-no! I swear, he isn't!" She said. "I mean he's weird, but then again I understand why! Whenever he does something that can be taken that way, it's because he doesn't know what he's doing! I promise!"

Yashiro waved her hands around, letting out a sigh when Aoi believed her. Maybe asking Aoi about what she would do in Yashiro's situation was a bad idea.

So she went to ask Yako.

| Run. | Is what the fox told her.

Yashiro was taken back by this, the girl not knowing what to say. "Wha...what?"

| Well...this is Number Seven we're talking about, right? You could do it and run away. Not only from him, but this place as well. | Yako said, the fox fixing a bell on her ear. | Look, Yashiro-San. Even when I'm in human form, I've never seen him act like this. Besides that, he's a selfish, dirty minded, woman using toilet germ! Most men are. The thing is humans and apparitions aren't meant to get this close and stay that way. |

"But...he's my friend."

Yako scoffed. | Trust me, this isn't friendship. What you and the Minamoto boy have is friendship. This is nothing at all like it. |

Yako hopped off Yashiro lap and up the stairs, the human girl watching as the fox hopped away.

| Of course, none of this counts for Misaki~! |

Yashiro sighed when Yako was gone, standing up. She already knew her answer but...she wanted to know what someone closer to Hanako thought. The girl walked down to a counselors room, peaking her head in. Tsuchigomori stood there leaned against a window as he watched the younger children in the distance play on the playground. He sighed and turned around, noticing Yashiro in the doorway.

"Oh, you're not due for an appointment." He said, half jokingly. The man set down his pipe and fixed the collar of this shirt. "So does this require the notepad, or is this about supernaturals?"

"The supernatural." She answered, closing the door behind her as she sat down. Tsuchigomori pulled up his chair and sat with his legs spread out. Much more different than he usually did when they would talk. He would sit up straight and collectively, maybe he just isn't as tightly tied together now that Yashiro knows his secret. "In's sort of about Hanako. I asked Fo-Yako-Sensei about it...and she said I should run away."

Tsuchigomori picked something out of his teeth. "I can't know what you're talking about if ya don't tell me, kiddo."

Yashiro shifted her body and took out the fish vial, handing it to the old man. "I was offered this by the Mermaid's servants. They said I'm now part of the royal bloodline, and that if I drink the liquid inside that then I can sever my ties with Hanako. And...I'll become a princess."

That word felt like poison on her tongue.

The supernatural man looked out the window. "So you're asking me if you should do it?"

Yashiro nodded.

"Well...why not?"

The human girl was surprised by the answer. "Wh-what?! Why would you say that?! I came here for you to try and stop me!!"

Tsuchigomori leaned back, his chair creaking. "The princess treatment, no experience required, no academic background or qualifications required, no problems with mental illness, sounds pretty good to me."

Yashiro flapped her arms around. "That's the thing! It sound good, but I don't trust it!!"

He nodded. "I see. Have you talked it out? With any of your friends, or with Number Seven and Minamoto?"

She stopped waving her arms, slowly putting them down. " I didn't tell Aoi because of how much she's worried about me. would be too awkward since yesterday I ruined the food we made together. And for Hanako...I asked last night that he would give me a day to just think things over. I didn't think this would happen."

"I see."

Yashiro messed with her fingertips. "'ve known Hanako for a long time...right? Can you...tell him about his past...?"

Tsuchigomori didn't say anything for awhile before he sighed. "'re going to have to ask him. At the very least, Honorable Number Secen isn't ready to let you know yet. That's why he hasn't said anything."

"But why won't she tell me?" Asked Yashiro, a little hurt. "Is it because...he doesn't trust me?"

The old man covered his mouth before he broke out into laughter. "It's probably because you're treating him as if you're his mother!! If ya knew, you'd stop being so sweet to him! Always babying him, making him donuts-!" Tsuchigomori teased. He stopped laughing when he realized his own words, Tsuchigomori sighing as he rubbed his forehead. "sh*t...I didn't mean it like that...I shouldn't compare you to his mom. Look...maybe it's that...or it's because he's afraid of you finding out what his life was like. He's from a different time, Yashiro-San. That and...this hospital...wasn't the best back when he was alive. At any rate, go ahead and make your own decision. Just...make sure you don't regret it."

He got up and looked back out the window, Yashiro taking the signal that the conversation was over. She got up and left, the old man turning around once she was gone. He picked up his pipe, waving goodbye despite the girl not being nearby anymore.

Tsuchigomori pulled back the curtain next to him and looked at Hanako, who had been hiding there the entire time. "What are you going to do about this, Honorable Number Seven?"

Hanako glanced away, tiddling with the tip of his knife as he pressed his finger against the blade. The boy didn't say anything to answer his old therapist's question. He just stood there with his eyes glued on the place Yashiro had been sitting in, his expression unreadable.

On the next day at lunch, Yashiro waited for the fish at the same tree where they had first talked to her. She sat there watching crows fly by, the dove that had been there yesterday showing up again. It watched her with its green eyes before pecking at the tree.

The puddle suddenly formed, plenty of fish popping up. The pufferfish and the one with tie, and a bunch of smaller ones. One of the small ones held a royal umbrella to shade her, and a turtle was even there with a small chair on its back. The pufferfish greeted her."Hello, My Lady! Now that you've made up your mind, please honor us with a response to our offer from the other day!"

She watched as they threw flower petals in the air, the girl taking out the vial and placing it in the water. "I'm sorry...but Hanako and my friends matter too much to me. I'm not just going to leave them. I know you'd give me special treatment, but that doesn't matter. I can't just jump ship I'm still in the middle of this. Besides, I still need to recover from what's happened to me. This place is meant to help me. might be true Hanako is just using me...maybe he doesn't think anything of me...but I want to believe that's not the case. I KNOW that's not the case."

"Wait wait wait! M-my Lady!! Please think this through more rationally!!"He begged. The pufferfish pointed to a random fish."I know!! You, there!! Bring the images!!!"

"U-I'm, don't, actually." She mumbled. Confused the fish with scrolls of paper stopped. "Look...I've realized...I shouldn't be focused on romance in this time of my life. I mean, who am I gonna on a date with? Heh. I should be more focused on myself than trying to have someone else heal me. That and I'm not attracted to fish."

"But a fish as beautiful as you can have anything you want!!"It tried to reason. The fish finally just pointed to her."Grab her!!!"

Yashiro realized too late what was about to happened, a giant shark coming out of the puddle and grabbing her outfit. It pulled her down, tearing off her sleeping gown so far up to her stomach. The force made her fall into the water head first, Yashiro gasping out of shock.

The puddle was as deep as a lake, the shark grabbing Yashiro's hair and dragging her farther down into the water. Horrified Yashiro watched as her skin began to be replaced with scales, thrashing around and attempting to scream all the water out of her lungs. It was burning hot inside her throat as her body began to drown. What if she died down here?

"Ahhh, she truly is beautiful!"The pufferfish praised."A powerful tail fin. Decorous pectoral find. And those large eyes that make one feel the darkness of the abyss..."

Yashiro squealed once her eyes adjusted to the water, her body now a fish as she tried to move her legs."Wait a minute!! You mean I'm beautiful as a fish?! This is a kidnapping!!!"

A fish grabbed Yashiro and forced her mouth open, restraining her.

Yashiro gasped when the fish grabbed her where her waist would have been, holding her fins so she couldn't move.

"You're thoughtless, My lady."


"Your body is undesirable."


"You are nothing but broken according to these humans."

Let her go.

"I-I-I-I-I-I'm not worthless..."she muttered.

"Humans think you are."

Stop touching her like this.

"You poor thing, surely you're aware of this aren't you? Even your father knows this."

Papa isn't right about her. Yashiro isn't what Papa thinks she is.

"There there. We'll treat you so much better."

They all said that. Each one.

"So is the honor. We'll treat you like a queen."

Princess, Queen, that's what each one said. Even Papa. That's a horrible thing to call a girl.

Yashiro couldn't refuse as the fish held her mouth open, the pufferfish opening the vial. It let a drop of the liquid out and kept the girl's mouth open so she would swallow it, poor Yashiro trying to scream as loud as she could.

But she's underwater.

This is just like back at home.

Suddenly something grabbed Yashiro by the back of her tail, the girl turning her body to see two fingers. The human hand pulled her out of the water and threw her up in the air, Yashiro blinded by the sun as she screamed.

She landed on something, hearing the snap of somebody's fingers a second after. As if commanded by the sound Yashiro's body shaped itself back to a human form, the person putting out their other arm so she landed in their grasp bridal-style. The being pulled her close as Yashiro opened up her eyes, shocked to see who had saved her.

"Hanako?!" She gasped. The boy smiled, nuzzling his chin on the nape of her neck to assure her that she's okay. Hanako placed his feet on the ground and let Yashiro step out of his arms, the ghost flashing a dorky grin with a peace sign. He opened his eyes back up to brush off the scales that were sticking to his bandaids, Yashiro realizing the fact that the scales were all over her body.

The pufferfish screamed and flailed around."Hospital Mystery!! Let my lady go!!"

Hanako turned his head and looked over at them, walking towards the pond before he squatted down. The small creatures glared at him and muttered threats under their breath just before the boy grabbed the pufferfish and pulled it out of the water, pointing his knife right under the fish's mouth.

"EEEK!! HE'S GOING TO KILL MASTER!!"The smaller fish yelled, swimming away deep into the water.

The pufferfish waved its fins."COWARDS!! UNHAND ME, HOSPITAL MYSTERY!!"

The ghost tilted his head to the side as Yashiro watched from behind, unable to see his expression. Her eyes widened when Hanako pressed the knife so hard against the fish blood began to drip out of the wound and stain the water.

"Ha-Hanako!!" She said, putting her hand on her friend's shoulder. Hanako turned his head and looked at her with an innocent face. "I-I think they learned their lesson, ju-just don't hurt them anymore...he...he can't breath without being in the water."

Without second thought he dropped the pufferfish back in, the creature retreating far away from the two."Confound you, Mystery!! We will never give up! My lady! Until we meet again!!"

It swam underwater as Hanako waved goodbye to it, Yashiro awkwardly doing the same.

Once the fish was gone Hanako got up, Yashiro twiddling her fingers. "'t going to go with them..."

Hanako slowly turned his head with his eyes pitch black, Yashiro squeaking out of fear as she watched his shaking hands begin to rise close to his chest with motions he was going to strangle someone.

"S-sorry! I just, I-"

Lowering his arms Hanako just sighed, blinking his eyes back to their normal color. The boy glanced away and stuck his hand under the open collar of his nightgown, taking out a crumpled piece of pink paper. He held it out to Yashiro, the girl slowly opening it.

I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend. I ruined the donuts and food, I've been putting you in danger, and I tried to kill you. You're still bruised from the MisakiStairs, and soon those won't even be able to go away. If you don't want to be my friend anymore, I understand.The front side said. Yashiro turned the piece of paper as she tried not to glance up at Hanako.Will you at least forgive me though?

Yashiro looked up to see Hanako fidgeting with his hands, rubbing his knees together as he nervously waited for her answer.

"...of course I forgive you." She said, the boy taken aback by this. He looked up at her with hope gleaming in his eyes. "I don't want to stop being your friend, Hanako."

She smiled, warm tears starting to stream down her face and bumping on the scales that were already on her face. Hanako broke down into a smile as the tears in the corner of his eyes started to drag down. He held out his arms, the girl letting herself fall into his hug. The boy squeezed Yashiro and gently pulled her head onto his shoulder, patting his friend as he pressed his cheek against her ear. Yashiro could feel her heart pounding as he held her gently.

Hanako wasn't gentle in the way where they try to make you listen.

Not as if you're a limited edition doll.

He was gentle because he wanted to make sure he didn't scare her.

Yashiro's lucky to have him.

He slipped something into her fingers, letting go and walking away from her. Confused Yashiro looked behind her to see Hanako examining a nearby tree branch, standing back up straight as she averted her gaze from the boy. Opening her hand Yashiro saw what he had put there was a tiny, folded piece of paper. Curious she opened the note Hanako had given her, the girl's heart falling into her stomach as she read it.

I had a younger brother, Onnesan. He was my twin brother, my only friend.
Yet I killed him.

Those words engraved themselves into her mind. Hanako...just fully admitted to the fact he was a murderer. He had hinted to it, but Yashiro never truly want to believe it. Now Hanako had just plain out said that he's killed someone. Worst of all, his own brother. there has to be...a reason.

Maybe his brother tried to hurt him, maybe Hanako didn't kill his brother and instead some kind of imposter!! Or maybe, maybe it was just his head that made him think he killed his own brother!!! Hanako didn't kill someone, he never would!

Turning her head Yashiro watched as Hanako stood with his Hakujoudai floating next to him, his transparent body giving a light blue tint to whatever appeared through him. He never really appeared all that transparent to her whenever they would be together...

The boy turned his body to show he was holding up his notebook.You want to get to know more about me, don't you? If you do then I promise one day, I'll tell you everything. Stay with me until then, okay?

He held up his hand with his pinky finger up, offering it as a promise. The ghost gave her a warm smile, his eyes trying not to reveal the boy's sorrow.

Yashiro reached out her hand for the pinky promise before grabbing Hanako's wrist and pulling him closer to her, the boy stumbling before he landed in the girl's hug. Hanako stood frozen as Yashiro squeezed him, putting her head on his shoulder.

In a shaky yet sincere voice she whispered, "I promise."

Chapter 23: You Make Me Jealous


The woman sighed and gently pushed this boy off her. He liked just like the one that appeared on the rooftop. "So where were you? You seem excited." She asked.

The boy smiled. "I got to finally talk to that girl Amane hangs out with! There's so much to tell you about!" He happily explained.

Setting down her book the girl looked at the boy as he floated on his back. She picked up a jar of candy and opened it. "You look pretty happy about it. Good to know it went well."

The spread out his arms, his smile now a smirk as he spun around. Two orbs that looked similar to Hanako's Hakujoudai came flying by, one going to this boy as another floated to the woman. "Of course it did! I haven't seen him in ages in a moment like that!"

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (9)

In the hospital, nearby the abandoned building, is an old room that people would use for the intercom.

A few people however, decided to use the room for themselves.

Sometimes they'll let you inside.

If you ask nicely.

Inside this room sat two people sat. A young woman with green hair that Yashiro had seen in the library, and a young man. He was tall boy with short, messy red and black hair styled into an undercut. His grey eyes glanced at the young woman sitting in the chair next to him, the boy with his back facing her. He was taking off a button up shirt that looked similar to Teru's, putting on a white sweater. He dropped the shirt he had been wearing onto the ground into the water that cover the floor. This room was...morphed. There was water covering the floor with eyes and lips all over the place, rumors spreading around in hushed whispers. The girl with green hair read a book from the library calmly as if this was natural while she held a black hat with the word 'Security', and the boy was anxious about something.

The young man spoke up once his shirt was on. "...was that really a good idea? Letting the runt go off and do whatever he wants."

She flipped the page in her book, adjusting something on the soundboard infront of her. "It's fine. If I tried to stop him, he wouldn't listen to me otherwise. Let him do what he wants. As long as he doesn't get into tunnels, then it's alright."

"Yeah, that's true but...don't you think they're going to figure us out? The hospital will get us in trouble if they discover we're spending time in this room."

The woman closed her book. "When that'll protect me, won't you, Natsuhiko?"

The boy, now being know and Natsuhiko, gently took the hat from her hand and kissed it. "But of my course, I'll protect My La-"

"Don't touch me." She scolded as she hit Natsuhiko with the book. The poor boy groaned as he landed on the floor, the young woman tsking as she opened the book back up. The woman checked on the broadcasting equipment before returning to her page, not hearing the black smoke that formed behind her.

However, she did hear this.

"HONNEY! I'M HOOOOOOOOME!" A male voiced yelled, tackling the woman in a hug from behind.

Natsuhiko screamed. "GRAH! GET OFF HER!!"

The woman sighed and gently pushed this boy off her. He liked just like the one that appeared on the rooftop. "So where were you? You seem excited." She asked.

The boy smiled. "I got to finally talk to that girl Amane hangs out with! There's so much to tell you about!" He happily explained.

Setting down her book the girl looked at the boy as he floated on his back. She picked up a jar of candy and opened it. "You look pretty happy about it. Good to know it went well."

The spread out his arms, his smile now a smirk as he spun around. Two orbs that looked similar to Hanako's Hakujoudai came flying by, one going to this boy as another floated to the woman. "Of course it did! I haven't seen him in ages in a moment like that!"

She nodded and took out a handful of candies, handing them to the ghost. "Here, for your good behavior."

The ghost beamed and took them, unwrapping the treats and stuffing them in his mouth. The young woman gently poked the orb next to her and listened to it as it spoke.

Natsuhiko walked over and leaned down. "What's it saying?"

"Shh..." she urged. The girl opened her green eyes back up and motioned the orb to follow the ghost, looking at Natsuhiko. "It's nothing. Just about her."

"I can't live around that well in that realm of reality still." The boy suddenly said, attracting the attention of the two in the room. He ripped a piece of black licorice off and went on. "His assistant grabbed me. She's got a strong grip!!"

"So, what happened?" Natsuhiko asked, patting the supernatural boy's head.

He gave Natsuhiko a cat like stare as put a finger on his cheek and tilted his head. "Hmm...lemme remember....oh yeah! Amane was really happy to see me, he let me hold his cheek. He wouldn't let the girl look at me, though I understand why. I showed up too early. I wanna see them again! Oh yeah! And guess what! There were fish!" He added, all of a sudden his eyes going black. The boy giggled sad*stically. "Fish. Talking fish. I wonder what talking fish are like on the inside. It makes me curious. It makes me super curious~"

The girl listened as he laughed, the ghost hugging her from behind like a child would hug a toy.

"So what about you? Does it make you curious! Come on, tell me! You're curious, aren't yoooou? Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!!"

"I don't care." She said in a monotone voice.

Natsuhiko pushed the boy off the green haired girl. "LET GO OF HER!" He yelled. Natsuhiko held the apparition back as the ghost chuckled, the boy sighing. "Let's just start finding those kids, okay...?"

The boy forced Natsuhiko to let go of him and grabbed one of the fancy radios. "Yes! Which one should we deal with today, Sakura?"

The young woman, whose real name now appeared to be Sakura, slipped on her headphones and sighed. "Lemme think..."

None of the three noticed fish watching them in the background.

"Look there Uh Huh!"The pufferfish whispered."That's the supernatural who was on the roof the other day!! The one the Hospital Mystery seemed wary of. If we can get him to join our side...then maybe we can cross swords with the knave. All for My Lady!!!...But....I'm worried. Why is his face identical to that accursed Hospital Mystery's? And what is he doing here? He said something about spreading rumors...? Now that I remember...our highness warned us that a few shore apparitions have been in disarray of late, though it appears they're not after those. Could it be they're-"

"Yo, what's this?" Natsuhiko asked as he picked up the pufferfish. "What are you?"

"Unhand me! I am the royal subject of our highness!"

The young man looked over at the two people in the room. "It's a talking fish. My lady, we have a fish listening in."

The ghost's eyes lit up. "Fish!" He cheered, grabbing a mechanical pencil.

Sakura pulled down her headphones before shrugging. "Let it go. It's doing no harm." She said.

Natsuhiko nodded. "Alright, back in the water little buddy-"

Before he could put the fish back in the puddle, the supernatural boy walked past him and snatched the fish from Natsuhiko's hands. The ghost smiled and held it up by it's fins, laughing as it tried to fight.

"Let me go you humans! Cease and desist!! Do not treat me so violently!!!"

He laughed manically. "Aha!! It's talking!!" The ghost gave a evil grin and dropped the fish on the table, petting it as if the poor creature was his pet. "Whaddaya think taking fish are like...on the inside?"

The boy looked behind his shoulder, smiling as his eyes went black. Natsuhiko stepped over to Sakura. The girl pulled down her headphones completely and took them off. "Don't kill it." She warned.

He smiled.

"Let's hear it out first!" Natsuhiko suggested, the boy worried.

The ghost looked at the fish disappointed as it began to explain himself."I'm only here for to request your help to save Yashiro Nene, our noble princess! You see she was taken by a horrible Hospital Mystery and-"

The boy interrupted him. "Mystery?"


His grip on the pencil got tighter. "No...Amane wouldn't like that." He snapped at the fish.

Sakura stood up. "I said don't kill it."

The boy laughed and petted the fish. "Oh, don't worry!" He coped before he held up the pencil like a knife. "I'M JUST GOING TO TAKE A LITTLE PEAK INSIDE~!"

Sakura and Natsuhiko looked away as the ghost stabbed the pencil into the fish, pulling it out and plunging it back in. He ripped the fish open with his bare hands, studying the insides of the now dead creature.

"Yuck." Natsuhiko whispered as Sakura sighed.

The girl covered her eyes as the supernatural played with the guts. "I told you not to do that..." She mumbled.

He grinned as the blood soaked the bandages wrapped around his left wrist, smiling. "It's fine! One fish going away doesn't matter, as long as it's for Amane and his assistant!"

Chapter 24: Goodbye, It Was Nice Knowing You


Hanako held her closer as Yashiro calmed down, small hiccups and tears still streaming down her face as the ghost let her snuggle closer to him.

Protect her?

How many times has someone promised they would do that for her?

Aoi, Akane, Kou, even all of her old friends when they had found out what happened at home.

Is that all she is?

Something to protect? Like a pet you love and cherish, but ultimately their life lies in your hands?

Hanako nuzzled his cheek on the top of her head, reminding Yashiro of all the times Hanako has saved her. The Mermaid, the Mokke, the Misaki Stairs, the fish...he's always there to keep her safe. He promised he would back when they were first bound, and Yashiro always begs for him to be the one that saves her even though she's never grateful for it.


Authors note: I am just going to say this once and for all. I sincerely apologize for all typos in this story that have been in previous chapters and will most likely be in future ones. Thank you all for being so understanding.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (10)

Okay, yes. It was odd, having to explain to Hanako why her nightgown was ripped like that after he finally realized that he could see her stomach. Thankfully, her pantyhose were dark up from the waist down the the thighs, so he couldn't see anything he wasn't meant to.

It was more odd having to keep eye contact with the random security guard that saw her sneaking through a window back into her room with Hanako's help.

...hopefully that guy doesn't remember that anymore.

Yashiro laid on her floor with Aoi next to her, both of them staring at the ceiling. Sitting on next to Yashiro's legs was Hanako, who was just staring blankly at his assistant with those usual bug eyes. He did something to the guard yesterday. She doesn't know what, all she knows is Hanako wasn't too fond of hearing some guy scream about a 'floating daikon demon'.

"So...everything okay?" Aoi suddenly asked.

She looked over at her purple haired friends before nodding. "Yeah...why?"

Aoi looked back at the ceiling. "I've been worried about you. You've been running all over the hospital, not to mention Akane-Kun told me about the pervert that follows you. Do you still have that stalker?"

"Nope. Is he talking about Kou-Kun?" Yashiro asked confused.

Raising an eyebrow Aoi gave her a sly smile. "Kou-Kun?"

Hanako also raised an eyebrow.

Yashiro felt her face start to turn red. "I-I mean Minamoto-Kun! It's nothing like that Aoi! Me and him are just friends and he let me use his first name!"

"Hmm...I dunno...he might like you, Nene-Chan. Have you seen the way his cheeks get all pink when you talk to him?" Aoi teased. The girl turned on her side and took Yashiro's hands. "Look at you go! You've got a stalker AND a security guard crushing on you!"

Yashiro laughed nervously. Kou definitely didn't like her, right?


'The ghost pushed his finger against his thumb as he studied the two, Hanako's eyes lighting up when he realized something. The boy giggled as he looked between the two of them and opened his notebook, writing down what his thoughts were as he kept glancing up at them with a dorky grin.I get it, you like Nene-Oneesan don't you! Well, she's my assistant, so don't expect me to keep you safe as well. I'll enjoy watching you get shred to pieces of tasty flesh thanks to your headstrong ego, after all Number Two enjoys the taste of little boys.'

Yashiro slowly glanced back at Hanako, the boy giving her a little wave when she looked at him.



Oh lord Yashiro really is an idiot.

"Whatcha looking at?" Aoi asked, now looking over in Hanako's direction.

"Nothing! Nothing!" She lord. Thinking on her feet, Yashiro changed the subject. "So um, why did you get into gambling?"

A grin grew on Aoi's face, the girl shaking her head. "The rush, I guess. I knew it was illegal, but getting the thrill of putting everything on the's as addicting as a drug. Hell, sometimes I still find myself falling into those loops now and then. Sometimes I even bet with the supernatural. I know they'll never take the bets, even if they do exist, so I suppose I do it to mess with myself."

When Aoi mentioned the supernatural Hanako let out a chuckle, the ghost covering his smile with his fingertips.

"You're certainly an odd one, Ao-Chan."

There was a knock before someone opened their door, Yashiro and Aoi sitting up. Opening the door was Teru, the young man glancing to the side when Hanako instinctively crawled back closer to Yashiro.

"Hey, I need to talk to the two of you." He said. Teru motioned for Yashiro and to follow him, the two girls getting up and glancing at eachother confused. Hanako tried to grab Yashiro's hand to follow her, stopping himself before their fingers could touch when Teru stared him down.

"What's this about, Minamoto-Senpai?" Aoi asked cheerfully. "Did we win a prize or something?"

He seemed...almost scared to say what the reason he brought them out was. "'s not that. I don't know how to put this nicely two have been given permission to go to Sousuke-Kun's funeral."


The memory of Mitsuba's body was smashed back into Yashiro's head with the force of a baseball bat, to the point she physically flinched. Her throat tightened with the temptation of vomit as her skin began to crawl.

"He died months ago though..." She managed to murmur.

"His mom finally finished with the paperwork and legal struggles, and since the hospital knew you two were close to him they thought you should go to say your goodbyes since you never got the chance."

This is just some sick prank, right?

This isn't actually happening...right?

She felt sick to the pit of her stomach, Yashiro glancing over at Aoi to confirm this was happening. Aoi just stared at Teru blankly. Of course she did, Aoi always put on a poker face whenever something bad was happening to her.

This really was happening then.

This wasn't a dream or hallucination.

Yashiro covered her mouth and held her legs to stabilize herself, begging silently for that stupid parasite to stop making that memory worse and worse.

Teru put a hand on Yashiro's shoulder, helping her to stand up straight. "Yashiro-San, it's going to be okay. Take a deep breath, with me now. One, in. Two, out. Okay?"

Nodding Yashiro forced herself to follow Teru's instructions. Just breath. Just. Breath. Focus on that, don't focus on your walking. Don't focus on the door opening. Don't focus on the words. Don't focus, just stare at the floor as they close the door behind you, only focus on the last few words.

"-and just tell us when you're done getting ready."

The girl looked behind her when the door shut. She was in the girls changing room, with the bathroom and showers. On the counter was a black kimono. Okay, so, she was just too focused on calming down to realize Teru had guided her to go get ready.

That's not bad.

Yashiro's still fine.



Slowly she pulled off her pantyhose and threw them onto the ground, jumping when she heard someone knock on the door. It was Hanako. The ghost peaked his head inside, only coming into the room when Yashiro nodded.

What was that all about?He asked, holding his notebook up.

Yashiro looked away, Hanako noticing her posture. He set down his notebook and walked over, putting a hand on her shoulder. Hanako nudged her to sit down on the counter and rubbed her arm.

"I...I have to go to a funeral." Yashiro muttered. Hanako's warm smile went away when she said that. "The one for that friend I told you about. Mitsuba-Kun. You haven't seen him...right...? I-I know you told me you wouldn't be able to talk to him...but...have you...seen him?"

The Seventh Mystery looked at the ground before he shook his head with a shrug, picking up his notebook. Hanako wrote something and showed it to Yashiro.

I might have seen him. Can you describe him to me?

"Well um...he's got pink hair, and he wears it up in a ponytail. He covers one of his eyes, and the other is as pink as his hair. Mitsuba...he wears a nightgown with long sleeves and...and he's got this kind of annoying voice. Mitsuba would always make fun of everyone and then laugh this...weird...funny laugh. He'd always tease me too...calling my ankles fat a-and saying I'm a horseradish or daikon an-and he would always come rushing in with Akane-Kun whenever so-some bi...big bul...b...bully came in...and he-he would make fun of fashion mode-els and play dress up...and...and..."

Yashiro hugged herself as she began to cry, the boy making a squeak and panicking. Hanako nervously moved around and tried to figure out what to do. He looked around and sped up with his panicking, the sound of Yashiro crying filling his ears. Eventually Hanako just grabbed her in a tight hug and pulled her head on his chest, rubbing her hair as Yashiro realized what he did. The girl was tempted to hit Hanako away until she heard his voice.

The boy spoke in a hushed down tone, and she could tell that his face was entirely red by how he was shaking. "I-i-i-i-its go-ga-gonna be ok-kay...." Hanako softly whispered, putting his head on top of hers. "I-i-i-I'll pr-protect yo-ou."

Hanako held her closer as Yashiro calmed down, small hiccups and tears still streaming down her face as the ghost let her snuggle closer to him.

Protect her?

How many times has someone promised they would do that for her?

Aoi, Akane, Kou, even all of her old friends when they had found out what happened at home.

Is that all she is?

Something to protect? Like a pet you love and cherish, but ultimately their life lies in your hands?

Hanako nuzzled his cheek on the top of her head, reminding Yashiro of all the times Hanako has saved her. The Mermaid, the Mokke, the Misaki Stairs, the fish...he's always there to keep her safe. He promised he would back when they were first bound, and Yashiro always begs for him to be the one that saves her even though she's never grateful for it.

He moved away, the boy brushing away the scales on her face. Gently Hanako booped Yashiro on her nose with a little grin to cheer her up. Once she was calm he gently nudged her to look at the clothes nearby, the girl glancing at them.

"Are you suggesting I get ready?"

Hanako nodded, watching as his assistant got up.

Yashiro took the tabi off the counter and put them on, Hanako holding her jori up as he checked which one was heavier.

"Shoot...they don't fit." She muttered. The boy looked over and noticed her struggling to get them on thanks to how thick her ankles were. He looked away embarrassed by something. Yashiro forced them on her feet and wiggled her toes, the girl stepping around a bit. "'s fine. Just a little tight."

Looking up the girl saw Hanako in a different part of the room, holding new socks for her. He held them out for her, the ghost avoiding her gaze. Yashiro took them from his hands and changed into them, a little curious how he had found a pair that fit her.

"Thank you." The girl said.

She froze when Hanako floated behind her, taking one of Aoi's hairties and pulling Yashiro's hair back. He carefully took off her hair clips and pulled all her hair from behind, parting it into two low hanging pigtails, the girl a little surprised when Hanako began to braid them. He knew how to style hair? Yashiro bit her bottom lips as Hanako tied the braids together into a large bun that sat hanging on the left side of her head, making sure to leave some draped on her shoulders. He let a little hair hang on her ear and clipped the hair clips back in, pressing the back of his hands on her hair to fell how fluffy it was.

The girl felt her hair. "You didn't have to."

He just gave her a smile before stepping to the side, turning around and covering his eyes. Yashiro moved away from the mirror and pulled her sleeping gown off. She stared at the wall with her sleeping gown half off, still with her arms in her sleeves as it covered her chest.


Yashiro had imagined it, but she never thought it would actually ever happen.

Hanako stopped covering his eyes as he heard Yashiro try her best not to cry, the ghost looking behind his shoulder. Seeing Yashiro with her shoulders tense as the girl gasped through her nose desperately to control her made Hanako feel upset too. The boy sneaked up behind her, startling the girl by suddenly wrapping his arms around her stomach and pulling Yashiro closer. Trying to cheer his assistant up the ghost nuzzled his head on the back of her neck. His cold skin drained the warmth from her body as Yashiro stared at the ground. Part of her wanted to tell Hanako to let go. To leave the room. To stop touching her.

She didn't have the energy to even twitch her mouth.

The boy didn't say anything as he tried to comfort the girl with his presence. Gently Hanako rocked her back and forth a little to the side, his touch soft. He didn't try to feel anywhere he wasn't meant to. He didn't try to make Yashiro the one who caused this. He didn't try to take advantage of her. All Hanako did was gently hold the poor girl and hush her, his own way of telling her things will be okay. Hanako moved his head away from her neck with the memory of what he did to her on the rooftop there still fresh in his mind, the apparition taking one hand off from around her waist and placing it on her shoulder. He wanted to say something, anything, just to make her feel better.

Not a single word could come out.

Yashiro looked at Hanako through part of the mirror, not knowing how to feel. She nudged him with her elbow, Hanako letting go and covering his eyes again.

She picked up the nagajuban and put it on, making sure the collar was loose. Yashiro made sure it didn't touch the back of her neck. Hanako helped by pulling it down for her, stopping when Yashiro nodded. The girl tied the date-jime around her underwire and tucked them in, finally putting on the black kimono. The girl took a moment to just stare down at its color as she stopped midway, shaking her head and tucking the nagajuban's sleeves into the kimono's. The supernatural behind her adjusted her collar and helped Yashiro align it with the bottom of her heels, holding the fabric in place as his assistant secured it with a narrow date-jime. Pulling it down Yashiro made sure to get a smooth hashi-ori before picking up a second date-jime and tying it around, folding it in the back. She was about to take the obi-ita when Hanako put it on for her, clipping it in the back and tugging it down a little so it was secure. The boy wrapped the obi around the girl, glancing up at Yashiro to make sure it wasn't too tight. He tied it and let it drop in the back, using the obi-makura to lift the back up so it was positioned correctly. Yashiro tied the strings and tucked them behind the obi while the ghost made sure everything was perfectly straight, lifting up the bottom half of the obi so it folded behind itself and was tucked it. Hanako laced an obi-jime through and had Yashiro tie it together in the front. Lastly, Yashiro tied the obi-age and tucked it under the obi, Hanako pulling parts down and adjusted small parts that he didn't think looked right so everything was smooth.

Once the kimono was on, Yashiro turned around, holding her hands infront of her. The black kimono had no details, no other colors there besides white. It was as plain as could be. The only part of it that stood out was her bright hair and eyes, the complete opposite of the dark colors she wore.

"Do I...look okay?" She asked. Hanako nodded, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "Um...Hanako...can you...come with me?"

A little hesitant, he picked up his notebook.I can't go with you.He wrote.I'm bound to these hospital grounds. Besides, I know you're strong enough to go without me.

Part of her didn't want Hanako to say those words. She wanted him to lie to her...lie and say he could go. Uncontrollably she began to sob. "I...I don't know if I'm strong enough, Hanako."

Hanako tried to smile for her, Yashiro disgusted by the scales that grew out of her skin. Gently the boy rested his forehead against that of his assistant and wiped each tear away with his thumb, the girl watching his lips move only slightly as he hushed her.

Just minutes ago, they were sitting in her room, laughing with Aoi and just talking about nothing.

Why can Yashiro never catch a break?

Yashiro moved slightly, a little surprised when she felt her nose touching Hanako's. His nose was a little flatter than most...or maybe that's just because he's resting against her. Hanako moved away once he had made sure all the scales fell off Yashiro's face, his eyes telling her that he was trying not to cry too.

"'ll still protect me...right?" She asked. Without a seconds hesitation he nodded, keeping his hands on her cheeks as he forced himself to say something.

"I-I-I...I wo...would d-die...f-for you."

Yashiro couldn't help but chuckle. "You're already dead, silly."

Hanako parted his lips but stopped himself, sighing out a giggle. The boy moved one hand off her cheek and patted Yashiro's head, Hanako smiling. He gently nudged the girl to the door and encouraged her to go out, taking the girl's hand and placing it right on the doorknobs. Turning it, Hanako stepped behind her when Yashiro opened the door.

Aoi was standing there talking to Teru, wearing a kimono just like Yashiro's while holding one of Mitsuba's old toys. Once the door was opened both of them looked over, the poor girl hoping her eyes weren't red from crying. Now she wanted Hanako to hug her. Of course it had to be now that she wanted that.

Her friend smiled. "You look nice, Nene-Chan."

Only two days ago had Yashiro been outside so she could go cook with Kou.

"You too, Ao-Chan."

Only two days.

Taking her hand Aoi walked with Yashiro, Teru completely silent.

Two days ago she saw him laughing while playing with his little sister.

Yashiro glanced away, wondering where her crush for Teru went. She must had lost it when she realized Kou was related to the young man.

Two days.

Looking over her shoulder Yashiro half expected to see Hanako following her, yet the supernatural boy wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere in sight. Slowly she moved her gaze back infront of her, subconsciously moving her open hand to feel the bruise on her neck. That bruise was still there, though hardly visible. Somedays it appeared to even get worse. It's been a month or so now, maybe even two months. Or was it just a week ago?

"You two wait in the car." The young man instructed once they reached the main entrance. "Yashiro-San, you know what it looks like, lead Akane-San to it."

"Y-yes Minamoto-Senpai!"

The second they were out the doors Aoi gave her a suspicious look. "So, you've been in Senpai's car? He must have been the one to drive you around while you were on your date with his younger brother!"

"Jeez Aoi, it's not a date!" She said. "Me and Kou-Kun are just friends. I already told you that.

Shaking her head Aoi got inside the vehicle, her friend following a minute later. When Yashiro got inside the car she glanced back at the hospital, almost flinching back into Aoi when she saw Hanako standing outside the car window. He smiled and lifted up his notebook.

I just wanted a chance to say goodbye with that Minamoto boy here.

Yashiro smiled and waved her hand slightly, Hanako looking over his shoulder suddenly. With a panicked look he quickly waved goodbye and ran off, Teru coming outside the hospital a few seconds later.

"They told me to give you something, Yashiro-San." He said as he got inside the vehicle. The young man handed her a back of candies and old wrappers. "These were sweets we had found in Sousuke-Kun's room. They told me you should be the ones to hold them."

Without any words she took the bag, staring at the ground as Teru started driving. So this was happening, huh? Yashiro had never really thought it would happen. Or at least she had tried not to think about it. What would have happened if Mitsuba had never took his life? Would Yashiro have ended up being this close to Hanako? Or maybe she would have told him to leave her alone after he had granted her wish.

Maybe she would have wished for something else.

Yashiro couldn't help but ask herself what her wish would have been if Mitsuba had died the day before she summoned Hanako. Would she have knocked on that stall door, asking the supernatural boy to bring back her friend? Is that what she should have asked for instead of being selfish and asking for love? No, no, stop, it's a bad idea to think all of the horrible things. That's all in the past anyways.

The car stopped, Teru stifling a sigh as he gripped the steering wheel. "We're here now."

The three of them got out, Teru stopping at the entryway.

"I'm going to be right here. If you two need to leave, just find me and I can get you out."

Nodding Yashiro walked off with Aoi, fidgeting with the bag in her other hand. There was already people here. People she didn't recognize. They weren't whispering about her and Aoi, right? Maybe they'll just think that her and Aoi were old friends Mitsuba had back when he was in school.

"Hey." She heard. Yashiro turned her head and was a little surprised when Aoi brushed her fingertips on her cheek. "It's going to be okay, Nene-Chan. If you want to go...just...whisper the word 'Sugar' and I'll get us out."

Aoi took Yashiro's hand and softened her gaze, gently kissing her friend's fingertips. Aoi always would do that to calm Yashiro down. The purple haired girl squeezed Yashiro's hand with a soft, caring look in her eyes before putting their hands to their sides.

Yashiro sighed. "Thanks Ao-Chan."

"Of course! Now, we need to ask someone for help...excuse me, Oneesan?" Aoi asked a random guest. She raised her hand to her chest. "We're looking for a Sousuke-San. Have you seen her?"

The older woman nodded before pointing elsewhere, Yashiro and Aoi turning there heads in the direction.

There was a woman with straight hair, two strands tucked over her shoulders and one tied into a low hanging ponytail. Her eyes were similar to Mitsuba's the color just a little more brownish. She must be...Mitsuba's mother. It was a little difficult to think that this woman could be his mother. Their hair color wasn't even close, her hair being a brown while Mitsuba's was a bright pink.

She was dressed in a black kimono with a bowler hat on, taking it off once the casket was opened. The woman muttered something (possibly a prayer) under her breath before putting the hat in her bag, turning to look at all the flowers around the body.

Aoi squeezed Yashiro's hand. "We should introduce ourselves."

The two girls timidly approached the woman, Yashiro feeling her fingers tighten on Aoi's hand. Her friend's body heat was the only thing that was comforting for her.

"Hello, Oneesan." Aoi greeted, Yashiro almost responding to the word thanks to how often she's called that. Both girls slightly bowed as a greeting. "I am Akane Aoi-San, and this is Yashiro Nene-San. We knew Sousuke Mitsuba-Kun."

In a way her eyes lit up, the woman chuckling. "You must be Sousuke's friends. They told me you would be coming." His mother said. "Thank you for being with him while he was there."

"We're...sorry for your loss." Yashiro muttered. Her eyes were glued on the dead body of her friend.

Mitsuba laid there peacefully. His eyes were shut, and his skin was paler than ever before. Speaking of skin, his bruises weren't there. They must have covered them up while they prepared the body. Mitsuba looked as if he had just fallen asleep. They had dressed his body in a white kimono, the crossing of right over left being the sign that this really was his dead body. There were marks on his neck. Where the bedsheets had suffocated him. They must have forgotten to cover them or just didn't bother.

His hair was down. Yashiro had never really seen Mitsuba with his hair down. Or with his other eye exposed. Not as if she could see them. His eyes were shut, and part of her was thankful they were. Yashiro still remembered his gaze when they had found him that day.

God she wanted to forget that day.

Mitsuba's mother smiled softly. "Thank you. It's been...rough. The hospital has apologized for letting this happen, which is why I'm glad they let you two out to see him."

Yashiro and Aoi nodded, the girls squeezing eachothers hands. Both of them were trying to keep everything together.

Mitsuba's mom clapped her hands, chuckling. In a teasing tone she asked, "So, were you two perhaps his girlfriends?"

"Oh no!" Aoi laughed, Yashiro stammering to explain. "Mitsuba-Kun was our friend. That's all. He cares too much about us to try and date us."

"Hmmm...alllllriiiight~" she teased. Clearing her throat Mitsuba's mom changed the subject. "So...what was he like? I was never really allowed to get in contact with that silly boy while he was at the hospital."

Yashiro forced herself to say something. "He was...sweet."

Aoi glanced over at her friend, clearly able to tell Yashiro was getting uncomfortable. The girl focused her gaze back on Mitsuba's mom and took over for Yashiro. "Mitsuba-Kun was very kind to us, Oneesan. He'd call Nene-Chan a daikon sometimes!"

"Aoi!!" Snapped Yashiro.

"Oh, Sousuke! I can't believe he would say such things to a girl! I'm so sorry!" The woman laughed. "He always teased me too, calling me an 'old carrot hag'. That boy would always tell me to change my outfits because they weren't fashionable. He was so strict about trends like you wouldn't believe."

Aoi giggled. "I never would have guessed. Right, Nene-Chan?"


Why was she still here?

Yashiro glanced around. It felt like all eyes were on her, and in a way there were. Humans weren't the only things at this funeral. The girl fidgeted with the bag she was holding, Aoi noticing out of the corner of her eyes.

"We brought you a few things for him." Aoi said. Yashiro handed the candy to his mother while Aoi handed the toy, the woman placing them in the casket next to his side.

"Sousuke must have had many stuffed toys. He tried not to admit it, but I knew he liked them." She said while adjusting the toy. "That boy loved to take photographs of them too. Would you like to look at some of pictures he's taken?"

"Sure, what about you Aoi?"

"Yeah, let's look at them!"

