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iffeBZ''j'1'ri X'p fy PPD held Super Amer Red Cross Anderson $30705 of Central Seniors Golf $8500 smcs NE 'Ti 'uir fitRyTiBrn journal in connection witn 8 Accept th bid received for2015thefr Class CK 059311 catering liquor 4 SMS 9Si tlM Lincoln smcs Linkedm $13500 Materi $6251 license to dispense beer wine and dis tilled spirits In the Exhibit Building lo 2 University of Nebraska Kearney General Services building 2507 19th Ave Kearney NE 68849 4310 1 Pre bid Meeting: AH General contractors and Major Sub corrtractors including Mechanical Electrical and ire Sprinkler are highly suggested to attend the Pre bid Meriting at the time and place indicated below Date June 11 2015 and i Time: 2:00 PM iPlace Health Sports Center 2501 15th Avenue west entrance Place for Receipt of Hand Carried: University of Nebraska Kearney General Services building Conference Room 2507 19th Ave Kearney NE 68849 4310 the City limits 5 Approve the application for a Spe cial Designated License 'submitted by Juan Lazo dba El Tropico in connec tion with their Class IBK 37623 catering liquor license to dispense beer and dis tilled spirits in the Exposition Building (alternate location is Exhibit' Building) located at the Buffalo County air grounds 3807 Avenue on June 13 2015 from until 1:00 am for a dance 6 Accept the bids received for 2015 2015 from 3:00 pm until 1:00 am for a reception" 1 20 Approve the application for a Opening Place University of Nebraska Kearney General Services building Conference Room 2507 19th Ave Kearney NE 68849 4310 ZNEZ Je6t1 9s: $13 06 smcs Works $52687 UNK Health Sport Entry Modification Project No: K031P005 2501 15th Avenue Kearney Nebraska 68849 Project Description: Project involves Installation of metal plate wall panels at the 'Main Street' east and west entry canopies at the UNK Cushing Arena to prevent birds from nesting under canopies The work includes power washing underside of entry canopy removing existing bird spikes patching and re coating EIS removing existing blue metal accent' band addition of blocking sheathing EIS and EPDM at location of demoed accent band addition of metal plate wall panels addition of electrical cir cults and light: fixtures addition of col lection box downspout and storm drain line See alternates for other assort ated work Sealed bid Proposals will be re ceived and publicly' opened and road aloud as follow: Closing Date and Time for Receipt of Bids: Date: June 18 2015 Time: 2:00 PM NOTICE REGULAR BOARD MEETING SOUTHERN PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board Directors of Southern Public Power Dis trict will be held at the Distnct office at 4550 W6st Husker Highway Grand Is land NE bn Thursday June 11th 2015 at 10:30 am The purpose of the meet ing is to take care of the regular order of business An agenda for the meeting kept continually current is available for public Inspection at the District office during normal business hours SOUTHERN PUBUC POWER DISTRICT Neal Niedfeldt PresidentCEO ZNEZ Je6t1 NOTICE Kearney Nebraska May 26 2015 With the absence of a minister the Council held a moment of silence Boy Scouts from Troop 158 led the Council Members and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Clouse announced that in accordance with Section 84 1412 of the Nebraska Revised Stat utes a current copy of the Open Meet ings Act is available for review and is posted towards the back of the Council Chambers Stanley A Clouse Pres ident of the Council called a regular meeting of the City Council to order on May 26 2015 at 5:30 pm: with the following Council Members re spending