Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (2024)

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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (2)ItsRayniVII

Maccas AU INVEST Member

Mar 4, 2022
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So I've found that there's an upgraded version of the AOTE called the Aspect of the Void, I looked at its stats and ability and its basically the same as an AOTE but with +20 damage, yet somehow it's worth 7m. Is there any reason people would buy an AOTV or is it kinda just because it's cool?


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (4)Daimyo48

Mar 11, 2021
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  • #2

ItsRayniVII said:

So I've found that there's an upgraded version of the AOTE called the Aspect of the Void, I looked at its stats and ability and its basically the same as an AOTE but with +20 damage, yet somehow it's worth 7m. Is there any reason people would buy an AOTV or is it kinda just because it's cool?

it works better with 1.8.9 + etherwarp + -5 mana cost


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (6)Expqnded

F10 F10 Veteran

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  • #3

ItsRayniVII said:

So I've found that there's an upgraded version of the AOTE called the Aspect of the Void, I looked at its stats and ability and its basically the same as an AOTE but with +20 damage, yet somehow it's worth 7m. Is there any reason people would buy an AOTV or is it kinda just because it's cool?

I mean personally it’s just really nice not having the blocking animation every time you tp, and it’s cheaper mana wise

Etherwarp can be put on both so no point writing that down


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (8)Oreo_belt25

WeeWoo Union P Member

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  • #4

ItsRayniVII said:

So I've found that there's an upgraded version of the AOTE called the Aspect of the Void, I looked at its stats and ability and its basically the same as an AOTE but with +20 damage, yet somehow it's worth 7m. Is there any reason people would buy an AOTV or is it kinda just because it's cool?

The aotv is definitely better than the aote, but it's not 7million coins better.
If you have the cash and you want the best, then get it, I did. But if you aren't drowning in coins, the aote isn't crazy inferior.


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (10)lilyhua

OxeriaV2 OXERIA Member

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  • #5

it really helps from falling in ravine room lol


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (12)ItsRayniVII

Maccas AU INVEST Member

Mar 4, 2022
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  • #6

Alright, got it. So basically it's more used for convenience than practicality. Thanks for the heads-up!


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (14)the_steal

Dungeons N Dragons DND Trusted

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  • #7

ItsRayniVII said:

So I've found that there's an upgraded version of the AOTE called the Aspect of the Void, I looked at its stats and ability and its basically the same as an AOTE but with +20 damage, yet somehow it's worth 7m. Is there any reason people would buy an AOTV or is it kinda just because it's cool?

It’s a spoon, so no blocking animation.
Also mana cost 45


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (16)lilyhua

OxeriaV2 OXERIA Member

Jul 20, 2021
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  • #8

the_steal said:

It’s a spoon, so no blocking animation.
Also mana cost 45

but everyone puts ult wise 5 so its 23 mana


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (18)ThePingyBear

Jun 15, 2020
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  • #9

ItsRayniVII said:

So I've found that there's an upgraded version of the AOTE called the Aspect of the Void, I looked at its stats and ability and its basically the same as an AOTE but with +20 damage, yet somehow it's worth 7m. Is there any reason people would buy an AOTV or is it kinda just because it's cool?

If ur poor, no
If ur rich, ye
If ur neither, I wouldn’t get it immediately


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (20)BlazingBoy750

Aug 8, 2021
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xHyperz said:

but everyone puts ult wise 5 so its 23 mana

45 base mana cost


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (22)sunnytian_awa

GooseCity GOOSE Member

Jun 24, 2020
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  • #11

Daimyo48 said:

it works better with 1.8.9 + etherwarp + -5 mana cost

it doesnt give ether warp
ether warp work on aote anyway


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (24)a_u_r_a_e

The True Dwarf TTD Guild Master

Jan 21, 2021
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  • #12

looks cooler + you get rights Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (25) + also no more hitting revs with aote instead of reaper falch


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (27)ItsRayniVII

Maccas AU INVEST Member

Mar 4, 2022
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  • #13

YourAverageSkyblockNoLife said:

looks cooler + you get rights Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (28) + also no more hitting revs with aote instead of reaper falch

Fair. I'll get it once I've progressed further in the game and starting to buy stuff for convenience rather than practicality.


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (30)a_u_r_a_e

The True Dwarf TTD Guild Master

Jan 21, 2021
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  • #14

ItsRayniVII said:

Fair. I'll get it once I've progressed further in the game and starting to buy stuff for convenience rather than practicality.

no like i used to run f3 in 3/4 strong + tara helm and aotv Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (31)
3/4 sa nons used to kick me then they saw my aotv Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (32)
i mined back then
also i used the exact same fot i have nowadays dont question what i do with my money i make great finan


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (34)WTrouble

WTrouble Fanclub SIGMA Guild Master

Aug 2, 2020
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  • #15

ItsRayniVII said:

So I've found that there's an upgraded version of the AOTE called the Aspect of the Void, I looked at its stats and ability and its basically the same as an AOTE but with +20 damage, yet somehow it's worth 7m. Is there any reason people would buy an AOTV or is it kinda just because it's cool?

dungeon secret routes
no sword block animation


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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (36)ItsRayniVII

Maccas AU INVEST Member

Mar 4, 2022
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  • Apr 6, 2022
  • #16


dungeon secret routes
no sword block animation

Secret routes??

