Question - Gigabyte Aorus elite motherboard is blinking red, not booting to bios, any solutions? (2025)


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  • Thread starterEpicguy12
  • Start dateNov 4, 2020
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    aorus eliteblinking redBootingcpu fan headermotherboard

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  • Nov 4, 2020
  • #1

Let's get to the issue directly, my Gigabyte Aorus elite motherboard is not booting to bios and just blinking red twice per second and continues indefinitely ( I let it do so for around 5mins for not risking any damage to maybe other components). *PC specs given at the end.

#Things to note here(observations)
- cpu fan is not showing any response not even rgb ring showing any light.
- when tried to boot up system for very first time with all cables plugged in, cpu fan was being started and then smoke came out and motherboard immediately got shut down and I turned off the power ASAP.
- about cpu cooler, it is working fine with another motherboard.
- other cpu cooler is not working with Gigabyte Aorus motherboard
- red blinking strip running along the left side and joining to the southbridge and southbridge blinking red as well.
- none of the other components booting up like case fans, rgb strip,etc. However all this rgb stuff worked before smoke came out.
- whilst red light was blinking PSU fan was deflecting somewhat in sync with blinking.
- plugging cpu fan into case fan header did not work.
- when power button from the case is being pressed and held until red light blinks, the power button blinks too in sync with red blinking light on the motherboard.
- I'm sure every cable (24 pin, 8 pin, 6+2 pin) is plugged tightly.

#My conclusion:
- as cpu fan is working flawlessly I think CPU fan header on the motherboard is burnt.
- I think motherboard is looking for cpu fan on the respective header and as header is not working, motherboard is not letting any power go into the rest of the parts like case fans, rgb strip.
- whether I connect cpu fan or any other case fan it is not working and that thing may be motherboard sensing as absence of cpu fan and shutting down the whole system as precaution for not getting processor overheated (the light that is blinking red is under southbridge and not one of those leds those indicate lack of the components which are situated beside the southbridge).
- My FINAL CONCLUSION - cpu fan header is defective.

And please tell if there is any way to fix cpu fan header.
Looking for the solution desperately Question - Gigabyte Aorus elite motherboard is blinking red, not booting to bios, any solutions? (10)

#PC specs :
Motherboard- Gigabyte b450 aorus elite - ATX
Processor- AMD ryzen 7 2700
Cooler- Stock cooler, came with processor
Gpu- Gigabyte GeForce gtx 1660 super, 6gb, OC edition
PSU- Corsair CV550, 550w
Memory- HyperX fury 8gb 3200mhz, 2 sticks
HDD - seagate compute 1TB internal hard drive

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Dec 25, 2012

  • Nov 4, 2020
  • #2

use minimum config, remove all LED stripes, test the motherboard on a non conducting surface (no packaging of the motherboard or similar!):

only plug in:
one RAM in Dimm slot DDR4_1 or DDR4_2 (you can check one RAM in all slots for testing), motherboard, cpu with cooler+ fan, PSU, GPU, keyboard

reset the BIOS by jumper clrCMOS

Epicguy12 said:

However all this rgb stuff worked before smoke came out.

check where exactly the smoke came out, you can usually smell where

eventually the PSU is faulty

LED stripes might be plugged in incorrectly



Nov 4, 2020

  • Nov 4, 2020
  • #3

Thanks for your immediate response Question - Gigabyte Aorus elite motherboard is blinking red, not booting to bios, any solutions? (42)

I've tried interchanging both ram sticks in different ram slots.
Tried to eliminate possibly the faulty component but even with minimum specs it shows blinking red light.
Even for me to know if test is working or not, the motherboard has to give some responses like cpu fan spinning or led ring on the cpu fan is lit up.
Smoke came out definitely from the area near cpu cooler.
And I still suspect the cpu fan header is culprit



Nov 4, 2020

  • Nov 20, 2020
  • #5
  • Question - Gigabyte Aorus elite motherboard is blinking red, not booting to bios, any solutions? (74)




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Question - Gigabyte Aorus elite motherboard is blinking red, not booting to bios, any solutions? (2025)


Why is the red light blinking on my Gigabyte motherboard? ›

A red light on your motherboard means internal hardware is either plugged-in incorrectly or not working. Internal hardware examples include the CPU, RAM, or a graphics card. Sometimes a dead CMOS battery may be the culprit. Boot errors on the hard drive where the primary OS is installed may also cause a red light.