to roll call: Randy Busch koetter Bruce Lear Bob Lammers and Jonathan Nikkila Absent: None City Clerk recorded the minutes Administra tiv personnel were also present No tic of the meeting had been given ac cording to law Th City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Police Officers CodyBofte and Nathan Dennis There was no Unfinished Business PuMc Hearings: 1 Council unanimously postponed until June 9'2015 the'Appfcabons sub mitted by Miller Associates for DT Overhead Door $8900 smcs PalenskyM $2019 smcs Paramount linen $22355 smcs Plbg $72500 smcs Paypal benjohana $9992 smcs Paypal cpumedlcsll of Kearney: (1) to vacate part of Lot 1 Spruce Hollow Estates ourth Addition part of Outlot Lots 1 and 2 of Block our Spruce Hollow Estates ifth Addl tion additions to the City of Kearney Buffalo County Nebraska and vacate an easem*nt being part of Lot 1 Spruce Hollow Estates ourth Addition of Outlot part of Lots 1 and 2 of Block our Spruce Hollow Estates ifth Addition additions to the City of Kear ney Buffalo County Nebraska (2) to rezone from District 1 Urban Resi dential Single amily District (low Den sity) and District 2 Urban Residential Mixed Density District to District 2PD Urban Residential Mixed De nsityPlanned Development Overlay Distnct property described as a tract of land being lot 1 Spruce Hollow Es tates ourth Addition to the City of Kearney Buffalo County Nebraska public at the Office of the City Clerk the City Police Department and the Public Library 2 Council unanimously postponed until June 9 2015 the Application sub mitted by Miller Associates for DT Development Inc for the inal Plat and Subdivision Agreement for Spruce Hol low Estates Sixth Addition an addition to the City of Kearney Buffalo County Nebraska for property described as a tract of land being part of the South west Quarter of Section 23 Township 9 North Range 16 West of the 6th PM Buffalo County Nebraska (east of 11th Avenue between West 57th Street Place and West 58th Street) 3 Council unanimously postponed until June 9 201 5 the Application sub mitted by Miller Associates for DT Inc for Planned District Development Plan Approval to con struct 15 single family condominium dwelling units on property to be zoned 2PD Urban Residential Mixed De nsityPlanned Development Overlay District and desenbed as a tract of land being part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23 Township 9 North Range 16 West of 6th PM Buffalo County Nebraska (east of 11th Avenue between West 57th Street Place and west of 58th Street) Consent Agenda: By unanimous vote the following items were approved 1 Minutes of Regular Meeting May 12 2015 2 LAI PS Personnel Services SMCS Supplies Materials Contractual Services ER Equipment Rental CO Capital Outlay DS Debt Service 1000BULBSCOM $4636 smcs 511 TACTICAL $4599 ps 7 Eleven $2701 smcs 911 Custom $27940 co A to $23060 smcs A 1 Refrigeration $250170 co AAA Party $58765 smcs ABC Drug $566 smcs Ace Eaton Met als $17800 smcs co Ace Hardware $6425 smcs Alamar $333580 smcsps AlbertsK $16000 smcs Alex anders $9158 smcs Alfred Benesch $17500 smcs All Makes Auto $250176 smcs All Partitions $9200 smcs Allied Electronics $1653 smcs Ally Designs $64000 smcs Amazon $1254905 smcs co American $86671 smcs Amer Air $58920 smcS Amer ence $801000 smcs Amer irst Aid 537862 smcs: $86800 smcs Andersen Wrecking $5500 smcs smcs Aprons Smocks $9397 ARC Services Training $45700 smcs Archway smcs ArpR $47000 smcs Ask Supply $40737 smcs Au rora Coop $12640 smesj' AWWAorg $17800 smcs Photo $24995 smcs Baird Holm $4'9800 smcs BarelmanB $1246 smcs Barnes No ble $17589 smcs Bells Construction $80000 smcs