Mitsuba's mother smiled and motioned them to follow her. Squeezing Aoi's hand Yashiro glanced back at the casket before reaching out to touch it. Her fingertips barely grazed the wooden coffin, Yashiro partially hoping it would be covered in some kind of acid or poison so she wouldn't have to live through this pain anymore.

...did he just look at her?

Forcing her gaze ahead of her Yashiro smiled nervously at Aoi, who was looking over her shoulder to make sure her friend was okay. The girl smiled back at Yashiro, trying to reassure her everything will be okay.

"Ah, there it is!" They heard the woman cheer, the two looking at what she was talking about. On a table was a photo album, a camera set right next to it. Mitsuba's mother picked up the album and opened it, setting it down to show the girls. "Sousuke took pictures of the most random things. These are some of my favorites!"

The girls looked at the photo of the ocean that the woman pointed to, sliding her finger over to one of a house.

"Not many of people." Aoi muttered.

"He didn't like taking pictures of people." Mitsuba's mom replied. "Photography was actually his Dad's hobby. I didn't have a clue about stuff like that, so I left his camera out. Then Sousuke would come along and use it, and right before my eyes he was a master at taking pictures. He's even won rewards for his works. Heh, I remember one time, I asked if he could take a picture of me. He pointed at me and told me I should put on make up and change out of the lame clothes I was wearing. Only then, he said he would take my picture. He lied though. Secretly he would snap photos of me for practice. He was very peculiar with what he liked. And vocal about it too, especially with fashion. I'm sure there has been times where he's belittled all of you because of what you've been wearing."

Yashiro chuckled. "Tell me about it."

The woman laughed before she suddenly squealed excitedly. "Here's that one! He won a reward for this one!" She cheered, placing her finger on a photo. "He was so embarrassed when I hung up the newspaper clipping of his success on the wall. I still remember his face! The way his eyes would sparkles and-"

Out of nowhere, the woman went quiet. Her hands had stopped flipping the book when she had reached a picture that was older than all the others. It was a picture of Mitsuba as a toddler.

His hair wasn't long enough to cover his eyes back then, and he looked just like any other kid. The picture was just him, sitting in a field, with a man sitting next to him. The man had dark pink hair and a more stubble beard, his eyes closed.

Was that...Mitsuba's dad?

Slowly Yashiro looked back over at the woman standing next to them. Mitsuba's mother began to break down into tears, trying to force herself not to cry. Water was forming at her bottom eyelid, starting to collect up and trail down her cheeks. Each gasp of air was an attempt to restrain herself from letting out a scream, the woman wiping her tears away with her finger.

"He was all I had left...I...I lost the only person left...not even my husband...or my mother or father...I-I'm so sorry I let you down, Sousuke."

Tears streaked down the woman's face as she buried her face in her hands, desperately trying to wipe them away. Yashiro gently placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to say something that would help, only managing to mutter something that she didn't even believe in. "Your son is safe now...Mitsuba-Kun isn't anywhere that can hurt him."

"He should have been safe when he was alive too." Mitsuba's mom choked out, her voice heightening and cracking. "One time...he tried to make me curry for my birthday once. I found a note when I got home saying that he had gone to get I waited an hour for him. Then I got a call...from a hospital." She muttered, cutting off. Mitsuba's mom started gagging on her words before murmuring, "...he got hit by a car. But it wasn't just done random was one of his bullies. They hit my baby...and...and...and Sousuke confessed everything that had been happening to him. They sent him to to Kamome Gakuen...only for those kids to get away with everything because they were minors. All they got was community service."

The girl's hand naturally curled away, Mitsuba's mother sniffling as she sobbed quietly. The other guests could hear her, some muttering about how sorry they were for this poor woman.

"They f*cking MOLESTED him and all they got was stupid community service." She hissed through cries. "Why Sousuke...? Why did you have to take your life? I'm sorry...I'm sorry I failed you. I'm sorry your mother is such a failure."

The woman kept gasping between wails as she tried to force a smile, her body refusing to cooperate and forcing her to weep harder. Yashiro stared at the ground. At least Mitsuba's mom wasn't the person who saw his dead body hanging from a ceiling fan. She didn't have to walk inside expecting to see the boy asleep only for his body to be off the ground. It was better that she wasn't the one who had to see her son like that.

Aoi stepped in. "It's okay, Oneesan. It must hurt. But...Mitsuba-Kun would sometimes talk about you. He would say things like how his mom had no taste in fashion or men, or how his mom had the cheapest makeup. One thing he never said though was that his mom was a failure. No matter how much he teased you, we'd always see him somber and counting down the days till he could see you again. He might not be here in life...but I'm sure he's with you in death."

She placed her hand on the woman's, smiling as softly as an angel. The woman's smile finally allowed itself to show, Mitsuba's mom wiping the water from her eyes away. "Thank you, Akane-San. It's just...hard for me to accept he's gone."

The three ladies looked at the photo album before bells rang, their heads perking up.

The funeral service was starting.

Yashiro glanced out the window and watched as a dove landed in a nearby tree, its green eyes appearing to soften when it looked at her direction. Perhaps maybe that dove was Mitsuba. Maybe his soul had been allowed to possess a bird so he could watch over his friends until he was laid to rest. The corners of her mouth rose up as Yashiro thought of that, her heart filling back up with a little bit of hope.

Once the service was over each person paid their respects to the body and remained silent as Mitsuba's mom nodded to the priest who had blessed the corpse before the coffin was shut for good. A group of men wearing black kimonos picked it up off the ground. The girls watched as they carried the casket away to the crematorium, Mitsuba's mother waving goodbye as she followed them.

Yashiro slowly put her hand back down to her side once the woman was out of sight, turning her head to look at Aoi. "Well...we better go."

Aoi nodded sorrowfully. "Yeah."

Hand-in-hand they got up and funneled out of the exit with everyone else, the girl's walking to the entrance. Teru was still there, eating one of those marshmallow sticks. He turned to look at them with a soft glimmer of sympathy in his eyes, letting out no words as he walked over to the car.

They both closed their car doors, the two sitting side-by-side.

Yashiro clenched her kimono. "Mitsuba...really is dead...huh..."

Aoi let Yashiro rest her head on her shoulder as she pulled her friend closer, the purple haired girl smiling softly. "He's somewhere safe now...Nene-Chan."

Yashiro clenched Aoi's shoulder as her tears forced themselves down, soaking into her friends clothes before they could form scales on her flesh.

Mitsuba really was dead.

Finally, Yashiro accepted the fact she'll never see him again.

Chapter 25: Screen Time


"Whatcha playing, Nene-Chan?" A voice asked, Yashiro feeling someone's arms fold on her head.

She looked up to see the familiar purple hair. "Ao-Chan!"

She giggled with a cheery smile. "Hiya!"

Yashiro paused her game and turned her body, Hanako moving a few centimeters closer to his friend. "Where have you been, Aoi? Were you at a counselor's room?"

Aoi shrugged. "Yeah. I had to see Gomo-Sensei. I swear, everytime I see him, his hairline goes farther and farther back!"

That got a laugh out of both Yashiro and Hanako. The magenta eyed girl turned her body back to face the screen, unpausing her game. "Don't say those things about Tsuchigomori-Sensei. He's old, yeah, but you shouldn't bully him for it."

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (11)

If Yashiro wore mascara, it would be streaming down her face.

She spent God knows how many hours crying after she got back, the guilt still there by the fact Aoi was there the entire time to comfort her. The purple haired girl's body heat was still on Yashiro's back, the poor girl laying on her back as she stared at the ceiling.

What if she just killed herself?

Just jumped off a roof or slammed her head against a wall?

Yashiro shook her head. What would Aoi do if she died? And not just Aoi, what about Akane? Or Tsuchigomori? Or...

Slowly she turned her head as she laid there on her bed, the girl's eyes following the boy who had just come into her room.

...what would Hanako do if she died?

Closing the door behind him the boy held up a game of Sugoroku, shaking the board lightly with a somber expression. What little smile he had disappeared when Yashiro sighed and looked away, Hanako setting the board down next to him. Opening up his nightgown Hanako took out a deck of hanafuda cards, the boy nudging them closer to her when he buttoned his clothes back up.

"No, I don't want to play some card game, Hanako." Yashiro muttered, turning around and stuffing her face in her pillow. "Mweave mwe awown."

The ghost reached out his hand before he pulled it back, hesitating with a few little whines. After a moment the bed sagged as he put his hand on his assistant's shoulder. ""

He pulled Yashiro up, the girl surprised to hear his voice above a whisper. Hanako tightened his grip as he made her sit up, hugging her arm to assure she wouldn't lie back down. She tilted her head confused. "No...?"

Hanako nodded a little bashful, letting go to take out his notebook. The ghost scribbled down a few words before he turned the paper around.Because when a girl is sad, it's the boy's job to cheer her up.

She glanced back at Hanako, the boy setting down the notebook before taking her hand. Yashiro almost pulled it back at the feeling of his cold touch, Hanako noticing. Gently he placed his fingertips on her knuckles before holding the girl's hand, his bandages covered skin unnatural compared to Aoi's soft flesh. The ghost brought Yashiro's hand up to his cheek and nuzzled the back of it, letting it slide away when she moved.

Yashiro adjusted herself. "You don't have to cheer me up's not your job."

Yes, it is.He wrote.Not only are you a girl, you're my assistant, and also my friend. So it is my job to make you happy.

Hanako set down the notebook and grabbed her hand, forcing Yashiro off her bed and onto her feet. He tugged her arm with a pouty face, glancing up at her magenta eyes. Yashiro sighed. "Hanako, I don't want to play any of your games. I don't want to be around you or anyone. Leave me alone."

"Nmmmmph!!!" The supernatural whined, floating up in the air and pulling on her. He refused to let go even as Yashiro grabbed the bed frame and desperately tried to get away, Hanako forcing his way to her torso and wrapping both his arms and legs around her body. Quickly he buried his face into the side of chest, squeezing his friend so tightly she could hardly breathe.

"Let goooo! Hanakooo!!!" She scolded, the boy refusing. "I'm serious, get off!"

Hanako stayed clinging onto her, the girl giving up and letting go of her bed frame knowing there was no way she was winning this fight. She stifled a sigh. Even if he tried to suggest it, it wasn't Hanako's job to cheer her up. Why did he think that it was? That's a stupid question, he had already told her. Yashiro glanced at the boy who was now moving his nose up into her armpit, pushing his head away as he groaned.

"Okay, okay! I'll let you try and cheer me up. Just let go of me, you're putting your head in weird places..."

With those words Hanako floated off her, doing a little spin in the air for no real apparent reason. His friend sat back down on her bed and rubbed the bridge of her nose as she tried not to take anything personally. Hanako floated next to her and sat down on her bed with her, the supernatural boy taking his notebook and fidgeting with its edges. He didn't write anything, just waited for her to say something so he could make her happy.

Yashiro looked over at him. "What do you want to play?" She asked. Hanako looked at her confused for a moment before pointing to the game of Sugoruko, Yashiro giving him a disappointed stare. "Really? That's a game for the little kids. I'm not little."

He almost looked offended for a minute, opening the notebook. As he flipped through the pages Yashiro watched drawing after drawing with word after word were revealed for a split moment before being hidden away again, Hanako going to a page where there was room for him to write. His previous statement was already there, Yashiro reading it again.Yes, it is.Not only are you a girl, you're my assistant, and also my friend. So it is my job to make you happy. Yashiro watched as Hanako used his red crayon to write down his response.You're so picky, Oneesan. Maybe it would just be easier if you let me make the decisions for you so you wouldn't have to think about reasons to complain.

"I'm not a kid! I can do stuff by myself!" She pouted. Resisting his laughter, a giggle slipped out of Hanako's lips, the boy covering his mouth. "Hey! I'm not some child, so quit laughing! You're younger than me anyways! Always calling me Oneesan..."

Hanako didn't say anything back, just giggled quietly while holding his notebook close to his chest. His laughter was now annoying her. Whether to shut him or because she had an idea of what to do Yashiro didn't know, but out of nowhere she grabbed Hanako's hand off his mouth and pulled him off the bed. The boy was a little surprised as she started leading him away. Hanako didn't protest though, just simply floated along like a puppy following its owner.

Yashiro let go of Hanako's when they reached the game room, walking over to the couch as Hanako stood there staring inside the room. She looked over at Hanako, a bit uncomfortable as the ghost just stood there blankly. Trying to find a way out of the awkward situation an idea struck her.

"Hey Hanako, can you turn the TV on?" Yashiro asked while sitting down. The ghost nodded and walked over, taking a minute to find the power button on the tv. It took awhile but eventually he got it. Pressing the button on the front he squeaked when it flicked on and showed some gameshow, immediately scrambling over and grabbing Yashiro's legs out of fright.

Yashiro giggled and patted his head as the boy trembled. "It's okay, it's just a show."

His frightened eyes glanced up at her before Hanako peaked his head back at the TV, calming down as he watched it for a little. Hanako let go of Yashiro's legs and pulled himself onto the couch next to her, putting his feet up so he could hug his knees. Hanako watched as Yashiro changed the TV over to the switch's main screen before shaking her.

"What is it?" Yashiro asked.

Hanako pointed to the TV.

Yashiro looked over before back at Hanako. "A lot has changed since you were alive, hasn't it?"

He nodded, Yashiro thinking back to the calendar she saw when she took the deal off Tsuchigomori's Yorishiro. Hanako was alive back in the 1960's, he wouldn't know about colored TV or video games. There must have been so much that Yashiro thought was normal while Hanako had no idea what she was even talking about.

"This is a gaming system; you can play stuff on it." She said, Hanako motioning something that she assumed was about that Hanafuda deck he had. Yashiro chuckled. "No, not card games or things like that. Well, you can, put you'd have to get a copy of that for the system. You can play games that are shown on the TV. Think of it like...using this controller to request the character does something. Here, I'll show you."

Yashiro took the switch controller and connected it, moving over to one of the games and clicking on her account. She knew Hanako was immersed by the idea of colored game being shown on a TV and he would probably lose his mind if she took the switch out to play small screen. To be honest...his reactions were kinda cute. How he would hug her arm when the main title theme would play, how the ghost would playfully tap her controller to figure everything out, how he would squeeze her whenever the screen went black to signal moving onto the next stage... Yashiro couldn't help but smile.

The girl picked up another controller and turned it on, offering it over to Hanako. "Here, you want to try?" She asked while he looked down at the controller. Timidly the supernatural took it and looked it over in his hands, his face growing a bit red when Yashiro leaned in to help teach him. "You press this button to spawn in, just gently hold it down like this." Yashiro instructed, taking Hanako's finger and directing it where it needed to be. They both watched as the second player spawned in, Hanako's making a soft whine as the character made its catchphrase. Yashiro smiled to comfort him. "There you go, good job. Now here's some controls. You press this button to jump, and that one if you hold it down while moving this stick makes you run. Try it out."

Hanako listened and moved the joystick, watching as the character ran on screen before clicking the button to make them jump. The supernatural was completely taken in by how he could move the character and control them by just the few clicks of some buttons.

"Okay, now press this while you're jumping to spin while attacking. Try it." Yashiro instructed.

Hanako did as she said and flinched back when he messed up, tears growing in his eyes from shame.

The girl put her hand on his wrist and gave it a gentle squeeze. "No, it's okay, it's your first time. Here, try again."

The boy looked over at her to make sure he heard Yashiro correctly before trying again, his fingers subconsciously tightening on the controller as he messed up again. Glancing at his friend Hanako bit down on his lower lip as he struggled to get it right, Yashiro watching patiently.

Hanako tossed the controller to the side and hugged his knees, burying his face into them ashamed. Almost instinctively Yashiro put a hand on his back. "Hanako, it's okay! It's your first time. I wasn't immediately good when I first tried. Let's just try again, okay?"

Shaking his head Hanako covered his ears, the supernatural boy not responding to her with anything that wasn't a muffled whine. Holding back her sigh Yashiro reached around him and picked back up the controller, gently moving one of Hanako's hands off his ear and onto the device. At first he tried to fight back, eventually letting Yashiro hold his hand there when she rubbed his wrist. Slowly she moved his fingers into place and rubbed his back, the apparition slowly looking up with a tinge of guilt. He looked as if he wanted to say sorry.

"Here, let's try again, okay? We can do it a different way." Suggested Yashiro. She picked up her own controller and motioned for Hanako to do the same. "You can just copy what I do. If you're confused about what button to press, just nudge me and I can show you."

Hanako did as she said with his controller as he tried to pretend nothing had happened, following Yashiro's hand movement as she led him through the level. It was fun, actually. She never thought she could play a game like this with Hanako. He was actually pretty good as he figured everything out. Though he would constantly die in the game because he was always taking every hit and killing every enemy for Yashiro.

Yashiro laughed as he died right before they exited the level, the ghost's eye twitching. "You forgot to get that guy, silly Hanako!"

The boy resisted the urge to throw the controller at the wall and instead set it down, crossing his arms with a grumble. Closing out the game after saving Yashiro let him take a break as she opened up a single player one, looking at the black TV screen as it loaded. In the reflection she watched Hanako look up at it before he slowly moved closer to her, scooting inch by inch as his assistant prepared to turn her head to look at him. Hanako leaned against her and rested his head on Yashiro's shoulder, closing his eyes as the girl sat up from the cold feeling of his body. It took a moment, but the feeling of his presence wasn't as much of a bother anymore.

It was like having a younger brother around. In a way, Yashiro really liked it. Someone who didn't judge her even though he was a boy. Glancing at him Yashiro relaxed at the sight of the sleeping ghost. He must be tired to fall asleep that fast.

Hanako moved his head a bit, his voice in a tone she didn't recognize as he muttered something. Slowly his hand moved a little closer to her as Yashiro rested her head against his. Then, his eyes shot wide open, the boy pulling his knife out and pointing it right behind her.

"Whatcha playing, Nene-Chan?" A voice asked, Yashiro feeling someone's arms fold on her head.

She looked up to see the familiar purple hair. "Ao-Chan!"

She giggled with a cheery smile. "Hiya!"

Yashiro paused her game and turned her body, glancing at Hanako. He had lowered his knife now that he was sure of who had snuck up on them, moving a few centimeters closer to his friend. "Where have you been, Aoi? Were you at a counselor's room?"

Aoi shrugged. "Yeah. I had to see Gomo-Sensei. I swear, everytime I see him, his hairline goes farther and farther back!"

That got a laugh out of both Yashiro and Hanako. The magenta eyed girl turned her body back to face the screen, unpausing her game. "Don't say those things about Tsuchigomori-Sensei. He's old, yeah, but you shouldn't bully him for it."

Raising an eyebrow Aoi leaned down. "Eeehh? You know his entire last name, Nene-Chan? How much about Gomo-Sensei do you know that I don't?"

"A whooole lot." She answered.

Aoi smiled, placing a gentle kiss on top of Yashiro's head. "Whatever you weirdo. I'll be on the other side of the room if you need me."

She ruffled her friend's hair, walking away. Hanako hissed at Aoi like a cat and moved closer to Yashiro, the girl not saying anything as the boy grabbed her arm. Yashiro just shook his head at his behavior and unpaused her game.

Cats were scared of Aoi, actually. Whenever she would try to pet one or even go past one, it would back away hissing or with its tail between its legs.

Yashiro glanced back at Hanako, the boy huddling close to her as he growled at Aoi.


Slowly she moved her gaze back to the screen, hearing Hanako squeal when Aoi sat on him. The ghost scurried to the other side of Yashiro before he scrunched up in a little loaf and laid on Yashiro's lap, the girl taken aback as he just took up all the room on her legs. He barely even fit on there. In fact, just to look at her he would have to turn on his side.

Aoi smiled at Yashiro as Hanako kept his head down, the girl smiling. "Do you wanna play together?"

Her eyes flickered down to the boy on her lap before back at her friend, a little conflicted. She could feel Aoi's body heat, see her warm skin that was full of life. Hanako didn't have that. The feeling of him on her lap was so cold it warmed her flesh, and his skin didn't look the same in ways Yashiro couldn't describe. Even the look in their eyes were different.

"...y-yeah! Go ahead!" Yashiro answered, Aoi picking up the controller Hanako had been using.

She was taken aback when she touched it. "Thats odd...its ice cold."

"...yeah. How weird."

Chapter 26: Why...Do I Know You?


Putting on his uniform Kou sighed, adjusting the tie. The boy looked up in the mirror and felt his jaw, making sure there wasn't a beard starting to grow. Kou felt the dirty necklace before hiding it under the collar of his shirt, putting on his hat before he left the lockers.

Time to check the clipboard. He has a few hours until lunch duty, breakfast was already served since it wasn't his shift for that today, and he doesn't need to do any cooking. He could go around and help clean, since he isn't going to be busy.

Maybe he should check up on Yashiro, see if she's alright. He saw her yesterday, passing by when she was playing some video games with her friend and Hanako. Kou set the clipboard down and picked up his apron off its hanger, tying it before making sure it wasn't covered in flour and sugar. A roll of tape fell off the shelf when he moved it, the boy putting it in his pocket to put it back later. Yashiro wasn't busy today, right? Since he wasn't he caretaker, he didn't know when she had set times to do things today, that was Teru's job. It wouldn't hurt to swing by though.


Hey! Sorry for not posting, a lot of stuff suddenly jumped on me in life, and I fell off schedule. Thank you for understanding!

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (12)

Kou knew Yashiro and Aoi were gone two days ago, he just didn't know why. When he asked Teru, his brother just responded saying that those two were granted permission to go see a movie. Nobody goes to watch a movie in black kimonos though. He knew something was off. He just wasn't allowed to know what.

Putting on his uniform Kou sighed, adjusting the tie. The boy looked up in the mirror and felt his jaw, making sure there wasn't a beard starting to grow. Kou felt the dirty necklace before hiding it under the collar of his shirt, putting on his hat before he left the lockers.

Time to check the clipboard. He has a few hours until lunch duty, breakfast was already served since it wasn't his shift for that today, and he doesn't need to do any cooking. He could go around and help clean, since he isn't going to be busy.

Maybe he should check up on Yashiro, see if she's alright. He saw her yesterday, passing by when she was playing some video games with her friend and Hanako. Kou set the clipboard down and picked up his apron off its hanger, tying it before making sure it wasn't covered in flour and sugar. A roll of tape fell off the shelf when he moved it, the boy putting it in his pocket to put it back later. Yashiro wasn't busy today, right? Since he wasn't he caretaker, he didn't know when she had set times to do things today, that was Teru's job. It wouldn't hurt to swing by though.

"I hope she's okay..." sighed the exorcist, closing the 'Staff Only' door with his back. Grabbing his staff he slung it over his shoulders and began his patrol, Kou stopping midstep when he felt something go by him.

The boy froze when he felt something freezing yet....warm put their hand on his shoulder.

The figure spoke up,"Did you....forget....about me...?"

Kou grabbed the spirit's hand and threw them against the door, the supernatural whining in pain when it crashed into the wood. Their eye shot wide open when Kou slammed his foot to pin the spirit. The boy pulled his staff out as the supernatural started trembling, huddling their body closer to appear smaller.

"I-I'm so-sorry..." They muttered. It had a human like shape yet was disguised by some glitched out appearance that was starting to fade away.

Pointing his staff at the supernatural Kou spoke. "I don't know who you are, but you picked the wrong person to mess with. I'm gonna capture you, and-"

Slowly, he trailed off his sentence when the glitchy disguise faded away. The supernatural...was a ghost. And it was crying. It looked like a boy, or perhaps the supernatural was a girl. His body's build looked quite feminine. His pink hair that he kept in a small ponytail had bangs that covered his right eye, the left being exposed to show that it was also pink but with a teal highlight, not to mention his single freckle that stood out from his soft doe shaped eyelashes. He had a blueish earring that clipped the top of his left ear, and his body was dressed in a blue nightgown with one sleeve being too long, covering his hand.

"I-I didn't mean to..." Apologized the ghost. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll never come back if you let me go."

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." He assured, putting his staff away. Kou put his foot back on the ground as the supernatural adjusted himself, starting to crawl away.

"Yugi-Kun!" Cried out the boy. "Yugi-Kun, help! Help me please!!"

Yugi? Why was this boy crying out...Hanako's last name? Kou tried to calm this boy down by putting his hand on their shoulder, the spirit thrashing around. "Hey! Stay still!"

"Get your hands off me you weirdo! Yugi-Kun!! Help!!!"

People were going to start walking by now, and if this boy didn't stop struggling then Kou would be in an awkward situation. Boy he really didn't want to do this, but he has no choice. Kou took the tape out of his pocket and ripped two strips off, grabbing the boy by his jaw and shutting him up with the strips. Grabbing his sleeves Kou tied them together and tied his legs together with his tie, grabbing the supernatural and slinging him over his shoulder.

"I'm taking you to someone who I know can help! Let go, evil spirit!!"

Kou ran off past staff members and patients that were just starting their day, some of them glancing at him confused. He screeched down into the 1-A section and rushed to find Yashiro's room, forcing himself to stop when he saw Aoi closing the door behind her.

"Ah- Good morning, Akane-San!" He said, hiding the supernatural behind his back.

The girl looked up and smiled, a flowery chuckle leaving her lips. "Good morning! Is there something you need?"

He nodded. "Yes! Is Yashiro-San in there?"

Her eyes narrowed. "...why are you wondering?"

"I'm her caretakers' younger brother."

"Oh, you're that boy Nene-Chan hangs out with!" Aoi cheered. "Yeah, she's alone right now! Go on ahead!"

Kou waited for Aoi to walk away before bursting into Yashiro's room, the girl jolting up. "Senpai, Hanako! I need your attention!"

Yashiro had been adjusting her figurines with Hanako floating next to her, both of them turning their heads to looks at him. Her eyes widened when she saw the ghost Kou had brought in, the toy falling out of her hands as she stepped back. Hanako raised an eyebrow and pointed to the ghost.

"Huh? Oh yeah, this. This is what I need help with. I found him nearby the kitchen!" Kou beamed, the pink haired ghost flailing around.

The new supernatural boy noticed Yashiro, his one exposed eye lighting up as he tried to get out of Kou's grasp. It was clear that he was trying to float over to her. The girl stabilized herself as Hanako glanced between the three, pointing to the new ghost. He put a finger to his neck and sliced it before drawing a question mark in the air.

"Am I gonna...exorcise him?" The boy asked, Hanako nodding. Kou got a bit bashful and scratched behind his ear. "Um...I stopped going that kinda thing. So! I was wondering... there's got to be some other way we can deal with the problem, right?!"

Hanako floated over to the pink supernatural as he pressed a finger on his lower lip, staring directly into the boy's soul. He narrowed his eyes a bit and lifted up the boy's chin before he grabbed it, Hanako not reacting as the ghost struggled.

The boy let go of this kid's face and floated back, giving a shrug. Just then an idea hit Kou, snapping his fingers. "You're saying I should solve this ghost's unfinished business!! Now that's a good idea!" He cheered. He grabbed the pink supernatural's hands and ran off. "Let's go, evil spirit! We're going to take care of your unfinished business!!"

Once Kou and the ghost left Yashiro's legs gave out as she fell to the ground, Hanako squeaking as he quickly got down on his knees to help her.

"I...I...n-no, no no no no no no please why...?" Yashiro begged, Hanako wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. "H-he can't be...I...n-no I didn't do anything bad, I haven't been bad pl-please..."

Hanako pulled his assistant closer to try and help comfort her, his arms loosening as he felt Yashiro start to hyperventilate. Moving one hand to the top of her head the ghost gently scratched her scalp. Hanako didn't fight back as Yashiro twisted around and shoved her face into his chest, the boy holding her close as his assistant cried.

The ghost let his Hakujoudai float to his palm, whispering something to it soft enough for Yashiro not to understand. The orb bobbed as if it was nodding before floating away, leaving them to sit there alone together.

"...h...hey..." he whispered. The boy's throat tightened when Yashiro glanced up at him, his hand tilting her head back down. "''s gonna be okay. I...I'll keep you safe. I promise."

Yashiro's heart thumped in her chest when Hanako said that, the sound of his voice saying more than a single sentence making her feel better. It made her realize something.

Hanako probably doesn't talk a lot because he doesn't feel comfortable talking to people he doesn't trust. Now that he's warmed up to her...he's talking more. Hanako must trust Yashiro.

Yashiro trusts him too.


On a more deserted part of the hospital Kou was hiding next to a stair case, making sure nobody was nearby as he restrained the pink supernatural to the ground.

It didn't sound like anyone was approaching them. The exorcist glanced over at the boy next to him. He looks pretty weak, taking the big guy approach should work.

Kou ripped off the first layer of tape, the pink supernatural whining.

"Okay!" Kou said. "Now spirit, tell me all about this unfinished business of yours!" He ordered as he ripped the second layer of tape off. The boy whined in pain as Kou stood up, shaking his head so his hair would fall back into place. The exorcist gave the ghost a minute to lick his lips so he could moisten them from having the tape ripped up. Kou used his thumb to point to himself, giving a grin as he tried to act tough. "I'll solve your problem in a flash, and then you can happily get the hell outta here and go onto the next life!"

The ghost stared at the ground before making a noise. ""

Kou looked at him in confusion. "Huh? It....?"

The pink haired supernatural glared at Kou with hatred in his eye. "Shut it, hella-lame security hat-Kun."

Kou's face went deadpan as he stared at the ghost surprised. His hat? Lame?


Kou was taken aback by these insults, not really knowing what to say to them. He just stood there with one hand slightly in the air, trying to find the words to explain himself.

"Taking advantage of my delicate frame to have your way with me...all you guards are the same..." the ghost muttered under his breath. His legs were shaking as he stood up, stumbling back while trying to walk away. "Trying to hide your intentions by dressing cute with an filthy...PERVERT!!"







The two kept up that for at least twenty minutes, going back and forth between one making accusations of Kou being a pervert and the other defending themselves.

Eventually the pink haired boy collapsed to the floor and leaned against the wall to catch his breath. Kou watched the ghost a bit worried, trying to put his hand on his shoulder. "Uh....did you get it out of your system yet....?"

The ghost turned his head and glared at Kou. "....You."

"I-I'm, uh-" he stuttered. Kou's mind started racing. He can't show weakness here. He needs to help this boy while maintaining the dignity of the Minamoto Clan. Clearing his throat Kou held out his staff, standing menacingly over the pink haired boy. "My name is Kou Minamoto!" He informed, keeping his chin up. "I am the second son in an ancient and honorable exorcist bloodline!"

The ghosts eyes widened. Not really out of fear...more as if he remembered something. "Exorcist.....bloodline...?" He repeated. The boy started scooting back and scoffed at Kou's claim. "Whoa watch waaaay to much anime. Scary.....stay away."

...okay that whole exorcism idea is starting to sound pretty good.

The ghost stood up and tried to float, not really doing a job at it. He put his feet on the ground wearing a sly grin on his lips "Soooo? What does the self proclaimed exorcist, LOL, with a hella lame security hat want with me, a cute and humble ghost~?"

"My name's Kou!" He snapped a bit angry.

The ghost leaned his head closer with a smirk. "....The hella lame pervert with a security hat."

"KOU!!!! You are seriously testing my limits!"

Rolling his eyes the boy waved his tied arms around. "What limits would the security hat wearing pervert have?"

Now clearly annoyed Kou shouted back at him. "Damnit, I'm seriously gonna erase you!"

The ghost put his hands to his face and fingers his mouth, giving Kou puppy dog eyes. "Please don't be viowlent?" He teased, making a whimper.

Kou shoved the ghost to the ground and raised his staff, the boy screaming as the exorcist stared down at him with his piercing blue eyes. "You have five seconds to tell me your name and unfinished business. Or I'll just erase you here and now."

The ghost screamed louder as the staff sparked with lightening. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY I'M SORRY SORRY SORRY! PLEASE LET ME GO!"

To the supernatural's surprise, Kou did let him go. The exorcist untied his sleeves and the took off the tie around his legs, Kou stuffing the tie in his pocket. He stood back up as the ghost sat against the wall in defeat.

"So...your name is...?"

The boy stayed silent for a minute before looking away. "My name's Sousuke Mitsuba..."

That name sounded familiar. Kou brushed the thought away and kneeled down. "How old are you Sousuke-Kun?"

The boy refused to meet Kou's eyes.

"How long we're you in the hospital?"

Mitsuba didn't answer.

Kou let out an agitated sigh. "What's your unfinished business?"

Mitsuba did look at Kou, but instead gave him a cute expression. Already annoyed Kou grabbed Mitsuba by the collar and pulled him up from the ground, putting the staff on his chest.

Mitsuba screamed before yelling out what his regret was. "AAAHHH! STOP STOP STOP IT! I DON'T REMEMBER OKAY?!"

Kou let go of Mitsuba, the ghost stumbling back. "You don't remember...?"

Mitsuba regained his footing before nodding. "I-I...I don't remember what it was. I don't know why I'm here. I just...I think it had something to deal with being worried about something."

"Do you have any idea what you were worried about?"

He shook his head. "No...all I can remember about it was I was worried if something was okay."

The young exorcist glanced Mitsuba up and down. "Is there anything else you remember before you died, Sousuke-Kun?"

"Please...just call me Mitsuba." The ghost mumbled.

"Ah! Sorry."

"It's okay." Mitsuba assured. "I remember waking up one morning and adjusting my stuffed animals before I just sort of...zoned out. Next thing I knew, I couldn't breathe, and then when I opened my eyes I was in some weird place. I'm not allowed to talk about that place since, you know, you're living and stuff, but after that I was just put back here. I'm...I'm confused. I don't know what to do."

Kou nodded. It didn't seem like Mitsuba was a bad kid, maybe he was more like some frightened animal and all those insults were him trying to defend himself. He is dressed like a patient afterall.

Is that why he looks familiar?

He feels like he recognizes him but just doesn't know from where.

"Do you remember what the something was that you were worried about?"

Mitsuba shrugged. "I mean, sorta. I was worried about more than one. I know it was something close to me."

Something close to him? So, all Kou has to do is help Mitsuba remember things that were close to him, and then see if those things are okay. Simple enough.

"Let's think of a place to start!" Kou suggested, hitting his fist into the palm of his hand. "Any places that come to mind when you think of what you might be worried about?"

The ghost took a minute to think. "Yeah...the hallway we were just at. When you talked to that girl and boy. There was a room nearby it that I'm sure contained something I was worried about."

"Then let's go!"

Mitsuba stayed standing there for a minute as Kou started to walk away, the ghost snapping back into reality. He tried to float after him, failing to do so and instead ran after him to catch up.

The exorcist noticed. "You don't know how to float?"

"Duh, Minamoto-Senpai. I'm not used to being dead." Scoffed Mitsuba.

Kou's brain had to take a second to process that. Senpai. He kinda liked being called that. It feels weird though. He wasn't old enough to be Mitsuba's Senpai, was he?

"You can call me Minamoto-Kun. I don't mind." The young exorcist said.

Mitsuba tucked some of his pink hair behind his ear. "No, you're in a position higher than me. So you're my Senpai."

"Well, you can also call someone older then you by Senpai. I mean, there's this one patient and I call her Senpai because she's a year older than me."

"You call a girl Senpai because she's a year older than you? Wow.SIMP." Mitsuba teased, lowering his voice just enough for Kou not to hear the next bit. "...he's talking about her...isn't he?"

The exorcist crossed his arms. "Well how old are you?!"

"Huh? Like...fourteen."

"Exactly. She's a year older than me, and she's a year older for you. It only makes sense to call her Senpai."

"Well, still." The ghost hmphed. "You're in a position above me. Thus, Senpai."

Shaking his head the blond boy looked away. It's better if they don't fight over it. Speaking of girls though:

"So...was there a girl you like or anything?" Kou asked.

"What...? A girl? I don't think so. I mean, there just aren't any girls cuter than me!" Mitsuba bragged after taking a second to think.

Narrowing his eyes the exorcist nodded doubtfully. "Uh huh...right."

"Well look at me! Clearly if some security hat wearing pervert would pick on me rather than any of the girls here then I must be cuter!"

"I am not a pervert!"

"Oh quit lying, we all know that you like having older girls dominate you! Why else would you call a girl 'Senpai' if she wasn't in a position above you?!" He hysterically laughed.

Kou cracked his knuckles. "Hey, quit messing around or I'll leave you to figure out your problems yourself."

Mitsuba squeak. "Okay, okay! Jeez, for someone who is a bottom you're super feisty."

Bottom? He'll ask about that later. Kou adjusted his hat as they turned the corner in the hallway. "There, go find the room you want or whatever."

Mitsuba mocked his but walked down the halls, stopping at a door close by and staring at it. He put his hand on the wood. His fingers phased through it as the boy's arm tensed up, forcing his gaze back to the ground.

Kou turned his head and noticed Mitsuba start to walk away from the door, the exorcist pointing to it. "Do you want to go in there?"

The boy slowly turned his head and nodded, Kou walking over and opening the door.

Slipping inside Mitsuba looked over his shoulder. "Don't follow me."

With a nod Kou stood still, keeping the door open just enough for his friend to slip back outside. Mitsuba came out of the room holding a toy. It was a stuffed horse, one of its eyes starting to fall out. Kou's eyes noticed something else. Mitsuba's fingernails were painted cyan. The color looked fresh, as fresh as it could be when you're dead.

"Looks like that stuff Yugi-Kun gave me does help me interact with stuff." The apparition mumbled to himself. "Too bad I can't open doors yet..."

Again with the Yugi-Kun. How did Mitsuba know Hanako's last name? Hanako never mentioned knowing a ghost with pink hair, though to be fair Hanako never mentions anything.

He decided to question it. "Why do you know Hanako's last name?"

"Hanako? You mean Hanako-San, the girl in the bathroom?" Mitsuba asked. "I noticed you called that one boy Hanako, is he trans or something?"

Kou's head shook a little. "Trans...?"

"Transgender. Is he a boy that want to be a girl?" The boy questioned.

"I don't...think so." He responded after taking a minute to process the question. "He's the Seventh Mystery, Hanako-San."

Mitsuba froze for a minute to try and understand what Kou said. "What, a boy as Hanako-San? Isn't she also like, one of those special supernaturals or something? I hear a lot of the other guys whisper things about how scary she is. That kid didn't look scary."

Well you're not the one who got your ribs broken by him, are you? Kou sighed that thought away as his fingers subconsciously felt the collar of his shirt, the exorcist forcing them back down when he realized he was doing they. His opinions on Hanako really have changed, haven't they?

Hugging the horse close to his chest Mitsuba started to walk away. "Well, how long does it take for the whole 'special business' thing to work? It's been a few seconds and nothing has happened."

That is a good question. "I don't know, actually. Maybe we need to wait a bit."

Mitsuba shrugged and attempted to float, shaking a little and giving up on it. "Who knows, maybe it works at midnight."

The supernatural walked next to Kou and motioned for them to walk to pass the time, both of them silently going around the hospital. Upstairs, downstairs, silently walking next to eachother for hours. Kou glanced out a window to see the sun start to go down.

"It's gonna get dark in a few hours. Are you sure you don't know what it is?"

Mitsuba scoffed. "Why does it matter to you?"

Kou leaned in. "Because I want to solve your problems before I leave for school!"

The ghost was taken aback. " usually ends around 3:00."

"I go to night school."

Stopping in his place Mitsuba's eyes softened a little, his voice filled with worry. " much sleep do you get?"

The boy was ready to answer before stopping, taking a second to actually think about that question. Kou had never really thought about that. He had to take care of the hospital early, and then go to school for four or five hour before going home and having to make sure food is cooked and Tiara is in bed.

"I...don't know."

Mitsuba was quiet for a little, looking at the horse in his hands. His fingers tightened around the animal before he held it out to Kou. "Here. Maybe you should hold him for a little."

A bit confused Kou took the toy from Mitsuba's hands and held it close to him. The horse seemed to be watching him out of the corner of its eyes. Not in some creepy, unsettling way though. More in the way that it was just wanting to observe.

"Is this not what you were worried about?" Asked Kou.

The ghost shrugged. "I don't think so."

He looked at the toy in his hands. "Well do you have any idea what it is that's worrying you? Maybe a person or a club?"

Mitsuba shook his head. "I still don't know. It might not even be here."

The exorcist opened his mouth to say something when he heard someone behind him. "Kou?"

He turned around and to see a coworker of his. "Oh, Yokoo! What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just surprised to see you here instead of the kitchen. " Yokoo said. His eyes trailed down to the toy. "Oh hey, that was one of Sousuke-Kun's."

Confused, Kou tilted his head. "You knew him?"

"You don't remember him?" His coworker asked, surprised. "What a shocker. It was all over the hospital about how he killed himself."

Chapter 27: Friend Stealer


The sound of his brother's voice alerted him. "So, Kou, why were you sitting in that hallway like that? I haven't seen you that way since...well...since Mom died."

Kou didn't respond. He stared at the streetlights as they drove past each one, his stomach knotting when he saw the hospital in the distance.

The exorcist's fingers felt the necklace under his shirt's collar, remembering Hanako's face when he had snapped at him. He worked up the courage and spat out what he had been wanting to say ever since he saw his brother tonight. "You've been lying to me, Nii-Chan."


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (13)


Kou forced himself to say something. "He...he did what?"

"Don't you remember? A few months ago. He hung himself in his room." The boy explained. Kou turned to look at the ghost, Yokoo continuing. "Yeah, his two friends discovered his body. What were their names again...I think it was that Akane girl with purple hair...and that one girl with cream and green hair. I think her surname is Yashiro."


Senpai...knew Mitsuba?

"I...I didn't realize..."

"You'd serve lunch to him and his friends! I remember seeing you always smiling at them everyday!

That's why the name seemed so familiar. Now that Kou remembers...

...Teru had told him that Mitsuba was moved to a different hospital.

Looking over his shoulder Kou's eyes landed on Mitsuba, the ghost staring at one of the windows as pigeons and crows pecked around outside. The back of his neck had a scar that looked almost fatal.

Yokoo patted Kou on the shoulder. "Well, I better head out. So ya around bud!"

The exorcist didn't respond as his coworker walked off, the boy opening his mouth to say something to the patient in front of him.

"I tried talking to every person I knew...even you...some...stupid, hat wearing lunch boy that I wanted to be friends with..." Mitsuba lamented. "...but...only I...remembered."

The horse in Kou's hands seemed to be giving him a judging glare. It felt heavier now. As if the toy was filled with guilt. Kou tried to say something before Mitsuba spoke again.

"Maybe we should get going now. On the second floor, there might be something that will remind me of my regret...or something."

He nodded mindlessly, walking behind the ghost. The toy kept getting heavier and heavier on his arms and shoulders, Kou hugging it close to his chest so he wouldn't drop it. They made their way up three flights of stairs, Mitsuba stopping halfway through on the third floor. His hands clenched the railing as he looked down.

"I lied." Mitsuba chuckled somberly. "I know what my unfinished business is. It's because I wanted to see how Nene and Aoi-Chan were before I died."

Kou couldn't find the words he wanted to say. The boy watched as Mitsuba felt one of the bobby-pins holding his hair up, the ghost admiring the sky before he went on.

"I'm surprised she can see supernaturals now." Mitsuba mumbled, shrugging. "Nene-Chan probably doesn't remember me. I just hope Aoi-Chan is taking care of her."

Yashiro had reacted...almost afraid when Kou had dragged Mitsuba in for Hanako to see. The boy had just never thought about it because he was busy with the supernatural in his hands. Now it made sense.

That day her and Aoi were gone wasn't a movie, they went to Mitsuba's funeral. Yashiro had to accept that Mitsuba was dead only for him to suddenly appear again.

That must be a horrible thing to experience.