Why is my motherboard blinking red? ›

Why Does the Motherboard Red Error Light Appear? The red LED on your motherboard may illuminate for a few reasons. It often appears because cables aren't connected properly, or there is an issue with the hardware configuration. Sometimes, motherboards have multiple red lights seated beside helpful labels.

What causes a red light blinking on a computer case and not booting? ›

The blinking red light might be indicating a hardware problem. It could be related to components like the CPU, RAM, or power supply. The automatic shutdown could be a protective measure to prevent further damage.

How do I get into the BIOS on a Gigabyte b650 Aorus Elite AX? ›

To access the BIOS Setup program, press the <Delete> key during the POST when the power is turned on. To upgrade the BIOS, use either the GIGABYTE Q-Flash or Q-Flash Plus. Q-Flash allows the user to quickly and easily upgrade or back up BIOS without entering the operating system.

What does flashing light on motherboard mean? ›

** If you are using an Intel motherboard, the fast blinking means that the DRAM is not detected. If you are using an AMD motherboard, the fast blinking means that the CPU is not detected.

How to flash BIOS in Gigabyte motherboard? ›

Refer to your motherboard's manual or the initial boot screen for the correct key. 5) Inside the BIOS setup, enter “Q-FLASH” – typically via your keyboard's F8 button. Select the BIOS file on the USB drive and follow the on-screen prompts to confirm and start the BIOS update.

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“Flashing the BIOS” is a term used by computer-savvy people to describe the process of updating the BIOS.

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A: The Red flashing light on the the GFCI indicates either a defective outlet or it has reached its end of life and needs to be replaced. Contact your distributor who purchased the Graceport to begin the return or replacement process. If you have further questions you can contact

Why is my computer power button blinking red? ›

Hi Jyothi, A blinking red light accompanied by a beep sound on your CPU typically indicates a hardware issue or an error condition. The specific meaning of the blinking light and beep sound can vary depending on your computer's manufacturer and model. Here are a few common reasons why this may occur.

Why is my computer not booting with the motherboard light on? ›

If the motherboard light is on but the system doesn't boot, it could be due to various issues such as a faulty power supply, a hardware component failure, or a corrupted BIOS.

What is the meaning of blinking red light? ›

Flashing Red Lights

Just as a solid red light means stop, the flashing red light means stop similarly. The difference between a flashing red light and a solid red light is when you're allowed to go. On a solid red light, most people understand they must wait until the light turns green to proceed through the light.

How do you fix a computer that wont turn on but not boot up? ›

How to fix a PC that won't turn on
  1. Try a different power source. ...
  2. Check your monitor connection. ...
  3. Disconnect your devices. ...
  4. Listen for beeps. ...
  5. Start your PC in safe mode. ...
  6. Restore your computer to previous settings. ...
  7. Check for unresponsive apps.
  8. Unplug USB devices.
Sep 17, 2022

What is the BIOS key for Aorus Elite? ›

Stay On the Cutting Edge: Get the Tom's Hardware Newsletter
  • ASRock: F2 or DEL.
  • ASUS: F2 for all PCs, F2 or DEL for Motherboards.
  • Acer: F2 or DEL.
  • Dell: F2 or F12.
  • ECS: DEL.
  • Gigabyte / Aorus: F2 or DEL.
  • HP: F10.
  • Lenovo (Consumer Laptops): F2 or Fn + F2.
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What is the boot menu button for Gigabyte Aorus? ›


Boot Menu allows you to set the first boot device without entering BIOS Setup. In Boot Menu, use the up arrow key <↑> or the down arrow key <↓> to select the first boot device, then press <Enter> to accept. The system will boot from the device immediately.

Why is the DRAM light red on my Gigabyte motherboard? ›

Red: A red DRAM light often indicates a critical issue with the memory modules. It may signify incompatible or faulty RAM, improperly seated RAM, or other serious memory-related problems. Amber or Yellow: An amber or yellow DRAM light usually suggests a less severe issue with the RAM.

How to fix red VGA light on motherboard? ›

  1. Confirm that your GPU has all the necessary power connectors securely attached.
  2. Inspect the PCI Express power cables running from your power supply to the GPU for proper connection.
  3. Ensure the GPU is correctly seated in the PCI Express slot on the motherboard.
Jan 1, 2024

What is the red light on my GPU mobo? ›

A red light on the GPU usually means the graphics card isn't receiving enough full power at that exact moment.

What does a red light on my motherboard mean on Reddit? ›

While the PC is booting up, the red light indicates an error with the memory. Then, once it's booted, the red light switches to indicate an error with the graphics card.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.