co Big Apple un Center $3000 smcs Big Rack Shack $38964 smcs BiltoftA $4500 smcs Blackburn Mfg $27275 smcs Blender A $534 smcs BlueCross BlueShield $25626833 smcs BNA Touring $175000 smcs Bosselman $662284 smcs Bowman $25000 smcs Bow man $40000 smcs Bradley $885 smcs Broadfoot's $247600 smcs Brodatt Co $28965 smcs BruhaS $55000 smcs Street from 3rdAvenue westerty to the west line of Lot 1 Block One Younet TltJavi irirtUbuv Datrin? Im provefnent District No 2015 974 and WittmusL $3495 smcs WPCI $42450 a ps $150000 smcs Yant Equipment $25000 smcs Zoro 'Tools $44553 smcs Payroll Ending 5 16 2015 $39341593 The forego ing schedule of claims is published In accordance with Section 19 1102 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska and is published at an expense of $11966 to the City of Kearney Receive recommendations of Plan ning Commission and set June 9 2015 at 5:30 pm as date and timefor hear Ing on those applications where appli cable '4 Adopt Resolution No 2015 106 re moving parking on the west side of Kea smcs Products $1054793 smcs Dairy Queen $3000 smcs Dale oster $4556 smcs Danko Emergency $445478 smcs co Davis Equipment $107570 smcs Dawson $3992306 smcs co Deadwood Gluch Resort $20000 smcs Dell $22948 co Demco $66531 smcs Dent Popper $47500 smcs Depository Trust $30332875 dst Dish $17900 smcs DogPoopBagscom $35475 DottschC $3104 smcs Douglas $11 62 smcs DPC Industries $231 7762 smcs Dreamstimecom $2998 smcs Dultmeier Sales $62234 smcs Dutton Lamson $13813 smcs DW Management $450000 smcs Eakes $121623 smcs Earl May Seed $6793 smcs Economy Candy $32397 smcs Eileens Cookies $77090 smcs Elliott Equipment $11 1728 smcs EMC Ins $919069 smcs Enterprise $37651: smcs Entertainment Group $35000 smcs Environmental Express $5365 smcs ErbsenS $7700 smcs Evodesk $67700 co Express Time' Systems $7655 smcs Expression Wear $13100 $15671 smcs smcs airbanks $137797 smcs co smcs co Pukka amily resh Market $4569 smcs ast $48817 smcs Mart $4517 smcs astenal $93937 smcs edex $8405 smcs ireguard $109365 smcs ocus amily $7198 smcs rontier $953197 smcs un Ex press $9395 smcs Gale Research $82995 smcs Galeton Gloves $75600 smcs Gander Mountain $17996 smcs Gangwish Turf $4800 smcs Garrett Ti res $585707 smcs GD Construction $528000 smcs General Traffic Con trols $660375 smcs Global Industnal $6406 smcs Sahling Kenworth $3336 placed Ordinance No 7999 to vacate a tract of land being part of Lots 13 and 1 4 Avenue and 1st Street of Pro posed Industrial Subdivision located In the South Half of Section 21 and part of i' ifcthe North Half of Section 28 Township 9 North Range 15 West of the 6th PM'Buffalo County Nebraska (north of 56th Street approximately one half mile east of Cherry Avenue) on first reading by number only Ordinance No 7999 wasread by number By unanimous vote Ordinance No 7999 was passed ap smes Rainbow a smcs $298249 smcs $103724 smcs crate $1117676 smcso Recovery Systems $41765': 17th Street from Avenue east to the' smcs Redbox $1446 smcs east lot line of Lot 5 Block Two Marlatt SnhiliM) smfiR' SZiA Aririmrm smcs Ropers Radiator $89500 smcs Adopt 'Resolution No 2015 112 RTI $52000 smcs Worldwide approving Change Order No 4 for an a Increase In the amount ot sb2U23U $4690 smcs Gotocitrixcom $46800 smcs Saltzgaber $1594 Smcs Sani Application and for Payment smcs Graham Tire $139737 smcs tation Products $23526 smcs Sapp No 8 in the amount of $19457217 Bros $2090342 smcs School District submitted by Blessing LLC and ap iu nuniuiuwn $2999 smcs Shell Oil $5100 smcs Sherwin Williams $473600 a smcs SichM $4049 smcs Signature USA $39060 smcs Skala $3231 smcs Snap On Tools $43900 smcs Soca