Mitsuba sighed. "If I was still alive...I would make sure they're okay."

That's when an idea popped into his head. Kou put his hand on Mitsuba's shoulder. "Maybe that's your unfinished business? I can reintroduce you to Senpai, and you can finally move on after you guys catch up with eachother!"

Mitsuba seemed genuinely surprised when Kou said that. "You' that for me?"

"Of course I would! Why wouldn't I?"

" don't want anything in return?"

"No! All that matters is making sure you get your unfinished business done!" Kou assured with a smile. He hugged the toy horse closer to him. "I'm happy just helping you."

The supernatural couldn't find any words to say, so he just fell silent and looked back at the stairs. Mitsuba went up the rest of the staircase and waited for Kou to catch up.

Once Kou was up Mitsuba rested his arms on a windowsill. The sun was already setting by now. The sky had turned from blue into orange with streaks of yellow and purple, and they birds were in trees resting from drowsiness.

"I wish I had my camera with me. My mom has it, back at home. It actually used to be my dad's but...nevermind."

Kou leaned next to him. "No, go on."

His pink colored eye darted over to the exorcist before Mitsuba shrugged. "I used it to take pictures as a hobby. People used to make fun of me for it."

"Make fun of you for it?" Kou asked, turning his body so he was positioned just like the patient.

"Yeah. I got bullied a lot in school. People didn't like me. Called me a 'Momma's Boy' and said I was 'Too Girly'. Stupid reasons honestly. You probably already know why I was put in this hospital in the first place so I don't get why I'm telling you all this."

"I...actually don't know why you were put here." The boy replied. "You don't have to tell me if it's too much."

The silence was too loud as Mitsuba watched a dove fly by the window. After a moment he continued. "Kids did things to me. People often say to 'be more like children'...children are horrible. They're cruel. I tried to be nice...but then people used me. I tried to blend in...but people always found something to pick on me for. I tried to fight back once...and that landed me in the hospital. Not this hospital. I mean one where they send you because you're almost dead."

The boy nodded. He didn't know what words to say, so he didn't say any. He let Mitsuba speak.

"I found friends here, as ironic as that is. But I don't need to be sad anymore. I can see those friends again. Well, maybe only Nene-Chan. That's better then nothing though. Who knows...we can be friends too."

Kou felt his heart stop when Mitsuba turned to him with a smile, the ghost chuckling. Kou found himself smiling too. "Yeah. We can be friends. I'd love too!"

Was it just him, or we're both their faces getting a little red. Mitsuba playfully shoved him and chuckled, walking away from the window. He pointed to a door. "Senpai! I want to to go through here!"

Kou shook his head and opened the door. "After you."

Mitsuba rolled his eyes, but went in.

"So, what time do you think works to talk to Yashiro-San?" Asked the exorcist as the door closed behind them.

Mitsuba tapped his finger on his lower lip. "I think we should wait a little to calm her down, I did scare her afterall-"

He cut off when a cheery voice chimed out. "Mi~su~baa~Kuuunn!"

Both of the boys stood still, Mitsuba's eyes shooting wide open in horror.

"It bothers me when you do these things." The voice said.

Kou turned around, his staff prepared for attack. A kid stood where the voice was from. He looked...oddly similar to Hanako. No, similar was too vague. He looked exactly like him, only with a few key differences. His arms and legs weren't covered in bandages, and his face...the only thing on it was a cotton bandage on his right cheek. Two orbs wormed under the cracks of the door and flew to float next to him, their shape identical to Hakujoudai instead with them being black.

He smirked, moving his bangs from his eyes. Taking a step off the stairs he walked over to Mitsuba and leaned up a bit, the top of his head reaching around the height of Mitsuba's mouth. "You're just so mean, you know! Trying to move on...without a word to me..."

The boy put his hand on Mitsuba's shoulder before grabbing his nightgown, Kou watching with fear and disgust as this kid yanked Mitsuba's body closer and smashed his fist through the spirit's chest. A pinkish blood sprayed all over the boy's face as a swirl of darkness formed a hole in Mitsuba's chest.

His hand pulled the boy's heart out from the crater in Mitsuba's chest, Kou watching frozen as this mysterious child crushed the patient's heart. "We can't have that."

The ghost staggered back before he fell to the ground, his fingers stuck hovering over the giant hole in his body. Kou's arms were starting to shake as he watched Mitsuba's expression keep slowly revealing the agonizing pain.

Kou wanted to move.

He needed to move.

His body was frozen in shock, for the first time Kou couldn't move no matter how badly he wanted to. The look of betray in Mitsuba's eyes only makes it worse.

"I thought you were my friend, Mitsuba-Kun." Grumbled the mysterious child, sounding almost hurt. "Now you're trying to leave me? And you're not even going to say goodbye? How mean. To think I was actually starting to grow fond of you."

When the boy took a step forward Kou managed to get his body under control, charging the boy. Completely motivated by rage he hollered, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

The boy caught Kou's arm. With a jerk he twisted it so hard it almost snapped off before he grabbed him by the hair. Kou yelled out involuntarily when his the face was smashed into the wall. He couldn't give up. He had to keep going.

The kid looked at Kou before turning his attention back to the still-alive Mitsuba, who was laying on the ground with the pinkish liquid starting to pour out of the hole in his chest.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed something else. Nearby Kou. The boy picked up the toy horse and moved its hoof. "Oh! What a cute little toy! You don't mind if I take this for someone special, right? Don't worry...they'll take good care of it~"

A black orb floated spiraled around the toy, teleporting it out of its master's hands. The child gave the orb a smile before his amber eyes trailed back to the supernatural.

"Mitsuba-Kun...oh, what will I ever do with you?" He asked, taping a finger on his own cheek. The boy shook his head before he crouched down. "You're such a meanie, you know that right? Who just leaves their new friend behind like that?"

" hurts..." Mitsuba whimpered. The apparition was trembling violently.

"'s okay." The boy assured, petting Mitsuba's head. "I forgive you. Humans do stupid things, even when they're dead. I'll keep my promise, just to show you how much I care about you."


The kid laughed. "Remember Mitsuba? You asked me to grant your wish! You said 'I want to be with them again', isn't that right?"

His hand that was petting Mitsuba grabbed him by his bangs, the boy staring into this poor supernatural's soul as he forced the boy to look at him.

"Now you have someone to replace me, the one who gave you a chance, and you're happy with that?" The kid asked. An evil grin grew on his face, "No you're not. Are you now? Mitsuba-Kun~?"

Mitsuba trembled in fear and pain as the boy began to smoosh his lips together like a child messing with a doll. The tears that fell down from his eyes brought this boy some twisted form of joy.


"Shh...shh...I know, it hurts. I would know more than anyone how badly it hurts." The boy hushed. His hand let go of Mitsuba's jaw and traced the hole that was growing bigger and bigger. "It's better if you don't waste your energy. Hush yourself...that will make it better."

Mitsuba tried to grab the boy by his nightgown. "Y-Yugi-Kun-"

He snapped at him. "Don't call me that. You don't deserve to call me anything."

While this exchange was going on Kou managed to pull himself up. His legs were shaking and the vision in one of his eyes was messed up. Kou ripped the apron off and used it to wipe his head, realizing why he couldn't see well. He was bleeding. The apron slipped out of his shaking hand as his eyes trailed over to the two supernaturals. The exorcist tried to walk over, his head spinning. He fell to his knees. Kou forced himself to keep moving, grabbing this mysterious ghost's shoulder while keeping the blood from pouring out of his wound. " son of a bitch..."

The ghost suddenly stopped when Kou called him that, his hand dropping Mitsuba. Looking behind his shoulder toward Kou, the exorcist could see that the boy's face. Eyes wide, pupils shrunk, completely filled with rage. "What did you just call my mother?"

"I called her a bitch. Who do you think you are....? Don't you dare touch Mitsuba'T YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON HIM!!!"

The spirit watched a bit surprised as Kou yelled that at him, his eye twitching.


The boy swung Mitsuba in his arms and used one of the black orbs he had to spin around Kou, distracting the exorcist and giving the spirit an escape. The orb flung Kou against the wall as this supernatural floated with Mitsuba in his arm, laughing manically.

"Who do I think I am? I am a supernatural. For the right price, I will grant the wish of whoever summons me. I'm sure you're familiar with a supernatural known as Number Seven. He grants the wishes of the living, and Igrant the wishes of the dead. You see, this patient here, he made a wish. And now, I'll make his wish come true...but...I think I want to have a little fun with you first."

Kou stared in disbelief, the anger in his head rushing to his blood. The boy whipped out his staff and pointed it at the ghost, the weapon sparking. "You're crazy if you think I'll let you hurt a patient!! Let go of him!"

"Aww, it's sweet of you to worry about a patient so much." The boy cooed. He smiled sweetly at Kou before his expression dropped. "That doesn't change the fact that you insulted my mother."

The boy held out his hand, one of his orbs flying by. It spun like crazy before an old radio that looked like to was from the 60's was summoned and gently landed on a side table.

"So I'm going to play with you before I grant his wish!!"

Turning a knob on the radio the device made a click to show power. A second orb floated over to the boy, bring over some kind of radio....or....maybe microphone. It was designed to look similar to the radio, but not the same.

"Hey Sakura~!" The kid called into the mic. "Remember that one idea I had? I wanna use it now! Let's use it on a boy!"

"Alright then."The voice of ayoung woman responded. Kou covered his ears when the intercom turn on, the woman now heard all throughout the hospital."Good evening, patients and staff. I have a story for you. Tell me, have you heard this rumor...? "t's one of a child who roams this hospital. They're known as...The Bent-Neck Boy."

The scream that came out of Mitsuba's mouth was unnatural. Piercing sharp. A desperate cry for mercy. The ghost holding him giggled as the pink haired supernaturally tried to fight back against the story that was being told, his neck snapping back with a loud crack. Kou stared frozen in horror as Mitsuba's head started to tear off the neck with pink blood drizzling out of the skin. The kid holding him dropped the boy to the ground, Mitsuba screaming and crying from the torture. The pain. It was unbearable. Yet it was all getting started.

The radio spoke up again."They say a ghost with a broken neck...wonders through the hospital.He is a very, very lonely ghost. He just wants you to be his friend. So, he might try and talk to you.... he'll say...."

Mitsuba's fingers felt the wound on his neck that was starting to fill his mouth with blood, his hands creeping up to cover his ears from the shrieks in the radio.

"Hey. Did you...forget about me?"

"MITSUBA!! MITSUBA I'M COMING!!" Yelled out Kou, rushing over to the patient.

The voice on the radio went on. "If you can't refuse to be his friend....then... he'll break your neck to make you look like him."

The poor supernatural was curled up as he covered his ears, tears pouring down as rumors whispered all around him.

Kou attempted to grab Mitsuba, an orb wrapping itself around his arm and throwing him back. "MITSUBA!" He yelled as he tried to break through the magic. "THIS CAN'T BE REAL! MITSUBA!"

Somehow, the ghost managed to turn his head and saw his friend trying to rescue him. ""

Smoke crowded around Mitsuba's body, engulfing him in weird symbols. Eventually the pain....stopped.

The mysterious kid smiled and leaned into the microphone. "Thank you, Sakura."

He clicked the radio off, his second orb twirling around it and making the device disappear. Once done it returned to its master, nuzzling the boy's jaw as he approached Mitsuba. He patted a hand on the now morphed body, tilting his head happily.

"Don't worry, I'll change you back once playtime is over." The boy giggled. His eyes shifted over to Kou. Snapping his fingers the orb that was around the exorcist let go and floated back to the kid, a smile spreading across his lips. "What's your favorite game? I enjoy seeking games...or ones where you play pretend. We can play whatever you want though. I'll let you decided."

He stood there patiently awaiting Kou's response. The experts stared at the...thing that was now Mitsuba. His body was now made out of eyes and camera parts, loosely bound together with bandages. The hole in his chest was till there, if you could even call it a chest. His body was just a black oval shape with a ribcage poking out inside the hole. The tears that were in Mitsuba's eyes were now black, with some of the liquid leaking out of his mouth.

Kou let strong, holding back tears as he pulled out his staff and clenched the metal. "You...WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?! THIS ISN'T SOME GAME!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

The boy seemed a little surprised by the reaction. "Hmm! I wouldn't have expected this from a Minamoto. Explains why Amane keeps you around. Reminds moment! Mitsuba-Kun, keep your buddy entertained for a minute!"

On command Mitsuba's head twisted to look at Kou, his eye shot wide open with the gaze of a predator. Before Kou could react the bandages around Mitsuba grew out and wrapped themselves around the exorcist. They yanked him over.

Kou's staff fell out of his hands. The boy yelled as he struggled to escape Mitsuba's grasp. "MITSUBA STOP IT! SNAP OUT OF IT PLEASE! I'M HERE TO HELP YOU!"

His eyes flickered over to the boy that looked like Hanako, Kou watching as the kid whispered something seemingly to the weird Hakujoudai that follow him. After a moment he turned back around, patting Mitsuba.

"Now now Mitsuba-Kun, don't hold him so tightly. We still have to play with him, after all. Hmm...I know! Let's play a guessing game! You get three turns to guess what Mitsuba's wish was, and once you win, then I get three turns to guess what yours is! You first!"

His cold hand booped Kou on the nose, the exorcist trying to get out of the grip the bandages had around him. The boy's amber eyes watched intently.

"Ya know, it's better if you don't struggle." He suggested. "The more you move, the tighter it gets. You don't want your ribs to break after all! Now, first guess! What was Mitsuba's wish?"


"Correct! He told me that he wants to be with his friends." The ghost answered, poking his finger on his own cheek. "I should find those friends for them what he's become. Wouldn't he just love that?"

He's talking about Yashiro and Aoi, isn't he?

He went on before Kou could respond. "No...I think I'll be nice and have Mitsuba see them after I'm done playing with you. Oh! Right! My turn to guess!" He cheered. The boy giggled and clasped his hands together, leaning his head against them with his eyes shut. When he opened them, they were as black as ink. "You wish you weren't a disappointment to your family, am I right?"

Kou froze. "I-"

"You bring dishonor to the Minamoto bloodline. What kind of exorcist makes friends with supernaturals? That's just dumb! That's like a cat making friends with mice! You're supposed to erase them from existence, silly!"

Disappointment? Memories of his Dad praising Teru but ignoring him rushed into Kou's mind. No, this boy is just trying to find a weak spot. Kou has to remain strong.

"I see how you struggle. Everyday. It's difficult for you." He said. The boy gave Kou a comforting smile. "Your brother is so popular...and're just a lunch boy according to everyone else. You wish people would recognize you. That nobody will be disappointed in you. I can...make that wish come true. I can grant you it if you die."

His lungs were burning as his ribs pressed against them harder. Mitsuba's grasp loosened when the kid gave him a nod, Kou gasping.

"I forgive you for insulting my mother. You were just freaked out in the moment and wanted to seem like the tough guy. That's alright. Humans always do stupid things in situations they can't control."

No, no he has control in this. Kou couldn't fight back as the boy put his hands on the exorcist's jaw and lifted his limp head up.

"It doesn't matter if what you do is good or bad, or who you hurt to get what you want.Iwill forgive you for everything." The boy whispered as he stroked his hand on Kou's face. "The price of your wish would be this human body."

In some twisted way, his touch was comforting. It felt safe. Safe in a way Kou hasn't felt before. Safe in a way where it's the only thing that's distracting you from the horrors of the world.

If this boy was related to Hanako, Kou was starting to see how.

His tongue managed to form a sentence. " hell..."

"I already have."

The feeling of the child's fingers slipped away from his face before it was replaced with pain. Agony spilled out of Kou's lungs. Mitsuba's grasp on him was tightening. He struggled and screamed and tried to fight, but bandages began to wrap around his head. Desperate his eyes looked at the boy who caused this mess for help, but all that ghost did was stand to the side as he watched.

The boy raised his finger against his lips and shushed Kou. "Shhhh.....don't struggle. Just give in. It'll make it easier for all three of us. Think about it. No more worries. Freedom forever. I'll even grant your wish."

It hurts.

It hurt more then when those beads Teru used on him sucked him if all his strength.

This truly felt as if Kou was going to die.

Forcing himself to move he managed to break his hands through the bandages and pull himself to Mitsuba's face, putting his hands on the spirits cheeks.

"" he cried out in a whimper, "...snap...out of...i-it..."

He was crying now. The tears streamed down his eyes as he felt his ribs start to crack.

The point of a kitchen knife appeared infront of his face, and Kou watched in terror as Mitsuba was cut in half before being yanked by the back of his shirt onto the floor. Kou didn't even know what was going on until his eyesight cleared up and his breathing was under control. His eyes landed on the one who had saved him.

"Hah...Hanako-!" He wheezed.

A high pitch voice squealed out. It was the boy who looked identical to Hanako. He was bouncing on his feet and rubbing his fingers together, his face one of pure joy. "It's Amane!"

Hanako didn't say anything as he stared at Kou, turning his body a bit to the look-a-like.

The boy beamed as he rushed to Hanako. "You made it, you made it!! I know you would show up!! See, see! Look what I did!! Lookie!! Isn't it cool, Amane-"

Hanako violently grabbed the boy by his nightgown and slammed him against the window, the force almost breaking it.

The supernatural seemed confused as Hanako snarled back his teeth, his grip on the look-a-likes nightgown tightening. The boy's eyes trailed to the body of Mitsuba. " killed that boy for good now. I get that you were saving the Minamoto...but you didn't have to do that to him."

The Seventh Mystery didn't respond, his fist shaking.

"You seem really mad." The boy observed. "You remember me, don't you?"

Hanako pulled the boy in, screaming in the kids face. "TSUKASA!!"

Kou stared at them confused as the boy in Hanako's hands smiled softly, letting out a laugh.

"Oh...I get it. Youaremad at me. It's okay though! You have a right to be mad! I just thought you forgot my name for a second. You're a lot more quiet now, aren't you?" He asked. So...his name was Tsukasa. The boy stabilized himself back on his feet and hugged Hanako, the seventh mystery taken aback. "You know...I still think about that night. When you killed me. You were such a baby back then, look at you now."

All muscles in Hanako's body stopped when Tsukasa said that, the knife almost sliding out of his hand. Tsukasa stopped hugging the boy and put his hand on Hanako's, moving the knife back into his grip.

"I love you, Amane." He assured, placing a hand on Hanako's cheek. The ghost looked away as Kou noticed he was starting to cry, Tsukasa wiping a tear from his face. "We should play again. Soon, when you're not as busy. Okay? I'll give you time to forgive me for making you mad."

The boy faded away right infront of Hanako's eyes, become a deep purple mist that phased out into the air. Hanako stepped back as the hand clenching his knife grew too shaky, the weapon sliding out and dissolving before it hit the ground. His Hakujodai that wasn't on his chest nudged him to look over, the boy turning his head to see a horrified Kou.

The exorcist's grip tightened around Mitsuba. " can fix this...right...?"

Hanako stared at the body with a blank expression, closing his eyes before he shook his head. The tears he had from the encounter a minute ago were still in the corner of his eyes.

Kou gritted his teeth and shook the pink haired supernatural. "Mitsuba! Come on, this isn't you! Do-don't you want to see your friends again?! Come on!! Th-the Mitsuba they remember was sassy, looked like a girl, s-sarcastic, selfish, an-and he would be fake nice in the lunch lines before teasing his friends at the table, an-and he would pretend to take pictures of things and he...he was a person!! Mitsuba!!! Get up, I'm not giving up on you!! I swore I would never give up on a patient!! MITSUBA!!!"

The Seventh Mystery walked over and put his hand on Kou's shoulder. The boy squeezed his friend and tried to give him some form of comfort, Kou eyes full of tears that were falling onto Mitsuba's face.

"This can't be the end..." he muttered. He turned his head to look at the boy next to him. Hanako looked as if he wanted to say something. As if he wanted to say anything that could explain everything for Kou.

Hanako knelt down and put his hand on Mitsuba's cheek, brushing his fingers to the ghost's forehead. The exorcist watched as the supernatural took out his knife and pointed it inside the hole in Mitsuba's chest, the patient's body crumbling away into little pieces of dust the blew themselves out of the crack in an open window, off into the sky where they'll never seen again. All that was left was a photograph. It was Yashiro, Mitsuba, and Aoi, with Kou in the background working at the lunch line. They were all smiling and looking so happy.

Kou's shaking hand picked up the picture, Hanako standing up. His Hakujoudai flew off his chest, the boy turning on his heel and walking away with an unreadable expression. He stopped, however, when he heard Kou.

He held the photo tightly, Kou's voice trembling inside his throat. "...more...there...there should have been something more. Something I could have done...something I could've done for save him from even becoming a ghost. If I knew...if I was smart and stronger like Teru-Nii...I wouldn't have turned out this way!!"

Hanako watched Kou with his head to the side, the ghost observing the exorcist's behavior.


A sigh came out of Hanako's nose. He placed his hand on Kou's fist, rubbing the young exorcist's fingers. The ghost reached out to try and touch his cheek, Kou suddenly grabbing the boy by his nightgown and pulling him closer.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE!! HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE THIS YOUNG!! HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO KILL HIMSELF!!!" He yelled in Hanako's face, Kou's breath getting caught in his throat when he saw Hanako try and cheer him up with a forced smile. Out of nowhere Kou hugged Hanako's head against his chest, squeezing him protectively while the tears streamed down Kou's face. "I-I'm so-sorry...I...I shouldn't have yelled. had family an-and friends and...and...I sh-shouldn't...I'm so sorry..."

The ghost was forced onto his knees from the force, his eyes a bit wide from the surprise being held. Kou's fingers were much larger than his own. The exorcist's grip was like a father trying to protect his son.

...Hanako glanced down at the ground.

"'re a good person..."Kou cried, letting out a soft laugh. "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to say that. I kn-know that word ho...holds some bad memories for you. I'm so sorry..."

Hanako found himself wrapping his arms around Kou, squeezing the crying boy tightly. Any words Kou was trying to say were now an incoherent mess made up of sobs and apologies, the supernatural remaining mute the entire time.

One of Hanako's Hakujoudai came floating with paper, the other with a pencil. They set it down on the ground and allowed their master to write something when he took an arm off the boy, floating at his side once he was done. Hanako got up and patted Kou on the head, walking away from the situation.

Once he had enough energy Kou looked at the paper. He took it off the ground, his broken heart sinking into his stomach at the sight of the words.

Don't be so kind to the dead. We have no future. Keep your head up, kid. Boys aren't meant to cry.

Hours later, when Kou was found by Teru in the hall, he snapped back into reality to see he was all dressed for school and now in the car. He had no memory of getting up and going with Teru.

The sound of his brother's voice alerted him. "So, Kou, why were you sitting in that hallway like that? I haven't seen you that way since...well...since Mom died."

Kou didn't respond. He stared at the streetlights as they drove past each one, his stomach knotting when he saw the hospital in the distance.

The exorcist's fingers felt the necklace under his shirt's collar, remembering Hanako's face when he had snapped at him. He worked up the courage and spat out what he had been wanting to say ever since he saw his brother tonight. "You've been lying to me, Nii-Chan."

Teru almost hit the brakes when his younger brother said that, only saved by the fact they were now at a red light. His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he looked at Kou in some form of desperation. "Lying...?"

Kou glared at his sibling. "About the missing patients. About Sousuke Mitsuba."

He didn't even try to deny it. "How did-"

"Because I saw his heart get ripped out in that hallway."



Chapter 28: Drink Your Sorrows Down


Yashiro tugged a little. ""

The man looked behind him towards her. "Oh, me? I'm Natsuhiko Hyuuga! Though you can call me Natsuhiko-Senpai~✿!"

"U- good to know, but um-"

"I'm almost seventeen years old, though I'm mature enough to be twenty!"

"-that's nice, can you-"

"My hobbies include fishing and karaoke!"

"-will you let go-"

"And, incidentally, I'm always on the hunt for a girlfriend~★!"

"-can you please let go of my hand?"



Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (14)

Yashiro didn't expect to see something familiar today.

A toy horse, one Mitsuba used to have.

It was on her bed around the time she was going to sleep, just sitting there. A little cyan bow was tied around its neck, with a small notecard attached to the ribbon.

Yashiro narrowed her eyes. This seemed extremely suspicious. She picked up a figure and poked the horse with it, making sure that there wasn't anything on it. Once she was sure that the toy wasn't rigged Yashiro opened up the note.

You were a friend of my friend, and I know he'd want you to have this. Meet ya soon~!

Meet who? Yashiro checked the note again before untying the ribbon from the horses neck. She hugged the toy close to her chest and ran her fingers along its mane, asking who the person that gave her this was. It wasn't Hanako, because that handwriting wasn't his. It looked similar to his though.

Yashiro laid down and tucked herself in, staring at the horse. There was a few blond hairs on it.

Blond, reminds her of Kou. She hasn't seen Kou ever since he came running into her room with Mitsuba. Maybe he brought this toy to her to remind her of him. Yashiro found herself smiling as she thought about that. The girl closed her eyes and let herself drift off into sleep.


Later in the day Yashiro was sitting in the game room with a few other patients, trying to solve a puzzle.

"Nene-Chan!" Aoi cheered, Yashiro letting out a small scream from shock.

The girl juggled her puzzle piece a bit before catching it. "Wh-wh-wa-wa-what...? Aoi?! You scared me!"

Aoi giggled. She was standing next to Akane, the boy not really doing much as he stayed there with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry Nene, it's just I have some news! There's a security boy standing outside and he wants to talk to you!"

Yashiro looked at Aoi confused. ""

"Yep! You've been summoned by him! Lucky you!"

Akane grumbled something that Yashiro could slightly make out. "Yeah...least it isn't that wretched Minamoto..."

Kou? Know what, nevermind. She'll just ask. "A security boy? Is he blond?"

"Nope," said Akane, "in fact, we've never seen him before."

"Maybe he's a newbie!" Aoi suggested. Yashiro slowly got up, her friend immediately pushing her closer to the door. "That's the spirit! Here, let me show our him!"

She pushed her towards a doorway where a few girls were crowded around someone, asking them a bunch of questions ranging from the guys favorite food to what his parents names were.

Aoi raised her hand up. "Senpai! We brought the girl you asked for!!"

Yashiro looked up to see a young man around the height of Teru. Her eyes met his grey ones before she trailed her gaze up to his short, messy red and black hair that was styled into an undercut. The boy grinned. "Hey there. You wouldn't happen to be Nene Yashiro-Chan, would you?"

She couldn't believe the words out of his mouth. "M-me?"

He gave her a wink. "Ah, so you are her! I'm here to take you to an appointment."

Oh! Okay, that's fine. Usually it's Teru, but maybe he's sick today. Yashiro turned her head to look at Aoi and Akane, both of urging her to go with little gestures. "Alright. I'll go."

A few girls squealed, one even muttering about how lucky Yashiro was. The security boy took her hand. "Alrighty then, let's go~!"

The man stepped away from the door and winked at the crowd, watching as all the girls screeched from delight. He chuckled and clenched Yashiro's hand tightly, leading her down the hall.

Yashiro tugged a little. ""

The man looked behind him towards her. "Oh, me? I'm Natsuhiko Hyuuga! Though you can call me Natsuhiko-Senpai~✿!"

"U- good to know, but um-"

"I'm almost seventeen years old, though I'm mature enough to be twenty!"

"-that's nice, can you-"

"My hobbies include fishing and karaoke!"

"-will you let go-"

"And, incidentally, I'm always on the hunt for a girlfriend~★!"

"-can you please let go of my hand?"

Natsuhiko looked down at their hands. "Oh! Yeah, sorry about that!"

"It's fine." Yashiro said. "But, uh...Hyuuga-Senpai....this is the first time we've talked, isn't it?"

Natsuhiko shook his head with a grin. "No, call me Natsuhiko-Senpai~! There's no need to be formal around me!"

Yashiro chuckled nervously. "Alright. The thing already passed the room where I have my appointments."

He glanced back. "Ah, I didn't tell you, did I? Someone else wanted to meet you, not the usual guy. They're in a different room."

This was suspicious. Yashiro stopped walking, her legs prepared to run. " don't work you?"

The young man stopped, letting out a sigh. "You're a smart girl. The jig is up, just do it."

The girl was about to move when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye.

Her shadow had someone else in it.

Her body turned just in time to see a familiar face holding a bucket of water, her eyes going wide as the person spoke. "Upsy daisy!"

Yashiro didn't have enough time for her legs to run away, the water dumping all over her. In seconds her body transformed into a fish, the poor girl flopping around in the puddle.

"W-why me?! What is this?! What's going on?!?"She cried out. The person who dumped the water picked her up, and that's when she recognized him. It was the boy from the rooftop. The one that looked just like Hanako.

"Heh, gotcha~♡!"

He tilted his head as she tried to escape."P-PUT ME DOWN!!"

"You look tasty." The said, the girl urking at his words. "I wonder what you taste like Nene-Chaaa~aaan~!"

Slowly the boy lowered her into his mouth. Yashiro panicked and fell limp, the supernatural clearly upset by it.

"...She died." He groaned. "Rest in peace."

Natsuhiko came walking out a room with a fishbowl. "Nope, she's still alive. Come on, put her in now."

Tilting his hand a bit the boy let Yashiro slide into the water, taking the bowl from Natsuhiko's hands. "Night night, Nene-Chan."

The boy clenched the fishbowl close to his chest and giggled, floating up in the air as Yashiro stared out ahead of her.

So apparently even as a fish, she's good at pretending to be asleep.

Technically in this form she's playing dead, but they haven't noticed yet. Afterall, fish can't close their eyes, so how would Natsuhiko or this boy know if she's asleep?

Her eyes had adjusted to the water by now, though she was floating upside down. Yashiro let her body eventually readjust itself, the girl trying her best not to react as the boy stuck his finger into the water and swirled it around her.

Natsuhiko adjusted his security hat. "You're lucky I managed to get her this far without her figuring it out faster."

The kid took his finger out, flicking the water at Natsuhiko. "Shut up. I could have done it by myself, but Sakura made me take you with."

"Correction, she made ME take YOU with." The man hissed under his breath. He cleared his throat. "And you listened because...?"

"Because whatever Sakura wants, Sakura gets." The boy answered. "I'd kill for her if she wanted me to."

"You didn't with the fish."

"The fish were an exception."

Yashiro wanted to shiver. Is that what they're going to do? Kill her? Who would want her dead, and why?!

No, no, she's not going to die. Just calm down. Yashiro let her body slowly spin, turning to face the weird boy. He seemed to notice. "She's spinning. I wonder what would happen if we spun her the other way."

"Just leave her alone."

He pouted and held the bowl tighter, brushing his finger on the rim. The boy seemed annoyed, but just stayed silent.

Natsuhiko stopped them and opened an old 'staff only door', leading down to an...abandoned announcement room? The girl could make out those words though the dark. The young man opened up the door and closed it behind him when both of them entered, the boy scooping Yashiro out of the fishbowl before she could take in her surroundings. He cupped her in his hand and snapped his fingers, the girl clenching her eyes shut as her body transformed on command. The girl was caught in his arms, the same way Hanako had held her when he saved her from those fish. Keeping her eyes shut Yashiro stayed limp enough so that it was believable she was sleeping.

"Woah! Caught her!" He said, Yashiro resisting the urge to flinch back when his voice got closer. "...she's still asleep. And now she's soaking wet. Poor girl."

A sound of footsteps could be heard, a voice followed by it. It was a familiar one, soft and gentle. Yashiro knew it was a woman she had met before. "Good, you brought her. Set her down."

The boy sat her down on a chair, brushing her wet hair out of her face.

Natsuhiko spoke. "Now, M'lady, you and I shall-"

A smack rang through the room, shortly followed by the woman responding. "Don't touch me."

"Yes, M'lady." Natsuhiko groaned.

Yashiro felt a soft hand on her cheek, tilting her head up and brushing their thumb against her lower lip. She wanted to peak her eyes open to see what was happening.

"We'll need someone to dry her off...and she'll get sick if we don't change her clothes." Said the woman.

"I'll change her!" The voice of the young boy offered. "I'll be extra gentle!"

Him?! No, no not him! It's bad enough that he looks like Hanako and kidnapped her, she doesn't need him being in charge of her naked body being thrown on top of that too!

She was saved by the sweet woman. "No, you won't."

"But what if I turn into a girl? Would you let me then?"

"Still no." She said. "We can have one of them deal with that. Besides, I'm not sure that she would feel comfortable having a boy do it. Just because she's unconscious doesn't mean we won't respect her boundaries."

"We kidnapped her." The boy retorted. "I feel like that's breaking a boundary."

Natsuhiko chirped in. "Runt has a point."

"I'm not talking to you, Natsuhiko." She replied. Natsuhiko fell silent. "I'll be the one to greet her. Now come on now, give her privacy."

Two people walked out of the room, but Yashiro knew someone else was still in there.

She felt someone put their hand on her shoulder. They spoke, revealing it was that boy. "I know you're awake, Nene-Chan. Don't tell anyone what you saw today, okay?"

He squeezed her shoulder, feeling her tense up. The boy chuckled before leaving the room. Yashiro didn't get the chance to open her eyes because something whisked her off her feet and next thing she knew she was sitting in another chair.

She waited there for what felt like hours with her eyes closed, finally opening them up when she was sure nobody was there.

Her nose was greeted the the smell of fresh pastries, and she opened her eyes. A table full of sweets and deserts was set out in front of her, with three empty tea cups alongside. Yashiro felt something on her neck, her hands going to touch it when she saw she was wearing glove. Ripping the choker off and tearing the gloves off her hands the girl made sure there wasn't a bruise. She wanted to feel her neck with her own skin, not fabric.

Yashiro looked down to see she was wearing a black dress with a bubble bottom shape, it's shelves only to her shoulders and ruffled. The dress was cut on her neckline so her collarbone was revealed, and the design around her stomach was striped black and white. A thick petticoat was underneath, making the dress just that more puffed out. One leg was dressed in a stocking that was stripped like her stomach, and the other had yellow stars on it. The shoes on her feet barely touched the water that covered the ground, Yashiro realizing that meant she was in a boundary.

Her hair was dry, and no part of her was covered in any scales. Whoever or whatever had cleaned her up did a wonderful job. How did they even find an outfit this pretty?

No time for that! The girl looked around the room, noticing the windows and even a staircase. The stairs lead up to a door, maybe she could-

"Are you awake?" Someone asked, the girl recognizing it as the woman who was speaking earlier. She turned her head. The woman wore a beautiful long sleeved dress with a galaxy design, and it looked hand stitched and personally made to fit her. Underneath she wore a ruffle blouse with cuffs that dropped out of the sleeves of her dress. Attached to it was a red gem brooch that appeared to be real ruby. "I told them to be gentle with you, but those boys never listen. Are you alright?"

The girl stammered, eventually standing up as fast as she could once she pieced together how she recognized this girl. "I know you, from the library! Yo-YOU'RE HANAKO'S WEIRD GIRLFRIEND!!!"

The young woman was confused when Yashiro accused her of this, her grip on the box tightening a little. "What? No, I'm no-"

Before she could finish her sentence the Hanako look-a-like tackled her, shaking the green haired girl. "WHAAAAA-!! SAKURA, YOU'VE BEEN DATING AMANE?! FOR REALS?!"

Natsuhiko came out of nowhere, tears streaming down his face. "ITS NOT TRUE, IS IT?! SAY IT AIN'T SO!!"

"DID YA KISS?!" The boy asked while shaking the woman faster. "DIDJA KISS?! DIDJA?!"

Natsuhiko fell to his knees as he covered his face dramatically, leaning back. "SAY IT AIN'T SO!" He yelled in agony.

Yashiro tried to take a step forward. "U-uh, do you thi-"

"I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE IT!" Natsuhiko yelled, drowning out Yashiro's attempt to help.

The kid leaned closer to his victim. "Guess what!"

She tried to push him off her. "I'm telling you, I'm not dating her bo-"

"I heard kisses taste like lemon!" The Hanako look-a-like exclaimed, Yashiro freezing as she tried to process what this nightmare had become. Before the woman in his arms could say anything he shook her again. "DIDJA KISS THOUGH?!"

Yashiro stared at the situation that this poor girl was in, watching as the green haired woman grew more agitated by the second. She gritted her teeth and grabbed the boys by their noses, pulling the two up.

"OWIE, SAKURA!!" The one with raven hair cried. "THAT HUUUUURRRTSSS!"

Clearly holding back tears Natsuhiko flailed around like a fish. "MY LADY!!"

"I amnotdating him." She snapped, glaring at them. "Understand?"

"Yes Ma'am." Both of them replied in unison.

She let go of their noses and sighed, taking the box of tea leaves she had been holding and approaching Yashiro. "Let's start over."

Yashiro nodded. The girl sat back down in her chair as Sakura took the teacup and saucer infront of Yashiro, sitting down across from her.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Nene Yashiro-San. I'm sorry for not paying my respects sooner. Now, if I may ask, what would you like me to call you?"

Yashiro froze up a bit. "U-um, just Nene-San works...or Yashiro-San if that's too informal."

She nodded, taking the tea and mixing it in the beautiful jewel encrusted teapot. "I am Sakura Nanamine. I'm 17 years old, and I'm housed in the adult section of the hospital due to my age. And, like you, I have been bound to a supernatural as the price for a wish."

"Just like me?" Repeated Yashiro. Her eyes flickered over to the boy who looked like Hanako. Did that boy have something to do with that?

As if she read her mind Sakura turned to the boy, who was on the edge of the table eating a muffin. "My fate has been tied to this boy's. He's a bit childish...but surprisingly reliable."

He looked up, some crumbs falling from his mouth. "Huh?"

Yashiro turned her head at the sound of a coffee machine. It was Natsuhiko that was causing the noise. He noticed her watching and struck a pose "And what about him?"

"Oh..." Sakura bemoaned, "...he deserves about as much attention as the air."

The girl froze at that comment as she watched Sakura pour the tea. " that so..."

Sakura set down her teapot. "You see Yashiro-San, I've always wanted to talk to you on a more personal level. Because, as you might already know, you and I.... we're in the same position." She said. The young woman walked over and leaned down so she could set down Yashiro's teacup. "I think we could be good friends. Don't you?"

Yashiro felt her face begin to speckle with red specs as she admired Sakura's beauty, her legs pushing against themselves. The woman looked like a doll. Everything was perfect. No bruises, no scars, just perfection.

She squeaked as she snapped out of her thoughts, Yashiro's hand trembling so she could control herself. She has to keep herself together. Sakura is bound to a supernatural, one that looks suspiciously like Hanako. Yashiro looked over at the two, watching as the boy offered his muffin to Sakura.

Sakura refused the muffin and sat down in her set, the ghost catching Yashiro's eyes and smiling at her.

Yashiro threw her head to the other side to avoid his gaze. His eyes didn't look like Hanako's. Because he wasn't. He was that boy from the rooftop.

"Oh, you took the choker off." Sakura said, snapping the girl back into reality. "Was it not to your taste?"

She shook her head. "O-oh! No, I just don't lie things on my neck! Even Hanako knows that."

Hanako!! Why did she mention him?! Immediately she glanced at the ghost in the room, frightened to see his gaze now locked onto her.

Sakura set down her teacup. "You know, I am quite curious about your bond with Number Seven, Yashiro-San. I'm sure we have much more in common then you'd think."

Yashiro glanced around the room as she fiddled with her teacup. Each one of them were just staring at her, waiting for her to say something. What if she didn't? Would they cut off her fingers? Would they pour burning tea on her?

The girl played with her hair, taking the safe route and giving away as little information as possible. "Well...he's sorta...clingy."

Sakura smiled. "I see. Looks like I was right on that one."

Yashiro could feel her cheeks turn pink as she watched Sakura smile, averting her gaze to the table cloth. Taking her teacup and swirling it around the cream haired girl continued. "It's a bit odd. I don't know how to feel about it half the time."

The young woman brushed her green hair back as she nodded. "That's understandable why. You don't feel like you can blame him for it, right?"

"Yeah. It's weird. Sometimes he acts like he doesn't even know social rules. I don't know if it's because of when he was alive, or because of how long he's been in this hospital."

This was starting to feel more like a therapy session then Sakura trying to know more about Yashiro. Maybe she was trying to get Yashiro to say something wrong so this boy that looks just like Hanako would attack her.

"Number Seven certainly does have his own odd ways of behaving." Sakura said as she stirred her tea, tapping the little spoon on the rim of the cup. "We can't blame him, can we? It must have been a long time since he's been able to be around another human."

Yashiro took a sip of her drink now that was sure it wasn't poisoned. "I guess you have a point. This tea is delicious though."

Where was Hanako? Surely by now he would realize she's missing and would look for her, or maybe someone would have noticed she got kidnapped on the security cameras. It could be that these people took precautions though. They did put her in a boundary afterall.

"This tea is actually really good..." She muttered before trying to change the subject. "But um, what about you Nanamine-Senpai? What's it like for you?"

"You can just call me Sakura, I don't mind." The doll like girl said, taking a drink of her tea before fixing the broach on her dress. "The tea is a white peach infused with green tea. Make sure to have plenty, try it with the sweet rolls."

Looking at her reflection in the cup Yashiro took a drink, glancing back at Sakura as she continued.

"As for your question, mine doesn't usually make any sense with what he does. What about you?"

"I mean, I suppose. He says these weird cryptic things, and he's constantly latched onto me like he's trying to glue himself to my body. His attitude can flip for no reason." Yashiro said as she tapped her fingers on the table. "Plus he calls me by Oneesan, which doesn't make that much sense to me."

"Oneesan...?" Sakura asked. "Maybe he sees you as the older sister type."

She nodded at Sakura's comment, Yashiro taking her hand off the table and looking back up as she thought about what to say. Is she boring them? Hopefully not, but Yashiro has to make sure that she doesn't anger these people.

Sakura sighed as she took a drink from her teacup. "I can't say I don't know how you feel regarding how clingy Number Seven is. I have it pretty hard too." She said, turning her body to pat the boy next to her that was trying to grab a muffin off the table. "You see right here, he never listens to me, his actions make no sense, and he has no sense of personal space."

Yashiro blinked and in a second the Hanako lookalike was latched onto Sakura's back, leaning his head down to talk to her. "Awww, you don't think so?"

"Most people would." She said, gesturing to Yashiro as example. "Get off."

The boy didn't listen as he prodded his hands over Sakura collarbone to find the most comfortable place to keep them, the young woman sighing.

"..but there's nothing I can do about it." Sakura groaned as she set her teacup in its saucer. "So I've decided to think of him more of a cat than a person."

"Nya~" meowed the ghost boy, squeezing Sakura a bit as he licked her ear.

"A cat...." Yashiro gulped, remembering all the times Hanako had acted like one. Constantly rubbing his cheekbone on her like a little animal trying to scent their owners as their property. Kou had even picked up on it, Yashiro noticing that sometimes Hanako would nibble the boy's shoulder or rub his head on Kou's neck.

Natsuhiko suddenly got up to try and get the supernatural off Sakura, Yashiro keeping her distance so she wouldn't be stuck in the crossfire.

"Hey, about that boy..." Yashiro muttered, glancing up at the kid as the young man pulled him off.

"Eh? Do you mean me?" He asked, the ghost pointing to himself before laughing. Kicking Natsuhiko in the thighs so he would let him go the supernatural floated closer to her with a huge grin. "I'm Tsukasa! You can call me Tsukasa-Kun, or Yugi-Kun if you'd like!" He cheered, poking his indexes against his cheeks and tilting his head with a smile. "I'm Amane's younger twin brother!"

That word was like a gunshot to Yashiro.