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Aspect of the void - worth it or not? (2024)


Why is the aspect of the void better? ›

Compared to other meta-ingredients, Aspect of the Void excels at giving a single large boost to one ingredient, like Pride of the Heights. This can be useful for reaching certain breakpoints for mana regen and steal identifications that you want to double or triple.

How much is aspect of the void worth? ›

Aspect Of The Void
NPC Sell Price56,000 Coins
Stats120 Damage 100 Strength
3 more rows

Is Void Sword worth 200k? ›

The Void Sword can be repurchased from Rusty for 200,000 Coins if a player loses their original.

Is Void Sword better than Aspect of the Dragons? ›

The Void Sword is pretty good when combined with Ender Armor, allowing you to one shot Endermen, Zealots, Watchers, etc. A tier. The Aspect of the Dragons is really good after the Raider's Axe, Aspect of the End, and Void Sword, and combined with the Dragonfuse Glove, makes it a really good Mid Game weapon.

Do you need Enderman Slayer 7 for Etherwarp? ›

to 57 blocks away. ☠ Requires Enderman Slayer 7.

Is it better to destroy the Anvil of the Void? ›

It also depends on which army you want fighting with you at the end of the game. If you destroy the Anvil, you get an army of dwarves. If you preserve the Anvil, you will get an army of golems. Dwarves have no ranged attacks, but are pretty good defensively.

How many transmission tuners can you put on aspect of the leech? ›

Up to 4 Tuners can be applied to an item, boosting its teleport range by up to +4.

How to make aspects of the end stronger? ›

It can be reforged to Warped with a Warped Stone, granting it +165 ❁ Damage and +165 ❁ Strength. It can be improved with the Strong Dragon Armor set. With the Strong Blood Full Set Bonus, the sword gains +75 ❁ Damage, +2 blocks of teleport distance, +3 seconds of ✦ Speed bonus, and +5 ❁ Strength after teleporting.

What weapon should I get after aspect of the Dragons? ›

What weapon should I get after AOTD? You could either get a flower of truth or a livid dagger. If you have 15m plus, a Shadow Fury is good if you don't want to go behind your enemy every time you use your livid, but is around 15m. Livid is still probably the best, but shadow fury is good for ghost farming.

What is the best weapon for DPS in skyblock? ›

The Livid Dagger is the most popular choice. Its 100 ☣ Crit Chance, 50 ⚔ Bonus Attack Speed and double damage when hitting from behind make up for its low ❁ Strength and ❁ Damage, allowing one to deal high damage per second without needing to reforge Accessories for ⚔ Bonus Attack Speed.

Can you buy the Void Sword after saying no? ›

[NPC] Lone Adventurer: If you change your mind you can also go talk to Rusty in the Gold Mine. [NPC] Lone Adventurer: Distracted people sometimes lose their Void Sword and he sells them back.

How many eyes for AotD? ›

Minimum: 2 eyes, but you must place 1st or 2nd.

How much damage does an AOTD do? ›

Usage. Catacombs XII (12) is required to use this item. When its ability is used, it produces a fiery cone 7.5 blocks long and 60° wide. All enemies within the cone take 12,000 ๑ Ability Damage and take extremely heavy knockback.

Is aspect of the end better than end stone sword? ›

should I grind for end stone sword or something else? Aote is actually worse in damage but better in utility. However, raider's axe deals more damage than end stone sword and is only slightly more expensive.

Why is the call of the void so strong? ›

While the exact causes remain elusive, several theories shed light on this intriguing phenomenon. Survival Mechanism: One hypothesis suggests that the Call of the Void is a survival mechanism. When confronted with dangerous situations, the brain might simulate potential outcomes to help us make better decisions.

What is the aspect of the void special ability? ›

Aspect of the Void is a utility enhancement for the Necromancer that pulls in enemies around the affected area when using Blight's defiled area. This enhancement can be useful for players who frequently use area-of-effect skills. Aspect of the Void is a utility Legendary Aspect and can be used by the Necromancer class.

What is the point of the void heart? ›

Usefulness. This charm replaces the Kingsoul Charm and cannot be unequipped. However, it no longer has Kingsoul's effects, nor does it use any Notches. Having Void Heart unlocks new dialogue with Confessor Jiji, Steel Soul Jinn, the White Lady, Hornet, and Bardoon.

What is the void good for Warframe? ›

One especially noteworthy aspect of the Void is its interaction with aspects of consciousness. In essence, through the power of the Void, thoughts, memories, emotions and even concepts can manifest into physical things. This unique reaction is referred to as Conceptual Embodiment.

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.