Juke Box $100000 smcs Sorensen Group $1441975 co SOS Portable Toilets $11500 smcs Stagecoach $3531 smcsStampscom $499 smcs StegmanA $156 smcs Stembrink Landscaping $817955 smcs Stras burg A $1788 smcs Strategic als $69492 smcs StuchlikS smcs Subway $4422 smcs Sunbelt nentais smcs bnghtlightsledscom $11166 smcs Su perior Signals $56039 smcs Supply) Works $154371 smcs Target $9034 smcs Tickets $10000 smcs Texoma Golf $114650 smcs Theis $8000 smcs Thermo isher Scientific $11494 smcs Thompson Info $99999lAd3itlon and Kreutz Addition to 4th smcs Trtleist $34845 smcs Tour Edge' Street thence westward to Central Av $3744 smcs Tractor Supply $45710 enue smcs Trans lowa Equipment $15000 smcs TS Auto Glass $3500 smcs Turfwerks $23710 smcs Union Bank Trust $6343134 ps Unique Manage ment $35800 smcs United Airlines $73870 smcs United Seeds $163000 smcs UPS $10991 smcs USPS $13912 smcs $32227 smcs Verizon $26234 smcs Verne Simmonds Co $12600 smcs Vistapnntcom $1997 smcs Waggon er $1018 smcs Walgreens $2428 Esmcs Wal mart $187225 smcs Wal a ter's Electric $655000 co Watchguard Video $98900 smcs co Waterlink $285780 smcs Weather Apparel $15645 smcs Webstaurant Store cated at the Buffalo County air grounds 3807 Avenue on June 27 2015 from 3:00 pm until 1:00 am for a 4 23 Approve the application for a Special Designated License submitted by Night Life Concepts Inc dba Cun ning Journal in connection with 1 their Class CK 059311 catering liquor license to dispense beer wine and dis tilled Spirits in the Ag Pavilion located at the i Buffalo County airgrounds 3807 Avenue on June 27 2015 from 3:00 pm until 1 for a reception ikvw Consent Agenda Ordinances Provantage $635968 $198240 smcs Quill Sub $2500 Online Sales $16845 Rasmussen Mechanical RDO Truck Center Ready Mixed Con co Reams $48994 AVERAGE LEVEL VALUE RESIDENTIAL 96 COMMERCIAL 97 AGSPECIAL VALUE 70 PROTEST DATES JUNE 1 2015 THRU JUNE 30 2015 ZNEZ Je6t1 Chevrolet $14722 smcs Midwest Labs $425750 I Ismcs Midwest Turf $175334 smcs Miller Associates $1200000 smcs Miller Signs $115000 smcs co Mirror Image Car Wash $23080 smcs Moonlight Em broidery $9600 smcs Morpho Trak $1015500 smcs Morris Press $48986 smcs Most Dependable ountains $342000 smcs Mouser Electronic $45804 smcs Mover Instruments $36031 smcs NASRO $4000 smcS Part 1 Improvements 19th Street and by Night Life Concepts Inc dba Cun Alliance for You $35000 smcs SidewalksRamps (CDBG 14 CR 004) Journal In connection with NCL of Wisconsin $25274 smcs NCS and adopt Resolution No 2015 their Class CK 059311 catering liquor uoae uouncu stauuu smcs Nt awarding tne bid to Dan Koeder Gon Army National Guard $1500 smcs NE crete in the amount of $19468950 Central Seniors Golf $8500 smcs NE Accept the blds received for 2015 cated at the Buffalo County air Child Support $295135 ps NE Dept of Part 4 Improvements consisting of Pav grounds 3807 Avenue on June 20 Hevenue stueaz4 smcs Nt Dept 4 Ing improvement District No 2015 972 'Environmental $9001223 smcs ds NE I for 29fo Street from 6th Avenue to 8th Library Assn $10000 smcs NE Softball Avenue and adopt Resolution No: Assn $225000 smcs NE Truck Center 2015 108 awarding the bid to Blessing Special Designated License submitted smcs Distributors 4 ConstmcUon f' ins i ther amount by Night Life Concepts Inc dba Cun 9 $150862 smcs Newman Signs $4572 71 65 Journal in connection with smcs NLETC $190 OOsmCsf NMC 8 Accept the bids received 2015 thefr Class CK 059311 catering liquor Rental $75415 smcs North Platte Tete Part 8 improvements consisting of Pav license fo dispense beer wine and di graph $24504 smcs Northern Safety Ing Improvement District No 2015 973 tUId