Hanako...Hanako mentioned he had a sibling. He did tell her that. It's just...seeing this boy with knowledge that Hanako killed him...not only did it scare her, it made her feel a tinge of anger.

Did this boy somehow anger Hanako into killing him? Or did Hanako snap over something and took it out on his brother? Yashiro almost gagged at the image of Hanako grabbing this boy and stabbing him repeatedly, the blood splattering on his face as the ghost just kept attacking and attacking. Each imaginary stab caused her stomach to twist and turn to tempt her to throw up, the girl having to press her legs together so she wouldn't freak out.

Suddenly Tsukasa grabbed the chair and leaned in, putting his face right in her personal bubble. "Hey hey, are you and Amane dating?!"

"...I'm sorry what."

"You two HAVE to be dating! Have you kissed yet? Have you kissed him yet!!"

Yashiro's face flushed red as a cherry. "N-no! I-I- I'm-I'm not attracted to your brother! Me and him are friends!!"

"Awww...really?" Tsukasa groaned.

"Y-yes really!! I swear I don't want to date Hanako!" Yashiro stuttered.

The ghost pressed his finger against his cheek as he puckered his lips, stuck in thought. "Is that so...hmm..."

Yashiro squealed and pressed her back against the chair she was in when Tsukasa grabbed her wrist and pinned it down in the armrest, grabbing the back of her chair and wrapping his open arm around her waist. Leaning down he let go of her wrist and gently lifted up her chin, twisting himself so his head was right infront of hers.

"Then maybe I should kiss you instead, so I can describe each and every detail to him." He whispered, staring directly into her eyes.

The girl was frozen in fear as Tsukasa squished her cheeks together, forcefully pursing her lips as he leaned in. Was this really going to be her first kiss? Was she going to be kissed by a ghost just so he could gloat to her friend how her lips would've felt?! Wait, what if he takes it too far?! What if he puts his tongue in her mouth?! Oh god that would be disgusting!!

Before Tsukasa could violate her Natsuhiko came swooping in and pulled the boy off Yashiro, Sakura lightly hitting the ghost on the back of the head.

"Now now," Sakura gently scolded, "We don't treat girls like that. You should know better."

"Sooooorrrry...." Tsukasa whined.

Natsuhiko sighed. "You don't do that to women, you gotta be more gentle and caring!"

"What would you know about women? Sakura is the only one who's even looked in your direction without screaming."

Yashiro was holding onto the armrests for dear life as she sat there petrified, her eyes still wide with anticipation. Thank god Natsuhiko saved her.

Tsukasa wiggled his way out of Natsuhiko's arms, slipping away back over to Yashiro. "Sooooo, are you dating him?"

The girl tensed up a bit, the ghost immediately noticing. Yashiro looked him up and down. "You're...quite insist on this."

"Well, duh! I don't want to become friends with someone if that means Amane will be jealous. Besides, we have a lot in common!"

"How though?" She asked. "I only met you once...and that was on the rooftop."

Tsukasa grinned. "Actually, we're a lot closer then you'd think. Let me show you."

The ghost took a napkin from the table and pen from Natsuhiko's pocket, writing down the sentence 'Meet ya soon'.

Yashiro immediately put it together. "Mitsuba!"

Tsukasa giggled. "Yep! He talked an awful lot about you, ya know."

Yashiro was about to exclaim, "Real-"

She stopped. Why was she talking to Tsukasa? He isn't someone to trust. Why is he being so nice? Did he not care that Yashiro had once pulled him by the hair before? And why was he speaking so sweetly of Hanako if he's the one who killed him?

The boy leaned down a bit. "You know, Mitsuba-Kun will be able to hang out with you, since he exists in this hospital. I'm his friend, so I can teach him how to communicate with humans."

All her worried flew out of her mind, Yashiro standing up out of her seat and taking hold of Tsukasa's wrists. Her eyes were filled with desperation as she smiled a bit. "S-so you're friends with him?! Can you reintroduce him to me?!"

Tsukasa's gaze softened a bit. "Well...not until he's ready. He's still trying to figure out some stuff as a ghost and all."

He moved his hands away, Yashiro realizing the she had touched him. "I-oh! Ye-yeah, that makes sense!"

Tsukasa giggled before he pinched Yashiro's cheeks and squished them around, the girl attempting to push him away. "You're squishy, like the other ones!"

She could see how him and Hanako were related now past physical appearance. Sakura cleared her throat, Tsukasa looking over and letting go of Yashiro's face. He pushed the girl back into her seat, Yashiro landing with a little bounce on the cushion.

"Sa~ku~ra~" he called out, wrapping his arms around Yashiro's shoulder from behind. "I want to keep playing with Nene-Chan a little longer."

Sakura walked over and brushed back some of Yashiro's long hair, tucking a bit behind her ear. The girl felt her face flush red as the woman spoke. "You know your brother will get mad if we don't return her."

Wait, what's happening?

Tsukasa groaned. "Ugh...fine. Stay still, Nene-Chan!"

Before Yashiro could ask what was happening a scream broke through her lips when her wrist was bound by some kind of jaw, her other hand managing to avoid it thanks to how she was reaching out for help. Chains curled around her legs as shackles locked themselves on her ankles, the last part being a shackle around her neck as chains wrapped around her waist.

"WH-WHATS GOING ON?!" Yashiro yelled as the chair pulled her closer to itself. "WHAT IS THIS CHAIR?! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME?! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS SAKURA, I'M SCARED!"

Tears began to bulge in the corner of her eyes before they streaked down her face, Sakura walking over to the doorway as Tsukasa floated over to the woman holding one of his orbs.

"It's nothing personal." Sakura explained. "We've just kept you longer then needed. Number Seven might be getting impatient."

"Wh-why does this matter about Hanako?!" Cried Yashiro.

Tsukasa pressed his finger against his cheek. "Me and Amane...we're...well that doesn't matter. Not for you, at least. You'll find out when you find out!"

The room was getting darker. Yashiro struggled to get out. "PLEASE!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME TO DIE!!!"

"You won't die." Sakura assured.

Tsukasa chirped in. "I can promise you that! All that's gonna happen is you're gonna sleep for a bit, okay?"

As if on cue Natsuhiko came down the stairs holding a syringe and small container, Yashiro's eyes widening. Was that poison?

"I don't want to watch. You two deal with her." Sakura said, opening the door and walking out.

"WAIT!! SA-SAKURA-SENPAI!! PLEASE!! PLEASE COME BACK!!" Yashiro begged, outstretching her hand as if it would bring the woman back.

Tsukasa floated over to her before he held her hand, smiling. "There there, Nene-Chan. If you don't struggle, you're less likely to die."

"What are you doing to me?! Let go!!" She demanded, freezing up at the sight of Natsuhiko holding up the syringe.

The supernatural petted her head as the needle went straight into her neck, Yashiro trying to claw away at his hand that held hers.

"Shhh, there there. You're doing a good job." He praised, not bothered by Yashiro scratching at him. "It's alright...I forgive you. You're just scared. Here, focus on my voice. It's alright."

Yashiro to scream, but she was afraid to thank to the needle in her neck. It didn't take long before her eyes grew heavy and they forced themselves shut, the last thing in her ears being the sound of Tsukasa.

"Sleep well, alright?"

Chapter 29: Liar Liar, Go Burn in Hell


With the food out of the way, Yashiro noticed something else on the tray. A book on how to tie knots. Why would Aoi need something like this? The hospital doesn't even have any books like these, where did she get it?

Maybe it's for how to make these pastries. These weren't in the shapes of knots before, were they? Yashiro picked one up. She swore they didn't look like this last time she glanced at them.

Aoi sat down, swinging her legs back and forth as she propped her head on her hands. "Sooooo, Nene-Chaaaaan, what were ya dreaming about~?"

"I had this...awful nightmare." Mumbled Yashiro. She shivered as the memories flooded back into her head. "These weird people kidnapped me to a tea party...and a boy named Yugi Tsukasa tried to kiss me!"

"Tsukasa?" Asked the purple haired girl. "Was he cute~?"


Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (15)

Yashiro opened her eyes to feel somebody petting her head, the girl's sight adjusting to the surrounding around her. Her brain was foggy. All that she could tell right now was that someone's hand was on her head.

Was it Tsukasa's? He was petting her head last she remembered. Natsuhiko was with her too when he was petting her, he was the one who put the needle in her neck.

Her neck!! Yashiro immediately went to go feel her neck, noticing how she was still dressed in the same clothes she wore for the tea party. Does that mean that they brought her somewhere else? Did they take her to some torture chamber?

"Aww...Nene-Chan is moving in her sleep." A voice cooed.

Yashiro looked up, surprised as all hell to see who was there. "Aoi?!"

"Hiya Nene-chan!" Her friend giggled. "You're finally awake! You silly goose, you thought you could sleep through our tea party?"

She tilted her head confused. "Tea party?"

"You don't remember? We were gonna dress up and have a tea party!"

Yashiro sat up. Her cheeks turned a bit red as she realized she had been laying her head on Aoi's head like a pet bunny. How embarrassing.

It took her a second to realize what Aoi said. Another tea party?

Yashiro narrowed her eyes at Aoi suspiciously. Her friend was dressed weird. Where did Aoi get that outfit? Yashiro has seen every article of clothing Aoi owns, and that isn't one of them. Maybe it's a dress that the hospital had or something like that.

"Here, let's go sit down!" Aoi cheered, taking Yashiro's hand and leading her to a table to sit down at.

There were three chairs. The one Yashiro was sitting in, the one Aoi was going to sit in, and a third one that had a pink stuffed duck sitting on it. Yashiro recognized it as the toy duck that they had given Mitsuba's mom at the funeral.

Aoi walked past the chair, kicking it on her way accidentally. The toy fell off and as soon as Yashiro looked down for it, it had disappeared.

Yashiro glanced around. Her eyes landed on Aoi as she returned with a small tower used for sweets. She placed the food down on the table. Little pastries and desserts. Similar to the ones Sakura served.

With the food out of the way, Yashiro noticed something else on the tray. A book on how to tie knots. Why would Aoi need something like this? The hospital doesn't even have any books like these, where did she get it?

Maybe it's for how to make these pastries. These weren't in the shapes of knots before, were they? Yashiro picked one up. She swore they didn't look like this last time she glanced at them.

Aoi sat down, swinging her legs back and forth as she propped her head on her hands. "Sooooo, Nene-Chaaaaan, what were ya dreaming about~?"

"I had this...awful nightmare." Mumbled Yashiro. She shivered as the memories flooded back into her head. "These weird people kidnapped me to a tea party...and a boy named Yugi Tsukasa tried to kiss me!"

"Tsukasa?" Asked the purple haired girl. "Was he cute~?"


She held up her hands. "Aww, I'm just kidding! You're okay though, right, Nene-Chan? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

If sticking a needle in her neck doesn't count as hurting her then sure, he didn't. Yashiro forced a smile. "Thankfully not."

"His first name is spelled with the kanji for control, right? That's creepy..."

Yashiro thought back to something Tsuchigomori had said about Hanako's name, Amane. He had told her that it was spelled with the kanji for 'normal'. Tsukasa and Amane. Their names certainly were odd, especially when paired together. Control and normal...control and normal...

"Nene-Chan?" Aoi asked, interrupting Yashiro's thoughts with her words. "Everything okay? You haven't touched your tea."

"Oh, it's fine Ao-Chan! I was just think back to the dream! It's fading from my memory now, no need to worry!" She assured. Yashiro picked up the teacup, the liquid melting the bottom of its container and spilling all over the tablecloth.

Yashiro froze in shock, her friend just giggling. When she turned the cup in her fingers it was back to normal, full of tea again. It smelled just like the tea Sakura had served her.

She lost her appetite with that realization.

As she moved her hand to set down the cup, Yashiro noticed how the spilled liquid on the tablecloth was moving on its own so it could drain off. It all collected together, taking the shape of a...tiny Mitsuba? It laid there on its back clutching flowers, falling over the edge of the table and through the ground.

She must be losing her mind. Maybe she's hallucinating again. Yashiro didn't put the cup down, scared that if she did so something would happen.

Something ran it's finger on the back of her wrist, entwining it's hand together with Yashiro's. "I'm glad you're my friend." Said Aoi.

Aoi's smile helped comfort Yashiro. At least no matter what, Aoi was real. She wasn't a ghost or hallucination, she was a living, breathing human that Yashiro could always rely on.

"So, tell me more about your dream!" She demanded with a cheeky grin.

Yashiro sighed, a little smile on her lips. Letting go of Aoi's she held the dish for her teacup and looked to her side. "I told you, I didn't remember mu-"

Yashiro cut herself off.

Was there always a mirror there?

The girl stared at in shock. Some things in this mirror were different. Aoi was wearing a different dress, the table had a cloth covering it...but her nerves tensed up at the image that was staring back at her.

Why was Mitsuba eating with them?

As soon as she blinked, the image of Mitsuba's feet dangling from the ceiling hit her. The mirror was gone as soon as she opened her eyes back up. Looking back at the chair Mitsuba was sitting in Yashiro saw that it was empty, containing nothing at all. This is bad. She's definitely hallucinating.

Or maybe this is some form of torture that Tsukasa and Natsuhiko are subjecting her to.

Tsukasa said he knew Mitsuba. He said that he could make it so Yashiro could see Mitsuba again. Was this what he meant by it?

No, Tsukasa doesn't know about Aoi, so that means there's no way this is his creation. Unless...he does know about Aoi. Has Tsukasa been stalking her? Just the mere possibility made her shiver.

Looking up at Aoi caused Yashiro to almost choke on her own throat. The girl was staring at the spot where Mitsuba was supposed to be sitting in. The way her head was tilted was...impossible...for a human due to how the body works. The girl's eyes were completely dead before her head snapped back to Yashiro, her expression as sweet as sugar. "I'm gonna go get more tea, alright Nene-Chan?"

Aoi let go of her hand and stood up, taking the teapot and walking over to a small table. As she hummed she set everything on the pretty metal tray, even taking a few sweets for her friend to enjoy.

Yashiro looked at the table. The book...the toy...the mirror...Aoi's expression...

Staring into her reflection in the teacup Yashiro mustered up the courage to finally say something.

"You killed Mitsuba-Kun...didn't you." Yashiro muttered.

Aoi stopped, her hands that were carrying the tray now completely still. In a cold voice she asked. "Who told you?"

The girl's lips were starting to quiver. "'re not even going to try and deny it?"

Her friend shrugged. "What's the point? I don't like lying to you, after all."

Yashiro forgot how to breathe in that moment. There's no way that Aoi did what she's confessing to. The girl's magenta eyes shakily turned to look towards the purple haired girl, shooting wide open at the sweet smile on Aoi's face.

"I did it for you." The purple haired girl justified. "He was causing trouble. He was starting to become attracted to you. I never wanted to hurt Mitsuba-Kun, I didn't think he would put up a fight when I attacked him. I tried to give him a painless death, Nene-Chan. I tried to do that for you."

Yashiro got up out of her seat. "You're a psychopath! You killed your best friend!!"

Aoi didn't turn around. She just tilted her head down slightly. " diagnosis doesn't say I'm one."

Stepping back Yashiro's hand slipped off the tablecloth, Aoi finally turning her head to look at her friend.

"You're always chasing after the boys that show you the slightest bit of attention, but you just can't realize when someone you know is in love with you." The girl bemoaned.

"A-Aoi what are you talking about?!"

"I'm talking about us, Nene-Chan." Aoi chuckled sorrowfully. "See? That's what I mean. You're silly...Nene-Chan."

Her eyes dotted down to Aoi's hand as it turned, brandishing a slim knife. Yashiro's blood shot with adrenaline. Her legs prepared to run as her friend sighed, putting a hand on her cheek as she stared at Yashiro.

"You're a little dumb dumb, Nene-Chan. In the cute way, though. That's one of the things I love about you."

As she started to step back the table fell over at the slightest touch of her fingers, Aoi not showing the reaction as her friend yipped. She kept getting closer and Yashiro moved back, ready to run at any second.

"...I just want to keep you safe. Why won't you let me do that? Why are you always making it so that stalker is the one who protects you?"

She knows about Hanako?!

Yashiro turned around and ran, her friend walking behind her. The girl felt as if she was back in the abandoned section of the hospital all over again. Being chased. Only this time, the hallways didn't have twists and turns that she could use to try and make her purser lose sight of her. All it was is an endless path that eventually turned into a black void.

She screeched to a stop when she saw Aoi infront of her, the girl smiling cheerfully with the fallen table behind her. "Or maybe I'm thinking about this all wrong. You can't get away from him...can you?" She asked. Aoi let out an adorable chuckle. "I have a plan to save you from him."

"Aoi, please-"

"We can die." The girl said. "Let's die together, Nene-Chan."

Her hand grasped Yashiro's, entwining their fingers together. Aoi's touch was soft. Gentle.Warm.Nothing at all like Hanako's, even less than Tsukasa's. It was a sign that she was alive.

Aoi held up the knife to Yashiro's throat, the blade barely grazing her skin. "I'd hate to ruin your beautiful body...but this way, nobody will do anything to you afterwards. I'll mutilate the both of us so nobody can use our corpses for dirty stuff."

Yashiro forced herself to not freeze up in the moment and kicked Aoi in the stomach, her friend stumbling back from the sudden blow.

Aoi looked up in disbelief, reaching her open hand out. "Why are you denying me...Nene-Chan?" She mumbled, tears starting to sparkle in those beautiful indigo eyes. "Is it because I'm a girl...?"

"ITS BECAUSE YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME!!" Yashiro lashed out.

"WHY CANT YOU JUST SEE IM TRYING TO HELP?!" Aoi hollered. She lunged forward, almost stabbing the knife right into her friend's eye.

It was pure luck that Yashiro caught her wrist. Desperately she struggled to keep the knife back. "Aoi, Aoi snap out of it!!"


The blade was getting closer now. Aoi grabbed Yashiro's dress and tugged the girl towards her. Right before the metal couldn't pierce Yashiro's eye something covered her mouth and pulled her away, Aoi shrieking as she tried to grab Yashiro's hand.

And then everything cut to black.

Chapter 30: Your Tears Shouldn't Be This Pretty


'You don't have to be so worried about me.'

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (16)

"LET GO OF ME, PLEASE!!" Yashiro screamed the second the person took their hand off her mouth.

She fell silent when the person hugged her, pressing their chest against her back desperately to make sure she didn't get away. The person's embrace felt comforting. Warm, yet...cold.

The girl carefully turned her head. "...Hanako...? Is"

It was. Hanako's arms squeezed Yashiro tighter his hands clenched the fabric on her shoulders, his legs shaking. His entire body was shaking. All of him, down to the very of core of his soul, was desperately clinging to Yashiro.

His face looked a bit red, and with the way his breathing sounded alerted Yashiro that he was crying. Slowly, she began to shift her body, trying not to disturb him. Hanako let out a soft whimper similar to that of a wounded dog.

"Ha-Hanako?! Are you okay, did somebody hurt you?!" Yashiro asked worriedly. "Why are you crying?!"

He allowed Yashiro to move just enough to see his face. His eyes were all puffed up and red, plump tears dragging themselves down his cheeks. It looked like he had been crying for hours.

Hanako buried his head into the hair on her back, covering his face with all of it while pulling Yashiro closer. The ghost wrapped his legs around his assistant protectively, as if trying to make sure that nothing could come and hurt her. Yashiro glanced down at her body. She was back in her normal outfit. Her neck had a bandaid on it though, exactly on the place where she had the needle go in.

Bandaids shouldn't go on somebody's neck...but...her mind went back to Hanako. Both sides of his neck had bandaids on it. In a soft voice she asked, "Hanako...did you...put this bandaid on me?"

Her hair moved as Hanako nodded. At least that assures her that what happened with Tsukasa was real.

Tsukasa. Tsukasa was Hanako's brother. Hanako had killed his brother.

Yashiro turned to look around the room she was in. It was Hanako's bathroom. The floor was dirty due to hardly ever being mopped, and cobwebs were in the corners. She still remembers what it was like to walk in here for the first time to test the rumors. That day was months ago...back when Mitsuba was still alive.

Her mind was flooded with the revelation she had made before Hanako had rescued her. The revelation that Aoi killed Mitsuba. No, no there's no way Aoi would ever think of hurting Mitsuba. They were like siblings to eachother.

That made her think about Tsukasa and Hanako. They were siblings. And the boy who killed Tsukasa is the one that's currently hugging her.

Yashiro carefully twisted her body, Hanako trying his best to keep his face buried against her back. It didn't take long before he gave up and let Yashiro look at him, the ghost completely ashamed.

"Were you...scared...?" She asked. "That I wasn't okay?"

Hanako nodded, the tears from his eyes soaking into his nightgown. His arms weakly let go of the girl and fell to his side, the poor supernatural struggling to breathe.

"I'm...I'm okay." Yashiro assured, putting her hand on his jaw.

The boy looked away before he slowly held her hand there with his own. His fingers brushed against her skin before pressing against Yashiro's warm flesh. His touch was cold as ice like always. In an odd way, the girl found it comforting.

One of his tears slipped down onto her fingers, scales forming on her skin. She didn't care though. Yashiro put her other hand on Hanako's cheeks and wiped under his nose with her thumb, the ghost refusing to make eye contact with her.

"Hanako, it's okay. I'm here now..." the girl said, trying her best to make him feel better. She took a minute to collect her thoughts before speaking again. "Can you...tell me what happened?"

He nodded, the boy taking his hand off hers and gesturing towards the entrance of his bathroom. Pointing to Yashiro he motioned sleep, his hands shaking. Eventually he just froze up before he broke down and threw his arms around her, burying his face into Yashiro's chest.

Then he screamed.

He screamed and cried, gasping for air as he wailed. Yashiro had never heard what Hanako sounded like when he was like this. He sounded like an actual kid.

His fingernails were scratching at his own skin, the girl slowly putting her hands on the back of Hanako's head.

Hanako's always been there to protect her whenever she's upset. Whenever she starts to cry. It's only fair that in this moment...she'll be the one to protect Hanako.

"'s okay, it's alright." She said in a kind voice, petting the boy's head. "I'm here now. I'm here with you. Listen, I promise, I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

He nodded, whimpering and shuffling his legs. The boy squeezed Yashiro tighter as he let himself feel vulnerable. Carefully Yashiro wrapped her arms around his shoulders, resting her cheek against his hair. After a bit the supernatural moved away, wiping his tears with his hands.

"Are you going to be okay?" Yashiro asked, Hanako shrugging.

His hands moved down from his cheeks down to the the collar of his nightgown. He tugged and clawed on it before his hands slowly moved up towards his neck. Hanako dug his fingernails into his skin and scratched, the tears in his eyes growing.

Yashiro grabbed his hands, completely shocked by his sudden action. "Hey! What are you doing?!"

The girl tore them away from his neck, the ghost letting out some muffled yell as he ripped them away from her grasp. His nails clawed at his arms so hard that it drew blood, Yashiro not waiting another second before she grabbed Hanako by his wrists. She restrained his hands, the boy kicking his feet and squirming to get Yashiro to let go of him.

"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, not even yourself!" She snapped, the air in Hanako's throat getting caught. Yashiro froze up when she realized what she said, her grip slowly loosening off Hanako. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that..."

Hanako didn't say anything, just sat there as his tears drew down his jaw. His hands placed themselves on his knees, the ghost staring at the ground.

"'s not your fault." The girl said.

Hanako glanced up at Yashiro, his expression giving away that he didn't understand.

"It's not your fault about what happened." Yashiro repeated. She felt the boy's arms, all the bandaids on his skin making her fingers move a bit faster. "Don't blame yourself for something you had no control over."

Her trail stopped before she touched the blood that was coming out of Hanako's skin. The girl looked up at him, slowly letting go. Glancing at the bandages on her wrist reminded her of what she did the last time Hanako was bleeding, taking them off and wrapping them on the scratches the supernatural gave himself.

She noticed how his hand stretched out a little towards her wrist, tracing the scars with his finger when Yashiro gave him a nod. They were faded. He didn't understand why the hospital still made her wear those wraps even if you could hardly see the injuries. There's many things he didn't understand.

When Yashiro finished tying the bandages she moved her hands away, setting them on her knees. "There."

His head turned to look at the wrappings, his eyes glancing back at his assistant. At least now he wasn't crying. Well, his tears were still there. Yashiro watched as he started to look around for something, crawling over to one of the stalls and reaching under it to pull out his notebook and red crayon. He opened it up, Yashiro's eyes studying each one of the little scribbles and drawings that covered the empty space. She couldn't help but feel her lips curl up a bit. She had forgotten how often Hanako would doodle.

He wrote down his thoughts on a blank page, turning it for Yashiro to read two words.

I'm sorry.

Shelooked up at him. "Sorry for...what? For not being there to help me?"

He nodded. The boy pressed the crayon on the paper.I should have been there. I should have saved you. I'm sorry.

"Hey, I said it wasn't your fault." She assured. "Hanako...stop blaming yourself for everything. You're not responsible for everything."

It's not that. When I found you, you looked so-

He scribbled the sentence out, accidentally ripping the paper. Both of them remained silent, Yashiro letting him calm himself as he tried to think of what to say.

Earlier you mentioned how you wouldn't let people hurt me and then you looked like you regretted saying that. How did you know that I didn't like that phrase?

The girl took a second. She knew that she couldn't tell him the actual reason. She had to lie to him. Yashiro took a deep breath. "With...the way you reacted. That's how."

He took a second, before grinning a little sorrowfully.Nobody's ever really respected me like that. As weird as that probably sounds. Thank you for still being friends with me, Oneesan.

Hanako smiled, one big enough that Yashiro could see all his teeth. Her gaze got a bit softer when she noticed something.

A few of his teeth in the back of his mouth were rotted.

She's not a doctor, but from the looks of it...some of them appeared to even be infected.

She thought back to Tsuchigomori's Yorishiro. To all those things Hanako said.

'If you actually cared, then you would have stopped them, you wouldn't have let anyone touch me!!'

'So...whatever they do to me...even if no one else will forgive them for it...even if there's no way for us to justify it...I forgive them.'

'You don't have to be so worried about me.'

How much of Hanako's torment was Tsuchigomori aware of?

The boy continued writing, turning it back for his friend to read.Can you pretend you didn't see me like that earlier?

She held her tongue, giving him a nod. She wanted tell him that she didn't mind if he cried, but now didn't seem like the time for that.

Hanako's smile got a little big again, the ghost setting down his crayon. He crawled over to her and hugged his friend, pulling himself up onto her lap. Resting his head on the crook of her neck Hanako finally relaxed, holding Yashiro as the girl hugged him back. She wanted to make sure he felt safe. Hanako was like the younger brother she never had, even though she didn't see him as a sibling.

As she held Hanako, she thought back to what happened before she opened her eyes to be here. That weird thing with Aoi. Was that a dream? Or was it reality? No, it can't be real, because Aoi would never kill somebody. Especially someone she knew for years.

...would she?

Chapter 31: Tick, Tack, Ticking Away


Yashiro stared at the ground, contemplating whether or not she should ask him for help. Would he want to help her? He had felt so guilty for not being able to save her, and if she didn't go to him, he might feel that way again. But he might be busy, or he might not want to see her face out of fear she told someone he had been crying.

No, no. Stop thinking like that. Hanako would be more upset if she didn't go to him for help.

Now, determined to solve this problem, Yashiro went sprinting off to find Hanako, not noticing the fact Aoi was calling out for her to come into the room.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (17)

"Clock keepers?"

Another day, another rumor, what could this one be about?

Yashiro walked down the hallways, her friend Aoi next to her with a few of her other buddies not far behind. She was having a conversation with Aoi when suddenly, a new rumor was brought up.

Aoi nodded. "Yep! They hold the position of Number One, meaning that they're the least powerful! Doesn't make much sense, since there's three of them."

Yashiro tilted her head. "Three of them?"

"Three supernaturals all rule the position! One controls the past, one the future, and the last the present. They're mostly harmless, unless you touch the large grandfather clock that they use to control the time on this hospital."

"So that means that time in this hospital is in some sort of little pocket?" She asked.

Her friend nodded. "If you believe the rumors, yeah. It's said that if you touch the clock, then the keepers will drain your lifespan and make you a slave to time itself, forced to shamble and watch the world slowly die. That's just the rumor though!"

The girl nodded, that last bit freaking her out a little. To be honest, whoever these 'Clock keepers' were, shedidn'twant to meet them. Already all of the rumors that Aoi has told her turned out to be true, and considering her current situation, she doesn't want it to get worse.

"Hey...Nene-Chan..." Aoi called out in a gentle voice.

The girl looked up. "Oh, sorry. What is it?"

Aoi started to get a bit nervous. "It's just...I...there's something that I have to tell you, Nene-Chan..."

"Hmm? What is it, Aoi?" She asked.

Aoi shuffled her feet, something that Yashiro has never seen her do. Unconsciously her muscles tensed up. This felt...familiar. Like how she felt back in that weird dream. The girl's eyes glued themselves to the ground. "Actually, I...well, um...I don't really know how to say it, actually. You see, I-"

Her words were cut off by a loud scream, both of them turning to see a crowd of people around their rooms.


Yashiro grabbed Aoi's hand, not paying attention to her friend's little gasp as she rushed over to check what was going on. "What's wrong?!"

A boy, Akane, pointed inside his room. "It looks like the apocalypse started in our room!"

The girls peeked their heads inside, not expecting the sight they saw. The windows were broken, the wooden frames were rotted, clothing and sheets were covered in mold, everything was just...old. Rusted metal, dust that looked like snow, everything was decades or even centuries older than it should have been.

A boy next to Akane held up a disposable camera and snapped a picture. "Wow. This is freaky."

Akane snapped his head towards Aoi. "Ao-Chan! You had some stuff in my room, is it alright?!"

The purple haired girl carefully stepped through the dust and past the broken window, leaning down to look at her items. "My stuffs okay."

The boy let out a sigh. "Oh, thank goodness."

Yashiro examined a plastic plant, noting how the only difference between it and the rest of the room was its faded color. She compared it to the real plants the front desk had. Since this plant was plastic, it just have hardly aged a bit.


Clock keepers.

Yashiro put two and two together. This was the work of a Hospital Mystery! It had to be!

If a Hospital Mystery caused this, then another Mystery should be able to fix it! Hanako might know what to do!

Now motivated Yashiro went to go find Hanako, stopping midstep.

What if Hanako didn't want to see her after yesterday?

He had asked her to pretend that nothing had happened between them, but that doesn't change the fact that she saw him in a vulnerable state.

Yashiro stared at the ground, contemplating whether or not she should ask him for help. Would he want to help her? He had felt so guilty for not being able to save her, and if she didn't go to him, he might feel that way again. But he might be busy, or he might not want to see her face out of fear she told someone he had been crying.

No, no. Stop thinking like that. Hanako would be more upset if she didn't go to him for help.

Now, determined to solve this problem, Yashiro went sprinting off to find Hanako, not noticing the fact Aoi was calling out for her to come into the room.

The girl hurried down through the hospital. Where could Hanako be? He might be in his bathroom. That could be a good place to look.

Yashiro ran down to the abandoned section, throwing open the bathroom door. Hanako was there, the boy playing with a beigoma. He turned his head, his eyes lighting up when he saw it was Yashiro. Immediately he dropped the toy and tackled his friend and a hug, wrapping both his arms and legs around her.

"H-hey!" She greeted, chuckling as Hanako smiled. "Okay, someone's clingy today, but I have something important to tell you!"

He looked up, letting go and floating back with a concerned expression.

"We have a problem!" She said. "I was talking to Aoi, and-"

His expression dropped. He gave her a look as if to ask 'Aoi?' and tilted his head, Yashiro's stomach turning.

"We-well, she-"

The boy snapped his fingers, one of his Hakujoudai floating into the room and dropping his notebook into his hand. He opened it, writing on an open space before showing his thoughts to his friend.

Isn't Aoi that girl from the 'dream' you told me about?

She had forgotten she told Hanako about that encounter. Yashiro waved her hand. "Well, itwasjust a dream, so-"

I wouldn't suggest trusting your 'friend' anymore. Especially after that encounter you had.

The girl started at those words, chuckling nervously. "I think you're overreacting a little. It was probably a dream or hallucination caused by the sedative..."

Hanako stepped closer, holding up his notebook closer to Yashiro's face.Don't doubt your mind. Dreams can give you answers to questions you've doubted for years. Especially since you're close to the supernatural, Oneesan. They can be messages from the universe or from other spirits trying to tell you the truth. Don't let your 'friend' deceive you.

Yashiro held her hand close her chest. Hanako might have a point. He's a supernatural, he would know how things like this work.

"HANAAAAAKOOOOOOOO!!" They heard, the scream getting louder as the culprit got closer. As they expected, it was Kou. He came bursting through the door, wasting no time to rush towards Hanako. The ghost had no time to prepare for the hug that Kou squeezed him in. "I was looking for you everywhere!" He exclaimed. The boy could feel his face get a bit red as Kou held him tight. "After what happened, I spoke with Teru-Nii, and-"

Kou stopped speaking when he noticed Yashiro standing there, the boy's grip on Hanako loosening.

" might be a bad time for this..." He said. His voice lit back up. "But that's okay, because I have another problem!"

Hanako narrowed his eyes as if asking Kou if he was being serious.

Apparently he was, because the next thing the ghost knew he was being violently shaken by the exorcist. "You gotta help!! Satou and Yokoo, two coworkers of mine, they're- they're- THEY'VE TURNED INTO OLD MEN!!!"

Yashiro grabbed Kou's hands and prayed them off Hanako. "Wait, something happened to your friend too?!"

"Senpai!" Kou cried out. "Yes, here, look!"

The boy dug into his pocket as Hanako sighed out relief. He seemed...relieved when Kou said this situation was about his friends.

Kou pulled out his cellphone, showing Yashiro a picture of his friends. Their hair was gray and they somehow had beards, with their skin all wrinkly and muscles droopy. Hanako floated over and stared at the phone, as if mesmerized by it.

The exorcist stuffed his phone back into his pocket, clenching his fist. "I went to go find them in their break, and they had suddenly changed. Someone will play for this...they're only fourteen!!"

The girl pressed his finger against his chin. "Hey, the same problem is happening to my friend's rooms! Everything suddenly turned old! I think it's the work of a Clock Keeper!"

"SATOOOU!! YOKOOOOO! NOOOOOOOO!!!" Kou wailed, falling to his knees. "THEY'RE TOO YOUNG, TAKE ME INSTEAD!!!"

Hanako chuckled, patting Kou's head. He looked towards Yashiro and drew a clock in the air, followed by a question mark.

"Yeah, I know about them." She said. "I was trying to tell you about it earlier. With Aoi. She's the one who told me the rumor. She said there's three of them that control time in the hospital."

The supernatural seemed almost impressed she knew about the rumors.

"So thisisthe work of a supernatural?" Yashiro asked, Hanako nodding. "Considering that everything is must be the work of the third one. The third one, right?"

Hanako nodded again, Kou getting up. "So if the third is responsible, then we just need to find a way to make them stop!"

"That's our problem. How do we get them to stop?" Yashiro questioned.

Both her and Kou looked at Hanako when they heard paper rustle.We need to get their attention.

"How do we do that?" Kou asked.

Hanako sneered.We threaten the clock.

A smirk formed on Kou's face. "Alllllllll right! Let's go get that clock and beat it until its springs are flying out!!"

Yashiro clenched her hands and bounced eagerly. "And I'll help, cause I'm Hanako's assistant!"

The ghost looked between them before pulling his knife out, clenching the handle with a grin. They gave him a nod, the boy pushing past them out the door.

Hanako lead them down the halls, the two humans marching behind him. Yashiro looked around as Kou held his staff, prepared for any attack that could come their way.

"So!" Kou said, "Hanako, do you know where the supernatural is?"

They both looked at the ghost. He was distracted by a butterfly that was outside, the boy watching it eagerly through the window.

Yashiro tapped him. "Hanako, we asked if you know where the supernatural is."

The boy gave a shrug.

"You...don't know where it is?" She asked.

Kou grabbed the ghost in a chokehold, the exorcist baring his lip back. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS?! AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE THE LEADER OF THE SEVEN MYSTERIES?!"

The girl grabbed Kou's arm. "Hang on!" She insisted. The girl looked at Hanako. "Hanako, why do not know?"

He didn't open his mouth to respond, just kicked his feet and he tried to work his way out of Kou's grasp. As soon as he got out he dusted himself off and grabbed Yashiro's hand, pulling them down the hall towards where the girl's room would be. He lead them down to her room exactly. Once there he pressed his finger on a door, drawing out the English symbol for the number two.

"Yako-Sensei?" Yashiro asked, the boy shaking his head. " you mean...the second clock keeper is in my room?"

Hanako nodded, leaning in.

Kou pushed him away. "Hey, that still doesn't answer our question!! Why do you not know where it is?!"

The boy brushed his finger on the door, Yashiro making out what he was writing. "He said...ask the second."

The boy turned to face Kou, gesturing for him to go with it. "That just makes this more confusing, why is 'the second' in Senpai's room?"

The door opened right in front of them, and Aoi stood there. She flinched back a bit surprised before she smiled. "Hi, Nene-Chan! I thought you were out with the lunch boy!" She said, stepping out and noticing Kou. "Oh! You are with him! So, what's up you two?"

Yashiro laughed nervously, Hanako hugging Yashiro as he noticed Akane walk out of the room with Aoi. "I finished organizing your CDs, Ao-chan."

The purple hair girl titled her head and smiled at him. "Oh, thank you!"

Hanako remained quiet for a moment before he floated over, placing a hand around Yashiro's other side. He covered her mouth, placing a finger against his lips with a sinister smile.

She tried to hide her confusion. "Hanako? What are you-"

A sudden weight seemed to push into her flesh, Yashiro feeling her body shut down before suddenly, everything got cold.

Shaking her head the girl looked around, noticing that Aoi was holding her and asking if she was okay. Akane was worried to. She turned her head, seeing that Aoi wasn't holdingher.

She was holding herbody.

Yashiro stared at herself in shock and confusion, looking around confused. Hanako wasn't around anymore. What was going on?! Why was she not in her body?! And her hands, why were they translucent?!

Her voice spoke up, but not from herself. "Aoi."

Yashiro froze at the sound of her own voice, watching her body get up on its own. When it's head looked up and the hand moved away from its face, that's when Yashiro saw something that shocked her.

Her eyes were Hanako's.

Tha...that meant...


Chapter 32: My Friendship is Ruined


The girl laughed nervously. "A-Aoi usually spills out all her thoughts when she's flustered. That's why!"

The boy looked at Kou, finally noticing that the exorcist was there. "And why are you with theMinamoto'sbrother for this?" He asked.

Kou's head perked up, the boy lowering his hand away from Hanako.

Yashiro hurried over to the exorcist, waving her hands as if showing him off. "This is Kou-Kun! He might be a lunch boy, but he's a good friend of mine!"

"So that's why I see him following you around?"

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (18)

Oh god, oh this was bad.

Yashiro tried to do something, ANYTHING, but Aoi couldn't see her, and Hanako definitely wouldn't listen.

Hanako chuckled as he co*cked his head to the side, a little slumped as he tried to figure out this new body. "Aoooooi, didn't you hear me~?"

It felt unsettling to hear her own voice in third person. What's even worse is watching how her body moved like a zombie before finally adjusting itself to the correct positions.

Aoi slowly got closer, the worry visible in her voice. "Nene-Chan, you almost fell, a-are you okay? Did you hit your head?"

Carefully putting her hand on her friend's shoulder caused Hanako to tense up. His fingers felt Aoi's wrist before he grabbed it, using all his body weight and slamming the girl against the wall.

"AOI!!!" Yashiro found herself calling out.

Aoi yipped in pain, sliding down onto the floor. "Nene-Chan, wha-!..."

Her words drifted off when she opened her eyes, seeing how Hanako positioned himself. Aoi's face began to get warmer as Hanako trailed his fingers up Aoi's leg, resting his cheek against her knee.

"You're not hiding anything from me...aaare you~?" The boy cooed. His hand trailed up Aoi's leg, his head following.

Yashiro screamed as Hanako sat on her friend's lap, the girl trying to move only to realize she was floating. She started to panic. "I'm see through...this is so weird...oh I'm floating, I'm floating, oh no no no no..."

"Senpai!!" Kou hollered. "That little- he possessed your body, didn't he?!"

A flame of hope lit inside Yashiro's heart. "Kou-Kun! You can see me?!"

He nodded, holding out his hand for her to take so she could pull herself back down. "I may not be much of one, but I'm still an exorcist!! I'll take care of this! Driving spirits out of people is an exorcist's specialty!"


She took his hand, Kou pulling her down to the ground. He was her knight in shining armor!

"Allll right! Here it goes, I'll save you Senpai-"

"Aoi...~" Hanako purred, all of his movements like a cat slinking against its owner. He gently caressed Aoi's chin. "Are you hiding something from me...? That makes me saaad~"

Kou looked away, covering his mouth as his face flushed red. "Senpai'm sorry..."


"You can tell me anything Ao-Chan, you know that." Hanako said, shifting his body weight as he moved the girl's head so she was looking him dead in the eyes. "Why won't you talk to me? It's making me you're hiding all your special feelings. Don't you trust me, Aoi?"

The girl tried to slip away, Hanako's grip on her jaw tightening. "Ne-Nene, Nene I-"

The ghost pressed his body closer against Aoi. "If you insist on staying quiet..."

Hanako lifted up Aoi's head as he nuzzled closer, listening to the girl as her breath got stuck in her lungs.

"...Then...perhaps I should seal your sweet lips so you can never speak to anyone else ever again."

Yashiro shrieked as she watched Hanako tilt Aoi's head to the side, the purple haired girl blushing while Hanako brushed his finger against her lips and leaned in, close enough to kiss the girl but far enough to leave her desperate. He could feel her hot breath on his lips, something that felt a bit odd to him in this new body. Pursing up his lips the boy leaned in and right before their skin could even brush against the others, Hanako stopped because he heard a boy scream.

Looking over the boy watched as Akane clenched his hands into fists, taking a breath so deep you could see his ribs. He shoved Hanako away from Aoi before grabbing the girl's body, stomping away with her down the halls at full speed.

"Your body!!" Kou yelled.

Yashiro gasped. "My body!!"

The exorcist grabbed Yashiro's hand. "Let's go after them!"


They chased after Akane, Aoi watching them. The girl sighed, resting her hands on her knees as she moaned. "I didn't get to tell her...darn it."

When the two managed to find Hanako, they were both out of breath and wheezing for air. Kou hacked his words out. "W-we found them..."

They looked up, spotting Hanako. The ghost was breathing heavily, both Yashiro and Kou watching from behind. Her hair covered up most of their view, but they could make out that his hands were up to his face. Or, her face, technically. It was so confusing.

"What is he doing...?" Kou asked.

Yashiro's shoulders slumped. "I have no idea."

"Should something about it?" The boy suggested.

"Well um...maybe we should deal with that first." She insisted.

Kou looked around confused. "Deal with what?"

The girl pointed to the side. "That."

'That' was Akane, and he seemed to be having some sort of breakdown. Poor boy was shaking as he clenched a doorknob.

"A-A-A-Ao-chan's slender, fair, gracefully wrists...he-her poor, delicate her friend of all cruelly pressed against the if that wasn't enough...she had to touch...h-her che-ch-check...heh...hee..."

Hanako poked his head around, pointing at Akane with a confused expression.

Yashiro sighed. "Right. You don't know him. This is Akane Aoi-Kun. He's a friend of me and Aoi. Normally, he's mature and hardworking. He's friendly to everyone, no exception. But...well...he has a major crush on Aoi, has ever since he knew her. And when she gets involved in something, a few screws get loose."

