List of All Necromorphs and How to Beat (Monsters) | Dead Space Remake (2023)|Game8 (2025)

List of All Necromorphs and How to Beat (Monsters) | Dead Space Remake (2023)|Game8 (1)
The Dead Space Remake (2023) features the return of the original game's classic enemies: the Necromorphs. Read on to learn about all new and returning Necromorphs, their weaknesses, weak spots, and tips on how to beat them!

List of Contents

  • All Necromorphs
  • Normal Necromorphs
  • Special Necromorphs
  • Bosses
  • Phantom Necromorphs
  • How to Kill Necromorphs
  • Related Guides

All Dead Space Remake Necromorphs

Normal Necromorphs

Normal Necromorphs are the most frequent type of foes you will encounter throughout the game. They are generally easy to take down by dismembering their limbs or tentacles and using explosives.

However, they are dangerous in large numbers, and their enhanced versions can easily take out careless players in a few hits.

List of Necromorphs
Divider Weak Spots: None Specific
Weaknesses: Stasis, Explosives How to Beat: Shoot all limbs including the head, then cast stasis as it divides. Shoot the head creeper first followed by the rest.
Exploder Weak Spots: Left Arm Sac
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Shoot the sac on its left arm to make it explode.
Guardian Weak Spots: Tentacles
Weaknesses: Explosives How to Beat: Cast stasis to slow pod spawns, then dismember all tentacles from the stomach.
Infector Weak Spots: None Specific
Weaknesses: Stasis How to Beat: Cast stasis then shoot or use melee until dead.
Leaper Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: Stasis How to Beat: Cast stasis to slow them down. Dismember arms and tail while they are in stasis.
Lurker Weak Spots: Tentacles
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Dismember two or three tentacles sprouting from its back.
Pods Weak Spots: Tentacles
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Shoot its tentacle to incapacitate it. Kill the Guardian to stop Pods from spawning.
Pregnants Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: Stasis How to Beat: Cast stasis and dismember all limbs. And do not shoot its stomach.
Slasher Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Dismember all Limbs.
Super-Lurker Weak Spots: Tentacles
Weaknesses: Stasis How to Beat: Dismember all tentacles. May take more shots than standard Lurker.
Super-Slasher Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Dismember all Limbs. May take more shots than standard Slasher.
Swarmers Weak Spots: None Specific
Weaknesses: Stasis, Explosives, Fire How to Beat: Cast stasis on the group, then use explosive cannisters or flamethrower.
Twitcher Weak Spots: Limbs, Chest (Stasis Module)
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Cast stasis on the ground, then dismember its limbs.
Wheezer Weak Spots: None Specific
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Passive necromorph, can be killed by any damaging means.
Super-Leaper Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: Stasis How to Beat: Same strategy as the standard leaper. But it may take more shots.
Spitters Weak Spots: Head, Limbs
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Shoot its head first to disable it from spitting; then proceed to remove the rest of its limb until dead.
Super-Pregnant Weak Spots: Limbs
Weaknesses: Explosives How to Beat: Dismember its legs to slow it down, then remove its arms to finish it off. Alternativley you can use the Force Gun's Primary and Alternate fire respectfully to peel off its skin, making it easier to dismember.

Special Necromorphs

Special Necromorphs are less common than Normal Necromorphs, typically found in unique encounters inside the Ishimura. They are generally sturdier than other Necromorphs and require more effort to take down and avoid.

List of Necromorphs
Brute Weak Spots: Yellow Sac, Back
Weaknesses: Stasis, Explosives How to Beat: Cast Stasis then run behind it and shoot its yellow sacs.
Hunter Weak Spots: None Specific
Weaknesses: Stasis How to Beat: Prioritize dismembering its legs before using Stasis and running away.
Tentacle Weak Spots: Yellow Sacs
Weaknesses: None How to Beat: Shoot the sac to dismember the tentacle and stop the drag.
Super-Brute Weak Spots: Yellow Sac, Back
Weaknesses: Stasis, Explosives How to Beat: Same strategy as a standard Brute. But it may take more shots to kill.


The Dead Space Remake also features a few Boss Necromorphs, which players often fight during the climax of a specific chapter.

These Necromorphs have immense amounts of health and are much larger than their brethren, forcing players to use boss-specific mechanics and strategies to take them down.

List of Necromorphs
Leviathan Weak Spots: Tentacles, Mouth
Weaknesses: Explosives, Kinesis
Chapter Encounter: Chapter 6 How to Beat: Shoot the sacs of the three tentacles and dodge the thrusts. Shoot its mouth during 2nd phase or throw back the 1st, 3rd, and 5th explosive pods.
Leviathan Remnant Weak Spots: Yellow Sacs
Weaknesses: Explosives
Chapter Encounter: Chapter 8 How to Beat: Activate each ADS Cannons, and shoot its sac or throw back the explosive pods it releases.
Hive Mind Weak Spots: Yellow Sacs
Weaknesses: None
Chapter Encounter: Chapter 12 How to Beat: Shoot all its yellow sacs and dodge its tentacle slams with its acid spit. Use the Force Gun to clear other Necromorphs in 2nd phase.

Phantom Necromorphs

Phantom Necromorphs are a new type of further enhanced Necromorph with high health, which only appear in New Game Plus. They are hard to take down even with fully upgraded weapons.

List of Phantom Necromorphs

How to Kill Necromorphs

Dismember Their Arms and Legs

To efficiently take down Necromorphs, you should aim to dismember their limbs or tentacles. Cut off the arms, legs, and tentacles of Necromorphs to maximize your damage output while impairing their ability to move and attack.