spirits In the Ag PavHkin located at $17964 smcs Northgate Vet Clinic Water District No 2015 177Sanitary athe Buffalo County airgrounds 3807 roouu smcs Northwestern 487205 sewer Distnct No 2015 515 for 3rd smcs NP Construction $62500 smcs NRG' Media $5400 smcs NYSCA $2000 smcs OCLC $607110 smcs Of free Depot $30033 smcs Office Max 14 Adopt Resolution No 2015 114 approving Change Order No 1 for an increase in the amount of $4076512 submitted by Blessing LC and ap proved by Miller Associates for the 2014 Part 11 Improvements consisting of Paving Improvement District No 2014 969 for 11th Street from a point 10974 feet west of 30th' Avenue thence east for a distance of 244008 feet Paving Improvement District No: 2014 970 for 27th Avenue from 11thStreet south a distance of feet as platted in Lot 1 Bearcat Corner and Paving Improvement District No2014 971 for 30th Avenue from 11th Street south a distance of feet as platted in Lot 1 Bearcat Comer 15 Adopt Resolution No 2015 115 approving Application and Certificate for Payment No 3 In the amount of $5735000 submitted by Midlands Contracting and approved by Miller Associates for the UV Disinfection Building at the Platte River Well ield 16 Adopt Resolution No 2015 116 approving the Minimum Standards and Rules and Regulations for Commercial Aviation Services at the Kearney Re gional Airport 17 Approve the application for a Special Designated License submitted by Night life Concepts Inc dba Cun Journal in connection with their Class CK 059311 catering liquor license to dispense beer wine and dis tilled spirits at Country House 5605 Av enue on June 10 2015 from 3:00: pm: until 11:00 pm for a business re ceotion 18 Approve the application for a Address for Delivery of Mailed Bld: opeviui uesigriuieu uuense suonillieu by Night Life Concepts Inc dba Cun Journal In connection with their Class CK 059311 catering liquor license to dispense beer wine and dis tilled spirits In the Ag Pavilion located at the Buffalo County airgrounds 3807 Avenue on June 13 2015 from 3:00 pm until 1 00 am for a reception 19 Approve the application for a Special Designated License submitted Graham A $3165 smcs Grainger $181647 smcs Granite City $6081 smcs Graphic Screen Pruning $10400 smcs GrayC imes Great Plains Subs $2500 smcs Grote i $4087 smcs Distnbuting $84805 smcs Hach $160865 smcs Hastings Canvas $2500 smcs HD Supply $334376 smcs Hilltop Mall $3100 smcs Hilton Garden Inn $10890 smcs HipkeA $452 smcs HOA Solutions $2805 60 smcs Hobby Lobby $33386 smcs Hoesing $18 11 smcs Holiday Inn $8300 smcs Holmes Plbg $173122 smcs co Hometown Leasing $26592 smcs Hooker Bros Sand $63245 smcs HP Home Store $12839 Smcs Husker Auto Group $2946500 co Hy vee $15300 smcs ICMA RC $444001 ps Insiteinstrumentation $21800 smcs Intermountain Valve $301 78 smcs IRS $13384256 ps Assn of ire Chiefs $23400 smcs Jack Lederman $14680 smcs Jack's Uni forms $10694 smcs James $20000 smcs James $2019 smcs Jimmy Johns $2500 smcs JJ Keller Assoc $8795 smcs John Deere Landscapes i $198573 smcs Johnson Service $169270 smcs Johnson $4130 smcs Johnstone Supply $20662 1 smcs Parts $85096 smcs I Kasson $14200 smcs Ky Cham ber Comm $37000 smcs Ky Cinema 8 i $3000 smcs Ky Clinic $72400 ps Ky Concrete $527698 smcs co Ky Crete Block $685291 smcs co Ky Good will $4922 smcs Ky Hub $560280 smcs Ky Power Sports 1 $108568 smcs Ky Tirft Auto $20798 smcs Ky Towing $28500 smds Ky Warehouse $127105 smcs Ky Wmlectric $11424 smcs Ky Winnelson $64787 smcs co Kelly Supply $87231 smcs Kimball $2280 smcs Whentowork $18000 Midwest $76372 smcs KittleA $6100 9 smcs Wick's Sterling Trucks $23804 smcs KK Auctions $85224 smcs smcs