Kou's head perks up. "Oh, my brother has had to physically restrain him before!"

Yashiro froze for a moment. "What?"

The boy nodded. "Yep! Said something about how he was trying to attack another patient because he insulted what crayon Akane-San used during an art project. My brother says he's a nice kid but suggests I should stay away from him."

All three of them looked back at Akane as the boy slowly got up, fidgeting with his hands.

"...I don't get paid enough for this." The exorcist groaned.

Akane slowly turned his head, suddenly grabbing Yashiro (technically Hanako) by the nightgown and throwing her body against the wall.

Hanako squeaked, shriveling up in surprise when Akane slammed his foot next to his face. "Now, Yashiro-San, I know I swore I would protect you, but if you don't explain what you were doing to Ao-Chan back there I may just have to break that oath."

Hanako pressed his finger on his thumb before speaking. "I was actually just...ya know...uh...hey, come to think of it, I happened to cope a feel of a few minutes ago. She's actually really flat, to the point it has no sex value." He said while making a shape with his hands how big Aoi's chest was. "There's like...this much."

...was this how Hanako really behaves?

Yashiro is starting to question if he really is thirteen.

Akane stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Girl or not, you'll pay for violating Ao-Chan!"

His words were cut off by the sound of him slapping Yashiro's body across the face, the ghost of the girl physically moving her head as it was smacked.

"Ow, why did that hurt?!" She yelled, catching out of the corner of her eye Hanako falling out of her body. Immediately taking the chance she zoomed over and stuck her hands into herself, her spirit being sucked back into her body. The girl sat up and felt her cheek. "I'm back!!"

Hanako was on the ground maybe three feet behind her, holding his cheek as well. A small smile spread on his lips as his eyes locked onto Akane, but that smile was quickly wiped off when Kou hit him on the head. "What were you thinking, possessing Senpai like that?!"

The boy whined and held his head, both of their attention taken away when Akane leaned in. "Well,Yashiro-San? Are you going to give me an actual reason, or do I have to smack you again?"

She watched him raise his hand, the girl spouting out the first thing that came to her head. "Aoi has a secret!!"

Akane stopped, his head tilting to the side. "Aoi has a secret?"

Yashiro hurried to her feet. "Ye-yes!"

"So this was all about her secret?" He asked. "Then why would you pin her like that?"

The girl laughed nervously. "A-Aoi usually spills out all her thoughts when she's flustered. That's why!"

The boy looked at Kou, finally noticing that the exorcist was there. "And why are you with theMinamoto'sbrother for this?" He asked.

Kou's head perked up, the boy lowering his hand away from Hanako.

Yashiro hurried over to the exorcist, waving her hands as if showing him off. "This is Kou-Kun! He might be a lunch boy, but he's a good friend of mine!"

"So that's why I see him following you around?"

The girl nodded. "Yep! We'rereallygood friends!"

Akane finally relaxed, the boy putting his hand on his hip as he looked over the two. " all of this is because you want to know Ao-Chan's secret? Why?"

Yashiro almost choked on the lie in her mouth. "B-becauuuuuuse I've just been feeling like Aoi has been hiding something from me's been worrying me so much I can only sleep at night!"

Hanako poked Yashiro confused, Kou slapping the ghost's hand away when Akane wasn't looking.

The boy rubbed his chin as he thought about Yashiro's words. "Hmm...well...if that's what this is all about, then I'll help you."

"What?!" Both her and Kou gasped.

Akane shrugged. "Now that you mention it, I have noticed Ao-Chan definitely seems to be worrying about something lately. I don't blame her, my poor Ao-Chan has gone through so much these past months. The thing is she won't tell me what plaguing her thoughts." He said, the boy turning his head down and placing his hands on his chest. "She doesn't want to worry me...SHE'S SO NOBLE!!" He cried.

Yashiro had forgotten that Akane was more than a few screws loose.

He put his hands back on his hips. "Anyways, if it's anything like her being in love or her being hurt by someone...then I have to the eliminate offender as soon as possible!" He beamed.

The three stared at Akane, Kou speaking up. "What-"

"Because as her friend, I have to support her, even if that means removing someone from this mortal plain!"

"I'm...starting to see why Nii-Chan told me to avoid you." The exorcist muttered.

"What was that?" Akane asked.

"NOTHING!!" Yashiro assured, covering Kou's mouth. "You're absolutely right though, Akane-Kun!!"

Hanako placed his hands on Yashiro's shoulders, staring at Akane with a glimmer of...pride? Understanding?

Regardless, the four of them formed a temporary alliance, all in an attempt to see if Hanako was right about Aoi being a supernatural!

At least, that's what Yashiro thinks he meant. Afterall, why else would he pin her like that? And that dream she had might be a clue that Aoi isn't all that she may seem...

Speaking of Aoi, boy she had sharp ears. That girl could hear them from a mile away, and they always had to duck behind the corners so she wouldn't spot them as they tried to see what she was hiding.

So far, nothing suspicious has happened, mostly just boys calling Aoi cute and Akane assaulting them for it.

Kou watched as Akane restrained a boy, the young exorcist leaning towards Yashiro. "This guy is your friend? He seems to be...missing screws if anything."

Yashiro pointed to Hanako. "I'm more worried about him."

They turned their head to look at the ghost, who seemed oddly proud of Akane for some reason they couldn't figure out.

Akane suddenly released the boy, slinking back off to the corner next to the other there. "Look! Ao-Chan's walking somewhere else!So graceful..."

Yashiro poked her head around. "Hey, that's a path I've never seen her take before."

They all watched as Aoi continued walking down the halls, taking twists and turns that Yashiro found familiar.

Why was Aoi going to Hanako's bathroom?

She glanced towards Kou and Hanako, the two thinking the same thing as her. Was Aoi going to ask Hanako for a wish? What would Aoi wish for?

They waited as Aoi stopped at Hanako's bathroom, staring at it. The girl's indigo eyes studied the wooden door, her head tilted slightly as she kept a far enough distance. After a while Aoi walked away, continuing down the halls closer to the abandoned section of the hospital. Once she got far enough she stopped, taking a deep breath.

" can do this." She told herself.

Hanako gestured towards Yashiro and Kou, motioning for them to follow him. He lead them into a empty patient room, Akane hiding with them just far enough to be out of Aoi's sight.

Aoi sighed, the girl holding her hand on her chest. "For my heart can't- no...that sounds stupid...ahem, every smile you make- god it all sounds so dumb!!"

Kou leaned towards Yashiro. "Senpai, what is your friend doing?"

Akane clenched the wood on the doorframe. "I bet she's practicing a confession for some dirty to ruin Aoi...ruin her..."

The exorcist turned his head towards Akane. "U-um, Aoi-Senpai, ca-calm down."

"You think I can be calm, Minamoto?!" He snaps, grabbing Kou's shoulder. The boy lowered his voice back to a whisper. "Ever since we were young, Ao-Chan has had to deal with boys trying to confess to her because she was cute and nice. Certain boys from bad groups would call her somewhere when no one was around and would threaten her to go out with them. I saw it, one time. She...she was so scared. After I got rid of those boys, Ao-Chan told me something. She...she told me she wants to stay pure." Akane mumbled. The boy looked at the ground, almost ashamed. "Ao-Chan told me she's scared her life will go wrong unless she's pure and unruined. So...I want to protect her. Keep her safe. Keep her pure to her standards...because I love her."

Yashiro and Kou's gaze got a little softer, the girl looking back at Aoi. She never knew that about her. Sure, Yashiro knew Aoi had gone through some stuff, but she never knew that side of her friend.

The boy sighed. "Eitherway...I decided I would protect Ao-Chan with my life. Even if she'll never look my way."

Turning her head back to Akane, Yashiro froze up when she saw Hanako waving his hand in front of the boy's face. He seemed disappointed about something, noticing her gaze after a moment. He smiled, floating over to the girl and taking her hands. Hanako pulled Yashiro away from the group, all the way towards the back of the room.

She stumbled a bit. "H-Hanako? What are you doing?"

The supernatural pressed a finger against his mouth and sneered, letting go of her hand. With a snap his Hakujoudai came flying to him, the orbs swirling around him before the green one wrapped itself around his wrist. Hanako put his arm around his friend's waist, the girl's face getting red as he pressed her against him.

That blush faded from her face when he pointed his finger at the lights above Aoi, the orb flying toward them and smashing them all.

Aoi's head immediately snapped up when the glass broke, her eyes widening as the shards shot down at her.

"AOI!!!" Yashiro and Akane shouted. The girl tried to run towards her friend, Hanako's arm keeping her against him.


Chapter 33: Clock Keeper


Akane snatched Kou's wrist. "Don't touch him, he'll hurt you."

His eyes darted towards the supernatural, Akane getting up off the ground as he let go of Kou's hand. The boy wiped a small drop of blood from a cut on his cheek, flicking it onto the ground as he stared Hanako down.

Kou stepped a bit closer. "Senpai, you-"

"I-I'm okay. Hanako covered me from the glass." Yashiro assured. The girl hit the ghost on the head. "Though he's also the one that broke it!"

The boy whined, Hanako rubbing his head before letting out a giggle. He got up, allowing the girl to stand on her own as he massaged the place she hit him. Akane stared at them as if they were creatures from another planet, they boy's eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"You..." He stuttered. "He...but..."

Hanako turned his head to look at Akane, his expression souring. The supernatural scoffed and turned his head back, causing the clock keeper to glare.

Kou put his hand on Yashiro's shoulder. "You sure you're okay, Senpai?"


Sorry for the late updates! My computer broke, so I was unable to post.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (19)

When her eyes finally unclenched, Yashiro was greeted to the sight of the glass frozen mid fall. Kou was stuck in place, his hand reached out and his legs prepared to run.

Her gaze darted to look at Hanako. The boy smiled at her, not frozen like Kou. His hand reached up towards her cheek, wiping away the tears that she didn't even notice were there. Once each one was gone Hanako looked towards in front of her, and standing there next was a cloaked figure. A giant translucent clock was in the air with gears trying to tick but stuck in place.

The figure gently picked Aoi up, revealing the reddish-brown hair as they moved. Yashiro could feel her stomach knot when she realized who that person grasping Aoi tightly was.

" can...stop time?" She asked.

The boy froze, turning his head. It was Akane, but he didn't look the same. Under the cloak was a light teal kimono with a gear pattern towards the bottom. His hands were now clothed with white gloves. Covering his face was an owl-like mask, with a steampunk design. Akane took the mask off his face, revealing his bewildered expression. "Yashiro-San, you're-"

He cut off when he saw Hanako's arm around Yashiro's waist, the boy's surprise turning into scowl.

"You." Akane hissed. "That old nightgown...the bandages all over you...two tsueshiros that you let roam around...I can't believe you decide to show your face after a stunt like this, 'Honorable Number Seven'."

He seemed to snarl that name, Hanako nodding. The boy knelt down and gently placed Aoi against the wall, brushing the hair out of her face.

"You already knew it was me who was the Clock Keeper, but decided to play a little game." He said. Akane carefully wrapped the cloak around Aoi. "How childish. I thought you were going to confront me at first, but then you started to take an interest in Aoi. I wanted to learn the answer as to why you were so intrigued, so I went along with it. But when you put her in danger...I'm sure you know what it's like to see someone you care about almost get hurt, and that feeling you get..."

His hand brushed away from Aoi's cheek, the boy standing up and walking over to Hanako.

"With all that said-"

Akane grabbed Hanako by the collar, tugging the ghost closer.

"-May I take a swing at you before we talk?"

Using all of his force he slammed Hanako down to the ground. Hanako expected this. The ghost latched onto Akane's shirt and swung his body, bringing the other mystery down with him.

Akane, caught off guard, landed down with no time to react. He gawked when Hanako's hands latched onto his throat. They tightened their grip without hesitation, clearly not showing any signs of letting go.

Yashiro ran over, pulling Hanako off her friend. "Hanako, stop! Don't hurt him!"

Akane's eyes shot wide. "Yashiro-San?! What are you doing?!"

"I could ask you the same thing!!" She snapped back, letting go of Hanako. "Ju-just calm down! Don't go attacking people-"

A loud crash was heard the the ceiling lights fell, Hanako shoving Yashiro down to the ground as shards of glass went flying. Protecting her with his own body the ghost held her head against his chest, clutching a fist full of her hair.

Akane scurried back towards Aoi as Kou unfroze. The boy stumbled, almost toppling over.

The shards were scatted all over the floor, Kou managing to catch his balance before he fell onto all of them. The exorcist looked around. "Wh-what's happening?! What's going on?!" He yelled. His eyes widened in for when he saw his friends. Worriedly he reached out towards Hanako. "Are you two okay?!"

Akane snatched Kou's wrist. "Don't touch him, he'll hurt you."

His eyes darted towards the supernatural, Akane getting up off the ground as he let go of Kou's hand. The boy wiped a small drop of blood from a cut on his cheek, flicking it onto the ground as he stared Hanako down.

Kou stepped a bit closer. "Senpai, you-"

"I-I'm okay. Hanako covered me from the glass." Yashiro assured. The girl hit the ghost on the head. "Though he's also the one that broke it!"

The boy whined, Hanako rubbing his head before letting out a giggle. He got up, allowing the girl to stand on her own as he massaged the place she hit him. Akane stared at them as if they were creatures from another planet, they boy's eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"You..." He stuttered. "He...but..."

Hanako turned his head to look at Akane, his expression souring. The supernatural scoffed and turned his head back, causing the clock keeper to glare.

Kou put his hand on Yashiro's shoulder. "You sure you're okay, Senpai?"

She nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. What about you? You looked like you were reaching out to protect Aoi..."

"I was." He replied.

The ghost stuck his head between Yashiro and Kou, pointing up to the broken glass before pointing to Akane. The boy was staring at the three of them in a mix of confusion and disgust. Yashiro could feel his stare go right through her. Why was he looking at her like that? And wait, why was Akane saying those things about how Hanako would hurt Kou if the exorcist tried to touch him? She shook her head out of her thoughts, turning it towards her friend when Hanako tapped her shoulder. He gestured down the halls before pointing to Kou's hat.

Yashiro tilted her head. "Security?" She asked, Hanako nodding. "Security is down the halls?" She guessed, the boy shaking his head. "Oh! Security might come down the halls to check what the sound was!"

Both Akane and Kou looked at eachother confused, the exorcist giving a shrug. Akane sighed. He turned around, picking up Aoi. Yashiro stared at the rat tail on his hair. Akane's never had that kind of hairstyle, had he? And now that she thinks about it, where are his glasses?

The boy grunted as he hoisted Aoi up, making sure she didn't wake up. "As much as I hate to admit it, Number Seven is right. That crash must have been loud enough for someone to hear." He spoke. Aoi grumbled in his arms, Akane rocking her a little. "It's okay, it's okay..."

"So, you're saying we should get out here?" Kou asked, Hanako giving a thumbs up.

Akane held Aoi close to his chest. "Let's take this somewhere else then."

Without waiting for their approval he started to walk off, the three following after him shortly after. Yashiro hurried to catch up with him, the two walking in silence next to eachother while Hanako and Kou stayed a few feet behind.

" did you do that earlier?" Akane asked.

"Hmm?" The girl hummed.

He looked behind his shoulder to Hanako. "With Number Seven. You pulled him off me effortlessly. I expected him to fight back but when you gave him an order, he just...stopped."

The girl glanced at the ghost, returning his little wave when he noticed her. "Hanako always seems to listen to me."

She never really thought of it, now that Akane mentions it. It just seemed natural.

"That's nothing like how I've seen...he's never listened to anyone like that."

Yashiro glanced back at Hanako over her shoulder, watching the boy as he bothered Kou. "Akane-Kun, how come you and Hanako know eachother?"

"I'm more concerned about why you're not using any honorifics to refer to that slimeball." He spoke. "Though, since you asked first, I'll tell you. It's because of the fact that I'm one of the Clock Keepers. Number Seven is the leader of all us Mysteries, meaning I have to listen to his orders."

The girl held back a giggle as she pictured Akane having to clean Hanako's bathroom with the ghost pointing to a dirty mirror, clearing her throat. "I see."

His reddish eyes stared into her magenta ones. "Now, tell me Yashiro-San, why are you not using any honorifics with Number Seven-Sama?"

Before she could even think of answer, Hanako poked his head over Akane's shoulder. The boy flinched back as if genuinely terrified, Aoi turning her head from the sudden movement. Hanako looked at him a little surprised, a chuckle slipping out of his lips as he floated back.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked.

Akane grinded his teeth. "I'm...fine."

She nodded, remining quiet for a little before asking another question. "Hey, why do you not let him know where the Clock is?"

"He's a pervert." Akane answered bluntly.

Yashiro tried to object, finding no words. She sighed. "Okay that's fair. Still doesn't explain it."

He sighed. "What do think a pervert would do if he could freeze a girl in time?"

"No, no, forget the pervert part. Whyelsedo you not allow him to know where the clock is?"

Akane looked away. "Ask him."

"But he told me to ask you." Yashiro responded.

He frowned. "Of course, always making others do the work for him while he complains about it being done incorrectly."

She tilted her head back a bit to look at Hanako, watching him try to play with Kou with the exorcist constantly shutting it down. The Hanako that Akane was talking about seemed more like that exaggerated version that the rumors speak of.

" because...maybe Aoi the clock?" She guessed.

Akane shook his head profusely. "Oh, no no no! The clock is an actual object, not some person or anything like that. I should know, they have me clean it a lot..."

They stopped at a resting room, Akane laying Aoi down on one of the beds and tucking her in. The boy brushed her bangs away from his face. He glared at Hanako as the ghost followed Yashiro in, the clock keeper gesturing Kou to come inside too. Akane leaned back in a chair, crossing his legs and snarking at them.

"Minamoto-Kun, Yashiro-San," He said, "tell me, what's your affiliation with Number Seven-Sama?"

Kou and Yashiro looked at eachother, the boy speaking first. "He's just someone I know, that's all."

Yashiro watched as a light shade of pink spread on Kou's cheeks from that lie. The girl looked back towards Akane. "I had no idea you know him, Akane-Kun. I thought you were just some normal boy."

"Are youreallyone to talk?" Akane replied, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, I can't believe you're a victim just like me, Yashiro-San."

"Victim?" Yashiro repeated, feeling Hanako wrap his arms around her waist from behind.

The clock keeper pointed at the ghost. "He tricked you into forming some kind of pack with him, didn't he?"

She was taken aback. "I-"

"That's what happened to me." The boy reminisced. "It was a normal day...I was confessing to Ao-Chan as usual. She had turned me down as she always did and told me that if I could make the perfect confession, then she'd think of loving me. That's when the glass on the windows and ceilings broke, all of the shards flying right towards her." He explained. Akane's grip on his kimono tightened. "She I thought I was going to lose her. And in that moment, I wished harder than I ever had that I could stop time." He spoke. The boy's voice drew to a whisper. "I tripped, but when I looked up two cloaked figures were staring back at me. One asked me if I wished to control time, saying I could save her. I didn't even think twice, all so I could protect Ao-Chan."

His shaking hands released the fabric they were grasping, Akane springing to his feet in a fit of rage that caused both Hanako and Kou to hold Yashiro tightly.


They all jumped when Akane punched the wall, managing to get a hole in it. Aoi stilled laid there in the bed, peacefully sleeping away, somehow not hearing Akane's rage even though he was right next to her.

The boy turned back, brushing himself off. "Anyways."

Hanako squeezed Yashiro tighter, the boy nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. She couldn't tell whether he was scared for her safety or scared that she was friends with a psycho.

Kou let go of Yashiro. "I'm...sorry that happened to you, Aoi-Kun."

"It's fine." He responded. The boy grabbed the pocket watch that was hanging from a cord on his kimono and opened it, holding it up for the three to see. "After I agreed to work for them, they gave me this. Up to three times a day, I have the power to stop time. Its only for five minutes a day. Pretty sh*tty deal for exchanging my label as human and now being tied to the supernatural. Though, besides my appearance changing a little, I'm still just like Yashiro-San. Speaking of which, what contract did you sign to make it so he's been with you for these months?"

Yashiro was about to answer before she processed what he said. "Wait. How did you know that Hanako has been with me for that long?"

"I've seen him follow you." Akane explained. "You see, my glasses have an enchantment that makes it so when I wear them, I can't see the supernatural."

Yashiro tilted her head. "Really?"

He nodded. "It sorta follows the idea of 'I can't see you, you can't see me'. Supernaturals can't interact with me, just as if I was a normal person. When I take the glasses off however...then an entire other world is visible to my eyes."

The girl looked into Akane's eyes, noticing how now he seemed hyper focused on every little sound the room made. "But what does that have to do with Hanako?"

The boy scoffed before pointing towards the ghost. "He's the leader of the Seven Mysteries. The most dangerous of us all. He has no purpose to be following a random patient around." He said. Akane lowered his hand. "Or so I thought. The more I observed, the more I noticed. You could see him, you could hear him, and most importantly, you couldfeelhim. It didn't take long for me to realize you had made a bond with him. So what did he do? Did he make you wish for something?"

She tensed up, letting out a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of her head. "Heh heh...yeah. Except the wish thing was sorta my idea. My price of my wish was to be his assistant."

Akane froze. "...his...assistant?"

Yashiro nodded. "Doesn't...every school mystery have a human assistant? I mean, technically, you're the Clock Keeper's human assistant."

"No. No, the Seven Mysteries don't." He said. "Humans and supernaturals don't mix like that. I'm a special case, because the Clock Keeper that controls the present must be someone from modern time."

She turned to look at Hanako. "Is that true?"

The mystery tapped his lip, looking up at the ceiling. After a moment he nodded.

Akane kicked back into his chair. "So, why are you the only one of us allowed to have an assistant?"

Hanako sighed, snapping his fingers and having his Hakujoudai drop his notebook. Akane looked at him confused before his expression changed to one more surprised when Hanako started to write, the clock keeper jolting up and getting up in the boy's face.

"I know you can talk, sh*t head!" He exclaimed, Hanako recoiling back. "Say your damn words instead of writing them!"

"Akane-Kun!! If you say one more bad thing to Hanako then I'm telling Aoi about your powers!!" Yashiro threatened.

He stopped, his gaze turning towards her. Akane turned his body, his hand still stretched out to throttle his coworker. "And who says that I won't tell her about yours?"

"We both know Aoi is more likely to believe me." She said. "I mean, Hanako-San's rumor states that anyone who knocks on the door dies, whether or not it's the special someone. And I'm still here. Meanwhile the Clock Keeper's says that if you touch the clock, they'll make you a slave to time. Which ones more believable, Akane-Kun?"

The boy stared at her before sighing, lowering his hand. "You've changed, Yashiro-San."

As he brushed his hand off the boy stepped away from Hanako, Kou stepping over to the ghost to see if he was okay.

Akane sighed. He forced himself to keep his hands at his side before lowering his head in some form of...respect? "Number Seven-Sama," he hissed, clearing hating the words that were coming out of his mouth, "Yashiro-San told me you had instructed her to ask me of the location of the Clock. Why is it you want to know?"

Hanako tilted his head a little, about to point to Kou when someone outside the room let out a blood curdling scream. "SOMEBODY!! SOMEBOODY COME HELP!!"

Kou's eyes shot wide open. Without a word he grabbed his staff and darted out of the room, Yashiro calling out to him. "Kou-Kun?!"

She chased after him, Hanako and Akane following. It didn't take her long to catch up with Kou the exorcist frozen still near a turn.

"Kou-Kun, what's wrong?!" She asked. The girl looked to the sight of what was in front of them, flinching back. "WHAT THE-"


Everywhere she looked, left and right, all the patients had become old. This wasn't the senior section of the hospital, was it?!

Akane's roommate came walking by. "Oh, hey Yashiro-San."

"Yamabuki-Kun!" She called out, delighted to see that he was okay. "Thank goodness, you're-"

She let out a scream as his youth began to drain from him, his skin becoming wrinkled and his hair losing its color. What was a young boy was now an old man who could hardly stand up.

Akane grabbed Yashiro and pushed her behind him, sprinting right towards Yamabuki. "THERE YOU ARE!!"

He tried to grab something from the boy's shoulder, missing and almost knocking his roommate to the ground. That's when Yashiro saw what he was trying to grab. It was a very small girl who looked like she was only maybe two or three. Her long brown pig tails touched her feet as she whizzed into the air, the hair ornament that resembled the hands of a clock bouncing as she giggled. The little girl adjusted the crown-like headdress on her head, twirling her long fringes.

"Hee hee hee, meanie Akane!!" She teased.

The boy snarled back his lip. "MIRAI!! GET BACK HERE!!"

"Don't wanna!" She laughed, her little hands clenching her dark blue outer coat with a hood. She let go and held the golden pocket watch that hung from the collar, doing a little spin that showed off her brown-colored garment with a reddish trim in a diamond pattern and the frilly long-sleeved white dress underneath. Mirai kicked up her feet, revealing the kanji for 'one' that was inscribed on the soles of her black okobo-like shoes.

The little girl darted up, passing by Kou. The exorcist almost got hit by one of the hairpieces as he flinched back. "Woah, she's fast!!"

With one bounce on the ground she vanished from sight, Akane catching his breath as he clennched his pocket watch. "Damn it...this must be why you three wanted to see me."

His blood ran cold when he felt something press against his neck, his head turning down slightly to see Hanako's knife was pressed against his skin. The ghost chuckled, taking the pocket watch from Akane's hand and holding it up. The clock keeper seemed genuinely terrified to have Hanako behind him like this.

"I know you aren't going to do it with them here." He said, gesturing towards Yashiro and Kou.

Hanako leaned down closer to Akane, swinging the watch in front of the boy's face. Yashiro held back a sigh and grabbed Hanako's wrist, the boy surprised as his assistant pulled his hand away from her friend's throat. "What IthinkHanako is trying to ask is if you're responsible for this, Akane-Kun."

The boy stepped forward as Hanako groaned, the boy whining as Yashiro took the watch from him and gave it back to Akane. The clock keeper glared at his cowoker. "Actually, what he was trying to say" He spoke. Snatching his watch back, Akane continued before Yashiro could ask what he was going to say. "But you are right. It is us Clock Keepers who are responsible for this. It's all because Mirai got loose."

Kou spoke up. "Um, doesn't that mean future?"

"It's pronounced similarly, yes." Akane responded. "She's the one that governs over the future out of the three of us. She doesn't have an actual name, so I call her Mirai. Since she controls the future, anything she touches will move forward in time. Thanks to that, we make her wear gloves."

"Is that why you're wearing gloves, Akane-Kun?" Yashiro asked.

He looked at his own hands before nodding. "Sorta. The thing with Mirai is she has no control over herself and will touch anything that she lays her eyes on. So, the old man keeps her locked up in the boundary all the time.

Kou raised an eyebrow. "Old man?"

"That's what I call the one who governs the past." Akane explained. "I call him Kako. He actually listens to me, sometimes. Regardless, he's still another supernatrual."

Kou nodded, thinking for a minute. He hit his fist into the palm of his hand. "I have an idea! Why don't we all work together to catch her?"

Akane looked up before scoffing. "I'm not going to work with a supernatural, especially with thatscum."

That seemed directed towards Hanako, the ghost not giving any reaction.

Yashiro raised her hand a little. "Akane-Kun, do you...hate supernaturals?"

"Hate supernaturals?" He reiterated. "Of course I hate them! I despise them! If you ask me Yashiro-San, I think it's weird you're actually friends with one. You saw what he did back there. What he did to Ao-Chan. That doesn't you? I thought you and Ao-Chan were best friends."

The girl shuffled her feet. "B-but Hanako isn't bad! He is a little slimy...but what he did to Aoi...he did it for a reason. I'm sure of it. An-and I'm sure he wasn't going to truly hurt her."

Hanako seemed a bit taken aback by Yashiro's words, his stoic expression breaking slightly by the tiny curl of his lips.

Akane chuckled at her words. "He's not bad? He had a reason? Oh really...Well, no matter what you say, I'm not going to have someone like him help me. I refuse to work with amurderer."

Akane's scowl grew worse as Hanako's expression remained remised, Yashiro clenching the fabric over her heart.

Akane...knew about Hanako's sin?

How would he know that Hanako killed someone?

"You can't take back ending someone's life." The boy said. "No matter how much you try to atone, that sin will always be stained on your soul."

Hanako seemed completely unfazed by the clock keeper's words. He opened his notebook and wrote something in it, turning it for the boy to read.

Are you one to talk, Number One? You're the same person who said you would kill anyone if it was to keep Ao-Chan safe. You really are just like the rest of us Mysteries.

Akane grinded his teeth. "I-"

Hanako turned the page.At least I can admit I'm a hypocrite.

The boy grabbed Hanako by the collar of his nightgown, the notebook falling onto the floor. "I'm nothing at all like you freaks!!"

Akane's grasp tightened when Hanako pressed his knife against his throat, Yashiro intervening and snatching his wrist.

"We don't need violence, let's just settle this more civilly!" She spoke.

Akane didn't listen, grabbing Hanako's hand and tugging it out of Yashiro's grasp. He clenched it so tightly she could see the smaller ghost tense up. "Quit trying to defend him. You know what I'm talking about, don't you, Number Seven-Sama?" He hissed. His grip got even tighter, Hanako trying to pull his hand out. "Supernatural's don't understand just how valuable a human life is. Reformed villains make me sick. So what if they're good now? Does that erase what they did? What a joke." The boy snapped. He leaned in closer to the ghost, staring him dead in the eyes. "Don't you see? It doesn't matter how good you act around people or who you decide to help. You can never take back all those lives. Never. Because once a person dies, there's no bringing them back. You'll probably kill me now for saying all these thin-"

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Kou shouted, startling the three of them. The young exorcist grabbed Akane's fingers and pried them off his friend's wrist, pushing the clock keeper back. "You're saying all these things as if he doesn't understand what it was like to be alive!! He knows how valuable a human life is because he's lived one!! He's a patient just like you, out of all the other Hospital Mysteries you should understand most everything he's had to go through!"

Hanako seemed surprised to have Kou defend him like this, the boy rubbing his wrist as he looked up at him. Akane was shocked too, trying to retort. "You're defending him, Minamoto-Kun? Isn't your family the ones who are supposed to get rid of creatures like him?"

"By your logic, I should exorcise you then." Responded Kou, holding his staff. "If I'm supposed to exorcise supernatural's, then I should get rid of you too. I'm not going to stand here and let you say all these things to my friend."

He looked to his side when Hanako placed his hand on his shoulder, shaking his head to tell Kou it wasn't worth it. He turned his head back to Akane, staring at him with a malicious glimmer in his amber eyes. The ghost let go of Kou's shoulder and held his hands behind him, tilting his head slightly as he watched Akane like a cat.

Yashiro wanted to say something to held back up Kou's point, but she couldn't find anything that she wanted to say. Part of her wanted to yell at Akane and say that when spirits haunt this realm it's because they ended their own lives, but she didn't want to say that in case Hanako didn't want Akane to know how he died.

She took a deep breath. " you agree to work with us until we can catch this Mirai, or do you want to work alone?"

He was about to respond immediately when something caught his attention. He stopped, staring at...something that seemed to be behind Hanako. The boy stared at Yashiro with a conflicted look in his eyes. He turned over to look at the supernatural. "I don't have a I, Honorable Number Seven?"

The three turned their gaze to Hanako, who just shrugged. Why was Akane now seemingly afraid? His new unpredictable personality was confusing Yashiro.

After a second he stuck out his hand towards his coworker. "...fine. I'll work with you three. But the minute we capture her, this isover."

Hanako looked at his hand before smiling, shaking his hand. Akane bit his tongue, holding back his reaction to the feeling of Hanako's fingernails digging into his skin.

Chapter 34: Don't Lie to Yourself


Akane nodded. "Exactly, Black- huh?"

Yashiro held her face. "He's my old hamster! He was so cute, let me tell you all about him!"

The girl kept rambling about her old hamster, Akane seemingly taking interest in it.

Around the corner, Hanako listened, Kou still inside the room searching for any tracks Mirai may have left. The ghost fiddled with a crayon as he observed, picking up a candy wrapper and writing something on it.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (20)

Yashiro couldn't decide who was worse to work with in this moment, Akane or Hanako.

On one hand, Akane knew certain hiding places Mirai would be in or what she liked to be around. On the other, Hanako managed to be able to sniff out where she was much faster, almost like a blood hound.

And on the other,otherhand, both of them were waiting for the next reason to grab eachother by the throat.

To be honest, Yashiro was getting a sense of déjà vu from back when Hanako and Kou had this dynamic.

Eventually the two agreed to take break from attempting to murder the other and to instead think of some sort of strategy to catch the little clock keeper. So that's what takes the four to one of the staff rooms, which Kou thankfully had a key for.

Akane sighed as he looked around the room, scoffing at the Mokke that hopped around. "This reminds me of the place that Minamoto uses..."

"What about me?" Kou asked, setting down a bag of candy.

The clock keeper brushed the Mokke off the table as the small rabbits tried to ransack the sweets. "Oh, not you. I'm thinking of your brother."

Yashiro tensed up a little at the thought of Teru. Remembering her old crush on him is embarrassing. Thank goodness Kou doesn't know about that. She dug her hand into the already open bag of candy. "You know Minamoto-Senpai, Akane-Kun?"

"That's not what we're here for." He replied. "Now, does anyone have any ideas as to how to catch Mirai?"

The girl tapped her chin, her eyes lighting up when she thought of something. "Oh! Can't we use your powers to freeze her, Akane-Kun?"

Kou smacked his fist into the palm of his hand. "That's it! Good idea, Senpai!"

Akane sighed some kind of chuckle. "It won't work. Mirai is immune to my time freeze, and you already saw how ridiculously fast she is. If we just give her free rein for a while, she might get it out of her system and come back on her own, but..."

"In the meantime, all our friends..." Yashiro lamented.

The young exorcist leaned in. "And are we sure we can turn everyone back to normal?"

Akane waved his hand. "Don't worry about that. The rotten old man will work that out."

Yashiro was about to ask who he meant until she remembered that he had mentioned the third clock keeper being an older man who he called Kako. Akane must have all these...unconventional nicknames for them as well. Poor Kako, being called an old man. Whoever Kako is.

The boy continued. "But if we let Mirai run free, then there's a small possibility she'll do something to Ao-Chan...when I think of what would happen to her, I...I'm not sure I can maintain my sanity..."

The candy he was holding crushed into dust in his hands, Yashiro and Kou feeling a jolt of fear rush through them. The girl stood up and walked towards her friend. "Hey, Aoi will be okay, I'm sure of it."

Kou watched as Yashiro tried to comfort Akane. The exorcist turned his at the sound of a sigh. He saw Hanako, sitting on the windowsill. He had been so quiet that Kou had forgotten he was even with them. He seemed to be thinking about something. What was it that was on his mind?

Kou got up, pushing his chair in as he looked at the ghost. He took a piece of candy and walked over to him, poking the boy's cheek with the sweet. "What's wrong, Hanako? You've been awfully distant."

Hanako seemed to snap back to his senses, looking at the candy before slowly taking it. He fidgeted with the wrapper, unraveling in and raveling it back together again.

Kou sat down next to him. "Are you...thinking about all those harsh things Aoi-Kun said to you?"

The ghost stared at the treat before shaking his head. He placed it back in Kou's hands and got up off the windowsill, walking towards Akane and Yashiro. He grabbed the bag of candy and dumped its contents all over the table. Before anyone could process it, out come Mirai, the girl landing on the table with a grunt.

"Gack!" She groaned, sitting up. The girl rubbed her cheek with her hand. "Owie...stupid dummy head...Number Seven broke Mirai's tooth..."

Her pockets and hood were full of candy, the girl's cheeks stuffed with them too. The four stared at her before Akane and Kou screamed at the top of their lungs, Yashiro squeezing Hanako tight as she squealed.

"THERE SHE IS!!!" Akane yelled. He tried to grab Mirai as she licked her hands, the girl jumping off the table and hiding behind Hanako's leg.

Yashiro ducked down, Hanako's face flushing red and using his hands to keep his nightgown down from the slight gust of wind. She barely missed grabbing the tiny girl, Mirai bouncing up. Hanako tried to snatch her, leaning too far and falling onto of his assistant. He made some sort of squeak when Yashiro yipped from pain, the boy holding her head under his when Mirai came crashing down, accidently stomping on the boy.

Akane snorted. "Heh! Slowpokes!"

Those words were thrown right back at him when Mirai came flying in and kicked him square in the jaw, his head snapping so fast you could hear his neck crack.

The little girl floated back up. "Heh heh heh!! Slowpokes!!"

"You little-" Akane snarled. Both him and Hanako lunged towards the girl, knocking their heads into eachother when the girl flew up into the air. "ACK!!Why is his head so hard...?"

"She's getting away!" Yashiro shouted.

Mirai rushed right towards the door, letting out a cry when Kou caught her by a pigtail. The exorcist yanked her so hard he pulled a few strands out. "Don't underestimate me, Hospital Mystery! I know all of your tric-"

With a face showing she didn't care in the slightest Mirai held up her finger, a translucent clock appearing over her. She flung her body up, the amount of strength causing the boy to lose his balance. With his guard down, Mirai slammed the clock into Kou's head, a cloud of dust covering everything from sight.

"KOU-KUN!!" Yashiro called out.

"The average age of the hospital has gone up again..." Akane grumbled.

Mirai floated up from the dust. "Grrrr...having a hard time moving you forward for some reason." The girl whined. She started to giggle. "Mirai just wanted to make you look more handsome!! But it didn't work!"

She disappeared in thin air, the three looking in the direction of where Kou was when they heard him groan. The dust started to clear up around him as he coughed, speaking in a much deeper voice. "Damn it...she got away."

"Kou-Kun, are you okay?!" Yashiro asked, kneeling down next to him. Was he an old man now?!

Akane scoffed. "At this point I'm starting to feel like lopping her hands off might be the best solution."

Finally, all the dust cleared up revealing-

Hanako screamed, stumbling back when he saw Kou. Yashiro followed shortly, crawling back.

Kou was utterly confused, his eyes darting around. Even Akane seemed shocked. "Wh-what's wrong?!" He asked.

Akane tried to say something, the boy falling silent. He walked over to a mirror that was set on the wall, the boy taking it off and walking over to Kou to reveal to the young exorcist what he looked like. Just like Yashiro and Hanako did, Kou let out a scream. "WHY DO I LOOK LIKE NII-CHAN?!"

The boy's face was no longer that of a young boy, he looked like an identical copy of his brother. Around his neck he wore both that dirty, broken necklace and a ring with a string through it. Instead of his uniform and apron he wore a low-cut leather jacket, a white sweater cut to have short sleeves and a light blue vest underneath. His shoes and pants still looked the same, and even his pink puppy socks were still on.

Yashiro tried to form a sentence. "Bu-you-I-you-I-wait, if...if you...."

Kou scrambled to his feet, his attention immediately snapping to Hanako. "Hanako, wh-why am I not an old man?!"

Hanako stared at Kou for a little, the boy floating behind Yashiro and hugging her. He buried his head into her hair, clearly shaking.

The boy could feel his heart shatter. He sunk to his knees, his face against the floor. "I'm sorry..I didn't mean to scare you..."

Akane looked back and forth at them. "Never a dull moment with you people."

Hanako peeked his head over Yashiro's shoulder, watching Kou as the boy as he wailed into the floorboards. Slowly he let go of his assistant and steadily floated over, cautiously leaning down and placing his hand on Kou's head.

The boy's head snapped up, his eyes filled with hope. "You don't hate me?!" He cried out, Hanako nodding. Kou tackled the ghost's legs. "Oh, thank goodness!!"

Yashiro watched the two, making a soft squeak when Akane grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room. "Here, let's leave those two be."

The girl looked back behind her as her friend lead her out of the room, watching as Hanako tried to push Kou away. "Where are we going?"

"I figured we'd be able to think more clearly if we didn't have those loudmouths yapping." Akane responded. "Forget about it. We need to think of some way to capture Mirai."

"Ah! Right!" Yashiro agreed. "So...what are some traits we could use against her?"

"First off, she's not very smart, she's a glutton, she loves preening herself, and she's fast. And she's not smart, but, most of all, she's not smart."

Yashiro counted the list on her fingers. "I see..."

Akane adjusted the pocket watch dangling off his kimono. "Her intellect and speed are about on par with a mouse."

"A mouse..." The girl muttered, bursting with excitement when an idea struck her. "She does kinda reminds me of Black Canyon!!"

Akane nodded. "Exactly, Black- huh?"

Yashiro held her face. "He's my old hamster! He was so cute, let me tell you all about him!"

The girl kept rambling about her old hamster, Akane seemingly taking interest in it.

Around the corner, Hanako listened, Kou still inside the room searching for any tracks Mirai may have left. The ghost fiddled with a crayon as he observed, picking up a candy wrapper and writing something on it.

The boy grabbed Kou's arm, the exorcist turning his head. "Oh, what's up?"

He looked at the smaller boy confused when he handed him the candy wrapper, Kou opening it.

Make sure that Mirai doesn't touch Nene-Onnesan. No matter what.

The exorcist stared at words before turning his head, nodding. "I'll make sure to do that. Is there some special reason you brought that up?"

The ghost stared at him before shaking his head, but there was something in his eyes that wasn't telling the truth.

"'re hiding something." Kou said under his breath.

Hanako looked at him with an expression that confirmed Kou's beliefs, the supernatural putting on an innocent smile and holding his arms behind his back.

Kou tried to say something, being interrupted by Yashiro throwing her arms around their shoulders. "Hanako, Kou-Kun!! Listen, listen!!"

Hanako chuckled as his assistant bounced on her heels, the boy pulling her arms away from their necks and holding her hands. Kou watched, studying the way the ghost looked at her.

The girl continued. "If you break her behavior to its simplest form, Mirai acts much like a mouse! And you want to know what mice are similar to? Hamsters! I have a plan to catch her!"


Little Mirai bounced down the halls, twirling her hair as she admired her handiwork. "This's so fun!" She giggled. "Mirai hasn't been outside in foreeeeveeeer! And she madeeverybodylook so much hotter! Mirai is such a good girl!!"

The apparition smiled as she floated nearby one of the old patients, poking their cheek before floating down to the ground.

"Though...Mirai is getting a little tired..." she murmured. The girl stretched out to yawn, catching something from the corner of her eye. "Ooh?" She asked. Mirai leaned down and snatched up what had taken her attention, holding a small candy. "It's one of those candies!!"

Without a single thought she stuffed the treat in her mouth, crunching the entire thing in one bite. As she stood up she noticed that there wasn't just ONE candy, there was an entire line!

The girl's face lit up as she yoinked each one off the ground and ate it, following the trail into an empty room. Yet as soon as her hand touched the last sweet, a cage of lightning burst into power around her.

" this?" Asked the clock keeper, getting shocked when she poked the lightning.

Behind her, a voice rang. "You fell for it..."

A box hidden behind the corner sprouted an arm and ripped itself off, revealing no other than Yashiro there.

The girl smiled smugly as she pointed to the supernatural. "We finally caught you!!"

Out of two other boxes popped out Akane and Hanako, both of them holding fistful of Mokke by the ears.

Akane looked around. "I'm surprised your plan worked, Yashiro-San. I'm more surprised that Number Seven-Sama cooperated."

Hanako narrowed his eyes at the boy, deciding to ignore his comment and instead float closer to his sneering assistant.

Yashiro chuckled. "In all my years easing hamsters, I have learned some things about catching loose criminals! One, do not chase the hamster all over! Instead, erase your existence! Two, lay out a trap! And three, when they're distracted, snatch them up!!"

