37 Adjectives That Start With “Z” (2024)

It’s the last letter of the alphabet, but don’t take “Z” for granted. It’ll give you some surprising adjectives, which are words that help to describe all the people, places, and objects around you. “Z” arms you with the perfect words to describe zesty pizzas, zingy sandwiches, and zealous friends. With all the adjectives that start with “Z,” you’ll have zero problems describing the world around you.

Positive Adjectives That Start With “Z”

Keeping a positive attitude can help you improve your outlook on life, and building a positive vocabulary is a big part of that. Positive adjectives that start with “Z” can lend a hand, helping you describe your zestful family members and zooty friends.

zaftighaving a full, shapely figurecurvaceous, curvy, buxom
zanycomical in an extravagantly ludicrous or slapstick mannerquirky, eccentric, comical
zappymoving at a fast pace with high energyenergetic, lively, animated
zealfulcharacterized by passionate enthusiasmzealous, dedicated, impassioned
zealousardently devoted or diligententhusiastic, passionate, fanatical
zephyroussimilar or related to a gentle, mild breeze; related to anything of fine, light qualitybreezy, windy, ephemeral
zestfulfilled with enthusiasm; having high spiritsexuberant, eager, ebullient
zestyfull of zest, energetic, active; spicy in flavorfrisky, tangy, piquant
zenvery relaxed and calming; high level of awarenesspeaceful, enlightened, relaxed
zingypleasantly stimulating to the sensesflavorful, spicy, lively
zippyfull of vim and energy; briskpeppy, energetic, sprightly
zootyextremely flamboyant stylesnazzy, over-the-top, stylish

Negative Adjectives Starting With “Z”

While being too negative is never a great idea, some things (and a few people) just require negative descriptors. Negative “Z” adjectives give you space to describe your zombielike moods on Mondays or your zonked dog after a particularly rigorous walk.

zeroabsence of or present in a quantity so small as to be unmeasurablenil, absent, blank
zombielikeresembling or characteristic of a zombiemoribund, lifeless, enervated
zonkedcompletely tired; lacking energy to do anything elseexhausted, sleepy, drained
zoolikeresembling or characteristic of a zoochaotic, boisterous, hectic

Neutral Adjectives Starting With “Z”

Most things don’t exist on a positive-negative spectrum. Things just exist, but you still need the right words to describe them. Thankfully, “Z” adjectives offer a plentitude of oddly specific descriptors for a zigzag sweater pattern, a zeitgeisty novel, and a zoophagous bear.

zeitgeistycharacteristic of the mood or spirit of a specific period in historycontemporary
zenithalcharacterized by or related to the highest point or culminationmaximal, paramount, tiptop
zerothprior to the first thing in a seriesantecedent
zibelineof or having to do with a sable (the animal)sable, sable-like
zigzaghaving a series of short, sharp angles or turns in alternate directionstwisty, crooked
zillionthreferring to something that's happened a countless number of timesuncountable, enormous
zinciferousyielding, producing, or containing zincferrous (in relation to zinc)
zodiacalof or related to the zodiac systemastrological
zoeticof or pertaining to lifeorganic, biological, alive
zoicof or pertaining to animals or animal lifeanimal
zonalarea that’s separated into different zonesdivisions, segmented
zoningdividing areas into zones (voting districts; land usage restrictions)districting, outlining
zoogeniccaused by or starting in animals, as a diseasezoogenous, zoonotic
zoologicalof, pertaining to, or concerned with animalsfauna, animal, wild
zoomycharacteristic of something that looks like it would go fastspeedy, sleek, streamlined
zoophagousanimal that feeds on other animals; carnivorousflesh-eating, meat-eating, predatory
zygalshaped like a yoke or the letter HH-shaped
zygomaticanatomical term referring to the zygoma area of the face; zygomatic bone, zygomatic archcheekbone, malar bone
zygomorphicbotanical term referring to a single level of symmetry; plants that have identical halvesbilateral symmetry, mirror image
zymoidbiochemistry term related to fermenting; characteristics similar to enzymecatalyst, accelerator
zymolyticcausing fermentation or related to fermentationzymotic, zymolytic


Example Sentences Using Adjectives That Start With “Z”

With a zen understanding of all the ways that “Z” adjectives can expand your vocabulary, it’s a good idea to look at how you can use them in sentences.

  1. His zany antics were becoming less comical as everyone matured.
  2. The band’s zealous fans frequently sent them letters and baskets of fruit.
  3. Even though the toppings were fairly bland, the zesty sauce really improved the pizza’s flavor.
  4. She had zero hesitation about quitting her awful job for a position that paid more.
  5. The long hike left us zonked for the rest of the day.
  6. Due to some unfortunate zoning violations, she was unable to put her dragon statue in front of her home.
  7. The zigzag pattern of his shirt had the distracting effect of making him look like a cartoon cat.
  8. An hour of yoga, a good breakfast, and a thermos of warm coffee left the group in a fully zen state.
  9. The zodiacal book stated quite frankly that Taurus was the superior sign.
  10. Despite the car’s massive size, it’s surprisingly zippy and can easily handle the tight corners and windy roads.


Catching Zzz’s With the Letter “Z”

Now that you’re equipped with a non-zero collection of adjectives that start with “Z,” you can learn even more “Z” words in different parts of speech. Expanding your “Z” words can improve your writing and conversation skills, and they can help you score big in word games.

  • Nouns That Start With “Z”
  • Positive Words That Start With “Z”
  • “Z” Words for Word Games
37 Adjectives That Start With “Z” (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.