Wilke's True Value $32493 KlutheM $2251 smcs Kmart $5999 smcs Winter Equipment $80656 smcs smcs Komca Minolta $69383 smcs Kring $15000 smcs KruidK $4170 smcs KSPprintscom $45280 smcs Kwiatkowski! $6000 smcs Landmark Implement $180447 smcs Lawson Products $80635 smcs LCL Truck Equipment $105770 co LECC $36000 smcs LefeberN $9499 smcs LeisingA Winwater LindstadtJ $3047 smcs $19900 smcs LippoldG smcs Little Caesars $1775 smcs Lockmobile $7585 smcs Mail Express $16107 smcs Main A smcs Mankin $3585 smcs Masek Golf Car $3497 smcs: Matheson Tn Gas 1A omnoi dOC 4A 4 4 4 XL wivwan ainvQ Miuita tu oiiivO) ivtQiciri UU nwi OVWIUO HUftl I I I QUQ01 9UUUI LU $56000 smcs BSN Sport Supply Menards $546591 smcs co Merryman $12820 smcs Buckle $39600 ps Baf Performing I Arts $91000 smcs Midway falo Co Sheriff $5563 smcs Buffalo Co Treasurer $10025 smcs co Buffalo Outdoor Power $76074 smcs Buggy Bath Car Wash $1900 smcs Builders $149286 smcs co Burns $2605 smcs $5673 smcs Carlson A $25000 smcs Carquest $192168 smcs Carstens $5918 smcs Caseys $15186 smcs Cash Wa $93787 smcs Cengage Learning $6300 smcs Center Point Publishing $7271 smcs Central ire Safety $23550 smcs Central Hydraulic $105309 smcs Central NE Bobcat $6840 smcs CernousekJ $10500 smcs Charter $77874 smcs ChemSearch $30727 smcs Chicken Coop $5000' smcs Cmtas smcs City of Ky $3514504 ps sm cs co Clark Enersen Partners $1847686 co Classic Car Collection $3200 smcs CNA Ins $8000 smcs: Coach Master's $11650000 co Coldspnng $176280 smcs Com passcom $5000 smcs Coney Island Caf4 $2226 smcs Conseco Life Ins $1900 ps Consolidated' Management $4750 smcs Construction Rental $306928 smcs co Copycat Printing $339790 smcs Corner Stop $2500 'S smcs Cracker Barrel $59827 smcs Crane River Theater $422500 smcs Crossroads ord $2838 smcs Culligan $21760 smcs Cummins Central Power General Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by Community Ac tion Partnership of Mld Nebraska RYDE Transit at 715 East 11th Street Kearney NE 68847 on June 12th 2015 at 10KI0 am for the purpose of considering a project for which financial assistance is being sought from the ederal Transit Administration pursuant to the ederal Transit Act generally de scribed as follows: Notice Is hereby given that Commu nity Action Partnership of Mid Nebraska RYDE Transit is requesting financial assistance from the ederal Transit Au thority: pursuant to thi ederal Transit Act generally described below Desqriptlon of the Project: Purpose of the project is to purchase replacement buses for general public transportation and operation of the gen eral public transportation program 3 (three) 12 2 ADA Small Bus Estimated Total Cost: $16500000 dollars ederal Share $13200000 dollars Local Share $3300000 dollars Ekterly and Disabled This project will be used in coordina tion with other agencies and programs which focus on the needs of the elderly and disabled populations in Buffalo County This project will allow for greater mobility for both populations This project conforms to all guidance set forth by the ederal Transit Admin istration pursuant to the ederal Transit Act (TA) with respect to the Ameri cans with Disabilities Act General Public: This project will be open to the gen eral public The project will be applied for as support for the demand respon sive general public transportation pro gram This project will conform to the guidelines set forth by the ederal Transit Administration pursuant to the ederal Transit Act with respect to ac cessibility by all residents wishing to doso At the hearing Community Action Partnership of Mld Nebraska RYDE Transit will afford an opportunity for in