Hanako giggled at her explanation, seemingly proud of her. The boy looked back at the Mokke in his hands, who were threatening and begging for the candy.

Akane set some of the Mokke down. "The hardest part had to be keeping these guys away from the candy. Though, I just say, I am impressed...Minamoto-Kun."

The three turned their heads towards the main desk, admiring Kou, who was creating the lightning with his staff in some ritual.

The boy laughed. "Looks like I learn some cool skills in the future! I can't keep it up as long as Teru-Nii, but I got you, Aoi-Kun!"

Akane held up his pocket watch, directing it towards the top of the cage. Just as before, the translucent clock appeared in the air, causing the cage to freeze in place.

The clock keeper scoffed. "Keep your pride down, Minamoto-Kun. Your pathetic cage wasn't going to last more than ten seconds."

The exorcist gagged as it felt as if someone stabbed a knife in his back. "Th...thanks-"

Akane approached his fellow coworker, the boy leaning down. "Took long enough to catch you. Surrender now, Mirai. Playtimes over."

The little girl whined as Akane picked her up. "Awwww, that's too bad. you're gonna capture Mirai now, aren't you?"

"Thats right." The boy sighed. "With your powers over the future, you know how this'll end. So be a good girl and-"

"Okay, just one more." Mirai cheered. She zipped out of Akane's grasp, the clock keeper stunned. In the blink of an eye she appeared right next to Yashiro, her hands outstretched. "Mirai'll make this girl look hotter!"

Hanako turned just in time to see the little girl summoning the clock. Fear shot through the boy. His body moved instinctively, shoving Akane and Kou behind him and racing forward.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" Hanako screamed. He tried to grab Miari before she could reach Yashiro, but it was too late.

Her little hands pushed the clock against the girl, draining all those years she had. It felt similar to when Hanako possessed her. All the energy draining from her muscle as Yashiro's eyes closed themselves.

It felt...calm. As if she was falling asleep.

Maybe she'll take a quick nap.

Chapter 35: Why Can't I have Nice Things?


Kou felt the top of his head, looking at the old man. "Turn ba- wait, you're the third?!"

Akane nodded. "Yes, he's the third. The Clock Keeper who governs over the past. He's kind of our leader, since he's the oldest."

The young exorcist thought for a second before muttering something, half to himself. " just call him 'Kako' cause it means 'past'...?"

"Who's cares what we call them?" Akane scoffed. His voice softened. "Besides...I think there's someone we should be more concerned about, Minamoto..."

They both turned to look at Hanako, Kou's gaze softening at the sound of his friend trying not to cry.

"Hanako..." He muttered.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (21)

The boy seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack as he caught up to Yashiro, catching the girl as she fell to the ground. His knees gave out and he fell with her, holding her protectively in his arms.

No, no no no no no.

This can't be happening.

They promised, everyone promised, why would they lie to him like this?!

Mirai tilted her head. "Mirai can't move her time forward!" She whined. Her tone got more serious. "Honorable Number Seven, does that mean she...has no more time left?"

Hanako's breath got caught in his throat. He looked up, turning his head to Yashiro only to be met with not an old woman, but her normal self.

Why was she still...young?

The room was still until Akane sighed of relief. "Oh...that would...make sense."

"Wh-what does?" Kou asked.

Hanako looked up between them as he tried to understand what was happening.

"Yashiro-San is leaving in a year, remember? Since she's not going to be here that long, Miari's powers don't work on her."

The ghost froze when Akane said those words, Kou realizing he was right. "Oh yeah! I had almost forgotten. So that means she's not going to die soon...thank god, I thought that-"


Both boys turned their heads to Hanako when he muttered that word, his head close to the girl's shoulder.

"You didn't know?" Akane asked before scoffing. "Turns out she doesn't tell you everything."

Kou butted in. "Senpai is leaving the hospital in a year, Hanako."

The supernatural hugged the girl closer to his chest as he stared at her blankly, trying to piece together all of this new information.

Yashiro was going to...leave?

He had only just started to have fun and get closer to her. A year was hardly any time to be with a person. Running his fingers through Yashiro's hair the supernatural just sat there, his eyes darting back to his assistant's face and her hands. They were limp, of course they were. She was just asleep. She wasn't dead. Yashiro wasn't going to die. Everyone promised him that there's no need for her to die.

But nobody told him that she was going to leave.

Hanako put his hand on her cheek. The girl's face was warm. All of her was warm. Like a fireplace, heating up his cold and empty afterlife. If she left...that fire would burn out. As selfish as it was to admit, he didn't want that fire to grow cold.

"We should have told you sooner, Honorable Number Seven." An old voice said.

Kou felt a hand on his head, his body shrinking back to its normal size when the hand pushed down on him. His physical appearance returned back to what he looked like before Mirai touched him, and he could feel the power that coursed through his blood fade away.

"WHAT THE-?!" He shrieked, feeling his throat from the surprise to hear his voice was no longer deep.

Out from behind him stepped a hunched back old man who towered over both the boys. A bead-like golden ornament swung from the end of his long, braided beard, the ends of his mustache brushing against the start of it. Covering his eyes was an owl mask that looked exactly like the one Akane had been wearing when he had first transformed, the old man also wearing a similar cloak, but with it closed instead of open. Decorating the cloak was a golden braid between two tassels at the lapels, and in his hands was both a cane in the shape of a clock's hand and a pocket watch.

"Well...look who finally decided to grace us with his presence." Akane hissed. "We wouldn't have had to deal with all of this if you were here from the start. You really are twisted...Kako."

The old man gave a monotone laugh. "Ho ho ho. Please. I am never late. Simply because all I have to is turn back time, and everything returns to its former state."

Kou felt the top of his head, looking at the old man. "Turn ba- wait, you're the third?!"

Akane nodded. "Yes, he's the third. The Clock Keeper who governs over the past. He's kind of our leader, since he's the oldest."

The young exorcist thought for a second before muttering something, half to himself. " just call him 'Kako' cause it means 'past'...?"

"Who's cares what we call them?" Akane scoffed. His voice softened. "Besides...I think there's someone we should be more concerned about, Minamoto..."

They both turned to look at Hanako, Kou's gaze softening at the sound of his friend trying not to cry.

"Hanako..." He muttered.

"Allow me to handle this." Kako commanded. The old man approached his superior, staring down at the ghost. "Number Seven-Sama." He addressed. Hanako looked up at him, refusing to let go of Yashiro as he buried his face back into the crook of her neck. Kako sighed. "Number Seven-Sama, we can get through this easier if you let go of her."

The boy hesitated before he got up, adjusting Yashiro and making sure she didn't fall. Hanako turned his head and stood still, his face devoid of any emotion.

Kako bowed his head. "I apologize for this, Number Seven-Sama. Is there any way I can make this up to you?"

Akane's breath got caught in his throat, the boy's eyes going a little wide when Kako asked that. Hanako shook his head. The boy walked past him and up towards Akane, pointing to Yashiro.

The clock keeper's eyes darted to Kako before back at Hanako. "Number Seven-Sama, I was never instructed to inform you of this-"

He grabbed Akane by the hair and pulled him down to his height, his hand starting to shake as he kept pointing towards his assistant.

"W-we didn't think it'd bother you!!" He shouted. "We thought you didn't care whether or not she left you as long as she didn't die! Let go!!!"

Kou intervened. "Hanako, let go of him! He didn't do anything!"

The boy looked as if he wanted to kill Akane. After a moment he released him, Akane stumbling back and cowering away. Hanako glanced over at Kou before turning his head back to Yashiro, staring at his assistant.

The exorcist watched, slowly reaching out towards Hanako's shoulder. "Hey, she'll come to visit, and I'll always be here-"

He smacked Kou's hand away, clawing at the spot where his skin had touched him. His body was shaking. Much like in the night where Teru attacked him.

Akane pulled Kou closer. "It's best that you leave him don't want him to get mad at you."

There was a tinge of fear in Akane's voice when he said that. He was right, in a sense. Kou already saw what Hanako did to Akane firsthand.

Kou moved Akane away from him, staring at his friends. Had Hanako not known this entire time?

"I think Number Seven-Same is wondering why you didn't tell him, Minamoto boy." Kako said.

A shiver ran up the young exorcist's back. The words in his throat struggled to form together. "Hanako, I...I didn't..."

Watching his friend's hand shake made him go silent. What was he supposed to say? Should he say 'Well, you were gonna find out one way, so it's not that bad' or something like that?

"...we're not one to blame you for not informing him." Kako said. "We never told him either."

Kou ignored him, stepping forward. "Hanako, I didn't think that-"

Akane interjected. "Minamoto, it's best you just stop."

Once again, Kou disregarded his warning. "Hanak-"

The ghost snapped his fingers. In a blur Kako took Akane's pocket watch, tapping it against the boy's head. He froze just before he could say something, completely still like a statue.

The ghost looked towards his coworker, giving a nod of appreciation. Turning his head back the boy walked towards Yashiro as Kako froze Kou, Hanako staring down at the sleeping girl. He knelt down, placing a hand on her forehead. Her flesh was warm. Carefully he scooped Yashiro up and held her close, his grip tightening when she whined in her sleep.

Hanako turned back to look at Akane and Kou, slowly walking towards the exorcist. He stopped when he was a few inches away, looking up at the boy. His amber eyes studied the blues in Kou's, admiring each highlight and tiny detail in them.

"Do you want him to keep his memories of today?" Kako asked, putting the watch in his cloak.

The ghost stared at Kou a little longer before putting his hand out. Gently he felt the shape of the boy's nose, caressing his jaw and the creases near his lips. He nodded.

"Are you sure? He won't forget a single thing. Even all those things the zounderkite said, he'll remember." Warned the clock keeper.

Once again, Hanako nodded.

" make no sense to me, Honorable Number Seven."

Kako open up his own watch, holding Mirai closed as Hanako left them to fix the issue.

The boy walked out of the room, clenching his friend close to his chest. His legs were shaking. Why were they shaking? Nevermind that, he can float-

Hanako tried to levitate off the ground, but his entire body was shaking too much. Eventually, he collapsed, instantly rushing towards his friend when she tumbled out of his arms. Hanako crawled as fast as he could, holding up Yashiro's head to see if she was okay.

His eyes widened a bit when a drop of water hit her cheek, small scales growing out of her skin. Slowly Hanako lifted a hand away from her head and towards his eyes, his fingertips becoming damp.

Looking back down caused all the water in his eyes to fall onto Yashiro. Hanako desperately tried to wipe away the evidence of his tears, each scale forming faster than he could pluck it. They kept growing as the droplets landed on her face, the boy crying harder as he got frustrated.

The scales keep spreading. They keep growing. Faster and faster, and he can see the discomfort on her face as they force their way out of Yashiro's flesh.

He clenched a fistful of his hair, trying to calm himself down. He has to calm down. The room feels smaller. It's getting smaller. It'll shrink faster unless he doesn't calm down.

A few strands of hair have torn themselves out of his scalp now. It hurts as he claws away at the skin on the top of his head, moving his hands away slowly. His fingertips have blood on them. His head is bleeding. It's bleeding now. His fingertips of have both his blood and tears coating them now.

The boy hugged himself, trying to stay in touch with reality.

He wanted to go home, he wanted someone to come out of the shadows and hug him, tell him sweet little lies that he's okay. That everything will be okay. That Yashiro isn't going to leave him.

She isn'tgoingto leave him.

Sheisn'tgoing to leave him.

She isn't going toleavehim.

She isn't going to leavehim.

She isn't going to abandon him like mama did.

She isn't going to abandon him like every single person did.

Like the doctors, like the teachers, like those kids who said were his friends but all along were the ones who had set up that stupid prank and laughed and laughed and laughed...

...she isn't going to leave him.

Hanako grabbed Yashiro and held tight, sobbing into the sleeping girl's shoulder. He wanted those stupid memories to get out of his head. The ghost hugged her, shaking and trembling like a frightened child.

He remembers holding his mom like this. He would clench to her shoulders and burrow himself against her chest, and always his mother would hold him back as long as his dad wasn't around.

Hanako took a deep breath. He could smell what shampoo Yashiro used. Her body itself smelled like nothing in particular, her smell was hers and hers alone.

The boy tried to bury his face deeper. Her scent was comforting to him, even if it sounded creepy to admit. Her warmth, her presence alone was enough to make him feel safe. He didn't want her to go.

He felt so pathetic, sobbing like this. Hanako held Yashiro as tightly as he could without waking her up, the ghost trying to cry quietly so she wouldn't open her eyes.

Yashiro worries too much about him. She's always there for him. Every day, every night, he can go around with someone that knowshim.

Hanako didn't want to let go, he wanted to keep her in his arms until the end of time. He wanted to hold her and tell her that nothing bad had happened when she woke up.

He wanted to spend summer after summer with her, watch the snowflakes fall through the windows with her, talk about which color of the autumn leaves they found prettiest, play in the falling rain...

But he can't.

He can't because she's leaving.

She's leaving everyone behind. Aoi, Kou, Tsuchigomori...and she's leaving him.

His fire is starting to grow cold.

With his body quivering he forced himself up, carrying Yashiro to the only place that could help him calm down. That place was Tsuchigomori's office. The boy opened up the therapist's door unexpectedly, catching him by surprise.

"Number Seven?" Tsuchigomori asked, the old man's eyes going a bit wide when he saw the ghost carrying Yashiro. "What happened?!"

He watched as Hanako closed the door with his foot, carrying Yashiro over to the couch in the room. That's when he figured it out.

Tsuchigomori's expression softened. "I'm...sorry that we didn't tell you."

Hanako stared at his assistant's peaceful face, his fingers clenching the fabric of her sleeping gown. He didn't say anything as he carefully laid Yashiro down, holding her head up a little. Hanako sat down and rested the girl's head on his lap, gently petting it as Tsuchigomori watched.

...why does his heart hurt so much?

Chapter 36: Chasing the Dream Boy


Before she could hear his goodbye Yashiro ran out, starting her mission to find Hanako.

Now, where could he be?

She'll check his bathroom first! Surely, he'll be there, playing with the Mokke!

Swiftly she ran down to the boy's bathroom, pushing the door open. "Hannnakoooo!"

She prepared herself to get tackled, peaking her eye open after a moment of silence.

Chapter Text

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (22)

Yashiro opened her eyes, being greeted to the ceiling fan spinning above her. Confused she sat up, feeling her head. What happened? She remembers her, Akane, Hanako, and Kou all about to catch Mirai. Hanako had shouted something before Mirai touched her. After that, she passed out. Something happened after that though. But what was it?

"Oh, you're up." Someone said, causing the girl to yelp.

Her head flew to look at who was there, a bit surprised. "Tsuchigomori-Sensei? Wait, why am I in your room?!"

"Number Seven brought you in." Tsuchigomori explained. "He told me you looked sick, so he took you to me to make sure you were okay."

The girl looked at the doorway, half expecting to see the ghost standing there. Why would Hanako think she was sick? Did Mirai really havethatbad of an effect on her?

"Where...where is he?" She asked.

Tsuchigomori turned back to look at her. "I dunno. He left a bit ago." He shrugged. The old man rubbed his chin. "Though, if you find Aoi-Kun, you might be able to track down Number Seven. Last I knew, both him and Minamoto-Kun went off with his older brother."

Yashiro nodded, getting up from the couch. "Im going to go find him. Thank you, Sensei!"

Before she could hear his goodbye Yashiro ran out, starting her mission to find Hanako.

Now, where could he be?

She'll check his bathroom first! Surely, he'll be there, playing with the Mokke!

Swiftly she ran down to the boy's bathroom, pushing the door open. "Hannnakoooo!"

She prepared herself to get tackled, peaking her eye open after a moment of silence.

He...wasn't there.

Well, that's alright. Hanako usually isn't in his bathroom. Maybe he's floating around somewhere.

"THERE YOU ARE!!" Someone yelled, Yashiro's heart almost stopping.

She turned around, being met with someone she didn't expect. "Yako-Sensei?"

This time instead of having to look down to see Yako, Yashiro had to look up since the fox was now in her human form. She pulled off her face mask, revealing her sharp teeth.

Yako stepped forward, seemingly out of breath. "You know how much trouble you're in?! I had to chase you all around these halls just to catch up to you!! These shoes are not meant for running!"

The girl looked down at Yako's feet. "Maybe then you shouldn't be wearing geta sandals."

"What did you just say?"


"You, young lady, are in trouble. Do you have any idea WHY I was chasing after you?" Yako said, pressing her finger against Yashiro's head. Before Yashiro could answer she continued. "It's because someone noticed you running towards this part of the hospital, and I had to catch you so they wouldn't think you're crazy for trying to see Number Seven!!"

Yashiro moved Yako's hand away from her head. "Wait, how did you know I was trying to see Hanako?"

The nurse stepped back, wiping her finger off on the little stand that a cracked flowerpot sat on. "It's pretty easy to guess considering you're one of the only humans who knows their way here."

She put her hands back at her side, sighing. Yashiro spoke up. "Do you know where Hanako is?"

"I can help you find him." The woman offered. "Last I knew, Number Seven on his way to Number Five's place."

"But...I just came here from there." The girl muttered.

"I saw him heading there just a minute before I saw you running by." Yako explained.

Hanako was heading to Tsuchigomori's room? Was he heading down there to check up on her?

If he was, then-

"We have to go!" Yashiro urged, jumping to her feet and running out the door.

Yako turned. "Wait for me!! I'm not supposed to let you run off!!"

What would Hanako do if Yashiro wasn't there? Would Tsuchigomori tell him that she went looking for him? Would he try to find her?!

After calming down Yako caught up to her and the two walked off to Tsuchigomori's room, stopping once they reached it.

Yashiro looked at the doorknob before back at Yako. "Are you sure you saw him go here?"

The nurse nodded. "Positive."

She looked back ahead. Gently, Yashiro opened the door. "Excuse me-"

Before she could even open it fully her face rammed into what felt like a wall. A voice above her snarled. "Damn it, you expect me to put up with this!!?"

The sound of Yashiro's squeak caused the voice to look down, the girl staggering against Yako to see who was infront of her.

"Ah? Oh, it's you." Tsuchigomori said. "Why are you back here?"

Yako pushed the girl forward. "I told her Number Seven came her, so she went running off without a second thought."

It took Yashiro a second to come out of her daze. The old man looked like he usually did when she saw him, with no pointy ears and without that mark on his head.

"Perfect timing, actually." He said, nudging the two ladies forward. " something about him."

"Him?" Yako asked.

The sound of stomping started to come from his room, Tsuchigomori cowering behind the nurse. "Here he comes."

The stomps turned into a screech when Kou came skidding to a halt. "DON'T YOU RUN AWAY FROM ME, SPIDER FACE!!" He demanded, thrusting forward a container. "SHUT UP AND TAKE IT!!"

Yashiro looked at the container that was now in her hands. "Kou-Kun? What are you doing...?"

Kou's determined expression flipped to a flushed on. "Huh?!? Senpai?!?"

The girl tilted to box. "You want him to take this?"

It was filled to the brim with all sorts of bugs, all crawling around on eachother and one even eating another.

It took all of her willpower not to immediately drop it.

Yako stared at the box in disgust. "Let's just take this to his room..."

Tsuchigomori poked out from behind. "Wonderful idea." He snarked.

Kou and Yashiro sat down on the couch inside the doctor's office, Yako looking at the shelves full of books while they spoke.

The girl waggled her finger at Kou. "Kou-Kou, you know you shouldn't bully Tscuchigomori-Sensei!"

The exorcist lowered his hat over his eyes. "I-I'm sorry..."

Tsuchigomori groaned from his desk, face pressed into his arms. "Please let him have it, so he never does this again..."

"Weakling." Yako remarked, leaning her elbow against him.

Yashiro gestured towards the box. "Why are you chasing Sensei around with a box of bugs?"

"Well..." Kou sighed, "...I just wanted to ask Spiderface for a favor...I thought he'd say yes if I gave him something to eat-"

The man's head shot up. "WHAT?!?! WHO EATSBUGS?!?!"

Kou jumped when he slammed his hand on the desk. "You did! Before, in the bookcase!!"


The fox woman chuckled. "You really need to go to school more, boy."

Yashiro rattled the container. "How many did you collect?"

Kou rubbed the back of his head. "Um, I didn't really keep track. I had Teru-Nii help me out, and next thing I knew, a bunch of people helped up collect all these little guys."

Tsuchigomori stared at the boy in a mix of disgust, fear, and admiration. "You made Minamoto Teru collect bugs...?"

Yashiro giggled. "But of you had to go to all this trouble, what kind of favor did you want to ask him for?"

The boy's fingers curled when she asked that. "Huh..? Uh...well, I..."

"He wanted to borrow a recipe from me." Tsuchigomori answered.

"Recipe..." Yashiro echoed.

"It's about an apple tart, if you're interested." The doctor said, turning back to face his desk.

The young exorcists looked up. "Spiderface..."

"That's Tsuchigomori-Sensei to you." He spoke. The man looked towards Yashiro. "So, you came here to find Number Seven?"

"Yeah...but he's not here." She muttered. A lightbulb went off in her head. "Kou-Kun, you were with Hanako last! Do you know where he may be?"

Kou flinched back, off guard. He then gulped and looked at the ground. "Um...Hanako...left me and Aoi-Kun alone, actually." He said. "When I regained consciousness, he was nowhere to be seen. I'm sorry, I know nothing."

Tsuchigomori leaned into his chair. "Well, when hewashere, he informed me he would go to the practice garden to go look for you. Said he remembers you showing him that place when you first started to talk to him."

Her eyes lit up with that information. She stood up from the couch, hurrying over to the doctor. "Really?! When did he leave?!!"

"A few minutes before you showed up." Tsuchigomori answered. He turned to look at the patient. "Why are you so intent on finding him, exactly?"

Yashiro looked away from his eyes. "Well, I'm...I'm a bit worried. Hanako's been a lot more distant from me, and it's been bugging me-"

At the top of her eyes, claws came into her vision. Before she could react, a hand placed itself on her head. It was Tsuchigomori's.

She peeked her eye open, watching as his hand ruffled her hair. "Huh? Ts-Tsuchigomori-Sensei? What...what is it?"

"'s nothing." He responded. "Go find Number Seven, alright? I hope you can catch up with him." Tsuchigomori said. He let out a chuckle. "Oh, and Number Two, take this."

He picked up the container full of bugs, holding it out to Yako.

She wrenched back at the sight of the container. "I'm not going to touch such a thing!! You eat them or something!!"

"I don't eat bugs!" Tsuchigomori snapped back.

"Yes you do, if they get caught in your webs!!" Yako retorted. "Besides, why else would the twerp bring you them if he didn't know you ate them!!"

"Twerp?" Kou repeated.

Tsuchigomori stuffed the box into Yako's hands. "Just deal with them. I'm your higher rank, so you have to listen to me. Set them free in the garden or something."

The nurse gave a dramatic groan. "Fiiiiiiiine. Come on, Yashiro-San, we're leaving."

"Huh? Oh, okay." The girl said.

She took the container of bugs from Yako and started her way out the door, the nurse following behind her.

"Senpai, wait!!" Kou called out, rushing out the room before Yako could leave.

Yashiro turned around, Kou stopping as he got close to her. "What is it, Kou-Kun?"

The boy parted his lips to say something, falling silent. Out of nowhere he snatched her wrist, holding her hand close. "Senpai, there anything bothering you at all?"

Yashiro looked down at her hand before back at Kou. "Why? I mean, the bugs are kind of bothering me but..."

She felt his grip get tighter. The young exorcist stared in her eyes for a moment before clenching her hand with both of his. "No matter what happens, I'm on your side, okay?!"

The girl stared up at her friend as he slowly brought her hand closer to his face, Kou speaking in a quieter tone.

" know...if there's anything getting you down or whatever...or if someone's trying to hurt you...I hope you remember that I'm here for you."

He closed his eyes and pressed his nose against the knuckles of her fingers, muttering something that a prayer?

"Kou-Kun..." Yashiro replied. "I-"

"And i-if anyone ever does anything to you, I want you to tell me!" He demanded. "E-even if its Hanako!"

The boy squeezed her hand on more time before letting go, Yashiro looking back at her hand. She couldn't help but allow the smile she had been holding back to spread on her face. "I understand, Kou-Kun."

The girl waved him goodbye and turned away, Kou standing there for a moment before stumbling back into the room. Once he got back in Yako stared at Tsuchigomori for a moment, the two locking eyes before she nodded and left.

"...what was that about?" Kou asked.

Tsuchigomori took a puff from his pipette. "Nothing. Just supernatural stuff."

Kou nodded, looking back out the door. "Mhn."

"You're acting as if she's going to die," Tsuchigmori teased, "you're so worked up-"

"Is Hanako a murderer?"

Tsuchigmori froze, the man genuinely caught off guard by the question. "...what?"

"Is Hanako a murderer?" Kou repeated.

He stared at the boy, Tsuchigmori thinking out his words. "Why would you think that of him? Is that-"

"-what my brother told me." Kou finished. His hands clenched into fists. "I believed him at first, but as I got closer to Hanako I started to think that wasn't true. But with all the things Aoi-Kun said...I'm starting to doubt myself. I'm starting to think maybe...Hanako is a bad person."

The old man took a minute to think before speaking. "Number Seven has done many things that humans would consider murder to keep this hospital safe from the supernatural." Tsuchigmori answered. "By such standards...yes, he is a murderer."

"No, I mean...has he ever killed another human being?" The boy asked. "I can understand him having to kill other supernaturals, that makes sense...but both Teru-Nii and Akane-Kun said he kills humans too...especially...girls that look like Senpai."

Tsuchigmori watched as Kou tried to keep up his tough guy act, the boy shaking slightly as his hands balled up so tightly his knuckles turned white. The supernatural sighed, getting up and walking towards him. "If you were already friends with him while being aware of that rumor, then why is it only now you're starting to doubt him?"

The boy shuffled his feet. "It's just I'm getting this bad vibe from him. That something might cause him to snap. Or that he might hurt himself. Or that he's going to do something, or that something is going to happen. I don't know what. I'm scared that...maybe the rumors are right."

"Let me ask you something." Said the old man. "If you were in a hospital where you had to protect hundreds of people who were all terrified of you and couldn't even speak to you, wouldn't you be afraid of losing the only person who understands you?"

"I understand him." Kou responded, muttering the words slightly.

"You wanted to exorcise him the first time you two met." Tsuchigmori retorted. "It's a bit reasonable if he doesn't fully trust you."

Kou chuckled a little. "Yeah...that's fair."

The supernatural got a little closer to his younger coworker. "Number Seven isn't all that the rumors paint him out to be. You know that firsthand. You shouldn't allow your heart to be persuaded by what others tell you of him. What you believe about Number Seven is up to you." He assured. The old man leaned down a little closer. "Besides, I'm starting to sense this isn't just about Number Seven missing Yashiro-San. Why else would your first response to him missing someone who understands him be that you could fill in that role? Is there something you're not admitting to, Kouhai?"

Kou's face flushed red. "It's just-! I-!"

The old man raised an eyebrow. "You...?"

The exorcist looked away. "...when he saved me and Nene-Senpai from that butterfly monster back in your boundary...something felt weird inside me. I was glad Senpai was safe, it's just...I felt a bit jealous he was giving her all this attention. Even then, I hated how he would cling to her. I wanted to be the one to protect Senpai...and I also wanted to be the one who Hanako would try and comfort. It's not bad or anything like that. I just found myself both jealous that Hanako was clinging to Yashiro and only focusing on her...and jealous that she gave all of this attention to him instead of me. Now, I feel torn again. Seeing Hanako so upset that Senpai is leaving makes me feel bad that he's in such a mood and...well, not quite mad, but...I feel some sort of resentment knowing that once again all his attention is on her. Yet at the same time, I'm worried about Senpai's safety. I guess I just want to protect them both or something. It's all confusing me."

Tsuchigmori stared at Kou. Out of nowhere he laughed and shook his head. "Oh, you're lucky this isn't the 60's, kid."

"H-Huh?! Why you say that?!" Kou snapped, holding his hand close to his chest.

"Oh, no reason." The man replied, walking towards his desk. "Though, if you're so worried about Yashiro-San...I could give you a peek into her future. Maybe I shouldn't with this new information you've given me."

Kou's eyes lit up. "Really?!?! What a nice Spiderface!!"

"It's Tsuchigomori-Sensei." He snapped while he rummaged through a drawer. After a moment the man pulled out a book, presenting it to the exorcist. "Ta-da. See?"

The boy leaned forward. "That's Senpai's book from the library!! I thought they all disappeared when the Yorishiro broke..."

The man sat back down in his chair. "No, Number Seven reappointed me, so it's easy to come and go as I please. Even if it was impossible to go back in, I still have my way of retrieving its books." He explained. Tsuchigomori motioned Kou to come closer. "Now, today's right here."

The young boy carefully took the book he was offered, his soul escaping his body once he read the page. "AH-"

Tsuchigomori pulled the book back. "And that is the proverbial unalterable future. If you want to try and stop it, go ahead and try. But I'm pretty sure you can't."

Kou stumbled back, covering his face. "! It!"


"IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!!" Kou yelled, Tsuchigomori jolting out of his chair from the shout. He watched as Kou ran. "I'LL STOP THAT PERVERT!!!"

He sighed, sitting back down as he listened to the distant sound of Kou falling on his face. The old man looked back at the page.

Nene Yashiro and Hanako share their first kisses!

Chapter 37: Hunting Down Your Worries


The purple haired girl's eyes lit up. "Oh boy, that's a relief!"

She pulled her hands out of her friend's grasp and tackled her in a hug, squeezing Yashiro tightly.

"Let's have a long talk tomorrow, okay?" She requested. "It would make me really happy if we could."

Yashiro smiled, patting Aoi's back. "Okay, tomorrow afternoon then. I'm sure we won't be busy."


Hello! This chapter and the next will not have art when published, but the art WILL be added later! Enjoy!!

Chapter Text

Last we saw of Yashiro, she was on her way to find Hanako. She still is, it's just now...

...her best friend has her pinned against a wall.

Aoi chuckled as Yashiro glanced to her side, trying to find an escape from the girl's arms. "I fiiiiinally caught you, Nene-Chan!"

The poor girl tried to slip away. "U- ummm...Aoi...what's this about?"

Aoi leaned down as Yashiro tried to get away, successfully keeping her friend still. "You see, I've been wanting to talk to you, Nene-Chan."

Oh no, was this about what Hanako did? How would she explain that?!

Aoi continued, lowering her hands. "It's've been busy lately. It seems as if you have no time for me, especially with Koana-Kun too. So, I was afraid that started to hate me."

It didn't take Yashiro a second to grab Aoi's hands and hold them close. "Hate you?! Aoi, I could never hate you!"

The purple haired girl's eyes lit up. "Oh boy, that's a relief!"

She pulled her hands out of her friend's grasp and tackled her in a hug, squeezing Yashiro tightly.

"Let's have a long talk tomorrow, okay?" She requested. "It would make me really happy if we could."

Yashiro smiled, patting Aoi's back. "Okay, tomorrow afternoon then. I'm sure we won't be busy."

They both let go, Aoi waving goodbye dramatically. "Okay, it's a date then! Bye bye, Nene-Chan!!"

She watched her friend run off, waving back. "Bye bye!"

Once Aoi was out of sight Yashiro sighed, looking at the wall Aoi had pinned her against.

Yako returned with the empty container. "Is she gone now?"

The girl looked over her shoulder towards the nurse. "Yeah, Aoi left."

"Good." Yako groaned. "Oh, I found some news on Number Seven. Some supernatural said they saw him playing with this." She said, holding up a haniwa.

Yashiro tilted her head as she stared at it. After a moment of cycling through her memories it clicked. "Thats Akane's!"

Yako looked back at the figure. "You mean Number One's human pet?"

"...yeah. Him. Whatever you say." Said Yashiro with a dead expression. Her eyes lit back up. "Maybe if we find him, he can tell us where Hanako is!"

It didn't take long for the young ladies to find where Akane was located. Yako, for some reason, refused to go into the room however. Her reasoning became rather clear once Yashiro walked in.

"Yashiro-San! You found Hanitaro for me?!" Akane asked, his eyes filled with joy. In a strained voice he went on. "Ao-Chan gave me that once upon a time...! I take him almost everywhere I go, but he always manages to disappear on me!"


"Seriously, thanks! Would you just set him down for me though? I'm a little...preoccupied at the moment."

What he meant by that was that he was currently on the ground forcibly in a position of mercy while a ring of Mokke circled around him. It almost looked like those ox-hour visits with that ring of beads and the candles on their little heads.

"Akane-Kun...what...what are you doing?" Yashiro asked, cautiously setting Hanitaro on a nearby table.

Akane heaved out a laugh. "Oh, know how Mirai wreaked havoc all over the hospital today? Turns out Minamoto-Senpai got juuuuuust a little mad by that."

"Why would you get in trouble by that?" she asked, kneeling down. Yashiro reached out to touch a bead, one of the Mokke slapping her hand away.

"He likes to do this to me..." The boy explained. "I think it's been around an hour since I came into this room, and I haven't been able to from this spot..."

"Thats you want help out?"

"I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather not you get zapped by this thing."

Yashiro pulled her hand back to her chest, slightly worried. Was this what Minamoto-Senpai is really like? She would hope her personal assistant wasn't this ruthless.

"'d you find me?" Akane asked, his head shaking as he strained to looked up.

She motioned for him to put it back down. "Before you mentioned that there was a room Minamoto-senpai takes you to, so I tried to find every room that looked similar."

The door opened, Yashiro turning her head half expecting to see Yako there. Instead, Teru himself walked in.

"Oh? Yashiro-San, what a nice surprise. How did you get in here?" He asked all bubbly. "Did Fox face outside unlock the door for you?"

" was already unlocked when I got here." Yashiro said.

The young man smiled. "Well, the little Mokke must have picked the lock then. What brings you here?"

She stood up, Yashiro pointing to the clay figure on the table. "I was bringing Akane-Kun something of his," she explained, hesitating to say the next part, "and well...I'm looking for Hanako."

Teru seemed a bit taken back but nodded. "Oh...the Seventh Mystery..."

He looked over his shoulder, watching as Akane fought to try and get into a more comfortable position. Teru chuckled. With a snap of his fingers the beads that were surrounding Akane magically unweaved themselves and returned back to their master's hand, causing a few Mokke to stumble back.

Akane gasped for air. "I CAN MOVE!!"

The security guard slipped his bracelet back on. "I thought it might be a little too cruel to keep you in such a position in front of girl. Just for now, though."

Akane sat up, regaining all the breath he had lost from such a horrible pose. "You're gonna make me do this all over again when she's gone?"

Yashiro narrowed her eyes. "This feels...highly illegal."

Teru chuckled. "It's just a simple punishment. For creatures like the supernatural, you have to be a tad more direct."

"I AM NOT A SUPERNATURAL!!" Akane yelled back. He rubbed his head as a swarm of Mokke jumped on him, all chanting about some sort of attack on Number One.

"Aoi." Teru called out while he walked behind the boy, leaning down. In a swift motion he pulled the glasses off Akane's head, pushing his head down. "Yoink."

He looked down, squinting his eyes before suddenly screaming. "WHAT THE HELL-"

The young man walked away as Akane was buried under the crowd of rabbits, approaching Yashiro. "Now that he's busy, we can talk."

Yashiro looked behind Teru, watching as Akane fought for his own survival. She remembers him telling her about how his glasses protected him from the world of the supernatural, but it's weird seeing it play out in real time.

"Isn't it dangerous for him not to see these things?" She asked. "The supernatural, I mean."

The guard put the glasses on, letting out a laugh. "Probably. The fact is, because of these glasses, Aoi can't see supernaturals. Thanks to that, he succumbs to spells easily. Like what happened with the confession tree."

Thats the second time someone has brought up a confession tree. Was Yashiro missing out on something?

"But," Teru continued, "not knowing...not seeing...not being able to get involved...sometimes those things can be our best defense as humanity."

Yashiro watched as Teru looked out the window, holding her arm. "What do you mean?"

"Once you've learned something, you can't go back before you learned it. There are many things in this world best left unknown." He explained. Teru turned to look back at her. "Thats what I mean."

His words didn't make much sense, but at the same time Yashiro thinks she got his message. Once you see something, your brain will carve it into its memory, and the brain will etch it deeper everytime you try to forget.

There should be a limit for how many bodies a girl is supposed to see.

"You of all people should understand that." Teru said with a smile. "You're a lot smarter than you take credit for, Yashiro-San."

She could feel her cheeks turn slightly pink from the praise. "Thank you, Senpai."

The security guard stepped towards the door. "Anywho, you're looking for Number Seven, right?"

Yashiro nodded, bouncing closer. "Yes! I've been trying to follow him, but he keeps leaving before I can reach him."

"Sorry to disappoint, but he hasn't stopped by here." Teru said. He opened the door. "I did see him go towards one the entrances to the rooftop."

"The rooftop! Thank you, Senpai!" She said, waving goodbye.

Teru waved back as she left. "Make sure you don't get spotted while up there!"

He watched as the girl ran off, the smile that he had been wearing returning to a more neutral state.

Akane pulled a Mokke off him, managing to force himself out of the pile to approach his superior. "...are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Letting her on the roof?" Teru asked.

"No...letting her see Number Seven."

Teru looked back out the doorway. "Whatever do you mean by that?"

Akane scoffed, taking his glasses and wiping them with his shirt. "Don't play dumb with me. As if you didn't try to exorcise 'Honorable' Number Seven that long ago. Yet whenever Yashiro-San wants to see him, you just let her?"

The young man gave a sly smile. "You say that as if you never knew he was following her, Aoi."

The boy felt his throat tighten. "I-"

"Your reasoning is because you would get in trouble, but I feel like that's partially an excuse." Teru said. "All I'm doing is keeping Number Seven in check. Besides...I'm sure he won't repeat his past actions."

"'re putting a lot of faith in someone you hate."

"You're not one to talk, Aoi."

Both boys stood there in the doorway, Akane speaking after a moment. "How do you think he'll react now that he knows that she's going to leave?"

Teru put his hand on the door, saying something Akane never hoped he would hear. "I don't know, Aoi. I don't know."

Chapter 38: Dream Confession


No response other than the caws of birds. Yashiro walked down the roof, trying to find a path that could give her some clues. Where would Hanako be on this part of the roof? She should be able to spot him easily, yet for some reason Yashiro couldn't see where he was.

"Haaaanaaaako?" She exclaimed. "Are you up here?"

Maybe he already left...

Where was that boy off to?

Chapter Text

Yako had helped Yashiro sneak onto the roof undetected, but told the girl that she was on her own after that. Once she hoisted herself up onto the roof, she noticed it was a different spot than where her and Hanako usually went. This place seemed to be on the complete opposite side of the building. Why would Hanako be here?

"Haaanaaako!" She called out, cupping her hand to her mouth. "Where are you?"

No response other than the caws of birds. Yashiro walked down the roof, trying to find a path that could give her some clues. Where would Hanako be on this part of the roof? She should be able to spot him easily, yet for some reason Yashiro couldn't see where he was.

"Haaaanaaaako?" She exclaimed. "Are you up here?"

Maybe he already left...

Where was that boy off to?

Something flung next to her head, barely giving anytime for Yashiro to process what it was before it rubbed itself against her cheek.

"EEEK! GO AWAY, GO AWAY!!!!" She shrieked, waving her hand. The thing dodged her attack, moving back for Yashiro to see. "Hakujoudai?! What are you doing here?"

The little green orb bobbed itself, seeming to motion Yashiro to follow it. With no other plan in mind the girl let the orb lead her, hurrying to catch up as it flew off. It stopped on a part of the roof that seemed to be an entrance for maintenance, floating behind the person that was sitting there.

Why was Hanako up there?

Yashiro scanned around. There might be a way to climb up there. Maybe a ladder or something. Thankfully, there was one nearby.

"Hannnaaakooo!" Yashiro called out, the boy looking over. The way his shoulders were raised suggested that he had already heard her approaching, the slight movement of them going down also suggesting that the sight of her rather than someone else made him relax. Yashiro sat down next to Hanako very carefully so she wouldn't fall and looked over at him. "I finally found you! I was looking all over the place!"

He looked at her before turning his gaze back to the sky, placing his hands on his lap.

"So, what're you doing up here?" She asked. Hanako pointed to the clouds. "Are you watching the sky?"

Hanako shrugged. He wasn't really giving her much to work with...

"How did it go with the Clock Keepers? Did you fight them?" Yashiro asked excitedly.

He moved his hand to his knee before shaking his head. Well...that's slight disappointing. She had been looking forward to hearing about some big fight.

"So, what do we do now?" Yashiro inquired. "Should we destroy their Yorishiro?"

Hanako shook his head again. Seems like he didn't deem Number One as a threat.

"Okay...I'm just gonna come on out and say it, I got worried about you." Yashiro said, her finger against her cheek. "Tsuchigomori told me that you left me in his office because I looked sick, and I don't really remember what happened after Mirai touched me. I'm slightly worried that...something bad happened to you. So...can you tell me what's got you so gloomy?"

Hanako seemed...hesitant to respond. He simply waved his Hakujoudai over, watching it disappear before coming back with his notebook. Hanako pulled his crayon out and placed the tip down, writing after much thought. He turned the page to face her.You know, don't you?

Yashiro tilted her head. "Know...what...?"

I'm the reason why this hospital has windows that can't be unlocked.

The girl stared at those words for a bit, her eyes looking back at Hanako. His gaze was centered to the ground, watching the cars sit still in the lots.

Yashiro had never quite pieced it together until he said that. In the Yorishiro's memory, he had to take a key off of Tsuchigomori's desk to show him the moon. Does that mean-

She had to grab her wrist to stop herself from covering her mouth, glancing back at Hanako to see if he noticed. He didn't look at her. He seemed more focused on what was beneath them. Yashiro looked at the parking lot before responding. "...yeah. I know."

The rustle of paper told Yashiro to look over.How did you find out?

Trying to hide the fact she was tensing up the girl spat out the first thing on her mind. " In the library. I discovered it on accident and...well...I found out."

Hanako nodded, holding his legs. Did he know she was lying?

You shouldn't go snooping around in the books of the dead.

She urked. "I'm sorry..."

Yashiro expected him to chuckle at her apology, but Hanako didn't say anything. He pointed to something written beneath the first statement.I'm not mad. It's just that wasn't the way I hoped you would have found out.

There was a long pause between them. The girl gazed at the ground before saying, "How did you...know I knew?"

Hanako stared at the paper and sighed while writing in it, turning it to reveal two quotes.'I'm not going anywhere'and'I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, not even yourself'.

He took the notebook back when she looked up at him, writing the rest of his thoughts as Yashiro tried to find some response.

I'm not upset about how you lied to me that day. You were scared to tell me the truth of how you actually knew, and I wasn't in a state to properly understand that.

So, he did believe her explanation. She couldn't tell what hurt more. Having to lie to Hanako...or the fact he believed her. This is wrong. She shouldn't have to lie to her friend like this. She's lied to Aoi, she's lied to doctors, but she can't bring herself to keep up the act anymore. Hanako trusts her, and she trusts him.

With all the courage in her chest she blurted out, "Hanako, I-"

I hope you don't think any less of me for how I died.

It was as if someone just stabbed her. She stared at the page; her mouth still open from what she was going to tell him. Yashiro would look into her friend's eyes, but he held the notebook over his face.

What had been going through Hanako's mind yesterday while they were chasing Mirai? Is that why he seemed distant? Or was there more to this that she wasn't aware of?

"So much for um...not mentioning it." Yashiro muttered, looking away.