Enemy Weak Spots: How to Sever Necromorph Limbs

Aim for Larger Necromorphs' Yellow Sacs

List of All Necromorphs and How to Beat (Monsters) | Dead Space Remake (2023)|Game8 (26)
When fighting against larger Necromorphs, like Brutes and Tentacles, focus your firepower toward the yellow sacs on their body, as these are their weak spots. In addition, these yellow sacs are incredibly susceptible to being dismembered, so it's always beneficial to aim for them.

Utilize Kinesis and Environmental Hazards

The USG Ishimura has plenty of objects which Isaac can pick up with his Kinesis Module to use as makeshift weapons. Prioritize using heavy objects, sharp rods, Necromorph slicers, and red explosive canisters to efficiently deal with foes without using up your ammo.

How to Use Kinesis

Dead Space Remake Related Guides

List of All Necromorphs and How to Beat (Monsters) | Dead Space Remake (2023)|Game8 (27)

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List of All Necromorphs and How to Beat (Monsters) | Dead Space Remake (2023)|Game8 (2025)


How many types of Necromorphs are there? ›

According to an in-game description that two types of Necromorphs exist, those that exist to infest dead bodies and those that exist to create new corpses - in other words, Necromorphs kill other species in order to survive.

How to beat the monster in Dead Space Remake? ›

By far, the best way to deal with the Brute is to hit it with Stasis. Hitting the Brute with Stasis means you can use any weapon to deal your damage from the back.

Are Necromorphs unkillable? ›

These Necromorphs are generally very large in size and extremely hard to kill. Some of which are "unkillable." The few that are considered this are the Ubermorph due to regeneration and the Tormentor due to the fact you only kill it by blowing up hundreds of pounds of explosives.

What are the new Necromorphs in remake? ›

Phantom necromorphs are a new enemy type in the Dead Space remake, and are appropriately designed to horrify and challenge the player on a New Game Plus playthrough. Phantom necromorphs are essentially enhanced necromorphs with more health and a greater damage output.

What is the strongest Necromorph? ›

That's because Isaac has no choice but to wade through the toughest Necromorphs just to make the most of his engineering degree.
  • 8 Swarmers. ...
  • 7 Pregnants. ...
  • 6 Exploder. ...
  • 5 Lurker/Super Lurker. ...
  • 4 Leaper/Super-Leaper. ...
  • 3 Divider. ...
  • 2 Brute/Super-Brute. ...
  • 1 Hunter.
Feb 4, 2023

What is the scariest Necromorph? ›

The mother of all Necromorphs, The Hive Mind is the ultimate big baddie in the Dead Space franchise, and is one of the most horrifying and dangerous creatures ever seen in gaming.

How do you unlock the secret ending in Dead Space? ›

These are known as Marker Fragments, and can be collected in every single area of the Ishimura. For the most part, you'll find one Marker Fragment per chapter, although Chapters 5 and 10 will have two Marker Fragments. To unlock the secret ending, you'll want to track down every Marker Fragment available.

What is the secret weapon in Dead Space Remake? ›

The Hand Cannon is an unlockable weapon in Dead Space 2 after completing the game on Hard Core mode, and in Dead Space (2023) after completing the game on Impossible mode. It takes the shape of a comically large red foam sports hand that Isaac Clarke or Gabe Weller wear on their right hand.

Do you get anything for killing Leviathan in Dead Space Remake? ›

You get something. A lot more ammo/credits/health packs than you normally do. Istanbul was Constantinople, now it's Istanbul not Constantinople. I suppose the supplies at the beginning of Chapter 7 can count as a reward...but even though the fight was easy, I expected some credits...

Are Necromorphs dead? ›

Necromorphs are a collective of undead creatures in the science fiction horror multimedia franchise Dead Space by Electronic Arts, introduced in the 2008 comic book series of the same name. Within the series, the Necromorphs are constructed from reanimated corpses and come in multiple forms of various shapes and sizes.

Can Necromorphs be stopped? ›

Learning how to dismember creatures is mostly done through trial and error. However, dismemberment is the only effective way to truly stop the reanimated horrors in their tracks and is the best way to survive. In Dead Space 3, dismemberment did not play as big of a role in killing the Necromorphs.

Where did the first Necromorph come from? ›

Necromorph Creation and Origins

Necromorphs are created by an alien infection that reanimates dead tissue and brings the deceased being back to life. The sole purpose of these lifeforms is to continue spreading the infection, creating as many Necromorphs as possible.

Does the marker create Necromorphs? ›

The Markers are part of what is essentially the reproductive process of monstrous organisms, known by fans as "Brother Moons". Their main function is accumulate enough biomass to create another Brother Moon. They do this by creating necromorph infections.

Will there be a Dead Space 4? ›

A new Dead Space entry was considered in 2023. Those at Electronic Arts developer Motive Studio reportedly tried to work on a new entry in the Dead Space franchise following this past year's release of the Dead Space remake, but the project never got off the ground.

Why are Necromorphs so strong? ›

Vital and digestive organs that are no longer needed are turned into additional musculature, giving all Necromorphs increased physical strength. Pure Necromorph tissue is light pink and translucent; it is capable of independent movement and sticks to surfaces.

What is the smallest Necromorph? ›

Swarmers are the smallest Necromorphs in the games, the second being the Swarm Infector in Dead Space 3.

Is the Leviathan a Necromorph? ›

The Leviathan is the first major boss in Dead Space, found at the end of Chapter 6. It is a massive, formless Necromorph that has taken up residence in the Hydroponics Deck.

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