terested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social eco nomic and environmental aspects of the project Interested persons may submit orally or in writing evidence and recom mendations with respect to said proj ect A copy of the application for a ederal Grant for the proposed project is availa ble for public inspection at RYDE Transit Transportation acility 715 East I 11th Street Kearney NE 68847 from the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday Thru riday Written comments for consideration by Community Action Partnership of Nebraska RYDE Transit will be ac ceptedat: RYDE Transit PO Box 2288 Kearney NE 68848 Charles McGraw Transportation Director RYDE Transit ZNEZ My28Je6 Bld Document may be obtained from: A4D Technical Supply Co 1 1822 Street Lincoln NE 68508 1 ZNEZ Je3610 a I rL" as 'v S' i'k! quired by law and made available to the public at the Office of the City Clerk the City Police Department and the Public Library Regular Agenda 1 By a 4 to 0 vote Clouse abstaining granted permission to pay the Open Account Claim in the amount of $8373960 to Nebraska Public Power Distnct By vote Codnbll adjdumiid at 5:37 pm STAN LEYA CLOUSE PRESIDENT THE COUNCIL AND EX OICIO MAYOR ATTEST: MICHAELLE TREMBLY CITY CLERK i A complete text of the Minutes Reso lutions and Ordinances are on file In the Office of the City Clerk and are availa ble for public Inspection during regular business hours is located at 3219 Central Ave trainer and small bu Suite 104 owner DO YOU HAVE NEWS? 'Emailbusines8briefstonewskeameyhubcom: 1 CV'p WASHINGTON (AP) fracturing better known as' effect on drought stricken areas split open rocks to allow oil Hydraulic fracturing to drill fracking inadequately cased or cemented and gas to flow for oil and natural gas has not The controversial drilling wells resulting in below ground 7 Improved technology has wiriftcnreari harm tn i thninii rniilr affrt rirink mirntirw nf oars atwl linuids' allnweri nerttv enmnahies tn drinking water in the United ing water if safeguards are not treated wastewater gain access to vast stores of' States the Environmental maintained the report said discharged into drinking water oil and natural gas underneath citatAA zizvao ozxAbi hiw eBusiness XnnqlWTten staff tan itat WalUide Grauertiolz insurance KEARNEY Several staff KEARNEY Travis members at Kearney Physical Wischmeier has joined Kara Therapy recently attended a Grauerholz State arm and tein: Dynamic Alternative to Wischmeier recently protection Agency saidThurs TheEPA assesBtgS a spdls of hydrau cotocoastbut Bracing obtained his propertyandcasu day I traced water used throughout he fluids andwastewater tmswidwpread concerns Tvelve people attended the ally hcense from die state of Buta draftreport issued the fracking process from Imved dnllmg tques that tt nught le course at CfflHealth Good NtLislra and is puling a lifi Samaritan in Kearney and health license specific instances wherepoorly chemicals at the weUsite and mrecent yearsthat has fiieled earthquakes Kearney Physical Therapy He was previously a person constructed drilling wells and injecting caBed Trackmg anatiwidelxxjminp is located at 3219 CentralAve trainer id small business improper wastewater manage fluids mtowells to coUection ton of od and na EPA study asproof that frack wuicm aiicvicu uiiujmuk uaMuuic yvvua bwuuv uu guyuuiuuvuuu i resources It said the number treatment and disposal California to Pennsylvania groups seized on the of cases was small however fThe report identified severalracking involves pumping identification of cases where I compared to the large number vulnerabilities to drinking water huge