That was stupid. Why did she say that?!

Hanako moved the notebook away from his eyes. He put it in his lap, scribbling something down before tugging on Yashiro's sleeve to show her what he had written.

Oneesan, promise me that no matter how pathetic I may get, you won't abandon me.

She felt the knife plunge itself deeper, twisting in her heart. Yashiro clenched the fabric on her sleeping gown as she looked at Hanako, the boy staring up at the sky.

Even in all the downtime they've had, Yashiro has never really seen him like this. He's always been expressive or blank faced, but he looked so...calm. He shouldn't be calm, though. He should feel betrayed. Used. Hurt. Why isn't he lashing out? Why isn't he telling her to leave him alone?

Ever since she's met Hanako, he's always been quiet. He's never said a thing about himself or given a verbal reaction to many things. But his silence in this moment feels unnatural. It feels as if he had a thousand things he wants to say, but none of them are thoughts that he believes should be shared.

But what would Yashiro do if she knew what he was thinking? Would she run away? Would she be terrified for her life?

Or would she him in this moment? Eerily calm.

She doesn't know, but what she does know is in this moment, she wanted some way to help cheer him up.

She found herself slowly reaching out towards his face, the boy turning his head only to flinch back slightly at the sight of her so close. His bewildered expression asked her what she was doing, the girl freezing.

"I- ju-" Yashiro stuttered.

Hanako reached his hand out a little to tell her it's okay that she couldn't find any words to say, the boy stopping when Yashiro grabbed his collar and kissed his cheek. Her eyes squeezed shut as her grip on his nightgown tightened, her lips leaving a wet mark on both the bandaid and his skin.

A slight gasp ran through her parted lips when she broke away, the girl's gaze on the ground. In a low voice she mumbled, half to herself, " manga and in movies...the...the girls usually cheer up boys with kisses, so-"

The sound of a squeal made her look back over. Hanako's face flushed pink as the ghost tried to comprehend what just happened to him, his nails scratching the ground before he turned away and grabbed the blue fabric over his chest. The ghost glanced back at her before growing more flustered and averting his gaze to the grass far below.

Yashiro realized that she actually did that, her own skin now cherry red. "I-it's uh, it's a magic sp-spell!! To, to make you feel better! Or uh- so-something like that..."

What the hell was that?! Magic spell?! What was shethinking?!?!?! Why did she KISS him?! Oh god, oh lord!! Now Hanako is going to be even more awkward and he's going to want to never see her again and-

She felt his fingers start to creep onto her hand, tucking his thumb under hers to hold it. Gently he squeezed her limb.

In a soft voice he whispered, "D...don...don't do...that." The boy turned his head to look at her, Yashiro staring at her reflection in his eyes as the boy leaned a little closer to brush her hair away from her face. "...y-you're a girl.'s not safe fo-for you."

His hand that had moved her hair cupped her cheek, the two staring into each other's eyes as their hearts throbbed in their chest. That's when Hanako pulled Yashiro in and gently kissed her forehead, breaking away only after a second. Not giving her a chance to say anything he got on his feet and ran off, leaving Yashiro all alone.

The girl felt the place Hanako had kissed and looked at her fingertips, staring at them. His lips were...warm, when they were against hers. Even if it was just for moment, she could feel his heart racing. So many conflicting emotions were racing to be the topic of her mind.

Why did Hanako say that about her being a girl?

Had he been hesitant to even kiss her?

What if Hanako was just kissing her back before he felt awkward?

Her and Aoi kiss each other on the head. This could be no different.

Maybe she should ignore the fact her face is red and stay...friends with him.


She could hear Yako's warning from a while back ring in her ears. That what she has with Kou is friendship...but this was something entirely different.

The rooftop rattled when the door beneath her busted open. "HANNAAAAAKOOOOOO!!! WAIT JUST A MINUTE YOU PERVERTED PIECE OF-"

Yashiro looked over the ledge to see Kou looking around frantically, the boy notcing her shadow and glancing up. "SENPAI!! What did he do to you?! Are you alright?!?!"

The girl glanced back at her fingers one last time before smiling. "Yeah...I'm alright."

Chapter 39: Morra


"Kou-Kun, have you been getting enough sleep lately?" She asked, reaching out.

Kou grabbed her hand, pulling her over to the packet he had brought with him. "I have proof! Nii-Chan and I were going through some files and something's wrong with these pictures!! Look!"

Hanako looked at Yashiro before taking the folder from the exorcist's hands and opening it up. Inside was documents about Yashiro, which caused the ghost to immediately slam it shut and hand it to her.

"A bit odd that you know so much about me, Kou-Kun." The girl remarked as she opened it up. The folder contained papers that specified her date of birth, age, height, and many of things. Some were updated every couple months, others stayed the same. Wow, she only grew a few centimeters compare to- THATS NOT THE TOPIC AT HAND!! She lifted up the file to look at the one behind it. "I don't see what's wrong, Kou-Kun."

Chapter Text

In front of a mirror stood a boy with a long string, trying to wrap it around his neck. Up behind him came another, much smaller boy, who took the string away.

"No no, we don't do that." He spoke. "You may hurt yourself."

The first boy looked down at his friend. "Hurt...?"

"Like when you were learning to walk, how you fell and whined in pain."

He looked back at the mirror and nodded, the smaller boy adjusting his taller companion's hair.

"You're going to look great today. Just you wait." He told him.

The boy in front of the mirror moved his head so the hands could adjust the neckline of his shirt. "And you promise...I look just as expected?"

"Just as remembered." Assured the small one.

"Just as remembered..."


Things have been...awkward with Yashiro and Hanako the last couple of days.

Yashiro sat at her fake little desk in her little fake classroom, listening to her pretend teacher blab about something. All that was running through her mind was Hanako. His worried face up on the rooftop, his handwriting, the feeling of his lips-

LIPS!!! Thats right, Hanako kissed her just three days ago! Even worse, he kissedherafter she kissedhim!

Yashiro covered her face, hoping it wasn't starting to turn red. Her first kiss was shared with a ghost!!! Wait, no, why is she thinking like this?! She told herself that she wouldn't! That kiss between her and Hanako is no different than her and Aoi, she's told herself that a million times! She should try to think of something else. Alright brain, think about something else! Aoi had told her something today, it was about what she had wanted to talk about yesterday.

...but Yashiro's mind had been so wrapped up in Hanako that she didn't listen to a single thing Aoi said.

The girl groaned and pulled on her hair. One friend shouldn't be causing her to ignore the other. She just hopes whatever Aoi said wasn't some life-threatening information.

If her brain is going to make her think about Hanako, fine then! That boy has been nowhere to be found! It's been three days, and he hasn't talked to her! He hasn't even been in his bathroom! Okay, no, she's jumping to conclusions. Maybe he's busy with supernatural business.

Or maybe she's making up excuses for him.


Yashiro held her breath, clenching her teeth. She couldn't afford to draw any looks here, or she'll be sent down to a therapist's office. How would she explain that the reason she got sent down today was because she was thinking back to when a ghost kissed her on the head? Even if she got Tsuchigomori to talk to, she'd be way too embarrassed to tell him.

...wait did Hanako tell Tsuchigomori? Wait!! Now she's thinking too far into this!!!

And that's how her mind went for the rest of the day. Running in circles, always ending right back to Hanako. She just couldn't get away. Left, right, down, up, center, there he stood in her memory with that cheeky smile. Yashiro felt like sooner or later she was going to actually turn her head and see him standing there waiting to see if she was okay. In her hours of torment Yashiro dragged herself to the abandoned bathroom. She was only here out of routine, not having any hope of the ghost actually being in there.

Her eyes landed on the golden colored knob. What does she have to lose? Slowly she twisted the knob and peeked inside. "Hanaaaaakooooo-?"

To her surprise, Hanako was in the middle of sweeping the floor, freezing in place when he saw her. Behind him was a few Mokke that were holding different games, also freezing. HEr and Hanako's eyes met, both of them silent as they stared. That moment was possibly the most awkward couple seconds of her life. Watching the way his lips seemed to part a bit, the way his eyes grow larger, the way the broom clattered on the ground, the way Hanako was getting closer-

"GACK-" She yelled out as she was tackled to the ground, Hanako wrapped around her and nuzzling. He clung and tried to move up more, causing her to laugh. "Ha-Hanako!"

Her voice snapped him out of it, Hanako quickly getting off and helping her up. He kept a hand clung to her sleeve though, looking away.

"...I missed you too." Yashiro smiled. Yashiro found his hand and gave it a light squeeze, watching him lean against her shoulder. It looks like that kiss didn't really affect their relationship. She's glad for that...but...

Her thoughts pushed themselves to the back of her mind hen Hanako pulled her hand up, rubbing it against his cheek. What was he doing? Oh, wait!

"That whole spirit thing of wishing good health, right?" She asked.

Hanako nodded, letting go. He moved towards a sink where he had his notebook sitting and picked it up, flipping through the pages.You had said before that you want that to become something between just us.

He had that prewritten? Yashiro stared at the otherwise blank pages, finding it somewhat amusing that he had that ready in case she asked.

She walked closer, kneeling down to pick up the broom. "So...why have you been ignoring me lately?"

The boy urked and glanced away. Clearly, he wasn't prepared for that question. Maybe she shouldn't have eased himself into that rather than just throw it at him.

"Yo-you don't have to answer, I shouldn't have-"

"I thought you might hate me." He murmured. His voice was soft, quiet. Yashiro stood, holding the broom tightly. She was waiting for him to say more, but he didn't. Hanako stayed there with his face turned towards the ground.

"...Hanako, nothing could make me hate you." She said. His breath got caught in his throat, Yashiro watching him look up. "I mean, come on. We've been through such crazy things together, and I'm still here despite all the things I know about you. If that was going to make me hate you, then I would have left alongtime ago."

Hanako seemed relieved to hear that. His expression softened, a smile returning to his face. She was glad to see that smile back. Yashiro turned and leaned the broom against one of the stalls, hesitating a second to make sure it didn't fall.

"Oneesan." He said, taking a few steps closer. Yashiro turned over, seeing his open notebook.Did you like how I kissed you?

WHAT?! HUH?! WAIT NO CALM DOWN!!! She can't afford to think with her heart, even if it was starting to make her face get redder. "Wha-I-I...! can't expect me to answer that immediately!"

The boy watched her turn her head away, letting out a playful giggle. Yashiro sighed and tried to think out her response. Why was he even asking that? Probably to tease her. He always teases her, even back when he put her in that fishbowl.

"Well, maybe I did." She huffed back, turning back to him. "Maybe I did like it, and I think you liked my kiss too!"

Yeah, two could play this game! She had to bite down on her tongue to try and hide the fact that this felt like an argument a couple would have, and to ignore the fact that Hanako seemed to be thinking the same. Luckily, the gods must have noticed this and sent down her one and only savior.

"HAAANAAAKOOOOOOOOO!!!" They both heard, Hanako slamming the notebook shut before they both turned their heads to the door.

Kou came screeching to the door, waving some file. "Hanako! Have you seen Senpai?! I need to-"

He fell silent when he saw Yashiro standing there, his hand with the file slowly lowering to his side.

"...hi Kou-Kun." Yashiro waved.

"Senpai!" He shouted. Without warning he grabbed her shoulder, shaking her. "You've been having something follow you!!"

That caught her and Hanako off guard, Yashiro putting her hand between Kou. "Hang on, what?! What do you mean by that?!?!"

Kou looked around, slowly raising his hands up to his face and making fake claws with his fingers. "...hands..."

Yashiro felt her face go deadpan. She glanced at Hanako, watching him float over to the Mokke. "Hands?"

He nodded vigorously. "They think they're sneaky, but I see them! Following around at your heels and...and...they do strange things..."

"Strange things?" The girl echoed, Hanako's head snapping in the direction of Kou with his knife out.

Kou wiggled his fingers. "Ever since I noticed them around you...they've started to follow me too. Right in the corner of my eye. They're never doing anything bad...but...but..."

He fell silent, his hands slowly lowering. Right as Yashiro was about to ask if he was okay, he pulled out his staff and spun around.

"I SEE YOU, DON'T THINK I DON'T!!!!" Kou screamed. He waved his arms, hollering at the ground like a madman.

Hanako pointed at the boy with his blade, looking at his assistant with the same thought on his mind. Yashiro nodded; Kou was definitely losing his mind. Perhaps still had some fluff remaining in his brain from the plushie incident.

"Kou-Kun, have you been getting enough sleep lately?" She asked, reaching out.

Kou grabbed her hand, pulling her over to the packet he had brought with him. "I have proof! Nii-Chan and I were going through some files and something's wrong with these pictures!! Look!"

Hanako looked at Yashiro before taking the folder from the exorcist's hands and opening it up. Inside was documents about Yashiro, which caused the ghost to immediately slam it shut and hand it to her.

"A bit odd that you know so much about me, Kou-Kun." The girl remarked as she opened it up. The folder contained papers that specified her date of birth, age, height, and many of things. Some were updated every couple months, others stayed the same. Wow, she only grew a few centimeters compare to- THATS NOT THE TOPIC AT HAND!! She lifted up the file to look at the one behind it. "I don't see what's wrong, Kou-Kun."

Clipped together on the first paper were three photos. The first was when she was first admitted into the hospital, the second was a year later, and the third was the most recent. She doesn't remember taking that recent photo with a bunch of ghostly looking hands behind her.

"HANDS?!?!" She shrieked.

Kou gulped. "Thats not all, look at the other pictures."

He pointed at a collection of photos, each one featuring the hands behind or next to Yashiro. Some were there idle, others posing as if they were part of the fun. Hanako stared behind her shoulder at the pictures as his hand reached out to touch the photo of when she first got admitted into the hospital.

She looked back at Kou, not watching as Hanako pulled the picture off the paperclip. "How long have these been he-...wait how did you know they were appearing in my files?"

He leaned back embarssed, waving his hand. "I said I was just looking through them with Nii-Chan! It was his idea, because he noticed the hands too!"

"He did?" Yashiro inquired. She looked at Hanako for his reaction, but he was now farther back towards the Mokke. " you guys know how to get rid of them?"

Kou carefully took the file, closing it and not noticing Hanako swiping it from his hand. "We don't...really know. Thet don't seem to do anything, but we can't tell what the-"

He fell silent again, his eyes twitching towards the side. What was he doing? Yashiro tried to move her hand close. "Kou-Kun, what-"

He suddenly pulled out his staff, turning towards the Mokke. "THERE THEY ARE RIGHT NOW!!!"

Huh? Both Yashiro and Hanako turned their heads, the girl shrieking. "WHAT IN THE WORLD-"

On Hanako's bench sat (or stood?) the hands from the pictures, one picking up a card that the Mokke had dropped. It flicked it with its wrist, letting it flutter down to the ground.

Yashiro latched onto the exorcist as Hanako tugged on the fingers of a purple hand, the file under his arm. "Kou-Kun, they look even...freakier in person!"

"Stay back, Senpai! I got this!" He assured. The boy watched as Hanako tugged the file back from a hand that stole it, sticking his tongue out when he won.

"...actually...they don't seem that harmful right now." She said, leaning her head away from Kou. "They actually seem kind of cute."

The hands seemed to appreciate that, one of them even waving itself like it was flustered. Hanako floated over towards her, giving her a face asking why she was switching up on them so quickly.

"Alright you knuckle cracking weirdos, what do you want with Senpai?!"

"Kou-Kun!" The girl yelped. "Be nice.You have hands too, ya know."

Hanako floated over back to the hands, poking one with his knife. When it tried to grab the blade he raised it up, Yashiro running over and grabbing him.

"LET'S NOT KILL THEM NOW-" She urged. "Come on, give them a chance! It must be important if they're willing to go into your bathroom!"

Hanako lowered the knife, staring up at her with his innocent expression. She sighed, why was she always the peacekeeper with these two?

While she was busy keeping Hanako from stabbing the hand, Kou had marched on over with his...hands bandaged? Wait, he still had those on? She'll ask later, now she was watching him put his arm down towards the hands. "Alright you arm freaks! I challenge you to a duel!"

Yashiro was so confused that her arms loosened around Hanako, the ghost glancing up at her. "Kou-Kun...are you...trying to fight an arm?"

Surprisingly, one of the hands grabbed his. Kou stared at it for a second before a grin broke out on his face. "Good, bring it on! I'll show you why the Minamoto clan is-"

They all watched as his arm got twisted so farther than Yashiro thought was humanly possible, poor Kou immediately yelling out in pain as he leaned. The hand let go, holding itself up in pride.

"Kou-Kun, are you okay?!" Yashiro squeaked, her and Hanako kneeling down to get closer to the boy as he writhed in pain on the floor.

"Th-those damn hands..." He whined. "...they fight dirty..."

Hanako patted his head as Yashiro looked up, gasping as she saw the hand Kou fought with start to fade away. "Wait!" She demanded. The girl pulled the file out from under Hanako's arm, opening it up and pointing to a picture. "Look! That arm is fading from the pictures!"

Kou slowly looked up, managing to catch a glimpse of the hand disappearing from the picture while Hanako watched it fade from the bench. " did I win...?"

"Yeah...yeah, you won." Yashiro assured, putting her hand on his.

She smiled at him as he looked up at her, a woozy smile appearing as his cheeks sprinkled pink. "...o-...okay."

Hanako put his hand ontop of Yashiro's, scooting closer before he laid his notebook on Kou's chest.They must have been low level spirits.

"Please get that off." Kou groaned.

"Hang on, I'm still reading."

Low level spirits will usually be satisfied if you do something simple for them. If we play with them, they'll probably just go away.

Kou, accepting that he was now the table for the notebook, looked back at Yashiro. "What does it say?"

"It says that we need to play with the other hands." Yashiro read. She looked back at the hands, turning her body a bit towards them. "Aww, they just wanted to play! Maybe that's why they were following me!"

The boys glanced at eachother, looking at Yashiro as she waved at one of the hands. This seemed like a bad idea...but...

Kou sighed and sat up, Hanako picking up his notebook when it fell. "Senpai, be careful, they might try and break your wris- DON'T SHAKE HANDS WITH IT?"

She turned her head as Kou shouted that, the hand slowly fading away from her grasp. "See? They're not harmful, some just play rough."

Hanako stood up and pointed to a Mokke that was grabbed and being throttled, silently asking her if that was 'playing rough'.

"...okay maybe you-you should put that down." She said to the hand, gently taking it and having it set the Mokke down. "See? You can play nicely!"

The hand pulled on the Mokke's ear, gentle this time, slowly fading away.

Kou stood up. "Well, Senpai seems to be right."

Hanako nodded, placing his hand on one to the dismembered ones and gently holding it. It stayed still for a while before fading, the ghost looking up at Kou.

"Guys, let's all play!" Yashiro cheered. The boys looked at eachother one more time, silently agreeing to go along with it.

Over the course of maybe an hour or two, the three of them worked endlessly to try and please all the ends. They gave massages, played simple children's games, won and lost countless thumb wars, and even learned a couple hand tricks with yarn from Hanako. He also got slapped in the face by one of the hands when he had his hand on Yashiro's shoulder, which was slightly horrifying to witness it stretch out long enough to do that.

After chipping their way one by one, they were left by a singular hand sticking out of a mirror. Hanako was sitting on the floor with an icepack against his cheek, the Mokke trying to kick his knees while he sulked.

Kou sighed, standing a bit away from Yashiro as she looked at the hand. "Every hand besides this one is gone from your photos, Senpai."

"Really?" The girl turned her head, leaning closer towards him. Yashiro's eyes lit up when she saw an old picture of her and Aoi. "Oh, I remember that one! It was a year ago when I started to actually try the gardening club! I never knew a hospital could have clubs."

Hanako stood up, floating over to look at the picture too.

Kou grinned. "Yeah, they like to try and make kids feel like they're at schoo-"

He stopped when a photo caught his eye, Kou staring with his mouth slightly agape. It was a simple photo. Yashiro and Aoi were sitting on the couch in the playroom, both playing a game on the tv. But next to them...with a hand covering his mouth...

Yashiro looked back at the mirror when she felt the hand grab her wrist. "Oh, hi! Have you-"

"ONEESAN!" Hanako shouted. "DON'T-"

A disgustingly human mouth spread itself out of the vein on the back of the hand, its grip growing painfully tight."Follow me."

It yanked the girl forward, moving up more and more on her arm. She shrieked, trying to pull it off. "HEY! LET GO OF ME, THIS ISN'T FUNNY!"

The mirror felt like some type of jello as her body was pulled through it, her vision growing more and more glassy despite how much she fought to not be pulled in. Hanako and Kou both grabbed her by the hand and legs, forced to listen as her calls for help grew more muffled by the glass.

Yashiro clenched Hanako's hand as she watched him turn more blurred. She could make out his desperate face. She could make out the regret that made up his entire expression.

Her fingers slipped away, the coldness of Hanako's grasp lingering as she was pulled into the mirror.

Chapter 40: Hell Is Where the Heart Is


"I'm sorry if I scared you." He continued. "I had asked these hands to find you since I...well, didn't know who you were. But now you're here. Does...does that means you know how to help me?"

Yashiro looked at the hands when they were mentioned, watching them throw up peace signs and act all proud. Were they his friends? Was this...fake Mitsuba so lonely that his only friends were hands?

She looked over at him, a small detail coming back to her. "...did they have to pull me through a mirror?"

Chapter Text

A face of warm water is what Yashiro was greeted to, forcing her senses to run into overdrive. Her first response was to sit up to avoid becoming a fish, and her second was to scurry to her feet to avoid any upcoming attacks.

Her eyes were fluttering everywhere. Parts of her hair, nightgown, and pantyhose were sticking to her from the water. Behind her were the same sinks and mirrors in Hanako's bathroom. The ground was water, clear yet somewhat murky. Yashiro could see her own frightened face in it.

"Wh-wha-LET ME OUT!!" She screamed, turning around and banging on the window with both hands. "HANAKO!!! KOU-KUN!! LET ME OUT!!! I'M BEHIND THE MIRROR, LET ME OUT!!!"

Her only response was her own echo. The hand that dragged her in was still latched on, its mouth cracked in some cruel grin. That grin, that grin who told her to follow-

"GET OFF ME!!" Yashiro demanded and she tried to rip the hand off. Surprisingly, it listened, the hand dropping and bouncing off the sink into the water. She watched as it faded into part of the liquid, trying to sit on the sink to get her feet out of the water.

She swore, she could see hands in the distance, growing out of the water. No, no now they were getting closer. They were moving closer; they were going to grab her. Grab her in the same places everyone grabbed her, where she doesn't want to be grabbed.

"I-I...Ha...Hanako..." She whimpered, her body growing shakier. She kept trying to sit on the sink, freezing when her back touched the cold mirror. Everything was dark, and everything was changing into things that she knew were going to hurt her. Every breath she took felt like preparation for a sudden attack, for a sudden-

No no no no no....calm down. It's okay...what does she normally do during these situations?

Thats right, try to differentiation from what real and what's fake.

Yashiro held the sink, slowly trying to get her breathing under control. Even her breaths echoed in this strange place. Where was she? She'll think about that once she's relaxed. Right now, all she needs to think about is breathing. Not the strange sounds, not the fact that it felt like the hands in the distance had eyes, none of that.

How many situations has she been in like this now? How many of them were actually supernatural encounters and not her mind making things up? Or how many were the other way around? What was real and what wasn't? Maybe this was a hallucination, which meant that her day with Hanako and Kou wasn't real, which means that Hanako and Kou might not even be real-

The sound of water splashing caused her to flinch back, Yashiro trying to stabilize herself back on the sink. What was that? Was that one of those hands? She could make out a figure in the distance, slowly getting closer. Next to it were some of the hands, some making motions for the figure to follow and others pointing at...her? What was happening?! Did those hands pull her in so she could get eaten by some supernatural?!

She wanted to run, but she wasn't sure where she could go. Those hands could form up and grab her if she tried, or she might trip and fall and be easier prey. Her breathing grew out of control as the figure stopped. She could somewhat make out what it seemed to be. A boy...maybe a girl based off the shape of the hair. It was too dark to make out any facial features or many colors, but she could tell that it was either wearing a dress or some sort of hospital gown. Whatever, or whoever this was, was saying something now. Something she couldn't make out.

Yashiro tensed up when the figure started walking closer again, stepping into the light. She could see that it was a boy, and he was wearing one of the hospital gowns. But it wasn't just that. She recognized that somewhat dead eye, that tiny ponytail, that bright pink hair.

The boy leaned in close, way too close for comfort. As he stared at her, with his left sleeve close to his mouth, he asked, "Are you okay?"



"MITSUBA!!" Yashiro cried. She threw herself off the sink into his arms, tears swell in her eyes. "It's you, it's really you!!"

Both the boy and the hands were confused, holding her close since he didn't really know what else to do. " my name?"

Yashiro paused. No, no Mitsuba isdead.This has to be a hallucination, or a trick this place was playing. She saw Mitsuba's dead body with her own eyes.

But...she saw Mitsuba just a few days ago. With Kou. And Kou had been proclaiming he found a ghost.

Does that mean-

"Mitsuba..." She mumbled. "Are you...real?"

"I'm I...know you...?"

...guess not.

Yashiro let go, stepping back. What was this place? Was it using her memories to try and get her to feel safe? She tried to back away against the sink, the fake Mitsuba leaning closer again.

"...did you always have such fat ankles?" He asked bluntly.

The girl stared at him with a mix of fear and confusion. "I-I'm sorry, what?"

The fake Mitsuba motioned to her legs. "They're thick like a daikon...I haven't seen any other humans with ankles like that."

WHAT KIND OF SUPERNATURAL ENTITY DRAGS A PERSON TO THIS HELLHOLE JUST TO INSULT THEM?! Yashiro's jaw dropped; her fear being somewhat replaced by agitation. "Wh-whats wrong with you?! You pull me through some mirror and the first thing you do is insult me?! Where the hell even am I, and what are those creepy hands doing here?!"

The disembodied hands seemed insulted by now being called creepy, the fake Mitsuba trying to wipe her cheeks. "Hey, don't cry. You don't need to be a crybaby."

"I AM NOT A CRYBABY!!!" She wailed. Yashiro covered her face. If this place was going to do something to her then she just wanted it over with!!!

Leaning back, the fake Mitsuba looked around. He grabbed the fabric of her nightgown by the stomach, pulling Yashiro forward. "Here, this way."

Yashiro moved her hands off her face, stumbling as she was pulled along. "H-hey! Don't grab me there! I can fo-"

"Okay." He mumbled. The fake Mitsuba let go, grabbing her hand. Yashiro decided to just shut up and let him lead her through in case him not having a grasp on her somehow led to her getting hurt.

Who was this fake Mitsuba? Why did he look and sound just likeherMitsuba? Maybe it was just the lighting, but something about him the more she stared. His bruised cheek didn't look real, it was almost like if someone had a bruise as a sticker. That wasn't the right way to describe it, but it wasn't like Hanako's bruises where you could tell he's had them ever since he was alive. It looked off. So did his earring. The color seemed right, but wasn't. She's not sure why.

"Here, cover your eyes a bit." He warned. The fake Mitsuba opened up an almost invisible seeming door, a harsh light starkly contrasting the dark room they were in. She shielded her eyes from the light, stepping forward as the water changed from foot to ankle deep.

The fake Mitsuba let go of her hand, stepping back to let her take in the new setting. This place was nothing like that dark room. It was shaped in a giant, long cylinder, each level looking almost identical with slight differences. The ways were covered in mirrors, a barred off door being on every other level. There was a metal fence around most of the level, but some random sections were missing it. Yashiro looked around, stepping a bit closer to the fake Mitsuba. The ways were a sea blue, and a lot of the architecture reminded her of royal European homes. There didn't seem to be any ways down or up to other levels, unless you jumped off the edges. There was a roof though, shaped like a dome and seemingly made of stained glass.

"This is called the Hell of Mirrors." The fake Mitsuba said. "It's a boundary of one of the Seven Mysteries. That's all I really know about it."

Hell of Mirrors? Yashiro had never heard of that. Aoi probably knew, she always knew about rumors.

"My name is Mitsuba-Kun, but you seemed to already know that." The boy said. He leaned against the fence, pointing towards himself. "Someone I know put me here and told me to find you if I wanted to get out."

Find her? Yashiro looked at the ground. Who would not only know her, but claim that she could help him? Was it...Hanako? No, even Hanako seemed not to know what was going on.

"I'm sorry if I scared you." He continued. "I had asked these hands to find you since I...well, didn't know who you were. But now you're here. Does...does that means you know how to help me?"

Yashiro looked at the hands when they were mentioned, watching them throw up peace signs and act all proud. Were they his friends? Was this...fake Mitsuba so lonely that his only friends were hands?

She looked over at him, a small detail coming back to her. "...did they have to pull me through a mirror?"

"Apparently, this place changes itself to match human fears..." The fake Mitsuba mumbled. ", the hands had to sneak you here in a way that wouldn't make this place shift around..."

Huh? Human fears? Yashiro hesitated, slowly stepping back. "What does that mean?"

"I don't really know. I never got it explained to me outside of that." He answered.

Great. She's stuck here with this fake version of her dead friend while both of them have no idea what this place was like. Yashiro looked at the fake Mitsuba's face, slowly bringing herself to ask, " you remember anything about me?"

He stared at her, turning around and resting his arms on a small pillar between some of the fences. "...something about me thinks I'm supposed to." The boy replied. He sighed. "Does that really matter right now? I just want us to get out of here."

Yashiro couldn't tell if he acted like the real Mitsuba or not. She looked away, her hands fidgeting against each other. Maybe she shouldn't assume that this Mitsuba was fake. He could be the Mitsuba she knows, but without his memories. Some ghosts forget their lives, right? She thinks so. Calling him fake was almost cruel.

"Do you have any more information?" She asked.

Mitsuba pointed to the hands. "These things are extensions of the Mystery that controls this place. They don't like the person who brought me here."

The girl nodded, kneeling down towards one. "And who is this person who brought you here?"

He paused, shuffling a few steps away. "...they told me not to tell you...Senpai..."

Yashiro turned her head. Senpai? Mitsuba never called her Senpai. "Are you sure you can't tell me?"

Mitsuba shook his head. "No...but they kept telling me that you could help me...can you?"

The girl stood up, clenching her hands. She didn't know if she could. What if she led them both to their deaths? Her eyes went back to Mitsuba, watching as he stared at her. He looked desperate. She was his only hope, and his face made that more obvious to her.

Yashiro glanced away. "I can't make any promises...but I've been in situations like this, so maybe I can help you a little."

Mitsuba smiled, letting out a soft laugh. "Thats a relief. Thank you so much, Senpai."

She's going to have to get used to being called that. "Y-...yeah. Let's start exploring, okay?"

"Okay!" Mitsuba agreed. He grabbed her hand, covering his mouth with his longer sleeve. "I know how to get around this place, so I can help."

What was with supernaturals and holding her hand? Yashiro looked ahead, feeling like they weren't going to move unless she took the first steps. Walking felt like there was a giant wall between them, despite Mitsuba being right there. She knew him, but she didn't know at the same time. The water splashed around them as Mitsuba sort of pulled her around.

Yashiro turned her head, her voice catching the boy off guard. "Mitsuba-Kun, have you ever been in a boundary before?"

It felt off saying his name. Yashiro tried to ignore that thought as he spoke. "Um...I think so? Technically? I don't really know."

"Well, this is my fourth time being in one, so I can teach you about them." She suggested. Maybe this could work to regain Mitsuba's memories!

The boy tightened his grip on her hand. "Okay."

Well, he didn't seem that ecstatic. Whatever! "Well, first off, there's a lot of water-"


Yashiro paused. Why was there water again? Oh, right. "That's because they stand between the near shore and far shore-"

"What's that?"

Her eye twitched. Okay, seems like whoever put him here didn't bother to explain anything. "Um...they're like the land of the living and supernatural. People tend to stay on the near shore while the supernatural are closer to the far shore."

Mitsuba blinked at her, not saying much for a good while.

"Okay, so boundaries also-"

"Are you dead now because of me then?"

That's how it went for who knows how long. After a constant back and forth of questions and interrupted answers, they finally stopped infront of a giant mirror sort of blocking the path.

Yashiro sighed. "There. Okay. Do you understand now?"

Mitsuba stared. "You know an awful lot for a human's scary..."

That was a bullet to her ego. Yashiro stumbled back. Jeez, what was with this guy?! He was like some snappy kid-

"GAH-" She yelped. Her leg got caught on a stair that was behind her, the girl falling back onto her butt with a grunt.

"Senpai?!" Mitsuba exclaimed.

Before she could answer, a voice giggled from behind. "Tee hee! Are you okay, Nene-Chan?"

Yashiro turned her head that see that voice she had bumped into was that weird mirror, except now her reflection wasn't was Aoi!

"Aoi?!" She gasped. "Is that you?!"

Aoi giggled before nodding. "Uh huh!"

Well, she certainly looked like Aoi. Only difference was she had a thick collar around her neck with the symbol '3' on it.

Yashiro scrambled to her knees, trying to feel the Aoi that was in the mirror. Now, the purple haired girl wasn't copying her movement. "Wh-why are you in there, Aoi?! Did you get trapped again!?!"

Mitsuba tilted his head. "Trapped again?"

The girl laughed. "Oh no, I'm fine! You should dust yourself off, your butt is probably covered in dirt!"

Yashiro squealed when Aoi said that, trying to brush herself off. "Don't say such things, Ao-Chan! Especially with a boy around!!"

"Oh dearie me! You're always worried about boys and their opinions. Silly, why does that matter so much if you're already such an ugly bitch? That's what you are, right, Nene-Chan?" Aoi cheerfully asked.

Yashiro stopped dusting herself off when she heard Aoi say that, slowly turning her head. "Wh-what?"

Aoi laughed, trying to boop Yashiro's nose through the mirror. "I mean, if you weren't, then would you have gone through everything you have? Pretty girls don't turn into whor*s!"

Yashiro forced herself to say something. "I...I'm not...I'm not a whor*, Aoi..."

"Yeah you are!" She teased. "Papa was right about you. You're not pretty, Nene-Chan. Nobody can love you except him and you know that. None of us actually like you for you, we don't even like your body. We just know you're a desperate pleaser!"

Yashiro felt her fingers start to curl back, forcing herself to try and defend her dignity. "Bu...but...Papa...Pa-papa was wrong about all those things-"

"Papa was just telling you the truth." Aoi scolded. "Nobody in this world besides him can love an ugly-horseradish like you. You're not even as pretty as your mother."

"M-mom d-"

"She doesn't even love you either, you know. She was jealous of the fact her husband preferred his own ugly, bitch of a daughter over her. Isn't that why she would call you worthless?" She asked. Aoi watched as Yashiro started to freeze up, stuttering to even form a sentence while the betrayal grew in her eyes. "What, are you choking on your words now? Just like you tried to choke yourself with those chubby hands?" She asked. "Do you wanna break up this mirror to slice yourself up like a cutting board, or maybe you'll swallow the glass again like back home? Whatever you do, it won't change the fact that Papa tried to take care of you. But you ran. You ran away from him. Like a coward. You're a disgrace to the Yashiro bloodline."

The girl was breathing heavily now, trying to keep the tears in the corners of her eyes back.

"Aww, are you gonna cry,princess? You're such a baby! No wonder why we always have to protect you!" Aoi laughed. The girl smooshed her cheek against the glass, poking towards Yashiro. "You're such a baby, always depending on us. It just shows how much mommy didn't take care of you!"

Her breathing was getting heavy. Why was it getting heavy? Why were her hands shaking as Yashiro forced her eyes to stare at the ground? S-stop trying to cry. Crying isn't pretty. The words that were glued to the roof of her mouth finally screamed out of Yashiro's lungs. "WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS AOI?! I'm-I'm-I'm not like that! I'm not at all!! Papa wasn't right about me, you know that!! JUST STOP IT!!"

Aoi watched as Yashiro yelled out with plump tears streaking down her face, tilting her head a little disappointed. "Speaking of needing to be protected, look at yourself. Such a baby. Whining and crying, do you want your sweet Number Seven to come and save you like he always does?"

Yashiro tried to step away from the mirror, her legs shaking too much for her to move. She did want Hanako here. She wanted him to shut up this awful version of Aoi. She wanted him to get her and Mitsuba out. Is she really this dependent on him? So much so that-

Mitsuba grabbed Yashiro's arm. "He-hey!! I'm not going to let you hurt her!!" He snapped, pulling Yashiro away. "Senpai, I'm getting you out of here!"

Yashiro stumbled off the stairs as Aoi watched innocently, stopping the girl in her tracks when she spoke. "He's not the real Mitsuba, Nene-Chan. You know that. Why do you think that despite him standing right there, his reflection doesn't show up? Go ahead. Bring him to the mirror."

The boy looked at Yashiro as she stood there shaking against him, letting go to step towards the mirror. Aoi stared at him for a moment, the sclera of her eyes pitch black. Slowly she faded away with a smile, leaving Mitsuba standing there with his own reflection.

"'s been like this ever since I got here." He spoke. "This mirror can see everything you're afraid of, but it won't reflect anything for me."

Yashiro looked up, wiping her face. " least you don't have to suffer with what she said..."

Mitsuba looked back at the mirror. "It reflects maybe that's why I don't see anything. I can't remember who I was when I was alive, or even when I was dead. But something tells me that I'm supposed to remember you."

She watched as Mitsuba got down, the boy grabbing her sleeve again.

"Whatever, let's just get away from that rude mirror and find a way out."

"I'm afraid you and the little crybaby won't be able to!" Aoi laughed. She floated down, placing her feet on the ground with her hand against the mirror. "There's a thousand ways to get out, but knowing her, she'll need the help of Number Seven to get out!"

"Stop bringing him up!" Yashiro snapped back.

Aoi snickered. "Awww, do you miss him? Lucky enough, I can bring him out right for you!"

She stepped to the side, Mitsuba clinging to Yashiro tighter when Hanako stepped out of nowhere to replace Aoi. He too looked exactly the same, just with a matching collar around his neck. The boy smiled, leaning closer. "Oneesan, I'm here."

Yashiro paused. "...Ha...Hanako?"

The ghost smiled and put his palm on the glass. "It's okay, Nene-Oneesan. I don't mind that you want me to get you out of here."

Was this really Hanako? Yashiro could feel her heart thumping, tears swelling back in her eyes. Was he trying to save her? Was this his only way of getting inside this place? She didn't even notice the way Mitsuba's grasp was starting to hurt, or the way he was starting to shake.


Yashiro disregarded all her concerns and rushed to the mirror, placing her hand against Hanako's. "A-are you really going to get us out?!"

Hanako pressed his hand harder, his smile growing. "Of course I am!"

Thank god, Hanako was normal, he was okay, he was-

...Hanako doesn't talk this loudly.

Yashiro stepped back as she came to her senses. What was she doing, trusting this? This was an obvious trap. It was just playing with her feelings, trying-

"Oneesan?" Hanako asked. He gave her a worried face, pressing both hands on the glass. " you hate me now?"

Her feet stopped. No, no it's's not the real Hanako. He wouldn't-

"You don't think I still want to assault you, right?"

That threw her completely off guard. She thought she had forgotten that fear. No, no she knows that Hanako isn't like that. Those were just thoughts she made up when they met. Hanako wouldn't. He's not like that. He's not. She knows he isn't.

Aoi appeared next to him, covering her mouth as she laughed. "Neneee-Chaaaan, come on! We both know that you wouldn't run if he tried! You would just sit there and take it, wouldn't yooou?"

Why were they saying these things? Yashiro looked back towards Mitsuba, her eyes widening at the sight of the boy standing there in fear. Why was he scared? Her gaze slowly turned back to the mirror, immediately looking away. Things would only get worse if she fed into it.

" I wouldn't." She mumbled. "Ha...Hanako would never..."

Tears were coming back to her at the thought of her early ideas of Hanako. She didn't want to think about that. She didn't want to think at all. She just wants them to shut up.

"You know I care about you...Nene-Chan." Aoi muttered, Yashiro trying to breathe between her tears. "I promise, I'm better than your Papa. Which is why I'm going to kill you
so you can finally escape this cruel world!"

Her eyes shot wide open when she said that, Yashiro covering her ears. These versions of them weren't real. If she just ignores them, they'll go away, go away and never come back. They're just saying things to make her think that everyone is out to get her!

Hanako and Aoi leaned against eachother, opposite hands against the glass. "This world is better off without you!" They cheered in unison, "So let us play out your dirty fantasies before we slaughter you!"

Aoi put her hand on Hanako's shoulder and pushed him forward, the mirror molding around him before he stepped the glass like it was water. His smile stayed as Aoi waited in the mirror with her hands behind her back.

Yashiro stepped back. Why was she frozen? Why was Hanako getting closer? Why was- forget all of that, she needed to RUN!! Quickly she turned and dashed off the steps, yelling out for Mitsuba when the sudden tug of her hair sent a jolt of pain.

"Oneesan, you like it when people play rough, don't you?" Hanako teased. He tugged on her hair again, pulling her closer. "Come on, let me grant you all of your wishes before you die!"

The girl grabbed his hands and tried to pry him off. "LET GO!!"

He laughed, reaching his left hand towards her eyes. "Sorry, I can't grant that wish! I think instead I'll start with that wish you made of not wanting to see this place anymore."

Just as he was about to touch her, Mitsuba grabbed his hand and pried it off her hair. Before Hanako could react, the boy shoved him down. "GET OFF OF MY FRIEND!!!" He demanded. "Senpai, this way!!"

He grabbed her hand and ran, Hanako laughing as he stood back up. "Where do you think you're going, Oneesan~? You know I'm always going to show up to rescue you!!"

Mitsuba pulled her through the open space between the mirror and the fence, his grasp on her hand tightening. Yashiro looked behind her before realizing. "Why didn't we go through here earlier?!"

"I didn't know whether I should have intervened with what was happening!!" He yelled.

They screeched to a halt when a giant wall made from metal cell bars blocked them. Immediately both of them looked behind, frightened to see the mirror turning around.

"Ma-maybe we can squeeze through them!" Sputtered Yashiro.

"Hurry, move it!!" Mitsuba urged. He pushed her forward, repeatedly looking behind him. "Once you're through, grab my hand!!"

The bars felt like they were going to crush her, but she twisted her body to try and squeeze through. Mitsuba kept pushing and shoving, his panic rising each second.

"Hurry up!"

"I'm trying!!"

One final shove sent her stumbling through the bars. She turned, grabbing Mitsuba's arm and tugging him. It took him less time to get though, both of them running as fast as they could as the water splashed high enough to land on their knees.

Hanako's laugh echoed behind them. "Onneeeesaaan, are you stupid? You and that defect really think that will let you get away?"

"SHUT UP!!" She screamed; clenching Mitsuba's hand tighter as they ran. The mirrors on the wall were shaking. They started to shudder rapidly, the movement violent enough to make a few fall off the wall.

"There, keep going! We can make it to the gate!" Mitsuba yelled. He sped up, pulling Yashiro behind him as she tried to keep pace. The two came to a grinding halt when they saw the giant mirror ahead of them with Hanako standing there. Mitsuba stepped back, his eyes darting around. "I-it's a...I-"

"Did you forget that you're literally running in a circle?" Hanako taunted. "No matter! If you just keep running, I'll have my servants catch up to you!"

A snap of his fingers sent out hundreds of mannequin looking creatures crawling out of the mirrors. They all shambled closer and closer, circling the two like they were prey.

Yashiro clung to Mitsuba. "Mi-Mitsuba-Kun, run!"

He didn't think twice and dashed off with her in hand. Hanako sighed. "You're all making this so difficult. It's like watching mice. Why don't you just staystill?"

A pair of giant hands grew from the mirror, shaped just like the mannequins that were now pursing them. When they grabbed Yashiro by the waist a bloodcurdling screamed ripped itself out of her, tearing at her throat.

"SENPAI!" Mitsuba called out, halting in place.

Yashiro grabbed at the giant fingers and kicked her legs, thrashing more as the mannequins started to crawl on the arms. "Mitsuba-Kun, help me!! Please!!"

A shadow towered over her, and her eyes were met with razor sharp teeth and drool that dropped onto her face. One of the mannequins was hunched right over her head. "You! Trade places with me!"

The teeth grew closer and closer. They kept growing in size, until-

"MOVE AWAY!!!" Mitsuba yelled; a mirror being thrown at the mannequin. "Over here!! Stupid heads!!"

The boy clenched a handful of mirrors, legs shaking with tears in his eye. "GET OFF HER YOU JERKS!!!"

Yashiro's face lit up. "Mitsuba-Kun!"

"Over here." One of the mannequins repeated, turning to Mitsuba.

A giant circle of them all turned to the boy. "Did he say "over here'?"

"He did."

Mitsuba froze. He started to shake again, trying to hold up the mirrors. "Y-you-you all need to-"

"Shut him up." Hanako ordered.

The mannequin's grabbed Mitsuba and sent him down to the ground, holding his head into the water. He threw his head up, waving his arm. "WAIT! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! Let me go!! Please!!"

His head was slammed back into the water when one of the mannequin's punched him in the jaw. Yashiro watched, struggling to get out and save him. "Stop it! Stop hurting him!!"

"All your flailing is making this difficult, Oneesan." Hanako huffed. "Be a good girl and stay still."

It felt like her ribs snapped when the hands around her suddenly crushed her in its grip. Every word she wanted to say faltered out as her body fell limp. It hurt. Everything inside her felt broken. Each breath she took was like rocks were scrapping against her organs as her arms weakly tried to move.

Mitsuba was forced to stare up at her as the mannequins held his head. Tears returned back to his eye as he tried to move. "P-please! Please!!! PLEAAASE!!! I'M SORRY!!! PLEASE HELP ME, PLEASE! SOMEBODY SAVE USSSS!!"

"...well, I guess if I have to."

The mannequins on Mitsuba were ripped apart in a flash, water splashing up from the sudden speed of whatever came flying forward. Yashiro gasped as she was thrown up in the air, watching as the hands that had their grasp on her shattered like the glass that surrounded her. Her eyes locked on what was flying ahead of her. It looked like Hanako for a split second, but that voice was different. Higher pitched.

Her head hit the water, softening the landing somewhat as her body tried to gain any sort of strength. As she sat up she saw who had just saved them. Standing infront of the mirror with his hand wrist deep into a broken hole with a pile of mannequin bodies in his other hand stood Tsukasa. His brother that had been taunting them laid next to the torn up mannequins, now looking like a complete glass doll rather than a human. Tsukasa pulled out some giant, raven looking supernatural, a long scar over its left eye and strange human-like hands.

"Stop it!" It screeched when it was revealed. "You-"

"Whatcha doing, picking on weaklings?" Tsukasa asked. "And not to mention...bullying some poor, innocent girl? What did she do in all this, hmm?"

Yashiro tried to sit up more. Was that...was that the Mystery that control this place?

The creature snapped its beak at him. "I could ask you "Whatcha doing'!! Who are you?! HowDAREyou come into MY boundary and disregard all my rules-"

"Answer my question." Tsukasa demanded. He tugged the Mystery forward.

"Even us Mysteries get bored. I was just playing around!" It argued. "She was worth taking the place of!! Do you know what I would gain?!"

"What, a higher level on the Mystery list? Are you disappointed that you're only Number three?"

The raven supernatural tried to claw at Tsukasa. "Do not insult me!! Sure, she's only the bottom of the middle in score of looks or smarts, but I would-"

"Now that's no way to talk about a lady."


Tsukasa stared Number Three in the eyes.

Before smashing his head against the mirror.

Chapter 41: Your Reflection Doesn't Match Mine


Tsukasa's apprehensive expression turned into a smile when she nodded. "Oh! That's good! Just stay here now, okay?"

The boy got up and patted her head, Yashiro flinching back when his hand touched her hair. She noticed his eyes glance back at her when she moved, Tsukasa walking over to Mitsuba. The poor boy was gasping for air as he wailed, almost screaming in agony when the ghost got down next to him.

"Mitsuba..." He groaned, placing two fingers on the boy's cheek. "You are such a bad boy. You just can't do anything by yourself, can you? I gave you a simple task and you end up like this."

Mitsuba stared up at him, his lip quivering before he burst back into tears. Sobbing loudly, he tried to wipe away the marks of his fear. "I-I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!"

Chapter Text

She wanted to throw up.

Her eyes kept moving with the head as it was pulled away. The Mystery tried to cry out in pain, the sound of his skull cracking echoing in the long structure. Yashiro watched as Tsukasa violently smashed against the hard marble floor, blood splashing on both his face and nightgown. No matter how much she wanted to look away, she couldn't. The sight of this thing that had been torturing them se easily being killed frightened her. Blood splattered out towards them, but she didn't even notice it as it landed on her and Mitsuba.

In an instant, it was over. Tsukasa dropped the head as the body fell to the ground, his own blood mixing with Number Three's as it dripped out of his scratched knuckles. He watched as it poured into the water on the ground, turning it into a purplish-crimson. It curled around like watercolor paint when soaked into a cup, staining the carnage with the smell of copper.

"Aw man...I broke the mirror." He mumbled. The boy looked over his shoulder as he held up his blood covered hand, his amber eyes locking on the girl who was sitting behind him. Yashiro felt the rush of adrenaline when he took a step off the stairs and began walking towards her, the girl covering her head and forcing herself to stop breathing.

He's going to kill her, isn't her?

This is a boundary, she can't die, so he's just going to keep torturing her.

Maybe he won't, if she huddles herself together and doesn't draw any attention. He'll just lose interest, how a fox will stop chasing the rabbit when the hunt doesn't become as enjoyable.

"You really thought it was a good idea to trust a fake version of Amane?" He scolded. Tsukasa leaned down as Yashiro braced herself to get hit, the boy sitting and placing a hand on her foot. In a gentle voice he asked, "Are you alive?"

The question made Yashiro open her eyes. She didn't know how to respond to that. The black orbs floating next to the ghost began to move towards her, each one fluttering around her body. Slowly she began to realize that if she didn't move then something bad would probably most likely happen. She gave a shaky nod as she moved one hand closer to her chest in some pitiful attempt to protect herself.

Tsukasa's apprehensive expression turned into a smile when she nodded. "Oh! That's good! Just stay here now, okay?"

The boy got up and patted her head, Yashiro flinching back when his hand touched her hair. She noticed his eyes glance back at her when she moved, Tsukasa walking over to Mitsuba. The poor boy was gasping for air as he wailed, almost screaming in agony when the ghost got down next to him.

"Mitsuba..." He groaned, placing two fingers on the boy's cheek. "You are such a bad boy. You just can't do anything by yourself, can you? I gave you a simple task and you end up like this."

Mitsuba stared up at him, his lip quivering before he burst back into tears. Sobbing loudly, he tried to wipe away the marks of his fear. "I-I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!!"

Tsukasa put on a gentle smile. "There there, it's okay." He comforted, petting the supernatural's head. "I'm not upset. You just needed some help, that's all. It was wrong of me to assume that you could figure it out with little information."

Yashiro watched them, her mind racing. What in the world is going on?! Tsukasa is the same person who helped stick a needle in her neck, why did he rescue her?! And why was he treating Mitsuba an older sibling helping their brother?

The girl turned her head behind her, staring at the dead body of Number Three. Then, she turned back to Tsukasa.

They're screwed, aren't they?


Hanako desperately held Kou back as the boy stabbed the mirror with his staff, the young exorcist pressing his face against the glass.

"WE'RE COMING SENPAI!!!!" He yelled, Hanako squealing as he tried to get Kou to move. "DON'T WORRY!!"

"DON'T BREAK IT!!" Hanako yelled. With the help of a couple Mokke he pulled the boy away, sending them both onto the ground.

Kou grabbed his staff and immediately sat up, trying to shake Hanako off when he grabbed him. "Let go!! We need to save her!!!"

One of the Mokke kicked his knee, the green Hakujoudai bonking itself on his head. •Wait a moment and listen to Number Seven!

The young exorcist clenched tightly to the staff, turning to Hanako. "...fine...we...we probably should think this out."

Hanako nodded and let go. He signed, holding up three fingers.

"...three?" Kou said. "What...what do you mean?"

The ghost groaned and found his notebook, opening it up and scribbling inside quickly.We're dealing with the Third Hospital Mystery. Have you ever heard the story of Alice Through the Looking-Glass?

Alice? He remembers his old elementary school holding a play about that story. "Yes...does that mean that Senpai is in some weird world without logic?"

In a way, yes. Number Three works to reflect people's fears to turn it into their own personal hell.

Kou glanced back at the mirror. "I...I think I remember my brother mentioning to be careful when looking into a mirror if you have a guilty conscious. I never thought about it...but..."

A supernatural that uses people's fears and trauma against them?

It's a cruel type of creature for a place like that.Hanako wrote as if he knew what Kou was thinking.If it intended on torturing Nene-Oneesan, then it wouldn't have pulled her through like that. It would have tried to trick her with her own reflection.

He nodded. "What does that mean?"

That either something in there wanted her, or that something there wanted to replace her.

Hanako set his notebook down, standing up and touching each one of the mirrors. His nails scratched at the glass of the one that had pulled Yashiro through. He seemed furious. Kou could imagine why. There was an obvious hierarchy with the Mysteries, and it must not only be humiliating to have someone form a lower position than you break into your domain, but infuriating to have them kidnap somebody from inside.

He snapped out of it when he heard the Mokke calling for him, waving around Yashiro's file. They groaned as he took it. •He's not very smart, is he?

The pictures inside looked normal, except for the one he was looking at before Yashiro had been pulled in. He stared at the one hand that remained, and the person it was next to. He knew he should have expected to see his face again...but Kou was starting to worry why it was Mitsuba who still had the hand there.

"Knowing Senpai...I'm scared of what she's going through in there." He mumbled, trying to distract himself. Kou turned to Hanako, narrowing his eyes at the ghost. "Are you even listening?"

He nodded, letting out a sigh. Seems he was thinking the same. The exorcist knew that despite how much he just wanted to jump in, both of them would probably make it worse if they just went in carelessly.

"I just wish we knew what was going on."


Yashiro's brain was blocking out any other sounds in the area as she glanced at Number Three's corpse. Was he even dead? Or was he so injured that he couldn't get up? Hanako said that creatures are safe in boundaries and can't die. But Tsukasa killed this thing like it was nothing to him. How strong was he? And, if he was able to do that, then...that must mean-

"Nene-Chaaaan!" He called, almost causing the girl to screech. "Can you come over here quick?"

Why did he want her over there? Why was he calling for her?! Fear alone kept her still despite how her brain was SCREAMING for her to move.

Tsukasa tilted his head. "Nene-Chan, are you okay?"

What the hell was going to happen if she moved? What was going to happen if she didn't? Yashiro felt a sudden hand on her arm, her eyes darting over.

Tsukasa tugged her back. "I'm just gonna move you a littllleeeee bit-"

"I-I can move myself!" She blurted out. Yashiro ripped her arms away and tried to hurry to her feet, the fear in her body keeping them holding her up

"Ah, there you are! I was worried your brain ran away!" He laughed, knocking on her the top of her head. "Don't worry! I just need you out of the way, or else poor Mitsuba won't calm down!"

She stared up at him, slowly crawling closer to Mitsuba and sitting. The pink haired boy sniffled, looking towards her with teary eyes. "I-I'm sorry I didn't save you, Senpai..."

Tsukasa glanced between them, stepping closer to Mitsuba to ruffle his hair. "I told you, Mitsuba. You can't stay in the mortal world because you're too weak." He turned around, the blood-soaked water bending around his feet as he. approached the dead body. The boy crouched as his eyes scanned the Mystery. "You don't want to disappear. That's why you're here, so you can work hard to get stronger. But maybe this place was too much of a challenge."

Yashiro turned her head to Mitsuba, the boy looking at the ground as he tried to stop crying. Was Tsukasa the one who put Mitsuba here? Did...did Tsukasa wipe Mitsuba's memories?! Is he training him?! What would Tsukasa even train him for?!

"It should be here somewhere..." Tsukasa muttered. "Ah! Mitsuba, are you looking?"

MItsuba looked up, holding back his whines. "Y...yeah...?"

"If you want to get stronger-"

His hand pierced through the creature's chest before starting to dig around, Tsukasa pulling something out a moment later. Number Three's heart.

"-then you'll have to beat up stronger supernaturals and eat them!"

Yashiro watched as a new fear shot through Mitsuba, his eye widening as he started to move back. "N-no! I don't want to eat that!"

"Oh, come on, this isn't much!" Tsukasa assured as he stood up. "Usually, you'd have to eat more than this, but I'm not making you do that, am I?"

The heart looked like a human's and bird's mixed together. Yashiro covered her mouth at the smell, the sight of something didn't feel real. All of this felt like some movie or game. There's no way that she was here, watching a ghost hold some monster's heart...

Mitsuba clung to Yashiro's arm, trying to hide himself behind her. "I said I don't want to!! I don't want to eat it!"

Tsukasa groaned. "Come on, it's going to get cold. They're better warm."

Yashiro inched back, Tsukasa getting closer while Mitsuba tried to lean down to hide himself. She wanted to protect him. She wanted to keep her friend safe from...from whatever the f*ck was going on here! Without a thought Yashiro moved herself to try and conceal him behind herself, straightening her back. She doubts that she looked intimidating, but she wasn't about to let Tsukasa force feed Mitsuba.

The ghost paused as she tried to keep herself from shaking. "...Nene-Chan, when I told you to move closer to Mitsuba, this isn't what I meant." He grabbed stepped next to them, grabbing Mitsuba by the nightgown with his open hand. "Come on now, let go of your Oneesan!"

She turned as Mitsuba clung harder, yelling out. "I DON'T WANT TOO!!"

"What did we say about throwing fits? Don't embarrass yourself."

It was like watching a brother tried to feed their picky younger sibling, except Yashiro was the only factor stopping Mitsuba from having a heart shoved down his throat. She held onto Mitsuba, too scared to make any retort towards Tsukasa.

Tsukasa grabbed Mitsuba and pried his arms off her, the force making the boy fall on his back in the water.

"Mitsuba-Kun!" Yashiro called. She stopped when Tsukasa walked over and sat behind Mitsuba, hoisting the boy into a somewhat sitting position. He locked him in place with his leg, keeping it around Mitsuba's neck.

He grabbed at Tsukasa, trying to claw at his arms and leg. "LET ME GO!!! I DON'T WANT TO!!"

His cries were making Yashiro think back to when she was helpless like that. The way she would scream and beg only for no one to come.

Tsukasa grabbed Mitsuba's jaw and pried it open. "Isn't this fun? Did you know that supernaturals can have them too? Hearts, I mean."

He kept smiling even as Mitsuba tried to bite and scratch, choking on his cries for him to stop.

"Now, say "Ahhhhh"~!"

"STOP!!!" Yashiro commanded. She darted up from the ground and grabbed Tsukasa's arm, pulling him back from the struggling boy. "STOP IT!!!"

Mitsuba held the back of his hand against his mouth, gasping. "Se...Senpai."

Tsukasa stared at the ground; his expression unreadable as his fingers twitched. The blood that coated them looked somewhat dry now.

Yashiro urked. Her heart was pounding out of her chest, and her hands were trembling as they grasped Tsukasa's arm. She was scared. So scared she thought her legs would give out. But she didn't want to leave Mitsuba defenseless. "He...he's telling you he doesn't want to...okay? Just-"

She didn't have time to scream when Tsukasa grabbed her head and slammed it down to the ground. Yashiro jolted as her hands tried to grab onto him out of the desperate idea that it would stop her face from hitting the ground. Was she going to die?! Her eyes clenched shut in brace of impact, ready to-

"Oh! I'm sorry, hang on a second!"

His hand stopped, leaving her face an inch from the water. She heard the sound of something being set down inside it before Tsukasa's other hand grabbed under her waist, spinning the girl around with no moment for her to process. Next thing she knew she was up in Tsukasa's arms, off the ground with him standing.

"I'm supposed to be gentle with girls." He said, cradling Yashiro like a baby. "I'm sorry about that! I'll be careful with you, okay Nene-Chan? You don't have to be worried about me doing that again."

Gently the ghost set her down back on her feet, Yashiro stumbling back out of fear. Her legs braced themselves to run as Tsukasa stared at her with a cat like expressions, her gaze darting down to the heart that was in the water. Ma...maybe she could...grab it, and throw it so that-

Tsukasa pulled Yashiro into his grasp, hugging her tightly. "You poor thing. You're sooo scared, you look like a mouse! There there, theeeere theeere. It's okay, you're okay. Just be a good girl and take a few deep breaths."

Yashiro didn't know how to react as Tsukasa petted her head, eyes locked on the heart. He was as small as Hanako. His eyes only really reached her shoulders, but that didn't matter since he had her head resting against his neck.

He moved his hand away, leaning Yashiro back a bit. "Oh no...I got some of his blood on you. It'll be okay, don't worry. I'll clean you up."

Gently Tsukasa tried to wipe it away from her hair only to smear, his embrace around her waist tightening from frustration. Yashiro sucked the air through her teeth, wincing in pain when he squeezed her. She didn't even realize she was in so much pain until now.

Tsukasa paused, looking down at her torso before back at her face. "'re hurt. Those hands must have bruised you."

She managed to shove him away and stagger back before his hands could go any lower, the boy staring at her confused. "Do-don't touch me!! Get away!"

Tsukasa blinked at her confused, a drop of blood sliding down on his hand. "Why not?"

Panic was making her gaze blurrier. If she could just get that heart, if she could just throw it off then-

"Don't. Try it." Tsukasa snapped. He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "As right as Amane is about you...I can't let you do something like that again. You might get yourself hurt even more." He groaned. His eyes then lit up when he got an idea. "Look...stay still, okay? I promise, I'm not going to hurt you. All I'm going to do is touch your forehead, okay?"

He grabbed her arm before she could get away, pressing two fingers against her head. He smiled softly as Yashiro closed her eyes and fell limp into his arms. Adjusting her the ghost carefully pulled her over to broken slap of marble, laying her on it so she wouldn't be in the water.

Mitsuba watched frightened, slowly mobbing away. Finally, he gained the courage to say something. "Y-you're not going to hu-hurt her...are you?"

"No." Replied Tsukasa as he stood up. Looking over his shoulder directly into Mitsuba's eyes, he watched as Mitsuba supernatural froze. "Now, where were we?"

Chapter 42: Me, Or Them?


He gasped for air, struggling to his feet. "WHERE DID THAT-...come...from..."

His words trailed off when he looked up to see giant, skeleton like hands that were made of twisted rope and bandages. Feathers stuck out of them messily, flicking around.

Mitsuba clenched the sides of his head, pressing his back against the mirror. "I-I-i don't wanna...I'm scared...I'm save me..."

The hands plunged forwards, only being blocked by Hanako suddenly appearing infront of Kou. The boy leaned back as he deflected the attack with his blade, landing next to the boy.

Chapter Text

Tsuchigomori blinked, setting his pipette down. "So, what do you two want me to do?"

Kou slammed his hands on the desk. "SHE'S BEEN GONE FOR TWO HOURS!! WE CAN'T GET INTO THE BOUNDARY!!!"

Hanako nodded in the background, the poor boy bouncing impatiently on his heels.

"We even got on our knees and BEGGED for it to let us in, BUT THAT DIDN'T WORK!!" The boy yelled. He leaned forward, clasping his hands. "PLEASE SPIDER FACE-SENSEI!!"

Tsuchigomori took a drag of smoke, blowing it to the side. "Don't call me that."

He raised an eyebrow when Hanako walked over. He gently grabbed part of Tsuchigomori's coat, the boy's lips parting slightly. His eyes glanced away before going silent. The only sounds he made were sniffles before tears started to grow in his eyes. They slowly trickled down from his eyes down his bandaged cheeks, Tsuchigomori not able to say anything as the small ghost stood there holding his sleeve desperately. He watched as Hanako kept his head down, knowing the shame he must have felt for not being able to keep Yashiro safe.

"...alright...just...stop crying, Number Seven." The old man finally said, Hanako lightly gasping. His eyes lit up as he looked up, a small smile appearing when Tsuchigomori sighed. "I mean it, I'll help you two find her."

The boy let go of Tsuchigomori's sleeve and looked over at Kou a little excited, Hanako rushing over to the exorcist. He floated next to the boy before quickly wiping his tears away, the old man grunting as he got up. His hand reached out towards one of the shelves, moving a tank of butterflies to reveal Yako sleeping behind it.

|Hmm? Whats going on?| She grumbled. Yako glanced at Tsuchigomori, noticing his hand begin to reach out towards her. |Woah woah WOAH! No! No no no! NO-|

"I can't help you directly, but I know she can." Said Tsuchigomori before gently plopping Yako into Hanako's hands. "Number Four, you'll be taking them to your boundary. You should know what to do."

Kou tilted his head as Hanako healed Yako under her arms. "...huh? Why do we need Yako-Sensei?"

"Because each one of us Mysteries rule over a certain aspect of this hospital." Tsuchigomori explained. "I oversee the "Records" with my books, the Clock Keepers oversee "Time", and Number Two oversees "Space". It's confusing, but you catch on to it quickly. If you go through her boundary, then she can pretty much take you anywhere within these grounds."

"Wait, so we can get to her boundary then?!" Kou beamed. He paused, glancing at Yako. "Didn't Senpai break the boundary, though?"

"No, but what you all saw was just a section of her boundary." He explained. "She can take you to any spot if she wanted to."

|Even if shedidbreak my Yorishiro, all that would happen is I would lose power over it.| Yako huffed. She tried to paw at Hanako's face, whacking his wrist with her tail. |Why should I help you two anyways?! You're the one who's supposed to protect her, it's not my problem if-|

She stopped when Hanako pointed his knife at her throat, his grip around her tightening now that he only had one hand.

|Wh-what, you think that will scare me into-|

Her attempts to seem tough fell silent as the tip of the blade touched her neck, Hanako leaning closer. "...udon."

Kou watched confused, and a little concerned, as Yako gave in. |Alright...fine. But you two owe me for this.|

"Hurry up before we start getting weird questions." Tsuchigomori said, waving his hand to shoo them.

Yako hmphed as Hanako set her down on the ground, walking over to the door. |Hurry up or else I'll leave you behind.|

Kou took on last glance at Tsuchigomori, watching as the man turned his chair to look out the window. He turned back to Hanako, the two quickly hurrying out the door and pausing when they saw Yako standing there in her human form.

"...what?" She asked. "Looks less suspicious this way."

Hanako gave Kou a look as if this did the exact opposite, the young exorcist responding with a glance that told him to not say anything. The walk to her staircase wasn't long, but it felt weird having people glance at Kou while he had to pretend that Hanako wasn't right next to him. It was awkward, to say the least.

Yako turned around once they reached the stairs, a hand on her hip. "You two ready?"

Hanako waved his hand for her to go along without Kou even getting a word in, holding back a sigh. Whatever. He just needed to focus on finding Yashiro and getting her out of whatever hell she was stuck in.

The young woman glanced back them one more time to make sure they were following as she went up, stepping on the stair at the same time as them. "There. Four."

A small splash of water flung up as they all stepped, the stairs melting beneath them and whirling around to an almost blinding light. Kou covered his eyes, slowly lowering his arm and blinking at the sight. It wasn't nighttime, anymore. It was a clear blue sky with hundreds of different types of flowers around them. Infront of them stood Yako on a stone staircase, the stairs leading up farther than he could see.

"Here, you're in another section of my boundary now." She explained. For some reason she had a lantern now, which Kou decided not to question. "Follow me now. I'll show you Number Three's boundary. Just don't get lost."

There was a thin waterfall coming down on the staircases as they all walked up, the silence only being disrupted by some nonpresent wind. Kou glanced towards Hanako, watching as his Hakujoudai floated close to his shoulders. They seemed closer than usual. Heck, he's so used to seeing Hanako without them that it almost looked strange to watch the orbs as they guarded their master.

Kou looked back at Yako. "...hey, Fox-Sensei?"

"Its Yako-Sensei you worm." She fussed. "But what do you want?"

...worm. Okay, he didn't know if that was better than being a "brat". He looked down at the files that he held in his hands. " did it...feel...when you went berserk and attacked everyone?"

"You like to dig up unpleasant memories, don't you?" Yako snapped. "I admit I was out of my mind to try something like that, but don't go reminding me!"

Kou winced back, averting his gaze. "I...I was just wondering what it must feel like-"

"Why would you want to know?!" She hissed. Yako turned around, her feet firmly on the ground. "Do you just want to rub it in my face how foolish I was to try and climb the ranks?! Well, everyone else already did, and I won't take that disrespect from a human! I knew Misaki was the only good one, all the rest are beneath insects!!"

She stopped when Hanako leaned his head infront of Kou, motioning toward the filecase with his eyes. Yako leaned back, her open hand slowly going up to her chin as she put it together.

"...oh. I...I apologize." She mumbled. "...I didn't realize that you knew about the incident that occurred recently."

Incident? Kou looked up, trying to find some sort of explanation in Yako's and Hanako's eyes. "Huh?"

Yako sighed, lowering her lantern a bit. "We were told about what happened, with a ghost contorting like that due to rumors. A ghost who used to be a patient...I didn't think though that there may have been others there to witness it that shouldn't have seen it."

His grip on the files tightened. the Mysteries knew about what happened to Mitsuba? He didn't know if he should feel relieved by that. "I had control over what you were doing, but he didn't..."

The nurse took a step down, placing her hand on Kou's head. "Your friend was still there, even if he couldn't express it. When a ghost or even some supernaturals contort like that, deep down they are still aware of everything around them." She explained. Her hand gently rubbed his hair, the feeling of her gloves slightly scratching his scalp. "Even if he didn't understand it, it probably still reached him. It doesn't matter how warped he was or what he shifted into...that boy was still himself."

She slowly took her hand off, waiting for Kou as he kept his head down. His hands were gripping the files so tightly that he was scared he would rip them, or dent them, or lose them somehow. He didn't even know why he took these with him. They just felt too important to leave.

Hanako watched a few feet away, glancing away. His hakujoudai tried to rub against his head, the ghost swatting them away. His fingers curled a bit before they slowly dragged on the cheek with the cotton bandage...looking up when he heard Yako's footsteps.

"We're almost there now, come on." She ordered. Kou shook his head out of it, jumping a bit when Hanako suddenly put his hand on his shoulder.

"" He muttered.

Yako turned her head and waved her lantern. "HURRY UP!!"

They both stood up straight, hurrying like she said. It didn't take long for them to reach a break in the stairs, stopping at a large mirror that had golden rims. The glass that would reflect them instead had purple and light blue swirls, only Yako's murky reflection being shown.

"Is this the way in?" Kou asked, watching as Hanako poked the gold.

"Yes, our chat is over." Yako said. She held her chin up, turning her nose away. "I'm not going any further! You two will have to find your own ways back!"

Kou beamed up, stepping closer. "That's okay! Thank you Fox-Sens-"

|ITS YAKO-SENSEI!!!| She shrieked! The woman who right infront of them was suddenly back to being a fox, a fox that lunged right at Kou's face and bit into his skull.


Yako jumped down, flicking her tail at the both of them. |I expect you to treat me with respect! Now say it to me!!|



Hanako stared at them with a worried face, watching as she hopped away on the stairs. The boy turned to the mirror as he pulled his knife out from inside his chest, twirling the blade and holding it at his side. Kou pulled out his staff and held it at his side too, looking over at the ghost. " ready?"

He nodded, the two of them taking a deep breath before jumping in.

At that moment, Kou vowed he would never jump through a mirror again. It didn't feel painful, so to say, but it felt like his body was being twisted and turned in ways that the human body were never meant to morph in. The feeling went away in a second when a blurry light appeared, glass shards flying as they came crashing into some strange place through a mirror.

"WAAAAAAAAH!!!!" They both screamed in unison. Hanako landed on his stomach, Kou landing on Hanako's back.

Kou sat up, throwing his head around. "ARE WE HERE?! WHERE IS SHE?! IS SHE HERE?!"

Hanako grabbed Kou's apron, throwing him off and getting up. He seemed just as panicked, frantically looking around. His eyes landed on Yashiro, the poor girl sitting on a slap of marble against the wall...not moving.

He rushed over, Kou following quickly. "I-is she okay?!"

Hanako leaned closer, his eyes softening at the sound of her breaths gently leaving her nose.

Kou leaned in. He let out a sigh of relief when he heard it too, "She's still breathing....thank goodness."

She had a few scales on her body, though a large amount of them were on the slap next to her. Her scalp was wet too, like someone had scrubbed it clean of something. Hanako cupped her face close, holding her gently against his chest.

They both were startled at what sounded like a whimper, slowly turning their heads behind them. Hanako's grip on Yashiro tightened as Kou froze. There was a giant, shattered mirror, similar to the one they entered through. On the stairs infront of it was a boy, on his knees...crying. He recognized that shape. That voice. That nightgown.

He slowly stepped forward, his legs moving against his own netter judgement. " that..."

The sound of water caused the figure to turn. Blood coated his mouth and hands; feathers were growing from his hair...and infront of him was a giant skeleton that was both the bones of a bird and a human.


Mitsuba stared at him with a horrified expression. He flinched back as Kou got closer, the young exorcist's eyes shining as they filles with tears.

"I...I thought you were gone for good, but now you're back...I don't know how're okay!" He cried. The boy threw his arms around him, pulling him close. "Y-you're not hurt, are you?! And what happened to your hands? Th-they look like bird claws, but it's okay! We can-"

"...I...Nene-Senpai didn't say that...that I could trust you..."

Kou paused. What? What was-

"MOVE IT KID!!!" Hanako hollered. Kou turned his head; the wind knocked out of him when a sudden attack hit him in the chest.

He gasped for air, struggling to his feet. "WHERE DID THAT-...come...from..."

His words trailed off when he looked up to see giant, skeleton like hands that were made of twisted rope and bandages. Feathers stuck out of them messily, flicking around.

Mitsuba clenched the sides of his head, pressing his back against the mirror. "I-I-i don't wanna...I'm scared...I'm save me..."

The hands plunged forwards, only being blocked by Hanako appearing suddenly infront of Kou. The boy leaned back as he deflected the attack with his blade, landing next to the boy.

"'s quick." He mumbled. Kou watched in slight awe as he jumped up and sliced the hands, putting his feet back down as bits of the hands dropped into the water. They looked like pieces of other creatures. Eyes and tiny teeth, flesh looking blobs that just melted away.

Kou stood up, about to say something when one of the hands reformed right behind Hanako. "GET DOWN!"

Hanako squeaked as Kou shoved him out of the way before the hand could grab him, shielding the ghost with his body as the attack smashed itself into pieces against the wall. Before he could get off another hand grabbed them both, slamming the into a pillar.

Mitsuba lowered his head at the sight of all the violence. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! Make it stop, I don't want to do this!!!"

"Miiiiiiitsuuuuuubaaaaaa!" A voice echoed. The hands slowly retracted at the sound, a sudden black smoke appearing around the metal bars. Tsukasa appeared sitting on one of the sections, holding a bar as he looked down. "Are you done eating now?"

"Tsu...Tsukasa-Kun?" Mitsuba mumbled as the boy hopped down.

"Aww, look! You ate it all by yourself!" He congratulated as he pointed at the skeleton. He went silent though when Mitsuba hid himself behind him, clinging onto his nightgown. "Oh? What's the matter?"

He turned forward, tilting his head at the sight of Hanako and Kou. Both were standing, Kou clenching his staff and Hanako...was tense. He stepped back, the grip around his knife tightening.

Tsukasa stood still for a moment, a wide grin breaking onto his face. "AMANE!!!" He called out, running over and throwing both his arms and legs around his brother. He had an iron grip around him, nuzzling his head in excitement. "You showed up, you showed up!!"

Their reunion was quickly interrupted by one of the hands attacking the two of them, sending them both flying towards the wall. Hanako caught himself before he could hit the wall, and Tsukasa landed upside-down.

"'re getting in the way." Tsukasa groaned. He flipped up and dodged the hands as they went to attack him, snatching them midair just before they could hit Hanako. He sighed, walking over towards the frightened ghost. "Mitsuba, come on now."

The boy tried wiping his tears. "What...what are those things? What's happening?"

He flinched back as Tsukasa put the two hands into his left hand and reached out, gently placing his right on Mitsuba's head. Softly petting him, he stepped closer. "Now now, there there. It's okay. These things are here to protect you, Mitsuba! They're like little guardians. You just need to calm down so you can control them."

Mitsuba's eyes almost looked like they were spinning as Tsukasa gently pulled him in, hushing him. "O...okay...d-do I breathe? Do I breathe you taught me?"

"Yes, you breathe. Slowly in and out." He instructed. Tsukasa kept rubbing his head, letting Mitsuba cling to him. "There we go. You're doing good."

The hands slowly started to go limp before fading away, Tsukasa placing his open arm on Mitsuba's shoulder. "Tsukasa-Kun...I...I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry." He assured.

Kou watched with mixed emotions. What was happening? Why was Tsukasa being so...gentle? He watched as Mitsuba tried to wipe his face against Tsukasa's shoulder, his shaking slowly coming to a calm the more he breathed. This was wrong. Mitsuba shouldn't be holding onto him. He shouldn't be treating him like Tsukasa washelpinghim.

The boy stepped forward, pointing his staff right at Tsukasa. "Damnit...what the HELL did you do to Mitsuba this time?!!"

Tsukasa stared at him as Mitsuba slowly looked up. He seemed more afraid at the sight of Kou aiming his weapon, a grin growing on Tsukasa's face. "Hmm?"


The ghost adjusted his hand on the top of his head as Mitsuba reeled back. "This time? I granted his wish."

From the corner of his eye, Kou could see Hanako grow even more tense. The boy's grip tightened on his knife hard enough for his knuckles to turn white, freezing as his brother pointed towards him.

"Even Amane should know this!" The boy laughed. "The price of a wish like Mitsuba-Kun's is often part of the soul. All I did was remove that part, and I took what humans call his 'mind'!!"

The memory of that day made Kou's blood run cold. He could see it clearly, despite how hard he tried to block out the details. Mitsuba looked as if he had no recollection of it, simply staring at Tsukasa as the boy stood up.

"The rest was pretty simple! I just took some useless low-level spirits that were about to fade, mished them up, made a body, added the piece of Mitsuba's soul, and done!" He cheered. Tsukasa pulled up Mitsuba's arms, holding himself behind the pink haired boy. "It has the same soul at its core, so it probably looks and acts partly like him. But this...I mean, are we shocked? The Mitsuba-Kun who had lived and died with his own memories, his own thoughts, his own emotions...he doesn't exist in this world anymore."

Doesn't exist? Is he just...gone? Even if he tried, he'll never get to know that his soul-

"You f*cking bastard...why would you even do this if you're the one...the one who is responsible for him being gone in the first place?!" Kou snapped.

Tsukasa tapped his lip, an arm around Mitsuba. He hummed before poking his cheek. "Just because? I mean, I've always wanted to try making one!"

Just because? All this just because?! And what the hell did he mean 'making one'?!

The ghost lifted Mitsuba's arms up and waved them, answering as if he read Kou's mind. "An artificial human! Amane and I saw one a long time ago! There was this movie about one who went around attacking everyone! Poor guy, he was treated so differently than he was in the book!"

Hanako looked terrified. His hand was shaking, even if he tried to make it look otherwise. He stepped back, moving closer to Kou.

"Oh...but this is a ghost, so I guess he's an artificial ghost?" Tsukasa lamented. He gently rubbed Mitsuba's head. "I didn't count on it being such a weakling that it couldn't exist in the mortal world, though. I guess that's just the downside of these modern supernaturals. He's still pretty cool though, right?"

His head flinched closer to Mitsuba right as Kou slammed his staff into the mirror an inch from his face. Lightning sparked form it as Tsukasa slowly turned his gaze towards the exorcist, holding Mitsuba close. The pink haired boy was shaking, clenching his head as he leaned into Tsukasa's side.

Kou grabbed Tsukasa's collar, tugging him forward. "You creep. You think you can just treat Mitsuba like your TOY?! HE ISN'T SOMETHING TO BE PLAYED WITH!!"

Tsukasa's eyes tried to look at his own cheek. A small line of blood was trailing down from a cut that Kou had managed to make. His gaze snapped right towards the boy. "'re saying that I should have never made him? I dosomuch, and this is the thanks I get-"

He was caught off guard when Hanako pushed Kou away, pulling his brother away from the mirror. The boy watched in shock as Tsukasa stumbled back, seemingly confused as Hanako dragged him further to the side. He motioned something behind him. Kou was surprised to hear Hanako's voice, if only faintly. He couldn't make out a single word the ghost was saying, but Tsukasa appeared to be almost...hurt? Disappointed?

Tsukasa began to wave his hands a bit as he spoke, as if trying to rationalize something. Hanako turned his head towards Mitsuba, looking back to Tsukasa. His brother was rocking on his heels and rubbing his fingers together, waiting for his twin to say something. What the hell were those two even doing?!

He squeaked like some little kid as Hanako grabbed him again by his nightgown, waving his arms. He could hear something, if only faintly. "Come on!! You should get it!"

Kou turned to Mitsuba. Hanako must be distracting Tsukasa. That must be it. He took his chance and ran to the boy infront of the mirror, quickly getting down to his height. "It's okay, Mitsuba! I'm going to get you and Senpai out of here!"

Mitsuba slowly turned his head to him. "...was...was Tsukasa-Kun not supposed to raise me?"

He paused. ", it's not that-"

"But he said he shouldn't have made he...hates me." The boy said. "Who...who even are you?"

No memories. He can't believe that. Deep down there has to be some memories here, some sort of idea of what his life was.


Before he could blink, Mitsuba was suddenly gone. Kou flinched back and began frantically looking around, stopping when he saw where he went.

Floating over what seemed to be an infinite drop was Tsukasa, holding Mitsuba's hands as he kicked and screamed. "Don't worry, Mitsuba! It's okay! I don't hate you! I wouldn't have made you if I did!"

"I'M GONNA FALLL!!!!" He shrieked. The boy clung to Tsukasa, thrashing his legs. "YOU'RE GONNA DROP ME, YOU HATE ME!!"

"No, I don't, calm down." He giggled. Gently he held one arm around the boy's chest, the other still holding his hand. "You're just a baby with no memories, no power- no nothing." He laughed. Tsukasa poked the boy right where his heart would be. "But youdohave Number Three's core power inside you. Thats something not many supernaturals can say they have! So, what do you want to do?"

Mitsuba opened his eyes, leaning back. His feet slowly gained a sense of balance as he stared at the boy infront of him. "Huh?"

"Do you want to let them take this new power from you and disappear...or do you want to take ownership of the seat being handed to you, and become the new Number Three?" He asked. His grin grew as he watched the boy glance down at the fall beneath them. "You're already starting off on a higher rank than a few. With this, you can defend yourself when others come to kill you."

That word got him to move. Mitsuba tensed up, slowly looking back at Tsukasa. It looked like he wanted to hide.

Tsukasa leaned closer. "Tell me what you want, Mitsuba."

His words were stuck on his tongue, he could see it. Mitsuba glanced at Kou, then at Hanako...then at Yashiro. "People...will try to kill me?"

"Of course! That's how the world is as a spirit! Whether it be humans or others like you, everyone will try to take whatever place they can." Tsukasa laughed. Slowly he took his arm off from around Mitsuba's chest, poking his nose. "But you'll be able to command some of them if you take the role as Number Three. You will be able to survive. Don't you want that?"

Mitsuba lowered his head. Thousands of thoughts were stirring in his mind, all of which he didn't want to imagine. For some reason, he could imagine the pain that death could bring. The fear that would be in him as something tore him apart. Each sound that his head imagined made his grip on Tsukasa grow tighter and tighter, until...

"...I-...I'm not disappear." He muttered.

Tsukasa tilted his head. "Ready?"

"I don't want to disappear when I still have nothing!!" Mitsuba yelled. He lifted up his head, tears streaming down as he clung as tightly as he could to Tsukasa. "If this is my only option, then please give it to me!! I'll be a Hospital Mystery, I'll be anything!! Grant my wish, Tsukasa-Kun!"

"Very good choice." Praised Tsukasa. He set his hand on Mitsuba's head, leaning closer. "If that's what you want...then I'll grant your wish."

As he said that, everything around Mitsuba began to feel lighter. Part of his body felt like they were growing and shifting, yet he felt no pain from it. Everything felt soft. A black cloak seemed to grow from out of his chest to cover his nightgown, stopping at his hips with a single gold button in the middle to keep it partway closed. He watched as eyes and teeth opened themselves up, yet to his surprise he felt no fear as they moved aimlessly across the leather. The center of his chest opened up to reveal a giant mouth with human teeth, closing itself back up so all that was visible was a line. A heavy collar similar to what the reflections in the mirror wore phased onto his neck, but instead of a tag, the center was made of pure gold with two raven heads carved on opposite side. Out of it grew two hands, one purple and one pink. They slowly moved back and pulled up the hood of the cloak, hiding the new feathers that had just sprouted on the back of his head.

"Just a moment longer...and you'll be complete." Tsukasa assured. He gently placed his hand on Mitsuba's bruised cheek, pulling it away right as a giant eye split itself open. Bandages suddenly formed from out of Mitsuba's hair, wrapping themselves around him to hide it. Lastly, his feet formed a pair of boots made of scraps of blue fabric and dirty bandages, fitting themselves perfectly on his legs.

Mitsuba slowly blinked his eyes open. He looked down at himself, almost...proud. This new body didn't feel off to him! It felt like it should be him! He let go of Tsukasa, spinning around and laughing as he floated in the air. "Look at me, Tsukasa-Kun! I can float!"

The ghost grinned. "From this moment on, you are Number Three of the Hospital Mysteries, Mitsuba!"

He spun faster and faster, the hands from his collar waving like paper. "This is so cool! I'm floating, and my arm is longer!!"

Tsukasa threw his arms up in the air like some excited kid, moving closer to the newly transformed Mitsuba. "This boundary belongs to you now, so what kinda supernatural do you wanna be? You can be anything!"

"Anything?" He repeated. His eyes turned towards where Kou had been standing, now absent of Hanako.

Kou had been watching this all next to Yashiro. He was horrified. The boy he once knew as some somewhat bratty yet kind kid was now some...some...

Mitsuba looked back at Tsukasa. His eye was bright, filled with some new hope. "Then...I want to be normal. I want to be a normal human being! Can...can I?"

He watched Tsukasa's eyes soften. " can."

A sudden blitz of light caused them both to flinch back, some strange thing whirling around them at a fast speed. Mitsuba hurriedly looked around, hands shaking. "Tsukasa-Kun, what's going on?! I'm scared!!"

Tsukasa searched before his eyes landed on the cause. "Oh, come on Amane!"

Standing on the railing infront of Kou and Yashiro was Hanako, his hand pointed out to command his red Hakujoudai. His eyes narrowed at his brother, who merely laughed.

"You're such a stickler for the rules! Who cares if a creature made on the far shore isn't supposed to live on the near shore!! Both you and I know that nobody herecares!"

You Make Me Want to Throw Up - BushChanie - 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.