volumes of water sand fracking related activities pol ot wells that use hydraulic resources including tracking and cnemicais underground to luted annKing water ''S' i Avenue on Jun 20 2015 from 3:00 pm until 1:00 for a reception Approv th application for Special Designated been submitted 1 a by Night Ufo Concept Inc dba Cun A 5 Development and irst Baptist Church $100246 smcs Curbit $226800' $118022 smcs Officenet $98954 Water District No 2015 578 for 4th Av Journal In connection with smcs undsay $2 000ro smcs anu from Taimadge street to the 3rtr their Class CK 058311 catering liquor Omaha World Herald $23506 smcs Street as platted iri Younes Center 1 license to dispense beer wine and dis One Call Concepts $57385 smcs Third Addition and adopt Resolution tilled spirits at Kearney Powereports Io Auto $53989 smcs OrrL No'2015 109 awarding the bid to Dan cated at 511 South 2nd Avenue on $10000 smcs Orscheln $109718 Roeder Concrete In the of June 26 2015 from 5:00 pm until smcs Outdoor Recreation $76100 co $84593925: for a beer garden 9 Accept the blds received for the 22 Approve the application for a construction of the Household Hazard Special Designated License submitted ksss ous Waste acility and adopt Resolu by Night Life Concepts Inc dba Cun tion No 2015 110 awarding the bid to Journal in connection with RMV Construction Company in the their Class CK 059311 catering liquor $7685 co Paypal ebaymarketplcusd amount of $525 22796 license to dispense beer wine and dis $5331 1 co Paypal industnals $9222 10 Approve the recommendation tilled in the Exhibit Building Io smcs naypai presigetia airzv smcs from tne Development services Division Paypal storewolf $298755 co Peer on the annual renewal of the following Jess Machine $871836 co Pepper Jax manufactured home court licenses until $2470 smcs Peters $3747 smcs May 31' 2016: Countryside Mobile reception PetersenR $43070 smcs: PHnw Park 1920 15th Avenue: Merriweather Bowes yuuu smcs riane tiectnc Mobile Home village 914 west vtn $6359' smcs Platte Valley Comm Street Rodeo Court 2414 West 24th $129752 smcs co Platte Valley Labs Street Villa East 2500 2719 2803 $16750 smcs Plixer $89900' West 24th Street Villa West 2500 smcs Prestige Gjoup $6900 smcs a 2719 2803 West 24th Street Vlllai PrestoLX $47968 smcs Pnme Commu South 2500 2719 2803 West 24th 83577 smcs Proactive Street: Villa Park 2703 West 24th Sports $63133 smcs Promos On Time Street a 11 Adopt Resolution No 2015 111 approving Application and Certificate for Payment No 2 in the1 amount of By unanimous vote suspended the $10067155 submitted by Dan Roeder? rules requiring the reading of ordi Concrete and approved by Miller nances on three different days and sociates for the 2014 Part 10 Improve 'ments Bid consisting of Paving Im provement District No 2014 966 for proved by Miller Associates for the 2014 Part 2 Improvements consisting of proved and ordered published as re Paving improvement District No 2014 964 for Central Avenue from 31st Street to a point 150 feet south of 26th Street and 26th Street from Central Av enue to Avenue 13 Adopt No 2015 113 approving Application and Certificate for Payment No 7 in the amount of $59285677 submitted by Midlands Contracting and approved by Miller Associates for 2014 7 ments consisting of Paving Improve ment District No 2014 968 for 4th Street from 3rd Avenue to 6th Avenue and Sanitary Sewer Connection District No 2014 1 commencing at a point near the Kearney RV Park located at 315 Av enue northward and westward in an easem*nt Landon Street if extended: thence northward through Riverside report.
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